What flows into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. Sea of ​​Azov. Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov

Underwater relief Sea of ​​Azov relatively simple. As you move away from the coast, the depths slowly and smoothly increase, reaching 14.4 m in the central part of the sea. The main area of ​​the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov is characterized by depths of 5-13 m. The location of the isobaths, which is close to symmetrical, is disturbed by their slight elongation in the northeast towards the Taganrog Bay. The 5 m isobath is located about 2 km from the coast, moving away from it near the Taganrog Bay and in the bay itself near the mouth of the Don. In the Taganrog Bay, the depths increase from the mouth of the Don (2-3 m) towards the open part of the sea, reaching 8-9 m at the border of the bay with the sea.

In the relief of the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov, systems of underwater heights are noted, elongated along the eastern (Zhelezinskaya bank) and western (Marskaya and Arabatskaya banks) coasts, the depths over which decrease from 8-9 to 3-5 m. The underwater coastal slope of the northern coast is characterized by wide shallow water (20-30 km) with depths of 6-7 m, for the southern coast - a steep underwater slope to depths of 11-12 m. The catchment area of ​​the Azov Sea Basin is 586,000 km2. hills of volcanic origin, which in some places turn into steep frontal mountains. Sea currents are dependent on the very strong northeast and southwest winds blowing here and therefore change direction very often. The main current is a circular current along the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov counterclockwise.

Large or special geographical features are listed in clockwise order along the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, starting from the Kerch Strait.

Bays and estuaries of the Sea of ​​Azov:


  • in the southwest: Kazantip Bay, Arabatsky Bay;
  • in the west: Sivash Bay;
  • in the north-west: Utlyuksky estuary, Molochny estuary, Obitochny - bay, Berdyansk bay;


  • in the north-east: Taganrog Bay, Miussky Estuary, Yeysky Estuary;
  • in the east: Yasensky Bay, Beisugsky estuary, Akhtarsky estuary;
  • in the south-east: Temryuk Bay.

Spit and capes of the Sea of ​​Azov:


  • in the south-west: Cape Khroni, Cape Zyuk, Cape Chagany and Cape Kazantip (Kazantip Bay);
  • in the west: Arabatskaya Strelka spit (Sivash Bay);
  • in the northwest: Fedotova Spit and Spit Biryuchy Ostrov (Utlyuk Estuary), Obitochnaya Spit (Obitochny Bay), Berdyansk Spit (Berdyansk Bay);
  • in the northeast: Belosarayskaya Spit, Curve Spit;
  • in the Kerch Strait: Tuzla Spit.


  • in the northeast: Beglitskaya spit;
  • in the east: Cape Chumbursky, Glafirovskaya Spit, long braid, Kamyshevatskaya spit, Yasenskaya spit (Beisugsky estuary), Achuevskaya spit (Akhtarsky estuary);
  • in the southeast: Cape Achuevsky and Cape Kamenny (Temryuk Bay).
  • in the Kerch Strait: Chushka Spit.

Rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov:


  • in the northwest: Maly Utlyuk, Molochnaya, Korsak, Lozovatka, Obitochnaya, Berda, Kalmius, Gruzsky Elanchik;


  • in the northeast: Wet Elanchik, Mius, Sambek, Don, Kagalnik, Wet Chuburka, Eya;
  • in the southeast: Protoka, Kuban.

The coast of the Sea of ​​Azov

The coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is less picturesque and diverse than the Black Sea. But it also has its own unique beauty. The steppes come close to the sea, and in some places the floodplains overgrown with reeds. The shores are treeless, they are either low and gentle, with a sandy-shell beach, or low, but steep, composed of yellow loess-like loams. The coastline of the sea forms rather smooth bends, and only long sandbars give it some edge. A large number of braids is one of characteristic features shores of the Sea of ​​Azov.

West Coast Sea of ​​Azov

The western shore of the Sea of ​​Azov is represented by a long oblique - the Arabat arrow. It stretched along the seashore for 112 km, separating the shallow Sivash Bay from it. The width of this flat sand-shell spit ranges from 270 m in its southern and middle parts to 7 km in its northern part, where there are several small hills. The Arabat Spit is a huge natural beach. Parallel to it, a series of long shoals stretched. They are perfectly visible from the walls of the old Genoese fortress, located near the village of Arabat, or directly from the elevated native shore. Into the quiet sunny weather the greenish-blue waves of the sea with a slight noise gently run over the sandy-shell beach and the foam of the light surf borders it, like a narrow white lace. Rolling on the wing, white-winged gulls glide low over the water. In the distance, on the spit, salt extracted from Sivash dazzlingly shines under the rays of the hot sun. The Sea of ​​Azov is beautiful even in a storm. When the fierce nordost blows, it darkens, becomes severe. With an angry noise, boiling with white foam, steep-walled waves fall on the shores. You can spend hours admiring the foamy expanse of the sea, the swift running and the stormy surf of the waves of the Sea of ​​Azov.

Any person who has visited the Sea of ​​Azov will forever have memories of its discreet, but soul-stirring beauty. Hot mineral waters have been discovered on the Arabat Spit, which are superior to Matsesta in their chemical composition and medicinal properties. Based on these healing waters, it is planned to create a new resort - Azov Matsesta.

Southern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov

It is represented by the territory of the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas, between which is the Kerch Strait, which connects the Azov and Black Seas. The Kerch Peninsula is the eastern tip of Crimea. Its area is about 3 thousand square meters. kilometers. In the bowels of the peninsula, large deposits of iron ores have been discovered that feed the metallurgy of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, oil and natural gas. The northern and northeastern parts of the Kerch Peninsula are composed of marls, clays, limestones; Tertiary sandstones occur in places. The western part of the Kerch Peninsula is flat, the eastern part is hilly. Within the limits of the peninsula, the southern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov for the most part breaks off steeply into the sea, leaving only a narrow strip of the beach. In some places, the steep banks are composed of bryozoan limestones, which staunchly resist the onslaught of sea waves. Such, for example, is Cape Kazantip, at the base of which lies a bryozoan reef - an atoll. To the west of this cape is Arabatsky Bay, to the east - Kazantipsky. To the east of Cape Kazantip stretches a low-lying alluvial stretch of coast. The shores of both bays are composed of soft clayey rocks. South of Cape Kazantip - Aktash salt Lake. This is a relic lake. It is a remnant of the Kazantip Bay, which once jutted far into the land. In the middle of the Kerch Peninsula, a low Parpach ridge stretches from west to east. Between this ridge and the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov there is a wide longitudinal valley. In its lower parts there are salt lakes, and in particular Lake Chokrakskoye, known for its healing properties, as well as a number of mud volcanoes.

East of the Kazantip Bay, near the Kerch Strait, the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov is calmer, but here it is characterized by capes composed of hard bryozoan limestones, for example, capes Zyuk, Tarkhan and others. The Kerch Strait, which connects the Black and Azov Seas, is shallow and relatively narrow. Its width varies from 4 to 15 km. The length of the strait is 41 km. The depth is about 4 m. In ancient times, the Kerch Strait was called the Cimmerian Bosporus. The name itself contains a hint of the shallowness of the strait, since the “bosporus” in translation into Russian means “bull ford”. The Crimean coast of the strait is steep in places. In its northern part is the port city of Kerch.

The Caucasian coast of the Kerch Strait is low, sandy, sometimes with dunes. The fairway of the strait is cluttered with reefs, sandbars and coastal shoals, which previously hampered navigation. Now a channel has been dug in the strait for the passage of ships with a large draft. Taman Peninsula, which is part of Krasnodar Territory covers an area of ​​approximately 1900 sq. km. Of these, a little more than 900 sq. km, and the rest of the territory - estuaries and floodplains.

Its nature is unique. From a geological point of view, this is a young peninsula, since it was formed in the Quaternary period. Back in the 1st century A.D. e. in its place there were about five islands, the transformation of which into a peninsula occurred, apparently, in the 5th century AD. e. under the influence of the accumulative activity of the Kuban River, mud volcanoes and tectonic uplifts. The formation of the Taman Peninsula continues.

In autumn and winter, the weather of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is influenced by Siberian. As a result of its influence, winds of the northeast and east directions mainly blow. Their average speed is 4 - 7 m / s. During this period, powerful storms are observed, the speed of which reaches over 15 m / s. In this case, a sharp drop in temperature occurs. The average temperature in January is about – 2 – 5°С. During stormy periods it drops to -25 - 27°С.

In spring and summer, the climatic conditions of the Sea of ​​​​Azov are influenced by the Azores maximum. When exposed to it, winds of various directions are observed. Their speed is quite small - 3 - 5 m / s. In the warm season, complete calm is observed. In the summer on the Sea of ​​Azov it is quite high. In July, the air warms up to + 23 - 25°C on average. In spring, less often in summer, the sea is in power. At the same time, southwestern and western directions. The speed of these winds is 4 - 6 m/s. During cyclones, short showers are also observed. In spring- summer period Sunny prevails with high temperatures.

Two large rivers carry their waters to the Sea of ​​Azov: the Kuban and about 20 small rivers. Small rivers mainly flow into the northern part of the sea. The river runoff of the Sea of ​​Azov is determined by the volume of water carried by the Kuban and Don rivers. The waters produced by small rivers are used for evaporation. On average, the sea receives about 36.7 km 3 per year.

The largest amount of water comes from the Don (more than 60%), which flows into the Taganrog Bay in the northeastern part of the sea. The Kuban brings its waters to the southeastern part of the sea. The waters of the Kuban make up 30% of the total flow. Most of river water enters the eastern part of the sea, and is absent in the rest of the mainland. The largest number The sea receives fresh water in spring and summer. After the Kuban and Don rivers began to be regulated, the seasonal distribution of the mainland runoff changed. Prior to this, in the spring, the rivers brought about 60% of the total runoff, in the summer - 15%. After the creation of hydroelectric facilities on the rivers, it began to account for 40%, and the share of summer increased to 20%. There is an increase in winter and autumn runoff. A greater change was made to the Don than to the Kuban.

Water exchange between Azov and occurs through. During the year, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov gives off about 49 km2 of water, the Black Sea about 33.8 km3 of water. On average, the waters of the Black Sea increase their volume per year due to the Sea of ​​Azov by about 15.5 km3. River runoff and marine water exchange are closely related. If there is a decrease in river runoff, then there is a decrease in the runoff of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and an increase in the inflow of the Black Sea water. The waters of the Sea of ​​Azov interact with the waters through the Thin Strait. During the year, the sea gives off about 1.5 km 3, and receives about 0.3 km 3 from the Sivash.

On average, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov loses and receives approximately the same amount of water per year. The waters of the sea are fed river runoff(about 43%) and the waters of the Black Sea (40%). During the year, the Sea of ​​Azov loses its waters as a result of water exchange with the Black Sea (58%) and evaporation from the surface (40%).

In the water expanses of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, ice forms every year. Due to the fact that the winter here is short and the frosts are changeable, the formation of ice is irregular. During the winter, the ice undergoes various changes: it appears and disappears again, becomes drifting, and then freezes to a stationary state. At the end of November, the first ice begins to appear in the Taganrog Bay. In early December, ice covers the northeastern and northwestern parts of the sea. Only in mid-January, ice appears in the southwestern and southern regions. The timing of ice formation may vary from year to year. The maximum thickness that ice can reach is 80 - 90 cm. On average, the ice thickness can be about 20 cm, with a relatively mild winter.

Sea of ​​Azov (photo by Mikhail Manaev)

In mid-February, the ice gradually weakens. At the end of February, it begins to collapse near the coast in the southern part of the sea. By the beginning of March, the ice breaks up in the northern part, and in mid-March, in the Taganrog Bay. The sea is completely free of ice only by mid-March - April.

Widely developed in the Sea of ​​Azov economic activity person. Fishing is well developed here. A large number of valuable species of fish (especially sturgeons) and a large number of various marine products are harvested here. Currently, the volume of fisheries is declining due to a decrease in the number and diversity of the marine fauna. There are reserves in the bowels of the Azov Sea. Various goods are produced on the waters of the sea. Also on the sea coast there are resort areas for recreation.

A very, very long time ago there was a vast oceanic basin - Paratethys. An extremely large latitudinally elongated reservoir consisted of the Alpine, Carpathian-Balkan, Crimean-Caucasian-Aral parts. Complex and difficult to understand geological processes led to sharp fluctuations in sea level, advances on land and retreats - transgressions and regressions.

In the process of development of Paratethys, its eastern Crimean-Caucasian-Aral honor separated from the reservoirs lying much to the west. Precipitation of this basin - the eastern branch of the Paratethys - was recorded over large areas of the south of the CIS and, in particular, in the territory of the southern part of Ukraine. By the beginning of the last (Quaternary) period of the Earth's development (it began a million years ago and continues to this day), the sea receded from the vast territories of modern land, the Black Sea bowl took shape, the relics of Paratethys broke up into a number of isolated reservoirs, a reservoir was formed on the site of the modern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, which was its predecessor.

Specialists have long been interested in the geological history of the Azov-Black Sea basin and the entire Ponto-Caspian in the Quaternary. Many well-known scientists - N. I. Andrusov, A. D. Arkhangelsky, P. V. Fedorov, G. I. Popov, G. I. Goretsky, G. I. Molyavko, L. A. Nevesskaya, V. N. Shelkoplyas and others - worked on its reconstruction. In the second half of the twentieth century, P. V. Fedorov paid special attention to this issue. Basically, according to his data, we present the history of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The studies of the Kerch Strait, carried out by the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, made it possible to supplement a number of established ideas, because the strait was that kind of link connecting both the Azov and the Black Seas, which makes it possible to visually record the development of both the first and second.

By the beginning of the Quaternary period in the south of the CIS, in the region of the Ponto-Caspian, two large water basins survived - the Paleo-Caspian and the Paleo-Azov-Black Sea, sometimes connected to each other along the strait, located in the modern valley of the Manych River.

The opinions of scientists about the paleogeographical situation at the beginning of the Quaternary period are contradictory. Many experts believe that during this period - in the Chaudin age - the sea receded from the territory of Azov. Others believe that the regression preceded the Chaudin age, and it was then that a small Chaudin transgression took place, and on the site of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov there was a reservoir smaller than the modern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. At the beginning of the century, it was freshwater, then the salinity increased.

There are facts indicating the existence of the Manych Strait, which connected the Chaudin (Azov-Black Sea) and Baku (as the Caspian Sea of ​​this time period is commonly called) reservoirs. The level of the Baku reservoir was much higher than the level of the Chaudin Sea, which can be judged from the preserved coastal terraces. Therefore, a powerful stream flowed out of the Caspian, and along the Manych Strait, getting into the Sea of ​​Azov, it penetrated through the Kerch Strait into the Black Sea, and from there into the Mediterranean. Together with the Caspian water, the Baku (Caspian) fauna ended up in the Chaudin basin.

The Chaudin age lasted about 250 thousand years. In the post-Chaudin time (and this is almost 400 thousand years), the sea retreated into the limits of the modern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, then a new large transgression of the Ponto-Caspian occurred. This next offensive of the sea falls on the next - the ancient Euxinian age of the Quaternary period, which lasted about 100 thousand years.

The level of the ancient Euxinian sea did not remain invariably constant, changing several times due to frequent regressions and transgressions. At the end of the century, the water area of ​​the ancient Euxinian Sea in the Azov part exceeded the modern contours. A huge influx of both Caspian (through the Manych Strait) and river waters led to the erosion of the coastal zone and the destruction of previously deposited Chaudin deposits. A powerful flow of Azov waters into the Black Sea caused the erosion of the Chaudin deposits along the shores of the Kerch Strait. Only a small remnant of them remained on the shores.

- Postage stamps catalog of stamps of the USSR stamps Collector's shop. -

The fauna of mollusks in the Azov part of the ancient Euxinian Sea is interesting. Brackish-water forms are found here, there are aliens from the Caspian Sea, there are rare Mediterranean forms. However, the general desalination of the Azov and Black Seas obviously prevented the wide penetration of the Mediterranean mollusks characteristic of the seas of normal salinity.

What happened after the ancient Euxinian transgression is not yet entirely clear to geologists. Many admit that the Uzunlar age and the Uzunlar transgression as a subsequent stage in the existence of the Uzunlar Age. Others suggest that after a partial regression, the ancient Euxinian reservoir was replaced by the Karangatian one. In the Karangatian age, the Sea of ​​Azov again moved to the shores and occupied a water area slightly larger than the modern one.

The hot climate, the Mediterranean fauna - everything testified to the low water flow of the rivers flowing here, the high salinity of the waters - up to 30 ppm also about the lack of communication between the Caspian and Azov. The level of the Karangat Sea exceeded the current one. The Karangat Age lasted approximately 50 thousand years.

At its end, when the retreat of the sea began, the discharge of Caspian waters resumed along the Manych Strait. Then it left the Azov territory, and a swampy plain arose in place of the water area. Among the swamps, full-flowing rivers flowed, generously fed by melted glacial waters - Paleo-Don, Paleo-Kalmius, Paleo-Berda, Paleo-Korsak, Paleo-Molochnaya and others. Rivers carried huge masses of solid runoff, most often sands. In place of the ancient channels, powerful sandy bodies remained, fixed in silty sediments and loess strata.

These so-called alluvial (river) deposits make it possible to trace the ancient river network at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov. In the post-Karangat period, the Azov water area was not only dried up, but the level of the Black Sea also dropped - by about 70, and possibly more meters. The latter lost contact with mediterranean sea, ceased to be flowing. The Bosphorus and the Dardanelles dried up, the Kerch Strait turned into a generalized mouth zone of the Paleo-Don and other Azov rivers. More and more ancient deposits - Chaudin, ancient Euxinian, Karangatian - were once again subjected to powerful erosion, remaining only in the form of small remnants. Impressive masses of quartz alluvial sands formed in the Kerch Strait, a huge paleo-delta protruding into the Black Sea arose.

Approximately 25 thousand years have passed since the last stage of the development of the Azov-Black Sea basin began. Due to the melting of glaciers, impressive masses of fresh water began to flow into the basins of the Azov and other seas. The sea level rose, the New Euxinian transgression began. First, along the river valleys, and then everywhere, the sea launched an attack on land. The Azov region has again turned into a seabed. The entire marine basin occupied a slightly smaller area than the modern sea. The connection of the Black Sea with the Mediterranean was restored, the Black Sea waters were again discharged into the latter. From time to time, the connection between the Caspian Sea and Azov along the Manych Strait was established, especially during those periods when the level of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov exceeded the current one. The Manych Strait disappeared several thousand years ago. At the same time, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov entered its modern shores, and the modern climatic situation was established.

The question often arises about the origin of the western bay of the Sea of ​​Azov - Sivash. For the first time, the Roman historian Strabo (1st century BC) mentions it: "Here is an isthmus 40 stadia wide (1st stage - 117 meters, approx. Auth.), Separating the so-called Rotten Lake from the sea and forming a peninsula called Tauric and Scythian. Some, however, say that the width of the isthmus is 360 stadia. The rotten lake, as they say, has a width of even four thousand stadia and is western part Meotida, with which it is connected by a wide mouth. It is very marshy, and scarcely navigable for boats that are sewn together, as the winds easily open the shoals and then refill them with water, so that these marshes are impassable for larger ships. There are three islands in this bay, and along the coast there are shallows and a few pitfalls."

According to lithologists M.F. Stashchuk and V.A. Suprychev, in their modern form Sivash arose quite recently, around 1100-1200. Previously, these were the underwater bars and islands mentioned by Strabo. The thickness of the deposits of the Arabat Spit is small and confirms the conclusion about its recent genesis. It must be said that the geological history of the Sea of ​​Azov is still largely unknown, and studies of the water area will replenish knowledge in this area.

The Sea of ​​Azov has worked out for itself a rather complex bed, filled with a fairly thick, especially in the southern part, cover of Quaternary deposits. It sort of combines diverse and uneven-aged geological structures of the basement from more ancient deposits. In the north, the Quaternary sediments of the Sea of ​​Azov overlap: crystalline rocks of the Azov crystalline massif; the northern zone of the Black Sea depression; the system of Black Sea troughs (North Crimean, North Azov, Yeisk); Middle Azov uplift (swell); Indolo-Kuban trough. Modern processes sedimentation is largely inherited from previous geological epochs.

The well-known researchers of the Sea of ​​Azov Yu. P. Khrustalev and F. A. Shcherbakov calculated that annually 52.38 million tons of sedimentary material precipitate in the Sea of ​​Azov, including the terrigenous (detrital) part - 32.53 million tons (62 .1%) and biogenic products - 19.85 million tons (37.9%). Terrigenous material is carried out by rivers, mainly by the Don and Kuban, and arises from the coastal zone and the seabed, to a lesser extent - due to eolian input. As a result, there is a very complex distribution of bottom sediments.

The local geological processes are much more accessible for study than in other seas. That is why the studies of the Sea of ​​Azov are the development of a peculiar model applicable in the study of deeper and less favorable seas for this purpose.

Azov coast has always been a favorite resort for a huge number of people, was reputed to be the most accessible area for a full-fledged family vacation . It turns out that you should not go to distant lands, to fashionable resorts. After all, there is a magical place nearby - the village of Dolzhanskaya, located at the base of the Dolgaya Spit in the Krasnodar Territory.

It extends far into the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, separating the Sea of ​​Azov and the Taganrog Bay, and ends with a chain of shell islands.

Shallow, warm, shallow depth, rich in its biological content, Sea of ​​Azov captivates with its unique beauty, one can feel its irresistible charm and a huge attractive force.

Features of rest near the Sea of ​​Azov:

Firstly, the waters of Azov contain a large number (92) of chemical elements, which easily penetrate the surface of the skin during bathing. They give our body the substances it needs. Besides, swimming in the sea- magnificent hydromassage;

secondly, the stable and moderate mode of solar radiation characteristic of Dolzhanka makes it possible to regularly take any course of sunbathing;

thirdly, the golden beaches of the Azov coast - beautiful place for taking sand baths;

and, finally, the incomparable air, which the sea has saturated with all sorts of healing elements - calcium, iodine, bromine, and the steppe has given to drink the aromas of herbs.

All this complex of health-improving factors Sea of ​​Azov perfectly trains the neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, has a beneficial effect on thermoregulatory and metabolic processes, increases the vitality of the body.

If you want to take your child to the sea, then we advise you to go to the Sea of ​​Azov.

Warm shallow water softens the dryness of the steppe air, and the hot breath of the steppes reduces the humidity coming from the sea. The beaches are fine sandy, gently sloping, partly shallow. In summer, the water in the Sea of ​​Azov warms up to +26°C or more, and average temperature air from +25°С to +30°С. In count sunny days in a year, the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is not inferior to Crimea.

Spring, according to long-term data, begins in March - on the 10th-12th. The end of spring falls on May 1-5, when the temperature exceeds + 15 degrees Celsius.

Summer starts in mid-May. The water in the sea, especially in coastal lagoons, warms up very quickly and already in mid-May reaches 20-22 degrees Celsius, and in July-August - 26-28 degrees (in lagoons up to 30). These are more comfortable indicators than in Feodosia and Yalta, Evpatoria and Odessa, Tuapse and Sochi.

Summer ends October 4-6. As you can see, the summer season lasts almost five months, which is conducive to relaxation.

The climate of the Sea of ​​Azov is more comfortable than that of the Black Sea. AT last years the water temperature in it in summer often ranges from 18 to 24 * C. Therefore, it is better for children and the elderly to choose Sea of ​​Azov- it warms up much better, and there are no such temperature drops.

Having your own housing on the sea is a great way out. Living at least a few months at sea, even without treatment, the body largely copes with diseases on its own.

Arriving relax on the sea, you can not only relax well, but also heal, restore health. Sea treatment has its own name - "thalassotherapy" (from the Greek thalassa - sea). It combines treatment with sun, water and air. Also, the sea is a great opportunity to get treated with air, sand and mud.

In order for health to withstand the test of the resort, not to exacerbate chronic diseases, it is very important to let it get used to the loads gradually.

According to doctors, the elementary oxygen renewal of the body occurs in a period of at least 30 days. permanent residence on the sea has, as you can see, a colossal advantage. However, even two weeks of rest have a huge healing effect on the body.

Thalassotherapy (treatment with sea water).

Due to the high concentration of salt, sea water draws out from the body all the "harmful" mucus that it encounters (from the skin, oral cavity, maxillary sinuses). In addition, due to the iodine and salt dissolved in water, it has an antibacterial property.

Due to the fact that the sea dries the skin, skin diseases are treated - psoriasis, dermatitis.

Since sea moisture contains most of the elements of the periodic table, it saturates the body with minerals and trace elements, and therefore strengthens the immune system.

The temperature difference during the transition from air to water creates a hardening effect, which tones the cardiovascular system.

In the treatment of skin and heart diseases the main procedure is swimming or just bathing. It is best to swim in the sea at a water temperature of 20 to 27 C. best time for swimming from 10 to 17 hours, when the sea is already warming up. Breakfast before bathing should be very light: a full stomach overloads the heart. If the meal was plentiful, then you need to wait 2 hours before entering the water. Having undressed, you should not quickly enter the water, first you need to substitute the body fresh air and the sun, let it breathe a little. This way you will avoid adverse temperature fluctuations. If the body sweats, before entering the water, let it cool in the shade, otherwise you can become hypothermic. In order not to get too cold in the water, you do not need to sit there to goose bumps and blue fingers.


Aerotherapy - treatment with air, active method hardening and increasing the body's defenses. Due to the drying effect of sea air on the bronchial mucosa, their inflammation decreases;

Sea air is saturated with ozone, a gas that kills harmful bacteria and makes the air sterile;

To be treated with sea air, just breathe it. It is useful to sleep on the coast in the shade after dinner (often the body feels it itself). The air near the stormy sea is especially healing - it is full of ozone.


Heliotherapy - use solar radiation for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The sun's rays through the eyes act on the brain, stimulating the production of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness", this treats neurosis, mild depression (only pills will help severe ones). It also increases the content of antibodies in the blood, which increases the resistance of our body to infectious and viral diseases;

Ultraviolet rays start the processes of skin renewal, which treats rashes of pustules, psoriasis, eczema;

Heat warms the skin, joints, accompanying their recovery from chronic diseases.


Sand baths (psammotherapy, from the Greek word "psammo", which means "sand").

Heat deeply warms the tissues, which improves the metabolism in the joints and speeds up their recovery;

Mechanically, it irritates small nerve endings, which reflexively strongly tone the deeper organs of the abdominal cavity, muscles. As a result, they stimulate metabolism, accelerate the removal of toxins;

Silicon oxide, potassium, calcium and magnesium carbonates, penetrating from the sand through the skin into the body, contribute to the elimination of toxins.

Reduce swelling of the joints, increase mobility in them;

Resolve the inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and the female genital area;

Restore impaired functions of peripheral nerves (neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis).

Patients with tuberculosis, pregnant women, malnourished people and children under the age of three years, sand baths are strictly contraindicated.

Mud cure.

To the main therapeutic factors Azov coast, along with the climate, include sulfide-silt and mineral waters. They include organic and inorganic substances, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, biological stimulants. Mud is famous for its multilateral therapeutic effect in many chronic inflammatory diseases, incl. and in gynecology. Masks and applications from to areas human body have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect, narrow pores, activate the muscles of the surface layer of the skin. Mud applications have a complex beneficial effect on the main functions of the body - blood circulation, respiration, metabolism. Arthritis, osteochondrosis, diseases are especially effectively treated nervous system and upper respiratory tract.

Simple in appearance, but very rare in its composition, sulfide-silt mud has a whitening effect and prevents skin aging. The mud mask contains a large amount of nutrients, so masks from it, in combination with massage, help smooth wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, soften the skin, moisturize it and give it freshness.

The secret of the beautiful medicinal properties in that it contains both substances similar to antibiotics, and microelements vital for the body, metals, acids, vitamins, and even biogenic stimulants like female sex hormones.

Therapeutic mud, despite its healing properties, contraindicated in patients with tuberculosis, hypertension, varicose veins, tumors and acute inflammatory diseases.

There are several sources of healing mud on the spit, the largest and main one is the estuary in the village itself. Many vacationers come to Dolzhanka specifically for the treatment of these unique muds.

In this place, the bottom of the bay also consists of silt mud, people claim that the sea is no less useful than in the estuary, during even a slight swell, the sea in this place becomes Brown color because of the healing silt raised from the bottom, and then it is enough just to enter the water to take medical procedures!

The bay in this place is very shallow and salty, the water is usually like fresh milk!

Dolzhanskaya is one of the most environmentally friendly resorts in the south of Russia. A favorable climate, the presence of healing mud, clean sea water, saturated with biogenic substances - all this contributes to a good rest and recovery.

The Sea of ​​Azov on the map is a semi-enclosed area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The object is located in the eastern part of Europe. Two countries have the Sea of ​​Azov on their territory - Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

general information

The Sea of ​​Azov is considered the smallest in the world. Its maximum depth is no more than thirteen and a half meters, and the average (according to various estimates) is within 6.8-8 m. In the area where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located, there are other objects connecting the water area with Atlantic Ocean. Among them, the Straits of Kerch and Gibraltar, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles should be noted. In addition, the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas are the connecting links.


Previously, in antiquity, where the Sea of ​​Azov is now, there was no water. The filling of the water area presumably began in 5600 BC. e. At that time, it flowed into the Black Sea directly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe current Kerch Strait. In the area where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located, there are different settlements. The names of many of them came from the name of the reservoir. For example, the villages of Priazovskaya and Azovskaya, the city of Azov, which is located in the lower reaches of the river. Don, Novoazovsk and others.


In ancient times, different nationalities called the water area in their own way. It should be said that the sea was renamed quite a few times. Before today not installed exact origin titles. There are several hypotheses on the etymology of the original word "azov":

  • named after Prince Azum, who was killed in 1067;
  • by the name of the tribe "Assy", which, in turn, came presumably from Avestan and means "fast";
  • in Circassian "uzev", which means "neck";
  • according to the Turkic word "azan" - "lower".

Even in the distant I century. n. e. in his writings, Pliny, listing the Scythian tribes, speaks of the settlement of the "Asoki". The name is similar to the word "azov". It's believed that modern name water areas began to be used in Russian toponymy from the beginning of the 17th century, thanks to the chronicler Pimen. At the same time, it must be said that initially not the entire Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov received the name (on the map of Russia, not far from the one that received the name, the city of Taganrog is located today). And only by the 2nd half of the 18th century the name was assigned to the entire water area.


The history of the study of the area where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located is conventionally divided into several stages.

  1. Geographical (ancient), which lasted from the time of Herodotus until the beginning of the 19th century.
  2. Geological and geographical. It lasted from the 19th century until the 40s of the 20th century.
  3. Complex. This period began in the middle of the 20th century and continues to this day.

Claudius Ptolemy compiled the first map. Ukraine as such did not exist then, and the position of the reservoir itself relative to other objects was not entirely clear. Ptolemy established the first geographical coordinates for cities, bays and headlands. Subsequently, Gleb Svyatoslavovich, who ruled in 1068 in Tmutarakan, measured the distance from Kerch to Taman on ice. It was about 20 kilometers at that time. Already from the 12th-14th centuries, the Venetians and Genoese began to draw up maps and sailing directions of the Azov and Black Seas.

Geographical position

The area where the Sea of ​​Azov is located lies between 45°12′30″ and 47°17′30″ N. sh. and 33°38′ and 39°18′ E. d. Maximum length the reservoir reaches 380 kilometers, and the width is 200 kilometers. The coastline has a length of 2686 km, the surface of the water area covers an area of ​​37,800 square meters. km (this figure does not include spits and islands, which are distributed over an area of ​​107.9 sq. km). In accordance with morphological features, the object is classified as a flat sea. The reservoir is considered shallow, with low slopes of the coast. The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov (this is clearly visible on the map of Russia) is quite remote from the ocean. In this regard, the object belongs to the group of continental water bodies. In winter, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov can completely or partially freeze. At the same time, ice is carried out along the Kerch Strait. Usually, ice formation begins in January. In cold years, it can happen a month earlier.


The place where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located is distinguished by a relatively simple underwater relief. In the course of moving away from the coast, a smooth and slow increase in depth occurs. In the central part of the water area, they reach 13 meters. Here the depths are maximum. The location of the isobaths, close to symmetrical, violates their slight elongation towards the northeast towards the Taganrog Bay. Approximately two kilometers from the coast there is an isobath of 5 meters. It moves away from and near the mouth of the Don River. In this area, the depths increase towards the open part of the reservoir. At the border of the sea and the bay, they reach eight to nine meters. The bottom relief is distinguished by the presence of systems of underwater hills. They are stretched along the western (Arabatskaya and Morskaya banks) and eastern (Zhelezinskaya bank) coasts. The depths above them decrease from 8-9 to 3-5 meters. The coastal underwater slope on the northern coast is characterized by fairly wide shallow water. Here the depth is 6-7 m. The southern coast is characterized by a steep underwater slope. Depths in this area are 11-13 meters. Seashores are generally sandy and flat. In the southern section, however, one can meet hills of volcanic origin, and in some places passing into the front steep mountains.

The catchment area in the basin is about 586,000 sq. km. km. The currents depend on the wind strong winds northeast and southwest directions. The main movement occurs along the coast. Its direction is counter-clockwise.

Temperature regime

Shallow water bodies are characterized by large seasonal temperature variability. In winter, the figures reach a minimum. In January-February, the values ​​are close to the freezing point. In the southern part of the reservoir, not far from the Kerch Strait, the thermometer rises above zero. The temperature amplitude per year is +27.5 ... +28.5 degrees. AT summer time quite uniform indicators are observed over the entire surface of the sea - from +24 to +26 degrees. In July, in some areas (for example, such as the sea, it warms up to a maximum of +28 ... +28.5 degrees. The highest temperature was recorded in Primorsko-Akhtarsk. It was +32.5 degrees. As for the long-term average annual temperature, then on the surface it is within 11 ° C. Interannual fluctuations in this case are of the order of one degree.


The Sea of ​​Azov has hydrochemical features. They are formed mainly under the influence of abundant river inflow (about 12% of the total water volume). In addition, there is a somewhat difficult water exchange with the Black Sea. Before the regulation of the Don, the salinity of the reservoir under consideration was lower than that of the ocean. three times. The indicators varied from 1 ppm at the mouth of the river to 10.5 in the central part and up to 11.5 in the area of ​​the Kerch Strait. began to rise after the construction of the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric complex. By 1977, the average indicators had risen to 13.8 ppm, in the Taganrog Bay the figures were slightly lower - 11.2. During relatively high humidity, a rapid decrease in salinity was observed. It was 10.9 ‰ in that period. However, by 2000, the figures rose again, stabilizing at 11 ‰. It should be said that in the northern part of the reservoir there is little salt, in contrast to the area adjacent to the Crimea. The Sea of ​​Azov (a map showing the location of the facility is presented below) in this area is rich in self-planting salt. It has been mined since antiquity. Until the end of the 19th century, salt from this area provided almost half of Russia's needs. Greatest value salinity of water reaches in solution - brine of Sivash and other lakes. This is due to intense evaporation from the water surface in summer. All of these hypersaline areas represent the large renewable mineral salt deposits for which the Sea of ​​Azov is known. Russia, having these objects, provides itself with a significant amount of this mineral. Due to their connection with the sea, the composition of their brine is similar to that of sea water. Mostly in the brine there are sulfates and chlorides of magnesium and sodium.


The Sea of ​​Azov is characterized by low transparency. It is different in every season and in different regions. Indicators vary in the range from 0.5 to 8 meters. The low transparency is mainly due to the influx of a large number of riverine muddy waters, rather rapid resuspension of bottom silts during water disturbance, as well as the presence of plankton masses in the reservoir. The lowest rates are noted in There transparency is in the range of 0.5-0.9, in rare cases - 2 meters. The water in this area can change its color from greenish yellow to brownish yellow. In the central part of the reservoir, due to the great depths and under the influence of the Black Sea currents, transparency can range from one and a half to two and a half to eight meters. Here the water has a greenish-blue color. Almost everywhere in the summer there is an increase in transparency. And in some areas, due to the rather rapid development of the smallest animals and plant organisms in upper layers scores drop to zero. And the water becomes bright green. This phenomenon is called "sea bloom".

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