Change clocks to daylight saving time. When will the transition to summer time take place in Russia and Ukraine (2015)

Approximately 100 countries around the world change their clocks every year to improve the use of daylight and save energy. This transition occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. To do this, on the last Sunday in March, the clocks are set one hour ahead of the time in force in this time zone. And every last Sunday of October - the arrows return an hour ago, resuming standard time.

Will the clock be changed in 2015 in Russia?

At the end of the first month of spring, many Russians are concerned about the important question “Are the clocks being changed to summer time this year?". By order of the President Russian Federation YES. Medvedev, on March 27, 2011, the Russians moved their clocks forward an hour and finally switched to a constant time - "summer time". Nevertheless, this innovation failed, because in fact this time calculation did not correspond to the geographical one. So, in some regions of Russia, "summer" time was ahead of standard time by an hour, and in some - by as much as two.

This discrepancy in geographical time caused many problems and inconveniences. Therefore, in 2014, it was decided to change the current time calculation, and on the night of October 26, in 80 of the 85 regions of the country, the clock hands were moved back an hour. Thus, the Russians last time switched to "winter" time, which has now become permanent. In other words, in the spring of 2015, we do not change clocks.

When do they change clocks in other countries?

In 2015, most countries in Europe, America and Asia will move the time forward by an hour, that is, to "summer" time on the night of March 28-29. The transfer to "winter" time in most countries of the world will take place on the last Sunday of October - on the night of the 24th to the 25th. What time do you need to change the clock at night? The official time change occurs at 3 am.

Why do they change the time on the clock?

Even in ancient civilizations, the rational use of the light part of the day was practiced. So, for example, in Ancient Rome the day was divided into 12 parts, regardless of its duration. To do this, the famous Roman water clock had special marks that differed for each month of the year. So, in winter, one "hour" lasted only 44 minutes, and in summer - as many as 75.

AT modern history Benjamin Franklin was the first to introduce "daylight saving time", who considered it an unacceptable waste to use more candles in winter. After him, J. Hudson and W. Ulliet came up with the same idea. But on a global scale, for the first time, the clocks were switched to "summer" time only during the First World War, which, undoubtedly, was due to the urgent need to save energy resources.

But as shown latest research psychophysiologists, the constant change in time calculation negatively affects people's health. The main danger lies in the violation of natural biological rhythms. Especially such a restructuring is harmful to people aged, in particular, those suffering from cardiovascular and neurological diseases. Even a young organism needs a long adaptation to the "new" time. It is for this reason that many countries eventually abandoned the unnatural transition, and their citizens no longer worry about when, where and at what time it is necessary to set the clock.

The idea of ​​changing the clock originated in the 17th century, when Benjamin Franklin, during his trip to Paris, saw that people use a lot of candles and thought that changing the time, even if only by one hour, would help them save a lot of resources.

In 2017, the transition to winter time will take place on the night of October 29, from Saturday to Sunday, Dialog.UA reports. Ukrainians need to turn the clock hands back one hour at 04:00 am. It is worth noting that many people, in order not to get up so early, move the arrows back the night before while going to bed.

In 1916, Germany and France were among the first to officially switch clocks from summer to winter time and vice versa. Today, more than 100 countries do this.

Experts explain that shifting clocks enables people to work longer and still use as little artificial light as possible.

In turn, doctors say that the transfer of clocks to winter time has a very negative effect on the human body and is harmful to health.

Two-thirds of the countries in the world do not translate arrows depending on the time of year (see infographic). Although in different years about 50 countries experimented with the translation of arrows, but over time they abandoned this. For example, Chile, stretching for 6.5 thousand km from north to south, introduced and canceled summer time four times, returning it for the last time in 2016.

Felix Bushuev, a researcher at the Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory, explained to Segodnya that the clock change makes economic sense precisely in our mid-latitudes, where daylight hours in winter and summer differ by almost half - 8 hours in winter and 16 hours in summer.

Near the equator (zero latitude) and 3300 km north and south of it, where day and night are almost the same, there is no economic sense in setting the clock. This explains why there is a change of time in Europe, the USA and Canada, but it is not in the countries Latin America, Africa, South-East Asia. Until 2015, the clocks were changed in Russia, but they refused, leaving winter time forever.

Our country lives according to Kyiv time, which corresponds to the 2nd time zone (+2 hours from Greenwich Mean Time, taken as a reference point). Although geographically 5% of the territory “falls out” of this zone: part of the Transcarpathian region falls into the 1st time zone, and Luhansk and part of Kharkov and Donetsk - into the 3rd.

Therefore, according to Bushuev, when it is 12:00 in Kyiv, then in Luhansk "by the sun" it should be 12:40, and in Uzhgorod - only 11:35. Because of this, in the eastern regions people are dissatisfied with summer time, as it gets light at 3 am, and in the western regions with winter time, because of which it is still dark at 9 am.

It is believed that early rise in summer and late in winter reduces the consumption of electricity in the country. According to economists, the savings are up to $1 per Ukrainian per year, or about $40 million per year (0.15% of the state budget).

But the doctors are against it. Corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Vasily Lazoryshinets says that "winter" time is more acceptable for human body because it matches his biological rhythms. Cores and “owls” suffer the most from the change in timekeeping.

The issue of changing clocks in October 2015 became very topical, as completely conflicting information. Those who regularly watch the news will remember that in the fall of 2014, the last time in the history of the clock was announced for winter time. The Russian government responsibly declared that there would be no more manipulations with time.

When was time translation first introduced?

Initially, they began to translate time in Europe. This was necessary to save resources in connection with the First World War. The reform was well received, as in winter, when daylight hours were reduced, people could go without lights for longer. At the same time, in the summer, the work schedule was also built to suit the needs of peasants and workers. It got dark an hour later, but dawned early enough.

In 1917, the system of summer and winter time was introduced in Russia. It was used until 2011. Then came into force a decree on the abolition of the transition to an hour back and back, which was signed by the current President Dmitry Medvedev. Similar initiatives have been tried before, for example, in 1991.

In 2019, there will be no arrow translations, as the country has switched to standard time and the need for constant transitions has disappeared.

Benefits of winter time

The last clock change was made by the inhabitants of Russia in the middle of autumn 2014. Then the clock hands were moved back 60 minutes - and according to the season, the time became winter. It operates on the territory of our country and in this moment. Now there are no prerequisites for the fact that a different time will be introduced or the time translation will be returned twice a year, as it was before.

From the point of view of astronomy, the current calculation is closest to the natural astronomical regime of day and night. From the position of physiology, it is the closest to human biorhythms. Therefore, it was worth initially dwelling on it. However, in 2011, the summer mode was mistakenly selected daylight hours as final. This negatively affected the health and well-being of Russians.

Why Daylight Savings Time Isn't Good for Humans

The translation of the clock initially meant moving the hands twice a year, but after the start of the reform, it was decided to stop at the summer version. First of all, the immunity of people suffered from this. Doctors recorded an increase in the number of people with a cold, and there was also a fairly serious outbreak of influenza throughout the country. This was due to a significant decrease in immunity.

The reason for this was the lack sunlight especially in the morning hours. Waking up with the first rays of the sun is a natural process for a person. Sunlight activates all body systems. It fills people with energy, sets them in a working mood and gives vigor. If there is not enough morning sunlight, then the human psyche and immunity will suffer first of all. Due to the reduction of daylight hours, people also experience a decrease in mood.

The experts also recommended that the start of classes in schools and other educational institutions be half an hour later. Such a transfer of time will not be complete, but in autumn and winter this initiative would be useful for increasing concentration and, accordingly, for increasing academic performance. Possibly rescheduled calls educational institutions will be the next time-related reform.

Why doctors are against seasonal time

From a medical point of view, the current state of affairs (in 2019) is ideal. In summer, there is enough sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D, and in winter, the beginning of the working day falls at the time when it starts to get light outside.

Changing the clock can cause desynchronosis and it can take up to a month to adapt to the transition to seasonal time. In addition to the standard inconveniences - being late and losing orientation in time - constant changes can cause:

  • violations of sleep and rest in both adults and children;
  • the need to reconsider the lifestyle (up to a change in a comfortable biorhythm);
  • exacerbation of nervous and cardiovascular diseases in the elderly.

Indeed, according to statistics, the number of heart attacks and strokes at the end of March and October dropped significantly after the time switch was canceled. For example, in 2017, the death rate during the spring months dropped significantly. It is not yet known whether the autumn will be as successful in terms of diseases and deaths, but in general the situation has become more positive.

What is rhythm mismatch

All of the above negative points caused by a mismatch of human biological rhythms. In 2017, large-scale studies of this physiological deviation were carried out. Each person has his own specific mode of sleep and vigor, in which he is most comfortable living. Residents of megacities and just people who work or study, and so very often “break” their biorhythm and adjust it to the required activity schedule.

To date, three types of biological rhythms have been identified. All people are divided into the following groups:

  • “owls” are active in the evening and late at night, so they prefer to go on vacation late and get up closer to lunch time;
  • "larks" - active during daylight hours, so they prefer to wake up with sunrise and fall asleep early;
  • "Doves" - people for some reason combining both of the above groups.

The last variety of people with a floating or artificially adjusted schedule is the most vulnerable from the point of view of medicine. Their sleep and rest regimen is most often dictated by circumstances, therefore it is not optimal. In 2019, it will become easier for such people to live, since they no longer need to manipulate the translation of the arrows. It is easier to endure the change of seasons and changes in daylight hours not only for “pigeons”, but also for “larks”, since winter time is the most physiological for them.

Almost all Russians experienced the consequences of a mismatch of rhythms:

  • increasing irritability;
  • low performance;
  • insomnia;
  • decrease in concentration;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

On the night of October 25-26, clocks throughout Russia were switched to constant winter time. At 2.00 Moscow time, the inhabitants of the country moved the arrows back an hour. After that, the time will not change. Due to the translation of the arrows, the owners of gadgets on the Android system may suffer. And brokers on the Moscow Exchange will be able to win, for whom it will be more convenient to trade securities

Constant winter time was returned to Russia on July 1, 2014. Then the State Duma amended the law "On the calculation of time." July 22 Russian President Vladimir Putin law.

According to the law, the country was supposed to switch to winter time on October 26 at 2.00 Moscow time. At the same time, there are no plans to change clocks in the future, and there will be no spring transition to summer time.

The number of time zones in Russia has also been increased. Now they are not nine, but ten. This was done taking into account the approximation to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zones. The new time zone is ahead of Moscow time by one hour, and the Udmurt Republic and Samara Region. Time in adjacent regions can no longer differ by more than one hour.

During the transition to winter time, devices operating on operating system Android. About this a few days ago at Google. The company said owners would have to manually reset the watch. “Unfortunately, your Android will not be able to automatically reset the clock to the new time. And this may mean, for example, that your alarm clock will ring an hour later than necessary. We know this can be inconvenient and we apologize,” the company said in a press release.

Google recommended taking precautions in advance. "To prevent you from being late for your scheduled meetings and events, we recommend that you turn off the "Web date and time" and "Network time zone" functions in the settings and set the correct settings manually," the press release said.

Moscow brokers operating on the Moscow Exchange can benefit from the transition to winter time. “With Russia switching to winter time and increasing the time of crossing the trading day between Russia and London, Moscow brokers will be more comfortable working with international investors, and international participants will be able to trade on the Moscow Exchange. All this should lead to an increase in the liquidity of trading in Russian securities”, - Anna Kuznetsova, Managing Director for the Stock Market of the Moscow Exchange, RBC.

However, according to her, the effect of the clock change will not be noticeable until March 2015.

The transition to winter and summer time was canceled in the summer of 2011 at the initiative of Dmitry Medvedev. After that, Russia began to live according to constant summer time. At the same time, the number of time zones in Russia was reduced from 11 to nine. Medvedev explained his initiative by saying that changing the clock is stressful for the human body. "I'm not talking about the unfortunate cows and other animals that do not understand the translation of the clock and do not understand why milkmaids come to them at a different time," he said.

In the spring of 2012, Vladimir Putin announced that the government might reconsider this decision. However, the bill promptly prepared in the State Duma was not considered. In 2013, the Supreme Court was approached by several public organizations, who demanded the abolition of daylight saving time, but they were refused.

Switching to winter/summer time is a process familiar to many countries. For many years, Russians, Ukrainians and other peoples moved the clock forward or backward twice a year. The reason for this is the desire to save state. budget and normalize the synchronism of human biorhythms with time periods.

Are clocks switched to winter time in Russia in 2015? On October 26, 2014, the Russians turned the arrows back an hour for the last time. In the spring of 2015, this procedure was no longer repeated, because summer time was considered unacceptable due to a large gap with biological time. When do the clocks switch to winter time 2015 in Russia? In 2015, Russia will not switch to winter time.

Winter time is optimal for the usual way of life of the average person. But this is far from the only reason for this decision. The rejection of the fact of transition to daylight saving time is also dictated by:

  • violations nervous system and sleep patterns due to frequent transitions;
  • difficult transfer by children of dark morning hours;
  • failure in the stability of the usual way of life;
  • danger for the elderly and patients with cardiovascular diseases;
  • general negative influence such on human health.
  • Fortunately, the government has reached a consensus and henceforth the position of the arrow on the clock will not be deliberately changed. They no longer change clocks to winter time. In 2015, Russia will remain on winter time. However, nothing should be surprising. The State Duma loves to improve the lives of ordinary people.

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