fame producer. Anastasia slanevskaya


Nastya was born in Moscow on May 15, 1980. She grew up in a creative family, all the women of this generation, starting with her grandmother, were engaged in musical activities. Nastya's grandmother sang in the Pyatnitsky choir, and her mother performed in the famous and popular group "The Beatles", only her father worked as a driver. From an early age, the girl studied music, and at the same time was fond of volleyball.

Singer Slava in childhood

At the age of 19, a girl with a delightful figure decides to try herself in the modeling business, although Nastya only lasted half a year, after which she left. As Nastya herself explains, she repeatedly had conflicts with other participants, these constant castings, diets and, moreover, a meager salary, all this contributed to a speedy departure. Luck sometimes comes to us from the other side, this is exactly what happened with Nastya. In 2002, she and her sister sang in karaoke, the famous director Sergei Kalvarsky noticed the girl and offered the girl cooperation.


The first creative work of Slava was the video for the song "I Love and I Hate", she liked the radio listener so much that she blew up all the charts. Immediately Nastya fell in popularity, she performed at various concerts throughout Russia, her photographs were on the covers of fashion magazines. In the fall of 2004, her first album "Companion Traveler" was released, it also became popular among pop music fans. A year later, Slava represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest with the English song "I wanna be the one". In the spring of 2006, the singer released her second solo album, entitled "Cool", unlike the first, it included compositions of different genres. In 2007, the album "The Best" was released, the singer says about her album like this: it seemed to divide my work into two stages "Before" and "After". While in London, without making her fans wait long, the singer recorded the album "Eclipse" in English.

Frame from the clip "Fellow Traveler"

A couple of years later, the singer releases the single "Loneliness", which once again becomes an absolute hit. In 2015, an album called "Frankly" was released, it included the famous composition "First Love - Last Love" performed together with Irina Allegrova. Glory has been repeatedly awarded prizes, such as the Muz-TV award and the Golden Gramophone.

Slava and Irina Allegrova clip "First Love - Last Love"


Slava's first relationship began with a businessman, they lived in a civil marriage, from this marriage, in 1999, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Alexander. Soon the couple broke up, as the singer wanted to grow, to get involved in something new, but she did not see any growth in her partner. Now Nastya is safely happy in a civil marriage with Anatoly Danilitsky, from whom in December 2011 she gave birth to a daughter, Antonina. The lovers met in a restaurant where Nastya performed with a musical program. Anatoly was already married, and from his first marriage he had three children, he soon divorced his wife, and the loving couple got together and began to live together.

Anastasia Slanevskaya and Anatoly Danilitsky


Now Anastasia Slanevskaya is excellently showing herself as a film actress, working on her own work and constantly delighting her fans with new compositions. Slava recently admitted, “If I hadn’t become a singer, I would have been a gardener!”, since in her childhood she was very happy to farm.

Anastasia Slanevskaya now

This young woman is very beautiful, successful, extraordinary, talented and popular. Slava sings songs, participates in the filming of films and videos, dubs characters and participates in various show programs. It's amazing that she can do it all. In addition, she is a good wife and caring mother.

Slava's real name is Anastasia Slanevskaya. She is in good shape, has a model appearance and loves to play sports. This singer is able to bestow her fans with her positive and bright mood.

Our today's heroine is hardworking, patient, independent. At the same time, she has great willpower, nobility, artistry and attractiveness. Each of her appearances on stage is a whole event for many admirers of Glory. They are interested in everything related to the popular artist. Most often, fans of modern pop music are interested in the question: what is her height, weight, age? Everyone can reliably find out how old Slava is, because the data on the birth of the artist are in the public domain. At the moment, her age is thirty-seven years. Slava has a height of 177 cm and a weight of 56 kg.

Slava, whose photo in her youth and now is slightly different, declares that she has only increased her beauty and attractiveness in recent years. She does this for her beloved husband and a large number of connoisseurs of her singing talent not only in the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring countries.

Biography and personal life of Glory (singer)

The birth of a little girl took place in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. Her parents wanted to call her Masha, but looking at her daughter, her mother (name not reported) realized that she would give her the name Nastenka in honor of one of the heroines of Russian folk tales. It is known that the grandmother sang in the Pyatnitsky choir, subsequently trying to develop the artistic talent of her two granddaughters. Nastya also has a sister who is currently engaged in creativity. And parents had traditional professions. Father - Vladimir Slanevsky early retired from the family. The famous artist now almost does not communicate with him.

From childhood, our heroine was fond of singing and volleyball. Nastenka spent many hours perfecting her singing talent with the help of karaoke. But the girl did not tolerate school, sometimes skipping school with her classmates, and she was the ringleader. Everything was forgiven to the talented student, as she constantly performed in concerts, striking everyone around. As a child, she was even diagnosed with dyslexia, since the future artist did not develop the skill of reading, writing letters, counting examples, solving problems and competently expressing thought processes.

As soon as she graduated from school, the girl decided to become a model. Soon she was even able to appear in one of the videos filmed for the song of the popular artist Vladimir Presnyakov. But this was not enough for her. She decided to become an artist. Soon the girl was noticed by the famous director Sergei Kalvarsky, with whom she began to work. It was he who suggested changing her name to a singing pseudonym, under which our heroine became famous after some time.

The creative biography and personal life of Glory developed simultaneously. The artist shot a large number of clips for songs performed by her, many of the most beautiful compositions were sung. She took part in various show projects, among which the work in "Dancing with the Stars", "Battle of the Choirs", "Three Chords", "Wife for Rent" is in a special place.

Since 2005, Slava has repeatedly become a participant and winner of various music awards, including the Golden Gramophone, Chanson of the Year and Song of the Year. Among other things, the star managed to play in several films. She especially succeeded in the roles, according to film lovers and critics, in Paragraph 78 and Diamond Hand-2.

At this time, Slava's personal life is also developing, which, after many ups and downs, is now very happy. Interestingly, the artist is on friendly terms with all former partners.

Family and children of Slava (singer)

Now the family and children of Slava are the most important value in this world for the famous performer. The formation of the artist was influenced by her grandmother and mother, who perfectly performed various compositions in Russian and foreign languages.

Slava has a beloved husband and two wonderful children. For the first time she became a mother in her youth, so her eldest daughter became a real sister to the artist. They share secrets with each other, help in all endeavors. Slava adores her daughter, as well as her little pet, who was born in 2011. Due to employment, the grandmother was engaged in the upbringing of the eldest daughter.

After the birth of her second child, Anastasia realized that life and career meant nothing to her. This is a momentary affair that gives pleasure. And she truly considers the role of the mother, which she plays with pleasure, to be the main thing.

Daughter of Glory (singer) - Alexandra Morozova

Our star gave birth to her eldest daughter, Alexandra, at the age of 17. Despite her young age, Slava decided to give birth to a child, although her entourage insisted on terminating the pregnancy. The future father, Alexander Moroz, also reacted without enthusiasm to the news of the pregnancy of his former lover. Future parents decided to live together. But soon after the birth of a daughter into the world, constant scandals began to arise in the family, and six months later, the young spouses decided to leave. Although Alexander left the family, he continued to provide for his daughter.

From childhood, the girl showed excellent abilities in the theatrical field. She attended a theater studio and studied well at one of Moscow's elite schools.

Slava's daughter, Alexandra Morozov, is currently a student at a theater university. Her personal life is connected with the fate of a young man named Dima. The girl is a homebody, loves to read, is fond of knitting.

Recently, on her Instagram page, the artist posted a joint photo with her daughter, which was appreciated by subscribers.

Daughter of Glory (singer) - Antonina Danilitskaya

Slava gave birth to her second daughter in mid-2011. The girl's father was Anatoly Danilitsky, with whom the woman lives in a civil marriage. The baby, named Tonechka, is a very smiling and bright child. Both her mother and grandmother are involved in her upbringing.

Now Slava's daughter, Antonina Danilitskaya, is a pupil of a private kindergarten. According to her mother, the girl shows talent in drawing, dancing and vocal singing. Our heroine and her beloved husband contribute to the development and development of the baby.

Tonya loves her older sister and enthusiastically visits her with her mother, since Alexandra lives separately from her family.

Former husband of Glory (singer) - Konstantin Morozov

For the first time, a 15-year-old girl fell in love with a guy who was much older than her. He is already 25 years old. Konstantin's apartment was in the same house where the school girlfriend of the future artistic star lived. For some time, young people met, and Slava's ex-husband, Konstantin Morozov, had no idea how old his chosen one really was, since she looked older than her biological age.

Having learned the real age of the girl, the young man tried to break off all relations with his beloved. But it was not there. Nastya was persistent. They began dating again, and soon the girl became pregnant. There was a terrible scandal. Nastya's parents insisted on marriage. But after the birth of the child, the relationship came to naught, and the couple divorced.

Civil husband of Glory (singer) - Anatoly Danilitsky

Our heroine met Anatoly Danilitsky at one of her concert performances. Love broke out between them almost immediately, despite the difference of 28 years. For some time, lovers met secretly, hiding it from everyone. But after a while, the man realized that he could not live like this anymore. He left the family, leaving two children, but continued to communicate with them and began to pay them alimony.

Slava's common-law husband, Anatoly Danilitsky, is one of the richest people in our country, he is powerful and famous. There has been a rumor about marriage between lovers for several years now. But so far they have not officially married, although they are raising a joint daughter, Antonina.

Photo of the singer Slava in Maxim magazine

Many magazines for men now and then print pictures of the famous artist, in which she appears naked. A young woman is not at all shy about appearing naked in front of the camera. She is relaxed and without any hesitation shows her luxurious forms, which is immediately noted by many representatives of the strong half of humanity. Slava says that from the age of 15 she starred in a swimsuit, arousing the interest of men.

A few months ago, you could see a photo of the singer Slava in Maxim magazine. In addition to a candid photo shoot, you could admire joint pictures with your daughter Alexandra. Many admirers of the creative activity of a popular artist note the beauty of a young girl and her resemblance to her mother.

Instagram and Wikipedia Glory (singer)

For a long time there are Instagram and Wikipedia of Fame. Wikipedia has data on a creative family and children, personal and family life, husbands and career growth.

Numerous fans of the artistic activity of our heroine have subscribed to the Instagram page. Their number is close to a million. The star posts personal photo and video materials in which a woman poses with her daughters, her beloved husband and her colleagues on stage.

The young woman maintains her pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, providing the most reliable and accessible information. Here you can find out where our heroine will soon perform.

Slanevskaya Anastasia Vladimirovna, or simply Slava, is not only an incredibly beautiful woman, wife and mother, but also a talented singer. She not only sings great, but also acts in clips and films, dubs and invariably takes part in various talent shows.

Anastasia could become a model or a professional athlete, however, she began to study music and constantly win prizes in all music competitions.

Slanevskaya is a successful, extraordinary, bright and insanely talented woman who gives her fans a positive and bright mood.

Height, weight, age. How old is Slava (singer)

Currently, Nastya Slanevskaya occupies the top places in music ratings, while fans want to know her physical parameters, including height, weight, age. How old is Slava (the singer) is also not difficult to find out, since there is data on the Internet about the date of birth of the beauty.

Glory was born back in 1980, so she was already thirty-seven years old. At the same time, such a zodiac sign as Taurus gives the famous actress and singer such character traits as hard work, patience, independence, nobility, artistry, willpower, attractiveness.

According to the eastern horoscope, Anastasia belongs to the contact, sociable, bright, open, perky, eccentric Monkeys.

Her height was perfectly suitable for walking on the catwalk and was one meter and seventy-seven centimeters, and her weight reached the level of fifty-eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Glory (singer)

The biography and personal life of Slava (singer) is closely connected with creativity and is always interesting for fans. Little Nastenka was born in the capital of our Motherland, so this opened up endless opportunities for her to develop and improve.

Nastya went in for music and sports, she skillfully played volleyball. The girl adored such a trend of progress as karaoke and sang for hours. She studied rather poorly at school, constantly inciting her classmates to skip classes, but she constantly participated in amateur performances. Nastya was a mobile, active, but very adventurous girl. Problems with academic performance were attributed to a disorder called dyslexia and is due to the fact that the child cannot write and read, count and express his thoughts correctly.

At the same time, Anastasia knew that she was growing up as a beauty, so at nineteen she went to conquer the modeling business. The girl had success, and she was able to get into the video of Vladimir Presnyakov, she was predicted to have a great future. However, Nastya quickly realized that she could not constantly diet and spend money on trips to failed auditions.

The girl sang with her sister in a karaoke bar, the talented youth was noticed by the famous director Sergei Kalvarsky and offered to cooperate. This meeting became significant for Nastya, who quickly became popular. At the same time, her first video immediately became famous and popular, and a girl with an unusual name Slava won the hearts of an entire army of fans.

For two years, the girl has already shot several dozen videos, released her debut album, performed at hundreds of concert programs and festivals. She could not get to Eurovision 2005, lost to Natalia Podolskaya.

At the same time, Anastasia was not at all upset, but began to work with tripled efforts. The girl released four more albums, about twenty clips. She became a real star of the television shows "Battle of the Choirs", "Wife for Rent", "Three Chords", "Dancing with the Stars".

Glory constantly became the winner of the Golden Gramophone, MUZ-TV, Chanson of the Year, Song of the Year awards as part of the NeAngely group. Then this was not enough for her, and Anastasia found herself in the world of cinema, making her debut in the movie "Club" in the role of herself. After this picture, the filmography was filled with such works as "Paragraph 78", "Diamond Hand-2", she voiced the Penguin in the cartoon "Happy Feet-2".

The personal life of Anastasia Slanevskaya was stormy and vibrant, because the representatives of the male part of humanity simply adored the stylish and beautiful woman. Parents did not have enough time to talk heart to heart with the girl, so she began to lead a sexual life early, trying to find love and understanding there.

Back in her school years, she played with the boys as best she could, generously giving them her love, so she was known as a relaxed and authoritative girl in these matters. She encourages girls not to imitate such experienced friends as she herself was. Anastasia said that she realized late that she should not exchange for trifles, but look for her true love.

The first love came to her at school, and Kostya was much older than her.

Family and children of Slava (singer)

The family and children of Slava (singer) are very creative, bright, unexpected, because they suddenly appeared in life and brought a lot of joy. The girl was born in a family where everyone was creative.

At the same time, her father, Vladimir Slanevsky, worked as a simple driver, although his relatives were famous artists. Mom worked as an economist, while she loved to sing and often performed with her twin sister in various show programs with the songs of the Liverpool Four.

At the same time, almost all of Slanevskaya's relatives were somehow connected with creativity, for example, her grandmother sang in the Pyatnitsky choir. Nastya has a sister who also sings wonderfully.

Slava gave birth to her eldest daughter when she herself was still young and foolish, therefore she considers her her sister, girlfriend, assistant, companion. She simply adores her daughter, although she reproaches herself for having deprived her father and her attention, since the girl was raised by her grandmother.

The second child of Anastasia made her understand that motherhood is designed to give all of herself to her baby, often sacrificing her personal life and career.

Daughter of Glory (singer) - Alexandra Morozova

Slava's daughter (singer) - Alexandra Morozova - was born in 1999, when her famous mother was barely seventeen years old. The baby's father was a casual acquaintance and Nastya's first love - Konstantin Morozov.

The girl might not have been born, because Slava was going to have an abortion, because she was too young for motherhood. After the first ultrasound, the girl realized that the baby was already living, so she decided to give birth.

Little Sashenka could not hold the family together, her parents separated when the baby was only six months old. Her father took full responsibility for its provision, so Alexandra graduated with a gold medal from the prestigious Moscow Lomonosov School.

The girl lives separately from her parents with a young man Dima and studies at a theatrical higher educational institution. She hates social events and goes in for sports, and she also gets along well with her younger sister.

Daughter of Glory (singer) - Antonina Slanevskaya

Slava's daughter (singer) - Antonina Slanevskaya - was born in 2011, her father was Nastya's common-law husband Anatoly Danilitsky. Little Tonechka is a very smiling and bright child, she is a welcome baby, who is raised by her mother and grandmother herself.

The girl attends a private kindergarten, she draws beautifully, dances, and does vocals. It is worth noting that parents spare no time and money to ensure that the baby develops and grows healthy.

Antonina loves her older sister, who affectionately calls her Toshka and trusts her with all her secrets.

Former husband of Glory (singer) - Konstantin Morozov

The ex-husband of Slava (singer) - Konstantin Morozov - was the girl's first love. The twenty-five-year-old guy lived not far from the apartment of Nastya's best school friend.

The guy was not opposed to meeting a young beauty and even making love to her, but he was simply horrified to find out that she was barely fifteen. The most interesting thing is that the seventeen-year-old Nastya managed to return the guy who ran away from her, and to her misfortune, she realized that she was expecting a baby.

Parents insisted that the young people get married, but constant quarrels and problems completely destroyed the family.

Civil husband of Glory (singer) - Anatoly Danilitsky

Slava's civil husband (singer) - Anatoly Danilitsky - was about twenty-eight years older than his wife. The couple met when both sides were not free, while Anatoly had two children growing up, and Slava had a daughter.

Anatoly at that time headed the National Reserve Corporation, so he was quite rich, powerful and famous. He managed to get a divorce, while paying child support.

Photo of the singer Slava in Maxim magazine

Photos of the singer Slava in the Maxim magazine, as well as in numerous men's magazines, appear with enviable constancy. At the same time, Slava claims that she has never been shy about showing her magnificent body. The fact is that she worked as a fashion model and starred in rather extravagant clips designed to arouse interest among the male part of her fans.

At the same time, naked Slava feels like a fish in water. However, it is worth remembering that most of the nude photographs of the singer are nothing more than high-quality photoshop.

Recently, photographs of Nastya and her daughter Sasha in a bikini-type swimsuit appeared on the Internet, which they took in one of the hot countries. At the same time, very beautiful and modest photographs were called spicy and shameful. Slava, on the contrary, indicates that every fifth Russian family brings such photographs from vacation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Glory (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia of Glory (singer) have been with the star singer for quite a long time. At the same time, on the page dedicated to Anastasia Slanevskaya on Wikipedia, it is possible to find data related to her creative family and children, personal and family life, husbands and career growth. It should be noted that all information is reliable and available in open sources.

More than 700,000 fans have subscribed to the singer's profile on Instagram, who will be the first to know where and when the Slava-related event will take place. It is there that there are photographs and video materials that are taken from the personal archive of the singer.

Children of star parents are always under the close attention of fans. Their lives are no less interested than the lives of the celebrities themselves. Some famous people even carefully hide their children so that they grow up quietly. The girl we want to talk about is still very small, but she is already becoming famous. The baby's parents have nothing against her fame and are not going to interfere with her daughter's development in this direction. This is Antonina Danilitskaya. Her biography is not very rich yet, but she is already taking the first steps after her mother.

Singer Slava - Tony's star mother

Anastasia Slanevskaya(Slava) - Russian singer and actress, mother of our little heroine. They first heard about her in 2004, after the release of the album "Fellow Traveler". The fate of the girl was very interesting, she was brought to the stage by chance. When she was very young, she often went to a karaoke club to sing for her own pleasure. Once director Sergei Kalvarsky saw her there. He liked Nastya's performance so much that he immediately offered her to work together.

This happened in 2002. And already in 2004, their jointly filmed video “I love or hate” became a hit on all music channels in Russia. Since then it has begun stellar career:

  • 2005 year- national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. The singer did not go further, but was invited to the main role in the science fiction film "Paragraph 78";
  • 2006- the release of the second album, the songs from which again occupy the first places of the charts;
  • 2007- the third album "The Best" is released.

Then there were 4 and 5 more albums, participation in television projects, nominations for the Best Singer and Lady Outrageous awards. And many films with her participation. Career rapidly went up without stopping. Today Anastasia Slanevskaya is one of the most popular performers in Russia.

Singer's personal life

Nastya (Slava) tells little about her personal life. She is known to have 2 daughters. Older - Alexandra, an adult girl was born in 1999. She has already graduated from high school and is going to enter the university. With her father, Konstantin Morozov, the singer did not live long, the couple quickly broke up after the birth of a child.

Second - Antonina, came into existence in 2011. Her father is a famous businessman Anatoly Danilitsky. He is 30 years older than Slanevskaya, but this did not stop them from building a relationship.

When the actress met Danilitsky, he was 56 and had a family. For more than 10 years, the lovers met. But then Tonya was born, and Anatoly finally decided to divorce his legal wife. After that, he immediately married Slava. Today it is a strong, friendly family in which our little heroine grows up.

Antonina Danilitskaya - Slava's daughter

Tonya, the youngest daughter, has already charmed many fans of the actress. Slava uploads joint photos on the Internet and under everyone you can read warm, friendly comments.

Indeed, the baby is very sociable and she is already working with her mother. The fact is that the singer is actively involved in charity. For many years she has been actively helping people who live and fight HIV. Under her leadership, concerts, promotions and other events are regularly held at which the star always performs. The collected money is used to purchase expensive medicines for people in need and equipment for hospitals. Tonya is photographed with her mother, they post joint pictures attracting people to charity.

The girl quite consciously participates in the actions. She knows what these photos are for and never refuses to pose. So a small person can do big things.

Antonina Danilitskaya, Slava's daughter: instagram

The baby does not yet have its own page. But there are many photos to see. parents. Users, looking at them, argue who the girl looks like. Someone thinks that this is my father's copy. Others are sure that my mother. Under each of her pictures you can find similar comments. Fans are happy to discuss this topic. But, if you follow and find frames where Antonina is still very small, you can understand that over time she changes and becomes like one or the other parent.

However, most people still agree that the daughter has the beauty and grace of her mother and will grow up to be just as incomparable and charming.

And now she is starting her career. Today, many go to Instagram, to the celebrity page, to see new pictures of a girl who is amazingly photogenic. And since mom doesn’t post them often, each one is viewed several times. You can even read about it in the comments. It becomes clear that another star has appeared in the family.

Alexandra Morozova - older sister

The eldest daughter and sister is already an adult and lives an independent life. She follows in the footsteps of the singer and wants to enter the theater institute. The Internet is already full of her photos, she leads her own instagram, many prophesy the profession of a fashion model for a girl. To which Sasha replies that she does not like to show her body and wants to achieve more.

Slava gave birth to Sasha when she was only 18 years old. Dad soon left, but the daughter keeps in touch with him and often communicates. She also spends a lot of time with her mother and younger sister, although she already lives separately. " My mother is my first friend and adviser. I always discuss with her not only purchases, but also all life situations.", says Alexandra.

The sisters often walk together, go to visit each other. This is one family and no one here remembers that they have different fathers. Of course, this is my mother's merit. She managed to explain to the girls that they are native people, raised them in an atmosphere of love and respect.

Well, our young heroine is just becoming a big person. But fans are confident that they will soon hear about her. Antonina Danilitskaya, whose biography is described above, is already showing her personality. It doesn't matter if she becomes famous. The girl will surely succeed, because everyone sees in her a little Glory, a strong and purposeful woman.

Video about the singer Slava and her children

In this video, Anastasia Slanevskaya (Slava) herself will talk about her daughters, what they are striving for, how and how they help their mothers at the moment:

On May 15, 1980, Nastya Slanevskaya was born in the city of Moscow. Nastya grew up in a creative family. Her mother and aunt sang the songs of the Beatles, and her grandmother performed in the Pyatnitsky choir. The only person who was not in any way connected with creativity is Nastya's dad. He held the position of a driver, although there were many creative personalities in his family tree. From a young age, Nastya was fascinated by music. In addition to music, she was fond of volleyball.

Biography in her youth - Slava managed to learn what the modeling business is, at the age of nineteen she went to work in a modeling agency. A few months later, she left the agency. The reason for leaving was conflicts with girls. She also did not like food restrictions and constant trips to auditions.

Personal life and happiness fell on the head of Glory suddenly. The singer loved to visit karaoke clubs, one fine evening Slava sang karaoke and, by a lucky chance, at that moment Sergey Kalvarsky went there. He is a famous director who has collaborated with many stars. He offered Slava a creative union.

It's all music - Singer Slava

The result of the joint work was not long in coming. The song "I love and hate" blew up the airs of famous radio stations. Soon a video for the same song was shot. It was played very often on the music channel. This song instantly captured all the charts. From two thousand two to two thousand and four, the singer showed incredible performance. Throughout Russia, the aspiring singer performed with hundreds of concerts in various cities of our country. She also managed to participate in music festivals, appear on the covers of magazines.
Soon Slava released her first solo album. Songs from this album occupied all the tops of the charts. During her career, Slava even managed to represent our country at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Among the numerous albums of Glory there is an album that she recorded in England. All songs of this album are in English. All the singer's albums were traditionally released in May. Slava also recorded many duets with various stars of our country.
Slava has won many different music awards, such as:

  • "Golden Gramophone Award";
  • "Muz-TV Award";
  • laureate of "Song of the Year".

Singer Slava with her husband Anatoly: photo

Slava is a beautiful woman, an excellent singer, whose personal life was unsuccessful, she lived with a common-law husband, but this union did not lead to anything good. The singer is used to developing herself, her inner world, she believes that a person must constantly develop. Her chosen one did not support the views of Glory, and this was the reason for the break. But in 1999 Slava gave birth to his daughter Sashenka.

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