Where is flamenco taught? Flamenco - a traditional dance of Spain Traditional clothes of a dancer - bailora.

Flamenco is a Spanish musical style that combines singing (usually there are few words in songs), dance and musical accompaniment (usually danced to the guitar, hand and heel strikes are made according to a predetermined tempo).

What is flamenco.

Spanish flamenco dance is very popular today. Many true connoisseurs of flamenco have come up with many ramifications and variations in his style.
It was shaped by the rich historical heritage that the Spanish land has been exposed to. Arabs, Byzantines, Hindus and Greeks, Gypsies and Spaniards have minted the sides and images of flamenco for centuries.
The history of flamenco goes back to the distant past - about 500 years ago. But the gypsies played a special role. In the 15th century they arrived in the Iberian Peninsula from Asia. Settling in the historical region of Andalusia, over the years the Byzantine gypsies mingled with the local population.
Since the gypsies are famous for their ability to sing and dance, a piece of gypsy music and dance mixed with Spanish, which eventually grew into something similar to today's flamenco. But only 3 centuries later, a guitar was added to this style, without which today's flamenco is unthinkable.
Spain is always open to tourists and travelers who are not indifferent to music, dancing and singing. This country can truly amaze with its charm and charm, and ancient folklore can lure you headlong into a pool of passion and madness, because flamenco is not just a dance, it is folklore mixed with music, as well as the feelings of the dancer and his soul.

Where can you see flamenco in Spain.

Spain provides the opportunity to see a live dance performance (there you can also try all the variety):

  • 2 times a year, the festival is called "Bienal de Flamenco" (free entrance). The festival lasts 28 days. The history of this festival is 35 years old, but it has already gained popularity in many parts of the world as the most chic and grandiose flamenco festival in Spain;
  • in addition to the festival in Seville, in local tablaos (tablao is a bar where flamenco dance is performed), you can get acquainted with flamenco at any time of the year. The most popular tablaos are: Casa Anselma (starting at 24:00, daily, admission is free), Los Galos (starting at 20:00, daily, admission 35 euros per person), Auditorio Alvarez Quintero (starting at 19:00) , daily, entry 17 euros per person).

In other cities, Spanish flamenco dance is also popular and in demand among tourists and travelers:

  • in Jerez - the festival "Fiesta de la Bulerie" takes place once a year, the date must be specified on the city's website;
  • in Cadiz - you can visit the local tablaos of the city, and feel the beauty of flamenco;
  • in Barcelona - the autumn flamenco festival takes place in the Cordobes tablao (minimum entry fee 45 euros per person), where the best Catalan flamenco performers perform;
  • in Granada - in the local tablaos of the city;
  • c - in the tablao Villa Rosa (min. price - 32 euros per person), tablao Corral de la Moreia (min. price - 39 euros per person);
  • in Cordoba - in the local tablaos of the city.

Flamenco in the caves of Granada.

In addition to festivals and tablaos, flamenco has its roots deep in, where local gypsies dance zambra in the caves of Mount Sacromonte. Granada is considered the birthplace of the Zambra, as this dance was born here, in which guitar motifs are closely intertwined with singing.
The Spanish gypsies in Granada have been keeping the secret of performing real flamenco for 5 centuries, which is kept secret and passed only from parents to children.
With a strong desire, true connoisseurs of flamenco can visit Granada and the Sacromonte Caves in September from anywhere in the world, because today any travel organization offers a wide range of tours and pleasant discounts for tourist groups.
While in Spain or in Granada, visiting the caves with the performance of the Spanish flamenco dance will be free.

And you know that...

Spanish flamenco dance over its long history of existence has acquired legends, amazing stories and interesting facts. Among the most notable events are the following:

  • almost to the end of the 19th century. the gypsies danced barefoot;
  • the dancer J. Cortes is the ambassador of all gypsies in the EU;
  • a flamenco guitar made of cypress;
  • an amazing sound from playing the guitar is obtained due to the short and strong blows of the guitarist on the strings;
  • usually the performer comes up with the words of the song right off the bat, without much preparation and a pre-planned context;
  • usually the flamenco guitarist is considered the most important link and the most revered among the entire dance team;
  • almost 90% of flamenco guitarists do not know the notes;
  • there are varieties of flamenco: flamenco rock, jazz and pop;
  • until the end of the 18th century, flamenco existed only in a narrow circle of gypsy families;
  • each Spanish city has its own kind and form of flamenco;
  • the largest festival dedicated to flamenco takes place in Seville;
  • in Barcelona, ​​in honor of the dance, a restaurant and a museum were opened.

Temperamental, incendiary flamenco will not leave anyone indifferent. The legs themselves will move to the beat of passionate music, and the palms will tap out an expressive rhythm

Flamenco culture was formed in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, mainly in Andalusia. In general, flamenco culture includes the art of music. To a large extent, this is guitar, vocal art, dance, theatrical and characteristic style of clothing. The term "flamenco" is closely connected with the culture and life of the gypsies, in Andalusia for 150 years it meant precisely this nation. There are other versions of this term: in Spanish, flamenco, in addition to gypsies, also meant “Fleming” and “flamingo”. A version of the origin of the term is also possible from the Latin flamma - fire. Obviously, each interpretation partially corresponds to the truth, and, taken together, they create a holistic image of the entire flamenco culture.

The history of the origin of the dance

For a long time, the gypsies were considered the only carriers of the flamenco culture. They arrived in Spain in the 15th century from Byzantium, and began to absorb the local traditions of music and dance. And in Spain there was a strong influence of Arab, Moorish culture. So, the gypsies, having absorbed Spanish, Arabic, Jewish traditions, and combining them with their own original culture, created such a unique phenomenon as flamenco. They lived in closed, isolated groups, and flamenco was an isolated art for a long period. But in the 18th century, with the end of the persecution of the gypsies, flamenco "went free" and immediately gained popularity.

In the 20th century, flamenco was enriched with Cuban traditions, jazz variations. Spanish classical dance movements also began to be used in flamenco culture. Now flamenco enjoys well-deserved popularity: it is danced by professionals and amateurs, flamenco festivals are regularly held, there are numerous schools of this type of dance.

What is flamenco?

All Spanish dances are based on folk art. Flamenco dances are often performed accompanied by castanets, handclaps - palmas, blows to the percussion box (cajon). It is impossible to imagine flamenco without traditional attributes - a long dress, a fan, sometimes a shawl, which the dancer wraps around her figure, then unwinds. An indispensable moment of the dance is the dancer's play with the hem of her dress. This movement is reminiscent of the gypsy origins of flamenco.

Spanish dance melody is quite often in 3/4 time signature, but it can also be in 2/4 or 4/4 time signature. Flamenco is characterized by the movements of zapadeado - tapping the rhythm with heels, pitos - snapping fingers, palmas - clapping hands. Many flamenco performers refuse castanets, as they do not give the opportunity to fully express the expressiveness of the hands. Hands in Spanish dance work very actively. They give the dance expressiveness and grace. The floreo movement - turning the brush with its opening - is simply mesmerizing. It resembles a flower that gradually blooms.


Under the general name of flamenco, many Spanish dances are united, including allegrias, farruca, garrotin, bulleria and others. There are many styles of flamenco that differ in rhythmic patterns. The most famous of them:

  • Palos
  • Fandango
  • Solea
  • Segiriya

The flamenco country style includes dancing, singing, and playing the guitar.

The art of flamenco, being synthetic, uniting the cultures of the East and the West, has influenced the formation of musical and dance styles around the world. Formed modern types of flamenco:

  • gypsy rumba
  • flamenco pop
  • flamenco jazz
  • flamenco rock and others.

Flamenco Features

Flamenco dance and music are characterized by improvisation. A complex rhythmic pattern, an abundance of melismas and variations make it difficult to accurately notate music and record dance movements. Therefore, in the art of flamenco, an important role is assigned to the teacher, through whom the original culture is passed down from generation to generation. Flamenco has influenced Latin American music, jazz. Modern ballet masters and choreographers see in the art of flamenco a great scope for self-realization and the introduction of new ideas.

The Spaniards all love to dance. There are four styles of dance - modern, classical, flamenco and folk.

flamenco dance- a descendant of ancient Indian dances, appeared in Spain in 500-250 BC, when Indian dancers arrived in Spain through the port of Cadiz (Cádiz) to entertain the royal nobility. Almost 1000 years later, the Moors and Gypsies came to Spanish soil and brought their dance styles. The fusion of several cultures of the Iberian Peninsula (Arab, Gypsy, Jewish, Christian) improved the already existing flamenco dance. Being a folk art form, the mastery of flamenco was passed from teacher to student and was not written down on paper.

Flamenco dance in pairs

This musical genre was born in Andalusia, but throughout Spain there are flamenco performers - guitarists (guitarristas), dancers (bailarínes), singers (cantantes). Flamenco is one of the symbols of Spain, which is of paramount importance for dance culture. Flamenco is a folk single dance in which gestures are a passionate and emotional expression of feelings. This is a dance of inner liberation, a dance for women with destiny!

A rather dry and accurate description of flamenco is given in BES: “Flamenco dances (allegrias, soleares, farukka, etc.) are common among the gypsies of southern Spain. They use complex and varied percussion or alternation of heel and toe strikes, the role of hands is significant. Castanets are rarely used and usually by women. Flamenco dances are performed accompanied by a guitar, shouting, clapping hands. Improvisation is allowed, incomparably more than in other Spanish folk dances. "

The intensity of passions is sometimes so high that it seems that a man and a woman dancing in high heels want to dance each other to exhaustion. Even in Latin America, there are genres that are a mixture of flamenco. They were brought to America by the first Spanish emigrants. An example is Cubanhabanera. Varieties flamencomany: fandango, malaguena, allegrias, soleares, farruca...

Flamenco - fire dance

Sevillana- one of the most popular dances in Andalusia. They dance in pairs. The dancers, in the rhythm set by the guitar, clap their hands and sing at the same time. During the dance, the partners are constantly either approaching each other or moving away.

Sardana- Catalan national holiday. Its name comes from the name of the island of Sardinia, in Italy. For a long time, this island was part of the Aragonese kingdom. Dancers, limited only by the size of the dance floor, join hands. Forming a circle, they make certain movements, beating the beat with their heels.

Chotis- the dance of the inhabitants of Madrid. Very slow dance. Dancing in pairs, partners are closely pressed against each other. The movement in the dance is very simple: three steps to the left, three steps to the right, turn. The whole dance the couple dances on the "patch".

Muneira- a dance common in Galicia. It is danced by a group. The dancers raise their hands and perform a variety of fast jumps.

jota is a dance popular throughout Spain. The most famous jota in Aragon. In each province, the dance has its own varieties.

Paso doble is a dance associated with bullfighting. Many famous bullfighters have their own paso doble. They dance in pairs. The dancers imitate a bullfighter and his cape, obeying the rhythm of the musical accompaniment.

Alegrias (Alegrias)- funny dance. The birthplace of the alegrias is the city of Cadiz. The appearance of this dance is associated with the victory of the Spaniards over the troops of Napoleon. Due to its geographical position, the city was under the siege of the enemy for a long time. The forces of the defenders were running out, it already seemed that defeat was about to come, but the Arragons came to the aid of the inhabitants from the north and helped them at the decisive moment. Often couplets of alegrias tell about this event. Alegrias has many movements from Aragonese jota. Alegrias is cheerful, but at the same time a little tough and victorious. Performed in a major key.

Farukka (La Farruca) - an exciting male dance that was originally a song. Gypsies from Andalusia adopted farukka and changed it in their own way. This dance is one of the modern forms of flamenco and is performed in a minor key. Initially, farukkah was a dance for men, but now it is increasingly performed by women dressed in men's costume. Farukka is a majestic, proud, solemn dance.

Seguidilla- dance from La Mancha. Refers to the classical dances of the XVIII century. The woman's hands weave lace patterns with her smooth movements. At men's movements are distinguished by rigor, loftiness and clear plasticity. The movements of the hands are quick and agile, they cut through the air like sword strikes, like lightning bolts.

Experts say that for any Spanish dance characterized by incredible rhythm, emotionality and a variety of movements. This is the secret of its rapid spread throughout the world. More and more performances of ballets based on dances from Spain began to appear on the theatrical stages.

Flamenco is a must in Spain. But what to choose? The whole show or performances of individual artists? The first option is suitable for everyone, because it is really impressive. The second is for those who understand dance techniques, because you can better see the subtleties of movements.

Flamenco is fun, bright, amazing! The dance has ancient traditions dating back to gypsy festivities. The performance organically combines music, the dance itself, the costume, the dancer's facial expression and the sounds of his palms, fingers and feet (now flamenco in Spain is danced in special shoes, and earlier, it used to be barefoot).

Video: watch flamenco online

It is hardly possible to describe this dance: it is better to watch flamenco online.

In flamenco performance, as you noticed in the video, there are certain traditions.

First, the bailaor girls are dressed in traditional dresses called bata de cola. It is most often made of fabric with polka dots or plain, but very bright. The dress can be floor-length or partially long, almost always decorated with flounces and frills, very reminiscent of a gypsy dress.

Flamenco dance in Spain (see video online) is accompanied by a unique tap dance-like zapateado movement, snapping fingers and clapping. The dancer creates his own, special rhythm, emphasizing it with his whole body.

In addition, the dancer can use a chic fan, manton (shawl with long tassels) or castanets to emphasize the movements of the hands.

Art that has absorbed the temperament of different peoples and the sounds of the guitar, which has a special plastic form. This is not just a dance, it is an expression of feelings, and if you watch it, its bright red colors and expression can definitely immerse you in a pleasantly tense state for a long time. Today we will talk about the fiery dance - flamenco.

The history of flamenco is as controversial as the dance itself: the combination of song, melody, rhythm gives us more thoughts than answers. It is generally accepted that flamenco belongs to gypsy folklore, but with an interweaving of Arabic motifs. Geographically, the south of the Spanish coast, namely Andalusia, is considered the birthplace of flamenco. The gypsies, who fled India in the 15th century, settled in this region, began to adopt the local culture and use the motives of local music for their dances. Raised arms, a straight back, sharp turns and the sound of heels - all these elements of the dance have shaped modern flamenco.

Since the Spanish gypsies lived in isolated groups, this dance was not widespread. A few centuries later, flamenco movements moved from scorching bonfires and songs about a difficult fate to the guitar to taverns and to the streets of Spanish cities. So, in the 18th century, this dance began to win the hearts of the Spaniards in other cities. Historians claim that the first performances in public places saw Madrid in the middle of the 19th century, and then Valencia, Cadiz and further around the world.

This dance is a mixture of more than 50 types of genre, since different provinces have their own style: the main thing for the Basques is courage and severity, the Aragonese, on the contrary, are cheerful and incendiary, lyricism and romance are important for the Catalans, and passion for the Andalusians. Thus, flamenco can rightly be called a folk dance. But the biggest difference, and hence the uniqueness of flamenco, is that folk dances are mostly collective, and when dancing flamenco, the dancer or, as they are called in Spain, “baylaor”, dances alone. Filling the dance with the tragedy of life and at the same time love, independence and devotion, bailaor turns himself inside out to show true flamenco.

An important attribute of this art is the guitar. Her sound creates a specific environment, where rhythm and instrument express a reckless and sometimes dramatic image. The person who accompanies the dancer is called a tokaorist. It often happens that these people do not even have a musical education, and the art of playing is passed from master to student. There are real nuggets in this genre with a good memory and a sense of improvisation. Listen to Vicente Amigo, he's one of them.

Other important features of this dance are hand clapping (palmas), castanets and cajon (percussion box). Many dancers eschew castanets, preferring to set the rhythm with finger snaps for greater grace. If the bailor is a woman, then these are necessarily fans and long dresses that give amplitude to movements, and if a man, then it will certainly be dark trousers, a shirt with wide sleeves and a wide belt.


In flamenco, there are different styles that differ from each other in the pattern of rhythm and mode. In Spanish, these genres are characterized by one word - palos. The most famous of them is solea, in which different melodies are combined with only one guitar, and in the text of the songs they use moralizing lyrics. Another well-known style is considered saeta - one of the first styles that appeared in Andalusia in the 17th century. The dance is performed without musical accompaniment and only by the soloist, occasionally accompanied by percussion instruments. Sigiriya is a style that also uses the guitar, but the lyrics are riddled with despair and heartache.

Today this dance is popular, especially in big cities where people are subjected to daily stress. Flamenco helps them to throw out all the negative emotions or revive feelings.

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