How to draw a branched tree. How to draw a tree with a pencil

We present you another interesting step by step lesson for drawing with pencils. Today we will show you how to draw a tree with pencils. Prepare all the materials necessary for drawing:

  • sheet of white paper A5 or A4;
  • colour pencils;
  • simple HB pencil;
  • eraser.

We start by sketching the tree trunk.

Then we move on to drawing the crown. We apply the sketch easily, without pressing too hard on the pencil and without drawing any details.

Now back to creating the trunk. Outline it with a brown pencil.

Gradually giving it contrast and brightness.

The crown of the tree should be green. To do this, take a pencil of any green tone and begin to draw each piece of the crown.

We do not press hard on the pencil, so that in the end we get such a translucent shade.

Now we begin to draw in small strokes the unpainted sections of the crown.

To do this, you can use a different shade of green pencil, darker or more saturated. You can also draw with one green pencil, only change the force of pressing on it.

With a burgundy pencil, we create bright accents on the trunk of our tree.

We outline the contour of the trunk, easily draw the middle and side parts of the branches.

To create contrast and draw the shadows of the trunk, use a black pencil.

Now, along the contour of the crown, we create such small leaves.

The petals should be of a more saturated tone and stand out a little against the background of the main part of the crown.

And then we circle the outline of miniature leaves with a yellow pencil.

We create a crown contrast with a burgundy or brown tone. We fill in any of these two shades of dark areas of foliage.

On the background of the picture we will create a wooden fence of a translucent color. Also, draw a small patch of green grass under the tree.

Everything, the work is ready!

Trees are always very interesting to draw and quite simple. The main thing is to know some rules and be observant. How to draw a tree? First of all, you need to know what kind of species, breed? How do branches grow - straight, sideways, falling to the ground? What kind of crown does the plant have - lush, small, round, dense, triangular? The birch has its own silhouette of the crown, the pine has its own. In this lesson, we will try to draw a tree in stages. You will understand how to correctly depict dense foliage, bark, tree roots. This knowledge will come in handy when you go to the open air or want to draw something of your own.

  1. We take a thick sheet watercolor paper, simple pencil, eraser. If you want to draw a tree in a “wet” technique, then the sheet is first slightly moistened with water. This can be done with a wide soft brush or sponge. With this technique, you will get very beautiful stains and gradients. To begin with, we outline our tree with a pencil. Let's draw it with a lush green crown. In summer and spring, the trees are especially beautiful, the sun reflects from each leaf and they seem to glow. Let's draw the earth in a semicircle. The tree itself will be depicted with small roots. The tree is far away from the viewer, so the roots will appear small. We make the thickness of the branches such that the approximate sum of their thicknesses is equal to the trunk of our tree. The higher the branches are, the thinner they become. At the top of the crown, the branches are the thinnest and youngest. We draw the crown of the tree in general, with an uneven circle.

  2. Now let's designate the "floors" of the crown. If you look closely at any tree, then each large branch creates a separate "tier", a kind of mini-tree, and together they form a lush crown. Each such “tier” has its own volume, they overlap each other, later we will denote this by the play of shadows and light.

  3. To make the tree look more organic, let's finish the elements of the landscape - the sky, clouds, as well as the shadow of the tree. We only lightly outline the clouds with a pencil, then we simply outline these sections of white paper with blue paint, and add a light shadow for volume. So that the tree trunk does not look smooth and boring, let's draw it as if it consists of many large branches. The texture of the bark will not be visible, so we will draw the tree trunk with color shades, without drawing small details.

  4. Let's start painting with watercolors. We start with the crown of the tree and with a transparent yellow-green paint, unevenly paint over this area with a soft wide brush. In some places we leave white spots, somewhere we add thicker paints, but do not overdo it. The grass on the ground will be colder in hue, so add some light blue or blue. Let's draw a shadow from the tree. We draw the sky with a blue gradient, the thickest shade is at the top, gradually the paint is diluted with water towards the horizon. Clouds are simply outlined with a brush.

  5. We draw shadows. We take green tint with the addition of blue and short strokes we “sculpt” the crown. On the lower "floor" the shadows will be larger and darker, towards the top the brush strokes become shorter and lighter. We carefully outline a couple of branches in the middle. Give volume to the tree trunk. The shadows throughout the figure are on the left. different shades brown (with the addition of ocher, blue and a little green) we draw the bark of a tree, in some places leaving white spots of light. We also make shadows on the clouds - we paint over the lower part of each cloud with a gray-blue tint.

  6. The most “delicious” stage is drawing the details. Now we need the thinnest brush. Go through all the shadows again and make them more saturated. The viewer's attention should be focused on the central part of the picture, it must be drawn especially carefully to make it interesting to look at. Therefore, we add contrast to the branches, in the shadows on the crown and trunk of the tree. With thin strokes we denote small branches in the depths of the crown. We draw the grass with light strokes (touch the paper with a brush and make a quick stroke with it “away from you”).

The watercolor drawing is complete. I hope you didn’t draw a tree great work and the lesson was informative and useful. Knowing these small artistic techniques, you can easily draw any tree you want.

It is important to know that every tree, like a person, is special in its own way. All of them differ in structure, trunk, leaves, and sometimes it seems that their mood is different. The mood of the whole picture can depend on the mood and nature of the tree!

Would you like to draw autumn tree? Then watch this video.

Further in this lesson we will consider oak and birch, their character, mood, external differences. Subsequently, you will be able to explore other trees yourself. Go outside with a pencil and paper and boldly draw the trees that you see in front of you - so you will become a real master! We will also try to come up with and draw a fabulous tree that you will not find in any ordinary forest.

How to draw an oak tree step by step

Oak is associated with a powerful, old and wise tree. As the lion is the lord of the jungle, so the oak is the king of the forest. Oak is often mentioned in songs, fairy tales and poems. We cannot but mention, let's try to draw this tree.

Oak is special in that it has a not high, but wide, powerful trunk and a lush crown. This distinguishes it from other trees.

1. First of all, let's think about placing the tree on the paper. Let us designate the extreme upper and lower points of the figure and combine them with the central line of the tree. It will help us keep the symmetry.

2. Now we take up drawing the trunk. Remember that the oak trunk is wide and powerful. Also powerful are its roots. At this stage, draw the branches of the oak, but not completely, because the branches are almost invisible through the lush crown of the tree. To better understand where the branches will end, conditionally mark the crown of the tree with light pencil movements.

3. When the trunk is ready, draw the crown. To make it look realistic, draw it in the form of planes that look like clouds. They will mean heterogeneous clusters of leaves. In some places between these flats, several small branches can be identified that are visible through the leaves.

4. Done! It remains only to add bright colors to the picture with the help of paints or pencils.

How to draw a birch step by step

If the oak is associated with a strong, wise, gray-haired gentleman, then the birch invariably evokes associations of a fragile girl. Its trunk is thin, like a girl's figure, and the branches fall down like girl's braids. Let's try to draw a birch?

1. First of all, let's think about placing the tree on the paper. Let us designate the extreme upper and lower points of the figure and combine them with the central line of the tree. Let's make it a little curved so that the trunk is a little tilted.

2.Now you can draw the trunk. From below it is wide, and the farther up, the narrower. Starting from about the middle, lowered branches depart from the sides of the trunk. At the beginning they are thicker, and at the ends they narrow to thin lines. It is also worth noting that the lower branches are longer than the upper ones.

3. Let's move on to drawing the leaves. Each branch of birch is covered with them. And also denote the characteristic dark spots on the trunk.

4. Everything is ready! It remains only to add color to the picture with paints or pencils.

How to draw a fairy tale tree step by step

Fairy tree is a flight for fantasy. It can be crooked, curly, thin, thick, with fantastic branches, leaves, flowers and even fruits. Let's try to imagine?

1. First of all, let's think about placing the tree on the paper. Let us designate the extreme upper and lower points of the figure and combine them with the central line of the tree.

2. We draw a trunk of a chaotic shape and branches twisted into spirals. You can draw a tree of a completely different shape, the main thing is that it be unusual, as if from magical land. And you can repeat after me for now, and only then try to come up with your own fairy-tale tree.

3. We add no less fabulous leaves and flowers of various shapes and sizes to the fabulous twigs. You can add more fabulous birds or butterflies, etc. Fantasize!

4. Hooray! Our tree is ready! It remains only to make it colored with pencils or paints, or draw it with a black pen using interesting lines and shadings, like me.

Success in creative work!

Almost always in the drawing of any landscape, a tree appears as the main or additional object, and sometimes even more than one. Before you start drawing a whole grove or even a forest, you need to learn how to draw a single tree, as well as practice drawing different types of trees.

In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how to draw trees. different types paints using different techniques. It is very important that the colors are good quality. Using poor-quality paints will make it difficult for you to control the work with paint, and in general the whole process will not bring much pleasure, and the result will most likely be extremely mediocre.

So, I will show how to paint a winter spruce with paints, a deciduous tree, as well as a technique for painting a tree with a sponge. Let's start.

How to draw a spruce with paints

Let's start with the trunk. It shows in which direction side branches grow. Important - if you are not painting with gouache, but with watercolors, then you will need to make a preliminary sketch with a pencil and start painting from light areas, then wait until the paint dries and move on to dark details. If you don't do this, all the paint will mix and you end up with a very messy, ugly drawing. By the way, here is a detailed description of the technique of painting flowers in watercolor.

After you have finished drawing the branches, we outline the main color of the coniferous foliage of the tree. In some places the paint will be a little lighter. Draw the darkest areas in green with the addition of blue - you should get the color of the sea wave.

To add snow to spruce branches, wait for the paint to dry completely. We draw snow with white paint with the addition of a blue or blue tint.

How to draw a deciduous tree with paints

Again, we start drawing from the trunk, from which the branches are directed as shown in the image below.

Here for the foliage we will use a warmer green - you can get this color if you add to the usual green color a little yellow - this way you can adjust and change the shade. The more shades of green in your drawing, the more interesting the final result will look. Shaded areas are drawn in dark green and turquoise.

Separate, strongly lit petals can be identified yellow. Don't forget to paint the trunk with dark and light shades of brown. Also draw earth, grass and flowers at the base of the tree.

How to draw a tree with paint and sponge

This method is especially popular with children and novice artists. It will require paper, paint and a small piece of sponge or foam rubber.

We start drawing from the trunk. Light movements using a thin brush, draw branches.

After that, you need to dip the sponge a little in green paint and carefully leave prints on paper in the place where the crown of the tree should be located. You can practice on a draft. Adjust the amount of paint and the degree of pressure to get the best effect.

Lessons step by step drawing pencil.
Trees in the forest or in the park, or lonely standing tree in the middle of the field is a fairly common drawing object. Without a tree, one cannot depict a landscape or a beautiful background consisting of a forest.
At first glance, the tree is drawn very simply - there is a trunk, branches, leaves, but in practice the artist encounters unexpected difficulties and depicting a tree becomes a real problem.

First stage.
The basis of a tree is its trunk. Therefore, drawing a tree must begin with a trunk. The trunk is thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom. If we paint with a brush, then
the top of the trunk must be drawn with its tip, and the bottom - by pressing with the whole brush.

Second phase
- this is an image of large, main branches. They are drawn in the same way as the trunk: thin at the top, and closer to the trunk - thicker and directed upwards with a thin end, while remembering that the branches on the trunk are at different distances.

Third stage
- drawing small branches, that is, the crown of a tree. There are a lot of them. Small branches are drawn with the same thickness - they are thin, but also stretch upwards - towards the sun.

tree-trunk, large branches, small branches

birch branches are very thin and are not located up, they bend, hang down
down and are divided into even thinner branches.
The main stages of drawing any tree: trunk, large branches, thin branches

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