All about the young Dubrovsky. A.S

Appearance. Speech. "He is 23 years old, of medium height, his face is clean, he shaves his beard, his eyes are brown, his hair is blond, his nose is straight. Special signs: there were none." Gather with all the strength of your soul, beg your father, throw yourself at his feet: imagine to him all the horror of the future, your youth, fading near a frail and depraved old man - decide on a cruel explanation; say that if he remains implacable, then ... then you will find terrible protection ... say that wealth will not bring you a single moment of happiness; luxury comforts only poverty, and then out of habit for a moment; do not lag behind him, do not be afraid of either his anger or threats - as long as there is even a shadow of hope, for God's sake, do not lag behind. If there is no other way ... military posture, served in the guards, had "luxurious whims", smoked a pipe (Chapter III); "sonorous voice", "majestic appearance" (Chapter V); "pleasant appearance", "simple manner", "loaded pistol" in the pocket (Chapter VIII); "he was a curly blond boy" (Chapter IX); "appearance that reveals strength" (chapter X); "in a military overcoat and in a white cap" (Chapter XI).

Typical Features character are the result of upbringing in the family, then in the team. What do we know about Vladimir's upbringing? What is his background? He lost his mother from childhood and, almost not knowing his father, was brought to St. Petersburg at the 8th year of his age - with all that, he was romantically attached to him, and the more he loved family life, the less he had time to enjoy its quiet joys . Vladimir Dubrovsky was brought up in the Cadet Corps and was released as a cornet in the guard; his father spared nothing for his decent maintenance, and the young man received from the house more than he should have expected. Being extravagant and ambitious, he allowed himself luxurious whims; played cards and went into debt, not worrying about the future, and foreseeing sooner or later a rich bride, the dream of a poor youth.

A person is not alone in the world, he lives in society and constantly comes into contact with other people, therefore, other people constantly enter the mental world of each of us, occupy a certain place there, create good or bad things for us. Bad mood. How does the character of Dubrovsky manifest itself in relationships with others? People close, loved (attitude to love) Servants. Enemies

Relationship with loved ones. The thought of losing his father painfully tormented his heart, and the situation of the poor patient, which he guessed from the letter of his nurse, horrified him. Vladimir reproached himself for criminal negligence. For a long time he did not receive letters from his father and did not think about inquiring about him, believing him to be on the road or on household chores. He decided to go to him and even retire, if his father's ill state required his presence. Vladimir foresaw its imminent destruction and did not leave the old man ... Know that he was born for a different purpose, that his soul knew how to love you - I would give my life for you, to see you from afar, to touch your hand was rapture for me.

Attitude towards the servants Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent - and again indulged in reflections. Yegorovna embraced her pupil with tears. “Great, great, nanny,” he repeated, pressing the good old woman to his heart, “what’s up, father, where is he?” what is he? Guys, knit? - shouted the same voice, - and the crowd began to push ... - Stop, - Dubrovsky shouted. - Fools! what are you? you are destroying yourself and me. “Go out into the yards and leave me alone. Do not be afraid, the sovereign is merciful, I will ask him. He won't hurt us. We are all his children. And how will he intercede for you if you begin to rebel and rob. The speech of the young Dubrovsky, his sonorous voice and majestic appearance produced the desired effect. The people have calmed down, dispersed Go, bring her here, and take all our people out of the house so that not a single soul remains in it. You have become rich under my command, each of you has an air with which he can safely get into some remote province and there to spend the rest of his life in honest labor and in abundance. But you are all scammers and you probably won't want to leave your craft.

Attitude towards enemies. - Guys, knit?, - shouted the same voice, - and the crowd began to push ... - Stop, - Dubrovsky shouted. - Fools! what are you? you are destroying yourself and me. you didn't do the job. Not the clerks are to blame. Light your lantern, follow me. “Wait a minute,” he said to Arkhip, “it seems that in my haste I locked the doors to the front room, go ahead and unlock them.” I will not touch him, your will is sacred to me. He owes you his life. I forgave him. Look, you saved him. everyone drove off to the side, leaving the carriage in the middle of the road, people tied up, horses harnessed, but without plundering anything and without shedding a single drop of blood, in vengeance for the blood of their chieftain.

The character of a person is shown in his actions. What actions does Dubrovsky perform and how do they characterize him? Vladimir clenched his teeth - terrible thoughts were born in his mind. The Frenchman was not embarrassed, did not run, and waited for the attack. The bear approached, Deforge took a pistol from his pocket, put it in the hungry beast's ear and fired. The bear fell. Everyone rushed in, the doors opened, Kirila Petrovich entered, amazed at the denouement of his joke. Kirila Petrovich certainly wanted an explanation of the whole matter - who had anticipated Deforge about the joke prepared for him, or why he had a loaded pistol in his pocket. He sent for Masha, Masha came running and translated her father's questions to the Frenchman. - I have not heard of a bear, - answered Desforges, - but I always carry pistols with me, because I do not intend to endure an insult, for which, in my rank, I cannot demand satisfaction.

The character of a person is manifested in relationships with environment. How Pechorin relates to nature and home? his heart began to beat; before him he saw Kistenevka and his father's poor house. Vladimir stopped, sat down on the cold turf, and one thought more gloomy than the other became shy in his soul... He strongly felt his loneliness. The future for him was covered with menacing clouds. The enmity with Troekurov foreshadowed new misfortunes for him. His poor property could depart from him into the wrong hands - in this case, poverty awaited him. For a long time he sat motionless in the same place, gazing at the quiet current of the stream, carrying away a few faded leaves - and vividly presenting to him a true semblance of life - a semblance so ordinary.

Character Character Plan literary work 1.Introduction. The place of the character in the work (main, secondary). 2. Origin, social status. 3. Features of the portrait (manner, appearance, clothing). 4. The speech of the character. 5. Actions, behavior, influence on others. 6. Relationships with others actors. 7.Author's attitude to the hero. 8. Your feelings and thoughts related to the experience of the character's fate.

The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky in A. S. Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky" In our first acquaintance with Vladimir Dubrovsky, we see a young, confident in himself and his future nobleman, a guards cornet, who rarely thinks about where the money comes from and how much he has. there is a father. Vladimir never faced the problem of lack of money, because, being the only son of his father, although far from being a wealthy nobleman, he received more from the house than he should have expected. And, you know, if money comes easily, then it is very easy to part with it. So it was with Vladimir: He allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and entered into debt, not caring about the future and foreseeing sooner or later a rich bride, the dream of poor youth. In a word, the heir of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, on our first acquaintance with him, seemed to us not at all outstanding, the young man was characterized by all those pranks and deeds that, without hesitation, can be attributed to almost all young people of his age and class. Reading about the idle pastime of young Vladimir among his friends, you imagine, looking ahead, this young man in the near future, a kind of self-satisfied, deaf to other people's troubles, and sometimes even a cruel gentleman like Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. But very soon you begin to understand that these ideas were false, because Vladimir Dubrovsky is the real son of his father: just as honest, fair, decent. The time spent in the cadet corps did not in the least affect the noble qualities innate and laid down by the father in childhood. Having learned about the illness of Andrei Gavrilovich, the son, without a moment's hesitation, goes to him on the estate. He reproaches himself very much for the fact that, having not received a letter from his parent for a long time, he himself did not bother to inquire about his health.

Homeland for young Dubrovsky is not just a word. Driving up to parental home recognizing native and familiar places from childhood, he looked around him with indescribable excitement. Everything in him caused awe and pain: and the birch trees that had just been planted near the fence under him, and now they have become tall branched trees, and a yard, once decorated with three regular flower beds. Egorovna, his kind nanny, evoked tenderness and pity in Vladimir, whom the young man embraced with undisguised love at the meeting. Only a few words have been written about the meeting between Vladimir and Andrey Gavrilovich: ... Vladimir warmly embraced his father. But even these few words are enough to draw a conclusion: the filial heart has not cooled down for such a long separation, it is full of pity, love and compassion. Moreover, in these few words, in which the author conveyed the meeting between father and son, in my opinion, the whole of Vladimir is a direct, restrained, laconic exact copy of his father. Having learned about the cause of Andrei Gavrilovich's illness, about how Troekurov treated him, young Dubrovsky is going to take revenge. To bear grievances is not in his rules. But resentment did not blind Vladimir: arranging robberies on the roads, he prosecutes only the guilty, in his opinion, people, those who lost their money because of money. human qualities. Dubrovsky is also characterized by a sense of camaraderie. Having caught a clerk on the road with money for a guards officer, he did not take this money away, but returned it back. Then, when meeting with the mother of this officer, he will say: Know that Dubrovsky himself was a guards officer, he will not want to offend his comrade. The nobility and kindness of Dubrovsky is also evidenced by the fact that all the inhabitants of the former estate of his father immediately went over to his side and were ready to lay down their lives for him. But Vladimir did not agree to accept such a sacrifice. Realizing the doom of his and their situation, Dubrovsky at the end of the story tells the peasants to disperse and reconcile. This is the best thing he could do for them. Dubrovsky is strong, brave, fearless. It is unlikely that there will be someone who will refute the presence of these qualities in a young man. But on the other hand, how timid and reserved he seems to us on the pages devoted to his meetings with his beloved girl Masha Troekurova. Love for Dubrovsky is a pure, sublime feeling; deceit and love are incompatible for him. Therefore, Vladimir Masha admits who he really is, leaving the girl the right to choose. If we collect all of the above about Dubrovsky together, we get a very attractive image. Just like this: honest, noble, courageous, kind and gentle, A. S. Pushkin wanted to show his hero. As for me personally, having become acquainted with the life and work of the poet, I see Pushkin himself as such.

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov

An old Russian master, wealth + noble family => great weight in the provinces. The neighbors catered to his every whim, the officials trembled at his name, the KP took it for granted. His house was always full of guests. In domestic life, the CP showed all the vices of an uneducated person. extraordinary physical strength, but periodic gluttony and tipsy evenings. He is strict and capricious with the peasants, they were conceited of his wealth and glory => endured. The usual occupation is traveling around the possessions, feasts and pranks. Daughter Maria Kirilovna. I rode in a wheelchair.

After gaining new lands, his conscience gnaws at him: “by nature he was not greedy, the desire for revenge lured him too far, his conscience grumbled”, “victory did not please his heart.” He decided to make amends with an old friend, to destroy the traces of the quarrel, to return to the AG his property.

After the situation with the bear and Deforge: "From that moment on, he fell in love with Deforge and did not even think about trying him."

His estate is Pokrovskoye.

A wide lake, a river meandering between the hills, dense greenery of a grove, a belvedere (a light building - a tower, a superstructure over a building) of a huge stone house, a five-domed church and an old bell tower, village huts with vegetable gardens and wells ..

Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky

Owned 70 souls. Impatient and determined character. He retired due to health problems and settled in his village. He remained poor and independent. Son Vladimir Andreevich. Everyone marveled at the courage of AG. He kept 2 hounds and one pack of greyhounds. An experienced and subtle connoisseur of canine virtues, an unmistakable resolver of all kinds of hunting disputes. After the trial, he lies in bed, his health is getting worse and worse. When meeting with Vladimir, he moved his legs forcibly, went out with a cap and in a dressing gown.

He sees Troekurov in the distance, he is paralyzed.

Hero Similarities : married for love, soon widowed, brought up by a child.

The reason for the quarrel of heroes . Hunting near Troekurov KP. The situation with the kennel.

At the sight of the hounds, Dubrovsky says: "The kennel is wonderful, it is unlikely that your people live the same as your dogs." The psary was offended and replied: “We don’t complain about our life, but what’s true is true, it would not be bad for another and a nobleman to exchange the estate for any local kennel. He would have been better fed and warmer.” Dubrovsky refuses to come to Troekurov, he is offended, the AG sends a letter - he does not intend to come to you anymore until "send me the kennel Paramoshka with a confession."

His estate is the village (!) Kistenovka.

Birch Grove and a gray house with a red roof. The yard, once decorated with three flower beds, was turned into an unmowed meadow, on which a tangled horse was grazing. Dilapidated porch of the house.

The development of a quarrel.

Driving through his property, AG hears the blows of an ax in a birch grove, the crack of a fallen tree. Troekurov's people dared to play pranks within his domain. AG decides to teach the captives a lesson with rods, to send the horses to work. Troekurov, having learned about everything, decides to ruin Kistenovka (Dubrovsky's estate) to the ground and besiege the landowner himself in the estate.

Dubrovsky's estate once belonged to the Troekurovs, but was bought by a certain Spitsyn and then sold to Dubrovsky's father.

In 2 weeks the AGG receives an invitation from the city to immediately deliver an explanation about his ownership of the village (!) Kistenovka.

The court approved the estate of 186 souls for Troekurov.

Shabashkin .

He reveres Troekurov, bows to him, awaits his orders. "That's the strength, to take away the property without any right." He worked for Troekurov, acted on his behalf, frightened and bribed (!) judges, interpreted all sorts of decrees at random and indeed.

Orina (A) Egorovna Buzyreva.

A kind old woman who once followed Dubrovsky's son. She looked after the patient with hypertension, as if she were a child. I decided to notify the younger Dubrovsky about everything. He does not want to pass into the possession of Troekurov: “he has a bad time with his own people there, but strangers will get it, so he will not only skin them, but even tear off the meat.”

Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky .

23 years old, serves in one of the guards infantry regiments, was in St. Petersburg. He was brought up in the cadet corps, was released as a cornet in the guard. He was wasteful and ambitious, allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and went into debt, did not care about the future, foresaw a rich bride. The father sent him everything, spared nothing for his child. He lost his mother from childhood, almost did not know his father, since at the age of 8 he was brought to St. Petersburg. But the more he loved family life. “The thought of losing his father painfully tormented his heart, and the situation of the poor patient, which he guessed from the letter of his nanny, horrified him.” After 3 days was on the high road.

Throws out Troekurov, who has come to put up.

During the funeral: he did not cry and did not pray, but his face was terrible.

At home, with movement and fatigue, he tried to drown out heartache, went into the thicket of trees. “The branches constantly touched and scratched him; his feet constantly got stuck in the swamp, BUT HE DID NOT NOTICE ANYTHING. Dark thoughts crowded in his soul. He felt his loneliness, the future was covered with menacing clouds.

He decides to burn the estate: “Give us hay and straw here ... put it under the porch ... on fire!”. Red smoke curled over the roof, glass crackled, poured, flaming logs began to fall. There were piles of coals.

The situation with the cat. During the fire, he notices a cat running along the roof of the barn. She couldn't jump. The kids saw it and laughed. Vladimir: “What are you laughing at, you demon?! God's creature perishes, and you foolishly rejoice." He set up a ladder and climbed up behind it. Saved.

image of his mother : "the painter presented her leaning on the railing, in a white morning dress with a scarlet rose in her hair." During the Turkish campaign, she wrote letters from the AG to the army. She described her desert life, occupations, complained about separation, called her husband home, into her arms. She described Vladimir's health, pleased him with his early abilities, and foresaw a happy and brilliant future for him.

Gang of robbers . There was no security either on the roads or in the villages. Several troikas traveled all over the province; they stopped travelers and mail, plundered the manor houses and set them on fire. The head of the gang was famous for his intelligence and courage, generosity. BUT! they did not touch the Troekurov estate.

Signs of Vladimir Dubrovsky: 23 years old, medium height, clean face, shaves his beard, has brown eyes, blond hair, straight nose. Special signs - there were none.

french teacher / Deforge.

Pleasant appearance and easy handling. Troekurov decides to play a joke on him: he sends him to the room where the bear was tied. The guest had to find a safe corner and hide there, but before that the bear scratched him and beat him with his paws. The Frenchman was not embarrassed, did not run and waited for the attack. He took a small pistol out of his pocket, put it in the hungry beast's ear, and fired. "I do not intend to endure an insult for which I cannot demand satisfaction." His appearance betrayed courage and strength. Maria admits that he is Dubrovsky!

You don't need to be afraid of me. Its end. I forgave him... you saved him... you passed me by like a heavenly vision, and my heart humbled. I have given up vengeance as madness.

Marya Kirilovna/Masha Troekurova .

Didn't pay any attention to the Frenchman. She was brought up in aristocratic prejudices. The teacher for her was a kind of servant or artisan - he did not seem to her a man. She had a beautiful voice and great musical abilities.

She saw the courage of Deforge, his proud pride, began to show respect to the teacher, which became more and more attentive. Masha fell in love with him, without even admitting it to herself. She missed him. In his presence, she studied him every minute, always wanted to know his opinion, always agreed with him. She was not yet in love, but at the first accidental obstacle or a sudden persecution of fate, the flame of passion should have flared up in her heart.

The bride of Vereisky: “her head bowed languidly under the weight of diamonds; she fell ill, trembled when a careless hand pricked her, but she was silent, staring senselessly into the mirror. She felt the cold kiss of her unloving husband... and still could not believe that her life was chained forever, that Dubrovsky had not flown to free her.

"Too late, I'm married. I am the wife of Prince Vereisky. “I agreed, I swore an oath, the prince is my husband, order to release him and leave me with him. I didn't cheat. I waited for you until the last minute ... but now, I tell you, now it's too late. Let us go."

Anton Pafnutich Spitsyn .

A fat man in his 50s with a round and pockmarked face, adorned with a triple chin. Bogomolen, lover of food. It was he who "showed" that the Dubrovskys own Kistenovka without any right to do so. The dead man promised to talk to him in his own way. The son will keep his word. They plundered his barn, and soon they will reach the estate. “You live like a pig at home, you don’t accept anyone, you rip off your men, you know, you save up, and that’s all.” He sat cloudy and silent, ate absent-mindedly and seemed extremely worried. Talk of robbers excited his imagination.

Anna Savishna Globova .

A simple widow, beloved by all for her kind and cheerful disposition. They robbed the clerk, who was supposed to deliver 2,000 rubles to her son.

Vereisky .

About 50 years old, seemed much older. Excesses of every kind exhausted his health and left their indelible mark on him. His appearance was pleasant, remarkable, the habit of being always in society gave him a certain courtesy with women (especially). Distracted and often bored. He loved English gardens, limped a little from fatigue. The "old red tape" was struck by the beauty of Maria Kirilovna. He was enlivened by her presence, was cheerful and managed to attract her attention several times with his curious stories. Maria listened with pleasure to the flattering and cheerful greetings of a secular person.

Prince, two stars and 3000 souls of the family estate.

Matchmaking. Wedding.

Vladimir and Maria .

He puts a ring on her finger: "If you decide to resort to me, bring the ring here, lower it into the hollow of this oak tree."

…………..No one knew where he (Dubrovsky) had gone… terrible visits, fires and robberies had ceased. The roads have become free. According to other news, they learned that Dubrovsky had fled abroad.

The image of the protagonist in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

The novel by A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" was written on the basis of real events- uprisings of peasants dissatisfied with their hard life after the war of 1812. The author with great accuracy depicts not only the life and customs of the Russian village, but also the way of life of the landlord with its amusements and excesses.

The protagonist of the work is Vladimir Dubrovsky. This is what the title of the novel says. All the events described are connected with his personality, his fate. In the course of the story, the character, worldview, inner world Dubrovsky are undergoing changes.

At the beginning of the novel, this is a young nobleman, the spoiled only son of the landowner, the future owner of the estate, the master. He was brought up by tutors, studied in the cadet corps, served in the guards infantry regiment in St. Petersburg and had no idea about the life of serfs. Dubrovsky led the idle life of a typical young nobleman, played cards, spent his father's money, which was sent to him in the right amount, did not think about the future.

The letter with the news of his father's illness excited the hero. Dubrovsky undoubtedly loved his father, although he did not really know him. Followed

then misfortunes (the death of the father and the loss of the estate) change the young man. After the funeral, he realizes that he was left alone in the world. Dubrovsky thinks about what awaits him next. This is no longer a carefree young man, but a person responsible for the fate of the people subject to him - the peasants.

The hero wants to take revenge, but not only for himself, but for all those unjustly offended. However, he is not cruel: he robs only the rich, like a noble robber, and does not kill anyone. The image of Dubrovsky acquires romantic features.

To carry out his revenge, the hero enters Troekurov's house under the guise of a French teacher Deforge. But the outbreak of love for Marya Kirilovna Troekurova changes his plans. He refuses revenge. Love for Masha transforms the hero.

Reading episodes about Dubrovsky's life in Troekurov's house, we learn about his appearance for the first time. The author gives meager portrait features: twenty-three years old, medium height, brown eyes, blond hair, straight nose. But more attention is paid to his courage and composure. The episode with the bear is a vivid confirmation of this. The hero was not timid, he was not afraid of the hungry beast, which earned him the respect of even Kirila Petrovich.

Dubrovsky's honesty and nobility arouse no less admiration in the reader. He confesses his love to Masha, tells who he is, and, not hoping for anything, promises her help.

At the conclusion of the novel, when a happy ending seems to be near, Dubrovsky fails. Om turns out to be lonely, useless and sees no point in further existence. The reader learns scanty facts from his subsequent biography. But we understand that future life hero will be filled with sadness and hopelessness.

Dubrovsky is a young gentleman, confident in his abilities, confident in the future. He does not think about money at all, about finances, namely, he has no idea where to get them and how much money his father has. Dubrovsky always lived in abundance.

Character of Vladimir

Once Vladimir received a letter with unpleasant news about his father's illness. After that, all the carelessness and frivolity of Vladimir disappeared. His decency, honesty and justice are clearly manifested. His soul is filled with positive and noble qualities. For the sake of his father, he is ready for a lot, almost everything. He blames himself for his illness. Vladimir is a devoted but reserved person.

Vladimir was anxious about his homeland; it was not an empty phrase for him. When he arrived at his father's house, he examined and recognized familiar places from an early age. Everything evoked in Dubrovsky quivering, tender feelings.

Evidence of the good nature of the hero is the case of a meeting with his nanny. He loved her very much and did not hesitate to embrace her, which proves that Vladimir could both love and sympathize.

After his father died, new features opened up in Vladimir's character. For a long time he thought about the causes of death of a loved one for him. He also thought about why Troekurov did this to his father. Vladimir was not stupid. He knew how to reason. Many people respected him and listened to his opinion. Vladimir was able to suppress the first outbreak of peasant indignation thanks to his firm character.

Dubrovsky was decent, educated, decisive and an honest man. He was smart and brave. He is fearless, strong and brave. To refute the presence of these character traits is simply stupid. He is reserved and timid with his girlfriend. For Dubrovsky, love is a sublime, pure feeling, a feeling incompatible with lies. Therefore, Vladimir confesses to the girl who he is, while giving the girl the opportunity to choose.

The main character traits of Dubrovsky

  • Courage;
  • Agility;
  • Courage;
  • Honesty;
  • The ability to love and compassion;
  • Justice.



Dubrovsky Vladimir Andreevich - main character unfinished novel, noble robber».

He was brought up in the cadet corps of St. Petersburg. Later, after becoming an officer, D. gets into debt. In this regard, the hero dreams of a rich bride.

While in St. Petersburg, 23-year-old D. receives sad news from home: about his father's illness and about the illegal taking of their Kistenevka estate in favor of a wealthy neighbor, Kirill Troyekurov. The hero goes home. Driving past the Troekurov estate, D. fondly recalls his childhood friendship with his daughter, Marya Kirillovna.

At home, D. finds his father near death. He takes matters into his own hands. He breaks off all relations with Troekurov, after the death of his father he orders to burn his house, which, according to the court, went to the enemy. The hero, together with the peasants loyal to him, become robbers, robbing the unrighteous landlords.

But D. cannot forget Masha Troekurova - he is still in love with her. For the sake of Masha, the hero even forgave his enemy - Troekurov.

But Troekurov betrothed his daughter to the rich old prince of Vereisky. Masha asks D. to kidnap her. D. is very worried, because his beloved will be the wife of a robber, although she deserves much more. With all this, in the soul of D. there is no feeling of revenge for Troekurov. He forgave him long ago as a nobleman and a noble man. That's just social conditions, fate in relation to D. is dishonorable. The true tragedy of D. lies in the fact that an honest Russian nobleman, tied to his home, to the thought of a family, is placed in a hopeless situation. There is no way for him to be happy. In the final, D. loses Masha - the robbers were late, and the girl was married to Vereisky. In a fight with government troops, who have long been looking for D. and his gang, the hero is wounded. He dismisses his peasants, while he himself "hides abroad." His departure is a sign not only of his personal defeat, but also of the defeat of all of Russia. All the best disappear from the country, the perpetrators of their persecution remain.

Reasons for the robbery of Dubrovsky.

So, the hunter by vocation Dubrovsky became a highway robber. The reason for this was Masha, Troekurov's daughter. The fact is that Kirila Petrovich wanted to conclude a marriage of Masha and the rich Prince Vereisky, which was beneficial for him. At this time, Marya had already managed to like the teacher. French aka Vladimir Dubrovsky. Under a tree, they made a pact together: “If you love me, put my ring in the hollow. I will know what to do and help you." But Dubrovsky was late, and Masha entered into a marriage alliance with Prince Vereisky. Out of sadness, Dubrovsky became a robber.

The Adventures of Dubrovsky the Robber.

Vladimir set fire to the house where the clerks were, and then he himself left the village of Kistenevka, which no longer belonged to him. Since then, he, with a gang of other fellows, began to rob people and houses, but he did not touch Troekurov's estates. He was accepted with honors into the house of Kirila Petrovich, introducing himself as a French teacher. Later, Vladimir organized robberies on the roads, but he only prosecuted those responsible for his fate.

Dubrovsky's qualities.

Dubrovsky is not accustomed to enduring insults. He could take cruel revenge on his enemies. Vladimir has a sense of camaraderie. Having caught a clerk on the road with money for an officer, he did not take this money away, since he himself was once a guards officer. The nobility and kindness of Dubrovsky is also evidenced by the fact that all the inhabitants of the former estate of his father immediately went over to his side. But he could not accept such a sacrifice. Dubrovsky is strong, brave, fearless. It is unlikely that there will be someone who will refute these qualities in a young man. We understand that Vladimir Dubrovsky is like his father: just as honest, just, and decent.


If we collect all of the above about Dubrovsky together, we get a very attractive image. Just like this: honest, noble, courageous, kind and gentle, A. S. Pushkin wanted to show his hero. As for us personally, having become acquainted with the life and work of the poet, we see Pushkin himself as such.

DUBROVSKII - the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" (1832-1833). (In drafts: Andrei Zubrovsky, Ostrovsky.) Vladimir Andreevich D. - an officer, the son of a well-born, but impoverished landowner. After the loss of the family estate, D., out of revenge and hatred, sets fire to the estate, goes with his peasants into the forest and becomes a robber. Having fallen in love with the daughter of the culprit of all the misfortunes of Troekurov - Maria Kirilovna, D. under the guise of french teacher Deforge infiltrates the house of his enemy. D. demonstrates extraordinary courage and determination: being in a cage with a hungry bear (one of Troekurov's jokes), calmly putting a pistol to the beast's ear, kills him, which wins the heart of Maria Kirilovna. But Masha agrees to run away with D. only when she is threatened with marriage to the old Prince Vereisky. As a result of chance (which in Pushkin's works is always full of meaning), the hero is late to release the bride before the wedding. D. with his gang attacks the carriage in which the married Masha and the prince are returning from the church. Masha refuses to help D. V last chapter D. dissolves the gang and goes abroad. The tradition founded by V. G. Belinsky is to represent D. as social hero, the chieftain of robbers or a fighter against injustice, reveals a contradiction with the logic of the development of the very image and actions of D. in the plot. Seeming incompleteness external plot is exhausted by the completeness of the fate of D. This is indicated by a series modern researchers, referring by analogy to the "incompleteness" of "Eugene Onegin". A gang of peasants robbing estates and wealthy travelers is not an organic environment for D.. Among them, he remains an officer and a gentleman who knows how to command. Pushkin draws the reader's attention to D.'s "mummery". In the draft, he crosses out the word "transformed" and replaces it with the word "changed clothes." "D. to the end it remains a contour image, without acquiring the density and tangibility of a specific figure ”(N. Petrunina). Book. Vereisky mockingly calls D. the name of the melodramatic hero - Rinaldino.

In Pushkin's narrative, the romantic image of the robber is consistently reduced. D. does not rob the French teacher, but, having entered his position and persuaded him to sell his documents, says goodbye to him with the wishes that the Frenchman find his mother in good health in Paris. At the station where chance brought the Frenchman and D., the latter arrives and leaves in a carriage. His behavior and appearance are so ordinary and not intimidating that when the caretaker, who recognized D., upon his departure tells his wife who their guest was, she exclaims: “You are not afraid of God, Sidorych. Why didn't you tell me that before, I would have at least looked at D., and now wait for him to turn around again. You are shameless, right, shameless!” The image of D. had several prototypes. Nashchokin told Pushkin about the landowner Ostrovsky, “who had a process with a neighbor for land, was ousted from the estate and, left with some peasants, began to rob, first clerks, then others. Pushkin knew about the case of the Nizhny Novgorod landowner (the surname is the same as that of the hero), from whom in 1802 the estate of his relative was illegally taken away. IL Andronikov points to a number of other possible prototypes. The typical situation of the unfair loss of the estate allowed Pushkin to include in the text of the novel a detailed document on several pages - a court decision to take away the estate from Father D. in favor of Troekurov. Ambition, ardent disposition, inherited from the previous generation, impulsiveness, bordering on tyranny, push D. to reckless acts that turn into a crime. The lot of young D. is hard labor or forced emigration. Pushkin was not interested in the melodramatic hero-robber, but in the fate of a Russian nobleman who became a victim of injustice.

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