Captain's daughter Grinev's love for Masha arguments. Composition on the topic: Grinev's love for Masha in Pushkin's novel The Captain's Daughter

>Compositions based on the work The Captain's Daughter

Composition on the topic: Grinev's love for Masha

The story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" touches not only on the theme of honor and loyalty, the theme of the peasant uprising, but also on the theme of love of the protagonist.

Seventeen-year-old Pyotr Grinev comes to serve in the Belogorsk fortress, where Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov was the commandant. Mironov lived permanently in the fortress with his wife and daughter Masha. At the first meeting with Mironov's daughter, Peter saw a girl "about eighteen years old, chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind her ears," she did not make a big impression on him, because Shvabrin called her a complete fool, and her mother said, that Masha, a stupid coward, from volleys of guns, almost fainted. But over time, Grinev realized that Masha is a very modest, sincere and prudent girl, with her simplicity and sincerity, she won the heart of Peter. he wrote poetry for her and decided to show Shvabrin, but he only laughed and advised her to buy a pair of earrings for her, then he would immediately achieve favor. Peter, as a man of honor, could not tolerate such conversations towards the girl and challenged Shvabrin to a duel, which ended with his injury. While he was lying wounded, Masha looked after him, did not leave him a single step. Peter realized that he loved her very much and confessed his feelings, Masha reciprocated and said that her parents would be happy with her happiness. But their plans for a happy marriage did not come true. they faced many difficulties.

At first, Peter's father did not allow him to marry, and Masha could not marry without the blessing of her parents, then Emelyan Pugachev captured the fortress and killed Masha's parents. Grinev had to leave the fortress, and Masha, after the horror she experienced, fell ill with a fever. Already in Orenburg, Grinev received a letter from Masha, in which she wrote that Shvabrin kept her locked up on water and bread, thus forcing her to marry him. she asked Peter for help. The general did not want to lead his soldiers to liberate the Belogorsk fortress, and Peter went alone to save Masha, since he could not leave his beloved in trouble. On the way, he met Pugachev and spoke about his misfortune, Emelyan promised to save the orphan. When they arrived at the fortress, Pugachev learned from Shvabrin that Masha was the daughter of the captain, who did not want to go over to their side and was killed for this. Pugachev pardoned Masha anyway, but she did not even know how to accept such a release, because Pugachev was the murderer of her parents. Peter sends Masha to his parents, and he remains to serve further, but soon Pugachev was caught and it would seem that now no one can interfere with their happiness, but Peter is arrested as Emelyan's accomplice. And here the firmness of Masha's character and her determination are revealed. She proves her love for Peter, goes to the empress to secure the release of Peter, and everything works out for her.

The theme of love in the poetry of A.S. Pushkin.

© Aksenovskaya Z.E.

"Captain's daughter".

In 1836, at the end of his life, A.S. Pushkin wrote one of the most beautiful works - "The Captain's Daughter". He seems to be fulfilling his promise given in the lyrical digressions of the 3rd chapter of "Eugene Onegin":

Perhaps, by the will of heaven,

I will stop being a poet

A new demon will take over me...

I will stoop to despicable prose;

Then romance in the old way

Will take my cheerful sunset.

But I'll just tell you

Traditions of the Russian family,

Love captivating dreams

Yes, the customs of our antiquity.

(Wrote A.S. Pushkin in 1824).

Pushkin is married. He had a large family, for the well-being of which he is responsible before God. Now life has posed new questions for him: what should be the relationship between family members? What is the role of the father in the family? what is the role of mother? how to raise children? what is the family for, its purpose?

He answered all these questions in The Captain's Daughter. But after all, even before this novel, there was a book that gave detailed answers to many of these questions - this is Domostroy. And we feel that Pushkin has studied it. The poet owns the words: "A genius at one glance reveals the truth." And with the foresight of a genius, having seen its essence, its rational grains and, consequently, the Orthodox point of view on the family (the basis of "Domostroy" is the teaching of the Holy Fathers about the family, household), he creates his own view of the family in the work "The Captain's Daughter".

G. Fedotov in one of his articles he said that "the longer Pushkin lives, the deeper the Christian seeds germinate in him." He wrote the novel "The Captain's Daughter" on the eve of his death (in three months), and it seems to me that it is this work that is "the most Orthodox" by A. S. Pushkin.

Father theme.

It is impossible not to notice that one of the most important themes in The Captain's Daughter is the theme of the Father, his role in the family.

Let's turn to Christianity, how does it say about the father?

The Heavenly Father appears, first of all, as a merciful Father, infinitely loving and forgiving. People also say this: He is long-suffering and merciful.

"The Lord is not slow in fulfilling his promise, as some consider slowness; but he is patient with us for a long time, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance"

God is a loving Father. He is unusually close to us, but we must turn to Him with perfect reverence and awe - Thy will be done! Christianity speaks of the Creator's vertical relationship to the creature, to man.

It is this attitude that we see in the Grinev family from the father to the household: what the father said is the final and irrevocable decision, and is not subject to discussion. Moreover, it is accepted in advance as the only correct and fair by both the son and the mother. Without the blessing of his father, Peter does not undertake a single fateful act. (No departure for the service, no marriage).

Yes, and in another family - the Mironovs - the same way. When it became clear to everyone that the case brewed by Pugachev was taking a sharp turn, Vasilisa Yegorovna said: "Ivan Kuzmich, God is free in the stomach and in death: bless Masha. Masha, come to your father." And in this family, the father is the head. Dinner doesn't start without him.

Both families of this work have vertical relationships. Exactly what they should be, according to Pushkin. An interesting fact is that after the wedding of A. S. Pushkin, his mother-in-law, Natalya Ivanovna, tried to take control of his family into her own hands. But she did not succeed, and thus Pushkin proved that a man is the master of the house. He also believed that the father's blessing was especially important.

Why is the father's blessing necessary? What does it mean?
In the book of Sirach we read;

"The blessing of the father establishes the houses of the children" (Sirach 3:9).

"Do not look for glory in the dishonor of your father, for the dishonor of your father is not glory to you. The glory of a man is from the honor of his father." (Sirach 3:10).

The blessing of the father, as we see, has great power.

So, Pushkin's opinion coincides with the truths of the Bible.

The husband is the head of the family, not because he is a man, but because he is the image of Christ in the family. The father should show the image of boundless love, devoted, selfless love, love that is ready to do anything to save, protect, comfort, delight, educate his family.

Failure to understand the role of the father as the vicar of the Heavenly Father, responsible before God for the family, leads to a distortion of all spiritual life, and, as a result, family life.

"The Captain's Daughter" also gives an answer to the question of what is the role of the mother in the family.

Mother's Theme.

If the father is the Vicar of God on earth, then the prototype for a woman is the Mother of God. Such an understanding was among the people.

Pushkin's attitude to the Mother of God was complex. I remember the creative spring of 1821. It occupies a special place, in my opinion, in the history of his work.

Holy Week 1821 fell between April 5-11. It was an anxious week: the poet wrote "Rebekah" and the program of a blasphemous poem, full of sensuality and shamelessness. This poem is known as "Gavriliad", since her hero is the archangel Gabriel. There are 500 lines in the poem, part of it is carefully finished, which means that it was not written right away, not at a stroke, although there is not a single draft, not a single autograph has reached us. The poet then destroyed everything. He will write: "Incomprehensible excitement drew me to the evil one."

The demons swirled, the poet swirled in this fateful Holy Week. Although at the same time he wrote the bright "Muse" and suddenly, interrupting "important hymns, inspired by the gods", drowning out "to the high love", other, giggling voices burst into his singing, small demons flicker around him.

A year and a half later, he sent this joke to P. Vyazemsky, among other "dirty things." Vyazemsky was delighted with the "Gavriliad" and wrote: "Pushkin sent me one of his beautiful pranks." And he is not alone, but many enthusiastic Russian readers of Voltaire's flat, obscene "Virgin", "Love Adventures in the Bible" and "War of the Gods" Guys accepted and approved of "Gavriliad" as a funny joke. They would not tolerate jokes about liberal ideas, but it was allowed to make fun of the Mother of God.

In "Gavriliade" for the last time the remnants of the original French literary influences, the frivolous atheism, among which Pushkin's literary youth passed, showed themselves for the last time.

The last lines of this poem sound like a terrible prophecy. These lines are especially terrible for us, who know what death awaited the poet:

But the days are flowing, and the time is gray

Silently silver my head

And an important marriage with a kind wife

Will unite me before the altar;

Joseph is a wonderful comforter!

I beg you, on bended knee,

Oh, horned protector and guardian,

Please bless me then.

Grant me blessed patience

I beg you, send me again and again

Peaceful sleep, confidence in the spouse,

Peace in the family and love for the neighbor.

Like demons, grimacing and laughing, in a magic mirror, vaguely outlined before the poet his own future. And he laughed with them, not knowing that he was laughing at himself. But, as you know, "what you laugh at, you will serve."

In 1828, the Gavriliad case arose, and there is something terrible in the fact that a blasphemous poem forced a sincere, honest Pushkin to lie, humiliate, renounce - a Pushkin who never renounced political poetry, even the most harsh.

In 1826, when the poet had already created "Prophet" he suddenly writes "" You are the Mother of God, there is no doubt ..." Not without wit, he beats the image of a woman who aroused love for herself. She gives birth to Cupid, the god of love, therefore becomes a "Mother of God." to the true Mother of God. Why such insensitivity? Why does the poet, who had "a classical sense of proportion and an unerring artistic taste" (I.A. Ilyin) no desire to stop. Unfortunately, there is still no true reverence at the thought of God, of the spiritual. Although in the fairy tale "About the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" the princess "likes such a meek one."

In a poem "Madonna"(1830) Pushkin draws the Mother of God and Her Child as follows:

She is with greatness, He is with reason in his eyes -

Looked, meek, in glory and rays

My wishes have been fulfilled. Creator

He sent you down to me, you, my Madonna.

Yes, he loves Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova. Yes, she is beautiful, but in her juxtaposition of comparison
makes almost blasphemous. The final line of the sonnet sounds false:

The purest beauty, the purest pattern

The word "charm" in the dictionary IN AND. Dalia given in the following interpretation:

seduction, charm, which seduces to the highest degree; deceit, temptation, cunning, deceit, cunning, seduction from an evil spirit.

Pushkin's word "charm" sounds in a positive sense.

Here is the background to this issue. But in Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter, the view of the Mother of God is that of an absolutely Orthodox person. To be convinced of this, let us turn to the Life of the Mother of God.

The Mother of God possessed many Virtues, but the highest of them are three: the deepest humility, fiery love for God, bodily and spiritual purity.

If the mother possesses these qualities, then peace, tranquility, prosperity, and order will reign in the house. According to Domostroy, there was a clear division of responsibilities in the family, a division of labor between spouses. In "Domostroy" she is the mistress of the house, so many women were characterized by "strong courage and immutable mind - qualities, of course, masculine, which is why they could firmly manage another house - Russia. Russian history shows the strong Russian character of both Princess Olga and Martha Posadnitsy.But the last word in the family was still with the father.He had the right to punish, exercised general leadership in the house.

There are two families in the novel. Let's see what is the role of the mother in the family.

The Green family.

In the Grinevs' house, the mother takes care of the household. We find her cooking jam, literally on the very first pages.

When a husband needs his son's passport, he turns to his wife, she knows where and what lies, the house should be in order.

The basis of life was work, hence the sharp condemnation of laziness, idleness, drunkenness - everything that distracts from work.

Peter is in his seventeenth year, and he is still chasing pigeons and playing kite. The father abruptly changes his way of life: "so that he does not hang out."

The thought of an imminent parting "struck my mother so much that she dropped the spoon into the saucepan, and tears flowed down her face." She knew her husband's character well: "he did not like either to change his intentions or to postpone their execution." But, as we see, Peter also knew this, he knew and respected his father for this. "His word did not disagree with the deed." The day of Petrusha's departure was also appointed. He, as expected, everything was prepared for the journey, his mother took care of it. Seeing off her son, "in tears" punished him to take care of his health. This shows us her humility.

When Pyotr Andreevich "loaded himself" in the Simbirsk tavern, Savelich read him an admonition: "... And who did you go to? It seems that neither father nor grandfather were drunkards; there is nothing to say about mother: ... they didn’t deign to take anything with their mouths ... " Savelich's remark is also a characteristic of Peter's parents.

Let us recall one more episode where we see the role of the mother in the Grinevs' house: "Laundress Palashka ... and the cow maid Akulka," as Pyotr Grinev writes in his memoirs, "complaining with tears about the monsieur who had seduced their inexperience, threw themselves at mother's feet, apologizing in criminal weakness." And he continues: “Mother didn’t like to joke about this and complained to the father” (remember, only the father could punish). To remain silent in such a situation, not to punish, is to indulge immorality. This is how the image of Pyotr Grinev's mother looms quite clearly on individual strokes. Every family has children. Raising children is hard work. The theme of education is also in the Gospel.

We know four Gospels, but there are only a few phrases belonging to the Mother of God in them.

First episode. When Jesus was 12 years old, they came to Jerusalem for a feast. At the end

holiday returned home. He was not among relatives and friends. Not finding Him, they returned to Jerusalem looking for Him. They found Him three days later "in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking Him; ... And His Mother said to Him: Child! What have You done to us? Behold, Your father and I have been looking for You with great sorrow" [Luke . 2,45,48].

But in the Grinev family there is a similar episode. Having learned about the wound in a duel with Shvabrin, the father writes in a letter to his son: "Your mother, having learned about your duel, fell ill and is now lying." And also the lines: "What will become of you? I pray to God that you correct yourself, although I do not have hope for His great mercy."

The mother fell ill at the thought that her son could be killed. Perhaps a no less terrible thought flashed through: "Have you gone astray from the true path?" Peter's parents, too, probably mentally exclaimed: "Child! What have you done to us?"

We see great maternal love, but also filial love. Having received a letter from his father, Peter says: "... what upset me most of all was the news of my mother's illness." He always says the word "mother" in relation to her. Yes, and her father calls her that, which means that he loves, regrets, with all the severity, even the severity of his character.

The whole life of the Mother of God was spent in anxiety for the Son. Let's remember the next episode from Her life.

After a forty-day fast, the Lord returned to Galilee. He taught in the synagogues and was glorified. He also came to Nazareth, where he was brought up, and also taught in the synagogue. But the envious scribes and Pharisees began to argue among themselves: what is this new teaching? We know this Teacher. He is the son of a carpenter, a Galilean. Ridicule and curses fell on Him. Jesus rebuked them. Their hearts were filled with rage, they drove Jesus out of the city and took him to the top of the mountain to overthrow him from there. At this time, the Mother of God was in Nazareth, she hurried there. From the furious cries and angry faces of the Nazarenes, the Mother of God realized what horrors threaten Her Son. But His hour has not yet come. Jesus passed unharmed between them, and withdrew from Nazareth.

Tradition also indicates the place of the event: this mountain is located on the south side of Nazareth. And on the upper ledge, by the zeal of the first Christians, in memory of the torment suffered by the Mother of God here, the "Church of the Frightened Mother" was built.

Each mother can be placed on such a "Church of a frightened mother." Including the mother of Peter Grinev.

The most terrible event of the entire life of the Virgin Mary is the crucifixion of the Son, Her standing before the Cross. The Gospel of John says: "His Mother stood at the Cross of Jesus, and the mother's sister..." There is no indication anywhere that she uttered even a word. Numb with suffering, she was silent and watched. Are there any words with which She could console Her Son, besides, She knew that He was born for this hour. But church poetry says that the lips of the Mother whispered: “The world rejoices, accepting deliverance from you, and My womb lit at form, how crucified You... » The Mother of God always suffered in silence. Silently suffer - this was her destiny on earth. Sometimes they say about the cause of death like this: he bled out. So the Mother of God had an eternal procession of invisible martyrdom.

Each mother has her own Golgotha, for the Grinev family it is the news of her son's betrayal.

When the Grinevs' parents received news that Peter had been arrested for participating "in the plans of the rebels" and that only "out of respect for the merits and advanced years of his father" Catherine II pardoned Peter and ordered him to be exiled "to a remote region of Siberia for an eternal settlement, everyone was tormented. The rumor about him The arrest "struck everyone ... the family," and his father "almost killed this unexpected blow."

Peter's mother weeps in silence, in front of her father she "did not dare to cry," "to restore his vigor," "frightened by his despair." When the torments of the heart are unbearable, one wants so much to scream, moan, cry out loud. And here is such a situation that mothers cannot even cry. Then at such moments you burn with unquenchable fire.

It is the words of the Mother of God "My womb lit" best, most accurately reflect the state of the mother of Pyotr Grinev.

As you can see, the correlation between the life of the Mother of God and a simple Russian woman is obvious.

Mironov family.

The story shows another family - the Mironov family.

Pyotr Andreyevich Grinev came to serve in the Belogorsk fortress, came to Captain Mironov to introduce himself, to report on his arrival: "I entered a clean room, decorated in the old way."

He seemed to have fallen into his native element. There was no captain, and Vasilisa Yegorovna, his wife, ordered everything. For her, a fortress is a home. She manages all household affairs: "She looked at the affairs of the service as if they were her master's, and managed the fortress as accurately as her own house." She ordered to call the constable and ordered: "Maksimych! Take the officer's apartment, but cleaner ... Take Pyotr Andreevich to Semyon Kuzov." He immediately turns to him with the question: "Well, Maksimych, is everything all right?"

Everything, thank God, is quiet, - answered the Cossack, - only Corporal Prokhorov had a fight in the bath with Ustinya Negulina for a gang of hot water. It immediately asks:

Ivan Ignatich! - said the captain to the crooked old man. - Analyze Prokhorov with Ustinya, who is right, who is wrong. Yes, punish them both.

The advice is correct: both are always to blame for a quarrel.

She herself punishes Grinev and Shvabrin for the duel. Ivan Ignatich says: "She ordered everything without the knowledge of the commandant."

Shvabrin coolly remarked that only Ivan Kuzmich could judge them, "that's his business." The commandant's wife objected: "... isn't husband and wife one spirit and one flesh?"

Grinev was accepted ... "as a native." The fortress has a domestic hierarchy of values. The rhythm of everyday life is dictated by "shchi" and "guests". Vasilisa Yegorovna says to Palashka: "Tell the master: the guests are waiting, cabbage soup will get cold." Dinner doesn't start without a father. The head of the house and here is the father. At dinner, Vasilisa Yegorovna did not stop for a minute and said to Pyotr Grinev: “But we, my father, have only one soul, Palashka; yes, thank God, we live a little. One misfortune: Masha; a dowry? a fine comb, and a broom, and an altyn of money (God forgive me!), with which to go to the bathhouse. Well, if there is a kind person; otherwise, sit in your girls as an eternal bride." It seems that they live very calmly, but this is an apparent calmness. Vasilisa Yegorovna said aloud what her soul ached every day. And she, as we see, lived in constant anxiety for the fate of her daughter.

In calm times, the fortress was "ruled" by Vasilisa Yegorovna. But when the fortress was besieged by Pugachev, when things took a sharp turn and when the bullets began to whistle past her ears, she subsided, turned to her husband and said: "Ivan Kuzmich, God is free in the stomach and death: bless Masha. Masha, come." Then she says: “Let’s send Masha. And don’t ask me in a dream: I won’t go. There’s no reason for me to part with you in my old age, but to look for a lonely grave on a foreign side. Live together, die together.”

AnthonySurozhsky wrote that for the sake of her husband, the wife must "leave everything, forget everything, break away from everything out of love for him and follow him wherever he goes, if necessary, even to suffering, if necessary - to the Cross."

So did Vasilisa Yegorovna.

So, there are two families in The Captain's Daughter.

In both parents' marriages were made for love. Vasilisa Egorovna and Avdotya Vasilievna were women, wives, mistresses, mothers.

Pyotr Grinev's father "married the girl Avdotya Vasilievna Yu., the daughter of a poor nobleman." A poor woman is usually not forced to marry. They lived in harmony. Married a girl. Pushkin emphasized. He has every word in its place.

Blessing his daughter, Captain Mironov said: "If there is a kind person, God give you love and advice. Live as we lived with Vasilisa Yegorovna." And in this family love, peace reigned, held on to love for each other.

But this family world began with the image of a girl who later becomes a faithful wife. Let's see how and in what way the author of the work draws the image of a girl.

For the first time we see Masha Mironova through the eyes of Pyotr Grinev: "A girl of eighteen years old, round-faced, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, entered her." Burning ears speak of her modesty. Further we read: "At first glance, she did not really ... like it." Grinev, because Shvabrin described her as "a complete fool." She went in "sat down in a corner and began to sew." And Masha was brought up not as an idler. And as a conclusion, his words sound: "I found in her a prudent and sensitive girl." By that time, he had developed his own view of the girl. "Prudence", according to Dahl, is prudence in words and deeds, worldly wisdom, useful caution and prudence. "Sensitive" - ​​impressionable, who has sharp feelings, highly developed moral feelings, again according to Dahl.

Pyotr Andreevich marries a dowry. But Savelich is right when he says, "that such a bride does not even need a dowry." Her prudence, her purity, chastity, the fire of her love for God - this is her best dowry.

The purity of the body is extraordinarily extolled by the saints. It is no coincidence that "the Lord, Jesus Christ desired to have His Pure Mother, putting on Her pure flesh, as in royal purple," according to the words of the church fathers.

The feat of virginity, chastity, about which the monk SeraphimSarovskiy He spoke as about the highest feat, in our days it acquires a special beauty. "Virginity is the highest virtue of all the virtues. And even if they had a lack of other good deeds, then it alone would be enough for all the other virtues as a substitute - virginity is a condition equally angelic", Masha possessed purity of soul and body - these are the features of the Mother of God. She also has a fiery love for God.

Marya Ivanovna is firm in her faith, like a flint. The poor girl is wooed by Shvabrin, "a smart man, and of a good surname, and has a fortune." But she does not marry him. Why? Here is her answer: “... but when I think that it will be necessary to kiss him under the crown in front of everyone ... No way! for no welfare!” She, a beggar, does not want to receive material well-being at such a price. In the face of God, people lie that he loves the unloved! She does not want impurity, insincerity of heart. She wants to be clean not only in body and soul, but also in her mouth. At first, Peter's father did not give his son his blessing for marriage with the captain's daughter: after all, he did not know then what kind of treasure this girl was. And she refused to marry Grinev without the blessing of his parents, keeping Peter from sin too. Then she tells him: "I, if you love another ... I will pray for you." Notice "for you", not "for you". This is an example of pure, high Christian love. She never said a word across to her parents. Pushkin emphasizes her humility, meekness, purity of soul and body, chastity, ardent love for God, that is, Masha has the features of the Mother of God. And for her purity, the Lord rewards her with prudence - prudence, and the gift of reasoning is given to those "who are pure in heart, body and mouth" ("Ladder"). The Church Fathers say that "humility is the ability to see the truth." And she was given it. She gives a correct assessment of Shvabrin, saying about him: "He is very disgusting to me, but it's strange: for nothing in the world I would not want him to like me either." She saw his anger.

Pushkin thus wants to say that the parents of Masha Mironova fulfilled their task, their parental destiny, raising a wonderful daughter.

Pushkin, when he was about to marry Natalya Nikolaevna, also asked his parents for blessings:

"I ask for your blessing, not as a mere formality, but because it necessary for our happiness. May the second half of my life bring you more comfort than my sad youth."

As you can see, he came to understand the need for this. But he also understood something else: the power of a mother's prayer. His letters to his wife very often ended with the words:

"Christ is with you, my children... I kiss and baptize Masha, Sasha the redhead, and you. day you pray, standing in the corner. (July 14, 1834)

“I thank you for praying to God on your knees in the middle of the room. I pray little to God and hope that your pure prayer is better than mine, both for me and for us” (August 3, 1834).

And these were not just ritual words, but an expression of genuine feelings. With relatives, dear people, Pushkin did not play with words, especially such ones: he knew their price too well.

Let's look at the next episode. Marya Ivanovna went to St. Petersburg "to seek protection and help from strong people, like the daughter of a man who suffered for his loyalty." Peter's mother prayed for her son, for the successful completion of the case. There is nothing higher than a mother's prayer. And she helps her son. It is said: a mother's prayer will reach from the bottom of the sea. So they say only about the prayer of the mother. He transferred his understanding of his mother's prayer to the pages of the story.

And. BUT. Ilyin writes:

“Pushkin searched and studied all his life ... And what he found, he found not only abstract reflection, but his own being. Himself became what he taught to be. He taught not teaching, and not wanting to teach, but becoming and embodying.

Recall: "marriage is a kind of asceticism, renunciation. A strict, religious, moral marriage is only a slightly softened monasticism - monasticism alone or with children as disciples," wrote K. Leontiev.

In the church, crowns are worn over the heads of the couple, these crowns are symbols of martyrdom. Martyrdom because a person decides to live for another, stepping over his egoism and refusing to live for himself. And this is not for one day, but for a lifetime.

After all, love is a desire, a desire to give yourself everything to another. This is exactly how Pushkin understood marriage.

This is precisely what the eminent Russian philosopher emphasizes in his article on Pushkin. AT. FROM. Solovyov.

O education.

In "The Captain's Daughter" the theme of education is clearly visible. Let us hear what the Fathers of the Church have to say about this.

"Everything for parents should be secondary in comparison with caring for the upbringing of children," he taught. JohnChrysostom.

A. S. Pushkin wrote from Mikhailovsky to his brother:

"Do you know my occupations? I write notes before dinner, I have dinner late; after dinner I ride, in the evening I listen to fairy tales - and thereby reward the shortcomings of my accursed upbringing. What a charm these fairy tales are." (1824, November). We know that Pushkin did not receive a proper upbringing in childhood.

He will again say: "Lack of education is the root of all evil." (He judges, apparently, about this from his own experience).

But in the story, the parents work and the children were brought up to be hardworking. The Mironovs' house is always clean, daughter Masha knew how to sew.

In the Grinevs’ house, the mother is always at work, but they didn’t spoil their son either, they didn’t want him to grow up as an idler, and they sent him to the service.

"Education ... should tell the child a new way of life. Its main task is not to fill the memory and not to educate the intellect, but to kindle the heart," he said And. BUT. Ilyin, wonderful Russian philosopher, about the purpose of education.

The parents in both families were believers and raised their children like that: they lit the hearts of their children with the fire of great love for God. In all difficult moments, all members of the Grinev family live, trusting in the mercy of God. But Pushkin, at the end of his life, came to the same idea: main task families is education children in God, believers and living on laws God.

UpbringingatGrinev plays a very important role. The main thing in the family is the father (as already noted), and his order is part of the upbringing of Pyotr Grinev. Pyotr Andreevich never disobeys his parents, and this shows us his prudence. An excellent example for the son is his father himself, who was a "respectable man", as the general calls him. His parents from early childhood took care of the upbringing of their son. They hire a French teacher for him, so that he will be brought up no worse than others. But, having learned about the tricks of Monsieur Beaupré, his father immediately removes him from the teenager. By this he intuitively follows the truth of the Gospel: "Do not be deceived: bad associations corrupt good morals. .

Illustrative examples that the upbringing of children in the families of the Grinevs and Mironovs really succeeded, again we find in the story:

When Peter was arrested, they put a chain on his feet and chained it tightly, he realized that such a beginning did not bode well, and therefore, “he resorted to consoling all those who mourn and, for the first time, tasting the sweetness of prayer poured out from a pure but torn heart, calmly I fell asleep, not caring about what would happen to me. Completely surrendered to the will of God. Peter in critical moments always relies only on God. When Pugachev occupied the fortress, hanged the commandant of the fortress, Ivan Ignatievich, it was Peter's turn. When Pugachev gave the command: "Hang him!", Peter "began to read a prayer to himself, bringing sincere repentance to God for all sins and praying to Him for the salvation of all those close to my heart." Peter loves his father very much. He has a dream: he came "to the manor's yard ... of the estate." He even worries in his sleep: "My first thought was the fear that the priest would not be angry with me for involuntarily returning under the roof of my parents and would not consider it for deliberate disobedience." This is not the fear of punishment, this is the fear of losing the love of the father.

Pyotr Grinev, when he sent Masha to his family, did not worry about her fate, because he knew that she would be received by his parents "with that sincere cordiality that distinguished the people of the old century. They saw the grace of God in that they had the opportunity to shelter and caress the poor orphan." He speaks so highly of his parents. Being away from home, he understood what his parents were like.

They also love God in the Mironov family. Blessing his daughter, the father gives Masha an order: "Pray to God: he will not leave you."

After the death of her father and mother, left homeless, without a piece of bread, “having neither relatives nor patrons,” she writes in a note to Pyotr Grinev: “God was pleased to suddenly deprive me of my father and mother” ... We, the current ones, when we have trouble, we perceive everything differently - as a punishment, and only ask: "Lord, why did You punish me?! Why me?" We grumble, and she thanks God for the suffering. Maria Ivanovna trusts God so much that she always and in everything relies on His love, knowing that He does everything for the good of man. This often strikes the modern reader. Pushkin understood everything correctly: we must thank God for both sorrow and joy.

When Ivan Kuzmich was late for dinner, Vasilisa Yegorovna said to him: "... I would sit at home, but pray to God, it would be better ..."

That is, one faith is enough and everything will be fine - it was Pushkin who first expressed this idea. It will be expressed later F. M. Dostoevsky as a summary of his thoughts:

"The Russian people are all in Orthodoxy. There is nothing more in them and in them - and there is no need, because Orthodoxy is everything."

This is also said NicholasVasilevichGogol in "Selected places from correspondence with friends":

"This Church (Orthodox) ... alone is able to resolve all ... our questions."

The love of Masha and Peter passed the test of life. For the sake of Masha, he travels from Orenburg to the camp of Pugachev in order to rescue her from Shvabrin. But she also agreed to die rather than be Shvabrin's wife. They worthily went through all the trials that fell to the lot of everyone, and deserved each other, because people say that a good husband or wife must be earned.

The parents of Masha and Peter did their duty, but they, in turn, raised good children.

"Their offspring prosper in the Simbirsk province."

This is how it should be, for the Lord Himself instills faith in a person with the words:

“I was young and old and did not see the righteous left, and his descendants asking for bread: every day he has mercy and gives loans, and his offspring will be a blessing.”

[Ps. 36, 25-26]

In the epilogue of the novel, it is precisely about the prosperity of the descendants. Peter and Masha had children, and the serfs had only three hundred souls, which are now owned by ten people, but they live together and prosper.

Grandchildren continue to develop the traditions of their fathers. They are kind, they themselves offered the author the diary of his grandfather, having heard that he was going to write about those times. They also keep Catherine's letter, where praise is given to "the mind and heart of the captain's daughter." One can be proud of Catherine's praise, for she was a good connoisseur of people (according to AT. O. Klyuchevsky).


So, in "The Captain's Daughter" there are three images of a woman. In three images - the fate and model of the Russian woman in the concept of Pushkin. From the bride (Masha Mironova) to the wife who will go to Calvary for the sake of her husband (Vasilisa Egorovna). Isn't this his view of a woman, a family, the upbringing and future of children.

"The Captain's Daughter", in my opinion, Pushkin's great repentance before the Mother of God and his last forgiveness to his already departed mother.

Once Pushkin said this about the Gospel: “There is a book by which every word is interpreted, explained, preached in all corners of the earth, applied to all possible circumstances of life and events of the world.” In the story, he just showed us the correlation of the fate of a Russian woman with the fate of the Mother of God, the main milestones, stages of Her life - these are milestones, stages of the fate of any woman: a girl, pure in soul and body, modest; when she marries, becoming a wife and mother, she begins her eternal procession of martyrdom with invisible blood: “Child! What have You done to us!”, “My womb is on fire!”, “The Church of the Frightened Mother.”

And this correlation is obvious, moreover, it is one of the criteria for assessing women's destinies.

Final thoughts on the topic.

With the poet, we experienced pure youthful love with its heart trembling with fear and trembling with delight; And the numbness of the lips from the greatness of the grief of unrequited love; but also the fullness of happiness, where

And deity, and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love;

As well as jealousy to the gnashing of teeth and self-denial in the name of the happiness of your beloved: “... may God grant you to be loved by others” the way you were loved by me.

Life is complicated, it confronted the poet with the problem of a love triangle, that is, “freedom of feelings”. Pushkin told us that the freedom of feelings will always paint life in tragic tones, and offered a solution to the problem, salvation: "I will be faithful to him for a century," that is, the fulfillment of duty. The decision is correct, because the poet suffered through suffering, in a struggle with his conscience, with his passionate heart.

He is against such love, when only the lust of the body is satisfied, when "everything goes into the body", he is for real, pure, high love. Beauty is purity.

In recent years, he has praised girlish purity. Moreover, he warns readers that love, which serves only to satisfy lust, perverts the nature of man, his nature, which we are witnessing today.

How modern is Pushkin! We all want to put it somewhere on the far shelf, but it does not move away into the academic wilderness. He is alive, always modern, and in his versatility and genius, our eternal companion and mentor.

The writer with his brilliant story "The Captain's Daughter" answered a lot of questions (they are indicated at the beginning of the work). But I would like to draw attention to the fate of the Russian woman in the work. We clearly see its correlation with the life of the Mother of God and Her destiny. The milestones and stages of her life are the milestones and stages of the life of an earthly woman: girlhood with its spiritual and bodily purity, meekness and humility; life in marriage, almost equal to monastic asceticism, full of anxiety, tragedy, when lips often, parched with grief, whisper: “Child! What have You done to Us?”, “My womb is on fire…” Every woman has her own Golgotha, and every woman can have her own Church of the Frightened Mother.

Of course, we all understand that the Son of the Mother of God atoned for the sins of the world and the sufferings of the Mother of God are immeasurable. It is blasphemous even to compare the torments of the Mother of God and the torments of a simple woman. We bear only our sins, but because of our weakness, this burden seems terrible and unbearable to us.

The words spoken by the Mother of God at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee: “What will He say, then do” is the crown, the reward for any mother. But not every mother can say them about her son, but only the one who raised a wonderful person.

"The Captain's Daughter", I think, is Pushkin's great and modest repentance of the Mother of God, and the last "forgive" her.


    Hieromonk Philadelph "The Zealous Intercessor", M., Russian Spiritual Center, 1992 ..

    Goricheva T. Christianity and the modern world. St. Petersburg, "Aletheia", 1996

    Ilyin I.A. "Prophetic vocation of Pushkin" (article)

    Nepomniachtchi V. Poet and fate. M., "Soviet writer", 1983

    A.A. Akhmatova Article about Pushkin

Mood now - average

I’ve piled up an essay on the Captain’s daughter :) take it to whoever needs it!))

In the name of love.

The novel "The Captain's Daughter" tells about the dramatic events of the 70s of the 18th century, when the discontent of the peasants and residents of the outskirts of Russia resulted in a war led by Emelyan Pugachev. Initially, Pushkin wanted to write a novel dedicated only to the Pugachev movement, but the censorship would hardly have let him through. Therefore, the main storyline is the love of the young nobleman Pyotr Grinev for the daughter of the captain of the Belogorsk fortress, Masha Mironova.

In The Captain's Daughter, several storylines develop simultaneously. One of them is the love story of Peter Grinev and Masha Mironova. This love line continues throughout the novel. At first, Peter reacted negatively to Masha due to the fact that Shvabrin described her as "a complete fool." But then Peter gets to know her better and discovers that she is "noble and sensitive." He falls in love with her and she loves him back too.

Grinev loves Masha very much and is ready for a lot for her sake. He proves this more than once. When Shvabrin humiliates Masha, Grinev quarrels with him and even shoots himself. When Peter is faced with a choice: to obey the general’s decision and stay in the besieged city, or to respond to Masha’s desperate cry “you are my only patron, intercede for me, poor!”, Grinev leaves Orenburg to save her. During the trial, risking his life, he does not consider it possible to name Masha, fearing that she will be subjected to humiliating interrogation - "it occurred to me that if I name her, the commission will demand her to account; and the thought of entangling her between vile tales villains and bring her herself to a confrontation ... ".

But Masha's love for Grinev is deep and devoid of any selfish motives. She does not want to marry him without parental consent, thinking that otherwise Peter "will not have happiness." From a timid "coward" she, by the will of circumstances, is reborn into a resolute and steadfast heroine who managed to achieve the triumph of justice. She goes to the court of the Empress to save her beloved, to defend her right to happiness. Masha was able to prove Grinev's innocence, loyalty to his given oath. When Shvabrin wounds Grinev, Masha nurses him - "Maria Ivanovna did not leave me." Thus, Masha will save Grinev from shame, death and exile just as he saved her from shame and death.

For Petr Grinev and Masha Mironova, everything ends happily, and we see that no vicissitudes of fate can ever break a person if he is determined to fight for his principles, ideals, love. An unprincipled and dishonest person who does not know a sense of duty often expects the fate of being left alone with his vile deeds, meanness, meanness, without friends, loved ones and just close people.

Publication date: 09/11/2017

Argument for the final essay on the topic "Courage and cowardice"

A literary example of courage based on the story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Possible theses:

Being brave means not letting fear get the better of you.

The brave is not the one who is not afraid, but the one who does not succumb to fear

A man's courage can be judged by his actions.

The courage of a person is shown only in critical situations.

The hero of A. S. Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter" can also be described as a brave person. Father always tried to raise Petrusha as a real man, and when the young man was sixteen years old, he decided to send him to serve in the Belogorsk fortress "to sniff gunpowder and pull the strap." At parting, Andrey Grinev gave his son an instruction: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age."

By the will of fate, the young man turned out to be a member of the "Pugachevshchina". When the Belogorsk fortress was captured and the hero ended up in the hands of a Don Cossack, he faced a choice: to save his life by violating the oath of allegiance to the state, or to be executed. Was Grinev scared? I think yes. But still, Peter, without hesitation, answered Pugachev that he was a natural nobleman and swore allegiance to the empress, therefore he could not serve the robber: “My head is in your power: let me go - thank you; you execute - God is your judge; and I told you the truth,” concluded the young officer. The persistence of Peter struck the Cossack, and he pardoned the stubborn young man.

Courage is manifested in all spheres of human activity, in all situations. But is courage needed in love? It seems to me that the answer to this question is obvious.

A man in love will never take the first step towards his soul mate without having the courage. When people are going to get married, it seems that there is such a thing, because it's just a wedding and nothing else. But in fact, this is a huge act that requires courage from a person.

After all, you will spend the rest of your life with this person. But I want to say more: love is the cause of courage.

In The Captain's Daughter, Petrusha risks himself saving his beloved Masha from Pugachev's gang. All that moved him at that moment was love. When a person loves, he is capable of great feats.

Another example is Gogol's Taras Bulba. The protagonist Taras responded to the cry of his son, who was executed. Yes, Taras risked himself, but he could not even help his son, at first glance. But actually it is not. Ostap needed his father's support. And Taras Bulba showed it to his son, showing his boundless love for his son.

Courage is needed not only to do great things. But also to love.

Updated: 2017-10-23

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