The tragedy of the life of Evgeny Martynov. Brother Evgeny Martynov: “In a difficult moment, Zhenya was abandoned by everyone ... E Martynov biography

Yevgeny MARTYNOV tragically passed away almost two decades ago, but his songs "Swan Fidelity", "Apple Trees in Bloom", "Alyonushka", "Tell me, tell me, cherry" still continue to sound and delight listeners. I decided to find out what Martynov was like in everyday life, and met with his friend jazz pianist Leonty ATALYAN.


- I met Zhenya Martynov when I came to work in the orchestra Alexey Mazhukov“Soviet song,” Leonty began the story. - Zhenya had a modest experience at that time. He graduated from the Musical Pedagogical Institute in Donetsk with a degree in clarinet. But he didn’t play so well, he didn’t know how to improvise. For some time he worked in the Donetsk theater. Received 80 rubles. Then, by chance, I stumbled upon the poems "Alexey, Aleshenka, son" by a then little-known poet Andrey Dementiev and wrote a song for them. He showed it to someone at the Rosconcert, and he was taken to the big concert program "Pop Song Tournament" with the participation Leshchenko, Tolkunova and other emerging artists. The participants of the program were accompanied by two big bands - an orchestra Vadim Ludvikovsky and orchestra Alexey Mazhukov.

- At that time, Nina Brodskaya also sang in the orchestra with Mazhukov, who recorded “To meet with love is a difficult problem” for the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”?

- Yes, an extraordinary woman ... Once in Odessa, Brodskaya almost brought Mazhukov to a heart attack. After the concert in the Philharmonic Hall, we were told: “Don't go anywhere! There will be a meeting." And we had a lot of women in the team. And these ladies at the meeting began to pour dirt on each other. The turn came to Brodskaya. She attacked the wife of the director of the orchestra and gave out something like this tirade: “But didn’t you, Tamara, say that Mazhukov’s wife lives with him only because he is a composer and he has a large fee? And that Mazhukov, when conducting, is constantly massaging his heart and straightening his balls? Everyone was shocked!

Wealth in swimming trunks

- Zhenya Martynov and I struck up a friendship from the very beginning, - Atalyan continued. “He was a simple, open guy. I got a little at first. And then how it went!

Martynov kept his first fees - 400-500 rubles ... in swimming trunks, wrapped in a plastic bag. For him, it was wealth. Sometimes on trips, Zhenya took out fifty dollars and stolniks, sculpted them on the glass of the bus and had fun, watching how people passing by reacted. He generally liked to joke.

- Did you like to drink?

- At the dawn of his career, Martynov almost did not drink. I remember how on May 22, 1973 we celebrated his 25th birthday in Kislovodsk. They sat down, nodded a little, congratulated him. But they didn't even finish the bottle. "Ugh, what a mess!" - Zhenya said after another glass. And he gave the remaining vodka to Mazhukov's younger brother, saxophonist Ilya, who loved to throw. The next day we moved from Kislovodsk to Sochi. And there on the beach met the girls. They had fun, amused themselves, but for Martynov it all ended in embarrassment. “Zhen, well, how did you spend the night?” we asked him the next day. “Yes, the leg came out crap,” he complained. - Everything always works well for me - in the hotel, and on the train, and on the plane. But as soon as you throw your leg, everything immediately falls down. After that, in the team they constantly teased him: “Zhen, how is your leg?”

Here, poetess Nadezhda Slobozhan, Leonty's friend, intervened in the conversation, with whom he came to our meeting:

- Well, what are you up to? Let me tell you straight out that Martynov God knows how long he went around in hymens! You fucked all the girls. In each city you had three touring wives. But Martynov has nothing to do with it. At the age of 30, he still got married. But his marriage was unhappy. The wife tried to bend him under her. And then he started drinking heavily.

“Actually, Zhenya was swearing even before his marriage,” Leonty clarified. “A lot of money came crashing down on him. And, apparently, he was not ready for this. I remember that in December 1975 we crossed paths on tour in Penza. I have already moved to another team. And Martynov continued to work for Mazhukov. Came to his room. He was already pretty drunk. “Zhen, what are you doing, started chirping?” I was surprised. And near him wiped half the team. Everyone looked into his mouth. And he obviously enjoyed it. “Leon, I don’t swear,” he answered me to general laughter. “It’s just that I threw it yesterday, and today I got a hangover.” Then I heard from friends that Zhenya began to drink more and more. But with what it was connected - I do not presume to judge. I did not know his wife. When he got married, we didn't talk to him anymore. In one of the TV shows about Martynov, Andrei Dementiev said that he did not really welcome this marriage. Like, Zhenya was already a famous composer, and the girl married him by calculation.

Was it his first marriage?

- At one time, Zhenya arranged a fictitious marriage in order to make himself a Moscow residence permit. We had a costume designer Alena Abrosimova. Good girl. She herself suggested to Zhenya: “Let's sign! What are you suffering from?" A lot of musicians did that back then. We worked from Rosconcert. Our base was in Moscow. And when we came to Moscow, each time we had to think about where to spend the night. Zhenya often joked about this. “Leon, what station are you sleeping at today? he asked loudly so that the director of the team could hear. “I'm on Kursk.” “You know, I prefer the Air Terminal on Leningradka,” I replied. "There's a good buffet."

Cop raid

- I heard that in the early 80s an order was issued - to remove all non-resident musicians from the Rosconcert. Have you been badly hurt?

- Even Larisa Dolina suffered then. She had to leave Moscow and work from the Ulyanovsk Philharmonic.

“Why don’t you tell how you and Dolina ran away from the cops?” - Slobozhan gave her voice. They performed at a restaurant at night. Suddenly, a cop raid came on in order to check documents. And Lyonka and Dolina were the only musicians who did not have a Moscow residence permit. They were slowly let out through the kitchen, and they fled through some construction site.

- It was during the period when I left Rosconcert for MOMA (Moscow Association of Musical Ensembles. - M.F.) and worked in restaurants as part of an orchestra led by Yura Pasternak, Atalyan confirmed. – Dolina began to cooperate with us in the late 70s. For our team, they even specially created the future legendary nightclub "Arlekino" in Odintsovo near Moscow. One of the regulars was Mikhail Zvezdinsky. Now he pretends to be almost the organizer of this institution. In fact, Misha did not work with us. Just came to hang out. Sometimes one of the guests asked him to sing. He brought us bowls and we accompanied him.

- Is the name of the club somehow connected with Pugacheva?

- It was she who gave the idea to give this institution the name of her famous song. But Alla Borisovna was by no means the first person there, as many believed. There were plenty of people like her. Savely Kramarov and Yura Antonov hung out with us ... Even Brezhnev's daughter Galya came. She liked to have everyone kicked out, and we played for her alone. For the first time, Galya heard our orchestra in Iveria. And she was shocked by our soloist Mehrdad Badi. He was a handsome man - tall, long-haired, always dressed in the latest fashion. Plus, he sang flawlessly in English. In short, "firm". Galina just thrilled when Badi saw. And he shied away, he was somehow embarrassed by her assertive attention. And in order not to fuck with her, he ran through the kitchen ...

"Arlekino" did not last long. The Georgian director became proud and planted an article in the local Odintsovo newspaper that he, so good, converted the pub into a cozy cafe and Pugacheva herself gave it a name. And the people thought that Alla was singing there, and they poured it in a wave. But during the day there was nothing there. Complaints poured in. And on the old New Year at five in the morning a whole team of cops broke into the Arlekino. "What's going on here?" they asked. “Today is a holiday - the old New Year,” the administrator explained. “There is no such holiday,” the cops objected. And they demanded that everyone present had a passport. We were photographed - full face and profile. But then they let him go and didn't touch him again.

- Did Pugacheva sing in Arlekino at least once?

- Once in the "Arlekino" some Georgian loaded the towers and asked to sing Pugacheva, who was in the hall. She undertook to play the organ herself. And she sang the blues: “Hi everyone! Relax, go for a walk!" Then she sang a fast song. But our audience didn't really care. And while she was singing, Zvezdinsky gave one of his acquaintances a Polaroid, went on stage and took such a pose as if he was singing, and Pugacheva was standing behind on backing vocals. At this moment - bam! - He was photographed. Misha trumpeted this picture for a long time - they say, Alla herself performed on his vocals.

The brothers Yura and Zhenya had one common passion - music.

Yevgeny Martynov - Soviet pop singer, composer, musician (May 22, 1948 - September 3, 1990)
The wife of the author of Swan Fidelity had an abortion immediately after his death and got married to another man.

24 years ago, on September 3, 1990, at the age of 42, a wonderful singer and composer Yevgeny MARTYNOV, the author of the songs Swan Fidelity, Apple Trees in Bloom, Alyonushka, and others, passed away.

According to the official version, his heart failed in the entrance of his own house, and help came too late. However, Yevgeny's younger brother, Honored Artist of Russia, composer Yuri MARTYNOV, believes that the circumstances of the singer's death are far from clear.

Yuri Grigoryevich, before his death, your brother was in a lawsuit with people who threw him a large sum ...
- These were the organizers of his tour of the Ryazan region, who did not pay the fee to his brother. Zhenya signed an agreement with their company, so he was sure that he would win the case. However, it turned out that the firm was registered with front men, and recidivists were covered by their documents. The next court session was to be held on September 4, 1990, but the case was closed due to the death of the plaintiff.

MARTYNOV named his only son Sergei in honor of Yesenin and RACHMANINOV.

Last year, Andrei Malakhov's TV program, dedicated to the memory of Martynov, allegedly came from a representative of that company. He began to make excuses, saying that an unscrupulous partner took advantage of his seal and signature. He stated that he felt guilty before Martynov and asked for forgiveness from his mother. Baby talk! They owed Zhenya 10 thousand rubles. This was in Soviet times, when the Volga cost 15 thousand, and a three-room apartment could be bought for nine! Get your money back with the refinancing rate! Otherwise, what kind of forgiveness can we talk about?!

The death of your brother was initially associated with the trial...
- Assumptions arose after erroneous information about a gangster attack on the composer Martynov, published in MK two weeks before his death. In fact, they attacked another Martynov - an actor from the Mayakovsky Theater. My brother was not even in Moscow at that time. Nevertheless, rumors circulated for a long time that Zhenya was beaten because of a trial with criminals. In principle, rights of claim are inherited.

And I was ready to continue the lawsuit on behalf of the heirs. But Zhenya's widow Ella (Evelina Starenchenko) fell into hysterics. “My child is growing, he is dearer to me than money,” she said. “I forbid you from doing this.”

But were the police investigating?
- If, in the opinion of the police, there are no signs of a crime, a report on the incident is written, and the issue is closed. They interviewed the grandmother, who found her brother in the entrance, and other residents. They established that Zhenya had come to the entrance with two men. Later, they said that Martynov gave them money for vodka and they drank with him. There are many questions, but no one bothered to ask them. What exactly did they drink? Is it all from the same bottle? According to the men, when they entered the entrance, my brother became ill and fell in the elevator. Why did they leave him and run away? Why did one man enter the elevator with Zhenya, while the other remained below?

Next - the most crime. The police arrived and began to bring Zhenya to his senses - slapping his cheeks and letting him smell ammonia. A doctor from a children's hospital across the street came and gave my brother an injection. After that he died. As they said at the Sklifosovsky Institute, a large amount of ammonia was found in Yevgeny's mouth. But ammonia is not drunk. To bring a person to their senses, a moistened cotton wool is enough. And Zhenya's clothes smelled of that alcohol. But this fact has not been investigated. The cause of death was declared to be heart failure.

Archives disappeared

Evgeny with Valentina TOLKUNOVA and Andrey DEMENTEV.

What do you think really happened?
- Apparently, Zhenya became ill due to poisoning. Either the vodka was “scorched”, or something was added to him in order to “knock out” and rob him. When the police arrived, my brother was breathing, there was no need to touch him. And they began to "help" him. It seems that ammonia was not just allowed to be smelled, but literally poured into it. But this drug, once on the mucous membrane, immediately causes swelling, and the person cannot inhale. Most likely, there was an infliction of death by negligence.

MARTYNOV's songs were performed by many Soviet stars:
for Lyudmila ZYKINA, he wrote such hits as "Tell me, mom" and "Do not stop loving me"

Have you tried to get an additional check?
- We need a decision of the prosecutor's office. But the case did not reach the prosecutor, because according to the police documents there were no signs of a crime. Naturally, it is to everyone's advantage to present this as an accident. And at that moment I was psychologically unable to do this. Then we started a confrontation with Zhenya's widow Ella. I had to share something, including copyrights.

There was another twofold situation - shortly after the death of Eugene, Ella asked me to help her have an abortion. I was tormented by doubts for a long time: from whom is the child? In the end, he brought her to the right people. And a month later she was already with another dude, with whom she now lives in Spain.

I took up the circumstances of Zhenya's death in earnest a few years later, when I began to write a book about him. But it was no longer possible to resume the case. In the early 90s, all districts of Moscow and the corresponding police departments were reorganized. And all the materials on the circumstances of Zhenya's death disappeared without a trace.

The grave of the artist at the Novo-Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow is always buried in flowers.

I know you are now suing someone?
- There was a lawsuit with Yanukovych's wife. In Ukraine, the International Festival of Evgeny Martynov was held nine times. At the first, Yanukovych himself was the chairman of the organizing committee, and I was the chairman of the jury. Artists and members of the jury invited the most stellar. But nobody got paid. After that, I refused to cooperate with them and demanded to stop the further holding of the festival. But the Ukrainians continued to hold the Yevgeny Martynov festival. Without listing a penny for his songs and without asking permission to perform them.

The issue was taken under control by the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, but nothing was achieved. And since last autumn, on behalf of Martynov's mother, I have been suing the creators of the TV program “Property of the Republic”. In one of the episodes, the song "Apple trees in bloom" sounded in a mutilated form. They called me and were indignant at how I allowed this. And they didn't even contact me! Under the Copyright Law, any performance of a work with new orchestrations requires permission from the authors or their heirs.

fake robbery

Maybe the creators of the show are not to blame? The performer could do the reworking of the song.
- "Apple trees in bloom" in the program was performed by Sergey Zakharov. Of course, he also participated in the creation of illegal processing. But it was broadcast by the First Channel, which should be responsible. Its representatives shift the responsibility to the producers of the program - the Red Square company. Representatives of Kvadrat say they paid the Russian Authors' Society and don't owe anyone else.
And on February 22 this year, I was attacked near the house. He was severely beaten and his briefcase was taken away. But it didn't look like a robbery. They took away not money or a mobile phone, but two floppy disks with documents on my court cases. A criminal case has been initiated. But as the investigator admitted to me: “You see, animals of such a suit are not for our mouths”

The song "Apple trees in bloom" also has the author of the text - Ilya Reznik. Is he also suing Dostoyanie Respubliki?
- At first he supported me. He said: "These bastards take all the best and slander." But Reznik did not come to court. Another co-author of Martynov, Andrey Dementiev, did not support me either. “You shouldn’t have started this,” he said. “And because of this, they were angry not only at you, but also at me.” This is despite the fact that it is generally impossible to agree on copyright with Dementiev. He asks for a huge fee.

“I'm not against the release of the disc,” he justifies himself. “But my wife Anya deals with such issues.” And Anna has a short conversation: “Either we are paid the amount we are interested in, or we don’t need it.” The same unaffordable money asks Reznik. Personally, when someone wants to release another CD or DVD with Martynov's songs, I give permission on symbolic terms. But these two are not enough. Because of this, in recent years, discs with brother's songs have not been released at all.

The family life of Ella and Eugene began with great love, and ended in scandals and mutual reproaches. According to the singer’s brother, Zhenya sometimes complained to him: “I know that all Elkin’s love for me rests only on material comfort.”


Taken from here:

Millions have heard his songs, but few people know who owns their authorship. Yevgeny Martynov has a soft velvety voice, which is commonly called a baritone tenor, but he is known more as a composer than a performer. His melodies sounded from the stage more than once and are still heard, but Evgeny Grigorievich Martynov himself has not been found among the living for 28 years, since on September 3, 1990 he died under very mysterious circumstances.

Biography and cause of death

Yevgeny Martynov came into this world on May 22, 1948. It happened in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region. Zhenya was born in the post-war period, both of his parents went through hard times, and not somewhere in the rear, but right on the front line.

Dad, Grigory Martynov, held the honorary title of commander of a rifle platoon, but the war made him disabled, so he had to forget about further service. He had a good ear for music and could play several instruments.

The mother of the future celebrity was a military nurse, so she also made an invaluable contribution to the overall victory over world fascism. In addition, Yevgeny Martynov has a younger brother, Yuri (1957), who, like him, is distinguished by several talents at once. He became famous as a successful composer, producer, and arranger, and even received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Several versions can be found about the causes of death in the biography of Yevgeny Martynov, since, according to his brother, there were many factors indicating a deliberate murder, and not an accident.

early years

The future composer Yevgeny Martynov, at the age of five, moved with his whole family to the city of Bakhmut (until 2016 Artemovsk), located in the Donetsk region. It was the small homeland of his father, so we can say that they returned to their native land. Grigory Martynov invested a lot of patience and work in his son, developing in him a talent for music given by God. While still a schoolboy, Eugene began to create his own works, because he was gifted not only with a beautiful voice, but also with a delicate ear.

In Artemovsk, the future composer received his primary musical education in the clarinet class. The young man dreamed of being an artist, therefore, having all the necessary talents, in 1967 he entered the Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Conservatory, located in the city of Kyiv. But for some reason, the young man transferred to the Musical and Pedagogical Institute of Donetsk, which now bears the high rank of the S.S. Prokofiev Conservatory. He graduated from it ahead of schedule, in 1971.

Carier start

Singer Yevgeny Martynov after graduation began to work in Moscow, and initially only as a composer. There, in 1972, he met the once popular Maya Kristelitskaya, who for the first time on the big stage performed the song "Birch", written by him to Yesenin's poem. And it was she who introduced Evgeny Martynov to the audience as a young and outstanding creator of music.

That year was also significant in that Yevgeny Martynov's song "My Love" was aired for the first time on the central TV channel, which was wonderfully performed by Gyulli Chokheli. And since 1973, he has already worked in the State Concert Association "Rosconcert" as a soloist-vocalist. And also the young man got a job in the editorial office of such well-known newspapers as Pravda and Young Guard as a consultant editor.

After the airing of Evgeny Martynov's song, he finally woke up famous! And this is not surprising, because his melodies radiate light, love and warmth, hidden in the soul of their creator. Then the composer began to receive orders from the most famous pop singers, such as Lyudmila Zykina (“Do not stop loving me”, “Tell me, mom”).

Realization of Martynov as a singer

The creations of Evgeny Grigorievich were performed by such stars of the 70-80s as Anna German, Sofia Rotaru, Eduard Khil, Iosif Kobzon, Mikhail Chuev and others. But still, Martynov's dream was to independently perform his own songs, especially since God endowed him with a beautiful velvety and sonorous voice.

His soft tenor could span up to several octaves and had a unique timbre, thanks to which Evgeny was called a soloist in the opera house. But the thorny path of a pop singer attracted him much more, especially since he had all the data for this. Martynov's appearance was quite artistic, and the charisma and inspired manner of performance did their job, causing a storm of positive emotions in the listener. Even such dramatic compositions as "Swan Fidelity", he ends very optimistically and sublimely. However, the biography of Yevgeny Martynov and the cause of the death of the artist are far from being as bright and understandable as his songs, because there are quite a few dark spots there.

Honorary titles of the composer

Throughout his life, Yevgeny Martynov has repeatedly received state awards and valuable prizes, here is a list of them:

  • Laureate of the USSR competition among performers of Soviet songs in the city of Minsk in 1973.
  • Laureate of the World Youth Festival in 1973, held in the city of Berlin.
  • He received membership in the Union of Composers of the USSR in 1984.
  • He won the International Competition "Bratislava Lira" in 1975, becoming the first winner from the country of the Soviets.
  • He took second place and won a silver medal in the International Competition "Golden Orpheus" in 1976 in Bulgaria.
  • He received the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1987 for the work done on the aesthetic education of the young population and children's works.

In addition to all of the above, Yevgeny Martynov was one of the most famous and revered authors and performers in the Soviet Union. But, alas, after the 80s, his popularity waned sharply due to the appearance of such pop stars as "Na-Na" and "Tender May".

Martynov turned out to be out of the “format”, as young people liked to dance more than to listen thoughtfully. Invitations to television and concerts ceased to arrive, and this could not but affect the psychological state of the singer and composer. By nature, Evgeny Grigorievich was a very sensitive person and took everything to heart. That is why the long-term lack of demand led to the fact that the artist drank corny. And on August 27, 1990, Evgeny Martynov performed for the last time in the qualifying round of the festival "Song of the Year" with a composition on the verses of Ilya Reznik "Maryina Grove".

Cause of death of Evgeny Martynov

The singer's biography tragically ended on September 3, 1990. According to the official version, the reason for this was acute heart failure, but some facts indicate that this is not entirely true. The singer was driving home in an elevator, but suddenly he felt unwell. It is said that he could still have been saved if timely medical assistance had been provided to him, but, alas, this did not happen. The funeral of Yevgeny Martynov took place on the fourth day from the date of death at the Moscow Novo-Kuntsevo cemetery at site No. 2.

The younger brother of the composer, Yuri Grigorievich, believes that the artist was “helped” to go to the other world, because he was just suing the people who deceived him. And this seems to be true, because it was a rather "tidy" sum.

The essence of the matter was such that Yevgeny Martynov was organized a tour of the Ryazan region, but for some reason they forgot to pay the fee. The contract with the company was officially concluded (on paper), only it was issued to completely strangers. Recidivist fraudsters thus secured themselves, because it was not easy to prove their involvement in this situation.

And so the composer “very fortunately” died right on the eve of the next meeting, scheduled for September 4th. The case was closed, and people whispered for a long time that the death was set up by those same criminals. According to one version, he was poisoned, and according to another, he was severely beaten, hitting his vital organs.

Opinion of Yuri Grigorievich Martynov

The composer's brother told about the events that the old woman who found Zhenya at the entrance, as well as other tenants, said that he entered there in the company of two men. The companions later said that Martynov bought them vodka and they “figured out for three”, but it is not known what brand they drank and whether it was from the same bottle. No one thought to ask the drinking companions about this.

According to those men, Yevgeny became ill as soon as they entered the entrance, and he had already lost consciousness in the elevator. But why did they leave him without first aid? And why one of them entered the elevator with the singer, and the other remained at the exit from the entrance, is still a mystery. After that, the policemen arrived and began to bring Yevgeny Martynov to his senses by means of slaps and ammonia. A doctor from a nearby children's hospital appeared and gave the musician some kind of injection, and then the composer died.

Facts pointing to premeditated murder

Pathologists from the Sklifosovsky Research Institute concluded that a considerable amount of ammonia was found in Yevgeny Martynov's mouth. But they don't drink it! To bring a person to life, a drop of ammonia on a piece of cotton is enough, and the singer's clothes really exuded a pungent smell of ammonia! However, the conclusion on the cause of death indicated heart failure.

The brother of the deceased concluded that Yevgeny Martynov died precisely from poisoning:

“The reason for Zhenya’s poor health was the fact that he was deliberately poisoned. Maybe the vodka came across “singed”, or something was added to his glass so that he passed out and could be cleaned. Before the arrival of the police, the brother was still breathing and it was necessary just to call an ambulance, and not to carry out inept resuscitation. Was it really possible to pour ammonia into a living person instead of just giving it a sniff?! Didn’t they know that ammonia causes severe swelling of the mucous membrane, blocking the airways ?!

A family

The following can be said about Yevgeny Martynov's personal life: he had a wife and a son. The wife was 11 years younger than the composer, because he married quite late. At the time of meeting she was only 17 years old. The artist was by nature a very shy person, and, despite the crowds of enthusiastic fans, he never took anyone to hotel rooms after performances. Apparently, modesty influenced the fact that Yevgeny Martynov created a family only at the age of 30, having waited for his only one.

Spouse details

Wife Evelina Konstantinovna Starchenko was born in Kyiv in 1959 and after marriage took her husband's surname. The wedding celebration took place in the Moscow restaurant "Prague" and was distinguished by splendor. People who were part of the circle of close acquaintances of the singer whispered that Evelina had jumped out of marriage out of selfish motives, but Eugene was very happy with her. God blessed their marriage with a son who was born on July 23, 1984. The name was given to him in honor of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, whose work Martynov infinitely loved. The son looks very much like his father, but he was only 6 years old when his father died.

Despite the fact that Evelina herself says that the death of her husband was the strongest blow of fate for her, Yuri Martynov does not particularly believe in this. And he explains it this way: “Shortly after the death of Zhenya, Ella asked me to connect my connections in order to give her an abortion. I wondered whose child it was. However, he brought her to the right people. A month later, she began dating another man, with whom she currently lives in Spain.

After her second marriage, Evelina moved to the Spanish resort town of Alicante with her son Sergei and now lives in a villa by the sea.

Top Albums

Since in the Soviet edition most of the vinyls with the singer’s recordings were simply called “Evgeny Martynov Sings,” for convenience, the recordings were released on CD under other names. The re-release was made after the death of the artist, and the first album was released in 1991. Here is Evgeny Martynov's compiled discography:

  1. "I'll give you the whole world" - 1991 ("Melody");
  2. "Swan fidelity" - 1991 ("Melody");
  3. "Maryina Grove" - ​​1991 ("Melody");
  4. "Song of my love" - ​​1994 ("ROM Ltd.");
  5. "Apple trees in bloom" ("Evgeny Martynov sings his songs") - 1995 ("Melody");
  6. "Swan fidelity - Songs of Evgeny Martynov" - 1997 ("Melody");
  7. "I'm flying to you - Pop stars sing songs by Evgeny Martynov" - 2000 ("Melody");
  8. "I'll give you the whole world" - 2001 ("Park of Stars");
  9. Grand Collection - 2003 ("Quad-Disk");
  10. "Great Performers of Russia of the XX Century" - 2004 (Moroz Records);

After listening to these recordings, you can get acquainted with the songs of the talented composer and listen to his unusually soft, wonderful voice.

In the 70-90s of the 20th century, a famous composer, singer, Evgeny Martynov, whose biography is connected with music and creativity, lived and worked. His life was full of sounds, bright songs and emotions.

early years

Singer Yevgeny Martynov, whose biography is presented here, was born in the USSR, in the Volgograd (Stalingrad) region, the town of Kamyshin on May 22, 1948. Martynov, a war invalid, worked as a singing teacher at the school, was the leader. Mother, Nina Trofimovna, worked as a nurse. When the boy was 5 years old, the family moved to the city of Artemovsk (Donbass).

The role of parents in the development of a singer

Zhenya showed his talent as a child. When Martynov Sr. started Russian and Ukrainian songs, picked up the button accordion, the son quickly memorized the words and beat the rhythm up to an octave, repeating after his father. He was his first teacher, taught him all the tricks of playing the button accordion and accordion. At the age of 11, Eugene began to play music in front of classmates on his own professional instrument. Parents presented such a gift in the hope that their son would continue to develop in the musical direction.

Regular classes with his father helped to improve his professional skills: Evgeny knew the accompaniment technique, could adjust to any key and play along with the singer, even without knowing the words of the song. All this allowed Evgeny to enter the Artyomovsk Musical College and graduate from the conductor-brass department, where he showed another talent - to compose music. Eugene wrote a romance, a prelude, a scherzo - and all for different musical instruments.

Mom Evgenia Nina Trofimovna and father Grigory Martynov received postcards, telegrams and letters from a grateful son until the end of their lives. From every city he visited, a telegram came with a return address.

Studying at the conservatory

The Kyiv Tchaikovsky Conservatory, where Martynov became a student in 1967, improved the young man's talent. After a while, he transferred to the Donetsk Musical and Pedagogical Institute, from which he graduated as an external student in 1971. For a year he led the orchestra of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Explosive Equipment, and in 1972 he went to Moscow with a famous and authoritative singer

Thanks to Maya's petition, the aspiring musician was sent to audition at the Rosconcert. The jury liked Evgeny's vocal data, and for several months he performed with a solo program for free, then his activities were already paid.

Achievements and merit

Martynov Evgeny Vladimirovich, whose biography is of interest to many music fans, has earned the love and recognition of the audience not only for his perseverance, but, above all, for his excellent abilities. Even at the conservatory, he was nicknamed "a gift of fate." He was cheerful and cheerful, optimistic and the soul of the company.

He began his career at the Rosconcert, under the guidance of Pavel Leonidov and David Usmanov began to write the first songs.

Having taken part in the All-Union Competition of Soviet Song Performers in Minsk, Yevgeny earns an audience award for performing his own song "The Ballad of the Mother", and also becomes the winner of the competition.

The biography of Yevgeny Martynov is very rich and fruitful. When he achieves recognition of his talent, he begins to perform in various television festivals. So, the song "The Ballad of the Mother" becomes a kind of single in 1974, thanks to which Evgeny is recognized.

Eugene managed to write music for poems, with which famous masters found it difficult to work. We learn this from the words of Oleg Ivanov. Shortly before Martynov's performance, he was given Andrei Dementiev's poems to read, but Oleg found them difficult to select music for. Therefore, one of the first to be surprised was how well Evgeny coped with this task. And then, having observed Zhenya's nature, he realized that any word is subject to such a bright and bright person. He will perform it without forgetting about a single emotion, brightly, beautifully, turning it into an unforgettable memory. For him, music was a hobby, life itself, so each song came out as a symphony, touched to the depths of the soul.

The biography of Yevgeny Martynov preserved such a case: the composer once heard a piece, then sat down at the piano, turned the clavier over and performed it with precision, brilliantly, as best he could. In two years, he gained unprecedented popularity among composers, which attracted famous performers who were drawn to Eugene either to get advice or to put music on poetry.

Thus, the composer and singer Evgeny Martynov, whose biography is full of bright colors, warmth and smiles from colleagues and spectators, lived a happy life worthy of discussion by future generations.

Important dates

Yevgeny Martynov won many victories. A biography full of creativity and music contains such important dates in his life:

1973 - Martynov laureate of the All-Union competition of Soviet song performers. The competition was held in Minsk.

1973 - The World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Berlin. Martynov became a laureate.

1975 - at the international pop song contest "Bratislava Lira" he won the Grand Prix, which was a significant event for the USSR, since for so many years Evgeny was the first Russian to win.

1976 - in Bulgaria, Eugene won a silver medal at the international competition of pop song performers "Golden Orpheus".

1978 - Evgeny Martynov, whose biography is of great interest to the public, marries and creates a family with a girl, Evelina. In marriage, a son, Sergei, is born. Sergei received his name in honor of two outstanding people - Rachmaninov and Yesenin. After the death of Eugene, the family moves to Spain.

1987 - Eugene received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for the aesthetic education of youth and the development of works for children.

Notable songs

The songs of Yevgeny Martynov were performed by many Soviet pop singers, for example, Sofia Rotaru, Galina Nenasheva, Lev Leshchenko, Tanya Otryagina, Iosif Kobzon and many others.

Among the songs, “Birch”, “Ballad of Mother”, “White Lilac”, “Birthday”, “Land of Flowers”, “Lullaby to Ash”, “On a Swing”, “Bride”, “Forgive”, “Apple Trees” received great fame. in bloom”, “Troika of happiness”.

Martynov Evgeny, whose biography is all permeated with creativity, received recognition abroad. His songs sounded in the USA, Canada, Europe.

Evgeny Grigorievich Martynov. Born May 22, 1948 in Kamyshin (Volgograd Region) - died September 3, 1990 in Moscow. Soviet pop singer (baritone tenor), composer, actor.

Father - Grigory Martynov, a veteran of the Second World War, was the commander of a rifle platoon, a war invalid, played musical instruments.

Mother also fought, was a nurse.

The younger brother is Yuri Martynov (born 1957), Soviet and Russian composer, arranger, producer, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.

When Evgeny was five years old, the family moved to the city of Artemovsk (since 2016 - Bakhmut) in the Donetsk region, where his father was from.

Eugene's first music teacher was his father, who taught his son to play the button accordion and accordion.

From an early age he had an excellent musical ear and voice. Even in his school years he began to compose music. Graduated from the Artyomovsk Music College, clarinet class.

In 1967 he entered the Kyiv Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, but soon transferred to the Donetsk Musical and Pedagogical Institute (now the S.S. Prokofiev Conservatory), which he graduated ahead of schedule in 1971.

In 1972, while working as a composer, he met in Moscow a popular singer at that time. It was she who first performed his song "Birch" in verse. Kristalinskaya also introduced the young composer to the public in the Variety Theater.

In the same 1972, his song “My Love” performed by Gyulli Chokheli sounded on central TV.

Since 1973, Yevgeny Martynov lived in Moscow and worked first at the State Concert Association "Rosconcert" (soloist-vocalist), and then at the publishing houses "Young Guard" and "Pravda" (music editor-consultant).

Fame fell upon Martynov as a composer. Martynov's melodies are beautiful, sometimes very whimsical, light and soulful, well orchestrated. Martynov's songs were performed by many Soviet stars. For example, for he wrote such hits as "Tell me, mom" and "Do not stop loving me." Martynov's songs were performed by such famous Soviet singers of the 1970-1980s as Georgy Minasyan, Maria Kodreanu, Mikhail Chuev and others.

But he wanted to sing himself. Moreover, he had an excellent voice - a very sonorous, velvety, soft tenor (baritone tenor), a fairly wide range (he was offered to become an opera singer) and with a rare beautiful timbre. It was the characteristic timbre that was the hallmark of Martynov's voice.

Thanks to his stage appearance, personal charm, as well as an inspired, optimistic manner of singing, Martynov carried a charge of positive emotions, conveying a feeling of joy and admiration to the listener. Even the tragic and dramatic songs in the plot - "Swan Fidelity", "The Ballad of the Mother", etc. - Martynov ends lightly and sublimely.

Evgeny Martynov - Apple trees in bloom

Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR since 1984.

had numerous prizes and awards: Laureate of the All-Union competition of Soviet song performers in Minsk (1973); Laureate of the X World Festival of Youth and Students (Berlin, 1973); Grand Prix of the international contest of pop songs "Bratislava Lira", Bratislava (1975) - for the first time the representative of the USSR won the competition; Silver medal at the international competition of pop song performers "Golden Orpheus" in Bulgaria (1976); Lenin Komsomol Prize (1987) - for the creation of works for children and youth and great work on the aesthetic education of young people.

Until the end of the 1980s, Yevgeny Martynov was one of the most popular and beloved authors and performers in the USSR. But then everything changed, new heroes came: the group "Tender May", "Na-Na", etc. Martynov became informal. He was no longer invited to concerts, there were problems with television broadcasts.

Being a very sensitive person, he took these problems very close to his heart. Long disorder led to stress and alcohol abuse.

On August 27, 1990, at the qualifying edition of the festival "Song of the Year - 90", he performed his last song "Maryina Grove" on verses.

Death of Evgeny Martynov

Yevgeny Martynov died on September 3, 1990. The official version of death is acute heart failure. The singer felt unwell in the elevator. Martynov could have been saved if qualified medical assistance had been provided to him in time.

However, the younger brother Yuri Martynov is sure that the death could have been violent. So, before his death, the singer was in a lawsuit with people who deceived him for a large sum. These were the organizers of his tour of the Ryazan region, who did not pay Martynov a fee. With their firm, he signed an agreement and was sure that he would win the case. However, it turned out that the company was registered with shell people, and their documents were used as a cover for repeat offenders-swindlers. The next court session was to be held on September 4, 1990, but the case was closed due to the death of the plaintiff.

After the death of Yevgeny Martynov, rumors circulated for a long time that he was beaten by criminals because of the trial. There is also a version that he was poisoned.

Brother Yuri Martynov said: “They interrogated the grandmother who found her brother in the entrance, other residents. They established that Zhenya came to the entrance with two men. Later they said that Martynov gave them money for vodka and they drank with him. There are many questions, but "No one bothered to ask them. What exactly did they drink? Is it all from the same bottle? According to the men, when they entered the entrance, my brother became ill and fell in the elevator. And why did they leave him and run away? Why did Zhenya and Zhenya go into the elevator alone the man, and the other remained below? Further - the most crime. The police arrived and began to bring Zhenya to his senses - slapping his cheeks and letting him smell ammonia. A certain doctor came from the children's hospital located opposite and gave his brother an injection. After that, he died. As they said at the Sklifosovsky Institute, a large amount of ammonia was found in Yevgeny’s mouth. But they don’t drink ammonia. To bring a person to his senses, a moistened cotton wool is enough. And Zhenya’s clothes smelled of that alcohol. But this fact has not been studied dovali. The cause of death was declared to be heart failure.

The brother of the deceased himself believes that Yevgeny Martynov died from poisoning: “My wife became ill due to poisoning. Either the vodka was “scorched”, or something was added to him to “knock out” and rob. When the police arrived, the brother was breathing , it was not necessary to touch him. And they began to "help" him. It seems that ammonia was not just allowed to be smelled, but literally poured into it. But this drug, once on the mucous membrane, immediately causes swelling, and a person cannot inhale. "

In memory of Yevgeny Martynov in the city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut), a house of culture (formerly the Lenin Palace of Culture) was named after him. In 1992, one of the streets of Artyomovsk was named after Yevgeny Martynov.

On the initiative of cultural figures and friends of the artist in Moscow in 1993, the Moscow cultural society Evgeny Martynov Club was established, which is engaged in cultural and charitable activities, promoting the creative heritage of the remarkable composer and singer.

In 1993 he became an honorary citizen of the city of Kamyshin.

In 2000, the I Donetsk open festival-competition of lyrical songs named after I. E.G. Martynov "Father's House", where the song "I'm flying to you" was first presented.

In 2015, Chestnut Alley was opened in Kamyshin, named after Yevgeny Martynov, and a monument was erected in his honor.

Currently, some of Martynov's songs are sung,.

Evgeny Martynov (documentary)

Personal life of Evgeny Martynov:

Was married. Had a son.

Martynov married late - at the age of 30. As his colleagues said, he had many admirers, but was very shy in relationships with women. When other singers after the concerts parted with the girls in hotel rooms, Martynov always returned to his place alone.

Wife - Evelina (Ella) Konstantinovna Starenchenko (married - Martynova), born in 1959, originally from Kyiv. At the time of their acquaintance, Evelina was 17 years old (he called her "deer"). The wedding was held on a grand scale in the Prague restaurant in Moscow. Surrounded by the singer, it was rumored that Evelina got married by calculation, but Martynov himself was happy with his young wife.

On July 23, 1984, the couple had a son, Sergei. It was named after composer Sergei Rachmaninov and poet Sergei Yesenin. Sergei Martynov is very similar to his father. Sergei was only six years old when Martynov died.

Evgeny Martynov and son

According to Evelina, the death of the singer was a strong blow for her and for several years she could not believe what had happened.

However, the brother of the deceased, Yuri Martynov, stated otherwise in an interview: “There was another two-fold situation - shortly after Yevgeny’s death, Ella asked me to help her have an abortion. I was tormented by doubts for a long time: from whom is the child? . And a month later she was already with another dude, with whom she now lives in Spain. "

Evelina married a second time, moved to live in Spain, lives with her husband and son Sergei in the seaside city of Alicante.

Evelina - widow of Evgeny Martynov

Filmography of Evgeny Martynov:

1978 - A fairy tale like a fairy tale - Groom-singer-romantic
1980 - Rhythms of the regatta

The works of Yevgeny Martynov in cinema as a composer:

1975 - The song is always with us
1978 - Fairy tale like a fairy tale

Discography of Evgeny Martynov:

1975 - Yevgeny Martynov sings
1976 - Evgeny Martynov sings his songs
1977 - Evgeny Martynov sings his songs
1980 - Evgeny Martynov sings his songs
1982 - Songs by E. Martynov to verses by Mikhail Plyatskovsky
1982 - Spell / Do not hope
1983 - The song in which you
1986 - Evgeny Martynov sings his songs
1989 - And love is right. Songs by Evgeny and Yuri Martynov

Songs of Evgeny Martynov:

And love is right! - Mikhail Tanich;
And I simply cannot do without the Volga - Andrey Dementiev;
Scarlet flower - Leonid Derbenev;
Alyonushka - A. Dementiev;
Oh, how I want to fall in love! - A. Dementiev and Alexey Pyanov;
Ballad about mother - A. Dementiev;
White lilac - Anatoly Cross;
Birch - Sergei Yesenin;
Gratitude to mothers - Leonid Derbenev;
Cornflower eyes - Yuri Martynov - Yuri Garin;
In the world of eccentrics - Olga Chernyshova;
A wreath of love - in the musical edition of Yuri Martynov;
I believe in you - Andrey Voznesensky;
Cheerful umbrella - Igor Kokhanovsky;
Time to think about girls - Vladimir Kharitonov;
Everyone falls in love, falls in love - Vladimir Kharitonov;
Meeting of friends - Robert Rozhdestvensky;
Invented you! - Mikhail Tanich;
Birthday - Andrey Dementiev;
Kind Tales of Childhood - Robert Rozhdestvensky;
If there is love - Mikhail Plyatskovsky;
If you are young at heart - A. Dementiev and David Usmanov;
There is Moscow on earth - Robert Rozhdestvensky;
Spell - Nazrul Islam (translated from Bengali by Mikhail Kurgantsev);
Sound love! - Robert Rozhdestvensky;
Land of Flowers (Rainbow) - Igor Shaferan;
June - A. Dementiev and A. Pyanov;
Lullaby for Ashes - Justinas Marcinkevičius (translated from Lithuanian by Leonid Mil);
Kukushkin's tear - Anatoly Cross;
Swallows returned home - A. Dementiev;
Swan fidelity - A. Dementiev;
In summer and winter - A. Dementiev;
Mom's eyes - Mikhail Plyatskovsky;
March-remembrance - Robert Rozhdestvensky;
Maryina Grove - Ilya Reznik;
Honey August - Rimma Kazakova;
On a swing - Onegin Gadzhikasimov;
Natalie - A. Dementiev;
Start over - Andrey Voznesensky;
Our day - A. Dementiev;
Do not get your hopes up! - Mikhail Plyatskovsky;
Do not stop loving me - Mikhail Plyatskovsky;
Bride - Igor Shaferan;
Father's house - A. Dementiev;
The song in which you are Robert Rozhdestvensky;
Song about my love - Sergey Ostrovoy;
Father's letter - A. Dementiev and David Usmanov;
Lucky! - Mikhail Tanich;
Holiday of Youth - A. Dementiev and A. Pyanov;
Sorry - A. Dementiev, Spanish. E. Martynov;
Tell me, mother - A. Dementiev and David Usmanov;
Wedding Waltz - Robert Rozhdestvensky;
Date by candlelight - Anatoly Cross;
Soldiers dream of their own home - Mikhail Plyatskovsky;
Nightingales sing, flood - David Usmanov;
My country, rely on me (Earth is calling) - A. Dementiev and David Usmanov;
Keep it up - A. Dementiev and A. Pyanov;
Your fault - A. Dementiev and David Usmanov;
Grass-quinoa - Nikolai Dobronravov;
Peace Pipe - A. Dementiev and David Usmanov;
You bring me the dawn - A. Dementiev and David Usmanov;
You tell me cherry - Vladimir Kharitonov;
Yesenin has a birthday - A. Dementiev;
The song has a name and patronymic - Mark Lisyansky;
A princess from our court - A. Pyanov;
Colors of love (in Ukrainian) - Vladimir Kudryavtsev (Russian text by V. Boldyreva);
Seagulls over the water - A. Dementiev;
Miracle of love - Igor Kokhanovsky;
This May - Tatyana Korshilova;
Echo of first love - Robert Rozhdestvensky;
I'll be back - song version by Yuri Martynov, Robert Rozhdestvensky;
I'm waiting for spring - Anna German, A. Dementiev;
I will give you the whole world - Ilya Reznik;
Apple trees in bloom - Ilya Reznik;
I'm flying to you - subtext and song edition by Yuri Martynov;
The Komsomol will not let you down anywhere - A. Dementiev and A. Pyanov;
Troika of happiness - Evgeny Martynov and Yuri Martynov - Evgeny Suponev;
The former echo - Alexey Mazhukov - Vladimir Kharitonov.

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