What is the name of the youngest son of the Pynzari. Daria Pynzar: “I will have a girl! Daria and Sergey - the history of relations

Daria Pynzar (maiden name Chernykh) is a Russian TV star, one of the most interesting and popular participants in the scandalous TV show DOM-2, was born in the small Ukrainian town of Yenakiyevo.


Dasha's early childhood passed in her homeland and was quite happy, although they grew up with an older sister without a father. When Dasha grew up a little, the family moved to Russia, to Balakovo, where her mother found a good job and could provide for the girls. But by a tragic accident, her mother's life ended early, and 8-year-old Dasha found herself in the care of her sister, who herself had barely crossed the threshold of adulthood.

It was difficult for a young girl to earn money in a small town. And, after a little thought, the older sister Natalya leaves for Moscow, taking her sister with her. So she was able to slowly establish her own business, and the lives of the girls entered a more or less even direction.

Dasha is now grateful to her sister for everything that she did for her and considers her the closest and dearest person.

In Moscow, she finished school, not brilliantly, but with a quite decent certificate, which allowed her to enter the budget department of one of the universities.

She chose the fashionable and prestigious specialty of an interior designer and attended classes with pleasure until ... she decided to go with her friends to the casting of the super popular TV show DOM-2.


Finally finding herself in front of the cameras, Dasha for a moment realized that she was absolutely not ready for such close attention to her own person. Moreover, she literally stunned the whole country with the statement that she is a virgin who seriously hopes to find her beloved and only one on the project.

The intrigue tied up by Dasha was even more interesting when everyone saw that she frankly sympathized with the recognized womanizer Rustam Solntsev.

But already the first days that the couple spent together after Dasha moved into his house, both were disappointed. Accustomed from childhood to the constant guardianship of her sister, Dasha was completely helpless in housekeeping. And if at first Rustam considered it cute, then after a couple of days he began to be frankly annoyed by this situation.

And when Dasha washed Rustam's favorite phone, he just put her out the door.

But such a beauty could not be left without male attention, and after a few days she was “sheltered” by another womanizer of the project Andrei Cherkasov. But he was completely unromantic, hyperactive, and too early began to insist on close relationships, which finally pushed the romantically inclined girl away from him.

Dasha was left alone again. Still not having time to get used to it, she was in danger of leaving the project.

Family life

Looking around a bit, Dasha spotted a handsome and charming guy who had just fallen apart with another participant in the project, Sergei Pynzar. It cost nothing for the girl to charm our hero, and his “taming” took place quite quietly, and not under the sights of television cameras.

It all started during their joint trips to the city on various matters outside the project. And when the romance was already in full swing, they did not hide it from prying eyes. This helped both stay on the show, but not everyone believed in the sincerity of such a relationship.

Daria and Sergey Pynzar

For a long time, some of the participants frankly said that this was just a tactical move that helped to avoid a “frontal place”. But the proof of the seriousness of their intentions was the marriage proposal made by Sergei publicly on 03/08/2010.

Dasha accepted the offer. But in fairness, it must be said that the relationship of the couple was far from cloudless. They often quarreled, especially at the very beginning.

Dasha frankly did not like Sergei's "frivolous" profession - she wanted to see a wealthy, accomplished man next to her. Sergei was infuriated by her frequent trips with her friends to night parties. And just before the wedding, the couple almost quarreled completely.

With husband and son

Dasha categorically refused to take her husband's surname after registering the marriage. This offended Sergei so much that he was ready to completely break off relations. After some thought, Dasha changed her mind and gave in to his demand. The wedding still took place in May 2010. Already in 2011, a son was born in the family.

Relations gradually leveled off, Dasha learned to give in, Sergey began to earn more, and both were united by love for the baby. In 2013, the couple got married, having made a decision before God to spend the rest of their lives together. And in 2016, another beloved and desired child appeared in the family.

Now the couple spend a lot of time together. They have a common business: an online fashion store. They prefer traveling and an active lifestyle, they teach children to do this.

Among the participants in the reality show "Dom-2", in which young people build relationships, ending in some cases with a wedding, in front of a large army of viewers watching the development of events with great interest, Daria Pynzar is perhaps the brightest acting character. The path to fame and love of the fans was not easy for the girl. However, today she is a happy mother and beloved wife.

All photos 12


Having been born on January 6, 1986 in the city of metallurgists and miners Yenakiyevo, Dasha Chernykh - this was the name the girl had before her marriage, stayed here for a short time. Soon the family moves to the Russian Federation - to the Samara region, the town of Balakovo. Actually, here the childhood and youth of the future seductress passed. The girl's parents left this world when the girl was not even 10 years old. Her upbringing was taken up by her older sister Natalya, who is currently a successful business woman living in the capital.

Fact! Being a professional interior designer, Daria Pynzar loves to paint with oils!

Daria appeared on the “telestroke”, popular among the population, on December 28, 2007 and immediately attracted the attention of not only all participants in the reality show, but also numerous fans of this project. Which is not surprising - a 20-year-old blond beauty with a luxurious figure simply could not go unnoticed! Having joined the team, she immediately declared to everyone present that she still observes innocence, since she had not met the only one to whom any girl wants to give herself! Such a frank statement was met by the residents of the project with undisguised irony. However, the unambiguous behavior of the girl fully confirmed her nationwide announcement.

Only the former host of the reality show Ksenia Sobchak remained unshakable in her opinion regarding Daria Pynzar, who more than once spoke ironically about the girl's behavior. “It looks more like an experienced strip dancer than an innocent lamb,” she said. The fact is that the girl, knowing about the attractiveness of her forms, preferred revealing outfits. The older sister at that time already had a thriving network of stores selling women's clothing, not only in the capital, but also in other cities of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the charmer had no such problems. Short tight skirts, neckline with the maximum possible neckline - the wardrobe of a seducer.

Fact! A pastime to which the beauty is ready to give herself completely is shopping. According to her, this hobby serves as an excellent antidepressant for her.

Daria Pynzar made her first attempt to build a romantic relationship with Rustam Solntsev. The fact that the participant of the scandalous television project is 10 years older than the young beauty did not bother her at all. The first pancake always goes lumpy - the relationship did not work out. The young man motivated his decision to part with the mismanagement of the blonde. The last straw that overwhelmed his patience was the irresponsible trick of the girl when she put the guy's jeans into the washing machine along with his mobile phone and activated the process.

However, the loneliness did not last long. Soon Daria became the object of close attention from the well-known womanizer of the TV project - Alexei Cherkasov. The assertiveness of the young man, which he showed beyond measure, as well as the frank offer of intimacy, scared the young beauty away, and the relationship collapsed without really starting.

Again, the loneliness was short-lived. A new character has appeared in the perimeter of the TV show - the girl's countryman. The dancer and joker from Ukraine Sergey Pynzar instantly singled out the beauty from all the fair sex and began to fervently care for her. The process of building relationships proceeded for two years, after which the charming blonde hung out a white flag, and the couple signed.

Fact! The girl prefers thrillers and films with an exciting plot. Loves sushi, ready to mess with cats for hours

Personal life

In May 2010, Sergey and Daria got married, which became the brightest and most memorable event in the reality show! In July of the following year, an addition happened in the Pynzar family - a glorious little boy was born, who was named Artemka. Despite the fact that the girl already had her own apartment in the capital, according to informed people, given to her by her older sister, Sergey rented a small estate in the Moscow region. This was done so that the first months the child grew up outside the atmosphere of the metropolis. However, the suburban family idyll did not last long - the management of the reality show persuaded the couple to return to the project.

In 2016, Sergey and Daria became parents for the second time. Interestingly, during the second pregnancy, Pynzar participated in the show "Pregnant" on the channel "Domashny".

Our city is just now hosting an annual trade show, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. the most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr-year and Markt-market, bazaar.
I invite you to walk around the German province in the rain, where are we without it

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the kids!"


Fairy just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you shouldn’t get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, not a problem, a person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just emerging from the ground. She would have to live at least a year without her mother, just one, but love is carrots, they ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they combined the premarital, bought a three-ruble note in a new building, got pregnant, that's like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model "dad is a breadwinner, mom is a keeper of the hearth", and mom's Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to her daughter's family life, instead of helping, a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband's dirty socks are washed on the same day and for the husband there should always be the first, second and compote. Sasha's brain was inserted, he began to actively help Dasha and the mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dasha had a breakdown. At the next scandal, she jumped out of the house in one dressing gown at 3 o'clock in the morning and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her away, but I had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the PND for almost half a year, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to a metropolis, got a job, after 2 years she got married a second time, gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed during pregnancy, inherited her husband's business, now everything is in order with her. She began to communicate with her son as soon as she was discharged from the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadia is a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, she was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as her own, adopted a common one.
When Sasha filed for a divorce, she said that determine the place of residence of the child with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything, he calls both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mother Nadia, who is always with him, father and adored younger brother, father and mother promise to buy a sister. And mother-holiday Dasha, who takes her to her place for the weekend and on all sorts of trips to the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is - Dasha decided that Andryushka should be taken away. Sasha and her family live in a small town, she lives in the regional center and wants to send her to a good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
Sane people, while everything is quiet and peaceful, but the scandal is brewing.
The question is what is best for the child? Leave dad in the family or give it to mom, where will there be more opportunities for education?



Hi all.
Finally got around to writing a report.

Hello from Sunny Beach

My journey began from the glorious city of Lvov. (I live here now, so I did not consider another option).

We were in Bulgaria for 9 nights, excluding the road.
I was on the bus...



Yesterday the cat jumped from the 7th floor. So the son, shouting: "I came here to kill a cat!" - rushed down. Thank God, only her knees hurt. And I was hurt to tears ... She raised her sons alone. I sold the old apartment, bought a new one, I pay extra for the mortgage. I myself am retired, I go to Moscow, I work to pay. And he lives in such mansions with his daughter-in-law, money does not help. Yes, they are constantly offended. The cat ripped off the apartment, the smell from her toilet is .... So I put her toilet on the balcony and slightly opened the sash to ventilate. And this wild miracle managed to jump there. So it was! .. I spent the whole evening walking around the city in tears and resentment. I should have bought them a one-room apartment! And then as they wish! And not a kopeck piece, where my one room is, and in the apartment I don’t feel like a hostess. Although privatized. 3 years retired. I can't buy for myself. I didn't want to kill the cat.



Oh girls
I never thought there would be such a problem.
In general, I have a man, made an offer, applied to the registry office.
He's cool, loving, handsome and a bunch of positive adjectives.
There is only one drawback - the penis is small, see 12. Well, he thinks so that it is small, although more than enough for me.
Against this background, he always had problems and did not work with women. He also, according to him, could not relax because he felt that the woman was waiting for sex from him and all the time he thought whether he was worth it or not.
I had another problem before him - frigidity.
I immediately told him that I was not interested in sex. Maybe it relaxed him and he got up for the fourth intimate meeting. It was 3 months of idyll.
[removed by moderator] (sorry) like rabbits and with him I had my first orgasm.

In sex, it was always his initiative, and knowing his problem, I never insisted or asked.
Except once. She jokingly said that he owes me [deleted by moderator]..
He fell almost immediately
And for more than a month we have had big problems with sex.
He just does not get up, as chopped off. Even, sorry, blowjob does not help.
I did not delicately raise this problem, but gradually his attempts came to naught.
We spend all our free time together, he is constantly in touch
But, now he tries to hold meetings on neutral territory, cafes, parks, various leisure activities.
But without intimacy.
I understand that he is afraid of repeating failures

Today I could not stand it and raised the conversation.
She suggested a solution on how to overcome this complex of his.
He said that he would not do anything, everything would work itself out, he was very tense and it was clear that this conversation was unpleasant for him.

I don't know what to do in such a situation. He is stubborn and will not talk anymore. He doesn't want to hear about doctors.

Help with advice
Maybe someone faced similar problems or have their own thoughts on this.
Thank you.


In order to become famous, it is not at all necessary to be born into a family of actors or moneybags. An example of a girl whose name is Dasha Pynzar is a confirmation of this. This girl was born in the most ordinary family, but after getting on "Dom-2" she acquired the status of a secular diva.

Biography and life of Dasha before the project

Daria Pynzar (nee Chernykh) was born in 1986 in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of the Donetsk region (currently the land of the rebellious Donetsk People's Republic). As a child, the girl's parents moved to the Saratov region. After graduating from school number 13 in Balakovo, a promising girl decided to conquer Moscow. In the capital, she studied as an interior designer, receiving a diploma in 2010.

However, even before graduating from high school, in 2007, Dasha decided to try herself as a participant in the infamous reality show Dom-2 throughout the country. It is unlikely that the girl suspected that this would make her popularly known and radically change her life.

Today Dasha Pynzar can be safely called a socialite. She is not only a famous TV star, but also a talented business woman: she owns an expensive branded clothing store.

"Dom-2": Dasha Pynzar

Being a participant in the project, Daria said that she had not yet had intimate relationships with the representatives of the stronger sex and intended to have a strong and serious relationship. The audience of "House-2" witnessed the girl's success in the love field:

  1. Her first boyfriend was Rustam Solntsev, who was seriously older than her. In it, she hoped to find a long-awaited support in life and a reliable man. However, soon the dreams suffered a crushing crash: the relationship in a couple was constantly overshadowed by quarrels. Solntsev was not satisfied with a girl who had no idea about housekeeping;
  2. The next relationship on the project was much more fleeting. The famous pick-up artist Andrey Cherkasov decided to “roll up” to the charming blonde for the sake of fleeting pleasure, but was forced to be content with a decisive refusal;
  3. Bitter disappointment in her first men was replaced by true love. She was fascinated by a handsome man who was fond of choreography Sergey Pynzar. Noble manners and attractive appearance quickly won the heart of the beauty - as a result, one of the most beautiful couples appeared in Dom-2.

Sergey and Dasha Pynzar

At the time of the first acquaintance with Daria, Sergey was entangled in the bonds of relations with another participant in the television project. They began to spend time in the entertainment nightlife of the capital. How their first meetings went, viewers will never know, but the romance became so serious that it was impossible to keep the relationship secret. However, as soon as the candy-bouquet period passed, the first problems began:

  • Daria often walked around the clubs all night long, which the guy could not like;
  • Also, the girl often preferred to spend her leisure time in the company of her best friend instead of her lover;
  • Sergey's failures in the professional field have become a serious reason for the frequent showdown.

On March 8, 2010, the guy decided to propose to Daria. She agreed, but on one condition: to keep her maiden name, since the word "Pynzar" seemed to her extremely dissonant. Hearing this, the young man almost upset the upcoming marriage, but prudence prevailed and the bride agreed not to violate the customs.

Exactly two months later, the wedding took place, but the young couple decided not to leave the project, exposing the details of their family life to the public.

What is her son's name?

After the marriage, the relationship in the couple became more harmonious. Serezha found a decent and well-paid job, which earned him the respect of his young wife. In the summer of 2011, their son was born, who was named Artem.

Almost immediately after birth, the baby became a TV star, although he rarely got under the camera lenses. Viewers witnessed an unsuspecting baby learning to walk, sucking on a pacifier, etc.

Already at the age of 3 months, he was shown to the audience of Doma-2. Care for the child began to be turned into a show: Seryozha's brother defiantly presented the boy with a car as a gift for his first birthday. The only thing Artem is doing with the expensive gift so far is turning on the radio and listening to music. Some time later, the family couple in full strength posed for the cover of the magazine, demonstrating a sugary family idyll.

Not only parents take part in the upbringing of the child, but also Dasha's sister. The family lives in a separate private house.

In May 2016, the family was waiting for replenishment: Daria gave birth to another boy, who was named David, about which the girl hastened to please the subscribers of her Instagram.

Dasha Pynzar: Instagram

Like many participants in the reality show, Daria leads page on Instagram in order to stir up interest in one's own person. In terms of attendance, her photoblog occupies one of the first lines among all the participants in Doma-2: about one and a half hundred thousand subscribers follow the girl’s personal life, a significant part of which shares their impressions in the comments.

The lion's share of the content of her page is:

  • Pictures of family life;
  • Fashion clothes;
  • Hidden advertising (such as Korean cosmetics, etc.)
  • Pictures from the sites of "House-2";
  • Business success reports (Daria owns her own clothing store).

Almost no event in a girl's life is complete without a photo or even a series of pictures in a popular social network. Sometimes you can even watch short videos.

For some participants, Dom-2 becomes just a home. Among them is Dasha Pynzar. The multi-million audience of the reality show is thoroughly aware of the events of the personal life of the TV star. But the girl is not at all shy about this: she knows how to competently present herself and show her best side.

Video: Dasha Pynzar about relations with Sergey

In this interview, Daria Pynzar will talk about her pregnancy and her relationship with her husband Sergei:

Reading this article:

Many years ago, thanks to a show about love, two lonely people met. Today, this is a full-fledged family, which deservedly can be considered the happiest couple of the Dom2 television project.

Sergey and Daria Pynzar, within the framework of the project, gave birth and raised their beloved son, Theme, who became the favorite of all spectators and participants.

More recently, it became known that this happy family has become larger, they had another son.

Baby Pynzar was born in 2016 on May 15. David's parents, as the child was called, accustomed to living under the guns of cameras, immediately delighted their fans with photographs from the hospital.

David was born with a weight of 2.750 grams and a height of 50 centimeters. Sergey as a caring father, and a caring husband was always next to Dasha. He was lucky to be the first to hold the baby, and even cut the umbilical cord.

Daria's discharge from the Perinatal Center, where she gave birth, took place on the 18th. Mommy really wanted to return home as soon as possible, because her eldest son was waiting for her at home, whom she missed very much.

Dasha recalls how she left to give birth, and how her Subject saw off:

He even shed a tear when I left. His eyes full of tears, and stuck in my memory, would rather go home.


About what difficulties the newly-made mother had to face when caring for the baby, also did not remain a secret for the fans. Dasha says that in the first months David was a restless child, he was constantly tormented by colic.

- I don’t want to stuff my son with chemistry, so I will cope with this problem, the old proven method in the form of a heating pad and massage helps me.

Mother breastfeeds baby despite breast augmentation surgery She even gave some advice on how to do it right.

- Also, we do not accustom David to complete silence, even when he sleeps, we talk, listen to music, play with Temka.

Dasha's secret

Despite the fact that not much time has passed after the birth, Daria has already managed to return to her previous forms. On her personal pages on social networks, the mother of two children tirelessly demonstrates this.

To questions from fans and spiteful critics about how she managed to restore her figure so quickly, Dasha replies that there is no secret.

It's all about the fact that we are a sports family, and even Sergey did not stand aside and went in for sports with me. And to confirm his words, he adds a new photo.

Questions about Dasha's excellent condition are also asked by her husband, and some openly express envy. Having such an athletic wife is a real happiness. Sergei modestly keeps silent, or explains that he himself is amazed by his wife.

- How many years I have been living with Dasha, but she never ceases to amaze me with her perseverance and determination.

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