Composition: Eugene Onegin - Encyclopedia of Russian life. Eugene Onegin - encyclopedia of Russian life

The novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies a central place in the work of A.S. Pushkin. This is the largest work of the poet, the most famous, it is in most influenced the development of Russian literature.

The novel was given eight years of hard work (1823-1831). This is the most fruitful period of Pushkin's work. The fact that the poet worked on "Eugene Onegin" long years played a role. Time passed, significant events took place in the world, in the country, in the life of the writer himself. The novel was already finished by the one, and not by the person who started it.

“The work of Pushkin, who created the first Russian novel, and even in verse, is enormous,” wrote Belinsky.

Why a verse novel? The poetic form has a much stronger effect on the reader than prose, the beauty of the narrative is achieved through a strict form. The novel is characterized by aphorism, figurative and metaphorical recreation of life, musicality.

Belinsky called "Eugene Onegin" "an encyclopedia of Russian life in Pushkin's time." According to the critic, for the first time in Russian literature, with such breadth and truthfulness, an entire historical era. Many were amazed by the critic's formulation: what kind of an encyclopedia is this if the whole novel is devoted to a secular dandy and his entourage in St. Petersburg and in the countryside? The very concept of "encyclopedia", which evoked heavy weighty volumes in the mind, seemed to conflict with this small work, which, however, turned out to be "many heavier volumes." Pushkin's novel in terms of concrete historicism, in terms of the breadth of coverage of Russian life and the scale of the ethical, social, national problems was and remains, perhaps, the most unique, but also the most mysterious phenomenon of all Russian literature.

The portrait of the era is formed in the novel from many details and details, among which such incomparable, at first glance, things as the circle of reading and routine are equally important. rural life, life of a young Petersburger and the song of peasant girls, features of upbringing and education and fashion of that time, objects of Russian import and export and mysteries of nature, creative biography the author and the “science of tender passion”, different faces of Russian nature and the tragedy of Napoleon in front of burning Moscow. Something Pushkin throws in passing, as if by the way, and on the other he deliberately lingers in order to attract the reader's attention. But, repeating after Anna Akhmatova the words about Pushkin - “the author of irreplaceable words”, we agree that in the picture of Russia created by the poet, there is nothing insignificant, everything is important and essential.

Of course, the main place in the novel is given to Onegin, Lensky, Tatyana and Olga. It was in them, as Belinsky wrote, that “the Russian society to one of highlights its development." The main characters of the novel, belonging to the same class, nevertheless carry a different content load: Onegin is a typical Petersburger who received a traditional upbringing and, despite bright personality leading a traditional way of life for his environment. Lensky is a poet, a romantic who "brought the fruits of scholarship from foggy Germany." Tatyana, "Russian in soul", is an original and strong female nature, which nevertheless absorbed all the "habits of sweet old times." Olga is almost a child of nature, if it were not for the narrow-mindedness and vulgarity of the circle to which she belongs. Only by combining the fates of the characters in the novel, forcing them to interact, the author could give a generalized portrait of the Russian nobility early XIX century. All the impressions own life Pushkin comprehends in the novel both in the form of lyrical confessions, lyrical digressions, and in the description of the fate of the characters.

However, the details of the life of the main characters cannot escape even the most inattentive reader, but they are far from exhausting the encyclopedic nature of the novel.

Already in the first chapter, entirely devoted to Onegin, we learn about the repertoire of the Russian theater (“Magic land! There, in his youth, the satire is a bold ruler, Fonvizin shone, a friend of freedom, and the receptive Knyazhnin.”, and Ozerov, and Katenin, and Kornel .), and about the work of a peddler, cab driver, and about Adam Smith, whose books he is fond of main character, and about imports to Russia (“Everything that scrupulous London sells for a plentiful whim, that they carry to us along the Baltic waves for wood and fat”), and about many little things in everyday life, without which it is impossible to consider historically accurate depiction of life in its many faces.

Life local nobility written in no less detail and precisely:

She traveled to work

Salted mushrooms for the winter,

Conducted expenses, shaved foreheads,

I went to the bathhouse on Saturdays

The servants were angry.

However, not only Tatyana's mother is presented in such detail in the novel, but also the entire environment of the Larins, and not only the neighbors of the landowners, but also the peasants, whose life largely coincides with the life of the owners:

They kept in a peaceful life

Sweet old habits.

They have oily Shrovetide

There were Russian pancakes...

The naivety and simplicity of rural life touches the poet's soul, but does not at all arouse sentimental exclamations in him and do not obscure from Pushkin all the inertia and immobility of this measured life.

And besides St. Petersburg and the countryside, there is also Moscow, which is included in the plot of the novel primarily as a bride fair, where Tatyana is being taken. But the author expands the plot framework, reminding readers of the feat of Moscow in 1812:

How often in sorrowful separation,

In my wandering destiny

Moscow, I thought about you.

But even this is not enough. Pushkin creates a brilliant portrait of the Moscow nobility, all imbued with associations with the famous Griboedov's Moscow. Relying on the reader, who, of course, will remember this "old model" sung by Griboyedov, Pushkin puts a whole layer of Moscow society into one stanza:

But they don't see a change

Everything in them is on the old sample:

At Aunt Princess Elena's

All the same tulle cap

Everything is whitening Lukerya Lvovna,

All the same Lyubov Petrovna lies,

Ivan Petrovich is just as stupid

Semyon Petrovich is just as stingy.

Pushkin not only covers the different strata of Russian society with his eyes, but penetrates deeply into them, immersing the reader in the unique world of the national element.

Of course, the breadth of coverage of national life could not be complete without the poet's filial feeling for his native nature:

Chased by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped by muddy streams

To flooded meadows.

Nature's clear smile

Through a dream meets the morning of the year

Perhaps it is these features Pushkin's novel Belinsky had in mind when he said that "Eugene Onegin" is an eminently folk work", that this is "the first truly national Russian work". Of course, and the feeling native nature, and the element of the Russian language, and the nature of the Russian person with his dissatisfaction - all this together adds up to a single concept of the national element. And yet, the main thing in the very concept of nationality, when we reflect on "Eugene Onegin", is a clear awareness of the difference between nationality and the common people. That is why Belinsky was ready to hear that many would be surprised at his thoughts about the nationality of Pushkin's novel. In the era of Belinsky, a strange opinion still prevailed, “as if a Russian in a tailcoat or a Russian in a corset is no longer Russian and that the Russian spirit makes itself felt only where there are zipun, bast shoes, sivukha and sour cabbage". Defending his assertion, Belinsky also refers to Gogol, who believed that "true nationality does not consist in the description of a sundress, but in the very spirit of the people."

A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" as an "encyclopedia of Russian life"
A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” as an “encyclopedia of Russian life” 1. The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” is a reflection of the main trends in socio-economic development Society XIX century. 2. Petersburg noble society. 3. Moscow is patriarchal. 4. Provincial landlords. 5. Life of the peasants of the century XIX novel"Eugene Onegin". A. S. Pushkin wrote his realistic novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” for about eight years. The writer masterfully reflected Russian society at the beginning of the 19th century, gave a broad artistic generalization of the main trends in socio-economic development. Pushkin himself said that his novel “reflected the century and modern man and depicted quite correctly. Noted Critic V. G. Belinsky called Pushkin’s novel “an encyclopedia of Russian life and, to the highest degree, folk art". This definition is very apt, because the work even describes small parts life, customs, upbringing, tastes of the society of that time. In "Eugene Onegin" the whole Russian reality was reflected: a remote landowner's province, a serf village, a manor's Moscow, secular Petersburg, provincial cities seen by Onegin on a journey. Petersburg noble society is the environment in which Onegin moved for many years. It is here that the formation of the character of the protagonist takes place, from here Onegin endures life habits that determined his fate as a whole. From the first pages of the novel, Pushkin depicts the peculiarities of the upbringing of young nobles of that time. The poet himself was an active opponent home education, and author's position reflected in the work. He considered this type of training superficial (“something and somehow”), leading to the formation of a certain attitude of young nobles to art (Onegin yawns in the theater) and literature (“He could not distinguish an iambic from a chorea ... distinguish”), which is the main the cause of "yearning laziness", inability to work. Pushkin himself, being an aristocrat, knew perfectly well the atmosphere prevailing in the salons of the nobility. This finds an objective reflection in the novel. Here is how the author describes Onegin's first appearance in the world: He could speak and write in French perfectly; Easily danced the mazurka And bowed unconstrainedly; What do you want more? Light decided that he was smart and very nice. Life and customs of Petersburg noble society of that time are very reminiscent of Griboedov's "lordly" Moscow. Boredom, slander, envy also reign there. People spend their internal forces on gossip and anger, which gives rise to coldness of hearts, emptiness of thoughts, premature aging of the soul. In the XVIII chapter, Pushkin gives a frank description of this society: Here was, however, the color of the capital, And the nobility and fashion samples, Everywhere you meet faces, Necessary fools ... Constant turmoil leads to the fact that life is reduced to monotonous and motley, outwardly dazzling the same time meaningless fuss. Pushkin himself speaks of this through the mouth of Tatyana: And to me, Onegin, this splendor, Tinsel of a disgusting life, My successes in a whirlwind of light, My fashionable house and evenings, What's in them? Oh, there is nothing. As a legacy received from the “high society”, the protagonist gets an aversion to work, a habit of freedom and peace, lack of will and selfishness. Onegin loses interest in life, falling into a deep melancholy: The melancholy was waiting for him on guard, And she ran after him, Like a shadow or a faithful wife. The work describes the features of the way of life and Moscow society. Pushkin describes Moscow with irony as a "fair of brides." In his understanding, it is provincial and patriarchal. Depicting the Moscow nobility, Pushkin does not hide sarcasm: in the living rooms he notices "incoherent vulgar nonsense." In Chapter VII, the reader is presented with typical representatives of this society: the liar Lyubov Petrovna, the stupid Ivan Petrovich, the stingy Semyon Petrovich. Pushkin gives an accurate and exhaustive description of the Moscow nobility: Everything in them is so pale, indifferent; They slander even boringly; In the barren dryness of speeches, Inquiries, gossip and news No thought will flash for a whole day, Though by chance, even at random ... But, despite this, Pushkin loves Moscow. Here are the lines that the poet dedicated to this city: "Moscow ... how much this sound has merged for the Russian heart." The poet is proud of the outcome of the war of 1812: Napoleon waited in vain, Intoxicated with his last happiness, Moscow on his knees With the keys of the old Kremlin. Artistic embodiment provincial nobility receives in the images of the Larin and Lensky families. Pushkin describes in detail their hobbies, features of leisure activities. These people lived, as if in the past, did not read books, relied on ancient traditions.
ii. This can be seen, for example, in the lines about Tatyana Larina's father: Her father was a kind fellow, Late in the last century, But he did not see harm in books; He, never reading, He revered them as an empty toy ... The brightest examples of the landowner breed are guests at Tatiana's name day. Pushkin gives them speaking names, revealing their essence: Skotinins, Buyanov, Trifles. Character traits"local rulers" - deafness, narrow-mindedness, narrowness of interests. Conversations in this society do not go beyond “earthly” topics: haymaking, wine, kennels. They are so impoverished in mind and so degraded that they differ little from animals. Wishing to emphasize the horror of the current situation, Pushkin presents the provincial landowners as monsters in Tatyana's dream. Patriarchal way the life of the landlords brings them closer to the peasants. For example, Tatyana's mother lived simply and naturally. She salted mushrooms, went to the bathhouse on Saturdays, beat the servants, gave the peasants to the soldiers, forced the girls picking berries to sing songs, “so that the master’s berries are not secretly eaten by the evil lips.” Tatyana herself washes herself with snow, like ordinary peasant girls. The closest person to her is a nanny, a peasant serf. > Nanny thirteen-year-old girl married against her will. In an effort to objectively reflect reality, Pushkin does not draw in front of the reader scary pictures serf oppression and exploitation, but in one phrase, in this one episode, he aptly reflects the cruel order that reigned in the village. The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" is one of the brilliant pages of world literature. V. G. Belinsky wrote the following about the work: “Onegin is Pushkin’s most sincere work, the most beloved child of his imagination, and one can point to too few creations in which the poet’s personality would be reflected with such fullness, light and clearly, as reflected in "Onegin" the personality of Pushkin. Here is all life, all soul, all his love; here his feelings, concepts, ideals ... Not to mention the aesthetic dignity of Onegin, this poem has for us, Russians, a huge historical and public importance”.

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A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" as an "encyclopedia of Russian life"

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The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" was written in the 20-30s of the last century. Pushkin worked on it for several years. This novel came major event in the history of Russian literature. It was the first work in which the author managed to create the broadest panorama of Russian reality, to reveal the most important problems of his time. For the wide coverage of Pushkin's contemporary life, for the depth of its problems revealed in the novel, the great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky called the novel "Eugene Onegin" an encyclopedia of Russian life and a highly folk work.,
Indeed, in the novel, as in a true encyclopedia, all aspects of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century are reflected. The time of the tenth-twenties of the last century was the time of the rise of national self-consciousness. During these years, the best part of the Russian nobility opposed serfdom and absolute monarchy. Interest in progressive thinkers and philosophers of the West is growing in Russian society. For example, Onegin reads Adam Smith, Rousseau is Tatyana's favorite author.
With his characteristic laconicism, Pushkin illuminates the economy and cultural life of Russia in those years. From the novel we learn that the plays that were going on in theaters at that time were a success, that Diddo was a famous ballet director. Together with the author, we admire the wonderful grace of the "brilliant and half-air" Istomina, we recall the beautiful Russian tragic actress Semyonova. It is easy, as if in passing, Pushkin touches on the issues of the Russian economy, but gives an accurate and accurate description. All sorts of knickknacks and luxury items were imported into Russia "for wood and fat": "perfume in cut crystal", "nail files", "thirty kinds of brushes".
Against this broad background, the author gives all the representatives of the Russian nation, from the high-society dandy to the serf peasant. At the very beginning of the novel, a winter morning in St. Petersburg is described:
Petersburg restless
Already awakened by the drum.
The merchant gets up, the peddler goes,
A cabman is pulling to the stock exchange,
The okhtenka is in a hurry with a jug.
Beneath it, the morning snow crunches.
And here Pushkin, using the example of the protagonist, shows the lifestyle of the "golden noble youth." Onegin, tired of the noise of the ball, returns late and wakes up only "after noon". Eugene's life is "monotonous and motley": balls, restaurants, theaters, balls again. Of course, such a life could not satisfy the intelligent, thinking person. We understand why Onegin was disappointed in the surrounding society. After all, this elite are people who are selfish, indifferent, devoid of lofty thoughts. Pushkin describes this society in more detail in the eighth chapter:
There was, however, the color of the capital,
And to know, and fashion samples,
Everywhere you meet faces
Necessary fools...
With irony, the author notes that the flower of the metropolitan society is made up of ladies, seemingly evil, ballroom dictators, gentlemen, "deserving fame for the baseness of their souls."
In the novel, the provincial nobility also found its artistic embodiment. Deafness, narrow-mindedness, narrowness of interests are characteristic of these "local owners." Their conversations do not go beyond such topics as haymaking, wine, kennels. It is no accident that Pushkin depicts these people in the images of monsters in Tatyana's dream. which are little different from animals.
The guests at Tatyana's name day are the brightest examples of the landlord breed. The author already reveals their essence in the surnames: Skotinins, Buyanov, Pustyakov.
Provinciality emanates from noble Moscow. In the seventh chapter, Pushkin satirically draws representatives of the Moscow nobility. Here is Lyubov Petrovna, who loved to lie, and Ivan Petrovich, main feature which - stupidity, and mean Semyon Petrovich. Pushkin gives an accurate and exhaustive description of the Moscow nobility:
Everything in them is so pale, indifferent;
They slander even boringly;
In the barren dryness of speeches,
Questions, gossip and news
Thoughts will not flash for a whole day,
Though by chance, even at random ...
In addition to the life of the nobility, the novel truly depicts the life of the peasants, their way of life. On the example of the nanny Tatyana Larina, Pushkin highlights the bitter fate of a serf peasant woman who, as a thirteen-year-old girl, was married against her will. The author does not reveal the terrible pictures of serf oppression and exploitation, but in one phrase, in one episode, he absolutely accurately reflects the cruel orders that reigned in the village. Tatyana's mother, as simply and naturally as she salted mushrooms, went to the bathhouse on Saturdays, beat the maids, gave the peasants to soldiers, forced the girls picking berries to sing songs, "so that the master's berries are not secretly eaten by the evil lips."
Thus, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" all layers of the Russian nation found their embodiment. All aspects of Russian reality, all problems modern life Pushkin touched in his novel, and managed to see them through the eyes of the whole nation, the whole people.
Even at the beginning of work on the novel, Pushkin admitted in a letter to Delvig: “I am writing now new poem in which I talk utterly.” Even then, he felt the need for lyrical self-disclosure with an invisible, but many-sided reader. Throughout the novel, this need does not weaken, but, on the contrary, makes itself felt more and more forcefully. Pushkin speaks in the first person more freely and more penetratingly.
The forms and themes of the author's appeal to the reader are inexhaustibly diverse. Here is an unassuming joke that came up by chance: “The reader is already waiting for the rhyme of“ roses ”, here, take it soon.” And here are the woeful thoughts about how Lensky's life and fate could have turned out. Each new entry of Pushkin into the story pleases, delights, amazes. It is impossible to get enough of communication with such an interlocutor!
I remember the sea before the storm:
How I envied the waves
Running in a stormy line
Lay at her feet with love!
How I wished then with the waves
Touch cute feet with your mouth! ..
The author's image is contradictory, it tends to irony, to a simple-hearted grin. Here Pushkin says goodbye to youth, admits that the positions of youth have been surrendered without return:
You reconciled, my spring
lofty dreams,
And in a poetic glass
I mixed a lot of water.
I need other pictures.
I love the sandy slope
In front of the hut are two mountain ash,
A gate, a broken fence...
But at the same time, this confession contains not only bitterness, but also polemical enthusiasm. This is a kind of manifesto of the artist, who has gone from romanticism to realism. And now before the artist - life, its everyday simplicity.
Pushkin departs from classicism and from romance. He advocates for new language Russian society, for the liberation of the language from superficial influences and trends, from belated Slavicisms, from the newest foreigners, from school constraint. Ultimately, he stands up for nationality, for the general democratization of Russian culture. Indeed, by the end of the work on the novel, both “Boris Godunov” and fairy tales have already been written. The poet is in the prime of life, in the midst of the creative development of the people.
V. G. Belinsky highly appreciated the brilliant creation of our national poet. The great critic wrote. “Let time pass and bring new needs with it, let Russian society grow and overtake Onegin: no matter how far it goes, it will always love this poem, it will always fix a look full of love and gratitude on it.”.

"Eugene Onegin" - "Encyclopedia of Russian life"

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" was written in the 20-30s of the last century. Pushkin worked on it for several years. This novel was the most important event in the history of Russian literature. It was the first work in which the author managed to create the broadest panorama of Russian reality, to reveal the most important problems of his time. For the wide coverage of Pushkin's contemporary life, for the depth of its problems revealed in the novel, the great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky called the novel "Eugene Onegin" an encyclopedia of Russian life and a highly folk work.,

Indeed, in the novel, as in a true encyclopedia, all aspects of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century are reflected. The time of the tenth-twenties of the last century was the time of the rise of national self-consciousness. During these years, the best part of the Russian nobility opposed serfdom and absolute monarchy. Interest in progressive thinkers and philosophers of the West is growing in Russian society. For example, Onegin reads Adam Smith, Rousseau is Tatyana's favorite author.

With his characteristic laconicism, Pushkin illuminates the economy and cultural life of Russia in those years. From the novel we learn that the plays that were then going on in theaters were a success, that Didelot was a famous ballet director. Together with the author, we admire the wonderful grace of the "brilliant and half-air" Istomina, we recall the beautiful Russian tragic actress Semyonova. It is easy, as if in passing, Pushkin touches on the issues of the Russian economy, but gives an accurate and accurate description. All sorts of knickknacks and luxury items were imported into Russia "for wood and fat": "perfume in cut crystal", "nail files", "thirty kinds of brushes".

Petersburg restless

Already awakened by the drum.

The merchant gets up, the peddler goes,

A cabman is pulling to the stock exchange,

The okhtenka is in a hurry with a jug.

Beneath it, the morning snow crunches.

And here Pushkin, using the example of the protagonist, shows the lifestyle of the "golden noble youth." Onegin, tired of the noise of the ball, returns late and wakes up only "after noon". Eugene's life is "monotonous and motley": balls, restaurants, theaters, balls again. Of course, such a life could not satisfy an intelligent, thinking person. We understand why Onegin was disappointed in the surrounding society. After all, this upper world is made up of people who are selfish, indifferent, devoid of lofty thoughts. Pushkin describes this society in more detail in the eighth chapter:

There was, however, the color of the capital,

And to know, and fashion samples,

Everywhere you meet faces

In the novel, the provincial nobility also found its artistic embodiment. Deafness, narrow-mindedness, narrowness of interests are characteristic of these "local owners." Their conversations do not go beyond such topics as haymaking, wine, kennels. It is no accident that Pushkin depicts these people in the images of monsters in Tatyana's dream. which are little different from animals.

The guests at Tatyana's name day are the brightest examples of the landlord breed. The author already reveals their essence in the surnames: Skotinins, Buyanov, Pustyakov.

Provinciality emanates from noble Moscow. In the seventh chapter, Pushkin satirically draws representatives of the Moscow nobility. Here are Lyubov Petrovna, who loved to lie, and Ivan Petrovich, whose main feature is stupidity, and stingy Semyon Petrovich. Pushkin gives an accurate and exhaustive description of the Moscow nobility:

Everything in them is so pale, indifferent;

They slander even boringly;

In the barren dryness of speeches,

Questions, gossip and news

Thoughts will not flash for a whole day,

Though by chance, even at random ...

In addition to the life of the nobility, the novel truly depicts the life of the peasants, their way of life. On the example of the nanny Tatyana Larina, Pushkin highlights the bitter fate of a serf peasant woman who, as a thirteen-year-old girl, was married against her will. The author does not reveal the terrible pictures of serf oppression and exploitation, but in one phrase, in one episode, he absolutely accurately reflects the cruel orders that reigned in the village. Tatyana's mother, as simply and naturally as she salted mushrooms, went to the bathhouse on Saturdays, beat the maids, gave the peasants to soldiers, forced the girls picking berries to sing songs, "so that the master's berries are not secretly eaten by the evil lips."

Thus, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" all layers of the Russian nation found their embodiment. All aspects of Russian reality, all the problems of modern life, Pushkin touched in his novel, and managed to see them through the eyes of the whole nation, the whole people.

Even at the beginning of work on the novel, in a letter to Delvig, Pushkin admitted: “Now I am writing a new poem, in which I talk utterly.” Even then, he felt the need for lyrical self-disclosure with an invisible, but many-sided reader. Throughout the novel, this need does not weaken, but, on the contrary, makes itself felt more and more forcefully. Pushkin speaks in the first person more freely and more penetratingly.

The forms and themes of the author's appeal to the reader are inexhaustibly diverse. Here is an unassuming joke that came up by chance: “The reader is already waiting for the rhyme of“ roses ”, here, take it soon.” And here are the woeful thoughts about how Lensky's life and fate could have turned out. Each new entry of Pushkin into the story pleases, delights, amazes. It is impossible to get enough of communication with such an interlocutor!

I remember the sea before the storm:

How I envied the waves

Running in a stormy line

Lay at her feet with love!

How I wished then with the waves

You reconciled, my spring

lofty dreams,

And in a poetic glass

I mixed a lot of water.

I need other pictures.

I love the sandy slope

In front of the hut are two mountain ash,

A gate, a broken fence...

But at the same time, this confession contains not only bitterness, but also polemical enthusiasm. This is a kind of manifesto of the artist, who has gone from romanticism to realism. And now before the artist - life, its everyday simplicity.

Pushkin departs from classicism and from romance. He stands up for the new language of Russian society, for the liberation of the language from superficial influences and trends, from belated Slavicisms, from the newest foreigners, from school constraint. Ultimately, he stands up for nationality, for the general democratization of Russian culture. Indeed, by the end of the work on the novel, both “Boris Godunov” and fairy tales have already been written. The poet is in the prime of life, in the midst of the creative development of the people.

V. G. Belinsky highly appreciated the brilliant creation of our national poet. The great critic wrote. “Let time pass and bring new needs with it, let Russian society grow and overtake Onegin: no matter how far it goes, it will always love this poem, it will always fix a look full of love and gratitude on it.”.

At one time, the Russian critic V. Belinsky called novel "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin "an encyclopedia of Russian life and eminently folk art. But why "encyclopedia"? After all, we are used to defining a multi-volume reference publication in this way, and not a thin poetic book! In my opinion, the fact is that in this novel, not for the first time in Russian literature, with extraordinary breadth and truthfulness, an entire historical epoch was recreated - the life of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.

In his novel and in the plot, and in digressions Pushkin depicted all the layers Russian society: the high society of St. Petersburg, noble Moscow, the nobility, the peasantry - that is, the whole people. This allows us to speak of "Eugene Onegin" as a truly folk novel.

In "Eugene Onegin" the capital, and the province, and the village, and the city are shown. Here, as in real encyclopedia you can find out how young aristocrats were brought up, they walked in childhood, where they went to have fun, dressed up and what was fashionable, what plays were staged in the theater and what was the menu of gourmet restaurants. On the basis of Pushkin's text, one can even draw up the exact daily routine of a young nobleman.

The author knew and loved St. Petersburg well - the city where they lived the best people Russia: Decembrists, writers, people of art. Pushkin is very precise in his descriptions, he does not forget either about “the caustic salt of subtle anger”, or about “ubiquitous eccentrics”, or about “inveterate collectors of epigrams”. Through the eyes of a resident of the capital, we are shown the Moscow "fair of brides." Describing the Moscow nobility, Pushkin mainly resorts to sarcastic characteristics:

Here was, however, the color of the capital,

And know, and fashion samples,

And a few fools, as expected

And ubiquitous weirdos.

The poet states with undisguised regret that a person's popularity depends on his status in society. It shows the lack of spirituality of the metropolitan society, their base interests and mental limitations.

Already by a play on words in the epigraph to the second section, the poet shows that contemporary Pushkin's Russia is formerly rural. Apparently, therefore, the nobility in the novel is written out most thoroughly. Moreover, describing the nobility, Pushkin is limited to mild irony. The provincial society appears in the novel as a caricature of the high society. Suffice it to recall the appearance of a pair of Skotinins at Tatyana's name day. It is also indicative that long before the writing of "Eugene Onegin" this couple had already been ridiculed by Fonvizin in the comedy "Undergrowth". Thus, Pushkin showed that during the time that separated contemporary Pushkin province from the province described by Fonvizin, nothing has changed.

Onegin is the embodiment of European consciousness, culture, education. He reads Rousseau, economist Adam Smith, history "from Romulus to the present day", Byron. At the same time, the author specifically emphasizes his alienation from folk life: Eugene has no family, he was raised by a foreign tutor, so it is not surprising that he also uses the Russian language from time to time.

Aversion to work, the habit of idle rest, lack of will and selfishness - this is what Onegin received from the "high society".

That is why the idea of ​​renewal and rebirth of the individual through communication with the people acquires in the work special meaning. This idea was embodied in the image of Tatyana, with whom Pushkin identified his muse.

It is significant that loneliness brings together Tatyana Onegin before, they are both strangers in a noble environment. In a letter to Onegin, Tatyana admits:

Imagine I'm here alone

Nobody understands me,

In exhaustion, the opinion is clouded,

And there is no salvation.

The best qualities of Tatyana's character originate in folk morality, because she was brought up not by a French governess, but by a serf nanny. No wonder the heroine is in love with Onegin and tells about her feelings to her, close person in the world. True, when you read Tatiana's conversation with the nanny, there is a feeling that a young lady in love and an unfortunate powerless woman are unlikely to have anything in common in the personal sphere.

Tatyana is sure that people should respond with kindness to kindness. The concept of dignity is one of the defining features in her image. The young girl ends her message to Onegin with words.

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