Where does Mikhail Shufutinsky live in which country. International family of Mikhail Shufutinsky

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky - performer, arranger and producer in the chanson genre, was born on April 13, 1948 in Moscow.

Today he lives, as it were, in two dimensions: his family is in the United States, and the main place of work of the artist himself is connected with Russia. Here Shufutinsky spends most time, because, unlike some other performers, he sings only in Russian.

He was born into an ordinary Jewish family. Michael's father was a dentist. When the boy was five years old, his mother died, so he was raised by his grandparents. Musical ability appeared early in Mikhail, and already at the age of seven he began to study the accordion. True, soon, on the advice of his teacher, Mikhail switched to the button accordion, since the accordion was then considered a "bourgeois" instrument and in educational institutions it was not taught to play. After studying for a year in a regular school, Shufutinsky began to study at the music, in the button accordion class. Already in the sixth grade, he began to play in the school variety orchestra, and not only on the accordion, but also on the piano. And six months later he entered his first professional team - the orchestra at the Goznak factory club.

At first, Shufutinsky played the accordion, but soon the pianist left the orchestra, and Mikhail took his place. The orchestra performed not only in the club, but also in various Moscow cafes. Michael was so passionate about his new job that he started his studies and he had to go to the school of working youth. After graduating from the eighth grade in it, he realized that it was necessary to receive a systematic musical training. Upon learning of admission School of Music named after A. Ippolitov-Ivanov, Shufutinsky entered the conductor-choir department there and turned out to be a classmate of A. Pugacheva. Simultaneously with his studies at the school, he worked in the orchestra of the Warsaw restaurant. There a young man first entered Wednesday professional musicians and realized that he needed to look for a place in a real professional orchestra. Of course, for a novice musician it was quite difficult. But Shufutinsky's dream came true unexpectedly quickly.

Friends recommended him to the orchestra, which was led by the famous variety conductor L. Olah. Shufutinsky worked for several months in this team and subsequently believed that it was here that he received professional skills. After graduating from the music school, Shufutinsky tried to enter the Gnessin Institute, but did not pass the entrance interview. In the meantime, he continued to work at the Warsaw restaurant. But before President R. Nixon's visit to Moscow, he was unexpectedly summoned to the KGB and offered to leave the city.

Without waiting to be forcibly expelled from Moscow, Shufutinsky gathered a small group of musicians and, together with his beloved woman, went to Magadan. It was in the winter of 1971. There they worked for three years, performed in various restaurants and formed their own repertoire. There, in Magadan, he sang for the first time.

In 1973, Shufutinsky and his friends left Magadan. For some time they worked in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and then he returned to Moscow again. Although by this time Mikhail already enjoyed a certain fame, the situation in the country did not allow him to fully express his individuality. But outwardly, everything turned out well. For several years, Shufutinsky worked at the Mosconcert - first as the head of the orchestra in the Accord quartet, then in the Leisya, song ensemble, which was organized by V. Dobrynin. With this ensemble, Shufutinsky traveled a lot around the country, fame came to him, the first records began to come out. But jazz still aroused the deaf hatred of cultural officials. After the ensemble was not allowed to enter the pop song contest in Split, Shufutinsky finally strengthened his desire to leave the USSR. But the last point was the scandal at the pop song contest in Sochi. Due to the fact that the timing of the competition coincided with the planned tour, the ensemble was withdrawn after a successful performance in the first round. The situation was saved only by the intervention of I. Kobzon, who was a member of the jury of that competition. The musicians managed to continue their performance, and in the end they got the first place. But hope for better life did not come true. After some time, Shufutinsky realized that the conflict with the leaders of the stage had gone too far. They were not given profitable tours, they were bothered by constant control and petty nit-picking. After much trouble, he managed to get permission to leave the country for Israel. And in 1981, together with his wife and two sons, Shufutinsky flew to Vienna, and then moved to Italy. He persistently sought to get to America, realizing that only there a Russian-speaking musician has the opportunity to continue his career.

With the help of acquaintances, Shufutinsky managed to get to New York. There he began to get used to the new environment. On this path, both gains and losses awaited him. He needed to organize the orchestra again, to please the public with a different repertoire, and, most importantly, to attract a sufficient number of visitors every evening.

Shufutinsky proved to be a brilliant organizer who managed to make the international team work smoothly. He more and more often tried himself as an arranger of his programs, which he subsequently recorded on CDs. But real fame in the United States came to him only after touring the country and Canada. He made his first trip with pop singer Any Uspenskaya, then went on a tour of Canada, where he performed with the singer N. Brodskaya. Inspired by the success, Shufutineky decided to give solo concerts. Having composed his own orchestra "Ataman" with ballet and vocal troupes, in 1983 he made a concert tour in Toronto.

Returning to the United States, Shufutinsky continued to work at the Russian Izba restaurant, but gradually came to the decision to organize his own business. Together with several companions, he became the owner of the restaurant "Pearl", which soon became one of the most famous in New York. But, as is often the case, the fame infuriated competitors, and a few months later the restaurant burned down in an arson attack.

Shufutinsky realized that everyone should mind their own business and focused on arranging various melodies and working as a soloist. At the same time, he began releasing his discs, the number of which today has exceeded a dozen. He did not stop speaking in restaurants, because now his very name attracted the public.

In 1986, Shufutinsky moved to Los Angeles, where he began performing at the Arbat restaurant that opened there. Here he worked for several years and eventually organized his own orchestra again. This circumstance allowed him to avoid difficulties even after the bankruptcy of the restaurant. The singer became so famous that now he was invited to perform in the most prestigious halls. He continued regular concert activity, constantly speaking in various US cities. Gradually, the most interesting Russian-speaking authors and performers who lived in the United States united around his ensemble.

After changes took place in the USSR, a longtime acquaintance of Shufutinsky A. Pulver suggested that the singer make a tour of the country. Although the amount offered was much less than what he expected, he nevertheless accepted the offer. During numerous and many hours of concerts, Shufutinsky made sure that the Russian public did not forget him.

The secret of the singer's popularity can be explained by the stability of his repertoire. It aroused nostalgic feelings both at home and in other countries among the Russian-speaking population, as well-known and popular songs. Shufutinsky kept the old song tradition, calling himself the successor of such performers as V. Kozin and L. Utesov.

Now Shufutinsky comes to Russia every year, believing that without communication with "his" public, a normal creative life impossible.

However, the children of Shufutinsky no longer have the same feelings for Russia as their father. They grew up in the United States, received education and a profession there. Shufutinsky's wife lives with them, providing all possible assistance in raising her grandson.

Mikhail Shufutinsky was born in 1948, on April 13, in the family of a doctor, Zakhar Davidovich. It is known about Mikhail's mother that she died when the boy was only five years old, so his grandfather and grandmother were engaged in upbringing. At the age of 7, Mikhail began to play the accordion, and later - at a music school in the accordion class. Mikhail's great musical future was predetermined from childhood: from the age of 9, the boy successfully played the accordion and piano in the school orchestra. At the age of 15, young Shufutinsky was seriously carried away jazz style, managed to perform in many popular places in Moscow - Mikhail received an important experience of interacting with the audience on the stages of cafes and restaurants as part of ensembles.

Student and the beginning of a musical career

The career developed successfully, and the work was paid adequately, so Mikhail Shufutinsky decided to get a profession in the musical field. Within the walls of the Moscow Musical College. A. Ippolitov-Ivanov he spent student years and became a specialized conductor, choirmaster, and certified teacher of singing and music. Work in restaurants went in parallel with studies, which soon paid off. Shufutinsky began to communicate closely with the most famous professional musicians in Moscow. It was just the time to get a diploma and work out in a specialty in a remote provincial theater, but Mikhail decided otherwise. Having written a refusal to be distributed, Shufutinsky left with his orchestra to work in Magadan. There, the musicians got a job in the Severny restaurant, and Mikhail had to not only play, but also help out the vocalist if necessary: ​​this is how the makings of a wonderful singer manifested themselves.

Departure to the USA

He returned to Moscow in 1975, in the same year he was offered to work in the vocal quartet "Accord" (Moskontsert). Further, Mikhail Shufutinsky took up the project "Leysya, song" in a leadership position and was able to achieve all-Union recognition. Tours, thousands of fans, large sales of records - the ensemble "Leysya, song" very quickly began a period of glory. However, Michael had internal conflict: he no longer wanted to live in Soviet reality and follow the imposed rules, so it was decided to leave with his family to the West. In 1981, together with his wife and two children, Mikhail left the USSR and arrived in Vienna, and then reached New York.

In exile, Mikhail Shufutinsky almost immediately set to work, and he received his first income by playing 17 concerts on Nina Brodskaya's American tour as a pianist. Then there was a period of work as a musician in the restaurant "Russian Izba" on Brighton Beach and the creation of his own orchestra "Ataman" in the institution for immigrants "Pearl". The Shufutinsky Orchestra has become very popular with the Russian diaspora, as evidenced by a successful tour of major American and Canadian cities. An important life period was devoted to work in recording studios USA.

Producing activity and solo work

Shufutinsky managed to perfectly combine work in the orchestra with the production activities. He recorded albums for many artists, including Mikhail Gulko, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Anatoly Mogilevsky, Maya Rozovaya.

Mikhail Zakharovich also took up a solo project in the USA and released several albums:

  • "Escape" - 1983;
  • "Ataman" - 1984;
  • "Gulliver" - 1985;
  • "Amnesty" - 1986.

Modern achievements

To date solo discography Shufutinsky has 25 albums and many collections. At first they were highly appreciated in the US immigrant environment, and later everywhere where Russian-speaking people lived. In the USSR, Shufutinsky's music fell into the period of perestroika and aroused great interest among listeners - cassettes were sold in very large circulations. In the 90s, Mikhail Zakharovich toured Russia and the post-Soviet countries annually, received well-deserved recognition not only on concert venues and also on radio and television. Since 1992 lives in Moscow. The title of Honored Artist of Russia was awarded to Shufutinsky in 2013. Shufutinsky's biography, like his career, continues successfully and clearly demonstrates how much a person with a professional and reverent attitude to music can achieve.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - Russian crooner, music producer, composer and pianist, multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year award. The author managed to combine in his works the features of urban romance and bard song, leaving the most important thing in music - sincerity.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Shufutinsky was born in Moscow on April 13, 1948 into a Jewish family. The musician's father, Zakhar Davidovich, was a member of the Great Patriotic War, subsequently worked as a doctor and devoted a lot of time to work. He turned out musical man– played the trumpet, guitar, sang well. The mother of the future chansonnier died suddenly when the boy was five years old, so the singer remembers her little.

In connection with the difficult shift work of the father, grandmother Berta Davidovna and grandfather David Yakovlevich began to raise the child, who not only taught and guided Misha, but also developed in the child a taste and love for art. Noticing his grandson's craving for music, the grandfather began to teach the child to play the accordion.

At the age of seven, Michael entered music school. But due to the fact that at that time the accordion was not taught in Soviet music schools, considering this instrument an echo of bourgeois culture, Misha went to the button accordion class - folk instrument, somewhat similar to the one on which the boy started musical education.

The future singer loved and appreciated classes at a music school, after a few years he was already fluent in the instrument and was a regular member of school orchestras and ensembles. Weekly, together with his grandfather, the young man arranged impromptu concerts in the courtyard of the house where his family lived. Mikhail enjoyed playing the repertoire that he himself liked.

From the age of fifteen, Misha became seriously interested in a new direction in music - jazz, which only began to appear on Soviet scenes and very informally. Thus, being only a teenager, Mikhail chose his life path. Therefore, upon completion secondary school Shufutinsky, without hesitation, applied to the Moscow Musical College named after Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov.

After graduating from a music school, having received the specialty of a conductor, choirmaster, teacher of music and singing, the musician, together with the orchestra, leaves for Magadan to perform at the Severny restaurant. There, Shufutinsky first approached the microphone as a vocal performer, although by necessity - replacing the main singers. Shufutinsky's favorite authors were and, whose songs were included in the repertoire of the novice artist.


Later, Mikhail Zakharovich returned to Moscow and worked in several musical groups, for example, in the popular at that time "Chord" and "Leysya, song." The last ensemble was a success: the guys recorded records at the Melodiya studio, traveled around the cities of Russia, where the musicians were warmly received by enthusiastic fans.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and VIA "Leisya, song"

Shufutinsky had a growing conflict with Soviet power, therefore, in the early 80s, the musician immigrated with his family and moved to New York through Austria and Italy.

First, in the US, the musician works as an accompanist, playing mainly the piano. Later he creates his own orchestra "Ataman", with which he regularly performs in New York restaurants "Pearl", "Paradise" and "National"

In 1983, Shufutinsky presented his first album called "Escape". The album includes 13 songs: "Taganka", "Farewell letter", "You are far from me", " Winter evening" and others.

When the Ataman ensemble gained popularity in immigrant circles, Shufutinsky received an offer to perform in Los Angeles, where at that moment there was a boom in Russian chanson songs. Then the glory of Shufutinsky reached its peak.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Russian Autumn"

Shufutinsky's music was listened to and loved not only in immigration, but also in the Soviet Union, which was confirmed by the first tours at home, when the audience filled even large halls and stadiums.

In the 90s, Shufutinsky returned to Russia and after that he permanently lived in Moscow. In 1997, the artist published the book “And here I am standing at the line ...”, in which Mikhail introduced the facts of his biography to fans. Later came the collection The best songs. Texts and chords.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Left Bank of the Don"

In 2002, the musician received the first Chanson of the Year award in his career for the songs Alenka, Nakolochka and Poplars. From now on, Shufutinsky receives this award every year.

During creative career Mikhail Shufutinsky wrote, performed and produced many famous hits. Such songs as “Two Candles”, “Third of September”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Night Guest” became popular, which paradoxically gained popularity under the name “Knives Not Sharpened”, “Khreshchatyk”, “Left Bank of the Don” , "Come to us for a light", " duck hunting”,“ For lovely ladies ”and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Jewish tailor"

The song “Third of September” is so popular that with the spread of the Internet and social networks, September 3 became the unofficial day of Shufutinsky, flash mobs are held on this day, and groups on social networks massively post memes and quotes from this song.

Shufutinsky also shot 26 music videos to their songs, as it appears on the official YouTube channel of the musician. The video was made on the compositions “Soul hurts”, “Mom”, “ New Year in the cabin”, “Love is alive” and others. In total, Shufutinsky released twenty-eight albums and a huge variety of various collections of songs for his performing biography. The singer's repertoire also includes several popular duet recordings. In addition, Shufutinsky produced records of other musicians - Maya Rozova, Anatoly Mogilevsky.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "White Roses"

In addition to the main musical creativity, Mikhail Shufutinsky is engaged in dubbing animated films, has filming experience in feature film, however, in an episodic role.

In 2009, Mikhail Shufutinsky became a member music show"Two Stars", where he performed in tandem with. The duet performed the songs "White Roses", "A Drop of Warmth", "Taganka" and other popular hits of the work of both Shufutinsky and other musicians.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and Alika Smekhova - "A drop of warmth"

April 13, 2013 Mikhail Zakharovich gave a concert in Crocus in honor of his anniversary city ​​hall, which was called "Birthday Concert". Shufutinsky performed popular songs of the past years: “Third of September”, “For Lovely Ladies”, “I Love”, “Jewish Tailor”, “Mardzhanja”, “Nakolochka” and others.

In April 2016, Shufutinsky presented new album"I'm Just Slowly in Love", which included 14 songs. In addition to the title song of the same name, the disc includes solo compositions “Let's wait and see”, “Tanya, Tanechka”, “Provincial Jazz”, a duet with Eteri Beriashvili “I value you”, joint with Varya Demidova “Snow” and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Marjanja"

September 27, 2016 the musician was invited to become a part of Russian Academy music and accept the post of academician. December 2, 2016 Mikhail Zakharovich gave a solo concert "Chanson before Christmas" in the Moscow state theater stage.

By 2016, the discography of the "King of Chanson" reached 29 albums, which included collaborations with Susanna Tepper (1989) and (2004). Shufutinsky for 15 years annually became the owner of the Chanson of the Year award.

Famous chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky

In April and May 2017, the musician toured the country and gave solo concerts in Moscow, Sevastopol, Korolev, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Kolomna, St. Petersburg and other cities.

Personal life

A stately, imposing man (Mikhail's height is 187 cm, weight is 100 kg) has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. But unlike many public people, Mikhail Shufutinsky is an excellent family man. The musician was married only once. In 1971, he married Margarita Mikhailovna, whom he had known for several years. In this marriage, Shufutinsky had two sons - David, born in 1972, and Anton, who was born two years later.

Now the brothers are separated by the ocean. Anton lives in Philadelphia with his wife and four children, where he teaches at a local university and writes his doctoral dissertation. David with his wife and three children permanently resides in Moscow, being engaged in production activities.

To be closer to Anton, Shufutinsky bought a house not far from him. Together with his wife, Mikhail started repairs in the mansion, which dragged on for long time. It was assumed that the couple would live there together, visiting relatives. But the intention was not realized.

Mikhail Shufutinsky with his wife Margarita in his youth and now

At the beginning of 2015, grief happened in the singer's family - Shufutinsky buried his faithful life partner Margarita, who died in America while visiting the family of her youngest son. The cause of Margarita's death was heart failure, which the woman suffered for many years.

At the time of her departure, Mikhail was on tour in Israel. Nothing foretold tragedy. When the woman stopped answering calls to her husband, he did not attach any importance to this, because the difference in time zones was significant. After a while, the loss of the mother was noticed by the sons. The only way to enter the apartment was with the help of the police.

Mikhail considers the death of his wife the most difficult loss in his life, for the singer Margarita forever remained the keeper of the hearth and his personal guardian angel. The couple lived happily together for 44 years.

Mikhail Shufutinsky now

2018 turned out to be an anniversary year for the artist - in April, Mikhail Shufutinsky celebrated his 70th birthday. The artist met the beginning of the year with a performance at the concert "Chanson of the Year" with the song "She was just a girl" and a duet with "Peter-Moscow". Thanks to these compositions, the singer again became the winner of a prestigious award.

Anastasia Spiridonova and Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Peter-Moscow", Lyubov Uspenskaya and others. Now Mikhail Shufutinsky plans to visit Israel with a tour, and in the fall he will continue touring Russia.

On the eve of the anniversary in the personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky, there have been changes. In the spring, the artist introduced his beloved to the public - the dancer Svetlana Urazova, who turned out to be 30 years younger than the singer. Such a difference in age does not prevent Mikhail and Svetlana from being happy, but on the question of the wedding, the singer jokes that he is still too young to marry. The couple has already appeared in public, as evidenced by joint photos in love with the media.


  • 1982 - "Escape"
  • 1983 - "Ataman"
  • 1984 - "Gulliver"
  • 1985 - "Amnesty"
  • 1987 - "White Stork"
  • 1993 - Kitty-kitty
  • 1994 - "Walk, soul"
  • 1995 - "Oh Women"
  • 1996 - "Good evening, gentlemen"
  • 2006 - "Duets of different years"
  • 2009 - "Brato"
  • 2013 - "Love story"
  • 2016 - "I just love slowly"

Russian singer, musician, producer and composer Mikhail Shufutinsky, Honored Artist Russian Federation.

Biography of Mikhail Shufutinsky

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky was born in Moscow, in a Jewish family. His father Zakhar Davidovich- Veteran of war, doctor. At the age of five, Mikhail's mother died, and his grandmother was engaged in his upbringing Berta Davidovna and grandfather D Avid Yakovlevich. Mikhail graduated from a music school in the accordion class and, without hesitation, decided to continue his path in this field of creativity. Mikhail entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College, where he studied as a conductor, choirmaster, and teacher of music and singing.

At the same time, and in the same specialty with Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alla Pugacheva studied at the music school.

Creative career of Mikhail Shufutinsky

After graduating from college, Shufutinsky performed with various ensembles in restaurants in Moscow and Magadan, where he performed songs Petra Leshchenko, Alexander Vertinsky, as well as other famous singers at that time.

In 1976, Mikhail Shufutinsky became the head of the famous VIA "Leisya, song", in which the ensemble reached its peak and became popularly loved. With him, almost all the hits were recorded, for which the ensemble is still remembered.

In 1981, Mikhail Shufutinsky emigrated to the United States with his family. At first, he had to forget about his fame as a musician and work as an ordinary laborer.

“I didn’t go there to be who I was here. I didn't go there at all. I left from here. Big difference... When I arrived, I went to the courses of English language- emigrants, free. They told me: we will help with the work, we will offer three options. I say: “I am a musician ...” - “Yes, what are you talking about? Forget it. There are such musicians here, such a level! ..” - “But I led the famous ensemble, I can write arrangements, I can work in the studio ...” - “No, what does the arrangement have to do with it? - answer. - Then you need to enter the conservatory, study again. You better learn how to sell insurance. Or collect watches, solder parts. This is a profession!

But despite all the difficulties, Mikhail managed to return to his real profession: in 1983 already as an arranger, keyboardist and producer Shufutinsky released an album in the US Anatoly Mogilevsky « We don't eat it in Odessa" and " I love you madam» (1984).

About ten years in the States Shufutinsky played in various ensembles in restaurants, created his own show group " Ataman band"(by the name of the restaurant" Ataman ").

Mikhail Shufutinsky: “The restaurant is a school, and only real professionals used to play in the restaurant. And in America, getting a job in a Russian restaurant was generally great ... ".

One day Michael came to Los Angeles with a concert and immediately fell in love with this city. It was at that time that the Russian restaurant boom in Los Angeles fell. Michael, as famous singer and a musician, were invited to work in the Hollywood restaurant "Arbat". For an emigrant performer, such popularity was a shock - in the USA he could only count on former compatriots.

In 1990, for the first time after emigration Mikhail Shufutinsky came to the USSR and gave several concerts. Since then, he constantly came to Russia on tour, until in 2003 he finally returned to his homeland.

In 1997, Mikhail Shufutinsky received the "Silver Galosh" in the category "For Concrete Contribution to Art".

In 1998 Shufutinsky wrote autobiographical book: "And here I stand at the line ...".

In 2012, Mikhail tried himself as a voice actor for the cartoon Brave.

In 2013, Mikhail Shufutinsky was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky

In 1971, Mikhail married Margarita Shufutinskaya. In marriage, the couple had two children. In 2015, Mikhail was widowed.

On the this moment the singer lives in a civil marriage with Svetlana Urazova.

eldest son David Shufutinsky(1972) graduated in Special International Economics and Law from Nordridge University and did sound for Star Wars by George Lucas, worked for Ted Turner in company CNN. In Russia David successfully voiced the Disney cartoon " Anastasia", and also worked on projects directed by Timur Bekmambetov. married to Angele Petrosyan. They have three children: Anna (2006), Andrei (1997), Mikhail (2009). The family lives in Moscow.

Younger son singer Anton Shufutinsky(1976) was a US Army Special Forces officer. Married to an African American Brandi. Anton and Brandi, like David, have three children: Dmitry Shufutinsky (1996), Noah (2002) and Zakhar Shufutinsky (2009), they all live in America, in Philadelphia.

SHUFUTSKY MIKHAIL ZAKHAROVICH(b. 04/13/1948) - pop singer, composer and poet, music producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2013). Winner of the "Chanson of the Year" awards.
Born in Moscow. He graduated from a music school in the bayan class and from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College with a degree in choir conductor. He played as part of various ensembles in the restaurants "Warsaw", "Metropol". Accompanied the vocal-comedy duet of Shurov and Rykunin.
In the early 70s, together with musicians Igor Logachev, drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, saxophonist Valery Katsnelson and singer Nikolai Kasyanov, he moved to Magadan. He performs at the Severny restaurant, performing songs from the repertoire of A. Vertinsky, P. Leshchenko, and makes his first tape recordings there. After returning from Magadan, he worked for a short time as a pianist in the Accord ensemble. Then he became the leader of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Leysya, song", whose repertoire was built mainly on the songs of V. Dobrynin. In 1978, the team took first place in All-Russian competition pop song performers in Sochi. In February 1981 he emigrated with his family to America. As an accompanist, he performed with the singer N. Brodskaya. As part of various ensembles, he played in the restaurants "Russian Izba", "Pearl", "Moscow Nights".
Produced two solo albums A. Mogilevsky (ex- "Gems"), M. Gulko's albums "The Blue Sky of Russia" and "Burnt Bridges". Gathered his own orchestra "Ataman Band" and in 1984 at the studio "Prince Enterprises" recorded debut album"The escape".
In the summer of 1990, he began touring in Russia, performing with the Express Ensemble. Recorded at the firm "Melody" disc "M. Shufutinsky in Moscow." Producer since 1996 new group"A Taste of Honey".
Since 2003, Mikhail Zakharovich has been permanently living in Moscow. His eldest son, David, also lives in Moscow with his family and produces sound in films. The youngest son Anton and his family live in Philadelphia, where Anton teaches at the university and works as a department head for a large pharmaceutical company. Unfortunately, in June 2015, Margarita Shufutinskaya passed away. The family often gathers together in Moscow and Philadelphia.

Children and grandchildren:
Eldest son David (1972) married to Angela
Granddaughter Anna (2006)
Grandson Andrei (1997)
Grandson Michael (2009)
Youngest son Anton (1974) married to Brandi
Grandson Dmitry (1996)
Grandson Noah (2002)
Grandson Zakhar (2009)
Granddaughter Hanna Rene (2012)

Mikhail Shufutinsky. Biography.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky was born on April 13, 1948 in Moscow. He graduated from a music school in accordion class and a music school with a degree in conductor-choir. The career of the universally recognized king of "Russian chanson" began with jazz, Shufutinsky became a regular at the Moscow jazz party in his student years.

In 1971, together with musicians Igor Logachev, drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, saxophonist Valery Katsnelson and singer Nikolai Kasyanov, he left for Magadan. He left not by stage, as many left at that time, but solely of his own free will. It was this trip that became the basis for numerous legends about the prison past of Mikhail Shufutinsky. In Magadan, he worked in the best restaurants and it was there that he began not only to play, but also to sing. This period of life engendered in the soul of the artist a love for the music that many years later would bring him fame and recognition of millions of fans - chanson.

In 1974, Mikhail Shufutinsky returned from Magadan to Moscow and for some time worked as a pianist and arranger in the Accord quartet, and then became the head of the Leysya Song VIA. Shufutinsky accompanied, made arrangements, but did not sing himself. Basically, “Leysya song” performed the songs of Vyacheslav Dobrynin, and one of the songs - “White bird cherry will swirl” was recorded by Anna German together with the ensemble. Already after Shufutinsky, it was in this famous ensemble that they began their creative activity Nikolai Rastorguev ("Lube") and Valery Kipelov ("Aria"). Because of the beard and pronounced appearance, Shufutinsky was objectionable to the then television leadership, so the Songs tour around the country in 1975-1980. were constant, and there were no TV broadcasts at all. But Mikhail categorically refused to shave his beard for the sake of fame on TV. In addition, VIA was not released on any foreign tours, even to Bulgaria. In 1978, they simply tried to remove the group from competitive program popular in those days of the All-Union competition of pop song performers in Sochi, and the group, despite this, took 1st place there.

After all these events, Shufutinsky decides to emigrate and in 1981 leaves with his family, first to the promised land in Israel, and then to the United States in New York. And here he decides to continue the restaurant practice tested in Magadan and, as part of various ensembles, performs in numerous restaurants. It was at this time that Mikhail Shufutinsky finally became a vocalist, and not just a musician and arranger.

In 1982, Shufutinsky's first album, Escape, was recorded at the Prince Enterprises studio, which became a real bestseller in American emigrant circles. This first album appeared very ordinary - Mikhail's friend - Alexander Meisman asked him to record his songs on a cassette and financed the recording himself. By the mid-80s, Shufutinsky became a US citizen, and his records began to leak into the USSR, where they had the effect of an exploding bomb. Cassettes began to flood the Union, and the artist became the superstar of the "emigrant song."

For the first time, after emigration, Mikhail Shufutinsky came to Russia in 1990. The very first tour gathered 75 stadiums and it was decided to return to Russia. The very first songs released upon his return become super hits and literally in 2 years Shufutinsky reaches the status of the best-selling artist of the nineties. All his records diverge in gigantic circulations, literally each of his songs - “Two Candles” by Dobrynin, “Third of September”, “Velvet Season”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Let Go” by Igor Krutoy, “Putana” by Gazmanov, “Gop-stop” , "Khreshchatyk" by Rosenbaum - become popular.

In 1998, he wrote an autobiographical book: “And here I am standing at the edge ...”

Despite the fact that he has unquestioned authority and devotion to an audience of millions, Shufutinsky does not calm down - he experiments (“Black Gun”, “Macho Man”, produces the duet “Taste of Honey”. With the advent of the poet Alexander Polarnik in his life, Shufutinsky returns to the classical chanson and his 2002 album "Nakolochka" and concert program“I will go one day in Russia” are an indisputable confirmation of the fact that for a long time Mikhail Shufutinsky will be at the top of the pop Olympus.

Since 2003, M. Shufutinsky has been permanently living in Russia.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - participant of the annual National Prize Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin on March 26, 2011.

The repertoire of Mikhail Shufutinsky includes songs by such authors as: Vyacheslav Dobrynin ("Two Candles", "Cubes"), Igor Krutoy ("September 3rd", "Palma de Mallorca", "Moscow Taxi", "Moscow to Tears doesn’t believe”), Oleg Mityaev (“The Night Guest”, “Moskvichka”), Alexander Rosenbaum (“Khreshchatyk”, “Come to us for a light”, “Gop-stop”), Nikita Dzhigurda, Alexander Novikov (“Take me, driver", "Portovaya Street"), Oleg Gazmanov, Igor Zubkov, Igor Kisil ("You are far from me"), Vatslav Lisovsky, Olesya Atlanova, Karen Kavaleryan, Mikhail Zvezdinsky, Kirill Krastoshevsky, Ivan Kononov ("Left Bank of the Don", “I love you, I love you”, “And over the Don there are Golden Domes”) and many others.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2013)

Official website: http://shufutinsky.ru

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