Ilya Novikov divorced Anastasia Shutova. Anastasia Shutova: what, where, when, biography

In the TV game "What? Where? When?" the team under the leadership of the connoisseur Elena Potanina has been favorably distinguished from the rest of the teams for a long time. People may have completely different opinions about whether a woman can be a commander and generally hold a leadership position, but a connoisseur girl clearly demonstrates to all doubters that a woman can cope with such a role and quite successfully. Many viewers, who have been watching and empathizing with the players competing for the top in erudition, concentration and will to win for many years, have known and loved the girl for a long time, and also follow with interest personal life of Elena Potanina, especially since for some time she (personal life) was closely associated with the game.

The girl began to play at the age of 12, thanks to an excellent history teacher who regularly organized olympiads with various questions for sixth grade students. All classmates of Elena Potanina took an active part in the game, forming teams. The team in which the girl played became the champion of Ukraine five times. Therefore, it is not surprising that when Elena Potanina, at the call of her heart, followed her beloved to Moscow (she herself is from Odessa), she was able to qualify for the game "What? Where? When?" Like the rest of the members of the elite club, the girl is also engaged in other activities in addition to the game. She is a marketing specialist. In addition, Elena Potanina has a degree in forensic science and criminal law and works as a spokeswoman for a law firm. For a long period, her work was largely associated with television projects as an editor and producer.

As for personal life and love affairs, the situation here is much more complicated. For a long time, fans of the game had the opportunity to observe how Elena Potanina's relationship develops with another connoisseur, Ilya Novikov. The couple looked extremely harmonious together and they had almost the same interests in life. On one of the broadcasts, the girl even publicly announced that she had accepted the marriage proposal and very soon she and Ilya Novikov would become husband and wife. Before the fans of the couple had time to rejoice for them, unexpected and unpleasant news broke out - the young people broke off relations. Of the reasons for such a sudden break, none of them, of course, did not want to tell journalists and fans. Soon Ilya Novikov married another girl, also from the club of connoisseurs. In an interview last year, answering the question of how things are now on the personal front, Elena Potanina answered with a smile that her personal life is active. Does this mean that soon we will hear about the marriage?

Ilya Novikov - lawyer, former player of the Russian television club "What? Where? When?". Known for participating in the trial of the Ukrainian pilot. Many call the lawyer an "enemy of the Kremlin", but others consider him a champion of truth and justice, a guardian of the law and a symbol of the struggle for his own opinion.

Ilya Sergeevich Novikov was born on February 11, 1982 in Moscow. His mother is Ukrainian by origin, and his father is Russian. Since childhood, the boy gravitated towards knowledge and read a lot, buying up to 10 books a month. In high school I became seriously interested in mind games. The guy's favorite TV show was the show “What? Where? When? ”, And Ilya himself dreamed of getting into this program. At the same time, the future lawyer read the detectives of Erle Stanley Gardner about the lawyer Perry Mason and decided to become a lawyer. After graduating from school, Novikov applied to the Russian Academy of Justice. As a student, the young man became a member of the team that participated in the sports version of the game “What? Where? When?".

After graduating with honors from the academy in 2005, Ilya took up legal practice and began teaching at the Department of Criminal Procedure. Later, Novikov began to train judges in advanced training courses. However, being a practicing lawyer, I had to give up work at the faculty of advanced training in order to continue working in court.

In August 2011, Ilya became a senior partner at the Goncharova, Novikov & Partners law firm. Later, Novikov became a lawyer for a well-known connoisseur who filed a lawsuit against the Mary Jane company, which illegally used the image of an erudite. The lawyer managed to prove the similarity of the image created by the company with his client. Thanks to the efforts of Novikov, Wasserman was to receive compensation of 110 thousand rubles.

In January 2013, Novikov became a partner at the law firm Tenzor Consulting Group, where he dealt with arbitration disputes and cases related to economic crimes.

In 2013, Ilya Sergeevich became a lawyer in the high-profile case of Togliatti businessman Sergei Lektorovich. The lawyer's client was accused of violating the rules of the road, which led to an accident and the death of a young girl. Relatives of Lektorovich turned to an expert and a lawyer after the inhabitants of the city took up arms against the accused. Novikov achieved a fair court decision, reassuring the public: the client was found guilty, the offender suffered a well-deserved punishment in the form of 3 years in a colony-settlement, and also paid monetary compensation to the family of the deceased.

Since 2014, Novikov has been a member of the cohort of lawyers for the Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko. Ilya's client was accused of complicity in the murder of two Russian journalists near Lugansk. Later, illegal crossing of the border of the Russian Federation was added to the charges. The lawyer himself believes that the issue of Savchenko's release is not so much a court decision as a political decision of the Russian leadership. This case became the main thing in Novikov's professional biography.

"What? Where? When?"

On television, Ilya Novikov made his debut at the age of 14 in the Wheel of History program. Then the guy did not become a winner, although he managed to answer the quiz question. Ilya also took part in the intellectual program "Own Game", where he also did not win. Novikov participated in the show 3 more times, winning in 2001 and 2002.

In the TV game "What? Where? When? ”, Which made Novikov famous, the guy got in 2002 thanks to his participation in the sports version of the program. The connoisseur's team won the Russian Championship, and the guys were invited to watch. Only Ilya managed to become a member of the elite club. Novikov got into the team of Marina Ufaeva, who did not win that game. But the young man was not upset, continued to improve his knowledge and became a regular participant in the show. Novikov lost the next 2 games.

Success came to the connoisseur in 2004 after Novikov was repeatedly recognized as the best player in the team and awarded the Crystal Owl. This victory brought Novikov fame and popularity among viewers.

In 2011, Ilya was nominated for the second time for the Crystal Owl, but Novikov turned down the award in favor of Grigory Alkhazov, another connoisseur. In the same year, Ilya Sergeevich became a member of the popular TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?".

Ilya came to the project together with a colleague from the club. Experts managed to correctly answer 10 questions, but 11 questions brought defeat and a zero cash prize. At that time, Novikov also took part in the extreme show "Cruel Intentions", where he reached the semifinals in pair competitions with the singer.

In 2014, Novikov became the owner of the Crystal Owl, and was also recognized as the best player of the year, receiving the Diamond Owl.

In August 2016, it became known that Ilya Sergeevich was leaving What? Where? When?". The Russian press immediately reported that the lawyer left the club of experts because of his participation in the trial in the case of Nadezhda Savchenko. It is assumed that the protection of the Ukrainian pilot is the main reason why Novikov left the TV show.

It is known that the scandal began after an interview with the TV quiz host, in which he stated that Novikov was obliged to leave the club of experts as soon as he decided to take on the case of a Ukrainian soldier.

Personal life

Lawyer and expert Ilya Novikov is not too fond of discussing his personal life. The press reported that for some time the man met with a colleague in the game "ChGK" Elena Potanina. The couple was so close that others perceived them as spouses.

Soon Elena announced that Ilya had proposed to her. Novikov himself said in an interview that he had not met with Potanina for some time.

Ilya also met his future wife on the show “What? Where? When?". has been playing since 2011. After meeting, a romantic relationship began between colleagues, and in July 2013 the couple went on a trip to the North Pole.

Connoisseurs, according to a long-standing maritime custom, "painted" the captain of the nuclear icebreaker Dmitry Lobusov. Legally, this marriage was not valid, but Ilya and Anastasia were going to register the relationship later in the registry office. The couple considered a trip to the North Pole to be the perfect wedding vacation, full of impressions and unforgettable memories.

This marriage lasted two years, and already in 2015, information appeared in the media that Novikov and Shutova broke up. The Russian press continued to actively discuss the personal life of a famous lawyer, suggesting that the man had an affair with another girl, Yulia Arkhangelskaya, a member of What? Where? When?". However, these rumors have not been officially confirmed.

Ilya Novikov now

In 2017, Ilya Novikov spoke in an interview with Radio Liberty about the cases he is currently involved in, as well as about his participation in the Ukrainian What? Where? When?". According to the lawyer, in the last two years there has been a lot of talk in the highest political circles of Russia about the Ukrainians, whom he continues to protect. Ilya also said that he did not consider the loss of the program broadcast in the Russian Federation a catastrophe for himself, since he had already managed to participate in the Ukrainian version of the popular TV program.

In July 2017, Ilya Novikov became the winner of the Semyon Lvovich Aria Prize. The solemn presentation of the award took place in the editorial office of Novaya Gazeta.

The editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, Dmitry Muratov, noted that lawyer Semyon Lvovich Aria devoted many years of his life to defending the publication in courts. The front-line soldier, who went through the whole war, wrote a large number of books, and also wanted his case to be continued by young and promising lawyers who are able to defend the fundamental principles of order and legality.

“After the death of Semyon Lvovich Aria, the heirs and the editors decided to create an award in his memory, presenting an annual award to young, but already distinguished lawyers. And this year, the brightest and most talented lawyer is Ilya Novikov,” said Dmitry Muratov.

In turn, Novikov noted that Aria is an outstanding lawyer, whom he himself considers a teacher. According to Ilya, to receive such an award is a great honor for any professional in this field.

Today Novikov continues his advocacy. Ilya Sergeevich devotes time to social networks. Often new publications of a lawyer appear in the microblogging service

The intellectual club of connoisseurs has existed since 1975, and during this time, viewers have met a huge number of truly smart people, but only the best have remained in their memory. Among them, of course, is Ilya Novikov. This guy with serious eyes and a deep voice played for a long time and successfully in an intellectual casino, and the audience was interested in both his erudition and his personal life. But suddenly Novikov "What? Where? When?" left. What happened? Where did he go? Are the scandal rumors true?

Meeting point that cannot be changed

Closer to the weekend, the show begins, which harmoniously combines relaxation and mental work. Six players in tuxedos sit at a round table in a small room. They are serious and calm, but the gambling excitement is already captivating. If the players correctly answer six questions, then victory is theirs. But in the event that questions remain unanswered, the viewers become the winners. Players get a minute to find the right answer, but in especially difficult cases, additional bonuses are possible, such as time or help from the hall.

The game was created by director Vladimir Voroshilov and an editor back in the USSR. Of course, initially the rules of the game were different from today's realities. The game quickly gained popularity and a loyal audience. There was even a sports analogue.


The gentlemen and ladies at the round table were labeled "experts". This is not an exaggeration at all, because they reach the essence of each riddle solely through erudition. The probability of accidentally hitting the correct answer is small, but it still exists. Especially when you consider that representatives of one field of science do not gather at the table. Lawyers, economists, writers and journalists can be equally successful here. There are no restrictions, since each team is the brainchild of one captain. It is logical that the specialty of the team captain largely determines the composition. But it's impossible to say for sure that the captain is the brightest player on the team. For example, in the team, the audience immediately singled out Ilya Novikov. This gloomy but imposing young man attracted attention due to his inner calm, noticeable endurance and impressive erudition. Why, then, Novikov was expelled from "What? Where? When?"

Information about him

Today Ilya is 34 years old. He is a lawyer who graduated from the Russian Academy of Justice. Since 2005, Novikov has also been teaching at his native law faculty. Since August 2011, his career growth has been observed - Ilya becomes a senior partner in the law office "Goncharova, Novikov and Partners". In 2013 - another leap to a partner in a consulting company. Today, Ilya is a successful lawyer who has experience in handling rather complex cases.

The most controversial character of our time turned to him for help - the Ukrainian soldier Nadezhda Savchenko, convicted in Russia for her involvement in the murder of Russian journalists. Savchenko publicly did not show the slightest remorse, moreover, she considers her act right and declares that she will try to increase the number of those killed. It is not surprising that in Russia she is an unwanted guest. Novikov learned Ukrainian in two years to protect Savchenko. He also took up the defense of the Moldovan businessman and politician Veaceslav Platon, accused of fraud and money laundering.


Ilya Novikov "What? Where? When?" first stormed in 2002 as part of the team of Marina Ufaeva. Then he came with Ales Mukhin, Sergey Vivatenko and Quite often Ilya was recognized as the best player on the team. Twice he received - a special prize of an intellectual casino. This event took place in autumn 2004 and summer 2014. At the final game in 2014, Ilya also received the "Diamond Owl", and in 2010 he won the super blitz for the first time. It was a decisive round, and Novikov really "pulled out" the team.

Ilya had noble deeds on his account - for example, in the summer of 2011 he refused to fight for the "Crystal Owl" and a cash prize in favor of a friend, Grigory Alkhazov. So, really great player Novikov. "What where When?" without him, he will lose a lot, since the guy is on the list of 11 players who participated in all championships in the sports analogue of the intellectual game.


In 2016, there was a collapse in the intellectual marathon of Ales Mukhin's team - they were not allowed to play. Speaking about this in an interview with the media, the host of the program, Boris Kryuk, said that Nadezhda Savchenko and Ilya's consent to protect her became the reason for everything. The guy will not be able to play anymore in the elite club of connoisseurs. It turned out that Ilya Novikov was excluded from "What? Where? When?" forever and ever. The expert himself does not consider Kryuk guilty in such a situation and gave an interview in which he said that the Savchenko case is very controversial, but interesting for a lawyer, and, having taken it, he was going to leave the program on his own initiative.


When Ilya Novikov was expelled from "What? Where? When?", It did not come as a surprise to him. Immediately after the decision was made, he called the producers of the program and told about everything. Ilya understood the complexity of the situation, but took the side of his profession, not his hobby. Lawyer work for him has always been a priority. In addition, Novikov always said that he considers an open conversation without concealment to be an important task. spoke ambiguously and said that since the club's player defends Savchenko, then the transfer automatically favors her, and this is unacceptable. Ales Mukhin, the captain of Ilya's team, supported the presenter, and put forward the opinion that the game is apolitical, as its creator Vladimir Voroshilov tried to do. These statements caused outrage among the audience, since such drastic measures say just the opposite.

Unrest in the masses

When Novikov was expelled from "What? Where? When?", he was at the epicenter of attention, but there were not so many opponents of him as supporters. Ilya took on an interesting, from a professional point of view, project, and they tried to put pressure on him from the club and the channel's management. Is it possible to call such actions far from politics? Didn't the young lawyer earlier become the defender of dubious characters? It is impossible in this profession to always defend the interests of crystal-clearly honest people who find themselves at the wrong time in the wrong place. In general, the claims of the audience can be combined into one remark - such a reaction of the club diverted attention from its intellectual specifics, and turned connoisseurs into grumpy grandmothers on a bench who refused their company to one of them who decided to use cosmetics.

What will happen next?

Today Novikov "What? Where? When?" can only watch TV. Almost all contacts with many colleagues in the club have been interrupted, and Ilya receives a lot of very unflattering comments. But you can treat them differently. Firstly, Ilya initially behaved honestly and immediately outlined his position. Secondly, he did not say a single bad word about the club and connoisseurs. Thirdly, Ilya perfectly understands the specifics of television programs and has maintained friendly relations with his team. In the future, he is quite loyal to returning to the club, but makes it clear that work will always remain a priority, and Novikov "What? Where? When?" considers it quite pleasant and interesting entertainment. The guy just shrugs his shoulders and says that in the near future the situation on TV may well change, and the professional actions of connoisseurs will not be a critical factor.

Club team captain "What? Where? When?" Elena Potanina was born on November 20, 1987 in Novosibirsk. Three years after the birth of their daughter, the parents left the northern city and went to warmer climes. They found shelter in sunny Odessa. It was here, in this southern city, that the childhood and youth of the future star passed. In appearance, she was fragile and delicate, but the character of a girl with a steel rod. It was these strong-willed qualities that helped her achieve unprecedented success and take the place of captain. So far, Elena Potanina's husband exists only in her dreams, since she has not yet managed to meet a man who would justify all her hopes.

At school, Lena was easily given both the exact sciences and the humanities, she easily passed the program in any subject. After receiving her secondary education, she chose Mechnikov University, located in Odessa, for admission. The specialization was quite masculine: criminology and criminal law. After graduating from university, the girl worked in her specialty for two years. This period was enough to be disappointed in the chosen profession. Elena decided that she was completely uninteresting and boring. Television was in the circle of her interests. From the second year of university, the girl worked part-time on a local TV channel.

A few years later, Potanina decided that higher education alone was not enough for her and entered Moscow State University with a degree in economics in management. By this time she had already moved to Moscow.

Game "What? Where? When?" Elena began to be interested from the age of eleven. It was at this time in their class that the history teacher organized teams and began to introduce children to this informative and exciting game. Elena was immediately appointed captain. In addition, the girl achieved excellent results and became the five-time champion of Ukraine in the Brain Ring.

Since 2009, Elena, together with her own team, began to take part in the elite club “What? Where? When?". In addition, she also became the editor of the Brain Ring, which was popular at that time. It was an unspeakable career success. Elena really liked this kind of work, it was exactly what she aspired to. At the same time, she achieved success rapidly, becoming on a par with very famous players.

The personal life of Elena Potanina has not yet been arranged. Although the audience until recently was sure that they were a couple with Ilya Novikov. After all, the young man so touchingly reassured the talented captain during an unfortunate loss that it was simply impossible not to believe in the sincerity of such feelings. Then they jointly took part in the show "Cruel Intentions".

Elena confirmed the fact that she and Ilya really had a close relationship, he even proposed to her, and she agreed to it. However, to everyone's surprise, the couple broke up. Soon Novikov played a wedding with another member of their club, Anastasia Shutova. Why did he have a break with Potanina, none of them comment. From the answers to questions regarding their past relationships, young people skillfully evade. Now Elena is in search of her ideal man and is open to new relationships.

Club team captain "What? Where? When?" Elena Potanina was born on November 20, 1987 in Novosibirsk. Three years after the birth of their daughter, the parents left the northern city and went to warmer climes. They found shelter in sunny Odessa. It was here, in this southern city, that the childhood and youth of the future star passed. In appearance, she was fragile and delicate, but the character of a girl with a steel rod. It was these strong-willed qualities that helped her achieve unprecedented success and take the place of captain. So far, Elena Potanina's husband exists only in her dreams, since she has not yet managed to meet a man who would justify all her hopes.

At school, Lena was easily given both the exact sciences and the humanities, she easily passed the program in any subject. After receiving her secondary education, she chose Mechnikov University, located in Odessa, for admission. The specialization was quite masculine: criminology and criminal law. After graduating from university, the girl worked in her specialty for two years. This period was enough to be disappointed in the chosen profession. Elena decided that she was completely uninteresting and boring. Television was in the circle of her interests. From the second year of university, the girl worked part-time on a local TV channel.

A few years later, Potanina decided that higher education alone was not enough for her and entered Moscow State University with a degree in economics in management. By this time she had already moved to Moscow.

Game "What? Where? When?" Elena began to be interested from the age of eleven. It was at this time in their class that the history teacher organized teams and began to introduce children to this informative and exciting game. Elena was immediately appointed captain. In addition, the girl achieved excellent results and became the five-time champion of Ukraine in the Brain Ring.

Since 2009, Elena, together with her own team, began to take part in the elite club “What? Where? When?". In addition, she also became the editor of the Brain Ring, which was popular at that time. It was an unspeakable career success. Elena really liked this kind of work, it was exactly what she aspired to. At the same time, she achieved success rapidly, becoming on a par with very famous players.

The personal life of Elena Potanina has not yet been arranged. Although the audience until recently was sure that they were a couple with Ilya Novikov. After all, the young man so touchingly reassured the talented captain during an unfortunate loss that it was simply impossible not to believe in the sincerity of such feelings. Then they jointly took part in the show "Cruel Intentions".

Elena confirmed the fact that she and Ilya really had a close relationship, he even proposed to her, and she agreed to it. However, to everyone's surprise, the couple broke up. Soon Novikov played a wedding with another member of their club, Anastasia Shutova. Why did he have a break with Potanina, none of them comment. From the answers to questions regarding their past relationships, young people skillfully evade. Now Elena is in search of her ideal man and is open to new relationships.

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