What exercises are recommended for diseases of the cervical spine.

Diseases of the spine, in which there is a deterioration in blood circulation, are not only accompanied by pain, but can cause headaches, blurred vision and frequent dizziness. Therefore, if the cervical spine hurts, you should immediately begin treatment and strengthening the spine.

The most effective means of preventing (stretching) diseases of the cervical spine are massage and therapeutic exercises. Special exercises relax or, conversely, tone the muscles, increase their functionality and relieve tension from the spine.

When the back muscles are strengthened, creating a strong muscular corset for the cervical spine, they acquire sufficient tone and become elastic, many diseases will disappear by themselves. The main thing is that such treatment with physical activity should be regular, and the increase in the load on the back should be gradual.

In order for the treatment to be effective and safe, the following recommendations must be observed.:

  • therapeutic exercises should be performed at a fairly slow pace with a certain rhythm. Too fast and abrupt movements can lead to increased pain or even injure tense muscles;
  • if during the performance of therapeutic exercises, pain appears, it is better to stop preventive gymnastics. If such pains or a strong crunch in the cervical spine occur constantly during exercise, you should consult a doctor;
  • if discomfort occurs, the load on the back should be reduced;
  • therapeutic and preventive gymnastics for the back should be performed on a flat surface;
  • you need to start gymnastics with a minimum number of repetitions, gradually increasing the load;
  • of particular importance for any load of the spine is its extension. This stretching of the vertebrae relieves stress and makes the treatment most effective.

Complex №1

Therapeutic exercises improve the mobility of the vertebrae, restore the elasticity of the neck muscles. Treatment should begin with 3 repetitions of each of the exercises. Gradually, the load increases.

Exercise 1

It is performed while sitting straight on a chair. The arms are lowered along the torso. Slowly turn your head all the way to the right, then to the left. A lightweight version is also possible, when neck turns are made in each direction (to the right and left) with a small amplitude.

This exercise over time provides good mobility of the cervical region..

Exercise 2

Starting position, as in the first exercise. Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest as much as possible. If possible, try to feel the dimple in your chest with your chin.

This exercise stretches the cervical vertebrae, stretches stiff neck muscles, and improves overall upper back flexibility.

Exercise 3

Sitting on a chair, lower your arms and gently tilt your head back, while pulling your chin. Such inclinations provide good stretching of tense muscles and effective treatment of pain in the neck.

Complex No. 2

This gymnastics is also recommended for chronic diseases of the cervical region. As a result of the regular implementation of the complex, weakened muscles are strengthened, they are relaxed and pain is treated. Gymnastics begins with three repetitions. Gradually, the load increases.

Exercise 1

Sitting in a chair with a straight back, place either palm on your forehead. Then, with effort, tilt your head forward, overcoming the resistance of the hand.

The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the cervical region, increase the mobility of the vertebrae and stretch them.

Exercise 2

Also sitting on a chair, place your palm on your temple. Alternately do tilts to the left and right, pressing the temple with your hand and creating resistance. With regular performance, such gymnastics strengthens the lateral cervical muscles, improves the mobility of the vertebrae, and provides treatment for pain.

Exercise 3

Standing with your arms down, raise your shoulders as high as you can, then slowly lower them back down.

At the end of the complex, massage the neck, lower part of the neck and shoulder blades.

Complex No. 3

This complex is aimed at developing flexibility, restoring the elasticity of ligaments and intervertebral discs.

Exercise 1

Standing with a straight back, tilt your head to the sides so as to touch your shoulder with your ear.

Exercise 2

Standing, perform slow circular movements of the head. It is desirable that the amplitude be maximum, which will ensure good traction of the vertebrae.

Exercise 3

Standing, lower your head down. Place your hands on the back of your head, clasped in a lock. Slowly raise your head, trying to overcome the resistance of your hands.

The most mobile part of the spine is the cervical spine. It gives us the opportunity to turn our head in different directions, bend it and make rotational movements with our head. But due to various diseases, excessive loads and age, the mobility of the spine worsens. When making movements, there is a feeling of stiffness, numbness and pain. A huge number of people suffer from back pain. To prevent this, you should regularly do special exercises for the cervical spine. Their constant implementation will make it possible to maintain the mobility of the cervical vertebrae until old age.

Benefits of gymnastics

Regularly performing gymnastics for the cervical region will allow you to:

  • increase efficiency;
  • normalize the pressure;
  • improve vision and hearing;
  • get rid of sleep problems;
  • eliminate hand numbness;
  • normalize the vestibular apparatus;
  • make better memory and increase brain activity.

Also, the constant performance of gymnastics allows you to get rid of the following unpleasant sensations:

  • muscle strain and spasms;
  • myositis;
  • pinched nerves;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • the occurrence of osteochondrosis of the neck;

Types of gymnastics

The most common diseases of the cervical region are osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernia and instability of the cervical region. For the treatment and prevention of each of these diseases, special exercises for the cervical spine have been developed. They must perform regularly, at any time of the day. Despite its simplicity, it is very effective.

Gymnastics for the prevention of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis occurs due to the thinning of cartilage and thin tissues. It causes problems with the vestibular apparatus, worsens vision, causes headaches.

To prevent osteochondrosis, the following exercises are performed:

  1. We strain the cervical muscles and press the forehead on the palm. Yes, we do it three times. Each time for seven seconds. After, we press the back of the head on the palm. The number of repetitions remains the same.
  2. We strain the neck muscles. We try to press as hard as possible on the palm of the left temple. After, we press on the palm with the right temple. Each exercise is done three times, the duration is seven seconds.
  3. Keep your head and shoulders straight. Slowly turn your head all the way to the right. After that, we turn our head in the opposite direction. We perform each exercise five times.
  4. Slowly lower the chin to the neck. We do this exercise five times to the right, and the same number of times to the left.
  5. Throwing back the head, we try to touch the right shoulder with the ear. After that, we do the same, but to the left. You should do five repetitions.

Gymnastics for the cervical region with protrusion

Protrusion is a process leading to swelling of the intervertebral discs without rupture of the fibrous rings. This condition is one of the most difficult manifestations of osteochondrosis and is capable of causing a vertebral hernia.

With protrusion, you should perform the same exercises as during osteochondrosis, with the only difference being that you should not make rotational head movements.

When performing gymnastics, pain should not appear. If, however, pain occurs, then classes should be stopped.

Gymnastics for the cervical region with a hernia

A herniated disc is a protrusion of the discs that occurs as a result of ruptured fibrous rings.

The main goal is to return activity to the neck muscles and improve joint mobility.

Basic exercises for hernia:

  1. We sit down. The arms should hang along the body. We turn all the way to the left, and then to the right. So, we do ten times.
  2. Place your hands along the body, sit down and tilt your head to your chest. Tightly press the chin to the chest. We do ten repetitions.
  3. Having taken a sitting position, we hang our arms along the body and tilt our head back smoothly, trying to stretch our chin up as much as possible. We do five repetitions.

Gymnastics with instability of the cervical spine

The instability of the cervical region is its excessive mobility. The main goal is to bring the vertebrae into a stable state.

All exercises are performed while sitting on a special simulator, which you can make yourself, using rubber bandages. Its ends should be securely fastened to the wall, after folding the bandage in half.

The bandage, serving as a restraint, wraps around the head at forehead level. You should alternately tilt your head ten to twenty times in all directions. Classes should continue for six months.

Regularly performing even the simplest gymnastics complexes, it gives a chance to prevent the development of many serious diseases. You will be able to maintain your health for many years and make your well-being good.

German Tyukhtin, a well-known vertebrologist and chiropractor, offers an easy-to-perform and very effective complex for working out the cervical zone.

Exercises for the cervical spine are selected in such a way as to maximize the work of each muscle, all cervical vertebrae and their joints, improve the condition of the intervertebral joints and discs. In addition, regular exercise will help restore normal blood circulation, supply the brain with essential nutrients and oxygen. The proposed complex is an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Exercises for the cervical spine

Exercise 1

Before performing the exercise at full strength, you need to feel the amplitude of the turns. Turn your head to the maximum to the left, then to the maximum to the right.

Feel at what maximum amplitude you do not experience discomfort and remember this state. Turn your head to the left, hold this position for 5 seconds, then turn it to the right and also count to 5.

Repeat 10-12 times. Never use force if the neck can be turned further in one direction than in the other! Otherwise, you risk injuring your neck! Work in the amplitude in which it turns out.

Exercise 2

From the starting position, standing straight, tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest, count to 5.

Then straighten up and tilt your head back, fix again and count to 5. In this case, the head does not throw back completely, but looks like it is shown in the photo.

This is done in order to protect the arteries passing in the transverse processes of the vertebrae from injury.

Exercise 3

Straighten up, tilt your head first to one shoulder, then to the other.

Remember the range of motion. Now gently tilt your head to the left, and pull your left shoulder down slightly to deepen the stretch.

Be as careful as possible! Perform movements slowly, breathe deeply, watch for the absence of pain. Do not try to put your head on your shoulder, the slope should be 45 degrees.

Exercise 4

Turn your head 45 degrees to the side as shown in the photo.

Pull your head forward and chin up as far as possible. Hold, count to 5. Repeat forward and to the other side.

We repeat 5 - 10 times. A great exercise that helps get rid of the second chin.

Exercise 5

Stand straight, hands folded in front of you with brushes to each other like a bowl. Rest your chin on the base of your palms and push down.

Thus, the muscles are worked out, and the vertebrae remain in a fixed position.

Exercise 6

Bring your chin as close to your left shoulder as possible. Slowly tilting your head, outline a semicircle and bring your chin to your right shoulder.

In this case, there should be a sensation of rolling in the throat, so we massage the tonsils. Then draw a semi-circle towards the air again towards the left shoulder. At the same time, do not throw your head back, but lead as in exercise 2. Perform 5 to 10 times in one direction, then in the other. Neck rotation is an excellent prevention of tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

Among other things, exercises for the cervical spine work out the vocal cords, improve the voice.

Do the exercises offered by Herman Tyukhtin every day and live without pain!

  • exercises for hands
  • exercises for legs

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Osteochondrosis is called damage to the articular cartilage, which leads to disruption of the joint. In the spine, intervertebral discs are more often affected, the articular tissues of which are destroyed under the influence of external factors.

Medicine considers a sedentary lifestyle to be the cause of osteochondrosis of the spine: at the computer, without raising his head, in not the most comfortable position. Today, this disease is rapidly getting younger. And according to statistics, if earlier 30-year-old girls were more worried about the opportunity to lose weight with the help of an exercise bike, then today - what kind of therapeutic exercises for the neck will help get rid of pain.

How does osteochondrosis of the cervical spine manifest?

The cervical vertebrae are much smaller than the lumbar. There are thousands of blood vessels and nerve endings in this area. When a minimum voltage occurs, the nerves are compressed and the patency of the vessels is disturbed, which eventually leads to the development of edema, hernia, and protrusion. When the blood supply is disturbed, an inflammatory process often occurs, which leads to pathological changes and even disability.

Symptoms of the disease depend on its type.

  • cervical sciatica- pain radiates from the neck to the shoulder blade, spreads to the fingers through the forearm. Often the sensitivity of the fingers and hands disappears.
  • Irritative reflex syndrome- there is an intense boring pain in the neck and occiput. Gives to the shoulder, chest, often manifests itself in the forearm.
  • vertebral artery syndrome- The headache does not go away, it makes noise in the ears. Pursues dizziness and blurred vision. It is recognized as the most dangerous type of cervical osteochondrosis, which leads to impaired blood circulation in the brain. It is impossible to fight him with only gymnastics for the neck and back.
  • cardiac syndrome- the pain is localized in the neck, shoulder blades, heart. Increases with sneezing, turning the head.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is dangerous not only with constant pain, but also with the risk of complications. Therefore, with prolonged and intense pain in the neck, you should definitely consult a specialist. In the initial stages of the disease, only exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis will be recommended to you. In a neglected state, the disease requires drug therapy to eliminate inflammation, restore vascular patency. In some cases, it is required to wear a special corset that supports the head.

However, in each case, you can not do without exercises for the muscles of the neck. Their main task is to strengthen the muscles of the cervical region to properly support the joints of the spine. When performed regularly, gymnastics gives a tangible effect: the intensity of pain decreases or it completely lets go, normal blood flow is restored, and well-being improves significantly.

It is only important to remember that exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck do not cure the disease. It doesn't go anywhere! And it will not bother you only when you perform the right set of exercises. As soon as gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis is forgotten, the discomfort will return in a week or two.

Gymnastics with cervical osteochondrosis

The complex includes exercises to relax the neck muscles and strengthen them.

  1. Stand or sit in a chair with a straight back. Relax your hands, lower them down. Turn your head to the left and right 10 times as far as you can. If the pain prevents you from making a turn, make a few sharp jerks of your head to the right and left.
  2. Stay in the same position. Lower your head down and try to reach your chin to your chest. Stop for 10 seconds. Perform 5 head tilts.
  3. Sit on a chair, relax your arms. Pull your chin in and try to move your head back. Make 10 moves. The exercise is useful for stretching the back of the neck muscles and is indicated for people who are forced to work in a tense posture.
  4. Sitting on a chair, place either palm on your forehead. Tilt your head forward, pressing hard on your forehead with your palm. Hold for 10 seconds, take a break, repeat 10 times. Due to muscle tension, the exercise helps to strengthen the front of the neck and ensures the correct position of the head.
  5. Stand up, relax your hands. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, hold for 10 seconds. Relax your shoulders and take a deep breath, feel your arms pull your shoulders down. Repeat 5-10 times.
  6. Lie on your back on the floor. Raise your head, hold for 10 seconds, lay on the floor. Repeat after 5 seconds. Do 8 times.
  7. Ask the assistant to massage the muscles between the bone of the occipital region and its soft part with force. At first, you will feel intense pain, which will be replaced by significant relief.
  8. Lie on the floor and ask an assistant to massage the upper part of the scapula - the place of attachment of the main cervical muscle. Painful sensations will be replaced by pleasant warmth.

These neck exercises for osteochondrosis will help you live with an unpleasant disease without discomfort.

Sedentary work, spinal injuries, overweight - there are many reasons why osteochondrosis (dystrophic disorders in the intervertebral discs) develops. Pathological changes develop over the years, gradually making themselves felt by numbness of the hands, a burning sensation between the shoulder blades, pain in the neck and other unpleasant symptoms. You can help yourself if you start exercising in time.

The benefits of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Quite recently, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine was considered an age-related disease, but today the disease has become much younger and can occur even in patients 20–30 years old. It is impossible to completely get rid of dystrophic disorders, but well-chosen treatment significantly improves the patient's quality of life. One of the leading places in the treatment of osteochondrosis is occupied by the therapeutic and physical culture complex (LFK). Simple exercise has many benefits:

  • They help to strengthen the muscular corset, increase muscle tone and elasticity of the ligaments, thereby significantly reducing the load on the spine.
  • Regular exercises relieve neck pain, headaches, burning sensation between the shoulder blades.
  • Gymnastics with cervical osteochondrosis activates blood flow, reducing the likelihood of a stroke and increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain.
  • Classes in the early stages allow you to stop the progression of the dystrophic process, improve posture.

Indications and contraindications

Charging with osteochondrosis is prescribed during remission, when the pain subsides. It helps to relieve exacerbations, prevents the development of repeated attacks of pain, complications and further destruction of the joints. Patients with mild spinal injuries, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension should perform the prescribed exercises in a lightweight version and at first only under the supervision of a doctor or trainer.

You should not start exercising immediately after eating, on an empty stomach, or after severe physical overwork. Physiotherapy exercises are also contraindicated in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • glaucoma, severe myopia;
  • diseases of the vestibular apparatus, which are accompanied by impaired coordination;
  • infectious lesion of the spinal column;
  • period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • post-infarction condition at the stage of early rehabilitation;
  • severe spinal injuries;
  • acute respiratory viral diseases.

Execution rules

Before starting gymnastics with cervical osteochondrosis, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the general rules of physical education:

  • Exercise must be done in a well-ventilated area.
  • Clothing for training should be loose, not constrain movements and not bring discomfort.
  • Before classes, you should measure the pulse and pressure, in case of their increase, refuse to perform exercises.
  • To reduce the risk of injury, all movements should be performed smoothly, gradually increasing the load, intensity and number of repetitions, keeping your posture.
  • Gymnastics with cervical osteochondrosis should be done regularly. Many exercises are suitable for performing at work, while studying.
  • If during exercise therapy you feel a sharp pain, dizziness, start to feel sick, immediately stop further exercise and sit down to rest. In the future, reduce the load and consult a doctor.
  • In addition to the exercises, courses of therapeutic massage, physiotherapy can be prescribed.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at home

Therapeutic gymnastics involves performing a series of simple exercises. With the permission of the doctor, they can be performed at home with relaxing music. The main condition is that the spine should be as even as possible, so it is preferable not to lie down, but to practice standing or sitting on a chair without a back. For a lasting therapeutic effect, do gymnastics every day at the same time.

What is a warm-up for?

An important part of any physical activity is muscle preparation. A light warm-up will help to avoid injuries, warm up the muscles, prepare the body for the start of an intense workout, improve blood circulation and stretching. Sample set of exercises:

  1. Sitting in a chair with a straight back, relax and lower your arms along the torso. Perform circular movements with your shoulders, first forward, then back. Do 5-10 reps on each side.
  2. Stay in the same position, spread your arms parallel to the floor. With an inhalation, bend your elbows, gently touching your shoulders with your fingertips. With an exhalation, return to the starting position. Perform 10 extensions.
  3. Stand up straight, place your palms on your shoulders, elbows parallel to the floor. On the count of one or two, start alternating circular movements with your elbows. First, with your right hand, reaching the end of the circle, connect your left elbow. Do 5 circles for each hand.
  4. Take the starting position, as for the first exercise. Tighten your arms, start moving your shoulders back and forth. Repeat the procedure 10 times for each side.

Isometric exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis

This complex involves performing all exercises without moving the head or neck - only with the help of muscle tension. Isometric gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis is considered the safest, therefore, it is prescribed to patients to relieve pain during an exacerbation of the disease. All exercises are performed from a position: standing or sitting on a chair without a back. The duration of one task is 5 seconds, the number of approaches is 2-5. Examples of effective exercises:

  1. Lock your fingers together and place your palms on your forehead. Start pressing your hands on your forehead, as if trying to tilt your head, resist with the neck muscles so that the body remains motionless.
  2. Move your hands in the same position to the back of your head. Pressing with your palms, make a micro-movement of the head forward. At the same time, resist the arms with the muscles of the neck and forearm.
  3. Place your right hand on your cheek with the palm of your hand. Press your hand on your face, trying to tilt your head to the left side. At the same time, tighten the muscles, not allowing the head to bend. Do the same exercise with your left hand.
  4. Stand up, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands to the side, palms out. Tighten the muscles in your neck, arms and back. Force your elbows together, then back, trying to get your hands as far behind your back as possible. Bringing and spreading the elbows is carefully, without relieving tension from the muscles and maintaining balance.

dynamic gymnastics

Physical education in cervical osteochondrosis must necessarily contain exercises aimed at strengthening and increasing the muscle tone of the upper limbs, neck, shoulder girdle, and lower back. This is what dynamic assignments are for. All of them are performed at a fast pace, between sets there is a break of 10-15 seconds. You should know that dynamic gymnastics is contraindicated in exacerbations of osteochondrosis, diabetes, spinal injuries, and cardiovascular diseases.

Approximate set of exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, bring your legs together, put your hands on your waist. Gently tilting your head, try to reach your shoulder with your ear. Do 5-6 repetitions for each side.
  2. Sitting or standing, slowly raise your hands up, bringing your palms together. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  3. Stand up, spread your feet apart, lower your arms along the torso. Make simultaneous circular rotations with your shoulders without raising your arms. Perform 15 circular movements in 3 sets. To complicate it, you can do alternating circles - first with the left, then with the right shoulder.
  4. Standing, forcefully pull your right hand back, while simultaneously raising your left hand up. Do 10 reps and 3 sets for each limb.
  5. Standing, lower your arms along the torso. Alternately make stroking movements sliding on the sides, raising your shoulders as much as possible. Do the task for 1 minute, then take a break and 2 more sets.

A set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine Shishonina

Numerous patients of the rehabilitation doctor Alexander Shishonin successfully got rid of hypertension, osteochondrosis and other health problems with the help of neck exercises. The doctor claims that his physical education helps improve blood circulation, develops the muscles of the neck and upper spine, and prevents the development of heart attack and stroke. Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis will be useful during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions or injuries and for those people who have the following pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • chronic migraines;
  • memory deterioration.

The author of the technique recommends that all exercises be performed from a sitting position. It is important to keep your back as even as possible and not rush, otherwise you will not only not get positive results, but also worsen your condition. To monitor your posture, at the initial stage, perform the program in front of a mirror. The training scheme is as follows: the first two weeks - every day, then 3-4 workouts per week.

Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has certain contraindications. Gymnastics can not be done with:

  • elevated body temperature, general malaise, weakness;
  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • herniated discs;
  • during pregnancy;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • risk of internal bleeding.

7 exercises for the neck and shoulder

The complex consists of seven tasks, which must be performed while sitting on a chair without a back or any other hard surface. All exercises for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are shown in the table below:

Name of the exercise

Starting position

Basic steps

Number of repetitions


Pull your chin into your neck as much as possible. Hold for 20 seconds, then gently pull your chin forward and up. After 20 seconds, return to the starting position.


Sitting in front of a mirror, arms lowered along the body, head straight.

Lower your head to the right side to the maximum. Lock the position for 10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the same for the other side.

A look into the sky

Keep your head straight, chin parallel to the floor. Gently turn your head to the right, fix the position for 10 seconds. Return to the start and repeat the same for the other side.

Sitting, arms along the body, chin extended forward.

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