Cases of mystical mysterious disappearances of people. Mysterious disappearances of people

Someone believes that the missing people are prisoners of space aliens who are kept on one of the planets. However, such an opinion is unlikely to console relatives and not alleviate suffering. Sometimes they will wait all their lives for the return of loved ones who disappeared under mysterious circumstances and hope for a miracle ...

The Beaumont Kids: Went to the Beach and Didn't Come Back

Australia Day became cursed for Jim and Nancy Beaumont: the national holiday turned out to be a terrible tragedy for them. On January 26, 1966, they sent the children to the beach resort coast of Glenelge, hoping that nine-year-old Jane, in family tradition, would take care of the younger Arne and Grant. The children left by bus at ten in the morning to return home by noon. They didn't show up at the appointed time, and Nancy thought the kids were walking back from the beach and a little late. However, the feeling of anxiety did not leave her, and she panicked when more than three hours had passed.

Evening came, and the children did not return. Jim rushed in from work, along with Nancy, rushed to the search. Desperate, the poor parents filed a complaint with the police. The search for children was carried out throughout South Australia, but all attempts to find even the slightest traces were unsuccessful. The version that children could drown has not received evidence. In this strange and mysterious case, a certain blond, young man was allegedly seen next to Jane, Arna and Grant.

The behavior of the children seen in Wenzel's confectionery also remained completely incomprehensible. Here they bought some pies and a cake, paying with a one-pound note, although Nancy claimed she had pocketed eight shillings and sixpence.

Norfok Regiment: 267 disappeared without a trace

The story of his disappearance on the battlefield during the First World War is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic. On August 25, 1915, a whole British regiment, along with officers, who stormed the positions of the Turkish army near Gallipoli, entered the forest and disappeared from sight. No shots were heard, not the slightest rustle: 267 people disappeared without a trace. Reports from the British company stated that the regiment had been swallowed up by a mist of unknown origin. But this hasty conclusion only confused the situation. Of course, it was easier to blame the Turkish military for this dark matter: they say, they killed a bunch of people in an unknown way. However, none of them even knew about the existence of such a unit. The British, being victorious, began searching for the Norfok Regiment.

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At first, they were very lucky: on the battlefield they found cockades, boots, shoulder straps of military personnel, which confirmed their belonging to the missing unit. And having found hundreds of corpses in one village, they hastened to say that the regiment had died heroically in battle. Although even with the naked eye one could notice some inconsistencies. For example, it seemed that the dead were thrown from a great height. This was evidenced by numerous fractures on the corpses, their dispersion throughout the territory.

In the early 70s of the last century, when the archives of the mysterious disappearance of the Norfok Regiment became public, a real boom began in the scientific world. Each of the scientists put forward his own hypothesis of a historical incident. But all, figuratively speaking, outdid British ufology. They claimed that the cloud of unknown origin was a UFO. Like, aliens killed part of the regiment, and took the other with them.

April Fabb: went to visit her sister on a bike and disappeared

All Britain was excited by this tragic event. A thirteen-year-old girl from Norfolk went missing in broad daylight. April 8, 1969 April went on a bicycle to visit her sister in a nearby village. The truck driver was the only witness who saw the girl for the last time. She seemed to have sunk into the water, disappearing without a trace. April Fubb's bicycle was found near the field. The police searched the entire area, but the search did not bring results.

Investigators would later try to link the case to the 1978 disappearance of a young girl, Janet Tate, in which the police suspect Robert Black, a notorious child killer, was involved. However, this version had to be abandoned: there was no direct evidence of his involvement in the disappearance of April. The case of the missing girl is still the most mysterious in the history of Britain.

The Sodder children of Fayetteville: Disappeared from their room when the fire started

It happened on Christmas Eve 1945. Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty Sodder strolled nonchalantly through the night streets, not at all worried that they were too late. Meanwhile, their other brothers and sisters and their parents slept peacefully in their beds. But in the middle of the night, the mother suddenly heard loud sounds that came from the roof. In a moment, she suddenly realized that the house had been set on fire. The smell of smoke and fiery glow forced the woman to raise her family to their feet. They got out to escape the fire.

Then the parents began to look for a ladder to get to the top floor and rescue Betty, Jenny, Maurice, Martha and Louis from the fiery captivity. However, the search ended in failure. When firefighters arrived, only the remains of the house were smoldering. But it was not possible to find the bodies among the ashes. The heartbroken parents explained to the police that apparently someone had kidnapped the children and set fire to the house to cover up the crime.

The investigators could not give an intelligible answer to many of the questions that were asked of them. And, in all likelihood, they put the mysterious case on the shelf. In 1968, my parents received a strange photograph in the mail. It showed a young man, and on the back of the photo was the caption: "Louis Sodder." The poor parents believed until their death that it was their missing son, despite the fact that the police were never able to identify the man.

Nicole Maureen: disappeared in her own house without leaving it

It is incomprehensible to the mind, but an eight-year-old girl disappeared without leaving a huge building with 20 floors. True, one of the tenants claimed to have seen Nicole approach the elevator. On July 30, 1985, the girl, having received parting words from her mother, left the apartment. She hurried to the pool, and her friend was already waiting for her. But after a while they called the apartment - Nicole's friend was standing on the threshold and asking why she was late and did not leave the house.

The best police forces in Toronto were involved in the search for the girl. They searched literally every floor of the house, trying to find traces of the presence of Nicole Maureen. Even today, the authorities have been forced to admit that the case of the disappearance of the girl has not moved a single step. This recognition, of course, did not console the parents, who also spent a lot of effort in search of their daughter.

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Barbara Bolik: disappeared when her friend turned away

This case defies any explanation at all. An elderly woman from Corvallis, Montana, was known to be a big fan of hiking in the mountains. And one day, together with her friend Jim Ramaker, who came from California, she went on another trip. The picturesque places spread out under one's feet seduced Barbara Bolik's companion with their beauty. For the sake of this spectacle, he paused for a moment, and when he turned around, he did not see Barbara. Jim searched every corner of the path he had traveled, but he did not find her. He sounded the alarm and called the police, who also could not find any trace of Barbara Bolik.

It was as if the woman had sunk into the ground. Naturally, suspicion first fell on Jim Ramaker. But the investigation proved that he had nothing to do with Barbara's disappearance. And until now, this story is full of secrets and mysteries: it’s hard to imagine that the person you saw a minute ago suddenly dissolves into space and disappears from your field of vision forever.

Dorothy Arnold: went shopping and didn't come back

With a book in hand and a bag containing half a pound of chocolate, she went for an easy walk in New York's Central Park to disappear from this city forever. It happened on December 12, 1910. Bright beauty Dorothy Arnold left the house to choose a new dress for the next ball. The young society girl and wealthy heiress was the pride of the local society. In addition, she was considered an aspiring writer. True, someone doubted her talent, but everything was written off by Dorothy's beauty, which attracted almost all enviable suitors in New York. Strangely, the parents announced the disappearance of their daughter only six weeks later. Perhaps in this way they wanted to avoid unnecessary noise, but it turned out the opposite. The whole city was shocked by this news.

Active searches for the girl only gave rise to versions, but did not bring positive results. It was rumored that Dorothy could have fled to Europe, trying to get rid of excessive parental care. But this assumption was immediately dismissed: the appearance of a young beauty here would not have gone unnoticed.

Maura Murray: disappeared at the scene of the accident

A few days before the incident, the parents drew attention to the strange behavior of their daughter. The girl seemed to be afraid of someone, but she did not dare to tell about her fears. On February 9, 2004, University of Massachusetts student Maura Murray sent an email to faculty and employers saying that she was forced to leave due to the death of a family member. Although in reality this did not happen. Why Maura did this remains a mystery. And on the evening of February 9, the girl had an accident, crashing into a tree. And two days earlier, she broke another car. The bus driver who witnessed the accident offered to help Maura. However, she refused. Worried about the fate of the girl, the driver still called the police.

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When she arrived at the scene, she did not find Maura. Probably, the girl stopped a passing car and asked her for a ride. It was this version that the police initially adhered to. A day later, Maura's boyfriend, who lives in Oklahoma, received a voice message from her, interrupted by sobs. The girl's parents were sure that their daughter was kidnapped and kept in an unknown place. But more than a decade passed, and the cops didn't even have a lead to find her.

Percy Fawcett: missing on expedition

He was one of the most famous travelers of his time. The intrepid explorer Colonel Percy Fawcett has traveled to almost every corner of Brazil and Bolivia where no man has gone before. And he was obsessed with the idea - to find the lost city of Zet in the Amazon jungle. Percy even came up with a theory that his traces must be looked for in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil. With his dream of the possibility of a sensational discovery, Fawcett captivated his eldest son Jack and his friend Reilly Rimmel.

In 1925, they set off on a journey to disappear forever into the wilds of the Amazonian jungle. Several expeditions were sent out to find traces of the brave explorers. Of course, each of the participants was well aware that he was risking his life, finding himself face to face with wild nature, fraught with many dangers, with tribes of local aborigines who did not always meet strangers in a friendly way. And hundreds of people died, and unraveling the mystery of the disappearance of Colonel Percy Fawcett. One can only assume that they fell victim to a tropical disease, attacked by predatory animals, or were killed by the natives.

Annette Sagers: Disappeared a year after her mother went missing

This story, with a certain mystical touch, is still considered one of the most mysterious in America. Judge for yourself: Corrina Sagers Malinoski, a 26-year-old resident of Berkeley County (South Carolina), disappears first. The statement about her disappearance was received by the police on November 21, 1987. The woman's car was discovered near the Mount Holly plantation. But this fact did not give the police a single chance to find even the slightest trace of Korrina. And almost a year later, in early October, her eight-year-old daughter Annette Sagers disappears.

By a strange coincidence, the school bus stop was across from the ill-fated Mount Holly Plantation. Annette disappeared before the bus arrived, leaving a note with the following words: “Dad, mom is back. Hug your brothers for me." Experts have established that the handwriting belongs to her. However, this circumstance did not affect the results of the search for the mother and daughter of Sagers. They are still listed as missing, and the hope of finding them is fading every day. It is worth noting that in 2000, a call from an unknown person to the police excited the investigators. After all, the stranger reported that Annette was buried in Sumter County. But it was not possible to find her grave, and the case of the disappearance of the girl is still considered unsolved.

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In fact, at the time of the disappearance, Harold Holt (N8 from the list) was 59 years old and, according to friends, he complained of heart problems. And the area where he went swimming is famous for its strong and dangerous currents. It is not known exactly about the day of his disappearance, but on other days white sharks are found in local waters ... The fact that his body was not found does not mean that the person has disappeared, just in such cases they write "missing" in the criminal case.
- July 2, 1937 Amelia Earhart (N14 from the list) and her assault Fred Noonan took off from Lae - a small town on the coast of New Guinea, and headed for the small island of Howland, located in the central Pacific Ocean. This stage of the flight was the longest and most dangerous - after almost 18 hours of flight in the Pacific Ocean, finding an island that only slightly rises above the water was the most difficult task for navigation technology of the 30s. By order of President Roosevelt, an airstrip was built on Howland specifically for Earhart's flight. Officials and members of the press were waiting for the plane here, and the Itasca patrol ship of the Coast Guard was located off the coast, periodically maintaining radio contact with the aircraft, serving as a radio beacon and letting out a smoke signal as a visual reference. According to the report of the ship's commander, the connection was unstable, the plane was heard well from the ship, but Earhart did not respond to their questions (a receiver failure on the plane?). She said that the plane was in their area, they did not see the island, there was little gasoline, and she could not find the ship's radio signal. DF from the ship also did not bring success, since Earhart appeared on the air for a very short time. The last radio message received from her was: "We are on the line 157-337 ... I repeat ... I repeat ... we are moving along the line." Judging by the level of the signal, the plane should have appeared over Howland any minute, but it never appeared; there were no new radio transmissions ... In other words, the plane failed to establish contact with the ground, it may have been on an erroneous course, and flew past / did not see Howland, the fuel was running out and when it ran out, a forced water landing was made to which the aircraft was not adapted, with all the ensuing consequences.
By the way, in May 2013 it was announced (including Interfax) that the alleged aircraft wreckage was discovered by sonar on the ocean floor near the atoll in the Phoenix archipelago (my picture). And in this case, it turns out that the plane did not find a landing site and, following the course, flew into the ocean until the fuel ran out ...

Throughout human history, numerous cases are known when people simply disappeared forever without explanation. It's really scary when one person disappears, but it becomes even scarier when large groups of people suddenly and forever disappear. In fact, there are some of the most mysterious disappearances in history of hundreds or even thousands of people, and in some cases entire cities, whose inhabitants have gone somewhere, leaving behind only minor clues about what happened to them. Apparently, they simply ceased to exist. What is hidden behind these stories, and what forces could make crowds of people disappear? Here we take a look at some of the most famous mysterious mass disappearances in history, in which a large number of people seem to have almost dissipated into thin air, and which left behind unsolved mysteries.

Perhaps one of the most talked about mass disappearances of people took place in the cold north. In northern Canada, amid relentless icy and piercing winds, on the rocky shores of distant Lake Angikuni, was once an Inuit village. At the time, it was a fairly prosperous fishing village of up to 2,500 people who made their living on the fringes of civilization. It was here in November 1930 that a fur hunter named Joe LaBelle came across the snow and ice. He wanted to seek refuge after a difficult snowshoe journey. Labelle must have been in the village before, since he relied on a warm welcome.

However, in the village of Labelle, no one welcomed, as it used to be. It was rather strange, because it was a bustling developing village. Only the howl of the wind answered his cries. Labelle carefully made his way into the village, which met him with deathly silence. He passed emaciated sled dogs frozen in the snow, looking like they were starving to death. I looked into several snow-filled shacks in which the locals lived, and saw that personal belongings and weapons remained intact. There were bowls of food on the tables, and pots of charred food hung over the smoldering embers in the hearths. There was no sign of a struggle or anything out of the ordinary, except that there was not a soul in the whole village. It seemed that they should have returned at any moment. However, all the villagers simply disappeared.

When Labelle returned to civilization, he immediately reported the matter to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who launched an investigation into the matter. They found this abandoned village, where even the warehouses remained intact. Police also found frozen sled dogs tied to a tree, as well as devastated sacred graves. There were no footprints in the snow that could tell where the people had gone. Mounted police confirmed Labelle's report that all the villagers had disappeared, taking only their coats with them. Residents of nearby settlements reported to the police that they had observed strange lights in the sky above this village in the days preceding Labelle's arrival there. Although it is highly likely that these creepy details could have been added later.

The story of the disappeared Inuit village has the status of a legend in the world of the inexplicable, especially in cases of strange disappearances. The problem is that it is not known how much of this story is true and how much has been embellished or fabricated over time. There seems to be very little truly reliable data or information that could shed light on this strange story. In the absence of any concrete information, the disappeared village will remain just a horror story, surrounded by questions, the answers to which we will most likely never know.

The village on Lake Angikuni is not the only settlement that has mysteriously gone missing. There is another mysterious story of the disappearance of people in the colony on Roanoke Island. In 1587, the first permanent English colony in the New World was established on the island. A strip of land 12 km long and 3 km wide was located off the coast of the current US state of North Carolina among the barrier islands, which were called the Outer Banks. About 120 settlers led by John White, including men, women and children, despite the difficulties and long sea voyage, landed here to start a new life.

The settlers faced unpredictable weather, lack of food supplies, and hostility from the indigenous tribes. In the end, White was forced to return to England to load the ship with the things necessary for the colony. According to him, he said goodbye to friends and relatives who remained on the island and sailed over the horizon. White originally planned to return to the colony after three months, but met with unforeseen difficulties. There was a war between England and Spain. Each ship was involved in military battles and White's own ship was confiscated. White was able to return to the island only three years later.

When White finally arrived in Roanoke, no one greeted him. When he landed with his crew, he found no settlement. The houses were dismantled and demolished, and there was no trace of the settlers. It looked like the village had been wiped off the face of the earth. The search turned up several odd clues and the word "Croatoan" hastily carved into one tree and the letters "CRO" into another. There were no signs of a struggle. They just disappeared.

White suggested that the carved words meant that the settlers could have moved to the southern island of Hatteras, which at that time was inhabited by a tribe of friendly Croatoan natives. Indeed, prior to his departure three years ago, he instructed the settlers that if they were ever forced to leave the island due to an attack by hostile natives or a natural disaster, they would have to carve the name of the new place on a tree, along with a Maltese cross. There was no cross next to the found words, and this remained a mystery to White. He decided to go to the island to the Croatoans, but refused this because of bad weather and a rebellion of the crew. As a result, White was forced to return to England, never to return. The fate of the settlers, among whom was his daughter and granddaughter, remained unknown.

There have been many theories as to what happened to the vanished colony on Roanoke Island. Some believe that the settlers were killed by aggressive natives. Others believe that they were crippled by a mysterious disease, but not a single body or grave was found. Someone believes that they died during a hurricane or while trying to return to England and died at sea. And it is quite possible that the settlers actually moved to Hatteras Island and assimilated with the locals. In the following centuries, random clues arose that could explain what happened to the colonists, but no answer was ever found.

Another curious story about the disappeared village of Hoer Verde in Brazil. On February 5, 1923, a group of people who arrived in this small village of 600 people found that there was not a soul in it, all houses, personal belongings and food were left in a big hurry. Authorities launched an investigation but could not find any trace. The only evidence was a gun that had been fired recently and the words "No Escape" scrawled on the board. It has been speculated that 600 Hoer Verde residents left the village due to attacks by guerrillas or drug dealers, or were abducted by aliens, but unfortunately there is very little evidence for this and the case of the disappearance of the village in Brazil remains an unsolved mystery.

The mysterious disappearance of the Roman Ninth Legion can also be attributed to the category of the strangest mass disappearances. Formed in 65 BC, the Ninth Legion was the most ruthless military unit of the Roman Empire, consisting of about 5,000 of the most experienced and well-trained fighters from a wide variety of countries. By the 2nd century AD, the well-armed, well-trained army of the Ninth Legion pushed the enemy into the most remote areas, including Africa, Germany, Spain, the Balkans and Britain, and played an important role in maintaining the iron power of Rome throughout its vast empire. Indeed, at that time, in the 2nd century AD, the Ninth Legion was sent to England to suppress the rebellion of the wild militant barbarian tribes. He could have asserted the power of Rome, which had suffered huge losses in battles with the barbarian hordes and was struggling to keep England under its control. In particular, during the reign of the emperor Hadrian (117 - 138 AD), the Romans lost a large number of soldiers in bloody battles in Britain. This worried the Roman authorities so much that they even built a huge wall, called Hadrian's Wall, to contain the enemy.

In 109 AD The Ninth Legion fell into this maelstrom of war and upheaval, coming face to face in Scotland with an enemy that terrified most of the soldiers, with their painted faces, mutilated faces, tattered clothes of bear and wolf skins, naked bodies even in the middle of winter, intimidating tattoos, booming drums and mystical shamans howling prayers to the ancient Celtic gods in the midst of battle. These barbarians were ruthless enemies no one had ever met before, but the Ninth Legion marched boldly forward to push them north. A huge force of soldiers in heavy armor moved forward and no one else saw it. Thousands of people disappeared without a trace.

The mystery of the missing Roman Ninth Legion has become a legend and a historical mystery that has not yet been solved. Of course, there are many theories as to what happened to the Ninth Legion. The most likely assumption put forward by historians is that nothing mysterious happened, the legion was simply sent to other battlefields in Britain or the Middle East, or it was disbanded altogether. Scottish legend tells that the formidable Roman army was slaughtered in daring guerrilla attacks. According to some rumors that leaked from the battlefield at that time, it was believed that as a result of the battle between the legion and the Celtic tribes, everyone died. However, all of these theories lack any archaeological evidence to settle this issue once and for all. All we know is that, for some reason, all records of this battle disappeared, which has since passed into the category of secrets and legends.

The same strange disappearance of soldiers occurred in China in 1937. This was during the Second Sino-Japanese War, when as a result of the invasion of Japanese troops into the then capital of China, the city of Nanjing, 300 thousand civilians were mercilessly exterminated in 6 weeks. A few days before this tragic event, Chinese Colonel Li Fu Xing desperately tried to stop the Japanese invasion by deploying 3,000 heavily armed soldiers at an important strategic bridge over the Yangtze River. Heavy weapons and artillery were placed on the defensive line, and the colonel himself was waiting for the attack at his headquarters.

The next morning, the Colonel was awakened by an assistant who said that contact with the defensive line had been lost. Frustrated, Li Fu Xing sent a group of soldiers to clear up the situation. When the investigation team arrived at the scene, it became apparent that more than 3,000 soldiers had completely disappeared. Heavy weapons and artillery remained in their firing positions. There was no sign of blood or struggle, nothing at all. Where they all went was unclear. The two sentries at the far end of the bridge were still on guard, claiming that no one had passed by them. In fact, several outposts were set up in the area, but no one saw the movement of so many soldiers. How could they move quietly and unnoticed without reporting to their superiors and without notifying these outposts? After the war, some efforts were made to investigate the disappearance of 3,000 armed men, but in the Japanese archives there was not the slightest hint of their fate. This mass disappearance remains a mystery to this day. Given that the Japanese went to great lengths to cover up their crimes in China during the war, it is very likely that we will never know what happened to these soldiers.

Another strange event occurred in China in the years that followed, when in 1945 a train carrying several hundred passengers from Guangdong to Shanghai never arrived at its destination, and an intensive search was unsuccessful. The only thing that was found during the search for the train was a strange lake, which had not been here before. In November of the same year, 100 Soviet soldiers were on their way to the railway station and inexplicably disappeared along the way. The investigation found a half-way parking lot and an extinguished fire, but there was no trace of where the soldiers had gone.

What is behind these mass disappearances? Is there any rational explanation, or is there something far stranger than we can imagine? There are many theories that try to explain these mysterious disappearances, ranging from meteorite impacts, UFOs, black holes that suddenly appear, or dimensional portals that hit large numbers of people. Will these mysteries ever be solved? Perhaps no one will ever be able to find the answers to these questions.

Thousands of people are missing all over the world. Unfortunately, most often they are kidnapped or killed. Sometimes a person himself runs from something or forges documents in order to start a new life. But sometimes there are no explanations - none. Or there is not enough evidence to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Here is a translation of an article by Jake Anderson about just such cases.

In 9153, Lieutenant Felix Monkla was at Kinross Air Force Base in Michigan, USA. An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar, and Monkla lifted an F-89 Scorpion interceptor into the air to find out what it was.

Ground radar operators reported that Monkla's aircraft was flying at about 800 km per hour and approached the object over North Lake Superior while flying from west to east at an altitude of more than 2100 km.

The operators claim that further on the radar Monkla's plane was seen merging with the UFO, and then both of them disappeared. Search and rescue operations turned up nothing. No aircraft found debris or debris. And the Canadian Air Force claimed that there were no planes in the sky during the mysterious "merger".

Monkla and his plane were never seen again.

2. The ghostly crew of the ship "Joyta"

Like the famous Titanic, the Joyta was considered unsinkable. But on October 3, 1955, it was found drifting and half-flooded off the coast of the island of Vanua in the state of Fiji. The ship was at sea for two days and was originally heading for Tokelau. None of the 25 passengers or crew were present.

"Joyta" suddenly disappeared in the South Pacific. When found, the ship was missing four tons of cargo, including medical supplies, timber, food, and empty barrels. The radio was tuned to international emergency channels. All the boats were gone, and the ship was covered in bloody bandages.

Auckland academic David Wright recently claimed to have solved the mystery of the ghost ship Joyta. According to Wright, there is evidence that the ship took a sip of water due to a rusty pipe and began to sink. The captain and crew thought they had sent a distress signal, although they had not, and left the ship in their lifeboats. There were not enough boats for everyone, and some passengers could find themselves in dark water in life jackets. Since no one responded to the distress signal, all 25 people could die one by one - they drowned or were eaten by sharks. Of course, what happened to the passengers in the lifeboats is still a mystery.

3. Frederik Valentich and the strange plane

The case with Valentich has one special detail: a creepy audio recording. In 1978, the pilot of a Cessna 182L light aircraft, Frederic Valentich, was heading to the Royal Island in the vicinity of Australia and reported a UFO. He claimed that an unidentified aircraft was flying about 300 meters above him. In particular, Valentich said:

“This strange plane is hovering above me again. He just floats. And it's not a plane."

Shortly thereafter, the plane of Valentich himself became out of order and disappeared from the radar - forever. Despite the "evidence" consisting only in the fact that Frederik Valentich believed in UFOs and became a victim of his own delusions, in the last 17 seconds of the flight recording, a metallic grinding is heard, which analysts are not able to explain.

Want to know more? Well, please. A summary report from the US Department of Transportation's "Aircraft Accident Investigation" branch contains a transcript of a radio conversation between Valentich and the airfield flight information office in Melbourne.

Ten more reports of UFO sightings were recorded on the same day, and a few years later, one person discovered an artifact with a message from Frederic Valentich, according to a representative of the Royal Australian Air Force.

4. D. B. Cooper: the air pirate who disappeared after being evacuated from the plane

D. B. Cooper was popularly nicknamed the most famous air pirate of all time. Nobody knows his real name. On November 24, 1971, he hijacked a Boeing 727 between Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, and demanded a ransom of $ 200,000 for it. Then Cooper left the plane, jumped out with a parachute - and disappeared without a trace. What happened next? Well, the FBI spent the next few decades fruitlessly trying to crack the only unsolved case of air piracy in American aviation history.

Over the years, many theories have appeared, but there has been no evidence. At least until recently: Cooper's niece stated that she saw her uncle the night after the hijacking - he was badly injured. Marla Cooper also provided investigators with photographs of her uncle and a guitar strap he once owned for fingerprint testing. But these tests have not yet proven anything, and the mystery remains unsolved.

5 Disappearances in the Bennington Triangle

The case of the Bennington Triangle is a series of mysterious disappearances in Bennington, Vermont, over a period of 30 years - from 1920 to 1950.

These are just three of at least six unexplained disappearances documented over the years.

Source 6Hippies Swallowed by Lightning at Stonehenge

Stonehenge is one of the seven mysteries of the ancient ages. It is open to tourists and religious ceremonies. So it was in August 1971, when the world-famous English stones became a place where people disappeared under terrible circumstances.

A group of hippies set up tents in the center of the circle and spent the night around a campfire smoking weed. According to the official version, about two o'clock in the morning a terrible thunderstorm broke out on Salisbury Plain. Huge lightning bolts were falling from the sky. Two witnesses, a farmer and a policeman, testified that lightning struck Stonehenge directly, and the circle of stones was lit up with an eerie blue light, so strong that the witnesses had to cover their eyes in order not to go blind. Witnesses heard hippies screaming. When the lightning went out, the witnesses ran to the stones. Naturally, they expected to find people with severe wounds and burns - either dead or dying. But they did not find anyone: there were only burning pegs from tents and a fire.

There is no more information about this story. Vacationers burned by lightning? Were they at all, these vacationers? A dubious story has survived as an urban legend - it is believed that 14 lines of power converge at Stonehenge, which create powerful eddies.

SourcePhoto 7Missing Flight MH370: The Great Conspiracy of the 21st Century

One of the most baffling mysteries in modern aviation history is also one of the most sensational conspiracy theories of the 21st century.

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared while en route from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport in the People's Republic of China.

We know that at some point the plane's transponder was turned off manually, and the flight abruptly changed course. Before and after that, passengers and crew members did not make a single call, did not even send a single SMS. The pilots did not send out a distress call. And not a single fragment was found.

Here are the standard versions:

    Due to a fire or technical malfunctions on board, the pilots no longer understood where they were, and then an accident occurred. But why then was there no distress signal or calls and SMS from passengers?

    The plane was hijacked and raised to a high altitude so that the passengers and crew would pass out while the plane was being shot down. But how did the plane disappear from the many radar systems monitoring the airspace?

    The plane went off course due to problems on board, and then crashed somewhere over the Indian Ocean and quickly drowned. But, again, why was there not a single distress signal and why was the transponder turned off?

Another mystery is the fate of the black box. The "indestructible" recorder did not send a message. As a rule, the device continues to send signals for another 30 days after the accident or explosion. But the black box also disappeared along with the plane.

Various conspiracy theories have emerged. Like, the plane was captured by the Chinese and flew at low altitude so that they would not be detected by radars. Or the plane was hijacked by cyberterrorists using some kind of remote control. In particular, one student recently claimed to have found an aircraft on satellite imagery.

8Inuit Village Disappeared In 1930 - North Roswell

On a cold November night in 1930, Canadian hunter Joe LaBelle stumbled upon what has since become known as North Roswell. The Inuit village, built on trees near Lake Angikuni, became a mystery that shocked Labelle to the core: all the inhabitants disappeared without a trace.

Labelle found only burnt food, which had obviously been abandoned quite recently, huts with neatly laid out food and clothing, and a burial ground with several dug up and empty graves. There was also a team of sled dogs that starved to death and were buried under 3.5 meters of snow.

Labelle went to the nearest telegraph office and sent a message to the Canadian Mounted Police. So there was a mystery that has not been solved for almost a century: what happened to as many as 2,000 hardworking Inuit? Of course, the story formed the basis of a new urban legend.

Perhaps the creepiest part of the story is that on the night of the disappearance, there were reports of blue light along the horizon from various mounted police patrols. Hunter Armand Laurent and his sons reported an unidentified object that changed from a cylindrical shape to a bullet-shaped one and was flying towards the village of Angikuni.

Many skeptics said that Labelle greatly exaggerated or simply made it up. Other skeptics say the story was invented in 1959 by Frank Edwards for his book for his book Mysterious Than Science.

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