Impression of the picture spring big water. Levitan's painting "Spring

In this article we will talk about the life and work famous artist Isaac Levitan, who was a master of landscapes, the beauty of which is striking to the core. Talent, skill of the artist cause admiration and admiration. Your attention will be given one of the many works of genius, namely Levitan's painting “Spring. big water».

Artist biography

Isaac Levitan was born in 1860 in an impoverished Jewish family. Quite recently, evidence was discovered that Levitan was not a natural child, he was adopted in infancy, his father was his own uncle. This fact further explains the secrecy of the two brothers and the absence of a record of the artist's birth.

The boy's father worked as a translator at the construction site, being fluent in German and French, in this regard, he was offered a job in Moscow. The family moved to the capital in the 1870s, this period is associated with the arrival of Levitan in the Moscow art school. The boy learns easily, everything was given to him without difficulty, but at the same time he shows incredible effort in his work. The family could not fully pay for their studies young man. Soon the trouble came: the family lost their only breadwinner-father, being on the verge of poverty.

In view of this fact, the school takes on the payment, since the talent of the young artist should not have been wasted in vain. A gifted Jewish boy irritated Russian teachers, Levitan did not receive an artist's diploma, he was given a document with the entry "handwriting teacher."

In those years, an attempt was made on the life of Tsar Alexander II by a man of Jewish nationality. In this regard, all Jews were expelled from the territory of the city of Moscow and other large cities as well.

Throughout his life, Levitan has worked hard and fruitfully. The artist left behind a number of landscape paintings, the skill of which impresses the viewer to this day. Acquaintance with A.P. Chekhov left a big mark on the life of each of them. Friendship and rivalry united these two men. Chekhov in his work of art"The Jumper" described the situation that arose in the life of Levitan. Love triangle The artist was put on display to the public, thereby causing dissatisfaction with the artist. In view of the troubled life, poor childhood, hard work, the artist's health deteriorates sharply. He dies in 1900, leaving behind many unfinished works, one of them is the famous "Lake".

In 1897 there appeared famous work Levitan "Spring. Big water. The picture of the awakening of nature is gentle and at the same time piercingly realistic, full of freshness, light lyrics.

Spring awakening. Detailed description of the painting

After a long snowy winter the snows begin to melt, the approaching spring turns them into water. Every year in middle lane In Russia, we are witnessing a phenomenon - a flood. AT school essay based on the painting by Levitan “Spring. Big Water” should definitely describe this moment. Cold water, flooding all coastal areas, fills the territory of the plains. Quiet joy, peaceful calmness fill all nature.

In the description of Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water ”it should be noted that the artist shows the viewer the awakening after the winter sleep of Russian nature. At this time, we can see the first spring colors, with which spring covers nature with tenderness and care. Cold, clean and clear water like a mirror sheet. The trees look tender and defenseless against the backdrop of spilled water. The already thin and slender birch trees, illuminated by the spring sun, seem pink, which makes them even more touching. Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water” is filled with light and breathes the beginning of spring. It was the transmission of light that Levitan succeeded for sure. It seems that the fresh breath of spring has touched your face. A dilapidated old boat is washed up on the edge of the shore, in the distance one can see small peasant houses, some of which are surrounded by melted spring water.

In an essay based on the painting by Levitan “Spring. Big Water ”it is necessary to show the connecting thread between the viewer and the artist’s work, it becomes possible to become a co-author of the picture, delving into its description, studying the details and features of the transmission of the play of light. A boat, houses visible in the distance: all this suggests the life of people of that era. Tall green spruce creates a contrast with thin and still bare birches.

Canvas color palette

In his painting “Spring. Big water "Levitan used delicate shades of blue, green, yellow flowers. The blue gamma prevails, which dissolves the yellowish-gray tree trunks in the reflection of the water. The sky is bare, light airy clouds fill the sky. The piercing shades of the sky and the melted water are noticeably different, we can see the transitions from dark blue pale, almost white shade. Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water” is written in soft and transparent colors. The colors are as soft as Russian nature itself in early spring.

Lyrical mood from the picture

Description of the painting by Levitan “Spring. Big Water ”makes a positive impression, which fills with optimism and inspires hope associated with the spring awakening of nature, for new changes for the better. This creates the impression of incredible fragility and such naturalness of Russian nature. The lyrical mood fills the whole space. The water that filled everything around will water the earth and give rise to new life. Such simple and at the same time priceless fragments of life are captured in Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.

Conclusion. Outcome

In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note once again that the description of Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water” is given easily, the canvas brings pleasure to perception. There is no sadness that is early work artist. All this indicates that the 90s in the artist's work passed under the motto of lyricism.

Creativity Levitan, painting "Spring. Big Water, by the way, belongs to Tretyakov Gallery, today relevant and interesting to the viewer, strikes with beauty, accuracy of the transfer of real life.

"Spring. Big water "1897 64.2 x 57.5 cm. Oil on canvas.
Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Description of the painting by Levitan I.I. "Spring. Big water"

In 1897, 3 years before his death, I.I. Levitan painted a picture called “Spring. Big water. The author depicted the awakening of nature from a long winter hibernation, the first sign of which is a flood. The coastal zone is flooded with water, but it does not cause a feeling of aggressiveness. On the contrary, the water surface is quiet and calm. The trees, surrounded by water, seem to have frozen, the sky is the color of azure.

The picture is presented in an optimistic story. Spring has come, it fills everything around with its life-giving energy. The water itself seems to come to life, it glistens and absorbs the power of spring awakening. Subtle blue, yellow, green shades bring a special flavor to the picture. The most diverse shades are blue, ranging from dark blue to almost white.

"Spring. Big Water” is one of the author’s most cheerful, lyrical and beautiful works; pure and light colors that show all the fragility and transparency spring day. The time of the awakening of nature fascinates, it evokes an association with something new in the life of any person, this feeling, perhaps, attracts the artist's admirers.

An interesting nuance is that the artist depicts the shape and color "timbre" of objects with picturesque and saturated color spots. It is this approach that creates the effect of volume. It also speaks of highest point development of the lyrical Russian landscape.

The best pictures of Levitan I.I.

More Russian artists Wanderers. Biographies. Paintings

Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev was born on June 6, 1838 in Sveaborg. First, the young man studied at the Arakcheevsky Cadet Corps, then moved to the second Petersburg Corps. All this time, starting from early childhood, Kiselev was fond of drawing. This love of painting prompted the young man to enter the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1861. In 1864, Kiselev graduated from the Academy, having received a certificate of class artist.
Alexei Ivanovich Korzukhin was born on March 11, 1835 in the village of Uktus, Perm Province. His father was a gold panner. The boy's ability to draw appeared as early as early years. He took drawing lessons from local icon painters, painted portraits of relatives. Korzukhin during this period took part in the creation of icons for the Church of the Transfiguration.

Composition based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Spring. Big water"

Goals : to promote the development in children of emotional responsiveness to spring manifestations of nature, associations with their own experience of perceiving them. Develop a coherent dialogic and monologue speech students, enriched with emotionally colored vocabulary. Cultivate love for nature careful attitude To her.

During the classes

1. Preparation for the perception of the work

Our land is beautiful in all seasons, and each time is beautiful in its own way. But there is a time in nature when nature awakens from its winter sleep and all lives in anticipation of heat, the sun.

The poetry of spring, the awakening of nature, the melting of snow is a favorite theme of both Russian painting and Russian literature.

Ivan Bunin. 1892.

Raging hollow water

Noisy and muffled, and drawn out.

Rooks flying herds

They shout both cheerfully and importantly.

Black mounds are smoking,

And in the morning in the warm air

thick white couples

Filled with warmth and light.

And at noon puddles under the window

So spill and shine

What a bright sunspot

The bunnies are fluttering around the hall.

Between round loose clouds

Innocently the sky is blue

And the gentle sun warms

In the lull of the Humen and courtyards.

Spring, spring! And she's all happy.

How in oblivion what do you stand

And you hear the fresh smell of the garden

And the warm smell of melted roofs.

Around the water murmurs, sparkles,

The crowing of roosters sometimes sounds

And the wind, soft and damp,

Closes eyes softly.

With extraordinary pictorial freshness and fullness, this theme was embodied in the famous canvas by I.I. Levitan "Spring. Big water.

2. Examining the painting

Look closely at the picture.

What feelings does it evoke in you?

Imagine that you are on the bank of this river. What do you feel, hear?

3. Analysis of the content of the picture

What is the name of the painting? Why?

Already in the title of the canvas, consisting of two phrases, one can not help but feel the artist's desire to briefly talk about the depicted. Such double titles, which contain a kind of condensed narrative, are characteristic of I.I. Levitan: "Evening. Golden Reach", "Village. Moonlight night", "Sunny day. Lake”, “Autumn day. Sokolniki", "Autumn. Sunny day", "Twilight. Haystacks ... The artist seems to be calling the viewer to "read" pictorial story and deeply imbued with the poetic feeling that inspired his brush.

What colors did the artist choose for this painting?

What colors are dominant?

What is the brightest thing in the picture?

Why are the main colors blue and yellow?

What do you think attracted the attention of the painter in this corner of nature?

What interesting things did Isaac Ilyich Levitan see?(Slide 1)

Why does water appear blue?(Slide 2)

What sky? What can you compare the clouds floating across the sky to?

What trees are in the water?

Why do trees seem so elongated and curved?

What can you say about the weather that was on the day when the artist painted the picture?

What else did the artist depict in this corner of nature?

What did he mean by that?

What feelings does this picture evoke in you?

4. Drawing up an essay plan

What can be said in the introduction?

Work with the textbook (p. 87, exercise 178)

Which sentences from the exercise can be used in the intro?

What will we write about in the main part of the essay?

What will we write in the final part of the essay?

In his book "Stories about the Russian Landscape" V.N. Osokin writes: “Spring. Big Water ”is a lyric-musical poem by the artist about floods in Russian fields, about graceful girlish birches bathing in spring waters that flooded all, about the spring of light, as Prishvin later called this phenomenon, and about a lot more that I wanted to describe not prose, but in verse or recreate with music.

Sample Plan

  1. Artist's painting.
  2. Spring flood.
  3. Everyone is enjoying spring!

5. Lexico-orthographic preparation (base sheet)

1. High water.

High water, the river overflowed, flooded the banks, the coastal forest, the boat.

Everything is illuminated by the bright sun, the blue sky (clear, azure, light, bottomless, boundless), merges with water, light clouds (pieces of cotton wool, white lambs) carry spring on their wings, transparent air.

3. Trees.

Slender (white-trunked) birch trees, always green spruce, reflect, look, stretch, sun glare on the birch trunks.

One birch bent to better examine itself

Look defenseless and touching

4. The mood of the picture.

Bright, festive, permeated with light, a combination of warm and cold colors (warmth of the spring sun, coolness of water), freshness, expectation of the first young greenery, a breath of breeze, creaking of branches, murmur of water, nature awakens after a winter sleep.

6. Writing and proofreading essay

An example essay

Levitan's painting "Spring. Big water” nature is depicted as majestic, calm. April afternoon. Everything is lit by the gentle warmth of the sun.

The snow has melted. The water overflowed so much that it flooded all the low places, the forest, houses, sheds, birch grove. The river flows slowly. In the blue-blue water, as in a mirror, slender, like candles, bare trees are reflected. Very soon swollen sticky buds will bloom and the first lacy greens will appear.

The day is sunny and clear. Clouds resembling small lambs float across the pale blue sky. The air is clear and clean.
The birch grove, not yet dressed in foliage, is visible through and through. Pinkish branches of trees gently stand out against the blue bottomless sky.

An old boat is moored to the curving shore. Apparently, her owner was here recently and is about to come to the same place. In the distance, behind the trees, you can see coastal houses and barns flooded with high water.

The whole picture is permeated with the sparkling rays of the bright sun. Levitan managed to convey the joy of spring nature and big love To her. His story about the coming of spring is a hope for good summer, happiness.

After winter comes the long-awaited spring. She inspires many artists to create masterpieces. Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.

About the artist

Although the young man was talented, he worked hard. It gave results. Having sold the painting “Evening after the Rain”, Isaac rented a room with the proceeds, where he lived and worked.

In 1885, the artist graduated from a specialized school, but he was not given a diploma for national reasons. Again reminded of itself heavy financial situation, so for some time Levitan was forced to live in a remote village.

A difficult childhood led to heart disease. Treatment in the Crimea helped to improve his health, but the artist passed away early - at the age of 39.

Traveling around Russia and abroad, he noticed the uniqueness of the nature of this or that corner, on the basis of this he created his own famous paintings. This is how Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.

What is shown on the canvas?

One glance at the canvas is enough to see that the artist has captured a spring day. The snow has melted, the ice on the river has already melted, now there is a lot of water in it. She overflowed the banks, flooded some of the trees growing in the neighborhood. But not only them: in the background we see two houses, their lower part is covered with water. The buildings that rise on the hillock remained unscathed. Of course, in such places it is necessary to build houses there, since every spring there is a chance that water will flood small buildings. Such thoughts are evoked by Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.

Slender birches try to resist the natural elements, but they succeed with difficulty. You can see how their trunks are bent. After all, it is not easy to grow when, after winter, the roots and lower part of the trees are in the water. So they could bend down in the struggle for light, competing with a large tree that grows in the neighborhood.

The birches located on the shore have more comfortable conditions, so their camp is almost straight. All this is conveyed by Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.


Creative work done in very good colors. The blue of the sky is set off by the river, it is almost the same color, because the sky is reflected in its waters.

It goes well with the blue color golden. It is quite rare, because these are the lonely leaves left from last year lurking on the trees. But they are enough to fill the canvas sunlight. And he is everywhere, not only on the birch trees located in front, but also on distant trees. The magnificence of this idea is given out not only by yellow, but also by orange paints. They are also filled with Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.

Tree crowns are reflected in the water. The sun itself is not on the canvas, but the canvas does not suffer from its absence. After all, the near shore also consists of orange-yellow tones. This is Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water. The description can be completed with details. Looking at the left background, you notice that a riot of sunny colors reigns there, which are sometimes not enough spring nature. Even the bottom of the boat is made in such colors.

Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water ": composition

If the student is asked to write an essay on this picture, he can make his own plan or use the one proposed. You can start work with the fact that the canvas of the great artist I.I. Levitan was created in 1897. Next, tell what season and what exactly Levitan’s painting “Spring. Big water. The description above will help you with this. After that, you can give your vision of the plot.

Since there is a boat near the shore, it would be correct to assume that a person from the village moved to the other side on it. Since such a flood, the road could be flooded, so the only remaining way is by water.

You can complete the essay by writing that Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water ”(photo of which is attached) is attractive, harmonious and causes a positive mood in the viewer.

Isaac Levitan is a Russian landscape painter who gave the world a large number of their wonderful works and they are all beautiful, without exception. Levitan's painting “Spring is big water” is also fascinating. Why the artist called his work that way, you begin to understand when you look at the picture. After all, the author captured the awakening of nature on it, exactly the moment when spring comes into its own, when the sun warms up and the snow begins to melt rapidly.

This causes the rivers to overflow their banks, which flood the adjacent territories with their waters, be it forests, meadows, villages. Just the spring flood, or as people say, the big river that comes, and Levitan depicted on the canvas “Spring is big water”.

Levitan big water description of the picture

Now I have in front of me a reproduction of Levitan's painting "Big Water" and I will have to make a description of the painting based on it. What am I going to do now.
Most of the picture is occupied by water. Wherever you look, wherever you look, we see blue, still cold, mirror-like water, in which the sky with clouds is reflected, and this makes the water seem bottomless. The water flooded the entire district and even distant buildings, perhaps these are sheds, or maybe rural houses. This is not so important, the important thing is that they are also in the water. There is also a small young grove in the water. All thin trees were "knee-deep" in the water. They are still without leaves, because the heat has only recently returned to the earth, but a little more and they will all put on beautiful green dresses.

On the left we see a strip of land. It has a yellowish color, perhaps it is clay, or maybe bright sun flooded the earth with its light and from this it seems bright. This piece of land only further emphasizes the blueness of the water, its transparency.

Ahead we see a boat. She is on the coast. Perhaps it was carried away by the current, or maybe someone sailed from the villagers, but now it is empty, there is no one nearby who would break the silence.
Concluding my thoughts on Levitan's painting "Spring - Big Water", which I present in the essay, I note that the author of the picture did not miss the slightest detail, depicting a sunny spring day. Here you have the trees that are reflected in the water, and the shadows that appeared due to the sun, and the thin branches of the trees that strive upwards to the spacious sky, to the solar warmth.

The picture itself is juicy, bright, and blinds the audience with its sunlight. And, despite the fact that the water flooded everything around, the picture evokes only positive emotions, emotions of joy and anticipation of soon real warmth.

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