The East is a delicate matter: why do oriental dances for children? culture of the whole country. About the form for classes

Dancing is not only beautiful and exciting, but also extremely useful, especially for children. Additional activity allows children to relax, throw out all the emotions and negativity in the dance, and eventually gain good posture, plasticity and an excellent sense of rhythm. Among the variety of existing dance styles, we will tell you about the brightest and most elegant - oriental dance.

As a rule, children are accepted into oriental dances from the age of 5. It is during this period that the child is especially plastic, which will easily help him to practice oriental dances. Of course, this type of activity is more suitable for girls, because this is a great opportunity to learn graceful movements and, moreover, to be in the role of a real princess - costumes for oriental dances are truly magical.

However, it is worth noting that boys sometimes attend this circle, because oriental dances are very good for health.

Belly dancing perfectly develops coordination of movements, helps liberate shy children and contributes to the development acting skills. Moreover, all kinds of circles also teach the child to manage his time and discipline him.

Very useful classes children with overweight, since oriental dances are able to correct the figure and train the child's muscular apparatus.

Also, classes allow children to make new friends, because in the circle they are united by one thing, which perfectly allows you to find a common language.

Oriental dances are especially important for girls - they help to avoid gynecological problems in the future.

Features of classes

Oriental dance classes usually take place 2-3 times a week. Toddlers are taught simple movements, various dance combinations are worked out with them, which later allows them to dance and do flexibility exercises. Workouts usually begin with light warm-ups and end with stretching to relieve tension.

Please note that until the age of 8, a child should only perform plastic exercises and light waves in class - all kinds of hip shaking at this age can adversely affect health.

By the age of 9, coaches add more elements to the classes, including "eights", "wave" and hip strikes. During this period, exercises should be performed carefully and not in full force, since the developing organism should not be subjected to sudden and unusual movements. By adolescence, children are mastering the full complex of movements of oriental dances with might and main.

Before captivating your child with oriental dances, try to introduce him to the culture and customs of the East. It will be good to read fairy tales and watch cartoons on this topic - for example, Aladdin.

About the form for classes

For regular workouts the child needs comfortable Czechs, a swimsuit and a hip scarf with all kinds of decorations.

Beautiful full-fledged costumes are needed only for reporting concerts and performances at the end of the year, so you should not throw out a lot of money on them as soon as the child begins to study.

Clothing for performances is sold both ready-made and sewn to order. There are combinations with harem pants, a belt, sleeves and a bodice, or large bright skirts are put on the bottom instead of harem pants.

The costume can be made of satin, large mesh, velvet trimmed with sequins, fringe or rhinestones. A monist is purchased separately - an indispensable part of any oriental costume.

Before buying or tailoring an outfit, you should take into account its style - you need to choose from those that will not hamper the movement of the child.

Contraindications for oriental dancing

It is undesirable to send children with flat feet, liver diseases and heart problems to classes. It is also not recommended to engage in puberty.

Oriental dances are a great opportunity to develop plasticity, individuality and good coordination in a child. The most important thing is that the type of dancing is very liked the child and he went to every lesson with pleasure and a great mood!

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Dance has always been like a conversation with the world, a dialogue, especially women's dance - belly dance. In many myths, it is mentioned that the connection with the unknown occurred through the Woman. And while dancing (communicating with the world), the Woman entered into resonance with nature, felt the rhythm of Life and harmonized herself with it. By this, she was freed from unnecessary tension, through this communication she found answers to her questions, filled with joy, calmness and felt protected, felt herself under the cover of Mother Nature herself. A woman is the source of life, the main purpose of which is to be happy and free. In the East, women embodied these postulates in oriental dance - belly dance. To reunite the nature of the physical, energy and physical state and emphasize your naturalness, belly dance, exotic and bewitching, will easily help ...
Oriental dances are distinguished by unusual plasticity, bewitching movements of the hips and hands. The variety of directions of oriental dances allows you to reveal any temperament, individuality and always be in a good mood.
During classes, all muscle groups are involved, ranging from cervical region spine to the tips of the toes.
As a result, you gain body flexibility and plasticity, joint mobility, chest and waist muscles are strengthened, posture improves, congestion in organs and tissues is stopped, adhesions are stretched, blood circulation and intestinal motility improve. Numerous "eights" of the pelvis, the work of the abdominal muscles, "shaking" will become a unique massage of the internal organs of the abdomen and small pelvis, as well as the best assistant in the fight for thin waist, beautiful thighs and smooth skin.

Types of oriental belly dances

Folklore dance is a dance born from the traditions of a country or region. Usually consists of movements that a large number of people can learn. According to tradition, folklore dance is passed down from generation to generation in the environment in which it is danced. Folklore is cultural heritage of all people, reflecting their customs, habits, music, costumes and history. Folklore dance, in turn, is divided into:
1. Performed by all people, expressing their feelings. It is not associated with the theatre, this view is very popular at national celebrations and weddings.
2.Performed by theater professionals dance art.

Belly dance / belly dance.
Belly dance - Arabic national dance. Western name for a dance technique common in the Middle East and Arab countries. On the Arabic it is known as Raqs Sharqi, in Turkish as Oryantal dans, i.e. "oriental dance". The peculiarity of oriental belly dance is in its plasticity.

Belly dance
BellyDance is a combination of hip, abdominal and shoulder movements. This dance combines the powerful life-affirming energy of body movements and the bewitching magic of the rhythm of oriental music. A significant role in this dance belongs to facial expressions, gestures, artistry.
The history of belly dancing is rooted in the distant past. Some experts believe that it is The Ancient East became the birthplace of a beautiful dance called belly dance(translated from French means "beautiful dance") or belly dance. There is an assumption that this is either Egypt, or Mesopotamia, or India. The territory of distribution of the dance is vast: in ancient times, belly dance was danced in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon and the Central Asian states. In 1500 BC The Egyptians brought bayadères from India to the court, who brought elegance, flexibility, and sophistication to the Egyptian dance. The gypsies also made their changes to the dance, in whose dance there are many rhythms, passion and energy. The ancient Greeks and Turks made an invaluable contribution to the formation of belly dance.
Today, belly dance has conquered not only the East, but also the West. Western choreography introduced its elements into folk dance belly, but this did not spoil the dance at all, modifying and ennobling it.

According to one version, belly dancing arose due to a comical accident. A street dancer was performing in one of the squares of the eastern city, and a bee flew under her skirt. The girl began to wriggle, trying to get rid of the insect bothering her, and the audience liked her movements so much that the next time they asked her to dance without fail in the same way, with her stomach. According to another version, belly dance was a purely harem dance. In order to get the location of her husband, the Sultan's wife had to be able to attract his attention and for this purpose she performed an erotic belly dance. It was not by chance that the belly dance received such a name - "belly" is life, which means it is a dance of life. The concept of "life" is associated with a woman - a mother and with the earth. That is why the belly dance is directly connected with the development of the cult of the Goddess of Fertility, the Mother Goddess. Different peoples called this goddess differently: Anahita, Isis, Ishtar, Aphrodite. This cult was widespread in many ancient states. For example, in Egypt, the Babylonian kingdom, in India. Rituals in honor of the gods were accompanied by music and dances, which not only glorified these gods, but also reflected their functions, and the dance is the most means of expression to depict any activity. If we talk about the belly dance, then it reflects the process of conception, gestation and, finally, birth. That is why it is perceived so erotically. In the future, belly dancing became an entertaining element in everyday Eastern culture, eventually losing its religious significance.

What is belly dance? It's about being a woman...
There is no doubt that oriental dances have the strongest energy. In the process of learning to dance belly dance, a woman will be able to learn a lot about herself, to identify and solve hidden psychological problems. You will "straighten up", open up, stop slouching. Pain in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine will decrease. Headaches will disappear, joints will be strengthened. Belly dancing helps to form excellent coordination and improves posture. active work hips trains the muscles of the abdomen and strengthens the abdominal press. During the dance, a woman experiences a unique pleasure from movements, the joy of life, love for the world around her. Belly dancing strengthens health and prolongs youth, changing a woman both externally and internally.

The Gavezi are a gypsy tribe that settled in Egypt. The first significant mention of Gaveizi dates back to the 18th century. When the Gavezi were expelled from Cairo in 1834, they settled in southern Egypt. Their music, dance and cultural attributes are markedly different from what the Saidi people, who have historically inhabited the area, are known for. The dance uses cymbals. (Style Naima Akef.)

Beladi in Arabic means "homeland" or " native city". In Egyptian slang it sounds like Oriental Shaabi. The Belladi dance was danced in many villages throughout Egypt. It was usually danced in the house of a woman and for women. Mostly it was the movement of the hips. Hand movements were quite simple and unsystematic. They danced barefoot. traditional clothing for dancing - a white pigeon with a scarf on the hips and a scarf on the head. Shaabi is a style that is very popular in Egypt, especially in the central part of old Cairo on Muhammad Ali Street, where many people were born and live now. famous artists. This is the style of such famous dancers as Nagwa Foad, Fifi Abdu, Zinat Olwy.

Khaliji in translation means “bay”, and in the dance world this word refers to music and dance style from the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula region: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman. This group of dances is performed by women and emphasis is placed on the beauty of the dancer's costume and hair. Movements include crisp, quick shoulder shakes, clapping of the palms in different rhythms, and different steps. The traditional dress for this style is abaya (fustan khaligi).

Nubia, known in antiquity as the kingdom of Kush, stretches south from Aswan to the capital of Sudan, Khartoum. The Nubians, darker than the Egyptians themselves, have their own language, culture and traditions. Aswan is the sunniest place in Egypt. It is located in the south of the country, and was in ancient times a border town. Life here flows slowly. It's nice to take a walk along the embankment or take a boat on the Nile, sit in a restaurant near the water, listen to old Nubian music. Nubian dance is group dance. Colorful costumes, a special unusual rhythm. People from Nubia are very cheerful and love to dance together. Hundreds of people gather at weddings and they all dance together.
Nubia is the name of a city and district in southern Egypt. Nubia is located on the border with Sudan. Nubian dance is a group dance. Basically it is the movement of the hips. Nice hand system. A special unusual rhythm, mostly fast (similar to the Khaliji rhythm). Dof (tambourine), Khus (reed plate) are used as accessories for dancing. Nubian dance is very cheerful and original. It has a lot of jumps, claps. The position of the body in the Nubian dance is not found in other folklore styles of Egypt: the center of gravity is strongly shifted forward, peculiar movements such as chest upstrokes, interesting hand movements.

Siwa is one of the Arab Bedouin dance styles. On the border with Libya and Africa, in the Sahara desert, among the mountains is the Bedouin settlement of Siwa. Until recently, Siwa was the most inaccessible of the oases in Egypt. It is also one of the most unusual oases. The inhabitants of Siwa have their own culture and customs, they speak the Berber language, which is different from Arabic. Most of the women wear traditional clothing and silver jewelry. In Arabic, the name of the settlement “wahet siwa” sounds like “an oasis in the city”. Siwa is the name of the city and the people. In the dance, the main emphasis is on the movement of the hips. This style of dance has a narrow circle of professionals. The traditional clothes for this style are knee-length pigeons + harem pants, a headscarf covering half of the face. Women love to use a lot of hand accessories (as do Gulf women).

Andalusia was the name given to the southern part of Spain, which was occupied by the Arabs for 800 years. This dance was formed there and acquired character traits flamenco. By the way, one of the versions of the origin of the word flamenco - from the Arabic "fallah man gu" - a singing peasant. This style of dance is performed accompanied by beautiful, rhythmic music and at the same time soothing, respectively in a costume that emphasizes the ease of each movement.

Dabka is an incendiary folklore dance from Lebanon, an indispensable element of folk festivities from antiquity to the present day. Dabka is a predominantly male dance (but there is also a female version). It is also performed in Syria, Palestine and Jordan, and is considered very popular in many countries of the East.
Often it can be seen in the men's circle at the holidays. The dancers clasp each other by the shoulders, make numerous jumps, make stomps with their feet. Women also take part, but quite rarely. The movements are energetic, and the music itself is cheerful, listening to which you yourself want to start dancing.

ALEXANDRIА (Eskandarani)
Alexandria Egypt's second largest city, Alexandria has Mediterranean rather than Eastern features. The spirit and culture of the city is different from the rest of the country, although it is only 225 km from Cairo. Translated into Arabic, Alexandria sounds like “Eskandarani”. Eskandarani dance style is very cheerful, incendiary and playful. Traditional clothing for this style is the dress and cape (Melaya). Melaya part national clothes women of Alexandria.

In Egyptian slang, the name of this style sounds like
"Avalem". The full name is "Raqs el Shamadam" - a dance with a candelabra. It has long been danced in Egypt. A large patterned chandelier with lit candles is carried by a dancer at a wedding, illuminating the young people's way to a happy family life. The art of isolated movements of the hips, chest and the softness of the step when a girl dances with a candelabra are amazing - after all, it must be motionless! Only it is necessary to think over the suit very carefully so as not to light it and not spoil it with dripping wax. The traditional costume for this style is harem pants + a top or a long dress with a tight top and a wide bottom. Initially, the Shamadan dance was exclusively ritual - a dancer with a lantern or a candelabra on her head performed a dance, lighting the way for the newlyweds to their new home. This was a kind of blessing and wish for a happy married life. Over time, the dance with candelabra turned into a show, and at the wedding procession (Zeffa), the dancer was replaced by children with candles. But even now Shamadan is ordered for a wedding, if it takes place in a club or restaurant - then the young people symbolically pass in front of the guests, and the dancer with a candelabra illuminates their path.
The main thing is to correctly calculate the time and size of the candle. The candle should burn a little longer than the dance lasts. Therefore, it makes sense to note the exact time of the dance and the time of burning the candle before the performance. This is especially important for wedding ceremony- according to Eastern beliefs, if the candle went out in front of the young, this promises them misfortunes in family life or the imminent death of one of the spouses.
When it comes to chandelier decorations, it all depends on your personal taste. Shiny glass pendants and hangings will add brightness and mystery to the dance, throwing glare of light into different sides. Moreover, with the help of decorations, you can make the chandelier more stable - for this, the bulk of the accessories need to be placed closer to the base and center of the chandelier.
Recently, dance with fire has been banned at competitions due to the danger of fire, so Shamadan is increasingly moving into the category of entertainment shows in restaurants and clubs, and of course remains a ritual wedding dance for residents of Egypt and Arab countries.

Seven thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians already knew how to dance, and this is captured on their frescoes and on the walls of all ancient temples. “Until now, we do not know exactly how the ancient Egyptians danced, but we can suggest how they started the dance phrase and how they ended it, drawing inspiration and imagination of the current Egyptian choreographers, we create movements and connections based on what we saw on these ancient frescoes” . (quote from the book "Dance in Egypt" by Mr. Nabil Mabrouk - famous master- choreographer and lecturer on the history of oriental dance).

It is impossible to imagine the East without the Arabic drum called Tabla. The sound of this instrument can be heard wherever you are in the East: On the street, in the bazaar, in a cafe, on a ship, at any Arabic wedding…..
Tabla is the most popular and famous arabic instrument. This instrument is the heart of oriental music and dance. Extremely loved and adored in Russia. Maybe because the sound of this instrument resembles the beating of a heart… If we talk about its exact origin, it is unclear. In addition, they say that the tabla was created in India, and is an Indian instrument, but in order to bypass all these disputes, it will be enough to say simply and correctly - the tabla is an instrument of the East. By the way, the most famous musician who played the tabla was Ravi Shankar.
As we have already said, the tabla is a drum, and if you have already visited, for example, Arab and other Eastern countries, then you have probably heard its sound everywhere - in the streets, in the bazaars, and on ships, as well as its You can't help but hear at an Arab wedding. The inhabitants of the East are very fond of dancing to the magical sounds of this drum, and this dance has exactly the same name as the instrument to which it is performed - tabla.

Dance with a SHAWL (scarf)
This is one of the most theatrical dances requiring acting skills. A scarf is also a background to emphasize the beauty of the body and movement. This is what hides, then to open.
It is very important for the dancer to feel the scarf not as part of the costume, but as part of her body.
There are many types and forms of scarves: Malaya, Gulf and others.
The scarf is so clearly associated with oriental dance that it seems as if it has always been in it. However, historians cannot find ancient roots for this type of dance. The Egyptians say that the scarf may have even come from Russia. In the 1940s, the ruler of Egypt, Farukh, invited the Russian ballerina Ivanova to teach his daughters the art of ballet. Ivanova taught a famous Egyptian dancer named Samia Gamal how to walk with a scarf and some movements with it, and the scarf took root in Egypt. Western dancers work with the scarf in great detail, wrapping themselves in it and revealing themselves seductively. A fairy tale is alive in the European mind: East, harem, bodies beautiful women hidden by expensive fabrics... The Egyptians themselves use a scarf only to go on stage, and after 30-60 seconds they throw it aside. Western style seems tasteless to the eastern public and is too reminiscent of a striptease. Russian girls work in a kind of intermediate manner.

Dance with cymbals (Sagata)
Cymbals are one of the most ancient musical instruments in the form of two pairs of wooden or metal plates. The dancer uses their sound as musical accompaniment to your dance.
Sagats (or cymbals) require a good knowledge of traditional music and rhythmic patterns. Sagats are distant relatives of the Spanish castanets, only they are made of metal. The performer manages not only to dance, but also to accompany herself with the ringing of sagats. You can also add your own rhythm to the music by playing the tambourine or tambourine.

This is a rather difficult dance. The contrast looks very interesting: feminine belly dance and formidable melee weapons eastern warriors. However, the girls do not make fighting movements with a saber, they usually use it for beautiful balancing on the head, stomach or thigh.
People like to believe that in ancient times, women who accompanied men on military campaigns entertained them with a weapon dance at night in tents. Western explorers are bringing us down to earth again. Say, everything went from the painting of the 19th century French Orientalist Jerome, which depicted a girl with a saber in a dancing pose. Of course, we will think as we please, but we must know that neither in Egypt, nor in Turkey, nor in Lebanon is the saber very popular with dancers. But there is a male saber dance, where the saber is waved, but never balanced either on the head or on other parts of the body.

Dance with FIRE
Continuation of the cult of fire. Scented oil candles or lamps may be used. As a rule, they dance with thick bright candles. The lamp with a candle, reminiscent of Aladdin's lamp, also looks great in the dance.

Dance with the SNAKE
A less common dance is the snake dance. It is rather difficult to dance with such an “attribute”. It takes great skill, courage and experience with the snake.
The snake can keep the girl company in the dance. To see what it looks like, you can refer to the movie "From Dusk Till Dawn", where Salma Hayek dances with an albino python. Of course, this was again invented by the West, greedy for small effects. Perhaps when we also have so many dancers that they have to compete for jobs even by such means, snakes will also get some distribution.

Many nationalities live in Egypt, but the hottest and most dangerous people Egypt is the Saidi people. They live along the Nile from the city of ASYUN to the city of ASWAN, in the southern part of Egypt. The men of this area of ​​Egypt are very fond of beautiful mustaches. They specially grow and care for them, because big and long mustaches are a sign of prosperity and wealth, especially if weapons, gold and 4 wives are attached to the mustache.………… There is a saying that sounds like this: The most beautiful (cool) man in his mustache can land an eagle.
Saidi - this word refers to everything related to the Said region in Egypt. The Saidi style can be danced with or without a cane.
Asaya: Asaya is the Arabic term for walking sticks. This dance came from Southern Egypt from a region called Said or Upper Egypt. Traditionally in this area, men carried long bamboo sticks with them, which they used as weapons. Gradually, a special male dance, Takhtib, was formed, in which a battle on sticks was imitated. Women adopted the style of dancing with a cane, but made the dance easier and more playful, and made a separate style - raks el asaya (dance with a cane)

To keep your body in shape or to acquire slim figure more and more women are making their choice in favor of oriental dances, namely belly dancing. What are the benefits and difficulties of belly dancing? What are the contraindications for belly dancing?

Let's take a closer look.

What attracts us to belly dance

At first glance, belly dancing is an ideal solution in every sense, the instructors of this colorful oriental direction claim that regular classes oriental dances will help to quickly restore shape, get rid of excess fat in the hips and abdomen, strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and tighten the buttocks, relieve back pain and improve posture. And if we add the erotic aspect of oriental dance to the list of advantages, then it seems that there is no need to think more.

Then why do European doctors sound the alarm that oriental dance can be very dangerous?

How belly dancing helps you lose weight

Any representative of the fair sex knows that in order to be a happy owner of a slender, graceful figure, you must always spend more energy than what enters the body with food.

Such elements of belly dance as blows, shaking, eights, rocking chairs and steps, in one hour of classes, can burn at least 400 kilocalories. Despite their external simplicity, this is a decent burden for the female body, because literally all parts of the body are involved in the dance: head, stomach, hips, buttocks, legs and arms. Properly performed oriental dance movements make the pulse stay in the “energy burning” zone stably. So regular rehearsals with a frequency of 3-4 times a week are a great alternative to aerobic training in the name of losing weight.

But fitness trainers admit that belly dancing can help model a figure not for everyone. If you have a trained body, accustomed to constant stress, then for weight loss you will need to make more efforts than beginners. Alternatively, you can perform dance elements with good amplitude, without interruption throughout the session, and with a concentration on the quality of each movement. But if you do not feel warm muscles, slight fatigue, or do not feel the load at all, you are unlikely to lose weight. In this case, it is better to choose another fitness program.

The unconditional benefits of belly dancing

What results can be obtained in return for the time and effort spent on conquering the belly dance?

- The first surprise for you will be the improvement in coordination of movements and the strengthening of the vestibular apparatus. Your body will acquire natural grace, flexibility and plasticity.

- In the process of performing some dance movements, there is an improvement in blood circulation, which is very useful for the prevention of congestion in the pelvic organs.

- After a month of stable belly dancing, the spinal column is strengthened and relief comes even for those dancers who previously had spinal injuries.

- Belly dancing is an excellent prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypertension.

- A couple of months of classes is enough to improve the flexibility of the joints, and not only in young girls, but also in older women.

– A special technique of hand movements in belly dance, due to the tension of the spinal muscles, corrects posture defects, reduces or eliminates stoop.

- The shoulder girdle and hands involved in the performance of oriental dance help many fans of belly dance on long years maintain the perfect shape of the breast.

- Such a component of oriental dance as shaking significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite and prevents new fat deposits in problem areas of the thighs and buttocks.

- Rhythmic breathing, which is the basis for performing all the elements of the dance, reduces stress and helps to get rid of depression.

The role of belly dancing in preparing women for pregnancy and childbirth

Belly dance plays a special role in preparing women for pregnancy and childbirth. In the first case, he trains important muscle groups that are not usually involved in Everyday life, strengthens the back muscles, which account for the main load during childbearing, and prevents the development of varicose veins in most pregnant women.

In the second case, due to training the muscles of the perineum, strengthening the abdominals and getting used to the loads on the legs, the period of contractions and the birth itself in women are easy, and most women in labor can avoid perineal incisions and ruptures.

"Reefs" of oriental dance

It is important to understand and accept that belly dancing is not a panacea for all diseases, as many fans of this direction are convinced. There is a risk group for which belly dancing, like any other direction of dance or sport, can cause significant harm and endanger health. Therefore, before plunging into the world of the exotic east, be sure to visit a doctor for temporary and absolute contraindications.

Temporary contraindications

chronic diseases in the acute stage: gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, bronchitis, cholecystitis and others;

- any purulent processes, regardless of the location;

- acute inflammatory processes: ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, tonsillitis;

- the postoperative period of any diseases (the duration of the necessary abstinence is regulated by the doctor);

- pronounced displacement of the vertebral discs, at the stage of rehabilitation, classes are not allowed at full strength;

- phase of exacerbation of diseases of the liver and gallbladder;

- profuse blood loss and painful condition during critical days.

Absolute contraindications to belly dancing

- strong flat feet (due to the main position "on the balls of the fingers");

- undiagnosed problems with the spine, hernia more than eight millimeters;

- benign and malignant tumors;

- congenital heart disease, severe heart disease: rest and exertion angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse;

- hypertension, aneurysms, blockades;

- obstructive bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The decision whether to dance oriental dances or not is always yours. There are a lot of benefits from belly dancing, but do not forget about the contraindications of doctors. Always do right choice listening to your body.

Hearing the phrase "oriental dances", many imagine dazzlingly beautiful women in bright dresses, shrouded in a soothing misty haze of lamps and incense. For many centuries, these hypnotizing movements have been the companions of passion, enclosed in modesty and simplicity, which is common to all. oriental women.

Perhaps it is safe to say that oriental dances are the most feminine and sexy, despite the fact that most of the dancer's body is covered with clothes. Charming girl, in the process of dancing, reveals his sexual energy, and liberates himself. In the East, there is an opinion that in the process of performing a belly dance, 1 and 2 chakras open, which release all unspent energy outward, and a woman gets rid of gynecological diseases.

However, there is more to this scientific explanation. In fact, all the movements that make up oriental dances - rotational, circular, lunges up and down bends, literally "disperse the blood" and thereby prevent the occurrence of ailments associated with its stagnation.

History of oriental dances

According to history, oriental dances were brought to Europe by nomadic gypsies, and only then spread throughout Asia. That is why it is impossible to talk about modern directions Oriental dance as about one whole organism. In fact, this is a harmonious combination of elements of various cultures, which was created over many centuries, in order to appear today in its complete, ideal.

There is a legend that once, during a dancer's performance, a bee flew under her clothes and, frightened, the girl began to rotate her shoulders and stomach to drive away the insect, while not interrupting her performance. And, oddly enough, the audience was delighted with the movements that they managed to see.

However, its world fame oriental dances began to acquire only in the 20th century, when in Hollywood everyone without exception began to get involved in this art. One after another, various TV shows and film musicals were created, in which luxurious seductresses in bright, sparkling clothes, but with a bare stomach, took part, whose languid alluring glances entered the gentlemen into a stupor and did not allow them to look away.

And already in the 60s last century oriental dances finally ceased to be "harem", and they began to be taught in almost all dance studios in the world. And, of course, began to appear various styles, each of which was the result of the introduction of special cultural elements different countries. Today, the most popular destinations are:

* Baladi;
* Saidi;
* Ghawazee.

All of them, despite the huge number of differences, provide for "work" with swords, sticks and scarves.

There is another, no less attractive and charming direction, which is called "Tribal" - it uses music, movements and costumes that are taken from different eras. That is why the dancer has the opportunity to choose a dress that will highlight her dignity in the most advantageous way, but so that it does not look aggressive and too defiant, because the first thing to remember is that oriental dance should attract not with frank sexuality, but with modesty and mystery. .

The benefits of oriental dances

Modern scientists confidently assert that oriental dances have the most positive effect on the female body. And all due to the fact that the performance of movements helps to increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs and help maintain health and stability in all parts of the spine. In addition, they serve as an excellent way to prevent complications that often occur during childbirth.

Also, it is worth noting that psychologists consider belly dancing one of the most effective practices aimed at bringing the soul and body to complete harmony.

1. There are more than fifty varieties of oriental dances, among which even special directions stand out - the Lebanese school, Egyptian, Turkish and others.

2. Do not confuse the "cabaret" stage style that is shown to us in Hollywood films with true folklore trends such as Beladi, Saidi, Khalidki, Dabka and Nubia. The stage style of belly dancing was formed in the process of merging two cultures - eastern and western, and this "synthetic" ensemble became popular all over the world due to its comparative simplicity of movements and understandable, even to non-professional dancers, technique.

3. Creators modern dance belly is considered to be three great women - Tahia Carioca, Badia Masabni, Samia Gamal. All of them starred in Hollywood films and, as part of their roles, often had to perform oriental dances.

4. A colossal contribution to the development of belly dance was made by Mahmud Reda, a man who staged many beautiful dance numbers in his life. He also came up with several directions, the most famous of which was the Alexandrian dance, which is now known throughout the world. His troupe, at one time, included such stars as Farida Fahmi and Rakiya Hassan. Many people compare Redi's activities with the contribution that Igor Moiseev made to the development of Russian dances.

5. Belly dance can be performed not only by women, but also by representatives of the strong half of humanity. Ever since the time Ottoman Empire there are styles such as tanura and tanhib, which were created specifically for men.

6. The style of costumes for performing oriental dances is constantly changing. Contrary to popular belief, there are no specific laws, everything depends on fashion. The “standard” set, consisting of a wide skirt, bodice and belt, is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Nowadays, belly dancing is often performed in trousers or short skirts, to which special "rattles" are attached, designed not only to create a certain sound during the dance, but also to highlight and emphasize the rhythm that the dancer adheres to.

The magic of bewitching movements, to become, grace, languid bliss and passion, all this is an oriental dance that triumphantly conquered many European countries. It also happened because todaybellydance is available to almost all women who visit modern fitness clubs. At present, both housewives and business women understand that liberated plasticity, gait, posture, and finally, just a good mood in our life is the most important thing. And it is oriental dances that help to understand your body and feel feminine and desirable.

A bit of history

The birthplace of belly dance is ancient Egypt. According to legend, belly dance originated and was performed only in the temple of the goddess of love and fertility, Isis. Later, the dance began to be perceived not as a sacred ritual, but as a spectacle that delights the eye. According to historians, the local nobility presented Napoleon who conquered Egypt with four hundred dancers as a gift, who had to entertain the French soldiers. Perhaps then the tradition of presenting arabic dance as a gift.

Subsequently, belly dance incorporated elements of gypsy and Spanish dances, hand movements became more expressive, and the dance itself became more dynamic and complex. rethinking sacred meaning dance, its followers believed that the performance of the movements brings happiness and good luck. There are several styles of belly dance: Egyptian, Lebanese, Turkish, but modern teachers prefer to combine different styles to make each lesson varied and accessible even for beginners.

Technology features

Belly dance includes three parts: taksim, actual dance and shaking. Taksim is the slow part of the dance. The dancer makes movements with her body, practically remaining in one place. The dance itself is performed to faster music, consists of many arabesques and waves. Shakes are small quick movements that create the effect of vibration of the abdomen or buttocks, although this is due to the movement of the knees. When performing shaking, a constant rhythm must be observed.

The peculiarities of teaching dance in a fitness club are that the principles of building connections and explaining movements are taken from aerobics, only the lesson is based on the technique of classical bellydance. The activity goes non-stop. People do not stop even for a second during an hour, not forgetting that dance is primarily an aerobic exercise. And in order not to get confused and enter the correct rhythm, links and explanations are built from simple to complex. Then even beginners do not feel like "strangers at this celebration of life", and they can repeat everything.

Of course, liberation in belly dancing is the most difficult thing. But, overcoming our “ossification”, gently working on ourselves without violence, with love for our own nature, dissolving in the mood of the dance, we are gradually changing internally as well. It all starts with accepting yourself and, first of all, the features of your figure and appearance. It is this conscious attitude that forms the basis female charm and attractiveness.

About figure shaping

There should be no illusions here: just doing bellydance, you will not automatically lose weight and create a perfect figure. Yes, dancing is the most natural of the activities, but at the same time, it’s a fairly similar load. We cannot engage in dancing all the muscle groups necessary for a balanced, harmonious load on the entire body. For example, in oriental dance, the back of the thigh, the gluteus muscle practically do not work, the triceps, that is, the back of the arm, are not loaded ... Therefore, if you want to have a harmonious figure, the muscles need to be pumped up additionally. In addition, being thin is completely optional: the body must be, the main thing is that muscles “play” during the dance, and not fat. But this is achieved by practice.


Mastering the basic dance moves is not that difficult. Their effect is guaranteed. Being engaged in oriental dances in the club, women claim that after each training they feel all the versatility of the load on the body. We list the most obvious benefits such a load.


After a month of classes, the condition of the spine improves significantly; women “straighten up”, open up, stop slouching.


During classes, not only willy-nilly, you have to keep your posture, but also make smooth bends and “waves”, which has a beneficial effect on the spine. In addition, the flexibility of the joints is noticeably developing, and this is the key to youth.


Classes in belly dancing have a beneficial effect on the complexion.


The point here is to improve the functioning of the intestines, which functions after classes are much more productive than without them.


Belly dance awakens femininity, renders positive influence for reproductive function. Many people say that belly dancing helps them cope with ovarian dysfunction.


In the process of dancing, blood circulation increases, and especially in the pelvic organs. Slags leave the body, and, as a result, inflammation of the appendages disappears. 6-12 months of belly dancing classes relieve menstrual cramps, due to which many women have to sit on pills. Also, belly dancing is exercise stress on those muscle groups that are not involved in our daily life, but are necessary for a woman for her main function given to her by nature - bearing and giving birth to a healthy child.

And of course, let's not forget about self-awareness, the joy that the dance itself brings. Performed to pleasant oriental music, it requires smooth, rhythmic breathing, which reduces stress levels, because rhythmic breathing affects the pleasure centers and releases mood-enhancing endorphins. And of course, through dance you can learn to express your sensuality. After all, it is not for nothing that professional dancers say that the main thing in belly dancing is not strict adherence to the canons, but improvisation, emotions and mood.

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