Marya-beauty is a long braid. Marya Krasa Long Braid

Marya Krasa Long Braid. Story!!


ATin a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived, there were a king and a queen.

Andthey had the only daughter, Marya-beauty - long braid.

ANDor they are well and happy. Suddenly a terrible disaster came upon them. A terrible Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails flew into the kingdom-state. With him are two sons of the Serpent. The older one has six heads, the younger one has three.

Wthe Serpent shouted these words:

- FROMListen, king and queen, and all the people! I will burn the whole kingdom with fire, scatter it with ashes. I will tear up all the forests, I will splash all the rivers and lakes, I will trample all the fields, I will trample down the meadows, I will destroy all people! And if you want to be alive, feed me and my sons until death. So that every day by the evening dawn a young girl would be left on Buyan-mountain. For us to eat, for your salvation.

Hwhat to do here? All the people wept bitterly, but there was nothing to be done. Since then, every day in the evening they began to take a young girl, they led her to Buyan-mountain, they chained her to a hundred-year-old oak.

Hsnakes flew around here, they devoured the girl, they threw bones into the lake.

ATAt that time, at that time, the beloved grandson Vanya was with a poor backyard grandmother on the edge of the city.

AtIvan once saw how by the blue sea on the golden sand Marya-beauty, a long braid of round dances, and fell in love with her without memory. Suddenly, the news came that tomorrow the princess would go to the Serpent to be eaten.

ATIvan stood up in the morning, he said to his grandmother:

- GGive me, grandmother, a clean linen shirt, I will go to fight with the fierce Serpent, or I will not be alive, or I will free Marya the princess.

WGrandmother cried here, prepared a linen shirt for him, ran into the garden, brought stinging nettles, and began to weave a second shirt from stinging nettles. Weaves a shirt, she cries from pain.

- ATfrom Vanechka, - says the backyard grandmother, - put on this shirt. The Serpent will bite you, it will burn your tongues.

- XOK, says Ivan.

ATIvan dressed up at the evening dawn. He took a sharp scythe, an iron club, put on a linen shirt, nettle on top, said goodbye to his grandmother and went to Mount Buyan.

FROMstands on Mount Buyan a hundred-year-old oak. At the oak, Marya-krasa - a long braid is chained with a golden chain. She saw Ivan and cried.

- Twhy did you come good fellow? My turn is to accept death, shed hot blood, and why should you disappear for? The Serpent will fly in and devour you.

- Hbe afraid, beautiful girl! Maybe he won't eat it, he'll choke.

PIvan went up to the princess, grabbed the golden chain with a heroic hand, tore it like a rotten rope.

PThen he lay down on the sand, laid his head on Marya-beauty's knees and said:

- II will sleep, princess, a short sleep, and you look at the sea. As soon as a cloud rises, the wind rustles, the sea stirs, wake me up immediately!

WIvan fell asleep with a heroic dream. And Marya-beauty looks at the sea. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred, a three-headed serpent was coming out of the blue wave.

RPrincess Maria woke up Ivan. Only he jumped to his feet, and the Serpent was already right there.

- Ts, Ivan, why did you complain? Pray to God, say goodbye to the white light, but quickly get into my throat yourself, it will be easier for you.

- ATroar, damned Serpent! Don't swallow! You will choke.

FROMIvan grabbed a sharp scythe, swung it all over his shoulder and mowed down all three heads of the Serpent.

Pput on a gray stone, collected three heads, cut out the tongues, hid them in a bag, put the heads under the stone, pushed the body into the sea, fell on the sand himself, fell into a heroic sleep.

FROMtoit Marya-beauty - a long scythe is neither alive nor dead. He doesn't know whether to cry or be happy.

FROMshe ate on the sand, raised Ivan's head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief.

ATa friend sees, the cloud has moved again, the wind has rustled, the sea has stirred. The Serpent climbs from the blue sea, rises to Buyan-mountain.

FROMTala Tsarevna wake Ivanushka. And Ivan sleeps in a heroic dream. The princess grabbed him by the hair.

- Pgrow up! Wake up, Ivanushka! Our death is coming!

TIvan jumped to his feet. The six-headed Serpent saw him, grumbled, snorted.

- ANDAlko me you, good fellow! You are there, there is no taste in you. I'll swallow you without chewing.

- Hnothing, - says Ivan, - maybe you will choke!

FROMIvan grabbed his sharp scythe, swung his arm wide, cut off three heads of the Serpent.

BUTthree heads burn with fire, breathe smoke, burn out their eyes. Marya-beauty grabbed her long braid, began to whip the Serpent's golden braid in the eyes.

Othe Serpent turned towards her. Ivan jumped up here, cut off the remaining three heads of the Serpent, cut out the tongues, hid the heads under a stone, and pushed the torso into the sea.

FROMAm fell on a steep bank, buried himself in the golden sand and fell into a heroic sleep. Marya-beauty lifted his head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief.

ATanother mighty cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred. Out of the sea comes the elder Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails.

ToEach tail beats in its own direction, each trunk sings with its own tune, each head clicks its teeth.

AndMarya, the beauty, was frightened more than ever, and began to wake Ivan.

- ATget up, get up, Ivanushka! The Elder Serpent is coming, he will devour us with you!

FROMpit Ivan deep sleep. The princess cries over him, sheds tears.

- PWake up, wake up, Ivanushka! A Russian person does not meet death lying down, he stands on his feet in front of it!

TIvan woke up, Ivan started up, grabbed a sharp scythe. The nine-headed Serpent flew at him here, screamed, snorted.

- ANDyou are good, and you are good-looking, good fellow, but you will not be alive. I'll eat you, and with bones.

- ATroar, you damned bastard! You will choke. - Ivan shouts to him.

Hthey began to fight in mortal combat. The forest all around staggers, the sand rises in a column, the waves go along the blue sea.

Wmei blazes with fire, smothers with smoke. Ivan oblique mows. The scythe in his hands was red-hot.

FROMIvan chopped off three heads, he cannot overcome two. The Serpent grabbed it with its mouth across the body, but spat it out. The nettle shirt burned his tongue.

PPrincess Marya ran up here, the Snake began to whip with a scythe in the eyes. The Serpent turned in her direction, and then Ivan jumped up, cut off the last two heads of the Serpent, cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea.

Pala Marya Tsarevna at Ivan's feet.

- FROMthank you, Ivanushka! He freed me, he delivered the whole Russian land. You will be my betrothed, father's helper, my mother, my beloved son.

FROMShe took a golden ring from her hand and put it on Ivan's little finger.

BUTIvanushka staggers on his feet, bloody sweat runs down his face. He did not go far, Ivan fell on the edge of the forest on the damp sand, fell into a heroic sleep, - apparently, he was dying to death.

TJust then the tsar’s voivode arrived on a white horse to see what was going on. He is terrible himself, his head is a pod, his arms and legs are a rake.

ATshe walks, Princess Marya sits, next to her, under a stone, the heads of the Serpents are lying. But he did not notice Ivan.

Athe grabbed Princess Marya by the scythe, put her on a horse next to him, brought her into a dense dense forest and let's sharpen the knife.

FROMPrincess Mary asks him:

- Hthen you, kind person are you going to do?

- II'm sharpening my knife, I want to kill you! - The Voevoda answers her.

Wthe princess wept.

- Hcut me, good man! I didn't do anything to you.

- FROMTell your father, - the Governor demands of her, - that I delivered you from death, freed the Russian land from reptiles, swear that you will be my faithful wife, then I will have mercy.

Hnothing can be done, Marya the princess had to give her consent, and, of course, the royal word is an inviolable law. The Voevoda knew well about that. The governor took her to the palace. Brought to the king, snake heads showed.

- ATfrom, - he says, - who delivered you from trouble!

Othe king rejoiced, hugged the governor.

- HThree days later, - he says, - with an honest feast, but for the wedding!

MArya-beauty cries, but is afraid to say a word.

TOnly three days later, Ivan woke up in the evening, he sees that he is alone on Buyan-mountain, there is no Marya the princess near, there are no snake heads under the gray stone.

PIvan went to the city, came to the backyard grandmother. Grandma was happy. He drags pies on the table, drowns a hot bathhouse.

BUT Ivan says:

- Pgo, grandmother, to the city, listen to what people say.

FROMgrandmother ran to the city, listened to what people were saying, turned back, says:

- ANDthere is a rumor among the people that today the king will have a great feast, an honest wedding. Tsar issues Marya-tsarevna for governor. And you thought Ivanushka that she would marry a poor man for you!

AndVanushka washed himself in the bath, put on a clean shirt, became a fine fellow, good-looking, better not! In the evening I went to the palace. There is a feast going on. Guests drink, eat, play all sorts of games.

XThe voivode walks through the upper rooms, swaggering.

- TOthen you, lads, saved from death? You don't say a word across to me now!

MArya the princess sits white as chalk, her eyes are full of tears.

ATIvan took a golden goblet, poured sweet honey into it, lowered it into Golden ring, called the black girl and said:

- Pbow down to Princess Marya, let her drink to the very bottom for the one who saved her from death.

PChernavka brought the goblet to Princess Marya. Marya-krasa drank to the very bottom. A golden ring rolled up to her lips. Tsarevna Marya took it out and was delighted.

- B“Atyushka,” he says, “it was not the one who saved me from death, who sits next to me, swaggers, but he saved me, who stands between the guests, to whom I gave this ring, whom I called my betrothed. Come out here, Ivanushka!

ATIvan went to the middle of the room. Princess Mary came up to him. The guests waved, looking at each other.

ATthe governor jumped, swears:

- BUTx you, sort of! Fool honest people! Whoever killed the Serpent cut off their heads, and dragged them to the palace.

BUTIvan answered him:

- EIf you killed the Serpent, cut off his head, tell me, what is the flaw in the heads?

- Hthere is no flaw in the heads, they are intact. I didn’t hurt him, I didn’t prick him, I cut off his head at once.

PThen they brought the heads of the Serpents from the golbets, Ivan raised the heads of the snakes, opened their mouths.

- ATfrom, - he says, - what a flaw in the heads! They don't have languages! They are in my bag.

Tut Princess Mary came up and said:

- BUThere is my silk handkerchief. It has Ivanushka's blood and sweat on it.

THere the tsar became angry, ordered the voivode to be driven away with whips, and Ivan was married to Marya-beauty-long scythe that same evening.

Tut and the end of my fairy tale, the groom listened, well done, and the girls down the aisle.


In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had their only daughter, Marya-beauty - long braid. They lived well and happily.
Suddenly a terrible disaster came upon them. A terrible Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails flew into the kingdom-state. With him are two sons of the Serpent. The older one has six heads, the younger one has three. The Serpent shouted these words: - Listen, the king and queen and all the people! I will burn the whole kingdom with fire, scatter it with ashes. I will tear up all the forests, I will splash all the rivers and lakes, I will trample all the fields, I will trample down the meadows, I will destroy all people! And if you want to be alive, feed me and my sons until death. So that every day by the evening dawn a young girl would be left on Buyan-mountain. For us to eat, for your salvation.
What to do here? All the people wept bitterly, but there was nothing to be done. From that time on, they began to take a young girl every day in the evening, led her to Buyan-mountain, chained her to a hundred-year-old oak.
Snakes flew in here, devoured the girl, threw bones into the lake.
At that time, at that time, the beloved grandson Vanya was with a poor backyard grandmother on the edge of the city. Once Ivan saw how by the blue sea on the golden sand Marya-beauty - a long braid of round dances led, and fell in love with her without memory. Suddenly, the news came that tomorrow the princess would go to the Serpent to be eaten. Ivan got up in the morning, said to his grandmother:
- Prepare for me, grandmother, a clean linen shirt, I will go to fight with the fierce Serpent - or I will not be alive, or I will free Marya-tsarevna.
Then the grandmother began to cry, prepared a linen shirt for him, ran into the garden, brought stinging nettles, and began to weave a second shirt from stinging nettles. She weaves a shirt, she cries from pain.
“Here,” he says, “Vanechka, put on this shirt. The Serpent will bite you - it will burn your tongues.
“Okay,” Ivan says. Here at the evening dawn Ivan dressed up. He took a sharp scythe, an iron club, put on a linen shirt, nettle on top, said goodbye to his grandmother and went to Mount Buyan.
There is a hundred-year-old oak on Mount Buyan. At the oak Marya-krasa - a long braid is chained with a golden chain. When she saw Ivan, she cried.
- Why did you come, good fellow? My turn is to accept death, shed hot blood, and why should you disappear? The Serpent will fly in and devour you.
- Do not be afraid, beautiful girl! Maybe he won't eat it - he'll choke.
Ivan went up to the princess, grabbed golden chain with a heroic hand, tore it like a rotten rope. Then he lay down on the sand, laid his head on Marya-beauty's knees and said:
- I will sleep, princess, a short sleep, and you look at the sea. As soon as a cloud rises, the wind rustles, the sea stirs, wake me up immediately!
Ivan fell asleep with a heroic dream. And Marya-beauty looks at the sea. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred, a three-headed serpent was coming out of the blue wave. Marya Tsarevna woke Ivan. Only he jumped to his feet, and the Serpent was already right there.
- You, Ivan, why did you complain? Pray to God, say goodbye to the white light, and quickly get into my throat yourself, it will be easier for you.
- You're lying, damned Serpent! Don't swallow! You will choke.
Ivan grabbed a sharp scythe, swung it all over his shoulder and mowed down all three heads of the Serpent. Picked up a gray stone, collected three heads. He cut out his tongues, hid them in a bag, put his head under a stone, pushed his body into the sea, fell on the sand himself, fell into a heroic sleep.
There is Marya-beauty - a long braid is neither alive nor dead. He doesn't know whether to cry or be happy. She sat down on the sand, raised Ivan's head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly he sees: a cloud has moved in, the wind has rustled, the sea has stirred. The Serpent climbs from the blue sea, rises to Buyan-mountain. Princess Ivanushka began to wake up. And Ivan sleeps in a heroic dream.
The princess grabbed him by the hair.
- Wake up! Wake up, Ivanushka! Our death is coming!
Ivan jumped to his feet. The six-headed Serpent saw him, grumbled, snorted.
- I feel sorry for you, good fellow! You are - there is no taste in you. I will swallow you without chewing.
- Nothing, - says Ivan, - maybe you will choke!
Ivan grabbed his sharp scythe, swung his arm wide, cut off three heads of the Serpent. And three heads burn with fire, breathe smoke, burn out their eyes. Marya-beauty grabbed her long braid, began to whip the Serpent's golden braid in the eyes. The snake turned to face her. Ivan jumped up here, chopped off the remaining three heads of the Serpent. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. He himself fell on a steep bank, buried himself in the golden sand and fell into a heroic sleep.
Marya-beauty lifted his head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred. Out of the sea comes the elder Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails. Each tail beats in its own direction, each trunk sings with its own tune, each head clicks its teeth. Marya-beauty was frightened more than ever, she began to wake Ivan.
- Get up, get up, Ivanushka! The Elder Serpent is coming, he will devour us with you!
Ivan sleeps soundly. The princess cries over him, sheds tears.
- Wake up, wake up, Ivanushka! A Russian person does not meet death lying down, he stands on his feet before it! Then Ivan woke up, Ivan started up, grabbed a sharp scythe. The nine-headed Serpent flew at him here, screamed, snorted.
- And you are good, and you are handsome, good fellow! May you not be alive. I'll eat you, and with bones.
- You're lying, you damned bastard! You will choke.
They began to fight to the death. The forest all around staggers, the sand rises in a column, the waves go along the blue sea. The serpent bursts with fire, smothers with smoke. Ivan oblique mows. The scythe in his hands was red-hot. Ivan chopped off seven heads - he cannot overcome two. The Serpent grabbed it across, but spat it out. The nettle shirt burned my tongue.
The snake was in her direction, and then Ivan jumped up, cut off the last two heads of the snake. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. Princess Mary fell at Ivan's feet.
- Thank you, Ivanushka! He freed me, he delivered the whole Russian land. You will be my betrothed, father's helper, my mother - my beloved son. She took off the golden ring from her hand and put it on Ivan's little finger.
And Ivanushka staggers on his feet, bloody sweat runs down his face. Ivan fell on the damp sand, fell into a heroic dream, - apparently, he was mortally tired. Princess Marya sat down beside him, protecting sleep, driving away mosquitoes and flies.
The tsar's voivode rode past on a white horse. He is terrible himself, his head is a pod, his arms and legs are a rake. He sees Princess Marya sitting, Ivan sleeping soundly, heads lying under a stone. He grabbed Princess Marya by the scythe, put her on a horse next to him, brought her into a dense dense forest and let's sharpen her knife. Princess Mary asks him:
What are you going to do, good man?
- I'm sharpening a knife, I want to kill you!
The princess wept.
- Don't cut me, good man! I didn't do anything to you.
- Tell your father that I saved you from death, freed the Russian land from reptiles, promise that you will be my faithful wife, then I will have mercy.
There was nothing to be done, Marya the princess had to give her consent. The governor took her to the palace. Brought to the king, snake heads showed.
“Here,” he says, “who saved you from trouble!”
The king was delighted, hugged the governor.
- In three days, - he says, - with an honest feast and for the wedding!
Marya beauty is crying, but she is afraid to say a word. Only three days later, Ivan woke up in the evening, he sees that he is alone on Buyan-mountain, Marya the princess is not near, there is no gray stone snake heads. Ivan went to the city, came to his grandmother. Grandma was happy. He drags pies on the table, drowns a hot bathhouse. And Ivan says:
- Go, grandmother, to the city, listen to what people say.
Grandmother ran to the city, listened to what people were saying, came back, says:
- There is a rumor among the people that today the king will have a great feast - an honest wedding. Tsar issues Marya-tsarevna for governor. And you thought, Ivanushka, she would marry a poor man!
Ivanushka washed himself in the bathhouse, put on a clean shirt, became a fine fellow, good-looking - better not! In the evening I went to the palace. There is a feast going on. Guests drink, eat, play all sorts of games. The governor walks through the upper rooms, swaggering.
- Who saved you guys from death? You don't say a word to me now!
Princess Mary sits as white as chalk, her eyes are full of tears.
Ivan took a golden goblet, poured sweet honey into it, lowered a golden ring into it, called the black girl and said:
- Bow to Princess Marya, let her drink to the very bottom for the one who saved her from death. The chernavka brought the goblet to Princess Marya. Marya-krasa drank to the very bottom. A golden ring rolled up to her lips. Tsarevna Marya took it out and was delighted.
- Father, - he says, - it was not the one who saved me from death, who sits next to me, swaggers, but he saved me, that stands between the guests, to whom I gave this ring, whom I called my betrothed. Come out here, Ivanushka!
Ivan went out into the middle of the room. Princess Mary came up to him. The guests waved, looking at each other. The governor jumped up, swears:
- Oh, you, sort of! Fool honest people! Whoever killed the Serpent cut off their heads, and dragged them to the palace.
And Ivan answered him:
- If you killed the Serpent, cut off his head, tell me, what is the "flaw" in the heads?
- There is no flaw in the heads - they are intact. I didn’t hurt him, I didn’t prick him, I cut off his head at once.
Ivan raised his serpentine heads, opened his mouth.
- Here, - he says, - what a flaw in the heads! They don't have languages! They are in my bag.
Then Princess Mary came up and said:
- And here is my silk handkerchief. Ivanushka's blood and sweat are on it.
Then the tsar became angry, ordered the voivode to be driven away with whips, and Ivan married Marya-beauty that evening.
Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had their only daughter, Marya-beauty - a long braid. They lived well and happily.

Suddenly a terrible disaster came upon them. A terrible Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails flew into the kingdom-state. With him are two sons of the Serpent. The older one has six heads, the younger one has three. The Serpent shouted these words:

Listen, king and queen and all the people! I will burn the whole kingdom with fire, scatter it with ashes. I will tear up all the forests, I will splash all the rivers and lakes, I will trample all the fields, I will trample down the meadows, I will destroy all people! And if you want to be alive, feed me and my sons until death. So that every day by the evening dawn a young girl would be left on Buyan-mountain. For us to eat, for your salvation. What to do here?

All the people wept bitterly, but there was nothing to be done. From that time on, they began to take a young girl every day in the evening, led her to Buyan-mountain, chained her to a hundred-year-old oak.

Snakes flew in here, devoured the girl, threw bones into the lake.

At that time, at that time, the beloved grandson Vanya was with a poor backyard grandmother on the edge of the city.

Once Ivan saw how by the blue sea on the golden sand Marya-beauty - a long braid of a round dance led, and fell in love with her without memory.

Suddenly, the news came that tomorrow the princess would go to the Serpent to be eaten.

Ivan got up in the morning, said to his grandmother:

Prepare for me, grandmother, a clean linen shirt, I will go to fight with the fierce Serpent - either I will not be alive, or I will free Princess Marya.

Then the grandmother began to cry, prepared a linen shirt for him, ran into the garden, brought stinging nettles, and began to weave a second shirt from stinging nettles. She weaves a shirt, she cries from pain.

Here, - he says, - Vanechka, put on this shirt. The Serpent will bite you - it will burn your tongues.

Okay, Ivan says. Here at the evening dawn Ivan dressed up. He took a sharp scythe, an iron club, put on a linen shirt, nettle on top, said goodbye to his grandmother and went to Mount Buyan.

There is a hundred-year-old oak on Mount Buyan. At the Maryakras oak, a long scythe is chained with a golden chain. When she saw Ivan, she cried.

Why did you come, good fellow? My turn is to accept death, shed hot blood, and why should you disappear? The Serpent will fly in and devour you.

Don't be afraid, pretty girl! Maybe he won't eat it - he'll choke.

Ivan went up to the princess, grabbed the golden chain with a heroic hand, tore it like a rotten rope. Then he lay down on the sand, laid his head on Marya-beauty's knees and said:

I will sleep, princess, a short sleep, and you look at the sea. As soon as a cloud rises, the wind rustles, the sea stirs, wake me up immediately!

Ivan fell asleep with a heroic dream. And Marya-beauty looks at the sea. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred, from the blue wave a three-headed snake was walking.

Marya Tsarevna woke Ivan. Only he jumped to his feet, and the Serpent was already right there.

Why did you complain, Ivan? Pray to God, say goodbye to the white light, and quickly get into my throat yourself, it will be easier for you.

You lie, damned Serpent! Don't swallow! You will choke.

Ivan grabbed a sharp scythe, swung it all over his shoulder and mowed down all three heads of the Serpent. Picked up a gray stone, collected three heads. He cut out his tongues, hid them in a bag, put his head under a stone, pushed his body into the sea, fell on the sand himself, fell into a heroic sleep. There is Marya-beauty - a long scythe is neither alive nor dead. He doesn't know whether to cry or be happy. She sat down on the sand, raised Ivan's head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly he sees: a cloud has moved in, the wind has rustled, the sea has stirred. The Serpent climbs from the blue sea, rises to Buyan-mountain. Princess Ivanushka began to wake up. And Ivan sleeps in a heroic dream. The princess grabbed him by the hair.

Wake up! Wake up, Ivanushka! Our death is coming!

Ivan jumped to his feet. The six-headed Serpent saw him, grumbled, snorted.

I feel sorry for you, good fellow! You are - there is no taste in you. I will swallow you without chewing.

Nothing, - says Ivan, - maybe you will choke!

Ivan grabbed his sharp scythe, swung his arm wide, cut off three heads of the Serpent. And three heads burn with fire, breathe smoke, burn out their eyes. Marya-beauty grabbed her long braid, began to whip the Serpent's golden braid in the eyes. The snake turned to face her. Ivan jumped up here, chopped off the remaining three heads of the Serpent. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. He himself fell on a steep bank, buried himself in the golden sand and fell into a heroic sleep.

Marya-beauty lifted his head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred.

Out of the sea comes the elder Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails. Each tail beats in its own direction, each trunk sings with its own tune, each head clicks its teeth.

Marya-beauty was frightened more than ever, she began to wake Ivan.

Get up, get up, Ivanushka! The Elder Serpent is coming, he will devour us with you!

Ivan sleeps soundly. The princess cries over him, sheds tears.

Wake up, wake up, Ivanushka! A Russian person does not meet death lying down, he stands on his feet before it!

Then Ivan woke up, Ivan started up, grabbed a sharp scythe.

The nine-headed Serpent flew at him here, screamed, snorted.

And you are good, and you are handsome, good fellow! May you not be alive. I'll eat you, and with bones.

You lie, you damned bastard! You will choke. They began to fight to the death. The forest all around staggers, the sand rises in a column, the waves go along the blue sea. The serpent bursts with fire, smothers with smoke. Ivan oblique mows. The scythe in his hands was red-hot. Ivan chopped off seven heads - he cannot overcome two. The Serpent grabbed it across, but spat it out. The nettle shirt burned my tongue.

Here Marya the princess ran up, began to whip the Snake in the eyes with a scythe.

The Serpent turned in her direction, and then Ivan jumped up, cut off the last two heads of the Serpent. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. Princess Mary fell at Ivan's feet.

Thank you, Ivanushka! He freed me, he delivered the whole Russian land. You will be my betrothed, father's helper, my mother - my beloved son.

She took off the golden ring from her hand and put it on Ivan's little finger.

And Ivanushka staggers on his feet, bloody sweat runs down his face. Ivan fell on the damp sand, fell into a heroic dream, - apparently, he was mortally tired. Princess Marya sat down beside him, protecting sleep, driving away mosquitoes and flies.

The tsar's voivode rode past on a white horse. He is terrible himself, his head is a pod, his arms and legs are a rake. He sees Princess Marya sitting, Ivan sleeping soundly, heads lying under a stone. He grabbed Princess Marya by the scythe, put her on a horse next to him, brought her into a dense dense forest and let's sharpen her knife.

Princess Mary asks him:

What are you, good man, going to do?

I'm sharpening my knife, I want to kill you!

The princess wept.

Don't cut me, good man! I didn't do anything to you.

Tell your father that I saved you from death, freed the Russian land from reptiles, swear that you will be my faithful wife, then I will have mercy.

There was nothing to be done, Marya the princess had to give her consent.

The governor took her to the palace. Brought to the king, snake heads showed.

Here, - he says, - who saved you from trouble!

The king was delighted, hugged the governor.

Three days later, - he says, - with an honest feast and for the wedding!

Marya beauty is crying, but she is afraid to say a word. Only three days later, Ivan woke up in the evening, he sees that he is alone on Buyan-mountain, there is no Marya the princess near, there are no snake heads under the gray stone. Ivan went to the city, came to his grandmother. Grandma was happy. He drags pies on the table, drowns a hot bathhouse.

And Ivan says:

Go, grandmother, to the city, listen to what people say.

Grandmother ran to the city, listened to what people were saying, came back, says:

There is a rumor among the people that today the king will have a great feast - an honest wedding. Tsar gives Maryutsarevna as governor. And you thought, Ivanushka, she would marry a poor man!

Ivanushka washed himself in the bathhouse, put on a clean shirt, became a fine fellow, good-looking - better not! In the evening I went to the palace. There is a feast going on. Guests drink, eat, play all sorts of games.

The governor walks through the upper rooms, swaggering.

Who saved you guys from death? You don't say a word to me now!

Princess Mary sits as white as chalk, her eyes are full of tears.

Ivan took a golden goblet, poured sweet honey into it, lowered a golden ring into it, called the black girl and said:

Bow down to Princess Marya, let her drink to the very bottom for the one who saved her from death. The chernavka brought the goblet to Princess Marya. Marya-krasa drank to the very bottom. A golden ring rolled up to her lips. Tsarevna Marya took it out and was delighted.

Father, - he says, - it was not the one who saved me from death, who sits next to me, swaggers, but he saved me, that stands between the guests, to whom I gave this ring, whom I called my betrothed. Come out here, Ivanushka!

Ivan went out into the middle of the room. Princess Mary came up to him. The guests waved, looking at each other. The governor jumped up, swears:

Oh you like that! Fool honest people! Whoever killed the Serpent cut off their heads, and dragged them to the palace.

And Ivan answered him:

If you killed the Serpent, cut off his head, tell me, what is the "flaw" in the heads?

There is no flaw in the heads - they are intact. I didn’t hurt him, I didn’t prick him, I cut off his head at once.

Ivan raised his serpentine heads, opened his mouth.

Here, - he says, - what a flaw in the heads! They don't have languages! They are in my bag.

Then Princess Mary came up and said:

And here is my silk handkerchief. Ivanushka's blood and sweat are on it.

Then the tsar became angry, ordered the governor to drive away with whips, and married Ivan with Marya-beauty - a long scythe that same evening.

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had their only daughter, Marya-beauty - a long braid. They lived well and happily.

Suddenly a terrible disaster came upon them. A terrible Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails flew into the kingdom-state. With him are two sons of the Serpent. The older one has six heads, the younger one has three. The Serpent shouted these words:

Listen, king and queen and all the people! I will burn the whole kingdom with fire, scatter it with ashes. I will tear up all the forests, I will splash all the rivers and lakes, I will trample all the fields, I will trample down the meadows, I will destroy all people! And if you want to be alive, feed me and my sons until death. So that every day by the evening dawn a young girl would be left on Buyan-mountain. For us to eat, for your salvation. What to do here?

All the people wept bitterly, but there was nothing to be done. From that time on, they began to take a young girl every day in the evening, led her to Buyan-mountain, chained her to a hundred-year-old oak.

Snakes flew in here, devoured the girl, threw bones into the lake.

At that time, at that time, the beloved grandson Vanya was with a poor backyard grandmother on the edge of the city.

Once Ivan saw how by the blue sea on the golden sand Marya-beauty - a long braid of a round dance led, and fell in love with her without memory.

Suddenly, the news came that tomorrow the princess would go to the Serpent to be eaten.

Ivan got up in the morning, said to his grandmother:

Prepare for me, grandmother, a clean linen shirt, I will go to fight with the fierce Serpent - either I will not be alive, or I will free Princess Marya.

Then the grandmother began to cry, prepared a linen shirt for him, ran into the garden, brought stinging nettles, and began to weave a second shirt from stinging nettles. She weaves a shirt, she cries from pain.

Here, - he says, - Vanechka, put on this shirt. The Serpent will bite you - it will burn your tongues.

Okay, Ivan says. Here at the evening dawn Ivan dressed up. He took a sharp scythe, an iron club, put on a linen shirt, nettle on top, said goodbye to his grandmother and went to Mount Buyan.

There is a hundred-year-old oak on Mount Buyan. At the Maryakras oak, a long scythe is chained with a golden chain. When she saw Ivan, she cried.

Why did you come, good fellow? My turn is to accept death, shed hot blood, and why should you disappear? The Serpent will fly in and devour you.

Don't be afraid, pretty girl! Maybe he won't eat it - he'll choke.

Ivan went up to the princess, grabbed the golden chain with a heroic hand, tore it like a rotten rope. Then he lay down on the sand, laid his head on Marya-beauty's knees and said:

I will sleep, princess, a short sleep, and you look at the sea. As soon as a cloud rises, the wind rustles, the sea stirs, wake me up immediately!

Ivan fell asleep with a heroic dream. And Marya-beauty looks at the sea. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred, from the blue wave a three-headed snake was walking.

Marya Tsarevna woke Ivan. Only he jumped to his feet, and the Serpent was already right there.

Why did you complain, Ivan? Pray to God, say goodbye to the white light, and quickly get into my throat yourself, it will be easier for you.

You lie, damned Serpent! Don't swallow! You will choke.

Ivan grabbed a sharp scythe, swung it all over his shoulder and mowed down all three heads of the Serpent. Picked up a gray stone, collected three heads. He cut out his tongues, hid them in a bag, put his head under a stone, pushed his body into the sea, fell on the sand himself, fell into a heroic sleep. There is Marya-beauty - a long scythe is neither alive nor dead. He doesn't know whether to cry or be happy. She sat down on the sand, raised Ivan's head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly he sees: a cloud has moved in, the wind has rustled, the sea has stirred. The Serpent climbs from the blue sea, rises to Buyan-mountain. Princess Ivanushka began to wake up. And Ivan sleeps in a heroic dream. The princess grabbed him by the hair.

Wake up! Wake up, Ivanushka! Our death is coming!

Ivan jumped to his feet. The six-headed Serpent saw him, grumbled, snorted.

I feel sorry for you, good fellow! You are - there is no taste in you. I will swallow you without chewing.

Nothing, - says Ivan, - maybe you will choke!

Ivan grabbed his sharp scythe, swung his arm wide, cut off three heads of the Serpent. And three heads burn with fire, breathe smoke, burn out their eyes. Marya-beauty grabbed her long braid, began to whip the Serpent's golden braid in the eyes. The snake turned to face her. Ivan jumped up here, chopped off the remaining three heads of the Serpent. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. He himself fell on a steep bank, buried himself in the golden sand and fell into a heroic sleep.

Marya-beauty lifted his head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred.

Out of the sea comes the elder Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails. Each tail beats in its own direction, each trunk sings with its own tune, each head clicks its teeth.

Marya-beauty was frightened more than ever, she began to wake Ivan.

Get up, get up, Ivanushka! The Elder Serpent is coming, he will devour us with you!

Ivan sleeps soundly. The princess cries over him, sheds tears.

Wake up, wake up, Ivanushka! A Russian person does not meet death lying down, he stands on his feet before it!

Then Ivan woke up, Ivan started up, grabbed a sharp scythe.

The nine-headed Serpent flew at him here, screamed, snorted.

And you are good, and you are handsome, good fellow! May you not be alive. I'll eat you, and with bones.

You lie, you damned bastard! You will choke. They began to fight to the death. The forest all around staggers, the sand rises in a column, the waves go along the blue sea. The serpent bursts with fire, smothers with smoke. Ivan oblique mows. The scythe in his hands was red-hot. Ivan chopped off seven heads - he cannot overcome two. The Serpent grabbed it across, but spat it out. The nettle shirt burned my tongue.

Here Marya the princess ran up, began to whip the Snake in the eyes with a scythe.

The Serpent turned in her direction, and then Ivan jumped up, cut off the last two heads of the Serpent. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. Princess Mary fell at Ivan's feet.

Thank you, Ivanushka! He freed me, he delivered the whole Russian land. You will be my betrothed, father's helper, my mother - my beloved son.

She took off the golden ring from her hand and put it on Ivan's little finger.

And Ivanushka staggers on his feet, bloody sweat runs down his face. Ivan fell on the damp sand, fell into a heroic dream, - apparently, he was mortally tired. Princess Marya sat down beside him, protecting sleep, driving away mosquitoes and flies.

The tsar's voivode rode past on a white horse. He is terrible himself, his head is a pod, his arms and legs are a rake. He sees Princess Marya sitting, Ivan sleeping soundly, heads lying under a stone. He grabbed Princess Marya by the scythe, put her on a horse next to him, brought her into a dense dense forest and let's sharpen her knife.

Princess Mary asks him:

What are you, good man, going to do?

I'm sharpening my knife, I want to kill you!

The princess wept.

Don't cut me, good man! I didn't do anything to you.

Tell your father that I saved you from death, freed the Russian land from reptiles, swear that you will be my faithful wife, then I will have mercy.

There was nothing to be done, Marya the princess had to give her consent.

The governor took her to the palace. Brought to the king, snake heads showed.

Here, - he says, - who saved you from trouble!

The king was delighted, hugged the governor.

Three days later, - he says, - with an honest feast and for the wedding!

Marya beauty is crying, but she is afraid to say a word. Only three days later, Ivan woke up in the evening, he sees that he is alone on Buyan-mountain, there is no Marya the princess near, there are no snake heads under the gray stone. Ivan went to the city, came to his grandmother. Grandma was happy. He drags pies on the table, drowns a hot bathhouse.

And Ivan says:

Go, grandmother, to the city, listen to what people say.

Grandmother ran to the city, listened to what people were saying, came back, says:

There is a rumor among the people that today the king will have a great feast - an honest wedding. Tsar gives Maryutsarevna as governor. And you thought, Ivanushka, she would marry a poor man!

Ivanushka washed himself in the bathhouse, put on a clean shirt, became a fine fellow, good-looking - better not! In the evening I went to the palace. There is a feast going on. Guests drink, eat, play all sorts of games.

The governor walks through the upper rooms, swaggering.

Who saved you guys from death? You don't say a word to me now!

Princess Mary sits as white as chalk, her eyes are full of tears.

Ivan took a golden goblet, poured sweet honey into it, lowered a golden ring into it, called the black girl and said:

Bow down to Princess Marya, let her drink to the very bottom for the one who saved her from death. The chernavka brought the goblet to Princess Marya. Marya-krasa drank to the very bottom. A golden ring rolled up to her lips. Tsarevna Marya took it out and was delighted.

Father, - he says, - it was not the one who saved me from death, who sits next to me, swaggers, but he saved me, that stands between the guests, to whom I gave this ring, whom I called my betrothed. Come out here, Ivanushka!

Ivan went out into the middle of the room. Princess Mary came up to him. The guests waved, looking at each other. The governor jumped up, swears:

Oh you like that! Fool honest people! Whoever killed the Serpent cut off their heads, and dragged them to the palace.

And Ivan answered him:

If you killed the Serpent, cut off his head, tell me, what is the "flaw" in the heads?

There is no flaw in the heads - they are intact. I didn’t hurt him, I didn’t prick him, I cut off his head at once.

Ivan raised his serpentine heads, opened his mouth.

Here, - he says, - what a flaw in the heads! They don't have languages! They are in my bag.

Then Princess Mary came up and said:

And here is my silk handkerchief. Ivanushka's blood and sweat are on it.

Then the tsar became angry, ordered the governor to drive away with whips, and married Ivan with Marya-beauty - a long scythe that same evening.

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done.


In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had the only daughter, Marya-beauty - a long braid. They lived well and happily.

Suddenly a terrible disaster came upon them. A terrible Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails flew into the kingdom-state. With him are two sons of the Serpent. The older one has six heads, the younger one has three. The Serpent shouted these words:

“Listen, king and queen, and all the people! I will burn the whole kingdom with fire, scatter it with ashes. I will tear up all the forests, I will splash all the rivers and lakes, I will trample all the fields, I will trample down the meadows, I will destroy all people! And if you want to be alive, feed me and my sons until death. So that every day by the evening dawn a young girl would be left on Buyan-mountain. For us to eat, for your salvation. What to do here?

All the people wept bitterly, but there was nothing to be done. From that time on, they began to take a young girl every day in the evening, led her to Buyan-mountain, chained her to a hundred-year-old oak.

Snakes flew in here, devoured the girl, threw bones into the lake.

At that time, at that time, the beloved grandson Vanya was with a poor backyard grandmother on the edge of the city.

Once Ivan saw how by the blue sea on the golden sand Marya-beauty drove a long braid of a round dance, and fell in love with her without memory.

Suddenly, the news came that tomorrow the princess would go to the Serpent to be eaten.

Ivan got up in the morning, said to his grandmother:

- Prepare for me, grandmother, a clean linen shirt, I will go to fight with the fierce Serpent - or I will not be alive, or I will free Marya-tsarevna.

Then the grandmother began to cry, prepared a linen shirt for him, ran into the garden, brought stinging nettles, and began to weave a second shirt from stinging nettles. She weaves a shirt, she cries from pain.

“Here,” he says, “Vanechka, put on this shirt.” The Serpent will bite you - it will burn your tongues.

“Okay,” Ivan says. Here at the evening dawn Ivan dressed up. He took a sharp scythe, an iron club, put on a linen shirt, nettle on top, said goodbye to his grandmother and went to Mount Buyan.

There is a hundred-year-old oak on Mount Buyan. At the Maryakras oak, a long scythe is chained with a golden chain. When she saw Ivan, she began to cry.

- Why did you come, good fellow? My turn is to accept death, shed hot blood, and why should you disappear? The Serpent will fly in and devour you.

"Don't be afraid, beautiful girl! Maybe he won't eat it - he'll choke.

Ivan went up to the princess, grabbed the golden chain with a heroic hand, tore it like a rotten rope. Then he lay down on the sand, laid his head on Marya-beauty's knees and said:

- I will sleep, princess, a short sleep, and you look at the sea. As soon as a cloud rises, the wind rustles, the sea stirs, wake me up immediately!

Ivan fell asleep with a heroic dream. And Marya-beauty looks at the sea. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred, from the blue wave a three-headed snake was walking.

Marya Tsarevna woke Ivan. Only he jumped to his feet, and the Serpent was already right there.

- You, Ivan, why did you complain? Pray to God, say goodbye to the white light, and quickly get into my throat yourself, it will be easier for you.

- You're lying, damned Serpent! Don't swallow! You will choke.

Ivan grabbed a sharp scythe, swung it all over his shoulder and mowed down all three heads of the Serpent. Picked up a gray stone, collected three heads. He cut out his tongues, hid them in a bag, put his head under a stone, pushed his body into the sea, fell on the sand himself, fell into a heroic sleep. There is Marya-beauty - a long scythe is neither alive nor dead. He doesn't know whether to cry or be happy. She sat down on the sand, raised Ivan's head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly he sees: a cloud has moved in, the wind has rustled, the sea has stirred. The Serpent climbs from the blue sea, rises to Buyan-mountain. Princess Ivanushka began to wake up. And Ivan sleeps in a heroic dream. The princess grabbed him by the hair.

- Wake up! Wake up, Ivanushka! Our death is coming!

Ivan jumped to his feet. The six-headed Serpent saw him, grumbled, snorted.

“I feel sorry for you, good fellow!” You are - there is no taste in you. I will swallow you without chewing.

“Nothing,” Ivan says, “maybe you’ll choke!”

Ivan grabbed his sharp scythe, swung his arm wide, cut off three heads of the Serpent. And three heads burn with fire, breathe smoke, burn out their eyes. Marya-beauty grabbed her long braid, began to whip the Serpent's golden braid in the eyes. The snake turned to face her. Ivan jumped up here, chopped off the remaining three heads of the Serpent. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. He himself fell on a steep bank, buried himself in the golden sand and fell into a heroic sleep.

Marya-beauty lifted his head, put it on her knees, wiped the sweat with a silk handkerchief. Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred.

Out of the sea comes the elder Serpent with nine heads, nine trunks, nine tails. Each tail beats in its own direction, each trunk sings with its own tune, each head clicks its teeth.

Marya-beauty was frightened more than ever, she began to wake Ivan.

- Get up, get up, Ivanushka! The Elder Serpent is coming, he will devour us with you!

Ivan sleeps soundly. The princess cries over him, sheds tears.

- Wake up, wake up, Ivanushka! A Russian person does not meet death lying down, he stands on his feet before it!

Then Ivan woke up, Ivan started up, grabbed a sharp scythe.

The nine-headed Serpent flew at him here, screamed, snorted.

- And you are good, and you are handsome, good fellow! May you not be alive. I'll eat you, and with bones.

"You lie, you damned bastard!" You will choke. They began to fight to the death. The forest all around staggers, the sand rises in a column, the waves go along the blue sea. The serpent bursts with fire, smothers with smoke. Ivan oblique mows. The scythe in his hands was red-hot. Ivan chopped off seven heads - he cannot overcome two. The Serpent grabbed it across, but spat it out. The nettle shirt burned my tongue.

Here Marya the princess ran up, began to whip the Snake in the eyes with a scythe.

The Serpent turned in her direction, and then Ivan jumped up, cut off the last two heads of the Serpent. He cut out his tongues, hid his heads under a stone, pushed his body into the sea. Princess Mary fell at Ivan's feet.

- Thank you, Ivanushka! He freed me, he delivered the whole Russian land. You will be my betrothed, father's helper, my mother - my beloved son.

She took off the golden ring from her hand and put it on Ivan's little finger.

And Ivanushka staggers on his feet, bloody sweat runs down his face. Ivan fell on the damp sand, fell into a heroic dream, - apparently, he was mortally tired. Princess Marya sat down beside him, protecting sleep, driving away mosquitoes and flies.

The tsar's voivode rode past on a white horse. He is terrible himself, his head is a pod, his arms and legs are a rake. He sees Princess Marya sitting, Ivan sleeping soundly, heads lying under a stone. He grabbed Princess Marya by the scythe, put her on a horse next to him, brought her into a dense dense forest and let's sharpen her knife.

Princess Mary asks him:

What are you going to do, good man?

"I'm sharpening my knife, I want to kill you!"

The princess wept.

"Don't cut me, good man!" I didn't do anything to you.

- Tell your father that I saved you from death, freed the Russian land from reptiles, promise that you will be my faithful wife, then I will have mercy.

There was nothing to be done, Marya the princess had to give her consent.

The governor took her to the palace. Brought to the king, snake heads showed.

“Here,” he says, “who saved you from trouble!”

The king was delighted, hugged the governor.

- In three days, - he says, - with an honest feast and for the wedding!

Marya beauty is crying, but she is afraid to say a word. Only three days later, Ivan woke up in the evening, he sees that he is alone on Buyan-mountain, there is no Marya the princess near, there are no snake heads under the gray stone. Ivan went to the city, came to his grandmother. Grandma was happy. He drags pies on the table, drowns a hot bathhouse.

And Ivan says:

- Go, grandmother, to the city, listen to what people say.

Grandmother ran to the city, listened to what people were saying, came back, says:

- There is a rumor among the people that today the king will have a great feast - an honest wedding. Tsar gives Maryutsarevna as governor. And you thought, Ivanushka, she would marry a poor man!

Ivanushka washed up in the bathhouse, put on a clean shirt, became a good-looking fine fellow - better not! In the evening I went to the palace. There is a feast going on. Guests drink, eat, play all sorts of games.

The governor walks through the upper rooms, swaggering.

- Who saved you guys from death? You don't say a word to me now!

Princess Mary sits as white as chalk, her eyes are full of tears.

Ivan took a golden goblet, poured sweet honey into it, lowered a golden ring into it, called the black girl and said:

- Bow to Marya the Princess, let her drink to the very bottom for the one who saved her from death. The chernavka brought the goblet to Princess Marya. Marya-krasa drank to the very bottom. A golden ring rolled up to her lips. Tsarevna Marya took it out and was delighted.

“Father,” he says, “it was not the one who saved me from death, who sits next to me, swaggers, but he saved me, who stands between the guests, to whom I gave this ring, whom I called my betrothed. Come out here, Ivanushka!

Ivan went out into the middle of the room. Princess Mary came up to him. The guests waved, looking at each other. The governor jumped up, swears:

- Oh, you are like that! Fool honest people! Whoever killed the Serpent cut off their heads, and dragged them to the palace.

And Ivan answered him:

- If you killed the Serpent, cut off his head, tell me, what is the flaw in the heads?

- There is no flaw in the heads - they are intact. I didn’t hurt him, I didn’t prick him, I cut off his head at once.

Ivan raised his serpentine heads, opened his mouth.

- Here, - he says, - what a flaw in the heads! They don't have languages! They are in my bag.

Then Princess Mary came up and said:

- And here is my silk handkerchief. Ivanushka's blood and sweat are on it.

Then the tsar got angry, ordered the voivode to drive away with whips, and married Ivan with Marya-beauty - a long scythe that same evening.

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done.

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