Characteristics of the teacher in the work French lessons. The meaning of the image of Lydia Mikhailovna (according to the story of V

Valentin Rasputin is a classic of our time. His heroes live next to us. These are the people we meet on the path of life, and many of them leave a bright mark in our lives.

The story "French Lessons" is autobiographical. The writer tells about an Angarsk boy who, in the difficult post-war period, goes to study in the regional center.

Need and hunger haunt him. Relatives cannot help, people around live just as hard, even his aunt's family steals food from him, and the boy has to rely only on himself. The only person who is not indifferent to the boy's problems is his French teacher Lidia Mikhailovna.

In his stories, Rasputin often describes in detail the appearance of the characters, their behavior, speech, but almost does not talk about their character, as if we should examine the inner world of a person through the writer's observations. This is how Lidia Mikhailovna appears before us. We see her through the eyes of a boy, and his attitude towards her is ambiguous. She seems to be from another world - calm, attentive, beautiful, well-dressed, mysterious, with a "small and light" voice and a squinting eye. Something fabulous emanates from her, and the boy cannot lie to her, but it is also difficult for him to accept help from the teacher.

He avoids what he considers a manifestation of pity in every possible way. It was then that we learn the character of Lydia Mikhailovna. Persistently, but patiently, she chooses ways to help a starving child. At first, the boy reveals all the plans of the teacher, refusing to help, despite the hunger, but Lidia Mikhailovna is not stubborn either. Finding out that the boy gambles to earn money for food, she, pretending to be a gambler, gradually loses to him. Every time the boy suspects that she is giving in, Lidia Mikhailovna changes tactics, and it works. The boy gains confidence in her, because she, it turns out, is a simple, understandable person: she knows how to cheat, and argues to the point of hoarseness, and she likes the game. He does not consider it shameful to take a win. And when Lydia Mikhailovna's scam is revealed, she has a choice: to try to explain herself to the director, telling everything, or to hide the true motive of her actions, while maintaining the trust of the child. Lidia Mikhailovna chooses the second.

We see the strength of character and high life principles of this woman. One can only guess what problems await the teacher of the Soviet school, fired for gambling, "corruption and seduction." and Lydia

Mikhailovna understands this too. Without making a deal with her conscience, she will serve as an example of compassion and courage in the life of a boy who, having carried childhood memories through the years, will become one of the greatest writers of modern Russia in the future.

In my opinion, the story "French Lessons" with its penetration cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Updated: 2012-03-16

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V. G. Rasputin was always worried about the fate of ordinary people. Great feelings and great problems are touched upon in his works. And the real hero in each of them is life itself, such as it is, as it is seen by the writer himself. It is no accident that the image of Lydia Mikhailovna occupies an important place in his story "French Lessons". Throughout his work, the author connected his ideas about everything beautiful and humane with female images. In the story, the teacher saves her student, helping him survive and maintain spiritual purity.
Before us appear an ordinary rural boy and a teacher of a district school. Hard fate and hunger force the hero to get in touch with local boys and start playing "chika" for money. However, in terms of the purity of his soul, intelligence, honesty, he is not at all like other guys. Therefore, he does not agree to put up with the injustice and deceit that teenagers use. The older boys begin to mercilessly beat and humiliate the boy, stopping his attempts to uphold justice. It was at this moment that the school teacher Lidia Mikhailovna came to the aid of the hero.
Upon learning that the students are gambling, she decides to talk to the boy and find out why he is doing this. After the conversation, she realizes that the boy is not playing for the sake of the money itself and not out of excitement. He needs a ruble for milk. He is malnourished and has no other way to get the money he needs. The hero is imbued with confidence in his teacher, the boy is unable to deceive this woman. He opens his soul to her, talks about the difficulties of his life. Lidia Mikhailovna invites her student to study French additionally, but this, by and large, is just a pretext. In fact, she is deeply concerned about his fate, she seeks to somehow help him. But the proud boy does not agree to accept this help just like that. He refuses to dine with his teacher, indignantly returns her a parcel of groceries. And then the woman finds a way out. She invites him to play with her - first just like that, then for money. The boy agrees. But he strictly ensures that the game is fair, so that the teacher does not succumb to him. Fairly won money he agrees to accept.
Lidia Mikhailovna found a successful way out, and now the hero has money again, he can again buy milk for himself. Nor did he associate with a dubious company of slackers. So the teacher, risking losing her job, saved her student, helped him survive and not lose himself, his individuality, his dignity.

Lidia Mikhailovna is one of the key characters in V. Rasputin's story. A young, twenty-five-year-old French teacher with slightly squinting eyes turns out to be a kind of guardian angel for the protagonist of the story.

For a village boy, Lidia Mikhailovna, his class teacher, seemed like some kind of unearthly, extraordinary creature. “It seems that before that I did not suspect that Lydia Mikhailovna, like all of us, eats the most ordinary food, and not some kind of manna from heaven - she seemed to me an extraordinary person, unlike everyone else.” Everything played a role here: the attractiveness of a young woman, her neatness and urban appearance, unusual for a boy, her sensitivity and attentiveness to her students, even the mysterious French that she taught - according to the narrator, there was something “fabulous” in it.

In fact, of course, Lydia Mikhailovna was not an angel or a fairy. She helped the skinny, untidy boy not at all at the behest of any higher powers, she just had a good heart. A young French teacher not only did not give the principal a student who was playing chica for money, but also tried to slip him a package of food, knowing that he was starving. The narrator did not accept the parcel, and Lidia Mikhailovna decided to act more cunningly - she assigned him additional French lessons at home.

Of course, she also taught him French, but she tried much more to stir up the boy and understand him, help him. Not indifferent to her students, Lidia Mikhailovna believed that, first of all, a teacher should remain a person, so that “living people would not get bored with him.” Her purposeful and light, sometimes quite girlish character eventually helped the narrator to get used to both the French language and herself.

Unfortunately, the story of their wonderful acquaintance ends sadly: in order to help the boy get food, Lidia Mikhailovna plays with him for money, and the director finds them behind this. The teacher is forced to leave for the Kuban and finally says that only she is responsible for this "stupid case".

At the end of the story, the boy receives a parcel with macaroni and three large red apples: Lidia Mikhailovna, his kind guardian angel, despite the distance, has not forgotten about him and is trying to help.

Option 2

The story "French Lessons" is largely biographical. The writer Valentin Rasputin wrote about himself and about the French teacher he remembered for the rest of his life. Despite her youth, because she was only twenty-five years old, Lidia Mikhailovna is a well-established personality and a glorious teacher.

As a class teacher, she is doubly attentive to her wards. She is interested in everything connected with them, from appearance to deep feelings. The story is told in the difficult post-war period, when the Soviet people were busy restoring the country.

For a boy who grew up in a remote Siberian village, this teacher reminded him of the celestials. He could not even imagine that she could eat ordinary food, and not manna from heaven. Lidia Mikhailovna is beautiful, young, feminine, charming and kind. All these qualities the boy vaguely guesses. Even the perfume she wears he takes for breath itself.

The author writes that the young woman most likely has already been married, as she behaves naturally, but her main difference from other teachers is the absence of cruelty in appearance, which is so inherent in teachers, even the kindest.

Lidia Mikhailovna squints a little, so she narrows her eyes. This gives her a sly expression, and the fact that she does not take herself and her profession seriously makes the French teacher unique. It is impossible not to love her, because everything that Lydia Mikhailovna says is said sincerely and with great tact.

Upon learning that the boy is starving, the young woman tries to help him. French is difficult for the boy and she invites him to her home, allegedly with only one purpose - to improve his language skills. In fact, she wants to feed him, because she understands that the student's health is at risk. He does not eat well, the potatoes that his mother brings from the village are stolen from him, but there is no money for milk.

Within a few months of being in the city, the boy learned to play "chika" skillfully. This is a money game, but its goal is to buy milk for itself so as not to starve to death. However, local boys cruelly take away his money. Upon learning of this, the young teacher first anonymously sends him a package of pasta. Excessive pride does not allow him to easily accept help.

Convinced of the boy's stubbornness and pride, Lidia Mikhailovna extra-tactfully "helps" him earn money. She offers to play "chika" with her and tries her best to lose. He does it so imperceptibly that the boy does not know about the catch. As a result, in the rush of the game, they forget and start talking loudly, forgetting that the headmaster lives behind the wall.

Hearing a noise, the director enters the apartment and takes them by surprise. Horrified by the "crime", not having dealt with the problem, the director fires a living and direct teacher from the school. She leaves unstained, remaining forever in the heart of the student.

Valentin Rasputin remembered his teacher for a long time, therefore he made her image immortal and the most beloved in modern literature.

Composition about Lydia Mikhailovna

The story of Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin belongs to the autobiographical work, because all the events described in it were experienced and suffered by the author himself in his post-war childhood. Talking about a boy with a simple, but such a difficult fate, he seems to be re-living the post-war hungry years.

With great love, the images of the heroes of the story are revealed: the boy and his English teacher Lidia Mikhailovna. In that hungry post-war period, when the dilapidated country began to restore the national economy, it was especially difficult to survive in cities and regional centers. And the most vulnerable were the children. Realizing that education is necessary, the guys studied diligently. Often I had to get to school, overcoming more than one kilometer. And in some remote villages there were only primary classes.

For the same reason, our hero had to continue his studies at the district school after four years. And everything would be within his power: both studying with a difficult French language, the pronunciation of which was not given to the child in any way, and life in someone else's apartment, where he had to cook food himself. Yes, the doctor discovered signs of exhaustion of the body, leading to hungry fainting. Mom could not help, the younger ones had to be fed. Yes, and they paid little money for workdays. And the doctor attributed to drinking at least a glass of milk a day to restore strength. He had to find on his own where to earn kopecks. And the case turned up when he began to play chica with the guys. Winning a little money, he took it and left. The others did not like this, and they beat him with childish cruelty. He came to the lesson with a bruise, which was immediately noticed by his teacher and class teacher Lidia Mikhailovna. And from this key moment, the characters of our heroes begin to unfold in their entirety.

In general, the desire to do good is inherent in nature in a person, if he is quite adequate. To come to the rescue, to lend a hand in difficult times - these are normal manifestations of human nature. And if this person is a teacher, he is doubly obligated to do so. Therefore, Lidia Mikhailovna's desire to help her student was quite normal.

Realizing that out of pride he would not accept from her any cunningly handed over parcels of food, nor dinners after supposedly necessary additional classes at her home. The teacher sincerely wanted to feed and warm this emaciated but rebellious child with human attention and warmth. But it was all in vain. And she went to the trick: she challenged the boy to a game of "zameryashki", the prize in which was also monetary. The teacher understood that she was acting illegally, that she was playing for money with a student, but she did not find another way to help. Nothing good came of this venture. The director of the school, who accidentally entered Lidia Mikhailovna's room, was stunned and shocked. This is unworthy of a Soviet teacher: to play with a student, and even for money! She had to leave. But the good that she gave to her student, sincerely wanting to help him, did not go unnoticed. He will remember her with deep gratitude for the rest of his life. These French lessons will become for him lessons of kindness and humanity.

Valentin Rasputin (who is also the hero of the story) will dedicate his story "French Lessons" to Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova, who has worked at school all her life. He writes about this in the preface to the story. And Valentin Grigorievich also adds that he didn’t have to invent anything, because he was personally acquainted with Lydia Mikhailovna Molokova, a teacher from Mordovia, whom he made the heroine of the work.

  • Composition based on the painting by Mashkov Strawberries and a white jug Grade 5

    I.I. Mashkov liked to depict landscapes or still lifes in his paintings. They look so bright and saturated in his paintings. Every detail of his painting is very important. Plays of light and shadows help expand the artist's idea as much as possible

  • We are just a grain of sand in a vast and vast space. Our problems, joys, ups and downs take place on one small green ball that lonely revolves around another star.

    Self-confidence is an essential property for a person. After all, only confidence allows you to reach some heights and get the desired results.

    I. The hero of V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons". (The hero of V. Rasputin lived in a difficult post-war period. He studied well. When he finished the fifth grade, his mother sent him to study in the district center. It was a difficult time for the boy: he was away from home; the products that his mother sent him were not enough, and he was constantly hungry.)

    II. French lessons. (The boy also studied well in the district center. In all subjects, except French, he had fives. He did not get along with French because of pronunciation. The boy easily memorized French words and phrases, but pronounced them “in the manner of village tongue twisters.” Lidia Mikhailovna , a French teacher, listening to him, "wrinkled her face helplessly and closed her eyes.")

    III. The kind and sensitive attitude of Lidia Mikhailovna to her student. (The boy began to play “chika” for money in order to be able to buy a half-liter can of milk every day. But the boys with whom he played severely beat him. When Lidia Mikhailovna found out that her student was playing for money, she did not lead him to the director, but decided to talk to him.Finding out that the boy was playing "chika" to buy a can of milk, she wanted to help him.)

    IV. Lidia Mikhailovna's lessons are lessons of kindness.

    1.Lessons at the teacher's house. (Trying to feed a hungry student, Lidia Mikhailovna invited him to study French at home. But these lessons did not bring any benefit: hiding in a corner, he could not wait to be let go home. After finishing classes, Lidia Mikhailovna invited the boy to the table, but he refused and ran away. After several attempts, the teacher, in despair, stopped inviting him to the table.)

    2.Parcel with pasta. (Lidiya Mikhailovna could not calmly watch how her student was starving. She sent him a parcel. But the contents of the parcel - pasta and hematogen, which cannot be found in the village during the day with fire, betrayed her with her head. Lidia Mikhailovna asks her student to pick up the parcel: “Please You must eat your fill in order to study." But pride does not allow the boy to accept such a generous gift.) -

    3.Playing with the teacher in "zameryashki". (The desire to help a student who is malnourished and dreams of a mug of milk did not leave Lidia Mikhailovna for a minute. She suggested that he play "zameryashki" for money. The boy did not notice that the teacher was playing along with him. He was happy. Finally, he had there was an opportunity to drink milk every day!The director, having learned about this game, fires

    Lydia Mikhailovna. In the middle of winter, the boy received a package containing macaroni and three large apples. The parcel was sent by Lydia Mikhailovna.) V. The lessons of kindness are the lessons of life. (The lessons that Lydia taught her student

    Mikhailovna, these are lessons of kindness, compassion, sympathy. They are for life

    remained in the boy's heart. And, becoming a writer, he told people about them.)

    Every day we go to school, every day we meet the same teachers. We love some of them, others not so much, we respect some, we are afraid of others. But it is unlikely that any of us, before V. G. Rasputin's story "French Lessons", thought about the influence of the personality of a particular teacher on our entire future life.

    The main character of the story was very lucky: he got a smart, subtle, sympathetic and sensitive woman as a class teacher. Seeing the boy's plight and, at the same time, his abilities, craving for knowledge, she constantly makes attempts to help him. Either Lidia Mikhailovna tries to seat her student at the table and feed him to the full, then she sends him parcels with food. But all her tricks and efforts are in vain, because the protagonist's modesty and self-esteem do not allow him not only to admit his problems, but also to accept gifts. Lidia Mikhailovna does not insist - she respects pride, but she is constantly looking for new and new ways to help the boy. In the end, having a prestigious job that not only feeds her well, but also gives her housing, the French teacher decides on a "sin" - she herself draws the student into the game for money so that he can earn his own bread and milk. Unfortunately, the "crime" is revealed, and Lidia Mikhailovna has to leave the city. And yet, the attention, benevolent attitude, the sacrifice made by the teacher for the sake of helping her pupil, the boy will never be able to forget, and through his whole life he will be grateful for the best lessons - the lessons of humanity and kindness.

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