Diet lentil soup puree for a slim figure.

Hello dear readers of my blog. How useful is lentils for weight loss and what is this benefit? How to choose the right one and how to prepare it? And what harm can these beans do?

Lentils were eaten as early as the Stone Age in the Neolithic era, the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Troy put it on their table. This is one of the very first domesticated crops in the Old World, the health benefits of which can hardly be overestimated.

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So what are the benefits of this legume?

Plenty of quality plant protein

100g contains approximately 25g of protein.

In terms of its nutritional properties, a plate of such porridge is comparable to a piece of meat, while the health benefits of the dish are immeasurably greater than meat food.

Excellent food not only for the table, but also for any supporters of a healthy diet.

Great natural source of fiber

High-fiber foods are a great way to get a supply of nutrients, stay satiated for a long time, and at the same time maintain the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and avoid constipation.

Stock of vitamins and minerals

Among them are calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, useful omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In addition, it is also famous for its high content of thiamine (vitamin B1), which helps to better digest food and brain function.

Another component of such porridge is folic acid (B9), which takes a significant part in the reproduction of new blood cells.

It also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which, once in the human body, turns into the hormone of joy serotonin.

Ecological cleanliness

It has a truly unique ability not to accumulate any pesticides, nitrates and other chemicals harmful to humans in its fibers. Great property, right?

Low glycemic index

And this means that the product does not cause jumps in blood sugar due to the release of the hormone insulin, and therefore does not provoke the deposition of fat reserves.

In turn, this is very much appreciated by fans of healthy eating in general and weight loss in particular.

Help with diet

And not only on a diet - it is already a dietary product in itself. And all because it saturates quickly and for a long time, allowing you to control your own feeling of hunger.

Also, such porridge has a truly unique composition - in addition to nutrients and vitamins, it also has a high protein content, a minimum of fat and a lot of complex carbohydrates, which also allows us to talk about the undoubted benefits for weight loss.

In addition, lentils have another significant plus compared to other legumes - it does not need to be pre-soaked and it cooks as quickly as possible, in a maximum of 25-30 minutes.

All of the above properties make the product necessary and important for literally everyone - for women, men and, of course, children. But before preparing diet dishes from it, let's find out which one is better to choose for this.

Which is tastier?

There are different types of lentils, which are usually distinguished by their colors. However, each of them has its own taste.

The most common include:

Black - also known as "beluga", the most expensive. It has high antioxidant properties, actively helps fight aging. Used in salads, soups, vegetable dishes. It takes about 15 minutes to cook and retains its shape at the exit.

Red - especially rich in calcium and iron. Worked well in sauces and various purees. Cooking time - 10 minutes - and you're done.

Green - these are unripe fruits, but at the same time excellent for cooking. Well suited for leafy salads as a source of protein and other nutrients. Prepare longer than other types - 25-30 minutes.

Yellow - polished grain, that is, devoid of its shell. However, it is considered as useful as the rest. The cooking time is also short - 10-15 minutes.

Brown - ripe fruits. Due to this circumstance, they are prepared faster than all other types. It is often used in soups, but is great for other recipes as well.

Diet Recipes

You can cook a lot of different dishes, and literally all of them will be dietary. I have already introduced you to some of them. For example, in the article "It is also about how to make a lentil salad.

Here I will give a few more recipes.

But first, remember a couple of simple rules:

  • Groats can not be pre-soaked, but you need to wash it under running water. Proportions for cooking - 2 parts water to 1 part cereal.

Lentil pancakes

Everything is very simple and fast.


  • 200-250 ml boiled lentils
  • onion head
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour

Finely chop the onion. Boiled pre-cooked cereals can be sent to a frying pan, where you can sauté a little, adding the rest of the ingredients to them.

Mix the mass well, form pancakes.

Send them to bake in a preheated oven.

Can be served with vegetables and cheese.

Lentil soup

A real dietary soup, tasty, healthy and satisfying. Tried?

Would need

  • cup (200 ml) beans
  • one each carrot, onion head, celery stalk
  • a couple of medium sized potatoes
  • 0.5 liters of broth
  • 200 g chicken breast
  • Salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Boil vegetables. Cut the breast into cubes and brown in a pan.

Make mashed vegetables from vegetables and add to the finished soup along with meat, or without meat.

Lentil Ragout with Spinach

It is also a very satisfying dish that easily satisfies hunger from lunch to evening.

As part of

  • one and a half cups of beans
  • 2.5 cups of water
  • a teaspoon of olive oil
  • small head of onion
  • 200 g spinach
  • salt, pepper and spices to taste. Of the spices, 0.5 tsp are recommended. paprika, cumin, turmeric, as well as 1 tsp. cinnamon and Indian spice blends.

The first step is to mix the spices and set them aside for now.

Finely chop the onion and send it to a frying pan with olive oil until it turns golden.

Add beans and other ingredients to it, except spinach.

When the water boils, reduce the heat and leave the beans to cook - they will last about 10 minutes until cooked. Then, a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped spinach and simmer under the lid.

Caution won't hurt

Before drawing conclusions, let's dwell a little on the minuses, because they still exist.

Cons of Beans

Here are the most basic

Tendency to flatulence

Lentils, with their high fiber content, tend to cause flatulence in large quantities. If you have not eaten it before, or ate it very rarely, do not rush to immediately replace all the products in the house with it.

And in any case, remember that foods from different food groups should be present in the diet every day.

Lots of lysine

Lysine is an amino acid that promotes the growth of muscle tissue and also serves for many useful things in the human body.

But she has one minus - with an excess of it, urolithiasis can develop and kidney damage occurs, as well as an increase in the level of bad cholesterol. Of course, for this you need to eat a pood of legumes and do it regularly.


  • Since the product is capable of causing fermentation and other discomfort in the stomach, it is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder.
  • In addition, it is contraindicated to eat it for those who are diagnosed with kidney disease.
  • Other risk groups are diseases of the genitourinary system, joints, a tendency to hemorrhoids. Since beans can cause dry skin and are not recommended for people with skin diseases.

What to remember

  • This cereal is a great way to eat deliciously, properly and with benefits for the body as a whole and weight loss in particular.
  • It does not need to be soaked for several hours, it cooks quickly, contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients.
  • At the same time, you should not be too zealous - for the sake of all the same health, your diet should be as diverse as possible and not consist of beans alone.

Is there such food on your table? What do you like to cook from it? Share in the comments! And on this I say goodbye to you, until we meet again.

Fans of quick and harmless weight loss should pay attention to the so-called mono-diets, during which one product should be consumed. For example, it can be lentils for weight loss, which in the old days was used as a constant ingredient.

Accordingly, it can be said with certainty that the human body is genetically adapted to this cereal. In addition, do not forget that lentils basically have a large amount of nutrients, in particular protein. Moreover, in terms of protein content, this cereal can easily replace a meat dish. At the same time, lentils do not contain fats and harmful cholesterol, characteristic of meat.

Thanks to this cereal, you can easily lose weight without a diet if you eat dishes based on it. At the same time, you will be unfamiliar with the feeling of hunger and limited food. Since from this plant you can get a huge variety of different culinary masterpieces, the use of which, in turn, will benefit in the formation of a slender figure. In addition, lentils can be called an ideal food for humans and the amount of useful substances contained in it. For example, this product is rich in vitamin A, as well as B, iron and zinc.

If you decide that lentils for weight loss are the best option, then try to diversify your menu as much as possible.

First of all, it is worth considering that the lentil diet requires the use of this product during all three meals - for breakfast, dinner and lunch. By eating lentil dishes throughout the day, you can quickly lose weight in a week and at the same time not harm your own health. Most dietary diets exclude the possibility of having a first course, so necessary for the digestive system. However, the number of recipes from this leguminous plant is so large that several recipes for puree soups can be found among them.

Remember, in order for lentils for weight loss to give the maximum effect, you should definitely include lunch in your diet, because this is the only way to get rid of hunger and at the same time not overeat at night.

For lunch, you can use any dish you like, from legumes boiled in water to a gourmet menu. If we are talking about a quick diet, then lentils for weight loss should be used in a more stringent version, when only this product and unsweetened green tea as a drink will be allowed during the day. Alcohol should be completely excluded, as well as fatty and high-calorie foods. At the same time, it is worth considering that it is quite difficult to hold out on one lentil for the entire time, therefore, it is advisable not to expose your body to too drastic restrictions. Then the process of losing weight will be smoother and painless. You can stick to a non-strict version of the lentil diet for a long period without harming your health.

Lentils are one of the oldest types of legumes. In Ancient Russia, it and other legumes were considered the main food. It is very unpretentious and even during a drought, a plentiful harvest of lentils saved people from starvation.

The composition and calorie content of lentils, its benefits for weight loss

To date, many different diets have been compiled. Most of them require considerable effort, both physical and moral.

And not all of them are thought out in terms of saturating organisms with vitamins and microelements.

Therefore, most often during a diet, a person begins to experience their deficiency.

In addition, many diets in their menu contain quite expensive products.

Lentils are a cheap product, and also very low in calories. There are about two hundred calories per hundred grams of finished lentils.

But that's not the only reason lentils have been such a popular dietary find lately.

The fact is that she has a very rich composition:

    1. Cellulose. Lentils, like all legumes, are the richest source of it. Thanks to it, saturation occurs faster, the work of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes.

  1. Protein. If a person prefers a vegetarian table or is on a long-term diet, this protein content in lentils is truly indispensable.
    The composition of the protein in legumes is very close to animal protein. The difference is that fats and cholesterol enter the body along with meat, while lentils do not contain fats.
  2. Vitamins. There are fewer of them in lentils than in other types of legumes, but very important ones are present here, such as vitamins of group B (1, 9), A, E, PP. In addition to vitamins, it contains a fairly large amount of trace elements such as manganese, iron, potassium, calcium, iodine, chromium and others.

Due to this composition, this legume has many positive properties and its big plus is that they almost do not change during heat treatment.

  1. Regular consumption of lentils helps to strengthen the immune system, because when losing weight, the body experiences stress and weakens.
  2. It can be used for weight loss for people with gastrointestinal diseases, as it is very soft and gentle.
  3. It is allowed for diabetics because it does not cause an increase in blood sugar.
  4. Thanks to the content of iodine, it helps to regulate metabolism.
  5. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.

What are the contraindications for lentils

While lentils can be an excellent weight loss aid, they should not be eaten too heavily. After all, with all its positive qualities, an excess can adversely affect health.

  1. Flatulence. This is an excess accumulation of gases in the intestines. Excessive consumption of lentils leads to the fact that a lot of dietary fiber is poorly absorbed in the small intestine.
  2. It is contraindicated in persons with impaired gallbladder function. Everything is good in moderation, but excessive consumption of lentils can lead to the formation of gallstones.
  3. Due to the high protein content, it can cause overload and malfunction of the kidneys.
  4. The composition contains a substance such as phytane, and in large quantities it prevents the proper absorption of other nutrients.

What is lentil and how to choose it correctly

Lentils have several varieties:

  1. Green (French)- it is specially harvested unripe, so it is cooked longer than other types of cereals.
    This type of lentil is used to prepare various salads, because when cooked, it does not lose its shape and its nutritional properties.
  2. Egyptian lentils- it is peeled and therefore the time required for its preparation is minimal. In cooking, it is used to make mashed potatoes and cream soup.
  3. brown lentils- it is fully ripe, cooks quite quickly, goes well with meat and vegetables.
  4. yellow lentils- is a kind of green, only it is cleaned, it cooks quickly.
  5. black lentils- is found in stores very rarely, in cooking it is universal, suitable for cooking almost all dishes, it looks very much like black caviar.

In order for dishes prepared from any type of lentil to please with taste, you need to choose it carefully. Now with a huge selection of products, it is not difficult to make a mistake and buy a low-quality product.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to the product in a transparent package, which allows you to see its contents.

When choosing lentils, you need to know the following:

  • cereals in a pack should be crumbly and in no case stick together into lumps;
  • all contents of the pack must be of the same shape and size;
  • there should be no dark spots on the beans;
  • carefully examine the goods to find out if there are any foreign objects or mold in the pack;
  • a fresh legume retains a slight nutty flavor.

Diet for weight loss with lentils

There are only two diets based on lentils: one is quite strict, the other is lighter and more gentle.

The first type of diet involves the daily use of lentils several times a day. Apart from this product, nothing else can be eaten.

During the day, you need to drink enough water, there are no restrictions in the drinking regime.

Any type of lentil will work for this diet. It must first be soaked for several hours, then boiled.

After soaking, it will take much less time. You need to eat it during the day in small portions, without salt and dressings, as many times as you want.

This diet should be observed for no more than a week. Two or three times this week before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fat-free kefir.

Experts say that such a diet leaves behind a good result that lasts for a long time. If necessary, the diet can be repeated no earlier than thirty days later.

On another type of lentil diet, you can sit for one to two weeks.

Its essence is to replace one or two daily meals with dishes from this bean groats.

A sample menu for one day looks like this:

  1. Breakfast: 200 grams of fat-free kefir, any fruit.
  2. Lunch: lentil porridge, a small piece of rye bread with low-fat cottage cheese and herbs.
  3. Dinner: fresh vegetable salad and green tea.

When preparing dishes for a diet, you need to show a little imagination so that its menu is not boring and insipid. Its advantage is that in a week you can lose up to five kilograms and at the same time improve the condition of the skin and nails.

The result after such a nutrition system persists for a long time, but for prevention it can be repeated every two months.

Lentil Diet Recipes

Lentil porridge

To prepare it, you need half a glass of dry product. You do not need to take more, since it greatly increases in volume during soaking.

Thoroughly rinse the cereal and pour water for 3 - 4 hours. After this time, wash the cereal again and dip it in cold water.

Boil until cooked, if allowed, it can be salted and seasoned with a small piece of butter, as well as roast vegetables.

Lentil soup

For cooking you will need:

  • about 150 grams of lentils;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • meat broth - 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices;
  • low fat sour cream.

Wash the cereal well and soak for two hours. Chop onions and carrots and simmer a little in vegetable oil.

Peel potatoes and cut into medium cubes. When the lentils swell, rinse it again and put it together with the potatoes in the broth.

Boil for about half an hour, then add the onion and carrot, salt a little and season with spices. Cook another fifteen minutes and turn off.

Serve with sour cream.

Flatbreads from lentils

In this dish, you can use both dry and canned cereals in order to save time.

You will need:

  • lentils 150 - 200 grams;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 small chicken egg;
  • salt pepper;
  • greens;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.

If the lentils are dry, wash and soak them. After swelling, boil for half an hour in salted water.

Cool slightly and pass through a meat grinder along with the onion. In the resulting mixture, beat the egg, add flour, salt and pepper and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Form cakes from this dough and bake them in the oven at 230 degrees for about half an hour. Willingness to determine by appearance.

While the cakes are baking, slightly salt the low-fat cottage cheese and add chopped greens. When the cakes have cooled, grease them with curd mass and serve.

How to cook green lentil salad can be found by watching the video.

If you are going to cook lentil dishes for weight loss, everyone who is losing weight should learn some of the properties of the main ingredient and the secrets of its preparation, for example, that this kind of legumes need to be boiled in unsalted water - this will help to avoid too much salt in the finished product. It is also important to note that it is better to use red lentils for cooking, because this variety contains the most substances needed by the body.

How does lentil help in weight loss?

Let's see how lentils are useful for weight loss:

  • low calorie content - only 119 calories per 100 g of cooked product, making lentils an ideal choice for a diet;
  • a high concentration of fiber allows you to quickly get enough of the dish and not overeat;
  • along with high nutritional value, lentils are also very useful, as they saturate the body with vitamin B6, folic acid and many macro- and microelements;
  • this cereal is rich in protein, which also contributes to weight loss - the body spends a large amount of energy to absorb it, and there is no loss of muscle mass; lentils normalize blood glucose levels and can be recommended for patients with diabetes;
  • this cereal has a low glycemic index, which guarantees the impossibility of hunger attacks or mood swings;
  • lentils allow you to significantly expand the diet, while dishes from it are equally tasty both warm and cold, which allows you not to violate the diet plan, even while at the workplace;
  • The same item on the menu can get boring, but with a variety of varieties, lentils won't let you go. Each new dish will not only delight with new colors, but also have a different taste.

As you can see, the benefits of lentils for weight loss are obvious.

Soluble fiber helps to normalize digestion and helps maintain intestinal microflora, while insoluble fiber, in turn, stimulates intestinal motility and helps to remove toxins, toxins, and also has a mild laxative effect.

And another important property of this cereal for the human body is that it does not accumulate harmful toxins - nitrates, radionuclides, etc. This allows us to consider lentils as an environmentally friendly product, regardless of the variety and region of growth.

Lentil contraindications

Not everyone can eat lentil dishes for weight loss. First of all, this applies to people suffering from gout and joint diseases. In the acute form of genitourinary diseases, it is also worth refraining from eating lentils and dishes from it. Contraindications are also: diseases of the intestines, stomach and gallbladder, hemorrhoids and kidney problems.

How to choose the right lentil

There are several types of this product on the shelves of stores. Before you go shopping, you need to choose lentil dishes for weight loss.

Lentil happens:

  • Red. It has a spicy aftertaste. It boils down fairly quickly. Mashed potatoes, porridge and even soups are prepared from this variety. They will please even the most fastidious gourmet.
  • Brown. The smell is vaguely nutty. Soups and stews are prepared from this type of lentils, thick in consistency.
  • Green. This is a great ingredient for salads. It does not boil during cooking and has a certain piquancy.
  • "Beluga". Outwardly, it looks like caviar. This type of lentil is unique in that it is suitable for both cereals and soups.

Video "How to choose lentils"

Diet with lentils for weight loss

This weight loss technique is designed for seven days, but if after this time there is no special effect of losing weight, then it is recommended to repeat this diet after about thirty days.

  • Breakfast: drink half a glass of natural low-fat yogurt, eat any fresh fruit;
  • Second breakfast: drink a full glass of any juice;
  • Lunch: eat two tablespoons of pre-cooked boiled lentils, the same amount of brown rice, you can flavor it all with a little soy sauce, and it is also recommended to add 10 milliliters of olive oil. Or you can use tomato paste;
  • You can exchange brown rice for pearl barley, millet or barley porridge. It is not forbidden to put a small amount of greens in the dish, it can be fresh parsley, dill or cilantro, at your discretion, and you can also season the food with lemon juice;
  • Afternoon snack: prepare lentil soup - mashed potatoes. For one serving, you will need two tablespoons of this representative of legumes, which should be boiled in 300 milliliters of boiling water, after which the mass is passed through a blender, you can add fresh parsley, and a little salt to taste;
  • Dinner: prepare a vegetable salad, and eat 200 grams of boiled lentils;
  • At night, it is recommended to drink a glass of fat-free kefir.

As you can see from the menu, only vegetable protein is present in the diet, so you can additionally consume amino acid supplements, of course, if you actively train daily.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Lentil recipes for weight loss

Diet thick lentil soup

Soup Ingredients:

  • Lentils - 2 cups (350-400 g)
  • Vegetable or chicken breast broth - 5 cups (1-1.5 liters approximately).
  • Bulb - 1 pc. (small)
  • Carrot - 1 pc. (small)
  • Pepper mix, bay leaf
  • Garlic - 1-2 small cloves
  • Fresh herbs for soup garnish


It is best to cook soup from red lentils: it has a rich taste and it is easy to cook, it becomes soft.

Soak the lentils for 20-30 minutes beforehand, then pour in the broth and set to boil.

Add bay leaf and garlic to the soup, add spices and cook over moderate heat for 20-25 minutes until the lentils are soft.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrot, fry the vegetables in 1 tbsp. oils by adding water. Then add the roast to the soup.

Cover the pot after turning off the heat and let the soup brew. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Diet lentil puree

Puree Ingredients:

  • Lentils red or green - 1 cup (full)
  • Water - 2 cups (can be replaced with vegetable or lean broth)
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc. (small)
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. (may not be added)
  • Fresh dill (chopped, 1 tbsp)


Soak the lentils for half an hour beforehand. This will allow it to boil and speed up the cooking time.

You will need to cook for about 20 minutes on moderate heat, add a bay leaf to the water.

After cooking, let the lentils brew a little under the lid, and then drain off the excess water.

Grind the lentils with a blender, add oil. Put the finished puree on a plate and garnish with dill.

Vegetarian lentil cutlets

From lentils, you can cook quite tasty cutlets, which also have a low calorie content.


  • lentils - 1.5 cups;
  • medium bulb - half;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Lentils must first be soaked for 8 hours (preferably overnight). At the same time, it will double its volume.

Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in a pan, add crushed garlic to it and hold on fire for another 1 minute.

Lentils need to be thrown into a colander, let drain excess water. Then you need to chop the cereal with a blender, salt, add seasonings and fried onions and garlic. Mix everything thoroughly. From the resulting mass, form cutlets and fry in hot oil for 3-4 minutes. from each side.

Flatbreads from lentils

In this dish, you can use both dry and canned cereals in order to save time.

You will need:

  • lentils 150 - 200 grams;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 small chicken egg;
  • salt pepper;
  • greens;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.

If the lentils are dry, wash and soak them. After swelling, boil for half an hour in salted water.

Cool slightly and pass through a meat grinder along with the onion. In the resulting mixture, beat the egg, add flour, salt and pepper and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Form cakes from this dough and bake them in the oven at 230 degrees for about half an hour. Willingness to determine by appearance.

While the cakes are baking, slightly salt the low-fat cottage cheese and add chopped greens. When the cakes have cooled, grease them with curd mass and serve.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Video: Another soup recipe with benefits for the waist

Is it possible to gain kilograms: the opinion of nutritionists

Many who are going to lose weight, first of all, are interested in the question - how much can you eat so that the weight goes away, and not added. It seems that if we draw an analogy with other cereals, the proposed diet should increase weight, and not vice versa. But this is not so: it will not work to get fat on simple lentils. Of course, if you cook soup or mashed potatoes in fatty meat broth and eat it all with warm white bread, it will be difficult to keep your kilograms unchanged. If you act wisely, then with the help of lentils it is quite possible to get rid of 4-5 kilograms in a week. But, deciding to go on a lentil diet, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • During the diet, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. It is optimal if it is plain water or green tea.
  • Green or brown lentils are best soaked for 8 hours before cooking.

Not all people who are losing weight are aware of the beneficial properties of lentils for weight loss, and the dietary soup recipe for some women becomes a real revelation. In fact, this is a unique protein product of plant origin, which is additionally a source of vitamins, complex carbohydrates, mineral salts, and vegetable fiber. Simple recipes with lentils for weight loss work wonders with a problematic figure, help you lose weight productively without strict diets and debilitating hunger strikes.

What is lentil

This is a bright representative of the legume family, which is not often seen in the modern daily menu. In Ancient Russia, lentils and dishes from it were considered the main food, moreover, they helped not a single generation survive in a hungry year. At the present time, the lentil diet is again in demand among the masses, but not everyone who wants to lose weight will help to cook this cereal correctly and tasty. In fact, it is a complete protein that is great as a side dish for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner.


The benefits of lentils for weight loss are obvious, and with the right use of this natural product, you can quickly lose weight without an unbearable feeling of hunger. This is explained by the unique composition, which is sure to interest all women on a diet. For example, the amount of fat in beans is minimal, and the low glycemic index makes the product itself unique if you want to lose a few kilograms, correct problem areas of an imperfect figure.

Even a professional nutritionist insists on including such a food ingredient in the daily menu of a losing weight person. However, before choosing an interesting recipe for making lentils for weight loss, it is important to carefully study the natural composition of this representative of the legume family. So:

  1. Cellulose. There are 12-13 grams of vegetable fiber per 100 grams of a natural product.
  2. natural proteins. 100 grams of fresh beans contains about 25 grams of concentrated protein.
  3. Minerals, trace elements. The composition is dominated by potassium, iron, magnesium and copper, necessary for the normal conduction of nerve impulses, stable operation of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Vitamins. These are folic acid (vitamin A), thiamine (vitamin B3), which contribute to better absorption of nutrients, normal brain activity.

Benefit and harm

Many interested people are asking the main question of how lentils are useful for losing weight, is it even worth including such a food ingredient in the diet menu. The answer is definitely in the affirmative, because by its properties it is a natural fat burner, due to the presence of which adipose tissue literally melts before our eyes, and a person noticeably loses weight. The benefits of lentils do not end there, it is necessary to note the following product features for the body:

  • fast saturation with minimal portion sizes;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases;
  • blood sugar controls;
  • ensuring an energy reserve for a long period of time;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • splitting of the fat layer;
  • skin rejuvenation.

Lentils for weight loss

The calorie content of the product is 100-200 kcal, depending on the choice of dish. There are 93.5 kcal in porridge, 108.2 kcal in lentil soup puree, and 211 kcal in lentil cakes. The body receives nutritious satiety, but you don’t want to eat for another 3-4 hours after such a dietary meal. This natural product dulls the feeling of hunger, therefore, with relatively small portions, a losing weight person is full. It acts on the principle of a fat burner, is able to productively eliminate even long-standing fat deposits. It remains to decide on the choice of dishes, drink more fluids during the day.


This variety has a sharp taste, so it is better to add the product to vegetable salads to provide a spicy taste. When losing weight, you want variety, and green lentils provide just that. The main thing is not to overdo it with a dietary ingredient, otherwise the dish loses all its piquancy, it is impossible to eat it. It is better to strictly follow the proportions from the recipe.


This is a universal ingredient that can be safely added to soups, salads and main dishes for the productive elimination of adipose tissue. Take any variety of your choice, for example, red or brown, and at home germinate it in water for further use for the purpose of productive weight loss. It is better not to cook sprouted lentil cutlets, but combining legumes with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes is very useful, appropriate.

For breakfast

Having decided on the answer, is it possible to eat lentils while losing weight, it remains only to find out how and when to cook the specified ingredient. Its use is appropriate in the morning, as the body receives an energy supply for the whole day. If the diet is classic, you can skip the lentil dish for breakfast, and if you follow a strict methodology for losing weight, replace all daily meals with it. In general, this is a great way to refresh yourself in the morning, as an option, you can cook porridge, toast with lentil pate or a warm salad.

For the night

Dinner also includes the specified ingredient, but it is better not to overeat or completely abandon the last meal. Recipes should be varied, it is important not to repeat. Otherwise, the chosen diet will very soon cause melancholy and despondency, and the learned result of losing weight will not please. More often, beans are soaked in water before going to bed in order to prepare a diet dish in the morning of the next day. The nutritional satiety of the product does not suffer from this, and extra calories will not appear.

What to eat with lentils for weight loss

Riboflavin is not the only value this natural product contains. Lentils for weight loss provides the body with a unique vitamin complex, prevents the development of beriberi against the background of a limited daily diet. Combine this natural ingredient with fresh vegetables, herbs, and other legumes; harmoniously complement turkey, chicken, rabbit stews. But the addition of vegetable and butter oils is desirable to limit.

Diet on lentils

When choosing a technique for correcting excess weight, it is important not to forget about this natural ingredient. Lentils for weight loss are presented in a classic and strict diet, the duration of which is not more than 7 days. each technique offers its own conditions, and the task of a losing weight person is to choose the best option, strictly adhere to all the recommendations of a nutritionist. So, when choosing lentils for weight loss, it is important to know the following rules:

  1. classic diet. It is supposed to reduce the total calorie content of dishes, replace one meal (except breakfast) with lentil dishes. Liquids can be drunk indefinitely, while controlling the swelling of the limbs.
  2. Strict diet. All meals are supposed to be replaced with lentil dishes, while drinking an unlimited amount of liquid. The number of daily meals is at least 4; for a week, lentils for weight loss help a woman quietly lose up to 3 extra pounds.

Dishes from lentils for weight loss

To correct problematic weight, you will have to slightly change your usual diet. Lentils for weight loss helps to get a grandiose result on the scales in a relatively short time and without harm to your own health. Below are simple homemade recipes that guarantee a sustainable dietary effect with regular use:

Lentil soup

You will need:

  • lentils - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • meat broth - 0.5 l;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream, salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the legumes for a couple of hours, and peel the carrots and onions, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, put them into the broth along with the main ingredient.
  3. Cook for 30 minutes, add onions and carrots to the broth, salt and season with spices.
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