More about an open heart. Five keys to open a man's heart

It’s not easy to meet your man and it’s not easy to always be loved by him as much as in the days of your first dates. Often we seem to wander in the dark in relationships, losing hope of discovering a man’s heart. In fact, there is nothing that cannot be corrected if you have patience and arm yourself with knowledge.

Often we - both men and women - make one mistake: we forget that we are different. We may have similar interests and views on life, but different needs and ways of expressing ourselves. So let's move on to the principles that will help you open the heart of your beloved man. Let's call them keys. There are actually a lot of keys, but in this article we will analyze one bunch of three.

Remember that these keys will not help open a man's heart if you only want to get, hack, manipulate.
Everything you do should come from the heart. You need to apply these keys with all responsibility, love and respect for yourself, your partner and your relationship.

1 key. A man is needed.

Men are designed in such a way that they want to be needed, they want to be significant in this world and for the people who are dear to them. Men must see that their aspirations and goals are necessary for someone and make someone happy. But if you can do absolutely everything yourself, you neglect men, their help and their knowledge, they see no point in being near you.
How to show a man that you need him?

- Be silent about your desires, moods, plans and what you expect from the relationship. Appropriate frankness is an important element of the key in order to open the heart of the beloved man;
- Hoping that the man himself will guess what is important to you;
- Reject male help and say: “okay, I myself...”, especially after making a request;
- Say: “could you do it?” - Be indignant: “you never, nothing...”, because it just doesn’t happen that a man never does anything for you;.
- Taking on tasks and responsibilities beyond measure - men in this case think that this is your desire and give up the field of activity to you;
- Leave a man’s actions without gratitude and approval;
- Thank a man with action in response to what he did.

- Talk about yourself so that a man can get to know you better, without fanaticism, of course;
- Directly state your desires, talk about how you see the relationship;
- Give the man time to fulfill your request. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to open a man’s heart;.
- Say: “I Want...”, “I need... please do...”;.
- Remind the man of what you did once and tell him how that action of his still warms you;
- Giving a man a reason to accomplish a feat;
- Thank your man as often as possible. Gratitude is another important element of the key to helping open a man’s heart;.
- Express gratitude to a man with words, sincere open admiration, a smile or a look.

2 key. The man is free.

For all their desire to be needed, men want to be free. They want to do all the work voluntarily - when they are ready for it. And do it the way only they - men - can do it: without any clues as to how, why, or for what purpose. Opening your man’s heart will not be easy if showing how much you need him prevents him from being free.

- Having voiced your request, demand immediate fulfillment and accuse the man of unwillingness to help;
- Explain for a long time why you need what you are asking for - a man begins to feel that he is being manipulated;
- Asking: “When will you…”, “what, I have to do everything...”;.
- Remind him: “I told you so” if he made a mistake. This will not open a man's heart.

- Give the man time to fulfill your request, get distracted;.
- Make the explanation “Why” shorter than the request itself;
- Remind yourself as if for the first time, let him know that he is needed;
- Help the man reduce the importance of the mistake. Make it clear that he can make mistakes, like any person, and everything can be corrected;
- Give a man a feeling of lightness and freedom next to you.

3 key. A man is accepted for who he is.

It seems to you that the man is not good enough, and you think that you can change him, or you build a relationship with the man, hoping that over time new qualities will be revealed in him, for which you will love him later. I'm afraid I'll have to wait a long time. You can open the heart of your beloved man only by accepting him completely. Men begin to develop and change for the better only after they are accepted and loved for who they are. If you feel that your strength to accept is not enough and you are unhappy, it is better to leave that man alone.

- Show a man what he should become, compare him with others, give examples;
- Ask rhetorical questions: “how could you?”, “Is it really so difficult? After all, there are moments in our lives when we all act as we do, we make mistakes;.
- Give a man advice, especially unsolicited advice. Tell him what and how he should do. Your desire to help with advice may not always open a man’s heart;
- Run after a man when he moves away, bother him and pull him back into the relationship; men are designed in such a way that sometimes they need to distance themselves;
- Say: “I’m waiting”;.
- Making your happiness dependent on a man;
- Trigger low self-esteem and complexes.

- Build a relationship with a man whose shortcomings do not bother you, and open the heart of such a man;
- If a man made a mistake, acted badly in your opinion, say that you did not expect such an act from him;
- If a man asks for advice, say that he knows better, he knows better, that he can cope, you are there and will support him;.
- Ask a man for advice;
- When a man moves away, take care of yourself, your own affairs. The fact is that when a man returns on his own, his love for you becomes stronger;.
- Let the man know that you are always glad to see him and his return;
- Learn to be happy separately from a man. This is time that you can devote to yourself - isn't it valuable? - Be delighted with yourself. It will not be difficult for such a woman to open the heart of her beloved man;
- Sincerely support his thoughts, ideas and the fact that he can handle everything;
- Believing in a man, trusting him - this helps a man develop and gives strength for new achievements.

These keys only work at the same time when a man sees that you need him, but at the same time he is free and you accept him for who he is. Then it will be easy for you to open a man’s heart. In order to use these keys, you need to show wisdom, love, sincerity and learn to be happy yourself. And even if it is more difficult, it is worth it.

Get to know yourself, find out what you want from life, what makes you happy. Then you can easily understand what the man next to you wants. Always be yourself and make the person close to you feel like themselves. Where there is mutual understanding, respect, trust and acceptance, love develops there. In such a relationship it is easy to go through life together. Radmila Ogneda.

“I can’t relax during sex” is a purely female problem. Men use sex precisely to relax. And in 99% of cases they achieve their goal without any problems.

Why do women often need to make an effort to relax during sex, but men do not? There are two reasons for this: one is purely physiological, and the second is social or psychological - call it what you like.

Why is life so easy for men?

This is probably a gift from nature: in a man, sexual arousal arises and develops very rapidly. And it is so strong that the task of how to turn off the brain and relax is simply not worth it for a man, excuse the involuntary pun. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man thinks with his head or his head, but with his head more often and more willingly.

A woman has a completely different type of transmission of sexual arousal through nerve fibers. This probably has its own wise explanation. Men, in fact, do not care who they impregnate and whether the female gets healthy or sick offspring. This is a purely animal instinct and it would be a mistake to think that we have moved very far from animals. It’s not for nothing that even scientists conduct their experiments on mice and draw parallels with their findings to people.

Slow sexual arousal is probably given to women so that they have time to think: do they need this male? Or wait for someone else? Alas, evolution has overtaken instincts and women, still arousing slower than men, overwhelmingly want exactly this and not something else.

There are other, more social reasons for women's slow sexual arousal. This is, first of all, her tendency to “chew” for a long time the emotions that filled the day. Therefore, the expression “turn off your head” is not entirely correct. You need to turn off the emotions that have already been lived and are in the past.

And another important reason why a woman cannot relax during sex is her lack of confidence in her compliance with models of sexual attractiveness. And in this place you can “bow” deeply to the gloss, the catwalks, and advertising with its examples of “ideal-sexual beauty.” Believing that a man likes what he holds in his hands is not easy for some women even in the second or third year of family life. Of course: during this time her weight increased by as much as one hundred grams, her hair did not survive the summer well, and a “penny” of cellulite appeared on her right thigh... What kind of sex is that...

How to learn to turn off your brain

Let's go in descending order. The best way to learn to live in your body “here and now” is to do yoga. This skill will not be acquired immediately - we are too accustomed to being in our heads and not in our bodies. But he will definitely come. Don't have time to go to a yoga studio? Then master at least one asana - shavasana. It is very simple at first glance, but even yoga teachers are not always confident that they master this asana perfectly. There is too much internal and too little external. Try it! You will find a description of shavasana in the article Yoga for a pregnant woman: learn to relax with shavasana

The second way to turn off your brain during sex is to start foreplay almost in the morning. There is such a technique: on the way to work, in the office, and especially on the way home, think and see everything in a sexual light. A pen on the table, pillars near the road, men you meet, unexpected glances, ambiguous words - everything should be perceived exclusively with a sexual connotation. Not everyone likes this technique, or rather, not every woman is able to master it. But those who know how to relate to the world precisely from such positions enjoy enormous success among men.

The third technique is based on breathing. The fact is that the stress of the day and sexual arousal “live” in one place – in the human stomach. Naturally, emotions that have not yet dissolved stand in the way of sexual arousal. Try to breathe out the tension. To do this, breathe with your stomach. And not with the chest, as almost all adults do. Children breathe with their bellies - have you noticed? Inhale and send the air into your stomach. At the same time, the chest should remain motionless, and the stomach should “inflate like a ball.” It’s unlikely to succeed the first time - the chest will turn on. But “the one who walks will master the road.” Make room in your belly for the holidays!

Career, business and money

In Radmila’s life, career comes first. In her youth, she defines a goal and persistently moves towards achieving it. He chooses work related to communication, travel, and mental work. Feels great in a leadership position. Able to motivate and manage a large group of people.

Owners of this name become good school directors, heads of kindergartens, directors, and rectors. In business, they are successful thanks to perseverance, creative thinking, and the ability to find free niches in the market. The Rada takes money seriously, carefully planning purchases and investments.

Marriage and family

Rada enters into marriage solely for love. She chooses her husband with demands, preferring to test the strength of the relationship. The chosen one needs to have a gentle character. This girl is not attracted to parasites, lazy people, and slackers. Financial security is one of the main selection criteria. Radmila gets married only once. In case of divorce, she remains single for the rest of her life.

Mila's weak point is housekeeping. Cleaning, cooking, washing and other duties are a burden to her. But she is ready to make concessions for the sake of her beloved husband and children, delighting her family with simple, tasty food, care and concern.

Sex and love

Radmila is distinguished by a stormy temperament, which leaves an imprint on the intimate sphere. Sex is important in this woman's life. She needs a strong, strong-willed, skillful man in bed who is able to satisfy her wildest fantasies.

Rada is capable of committing treason for the purpose of self-affirmation and curiosity. A partner for whom the girl has strong feelings may not be afraid of such actions.


At an early age, Mila often suffers from colds. This leads to the development of chronic respiratory tract pathologies. Over the years, a girl’s immune system becomes stronger, but diseases acquired in childhood sometimes manifest as exacerbations.

The weak side of the adult Rada is the nervous system. Overwork can cause insomnia, depression, neuroses, and breakdowns.

Interests and hobbies

Radmila's hobbies are varied. She doesn't like to sit idle. Since his school years, he has attended sports clubs, dance and vocal lessons, and handicraft clubs.

Figure skating and gymnastics are very close to her. Team games are not for this lady. She also won’t turn down good walks in the fresh air with her close friends.

From time immemorial, the ability to love has been associated with the heart for a reason. The Anahata chakra is located in the heart area, in the middle of the chest.

When the energy flow in the heart is open (the chakra is not blocked), a person is filled with the energy of love:

  • pure and unconditional
  • comprehensive and omnipresent,
  • giving birth and creating life.

An open heart is filled with that love that is the basis of all things. This great energy balances the physical and spiritual in a person.

Here, in the heart chakra, all other human emotions and feelings are concentrated.

A person with an open heart chakra builds harmonious relationships with himself and others and is able to:

  1. Be an altruist, show kindness and tenderness, care, compassion, but do not take other people's sorrows too close to your heart.
  2. Forgive, follow the principle of forgiveness.
  3. Respect and accept yourself without judgment, accordingly, remain confident in yourself, boldly reveal your potential and self-actualize.
  4. Be in love:

It is not difficult to guess that such a person is mentally balanced and calm. He is not tormented by excessive emotionality, hot temper, ardor or, on the contrary, coldness and unemotionality.

The ability to accept your emotions and maintain their balance is the key to mental health.

A person who knows how to truly love is loved in return by close people and just acquaintances, the entire environment, life itself is love for him.

Opening your heart, filling and surrounding yourself with love is so simple that you would probably think it couldn't happen, but the fact remains that it works and it's very natural. So, just relax, have fun. Breathe slowly and deeply and bring consciousness within yourself, repeating the words I AM THAT I AM!!!.

Now imagine that a very bright light source appears in the center of your chest, perhaps like a very large sparkling diamond, glowing as brightly as the sun. Use your imagination as you wish and perceive this glow as love. Now allow this love radiating from your heart center in the middle of your chest to become brighter and larger, use your inner sensations to increase its volume and spread it beyond the boundaries of your body, so that you become a small sun, glowing with love and radiating Love.

Feel how you are filled with this love, while radiating it more and more. Notice how your body, every cell of yours absorbs this love and begins to radiate it themselves. Continue to see and feel that you are becoming even more radiant, constantly increasing your love with each new breath. Feel the joy bubbling within you, feel and sense how filled with love you are, feel how loved you are.
Continue to increase the feeling and feeling of love. You may notice warmth in the chest area or maybe a feeling of pressure or slight pain - this is normal, this is because your heart is opening.
Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, opening your heart even more, radiating love even more, filling your entire body and mind with love.
Starting from here, you can send this love to other people or your children, or fill your home or the place where you work with love. The list is endless, if you remember something, send love there, it’s as simple as that. You have bottomless reserves of love and it will never run out.

What does it mean to open your heart. What happens when the heart is open to love?

A heart full of love attracts love. Those who can feel it and not push it away. Yes, this also happens. After all, we attract those who coincide with us vibrationally. Therefore, the vibration of love can scare away those who emit lower energies.

You may complain that you give love and others only take it away. So why do you stay close to those who only take? This is your choice. Value yourself first and foremost. Your inner world. Accept your desires, find out what you really want in this world. And follow your heart.

If you don't like the way someone treats you, tell him that you love him and let him go in all 4 directions, but that you are no longer on the same path.

If you have an open heart, you are connected to your Higher Self, you live according to the dictates of your heart (i.e. you know what inspires you, what doesn’t, what your eyes light up and what go out), then you will constantly be filled with love for your life on Earth, to the world, to people.

You are a Soul that lives in this particular body, going through its lessons, and it is absolutely not necessary to go through them in isolation from love. It's even more difficult and difficult.

Video How to open your heart to love

Love is a magnet in its essence. She has the ability to attract even more love and joy.

When your heart is open, the Creator will be able to play on the strings of your soul, and great music will be born in your Soul - Love. But if you are closed within yourself, and distrustful, doubtful, then He cannot create this music. Because you do not allow Him to penetrate into the inner essence of your being and touch your heart and awaken unconditional love in you.

If you are filled with Love, you will begin to radiate it and people will be drawn to you, like butterflies to the light. The more Love you give, the more Love you will attract to yourself.

Love has enormous healing properties - EVERYONE has heard about it! However, unfortunately, few people use this knowledge. Love is better than any medicine!

You can’t write out a prescription for Love, you can’t buy it at the pharmacy. But it is in every person. You just need to learn how to use your unlimited reserves. Today I will talk about how to open your heart and send Love. And you will see the results of this simple practice in life.

Where can I get Love? Love is a powerful force. With its help we can create the most extraordinary miracles. Working with Love is a skill that needs to be taught from childhood. This is the best possible gift.

Where to get Love from? Many people mistakenly believe that only lovers experience Love. After all, they are the ones who glow with happiness! But few people know that the source of Love is not the object of desire, but the person himself. Love comes from within - everyone has an inexhaustible supply of it!

Falling in love in this case acts as a trigger that allows you to open your heart for the release of the Love that is inside. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the simple truth: in order to exude Love, you don’t have to be in love. You can independently open this “flap” in your heart and become a source of Love - for yourself and your loved ones. Let's start with opening the heart.

"Opening the Heart" for Love, p tactics

“Opening the Heart” was known back in ancient China; it has come down to us through millennia. This is the first practice of the Kan and Li complex. Taoists called working with energies internal alchemy. These practices were the basis of health, youth and longevity. Today we can use ancient recipes too. I suggest listening to the “Opening the Heart” meditation.

So, relax and have fun. A wonderful journey awaits you.

Make yourself comfortable (lie down or sit; if this is not possible, you can do it while standing). Relax your body. Let go of thoughts and worries about what needs to be done today, and you also need to send love correctly with your breath - with an open heart!

Then everything inside us is bathed in love and outside throughout the body as well as to an unlimited distance - this is unconditional love, radiating it, we attract it many times over!

You need to take several breaths in and out one, two, three.

For example: inhale, one, two, three and focus our attention on the center of the chest, then immediately exhale in the same way - one, two, three and do it calmly and slowly. So several approaches, be sure to breathe through the chest and observe the change in the internal state in the chest. As soon as warmth, excitement and even tingling appeared in the chest.

That's it - our hearts have opened!

Imagine that a candle light is burning in the area of ​​your heart, and in this light you are sitting little in the lotus position - this is your higher self! this is your angel! Now start breathing again and imagine how a white, pure stream of energy spreads throughout our entire body, fills it, and we pronounce

With love, my whole organism, my whole body is cleansed!

I love you my body, my organism,

Then we begin to let love out of ourselves and cover our entire body like a warm blanket! Then we send our love to everyone, our loved ones, friends, just people, everyone! Animals and plants, the whole planet!

We send our love to those whom we have not loved and who have not loved us. To the boss, to work colleagues, to the things we wish! everything! It’s very good to do meditation in this state! And try to maintain this state by breathing!

When our heart is open, we glow with love and attract all the most beautiful things to ourselves! And pay attention that when we start breathing like this, after some time our mood may change.

Suddenly it became offensive, or anger appeared, and so on, any negative state, know that the soul is cleansed and all the bad qualities that are in us come out of it! They come out forever. The main thing at this time is to continue to be filled with love (breathe) and send love.

Try it!

Example: you quarreled with someone, send him love, no words are needed, if you speak, then imagine this person in his heart, who also glows and sits in the lotus position. So talk to his higher self about what you don’t like. And everything will change! This person will come and you will make peace!

Send love to the thing you have been dreaming of for a long time, fill it with the light of love to the limit. and you will see that it will become yours!

You will simply become an endless stream of love!

Sending love to the baby

I recommend that expectant mothers do the “Favorite Womb” practice. The love you now exude can be directed into your womb to the developing baby there. After all, Love is the basis of all life. It is necessary for the correct and harmonious development of the child, starting from the prenatal stage. Listen to the “Beloved Womb” meditation.

Sending love to family and friends

Our family members and friends also need Love. Today, most people, experiencing negative emotions, do not think about the fact that they are sending all the negativity into the Universe. For our world it is much more destructive than all environmental disasters combined! Every person and the whole World needs your Love!

Start giving it to your dearest people. In order to send Love to a person (husband, friends, parents, etc.), you need to open your heart and begin to radiate Love. When sending it to another, it is best not to expect anything in return, but simply to send the gift of unconditional Love.

  • Imagine a glow near your heart. Feel that this light is becoming brighter and brighter - this is Love!
  • Breathe slowly and deeply, filling your lungs with air. Increase the glow. Let it embrace your entire body.
  • Open your heart. Imagine a beam emanating from it. Feel the surge of Love.
  • Send Love to your loved one. You can send a beam into the heart chakra of this person, surround him with Love as a glowing Aura, or fill the room in which he is currently located with Love. Love is the most powerful medicine. She heals from any disease. By exuding Love, you heal yourself!

Filling your home with love

I recommend that all women spend an extra five minutes in their home several times a week during practice and fill it with Love. This makes the atmosphere soft and peaceful, removes the nervousness that is in the air, which has an extremely negative impact on the condition of the expectant mother and fetus. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the qi energy that fills the channels of the human body should also flow into the meridians of the family and home. The task of all members is to ensure that a sufficient amount of healthy force flows through all channels of relations. Children growing up in such families receive a sufficient amount of vitality in its various manifestations.

In yoga, a lot of time is spent opening the chest. Moreover, these openings are accompanied by promising comments that your heart will open along with your chest. But many of us don’t see anything good in this. We, on the contrary, are trying to close ourselves off, dreaming of a kind of bulletproof vest that will protect our vulnerable soul from pain, disappointment and loss. We swear that we will never love, believe, or help again, because once we were convinced from our own experience of the saying “if you don’t do good, you won’t receive evil.” But is it really healthy to stop living with your heart?

Surely people who try to be guided in life solely by reason and drown out their feelings do it for a reason. Most likely, they encountered an event that caused their heart unbearable pain, and in order to never experience it again, they decided to simply ignore it. We've all met this type of person. Usually they are never involved in serious relationships, do not allow anyone into their inner world, and wear a mask of indifference and sarcasm on their faces. Unconsciously, these people evoke respect and slight reverence in us; perhaps we want to be like them - of course, because they make such a spectacular impression. But if you imagine that behind this lies fear of pain and weakness, the magical effect somehow quickly disappears.

This is because a closed heart is not an indicator of coolness or a guarantee of strength, but on the contrary. This behavior suggests that the person is not living, that he has chosen to simply exist, that he has created for himself the illusion of comfort, which in fact does not bring any liberation and happiness. Instead of recovering from his suffering and continuing to develop his soul, he chose indifference and withdrawal.

It's surprising that this pattern of behavior is admired. Let's remember our favorite heroes from movies and TV series - most often they are charismatic and sarcastic scoundrels. They are so charming that many viewers begin to imitate them, copy their behavior and way of thinking. The result is an army of people indifferent to the world around them, who consciously renounce possible happiness and joy in the name of a popular image. But it's not just about changing style, it's about soul, and that's a little scary.

Of course, in comparison with constantly complaining, whiners dependent on public opinion, these people benefit significantly. But you don't have to become a cynic to have a strong spirit. There are multifaceted individuals with many interests and strong character, who still know how to love, do good, support others - make the world a better place. Do you think they have a closed heart? Or are they a less attractive type? Hardly. Such people are real spiritual titans who, despite all adversity, chose love over disappointment, optimism over despair, and sensitivity over indifference. These are not narcissistic narcissists who are constantly depressed in order to stir up interest in themselves. These people really do spiritual work and they are the ones worthy of emulation.

That's why it's important to live with an open heart (to love, hope, believe, rejoice, help...) - because it's real, because it's real life. While a closed heart is weakness and pain, behind which lies endless despair. And it’s really a shame that this model of behavior is so popular today.

Therefore, in the modern world, having embarked on the spiritual path, firstly, you need to decide on the guidelines, because they have moved slightly and are moving in a suspicious direction. Realize that love and joy are not the lot of crazy people, but the choice of strong people. They can also be sad, have a rich inner world, indulge in melancholy, but this does not become their style of life, because they devote it to something more global.

Secondly, try to open your heart to love. Here are some effective ways:

  1. Meditate often. This will help you become more aware, better feel the world, yourself in it, distinguish bad from good. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus your attention on your heart. Begin to feel warmth and light in this area. With inhalation it accumulates in the chest, with exhalation it spreads throughout the body.
  2. Practice backbends. Add to your practice, and. If they are given to you with great difficulty, then this is the first sign that you need to work on the heart area. It is advisable to perform them under the guidance of an experienced instructor, at least until you master a safe technique.
  3. Farewell. Forgive everyone who offended you. Doing is more difficult than saying, and no one demands that you forgive your offenders in one second. But we must strive for forgiveness. This is not weakness, but strength, because you let the person float freely, and do not carry his image with you, constantly poisoning your life.
  4. Be with those who love you. We often take the love of our loved ones for granted, while we ourselves value those who do not notice us. This is the first sign of self-dislike. Break it down. Realize the beauty of being with your family, your friends - this is much more important than the recognition of some incomprehensible strangers whom we, for some reason, consider very significant.

Remember, love attracts love!

Greetings, Dear Friends! I Am Mirael, Master of Creative Forces. At the moment Now We meet on the day of the “10-10” portal, which promotes the opening and expansion of the Heart Channel. The entire Family of Light is nearby and ready to support you in this Sacred Action.

What does the Heart close? What doors? Actually, these are multidimensional layers of protection, of which there can be a lot.

Since childhood, every time you encountered different types of pain, you created layer upon layer of Heart Defense. This is what catalyzed your Lessons and saved you from madness or suicide.

Now let’s look at the types of protective energy layers of the Heart in more detail:

  • Dislike, non-acceptance of your physical Body. This is expressed in a conscious or unconscious violation of sleep and nutrition; in the absence of concern for health, movement, etc. The consequence of this is illness as physical pain. The word “pain” in a sacred sense means “Divine Love”. Pain occurs when a Person closes himself off from himself, from Love for the Body. It is then that Unconditional Divine Love begins to knock on the door of your Heart: “Open up! Love yourself! Accept yourself!
  • Emotional layers: grievances, fears, envy, aggression, shock etc. All these low vibrational layers are stored in emotional memory. All those people and circumstances that cause or remind you of emotional imbalance are your opportunity to Accept, Forgive, Open and Cleanse your Heart. The consequence of emotional layers is all kinds of experiences, suffering, depression, etc., causing emotional pain.

When they help you remove the layer of low-vibration veil from your Heart with something that resonated with you, perhaps offending and hurting you, then you have a choice:

  • try not to change yourself, but try to convince your neighbor that he is mistaken about you; run away from the Lessons of the Transformation of the Inner World;
  • or begin to Realize, that the time has come for the dying of the old value systems, the beliefs of your old Inner World. The time has come for the Birth of a New World with a limitless horizon, with a fresher impact of the transforming Wind of Change, with a larger number of people whom you let into your updated Inner World.

Suffering- this is the reluctance to see the Reality Here and Now.

The change itself, another Opening of the Heart is a State of Grace.

Pain it is a consequence of resistance to what is happening. This is the desire to continue to remain in the World of former illusions.

The mind believes that the period of Solitude for rethinking is an escape. He believes that you need to accept the challenge of others, argue, prove, fight for your point of view.

If, after a Lesson, a drama, a painful quarrel, you want Solitude for the purpose of Awareness - this is a natural and sacred process. Go through it, immerse yourself in it, dissolve in it: you will find something valuable - yourself!

Perhaps, if you had not left on time, you would have said more hurtful words, expressed more negative emotions, and committed actions that you would regret.

Solitude for the purpose of Self-Awareness is the Sacred Process of Transformation.

You don't run away from problems. You return to yourself to resolve issues first on the internal plane and then on the external plane. By deciding on the external without changing the internal, you risk falling into a vicious circle of cyclical Lessons.

We have already touched on mental layers. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Mental layers- this is a system of beliefs, beliefs, illusions, prejudices, knowledge at the moment Now.

What is belief? This is Knowledge that is relevant and sufficient for a Man at a certain moment Now. It tends to be constantly updated. This is the Sacrament of Worldview Expansion.

Prejudice- This is a protective layer of the ego that protects the belief from multidimensional fluidity, flexibility, from changes and expansions of Consciousness.

Transformation of prejudice leads to mental shock and pain. This means that the old world of the mind dies and a new one is born.

As soon as the protective film of prejudice is removed, a Person opens the Heart to new Knowledge, because True, Synchronistic and Appropriate Knowledge enters through the Heart channel (not through the mind). Information comes there directly from the Higher Self.

Belief system- this is a mosaic, limited perception of the World. This means that a Person accepts something (for example, religion, ideology, scheme, point of view, etc.), and denies something, creating a network of prejudices (“impossible”, “wrong”, “this is evil”, etc.). d.).

We will look at one type of Lesson on non-acceptance that closes the Heart - non-acceptance of the past.

If your past contains a painful event, drama, emotion; if you have not forgiven or released the participants in those past stories, then the following happens: resentment, pain, aggression, suffering about what happened gradually create an emotional hook, the anchor of which is a memory. Memories replay these past painful moments, again and again causing your worries, regrets, annoyance, etc. These memories take away your Energy. Thus, this is an astral trap manipulating you. You are living in the past. You feed it. You do not have enough Energy to create the Present.

What's the solution?

Go back to the past! But in order to transform pain into Joy, resentment into Forgiveness, aggression into Love, etc.

Go back to the past- the task is not of a mental nature. Many try to change the past by deeply immersing themselves in it: like on a chessboard, arranging the pieces of the participants in the drama in a more favorable way. Nothing changes from a mental rearrangement: emotions remain, painful memories too.

That's why going back to the past means forgiving yourself and everyone around you here and now , understand the cause-and-effect relationships of these events, accept the essence of the Lesson, thank yourself and all participants for the beautifully created scenario of this Lesson, which allows you to step onto a higher level of Development.

How to test: have you really changed the Past?

Very simple. Think back to that painful episode, a past fight, tragedy, loss, etc. Does this cause pain, suffering, negative emotions in you? If not, then you have passed the Lesson, and in your past there are no longer emotional clues that took so much Energy from you before, preventing you from moving forward. Now your past is not pain and regrets. This is an invaluable Experience that you rely on in your Present!

Every unconscious, unaccepted episode in the past contains your Energy. Your Energy is you. Sometimes you really live in this episode, phantomically.

Every time, forgiving and asking for forgiveness, realizing, accepting and letting go of the Past, you return Energy to yourself, dissolving your own phantom living in a kind of “Groundhog Day”. You are making the Transition Whole, with the perfect Energy of the God-Goddess! Request your Power! Get yourself back!

Do you want to clear your Awareness by trying to look into past lives? Do you know that all the “unfinished” episodes from past incarnations are reflected in the Present? Therefore, you do not need to strain your efforts and travel to past lives. Just take a closer look at your Real Incarnation!

Vibrations that open the heart.

Now vibrations are descending on Humanity. But what does this mean?

There is an opinion that these vibrations are the same for everyone. But you all know very well that each vibration has its own frequency, height, color, sound, and level of measurement. And you are all aware that all people on Earth are at different levels of development, Memories of Who They Are.

If a certain vibration of significant height tries to enter the Heart of a Person who is not ready for this, it will cause physical pain, emotional shock and distortions in the energy. A person may simply not be able to withstand such pressure.

Thus, the descending vibrations are not the same for everyone, they are adapted for each Person.

New vibrations and Lessons for Opening the Heart are sent by the Higher Self of Man. And all this is within the power of everyone.

And this vibration produces beneficial changes in the body and energy; opens the Heart with forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, Love and, at the same time, expands the Worldview.

In fact, with the acceptance of each new portion of higher vibrations, the old Man dies and the new one is reborn!

An Open Heart allows you to receive information from your Higher Self, reveal your Gifts to fulfill your Destination, find Peace, Joy and Unconditional Love!

Open your Heart to the Light! Reveal your Energies to the Native vibrations of the Home!

Always with you, Mirael, your Friend.

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