The background of the picture after the rain. A.M

/ Album Gerasimov Alexander Mikhailovich Alexander Gerasimov
Posted by: Ivasiv Alexander

"After the rain ( Wet Terrace)"

1935 Oil on canvas 78 x 85

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

For this picture in 1937 the artist received the Grand Prix of the World Exhibition in Paris.

A.M. Gerasimov recalled: “At my exhibition“ 25 years of creativity ”there was a sketch known under the double name“ Wet Terrace ”and“ After the Rain ”(now it is in Tretyakov Gallery). I did the sketch in an hour and a half. It happened like this: I was painting a group portrait of my family on the terrace. The sun was hot, bright spots scattered across the greenery. And suddenly ... a gusty wind, tearing off the petals of the roses and scattering them on the table, overturned a glass of water. It began to rain, ... I was seized with an indescribable delight from the fresh greenery and sparkling streams of water that flooded the table with a bouquet of roses, the bench and the floorboards ... I feverishly began to write ...

I did not give somehow special significance this sketch, and only at the exhibition, not without chagrin, I noticed that many viewers pay more attention to the sketch "Wet Terrace" than to the huge painting "First Equestrian" ... "

(Quoted from the ed.: Gerasimov A.M. Life of an artist. M., 1963. S. 157-158).


By 1935, having painted many portraits of V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin and other Soviet leaders, A.M. Gerasimov advanced to the largest masters social realism. Tired of the struggle for official recognition and success, he went to rest in his native and beloved city of Kozlov. This is where the "Wet Terrace" was created.

The artist's sister recalled how the painting was painted. Her brother was literally shocked by the sight of their garden after one unusually heavy rain. “Nature was fragrant with freshness. The water lay in a whole layer on the foliage, on the floor of the gazebo, on the bench and sparkled, creating an extraordinary picturesque chord. And then, behind the trees, the sky cleared and whitened.

- Mitya, rather a palette! - Alexander shouted to his assistant Dmitry Rodionovich Panin. The picture, which my brother called "Wet Terrace", appeared with lightning speed - it was painted within three hours. Our modest garden arbor with a corner of the garden received a poetic expression under the brush of my brother.

At the same time, the picture that arose spontaneously was not painted by chance. The picturesque motif of nature refreshed by rain attracted the artist during his studies at the School of Painting. He succeeded in wet objects, roofs, roads, grass. Alexander Gerasimov, perhaps without knowing it himself, went to this picture long years and implicitly wanted to see firsthand what we now see on the canvas. Otherwise, he could simply not pay attention to the rain-drenched terrace.

There is no tension in the picture, there are no rewritten pieces and an invented plot. It is indeed written in one breath, as fresh as the breath of green foliage washed by rain. The image captivates with spontaneity, it shows the lightness of the artist's feelings.

The artistic effect of the painting was largely predetermined by the high painting technique, built on reflexes (See fragment). “Juicy reflections of garden greens lay on the terrace, pinkish, blue ones on the wet surface of the table. The shadows are colorful, even multicolored. Reflections on the boards covered with moisture cast silver. The artist used glazes, applying new layers of paint over the dried layer - translucent and transparent, like varnish. On the contrary, some details, such as garden flowers, are written pasty, emphasized with textured strokes. A major, uplifted note is brought into the picture by backlighting, the reception of lighting from behind, at point-blank range, the crowns of trees somewhat reminiscent of flickering stained-glass windows ”(Kuptsov I.A. Gerasimov. After the rain // Young artist. 1988. No. 3. S. 17.).

In Russian painting Soviet period there are few works where the state of nature would be so expressively conveyed. I guess it's best picture A.M. Gerasimov. The artist has lived long life, painted many paintings on various subjects, for which he received many awards and prizes, but at the end of the journey, looking back at the past, he considered this particular work to be the most significant.

Composition based on the painting After the rain by A.M. Gerasimov for students in grade 6.


  • The plot of the painting by A. Gerasimov "After the rain"
  • Description of the terrace, table, jug of flowers
  • The background of the picture (garden, house, building)
  • painting technique
  • My mood from what I saw.

I am looking at A. M. Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain”. Everything that I see, I need to describe in an essay. I'll start with the plot of the picture. Before our eyes appears a small terrace after the rain. The artist chose objects as the object of his canvas: a table, a jug of flowers, part of a terrace with a railing, and depicted them against the backdrop of nature.

It just rained. We see spilled small puddles on the bench and the floor of the terrace. Everything is reflected in the brilliance of the wet surface. An overturned faceted glass lies on the table. Apparently, the rain was very strong, if it left so many “traces” behind it.

The terrace itself is not fully visible to us. Vertical supports hold the roof (we see only its corner), wooden playground has steps leading to the garden. A narrow bench ends with a simple railing. On such a terrace it is pleasant to sit in the evening and enjoy the smells of nature. Or you can get together with your family and have a cup of tea.

To the left is a table with carved legs. The figured table top is also covered with raindrops. And on the table is a glass jar with flowers. Bouquet beautiful flowers I also felt the force of the rain. Some petals have fallen and lie in the water that has accumulated on the edge of the table. Or maybe it was the wind that dropped the jug and scattered the delicate petals? Flowers are painted in white and red, somewhere they have shades of pink and pale green. Leaves are very dark and saturated green color. The bouquet was probably collected only before the rain to decorate the table with it. But suddenly it began to rain, and the bouquet remained on the terrace.

In the background of the picture we see part of the garden. All its greenery is full of different shades. Somewhere it is very bright, light, even turning into a light green color, and somewhere it is dark green, juicy, having a shade of emerald and even blue flowers. There are a lot of trees in the garden. To the side you can see some kind of wooden building, maybe it's a small shed or a small bathhouse. There is a pipe on its roof.

On the right in the picture, behind the dense foliage, we see the corner of the house, to which the terrace adjoins. A. Gerasimov used interesting technique Images. All items are blurred. There are no clear right lines. Blurry stroke technique makes the picture interesting. If you look closely, you can see instead of leaves on a tree just a vague brush stroke. As if the artist did not try to draw all the elements as they look, and left blurry spots on the canvas. desired colors. Flowers in a jug, and part of the terrace, and a piece of the sky that shines through the dense foliage are also depicted. The colors blend well here. They are combined with each other, forming a new shade.

Painting on poses good mood. After the rain it becomes light and joyful, nature is renewed, everything around is fresh. No sad thoughts, only positive emotions!

The composition based on the painting “After the Rain” is included in school curriculum. Usually students of the sixth or seventh grade face this task. The gentle landscape and the terrace refreshed after the rain evoke a variety of emotions in the viewer.

The author of the canvas

This image was left for us. The painting “After the Rain”, an essay on which you have to write, captured the most ordinary state of nature.

But before starting work on the canvas itself, it is worth saying a few words about the creator himself.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov gained fame in the first half of the last century. Not only was he very talented by nature, he also had a professional art education. In addition, he also graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and devoted himself entirely to his beloved work - creativity.

He himself considered himself a master of the portrait, but more than once turned to the landscape.

He gained wide popularity after he painted portraits of famous Russian leaders - Lenin and Stalin.

Alexander Mikhailovich occupied quite large posts in the field of art and had great influence. During his life he was awarded many awards.


After short biography the artist should begin to analyze the plot of the canvas. The essay-description of the painting (Gerasimov) “After the Rain” must include this item.

What is unusual about this image? The answer is simple: nothing special. The artist captured a green garden and a veranda after a fresh rain. Maybe it's a terrace of his own country house. Impressed by what he saw, the artist decided to immediately describe the beauty and at the same time the simplicity of nature.

Everything around is green and fresh. You can even feel how pleasant and humid the air is after a summer downpour. The color scheme will also be included in the composition based on the painting "After the Rain".

It is very rich and juicy. At some point, it may seem to the viewer that in front of him is not a picture, but a high-quality photograph, everything is so plausibly and wonderfully depicted. The bench and the floor, as if varnished, shine from the water. It can be seen that the rain has passed quite recently, and the moisture has not yet had time to evaporate. It must have been very strong, since the entire terrace was flooded with water.


Composition-description of the painting by A.M. Gerasimov "After the Rain" let's start with the analysis of distant objects. The first thing that catches your eye is the green garden. May or June is probably depicted on the canvas, since the trees are in full bloom. In the thick of the green foliage one can see some small structure. It can be assumed that this is where suburban residents have breakfast or lunch on fresh air. Or is it a shed that stores the tools needed to care for the garden. Or maybe it's a bath? We don't know for sure. But this object is very well inscribed in the general atmosphere of the picture.

The grass is very bright, juicy, pale green. It's nice to run on this even after the rain has passed.

A fragment of the sky is visible on the canvas. It's still gray, but it's starting to lighten up. It seems that the sun's rays at all costs want to break through the clouds.

All nature seemed to wake up from sleep, awakened by a warm downpour.


What should an essay-description of a painting contain first? Gerasimov “After the Rain” most likely wrote from life, the objects of the foreground are outlined in such detail.

Here we will talk about the terrace itself. There is a feeling that she was washed clean. Everything shines so much that you can see the railing and table legs in the reflection of the floor. On the bench, we see the reflection of the sun's rays, which creates a glitter effect. To the left of it is a table on beautiful carved legs. Undoubtedly, this piece of furniture is high-quality handmade. He, too, is full of glare.

The artist managed to depict the state of nature after the rain so skillfully that it may seem to the viewer that he is very close to the scene and is watching what is happening.

The essay on the painting “After the Rain” includes information that the shades of colors in the foreground are darker than those in the background. Probably, Alexander Mikhailovich placed his easel in the center of the veranda in order to fully embrace the beautiful view. Thus, elements of nature and human life are intertwined on the canvas.

It is amazing how the artist was able to convey not only the beauty of the moment itself, but his mood: joyful, surprised.

Central images

The most important object of this picture is the table and what is on it.

The essay-description of the painting “After the Rain” must necessarily reflect how accurately the author managed to convey the moment after the natural disaster. We see that the glass on the table has fallen. Perhaps, quite recently, someone drank water from it. But now, under the influence of wind and rain, he fell. The table is flooded with water, and it is not clear for sure whether it spilled from a glass or whether it was due to rain. To the left of the glass is a vase of flowers. Red, pink, white, they stand out as a bright spot in the picture. The downpour was probably so heavy that the petals of the cypions fell on the table.

Of course, after such an element, you can’t sit down on a wet bench and at such a wet table. But, nevertheless, there is no unpleasant feeling of dampness. The air is saturated with pleasant and fresh moisture. I just want to take a deep breath in order to feel the same aroma that Gerasimov himself felt at that moment. The painting “After the Rain”, an essay on which you need to write, conveys a light and wonderful state of nature.


This painting is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. On the this moment it is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, so anyone can see its original.

It seems that the artist, having seen such an amazing picture of nature, immediately grabbed his easel and paints so as not to miss a single detail. The creator himself considered this work of art one of his most the best works. And you can't argue with that.

After carefully studying this landscape, you can easily cope with the task and write an essay on the painting “After the Rain”, since it makes an indelible impression on every viewer.

In the painting by the artist A. M. Gerasimov “After the Rain”, we see a terrace captured on a warm summer day. Recently passed heavy rain. Everything around is covered with a wet sheen. The floor flooded with water sparkles brightly, the railings and benches shine. A wet table on carved legs shines with a wet sheen. The puddles reflect the railings, the foliage of the trees surrounding the terrace.

From the blows of large drops of rain, a glass that stood on the table next to a jug of flowers fell, the petals fell from the flowers and stuck to the wet surface of the table. The branches of the trees in the garden sagged a little under the weight of the rain-washed foliage. Their greenery has changed, after the rain it looks more bright and juicy.

The still dim rays of the sun fall on the lush trees. The sky is gray, but it is already beginning to brighten, like windows washed after a long winter. A dim light also falls on the roof of the barn, which is visible through the foliage in the depths of the garden. She sparkles like silver, so adorned her with rain and the rays of the sun, which hardly break through the clouds.

Gerasimov's painting "After the Rain" made a very strong impression on me. Despite the fact that the weather has not yet completely improved when the author painted the picture, it is all filled with light, bright brilliance, amazing purity of nature washed by the summer rain. The artist himself was so delighted with the beauty of the refreshed nature that opened up to him that he wrote this wonderful work literally in one breath, without modifications or corrections.

Together with the article “Essay based on the painting by Gerasimov “After the Rain” (Wet Terrace), Grade 6” they read:


In the picture A.M. Gerasimov "After the Rain" depicts a terrace on a summer day. It has been raining recently, and possibly a thunderstorm. Everything around is covered with a wet sheen.

The foreground of the picture is occupied by a wet terrace, on which a small wooden table on beautifully carved legs is comfortably located. On the table is a large vase with a summer bouquet of flowers. They, most likely, were plucked in the garden, which we see in the background. The author depicted the flowers so skillfully that the viewer can see how the flowers drooped and got wet from the heavy drops of heavy rain. Gerasimov, depicting flowers, used white, pinkish, blue and pearl shades and tones. An overturned glass lies next to the vase. Perhaps the glass fell due to strong wind, or maybe it was overturned by rain - we can only guess. The table is very wet and shiny, like everything around. The railing reflects on the wet floor.

In the background is a garden. A bush grows near the veranda, it is so wet that now it stretches with its dense foliage to the ground. In the distance we see a small building. I think that this is a bathhouse or a small shed in which the necessary garden equipment is stored - these are shovels, rakes, buckets. In the background there is a lot of bright greenery refreshed by the rain. The whole garden seems to breathe after the rain. A piece of sky is visible in the upper left corner. It is still quite gray and gloomy. Such a talent to depict nature refreshed by rain can only be possessed by a true artist dedicated to his work.

I was very impressed by the picture of A.M. Gerasimov "After the rain". When you look at it, as if you feel how the fresh smell that happens after a thunderstorm spreads around the classroom, you want to breathe in this freshness full chest. I wanted to be there at least for a moment to enjoy the beauty and freshness summer garden bathed in warm summer rain.

Together with the article “Essay based on the painting by Gerasimov “After the Rain” (Wet Terrace), Grade 6” they read:

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