Pelageya year. Pelageya Khanova biography, personal life, family, husband, children, daughter - photo

* - The singer's dad does not care about her, - stepfather Andrey Khanov is indignant

* The songs of young Pauline acted on the drunken Yeltsin as a sedative

The voice of the people's favorite PELAGEIA in three octaves, even when she was a girl, admired Galina VISHNEVSKY, Emir KUSTURITSA and even Luciano PAVAROTTI. And after the popular TV show "Voice", where the singer acts as a mentor, the army of her fans has increased significantly. Now Pelageya's fans are preparing for her anniversary (July 14 will turn 30) and are not only actively discussing all sorts of surprises for their favorite performer on the forums, but are also trying to fill in the gaps in her biography. We didn't stand aside either.

Everyone knows that Pelageya is from Novosibirsk. Her official biography says that the girl grew up in a creative family: mother Svetlana Khanova also once sang, and later became the director and producer of her own daughter. But for some reason, not a word is said anywhere about the artist's father.

It was rumored that Pelageya had the surname of her stepfather, but no one had ever seen him. The singer herself and her mother do not want to stir up the past, referring to the fact that they are not interested in it, because they have been living in Moscow for almost 20 years.

But in their native Novosibirsk, the Khanovs are well remembered.

For us, Pelageya has always been Polina. So she was listed in the documents, so her mother always called her, - Natalia Borisova, an acquaintance of the Khanovs, told me. - All these tales that she became Fields allegedly due to the mistake of the registry office employees are nonsense! The stage name appeared when the girl was ten years old. Although now she already seems to be according to Pelageya's passport.

According to Natalya, the Khanovs lived in a tiny "kopeck piece" of a shabby "Khrushchev" on Blucher Street.

There was a catastrophic lack of money, because at some point Sveta could no longer earn a living by singing, having lost her voice, my interlocutor assures. - Before that, she performed in many places, and when the ligaments could not withstand the load, she fell into depression. For her, a person with huge ambitions, who dreams of becoming a star, this was a real tragedy. In general, Svetka began to seek solace at the bottom, guess what ... They gathered in the kitchen with her girlfriend Nyurych (Anna Volkova is a musician and cohabitant of the leader of the Civil Defense group Yegor Letov. - A. V.), wept each other like a woman. I don’t know how this story would have ended if Polya hadn’t started to show her talents. She was noticed and without any exams was admitted to a special school for gifted children at the Novosibirsk Conservatory.

explosive mother in law

Svetlana began to invest all her unspent potential in her daughter - she promoted her everywhere, - continues Borisova. - She herself became interested in cutting and sewing. Everything that Polina wears in life and on stage is the work of her mother. She made not only for her daughter, but also to order - she grabbed any job to feed herself. At that time, Svetka had already married Andrei Khanov, a well-known artist in Siberia. It is his surname that he and Polya still bear. Several times I was at his exhibitions - he is an outstanding person, with unconventional thinking. Unfortunately, Sveta did not live with him for a long time - two years later she licked the peasant like a cow with her tongue. The reason for this is Svetlana's character - she is very explosive and tough. When Field was invited to play in KVN for the Novosibirsk team "Only Girls in Jazz", Svetka again began to violate the regime. Apparently, she was covered because of the understanding that she herself did not take place not only as a singer, but also as a woman. She gave all of herself to her daughter, besides, she became very stout, lost her former beauty and never adjusted her personal life.

- And what about Pelageya's own father? Why does no one remember him? I asked cautiously.

This is a muddy story that Svetka dared to talk about only during gatherings in her kitchen over a glass. Say, in her youth she had many admirers, from one of them she accidentally became pregnant. When her parents found out about this, they insisted that Sveta have an abortion. They predicted a stellar future for their daughter and did not want her to spoil her career. Svetlana did not take sin into her soul. She gave birth, but in the birth certificate of her daughter in the column "father" she put a dash. I remember how she cried to me, looking at Polya: “Can you imagine, if I had obeyed my parents then, how would I live now without a daughter?” She, of course, loves Paul fanatically. She doesn't let anyone near her. This is not always good, because my daughter is already turning thirty the other day - it's time to establish a personal life. But few of the gentlemen get along with such a mother-in-law. God grant patience to the current admirer of Poli - hockey player Ivan Telegin. However, my husband says that now he has become much better at playing. Apparently, it flies on the wings of love.

Andrey KHANOV - fashion avant-garde artist

- Did any of the relatives stay with the Khanovs in Novosibirsk?

Many acquaintances, but no relatives at all. Fields and Sveta now come here only with concerts. Moreover, ticket prices are breaking space by our standards. Last time, when Pelageya performed here, everyone was waiting for her to say at least something about her native city, to talk with fellow countrymen. And she sang and left. Many then were offended, they said that our little star had “snickered”, forgetting how Novosibirsk had once helped her. The authorities of the city gave her a car for some holiday, and when she left for Moscow, they allocated good financial assistance. But who remembers this now?

Dances in the "royal chambers"

In the Novosibirsk school, where the future star studied for only a couple of years, they also do not forget about her.

Polyushka is a delightful vocalist, - teacher Larisa Silaeva praises the former student. - At the age of eight, she did everything with her voice that was possible: from opera arias to Russian folk songs. In addition, she played the piano beautifully, and in this part she could have made a successful career for herself. Of course, her mother played a huge role in her development. Svetlana, on the other hand, graduated from the Cultural Education School, has perfect hearing and a very lively character. Thanks to the perseverance of the mother, the girl was noticed and invited to Moscow. There, she was immediately accepted into the school at Gnesinka, and Luzhkov immediately gave them an apartment. Well, off we go ... Now Fields at all her concerts thanks her mother for everything that she now has.

We also managed to find Pelageya's stepfather. Andrei Khanov now also lives in Moscow and, as before, paints pictures. The avant-garde artist has been creating unusual canvases for more than thirty years - at one time, for the sake of art, he abandoned the physics department of Leningrad University.

Svetlana is my ex-wife, and Pelageya is an adopted daughter, - Andrey confirmed. - But we do not maintain relations. They didn't break up very well. I have never approved of what Sveta is doing with her daughter. If you remember, our President Yeltsin, when he got drunk, and this happened quite often, immediately called the guards to him and let's knock them on the head with spoons. He made them sing and squat. The man had so much fun. The guys endured, and over time they came up with such a thing: they found Pelageya’s mother, who brought her daughter to the “royal chambers”. The girl performed for Yeltsin, and he calmed down. In general, Sveta promoted her daughter wherever she could. I was against it. But who am I to be listened to? You see, even the best artist earns less than the worst businessman. I was immediately told in a rigid form where my place was. I didn't take long and left.

- And how did Pelageya's father feel about all this?

He didn't care about the fact that she was born. Not to mention everything else. Svetka was a pop singer - she performed in restaurants, at discos. Hence the corresponding lifestyle. Well, it turned out that she gave birth to some scoundrel who never cared about her daughter.


The popular folklore-ethnic singer Pelageya is known to most Russian viewers. The girl independently created a group, which she called her name. They began to recognize the performer of folk songs after her repeated participation in the Voice program. In this article, we will analyze her biography in detail.

  • Polina's childhood passed in Novosibirsk. By an unfortunate coincidence, her mother lost her voice, and she was a jazz singer by profession. After the tragedy that happened, Svetlana, that was the name of Pelagia's parent, directed all her unspent energy to creating her daughter's career. It was Svetlana who did not sleep at night to sew a costume or come up with and choose the lyrics for her blood. Thanks to the tireless efforts of her mother, the singer has achieved considerable achievements in her career;
  • the future star grew up as an extremely talented child. Listening to her mother's songs, little Polya tried to sing along with her, and at the age of 3 she could already read. Her first book was Gargantua and Pantagruel. In kindergarten, not a single matinee was complete without performances by the future star;
  • at the age of 9, the girl enters a music school in her hometown. A year later, the young singer meets the leader of the famous Kalinov Bridge. Revyakin advised Pelageya to take part in the Morning Star, which she does;
  • after winning the competition, the girl performs in the Kremlin, takes possession of the "Gift of Siberia" scholarship, receives a blessed parting word from Patriarch Alexy, and participates in KVN. And all this at the age of 11!


At the age of 10, Pelageya and her mother moved to the capital for permanent residence. Here, the girl studies at the Gnesinka Music School and at the same time discovers her talent as a humorist, playing in KVN.

  • the girl is invited to represent our country in the program "New Names of the Planet" at the UN, she also sings a duet with many pop stars, performs at charity events, official meetings of heads of government, alternative projects, for example, "Learn to swim";
  • in 2001 he graduated from school and entered the RATI on the stage. After 2 years, he performs at the bottom of the city in the Northern capital. Even then, the Pelageya group was formed and officially celebrated its first birthday. In the interval between studies and performances, Pelageya manages to flash in one of the episodes of the film about the Ryazan poet. A couple of years later, Khanova finishes her studies, having received an “excellent” mark in her certificate in all subjects;
  • at the age of 23, the girl established herself as a professional folk performer in the Two Stars project, where she worked in a duet with Dashulya Moroz. Later, in the “Property of the Republic”, the viewer could again enjoy the extraordinary abilities of the Siberian woman. The issue was dedicated to the work of Sukachev, with whom, at a younger age, our heroine sang a duet. In this program, by voting, the singer was declared the winner of the competition for the best performance of Garik's song.

Then for Pelageya the days of a glorious solo career on the Russian stage began. She was invited and took part in the Bubble opera, the Devil's Dozen project, numerous radio programs and even an audio performance.

Participation in the show Voice

  1. In 2012, the singer's moment of glory comes, as for the first time she becomes a mentor and co-host of the large-scale project "Voice". For three seasons in a row, Khanova has been trying to be nice to Agutin, patient to the mocking Gradsky, flirtatious to the explosive Bilan. And she does it very well.
  2. In one of the seasons, the performer suddenly changes her appearance dramatically, turning from a plump laugher into a serious and slender lady. Later, Pelageya admits that she did not feel too comfortable in the new image of a thin woman. Soon she gained a few pounds, and everything fell into place.
  3. In 2014, Khanova works on the Voice. Children ”, where he sincerely tries to help rising stars become professional pop artists. In the role of a mother-mentor, Pelageya spends several seasons, managing to participate in KVN, voices a ladybug in a cartoon, reads a voiceover in a documentary about Alexander Pakhmutova.

Personal life

After an unsuccessful marriage with director Dima Efimovich, with whom the singer officially broke up in 2012, Pelageya meets the charming hockey player Ivan Telegin.

The lovers carefully hide their relationship and secretly marry away from prying eyes. After that, Pelageya, now Telegina, begins serious preparation for childbirth: she significantly cuts down concerts and performances, refuses to participate in the Voice. In January 2017, Taya is born.

  • At birth, the singer was named Pelageya. The name was unusual, besides, it was worn by the girl's great-grandmother. But during the paperwork, the baby was recorded by Polina. Later, when the girl received her first passport, the mistake was corrected and the name Pelageya was returned;
  • Polina never saw her own dad. The singer's mother was married several times, and the girl received her surname from her stepfather, who, however, was not present in her life for long;
  • When Polya arrived in Moscow for the Igor Nikolaev competition, it turned out that there were no nominations for folk performers. However, the girl nevertheless demonstrated her talent on the stage and won first place, and is also awarded a prize amount of 1 thousand dollars;
  • Pelagia in 2016 begins to meet with a famous athlete. Commenting on her romance with the hockey player, the singer claimed that she was not involved in the previous breakup of her chosen one with her common-law wife. Telegin left his former passion with a baby in his arms to start caring for his new lover;
  • While working in the Two Stars project, Pelageya refuses to continue the performances that the show's producers planned for her in a duet with Dasha Moroz. According to the singer, she was too physically exhausted and could not support Daria on the project due to health problems. After the filming was stopped, Pelageya was hit by a stream of unflattering statements about her by the project management in the media;
  • The singer's first husband, Efimovich, with whom they lived for about two years, did not leave the heroine any joyful memories of himself after the divorce. Pelageya wanted to erase the former from life once and for all, so she returned her maiden name;
  • During the performance of the singer in Evyan, at the invitation of Rostropovich, the whole audience applauded her, and Vishnevskaya predicted a great future for the young talent on the opera stage. In addition to the listed celebrities, Hillary Clinton, Jacques Chirac, Boris Yeltsin listened to Pelageya, who, by the way, even shed a tear when he heard the heartfelt motives of a Russian folk song performed by Poli.


  1. Ljubo.
  2. The self-titled album called "Pelageya".
  3. Single.
  4. Grandpa's songs.
  5. Siberian drive.
  6. The Cherry Orchard.
  7. Trails.
  8. Not for you (illegal).

The singer's work, like herself, is imbued with an inexplicable charm. There is something unusual in Pelageya's voice, some notes that penetrate the soul. Maybe that's why the performer managed to break through to the podium of popularity and become a recognizable folk singer not only in our country.


  1. Name: Polina Sergeevna Telegina (Khanova).
  2. Birth: 14.07.1986.
  3. Zodiac: Cancer.
  4. Birthplace: Siberia, city of Novosibirsk.
  5. Parents: Svetlana Khanova.
  6. Height: 163 cm.

What do you think of Pelagia? Looking forward to your answers below!

Fans of the national stage and fans of the singer Pelageya know that she married Ivan Telegin and gave birth to a child from him. Her husband is a famous hockey player, in the photo with his wife Ivan looks happy, which means that family life is going well. Many are interested in his biography and personal life, and this will be discussed in the article.

Ivan Telegin was born in Novokuznetsk in 1992, the future husband of Pelageya was born six years later than his future wife. Although the fact that she is older than him cannot be said from the photo.

The boy began to be attracted to hockey at an early age, and together with his father he attended the games of the local Metallurg hockey club. When Ivan reached the right age, his parents sent him to the youth sports school of this club. In training, Telegin showed great zeal and soon began to reach heights in this sport.

Soon Ivan achieved such success that he even went out as a captain for the game. In 2009, the hockey player becomes the champion of Russia among juniors.

The future husband of Pelageya does not stop there and leaves for the USA to play for the Saginaw Spirit hockey club. In Canada, he spends two seasons that were successful for this team and for Telegin himself. A young talented hockey player is immediately noticed and offered to join the Young Stars Team, to which he immediately agrees.

Ivan's sports career

Then Ivan's career goes uphill - he plays for the Atlanta Thrashers team and in the Canadian club Barry Colts. Soon, the Atlanta Thrashers offer Telegin to play another game at the St. John's Ice Caps club, to which the hockey player agrees. At first, the game went well, but at one point Telegin was injured, due to which he had a concussion. They wanted to send the hockey player to the 2011 World Championship, but the trip was postponed due to a concussion.

After treatment, Atlanta decides that Ivan is not cured and leaves him on loan for another year. Telegin does not agree with this decision, leaves the team and moves to Russia. But this act backfired on him - the hockey player was disqualified for a year, so only in 2014 Ivan joins CSKA, in which he still plays very successfully.

In 2015, he played in the World Championship and became a silver medalist, and the following year he played for the Russian national team in the Czech Republic for the first time. Pelagia's future husband is tall - almost two meters (193 cm), weighs about 92 kg.

Hockey player Ivan Telegin has a left grip and is currently a right forward in the CSKA team.

As for the attractiveness of his appearance, one can argue, because everyone has different tastes. Someone likes tall and slender men, someone vice versa. But, of course, all women like athletic, strong and fit men.

Personal life

Despite his very young age, Telegin has behind him a wealth of experience in love relationships with women. In 2013, Ivan met a stripper Evgenia in a nightclub and simply lost his head from her attractiveness. The young beauty reciprocated, and soon they began to live together. In February 2016, the lovers had a son named Mark.

Their relationship was confusing from the very beginning, even before the birth of the child, Ivan wanted to part with Evgenia, but did not do this, as he was sure that the child would strengthen their love. But after the birth of the long-awaited first-born, the quarrels did not stop, and life together became completely impossible. Therefore, in the spring, Ivan and Evgenia broke up, and the child stayed with his mother.

In the spring, the hockey player meets Pelageya. Some fans said that the famous singer separated Ivan from his ex-wife, but this is not true. At the time of the meeting with the singer, Telegin had long decided to part with Evgenia.

Pelageya was also seen several times at hockey games, she was rooting for Telegin. She even had a T-shirt with the inscription of his last name in English. A sweet couple appeared in restaurants, at parties. And in June, a photo from the registry office appeared, where Pelageya in a wedding dress cheerfully walks arm in arm with Telegin. The marriage of the spouses was carefully concealed, only close relatives and friends were at the wedding. They spent their honeymoon on the Mediterranean coast in Greece.

In January, the singer became a mother for the first time, the couple named their daughter a rare name Taisiya. Now the couple are enjoying family happiness, which, as they assume, will last for a long time. For Pelageya, her husband and children are currently in the first place, she has spoken on television several times that she feels like a happy mother.

But the singer also does not intend to leave her career; a month after giving birth, she already appeared in Crocus City at the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorguev. Then Pelageya, together with her, hosted an anniversary concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the Voice show.

Beloved wife - Pelageya

A sunny, joyful, loving singer, without whom there would be no happiness for Ivan Telegin, who made a huge contribution to our stage, was born in 1986 in Novosibirsk. The Siberian woman first bore the name Polina. So they decided to change her "obsolete" name, which she was given in honor of her grandmother. But when the girl received a passport, she replaced her name with her real name - Pelageya.

Singer Pelageya: photo

She got the surname Khanova from her stepfather, because the girl does not even remember her father, who gave her life. Mom - Elena Khanova was a good jazz singer. But then a misfortune happened - she lost her voice after an illness. However, the woman passed on her singing talent and love for music to her daughter. From a very early age, the girl repeated certain musical phrases after her mother. At the age of three, the child prodigy Polya could read!

Pelageya made her first stage debut at the age of four: the little singer performed several songs at the St. Petersburg exhibition. She fell in love with the stage and since then regularly performed in kindergarten on holidays. At the age of eight, the girl went to a music school, which was attached to the conservatory. For the first time in history, an eight-year-old singer appeared on the stage of the conservatory assembly hall!

They obeyed, and as a result, the country heard about a new young star. Even Western leaders learned about Pelageya, who won the competition: J. Chirac, H. Clinton. Everyone admired her talent, and Yeltsin even shed a tear.

After that, Pelageya's singing career went up rapidly: she began to perform throughout the country. When the girl sang in the Kremlin, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II blessed her for further work. This significant event in the life of the singer, which others could only dream of, significantly influenced her future career.

In 1997, Pelageya appeared in the KVN team of Novosibirsk University. The little rising star brought great success to his team. Further, Pelageya was expected to win competitions and frequent performances. Her mother was engaged in vocals with her, tried to educate her in different musical styles.

If at the beginning of her career Pelageya sang mostly folk songs, then her mother taught her how to perform bel canto. It wasn't easy, but a stunning four-octave range that some singers could only dream of allowed her to perform the most difficult pieces of music.

Soon the family had to move to the capital due to the frequent performances of the young singer. Pelageya enters the Gnessin school and writes down her first album, which included folk and Cossack songs.

In 1999, having finally conquered her country, Pelageya went abroad. Her performance at the competition in Scotland was highly appreciated, and the famous singer Jose Carreras even invited the young singer to perform with him at concerts. Pelageya, of course, agreed.

The rising star graduated from school as an external student at the age of fourteen! Then she entered the Institute of Theater Arts, from which she graduated with honors in 2005.

On the movie screen, she appeared in an episode in the TV series Yesenin. A chubby country girl with a mischievous personality managed to capture the attention of the audience with her impromptu image even in the background. Then the singer organized her own group "Pelageya", with which she performed at concerts.

Then the singer participated in the show "Two Stars", where she won in tandem with Dasha Moroz. With the song "Olga" by Sukacheva, they performed in the show "Property of the Republic". In 2009, Pelageya became the winner in the Chart Dozen hit parade. The following year, the singer participated in the production of B. McFerrin's opera "Bobble".

In 2012, Pelageya was invited as a mentor to the Voice show, where she spent several seasons. Two years later, she became a mentor in a similar children's Voice. In 2014, Pelageya voiced the cartoon "Flap a Wing". In 2015, the singer appeared in KVN as part of the jury.

The first husband of the singer was a member of the KVN team, in which Pelageya participated from an early age, Dmitry Efimovich. He was eleven years older than her, but this did not interfere with their love relationship. Dmitry is known as the director of "Comedy Vumen". However, the couple did not have a happy family life, and they broke up in 2012. Then the singer remained in splendid isolation, hiding her relationship until she met Telegin.

Pelageya is a Russian singer performing as part of the group of the same name in the genre that the musicians themselves call ethno-rock-art-folk. Today, Pelageya's popularity has increased many times over also because over the past few years she has been a "mentor" of the Voice show on Channel One.

Pelageya's mother is a jazz singer in the past. However, due to the loss of her voice, she was forced to retrain and become a theater director. At the moment, her main job is to support her daughter in everything and everywhere, she acts as her producer. The surname Pelageya came from her mother's last husband. In the birth certificate, Pelageya, by mistake, was recorded as Polina by the registry office workers. The girl corrected the unfortunate misunderstanding when she received her passport.

At the age of 4, Pelageya first appeared on stage. At 8, she entered a special school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. And, no exams. Amazed by the girl's talent, the teachers actually created a separate study place for her - she became the first student vocalist in the 25-year history of the school. In addition, two funds at once - "Young Talents of Siberia" and "New Names of the Planet" under UNESCO paid a scholarship to young Pelageya: just sing, just study!

Already at the age of 10, Pelageya glorified her native Siberia in the capital, becoming the winner in the competition of the Winners of the "Morning Star", and receiving the title of "Best Folk Song Performer in Russia".

TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev, the famous rock musician, leader of the Kalinov Most group Dmitry Revyakin, and even director Andrei Konchalovsky expressed their undisguised admiration for the girl’s talent. The latter played a prominent role in the life of the young singer, offering her a contract with the FeeLee record label, which specializes in the release of alternative rock. Actually, from that moment on, at the family council, it was decided to move to Moscow, where Pelageya easily entered the music school at the Institute. Gnesins and began performing as a solo artist.

In those years, the fame of a child prodigy reached unprecedented heights. Suffice it to say that in 1998, at the personal invitation of Boris Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana Yumasheva, 12-year-old Pelageya spoke at the summit of three heads of state (B. Yeltsin, G. Kohl, J. Chirac), after which Jacques Chirac called her the new Edith Piaf . And in 1999, at the personal invitation of Mstislav Rostropovich, at the Evian Music Festival, along with such musical titans as Evgeny Kissin, Ravi Shankar and BB King. Already at the age of 14, Pelageya graduated from school externally and entered the RATI in the pop department. And in 2005, after graduating with honors and creating a group named after herself, she began performing.

In 2009, Pelageya took part in the show "Two Stars" on Channel One, paired with Daria Moroz. And since 2012, the singer has become a permanent "mentor" in the people's show "Voice". In the first season of the program, her ward Elmira Kalimullina took second place, in the second season, Pelageya's pupil Tina Kuznetsova took fourth place. Pelageya was also a mentor on the show “Voice. Children".

Pelageya protects her personal life. It is known that the singer was married. Her marriage to the director of "Comedy Woman" Dmitry Efimovich lasted from 2010 to 2012. At the moment, she is dating a young man, but refuses to disclose his name.


  • Pelageya has been practicing yoga for many years.
  • Pelageya at the age of 10 became a member of KVN, speaking as part of the team of Novosibirsk University. At that time - the youngest in the history of the game.
  • Mom Pelageya's friend was Yanka Diaghileva. And Pelageya is very proud of the fact that in her infancy, the rock icon stayed with her several times instead of her mother.

1996 - Victory in the competition Morning Star in the nomination "The best performer of folk songs in Russia"

2007 - Award "Best Rock Album of the Year" in the nomination "For the Best Mixing" for the album "Girls' Songs".

2008 - Triumph Award for contribution to Russian culture.

2009 - Nashe Radio station award in the field of rock and roll "Soloist of the Year"

2014 - Title of Honored Worker of Culture of Ingushetia

2004 - Yesenin
1999 - Love!

2003 - Pelageya

2006 - Single

2007 - Girls' songs

2009 - Siberian Drive

2010 - Trails

2015 - The Cherry Orchard

Winning the competition

Many years ago, when she was nine years old, she met the vocalist of the Kalinov Most band, Dmitry Revyakin, who was impressed by her beautiful voice. He sent a recording of Pelageya's song to the capital for the Morning Star program, but at that time there was no folklore category there yet. But Yuri Nikolaev solved this problem simply: he invited the girl to take part in the competition of the project winners. As a result, she won the competition and was named "Best Folk Song Performer". She was also awarded a cash prize - they gave 1000 dollars.

The first hit and participation in the concert

Meanwhile, hastily recorded in her hometown and somehow found herself in the backpack of one riot policeman, Pelageya’s song “Love, brothers, love!” became incredibly popular in Chechnya. And soon the performer on behalf of the capital's Patriarchy was invited to participate in the Kremlin concert - she was supposed to be the host. There she met Alexy II, who blessed her and wished her good luck. Then the celebrity was very small. And now many people want to know how old the singer Pelageya is now. It's no secret to anyone - she's 27.

Participation in KVN and performance on Red Square

But what happened to the singer next? After some time, a nine-year-old girl from Novosibirsk acquired acquaintances with famous people, for example, Joseph Kobzon, Hillary Clinton, Nikita Mikhalkov, Naina Yeltsina. Before the singer had time to look back, 1997 came, which brought her many important events. The girl was accepted into the Novosibirsk KVN team, and she became the youngest member of the club of all time. Then the singer Pelageya received an invitation to perform at a large-scale performance at the 850th anniversary of the capital. It was sent to her by a famous director named Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. The girl, who performed her famous song “Love, brothers, love!”, attracted everyone's attention, her performance was filmed, after which it was watched by viewers in many countries of the world. From that moment on, the media began to call it the "Symbol of Perestroika", as well as the "National Treasure". Many at this time began to wonder what the name of the singer Pelageya was, not assuming that she was bearing her real name.

Entering a music school and recording the first album

Soon, the performer, along with her mother, began to live in the capital, in a rented apartment. The young singer entered the music school at the piano department. After some time, her debut album was recorded, called "Lubo!".

Speech at the summit

In the early spring of 1998, Pelageya became a guest of the Anthropology program, hosted by Dmitry Dibrov. It was then that the President of Russia saw her and made her a very tempting offer. For the first time in many years, a summit was held in which the heads of several countries took part: Russia, Germany and France. And at this meeting a small cultural program was supposed, namely a concert of a young singer. After this speech, they trumpeted all over the countries: he compared the young celebrity with Edith Piaf, and the Russian president even burst into tears and called the girl "a symbol of a resurgent country"! People were surprised when they found out how old Pelageya was. The singer was only 12.

Performance in a rock club, recording a cover

Seven days later, Pelageya performed at a rock club, delighting guests and journalists with the performance of her hits. Together with her, the Va-Bank group appeared on stage. In the late autumn of 1998, Pelageya contributed to the recording of an album with cover versions of Depeche Mode compositions. The girl sang the song Home. Soon, FUZZ recognized her cover as the best. In the early summer of 1999, Mstislav Rostropovich invited the singer to participate in the prestigious Swiss music festival held in Evian.

Performance in Edinburgh

August 1999 was successful for Pelageya - she was lucky enough to take part in the Fringe Edinburgh Festival. The young singer went there together with another talented girl from Ukraine - Katya Chili, they united in a group and called themselves Prodigies, so they performed together. The Edinburgh audience liked their compositions very much.

Singer Pelageya, together with the musicians who arrived with her, performed in front of a foreign audience as many as 18 times.

Recording two songs

In 1999, in the fall, the performer recorded two new songs in the capital of Ukraine: Mary Magdalene's aria from the famous opera called "Jesus Christ the Superstar" and "Evening Sacrifice" (this is the name of the Orthodox prayer). The compositions, as one would expect, turned out to be excellent.

Performances in Israel

At the beginning of the winter of 2000, the anniversary of Christianity was celebrated, and the singer, along with the Osipov Orchestra and vocalists from the Bolshoi Theater, performed at the Theater of Nations, located in the capital of Israel. And then she sang in Bethlehem, in the square near the Cathedral of the Nativity. In addition to many fans, all Orthodox Patriarchs, including Alexy II, also heard it. Again, people began to look for information about the name of the singer Pelageya, and when they found out that this was her real name, they were glad that her parents called her so beautifully. The year 2000 was generally very fruitful for the singer. Having stopped recording songs for the album, she begins to prepare for the next performances. Only one thing was upsetting: the singer did not find a producer to realize her main creative goal - to determine a musical style that would help present authentic and well-known folk compositions to a wide range of listeners.

Team building

So, Pelagia recruited a group of young people who were not indifferent to music, like herself, whose age ranged from 16 to 20 years, and began to prepare a concert program.

Moreover, the singer did not puzzle over who she was designed for. The compositions turned out to be very light and sincere, the guys played acoustic guitars, percussion, button accordion and ethnic

Performances in clubs and concerts

Initially, the singer Pelageya planned to perform in various clubs, for example, in the Chinese Pilot Zhao Da. However, it was decided to perform some compositions from this program also at the combined Kremlin pop concerts. Of course, most of the singers there just opened their mouths to the soundtrack. And the team, which is now called "Pelageya", does not even want to hear anything about her - this is not their prerogative.

This acoustic program was included in the subsequent part of the album. It contains seven compositions and is notable for the concert sound, which is so loved by the singer's fans.

Performance at the Theater Olympics and the next summit, the release of an album with romances

In 2001, the Pelageya team performed excellently at the Theater Olympics, which was organized by V. Polunin. And at the end of the summer, the singer performed her compositions at another meeting of eleven presidents of the former republics of the Soviet Union. There she performed together with Alla Pugacheva. In the autumn of the same year, an album was released with romances performed by domestic singers. These compositions were to be used in the painting "Azazel". The media announced the two best singers: Pelageya and Grebenshchikov. At the end of autumn, he arrived in the capital by chance and heard Pelageya's composition and invited her to perform the soundtrack for her new picture.

Singer Pelageya: personal life

In 2010, the wedding of the performer and Dmitry, the guy with whom she performed together in KVN, took place. And after a couple of years, the couple decided to divorce. None of them commented on this in any way, however, there is an opinion that the reason was the singer's unwillingness to have a baby and her husband's betrayal.

Now, apparently, Pelageya has found a new guy. Recently, they began to notice her in the company of an unknown man. They constantly hold hands and shine with happiness.

Do you know that…

  • For many years the girl did not bear her name. The registry office workers were a little mistaken. They recorded a different name - Polina. Pelageya is not a secretive singer, and she told reporters this amazing incident. Only at the age of 16, upon receiving a passport, the girl regained her real name.
  • In 2008, the singer was awarded the Triumph Prize - she was awarded it for her contribution to culture.
  • Pelagia - four and a half octaves.
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