Prefix approximation rule. Spelling of pre and pre prefixes: a rule from a new textbook of the Russian language

Almost everyone wants to write well. But the Russian language is very complex, and it is not always possible to understand which spelling of a given word will be correct. In this article, we will once again recall the rule for pre- and pre-.

Prefixes pre-and pre-

  1. First, let's look at how the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bprefix.

    This prefix gives the following meaning to words:

    • Spatial proximity, contiguity. Examples are the following words: coastal, backyard, frontline, seaside, near the Dnieper.
    • Addition, approximation, accession. Examples of words are: tie, fasten, drive, freeze, lead.
    • Incomplete action. Examples of words: lie down, sit down, calm down, slightly open, tie.
    • Bringing the action to the end, to some specific result. Examples would be the words: muffle (completely muffle), finish off, invent, find, cut.
    • Performing an action in one's own interests, an enhanced manifestation of an action. Examples of words: lure, take a closer look, dress up, listen, hide.
    • Associated action. Examples: dance, whisper.
  2. We continue to study prefixes pre- and pre-. Rule about the prefix pre-.

    This prefix will be written in such cases:

    • Words mean the ultimate degree of action, surpassing any facet or the highest degree of quality. Examples of words can be given as follows: exceed, gracious, exaggerate, pretty, exalt.
    • When the prefix pre- has the meaning of the prefix re-. Examples of words: transgress, block.

Additional Information

This rule has an extension. Spelling at-, pre- in special cases:

  1. By origin, the prefix is ​​Old Slavonic. In Russian, it will correspond to a prefix that has a full-vowel combination of re-. Compare: an obstacle is a partition, to transgress is to cross, a perverse one is inverted.
  2. Words with the prefixes pre- and come close in sound and different in meaning. It is necessary to distinguish in which case which prefix to write. For example, for comparison, such words: bow a branch and bow your head, close the door and turn into reality, the coming neighbor and the passing moment.
  3. There are words in which the former prefixes are no longer singled out. Examples are the words: object, disgust, limit, device, order, primitive.
  4. It is very often difficult to distinguish between the meanings of words: multiply (add some small amount) and multiply (multiply very much). It is necessary to distinguish this.
  5. In borrowed words, it is possible to write both pre- and pre-. As a rule, these elements are not considered prefixes. Examples: preamble, presidium, privilege, priority, president, prima donna.

We have learned a very important rule in Russian - the spelling of prefixes pre-, pre-.

The spelling of prefixes is one of the most difficult topics in Russian orthography. In particular, this applies to the spelling of prefixes pre- and pre-, which are sometimes very difficult to distinguish.

Prefix PRE-

The spelling of the prefixes pre- and dependent depends on the meaning that this morpheme gives to the word.

The prefix is ​​used if the meaning of the morpheme is close to the meaning of the prefix re-.

In addition, the meaning of the prefix may be synonymous with the word "very".

Here are some examples : to be fed up - to be very satiated, nasty - very nasty, to block - to block, to transform - to remake, change the image.

Prefix PRI-

The prefix pre-, according to this rule, is written in several cases:

  • approximation (come, arrive);
  • accession (glue, attach);
  • territorial proximity (school, seaside);
  • incomplete action (sit down, embellish).

Special cases of writing pre and when

In some cases, using this rule is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary, because the vowel in the prefix helps to distinguish the meaning.

Here are some examples:

  • bend the knee - bend a branch;
  • break the law - get down to business;
  • to be at a loss - to arrive at the station;
  • transient difficulties - incoming servants;
  • to betray friends - to attach importance.

There are a number of words in which the prefix has largely lost its meaning or has become part of the root. These words must be remembered or looked up in the dictionary: nature, reason, device, obstacle, rebuke, etc.

Prefixes in words of foreign origin

Morphemes that sound like pre- and pre- are also found in other languages, including Latin, from which we have borrowed many terms. Such words cannot be verified using this rule. You need to either remember them, or clarify the spelling with the help of a dictionary.

Here are some examples: president, privilege, preamble, primitive, priority, private, prestige, premiere.

How to distinguish pre- from pre-

To correctly write a prefix, you must first try to determine its meaning:

  • if the meaning is close to "re" or "very", write pre-;
  • if it has the meaning of approximation, accession, territorial proximity and incomplete action, write at-;
  • if it is not possible to determine the spelling of a prefix or a foreign word with certainty, he will turn to a dictionary for help.

Here are some examples:

  • turn- the prefix is ​​close in meaning to the prefix re-, because this word means “remake”, so we write pre-;
  • bizarre- slightly wonderful, close in meaning to the incompleteness of the action, therefore, at-;
  • reptile- it is difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix, so it is wiser to look in the dictionary.

Words with pre- and pre- prefixes are very common in our speech, so difficult cases are worth remembering. To do this, you can use mnemonic formulas. For example, like this: "An aged reptile pursued a criminal."

What have we learned?

The spelling of the prefixes pre- and depends on their meaning. The prefix pre- is used if it is close in meaning to the prefix re- or the word “very”. The prefix at - is appropriate in the event that the word has the meaning of approaching (to arrive), joining (to screw), territorial proximity (school), incompleteness of the action (slightly open). The spelling of a number of words (foreign and those whose meaning is unclear) must be memorized or clarified in the dictionary.

To do this, in the Russian language there are four assignments of words, when writing or pronouncing which a person may have problems.

The first is the meaning of adjacency or closeness to something or to something. These are the words: “coastal” (village), “” (site).

The second is or joining something to something. Examples: “come” (to the city), “lean” (against the wall), “glue” (wallpaper).

The third is the meaning of the incompleteness or incompleteness of some action. For example, “close” (the door behind you), “crouch” (entering the door), “embellish” (story).

Fourth - bringing any action to an end. Such words are “shoot” (a sick animal), “invent” (a play).

Cases in which the prefix "pre-" is written

There are two of them in Russian. The first is the meaning of a high degree of quality of something, some action, or something that is close to being combined with the word “very”. For example, the words “nasty” (very nasty, possibly a person), “” (very long, for example, duty), “prevail” (pressure over something).

The second is proximity in its meaning to "re-". Words such as "transform" (change something), "transform" (change something) and "barrier" (blocking something in the way).

All of the above rules have two very important exceptions.

The first of them refers native speakers of the Russian language to the need to distinguish between words that are close in meaning, but different in spelling. Examples: "" (meaning "hate someone or something") and "contemplate" (meaning providing shelter), "bending" (for example, kneeling) and "bending" (branches closer to), "enduring" (some then difficulties or misfortunes) and “tolerance” (to some prevailing circumstances), as well as “” (a moment or moment) and “coming” (guest or employee).

The second describes other words that defy all other rules. It includes words in which it has historically merged with the root and is not singled out. For example, “nature”, “reason”, “claim”, “device” and at the same time the words “seduce”, “obstruction”, “contradict”. And also some borrowed words: “presidium”, “preamble”, “drug”, “privilege”, “primitive”, “private” and “priority”, which you just need to remember and memorize.

In case of difficulties with writing the last words, you should refer to the dictionary of the Russian language.

It happens like this: a child graduated from the 5th grade in one school, and in the 6th grade he went to another, more advanced one. And there - another program in the Russian language, and all the spelling has already been studied (but he has not yet). How to catch up? For such purposes - to remember what has been passed or to study what has not been passed, to structure fragmentary information - now there is a "Non-textbook on the Russian language". These are funny and useful books written with great respect for the reader. Here is an example of a chapter on pre and pri prefixes.

boring story

From this side of the hill, Sigismund the Prezhadny ruled, at the top - Vasily the Beautiful, and beyond the hillock - Arthur the Most Terrible.

Sigismund had only one courtier left, the rest fled to Vasily. In general, everyone fled from Arthur to Vasily. Well, Vasily got 29 courtiers.

Another in place of Basil would have conquered two neighboring kingdoms long ago. With such an army! But Vasily did not even think about it. He released criminals from prison. A strong king, an army nearly thirty times larger than that of the enemy!..

The Minister of Defense said a hundred times at the military council that the descendants would not forgive Vasily for such a boring story. "What will they teach at school in history lessons! Not a single war!" - got excited Minister of Defense.

But Basil doesn't care. He will stomp on the minister, for the sake of appearance, to lag behind, and again runs after his mice. Enthusiasm. They would bring him as many mice as you like on a golden tray - no, he runs around himself.

Wool on end, tail pipe - so beautiful.

In Arthur Givargizov's story, prefixes in words fearful, greedy, on the one hand, and stomp, courtier, bring- these are two different prefixes, and they must be learned to distinguish.

You need to distinguish them by value, but the trouble is that each prefix has several different meanings. The prefix at is especially rich in them. Here are its most important meanings.

The first is related to the idea of ​​contact, rapprochement, connection: run, tie, land, come, stick, bring, attach, attract, sew and etc.

With movement verbs, the idea of ​​contact is most often concretized as getting somewhere or to someone: Today the children brought paint to school or We have guests.

The idea of ​​rapprochement is often concretized as a bond with something bigger: To send a letter, you need to stick a stamp on the envelope or Mom sewed a button to the shirt.

The second important meaning of the prefix with is associated with incomplete, weak: get sick, muffle, lie down, hug, sit down, sprinkle etc. So, sit down differs from sit down the fact that it is either not for long, or somehow not completely, for example, on the edge of the sofa, or just a person is ready to jump up at the first request: Petya sat down in an armchair and looked at Yasha, who sat uncertainly on the edge of the chair. BUT embrace means to embrace softly, slightly closer to him. This is the meaning of the prefix at often combined with words a little, a little, not completely, not for long: to get sick a little, muffle the sound a little, lie down for a while.

Both of these meanings are characteristic of verbs, but with adjectives and nouns, the prefix with can also mean closeness or closeness: Urals(the area around the Ural Mountains), Amur region(the area around the Amur River), Primorye(area near the sea), seaside(located near the sea or in a suitable locality), coastal(located close to the coast or in the appropriate area), etc.

Prefix meanings

Console pre also has several meanings. To adjectives and adverbs, she adds the idea high degree: kind, amiable, obnoxious, obnoxious etc., that is, it is equal in meaning to the word very. nasty- this is very nasty.__

With verbs, the prefix pre can also denote a high degree and even excessive action: exalt, exaggerate, exaggerate Xia, etc. In addition, it can mean moving through something: overcome, transcend- and separation or termination: block, break, interrupt.

These last two ideas are also characteristic of the prefix pen with which they are related: for example, to cross, as well as to block and break. Verbs with the prefix pre are more archaic, often having not a physical, but figurative meaning: break the law, block the way, break off the relationship I.

If nouns and adjectives are formed from verbs, then they, of course, keep the prefix: to transgress is a crime; to surpass - superiority, excellent; to arrive - arrival, visitor.

Let us turn once again to Arthur Givargizov's story "A Boring Story", where there are several words with these prefixes.

with a letter and words are written stomp and courtier. The first of them means "lightly stomp", that is, it contains the prefix at. The second can be both an adjective and a noun and means closeness to royalty and the royal court. These words also contain the prefix at, which matters proximity not so much in physical as in social position.

with a letter e words are written fearful, greedy and criminal. They have an attachment pre, because the first two words have high degree value: "very scary" and "very greedy", a criminal- this is "one who broke the law" .

Two more remarks need to be made.

First, with pre and at many words borrowed from other languages ​​begin in Russian, for example: president, present, prestige, privilege. In Russian, prefixes are not distinguished in them, and they do not obey the rule. Such words need to be checked with a dictionary and memorized.

Interestingly, some of these words have a Latin prefix. Word the president spelled with a letter e, because it goes back to the Latin word praesidentis, in which the prefix prae means "ahead", and sidentis- "sitting". It is easy to see that in meaning this Latin word corresponds to the Russian word chairman, which consists of morphemes close in meaning.

Secondly, there are words in which it is very difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix. For example, here are the words whim, adventure or neglect were once formed using one of our two prefixes. But gradually the meanings of the prefix and the root have merged so much that they can no longer be separated. Even the prefix can not be distinguished, but considered part of the root.

In Arthur Givargizov's tale, King Vasily is named twice beautiful. Once a word red was the same root as the word beautiful- they had a common root kras and the meaning is the same. So, the red maiden meant the same thing as beautiful girl. Yes and the Red Square called so because of the beauty, not because of the red color.

The adjective beautiful was formed from the word red("beautiful") with the prefix pre in the meaning of a high degree. Time has passed, and the adjective red has a meaning of color, and now the root stands out in it red. And in the adjective beautiful it is already difficult to separate the prefix and the root, especially since its meaning has changed: it means not only “very beautiful”, but also “very good”, for example great solution.

The spelling of such words must be memorized, and in doubtful cases, seek help from a dictionary. Here are some examples:


Let's pay attention to pairs of words that differ in prefixes. Yes, as a couple arrive and stay the first verb is associated with the idea of ​​arrival (arrival, arrival), that is, approach: The train arrives at the station, and the second - with the idea of ​​staying (finding): The theater is on tour.

In the pair to give and betray, the first verb is associated with the idea of ​​​​connection, bonding and ultimately creation ( give meaning to something), and the second is associated with betrayal, extradition, that is, in the original meaning, the transfer of someone to someone or something to something ( betray a friend).

Exercise 1. Which explanation is incorrect?

  1. In a word (old) pr_daniye a letter is written e, since the prefix used to have a meaning close to the value of the prefix re. Tradition is a story that is passed down from generation to generation.
  2. In the word pr_strange(sound) a letter is written at the gap e, since the prefix in this word means "very".
  3. In the word turn off(sound) a letter is written and, since the prefix in this word means "approximation".
  4. Word pr_neglect spelled with a letter e. It is difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix in this word, so the basic rule cannot be applied. The correct spelling must be found in the dictionary and memorized.

Exercise 2.| Which example in each line would be superfluous?


Pro_rich, pr_big, pr_shut up, pr_flattering. All words, except for the word shut up, have the prefix pre with the meaning "very". So, the word to be silent is superfluous: there is a different prefix.

  1. Pr_heat, pr_hold, pr_cut, pr_pocket.
  2. Bring a kettle, send a horse, send a friend, bring a son.
  3. Pro_coarse, pro_sea, pro_evil, pro_sweet.
  4. To squint, to limp, to be ill, to protect.
  5. Pro_huge, pr_estate, pr_harmful, pr_nasty.
  6. Project_flight, pr_sticking, pr_liv, pr_elevation.
  7. Pro_powdered, pr_covered, pr_puffy, pr_wise.
  8. Pr_to lift, pr_boil, pr_stab, pr_manka.
  9. Pr_dirty, Pr_Volga, Pr_voskhodny, Pr_curious.
  10. Pr_krat, pr_fasten, pr_lep, pr_twist.

Exercise 3 In each paragraph, the phrases are chosen so as to illustrate the different meanings of the prefixes pre or at. In addition, there are words in the exercise in which the prefix is ​​not highlighted, for example, borrowings or words that have changed meanings.

Insert the missing letters.

  1. High city, building to the house, bad weather, nowhere to sit, space adventures.
  2. Good ugly look, break bread, lie a little, right station buffet, follow the enemy.
  3. Price list for new products, screwing to the ceiling, bending the head, electric breaker, bad weather.
  4. Stand on tiptoe, long conversation, terrible vision, hellish plan, hellish fish.
  5. Great deep canyon, overcome difficulties, sprinkle with snow, Siberian freedom, successful earth.
  6. The potato burned, the light broke, the long film, stared at, thought of a fairy tale.
  7. The sun is warming up, a dangerous obstacle, a root layer of the earth, a horrible monster, a cut of disgrace.
  8. To block the road, to hit it painfully, to scream at the horses, court lady, to fight for trifles.
  9. Pro_steep slope, a few delays, pro_movable table, rust producer, medical pro_parat.
  10. Open window, stern talk, stop traffic, funny accident, stop work.

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sorry, I don’t remember exactly how they explained it to us in the distant Soviet times. the meaning of "very" was exactly, and I remember about the approximation, the rest was forgotten. However, I write correctly. explained to us well. Why change a proven methodology and fence an incomprehensible garden, citing a bunch of exceptions at the end?

Comment on the article "Spelling of pre and pre prefixes: a rule from a new textbook of the Russian language"

Spelling of pre and pre prefixes: a rule from a new textbook of the Russian language. The second important meaning of the prefix at is associated with incompleteness, a weak degree: to get sick, muffle, lie down, hug, sit down, sprinkle, etc. So, sit down is different from sit down ...

At the same time, I note that if a person is capable enough, high intellect, is friends with mathematics, and so on, he, if desired, somehow draws out Russian. Spelling of pre and pre prefixes: a rule from a new textbook of the Russian language.


It's the same with any subject. Mine doesn’t understand why biology / geography and others like them in the volume that is given at school. Half of it would be enough for the general development. Deep down, I agree with her, but I say that knowledge of all subjects "is necessary, because it is necessary")))

If only because no one knows that it will be there further. I also didn’t know the rules at school at all, in Russian they were 5-2-5-2 ... For dictation - "5". "Explain why you wrote that" - "2". And then I suddenly realized that there are rules in any language, and if you know the rules of one, it is easier to understand the rules of another (by analogy or "by contrast"). In general, the language is akin to mathematics - it is logical and interesting.
And I learned the rules later, when (suddenly!) I began to teach this very language :)

How to improve Russian? Good afternoon everyone. Happy New Year everyone! There, in one sentence, all the spelling except for the question mark. A tutor is not bad, but only with the right task. IMHO, but you still have a completely incomprehensible request.

Remember the spelling rule from scratch with so many exercises? You don’t look in the dictionary every time and don’t remember the rule when you write a word? I'm still always interested in what people are ready to xeric, while not counting the cost of these printouts.


Yes,. I am a teacher and have known this for many years! but! Because of such parents - as in the video at the link - you do not know about it and continue to spend money and do not resent anywhere! [link-1]

03.12.2017 22:33:45, Galina Kustova

I did not find these orders on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science

03.12.2017 19:39:20, rucola12345

Section: Textbooks (the best book of the rules of the Russian language). Advise a collection of rules in Russian for the beginning. another rule of the Russian language. - get-togethers. About his own, about a girl's. In fact, from the point of view of the Russian language, the opposite is true, a soft consonant requires ...


I join the request. You need the same thing, but online. In a computer, the right rule is somehow easier to look for. Thank you!

I don't really understand what "a collection of rules for beginners" means: are they any special for the first 4 classes? There are simply rules of the Russian language. As for me, nothing better than Ditmar Elyashevich has been invented yet.


Thanks to everyone, especially the igniting Papchik))). I had to come up with such a question after a tedious argument with an intelligent (by position) and adult (81g) man, who, as it turned out, looks at all the news through the prism of "pro-Russian means against it."
He was promised that in the girl's audience within half an hour they would prove the opposite to him :))))
Sorry for anonymity.

pro-American - for or against America?

Let's work out the spelling of the root spelling. A detailed description of how to learn to write without errors Rules of the Russian language. 44 rules by which grammar is easy to learn! Thank you! With dysgraphia, the child, oddly enough, knows the rules of the Russian language ...


I have read and copied everything. We will work, change tactics. Strength and confidence increased, and then the hands dropped already from the lack of results, to be honest! Thanks a lot, everyone!

28.01.2014 10:32:41, Julia-la from someone else's computer

Julia, we have exactly the same problems - spatial-visual disorientation. The only thing that saves us at school: the official conclusion of the commission on dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscalculia and recommendations for teachers - all on the letterhead of the education committee: the requirement for an individual approach to the child. If you need to tell how to do it - write to the podnik. Really saves the situation and removes unnecessary stress from the child.

Here, if these two conditions are met (the right textbook + the right teacher), the result is excellent. True, as I have recently In our class, before the holidays, a Russian gave work on spelling (prefixes pre / at, suffix chik-schik, suffix Ek / Ik, -z and -s in ...


Buy a teacher's book from this UMK, and you will be happy!
According to etymology, other authors of other textbooks have exactly the same tasks. These are flowers :), then there will be toponymy, etc. This is the case in all programs.

The origin can be described using the etymological dictionary at the end of the textbook in 90% of cases. The task is to be able to use reference material.

For seven days, one hour at a time, they only worked with prefixes - pre - pre - - in the end, they did not make a single mistake. Two weeks have passed - he doesn’t remember anything on this topic at all, you can start again from scratch. And the same with English.


on general grounds. But we have an ordinary school - there is no talk of any dictations on 10 lines (I’m not saying that this is good), despite the 4th grade, and the teacher is loyal - if my son studied with my first teacher, then with his handwriting and the look of notebooks, he would never have received a single 4 in his life. But in English - yes, everything that is oral is "5", everything that is written is "2": - ((and nothing ...

My daughter is being assessed on a general basis, but she doesn't mind. Another thing is that they don’t bully her at school and don’t force her to rewrite for 3 hours. With errors, the teacher sends back, yes, correct. Sometimes she emphasizes places where there are mistakes, so that the daughter herself corrects them and would get a chance for a higher mark. But I am calm about the marks for the language: better than it was, and okay. The main thing for me is that my daughter tries and gradually progresses.

I would categorically not allow mine to be kept after lessons for 3 hours, especially since simply rewriting is ineffective. I also write dictations and essays with a bunch of mistakes, but there are other tasks: answer the rules, exercises where you need to substitute the word in the right grammatical form or redo an existing sentence. Here mine performs them well, we have practically got rid of copying errors. Based on them, you can also certify, and on average get a good grade. I don't care what kind of dictation is formally a deuce.

Tell the child not to be nervous, to concentrate on what works best. I would agree with the teacher that she use other methods of certification ALSO on a par with well-deserved deuces for dictation. If he has a good memory, he will be able to learn the rule and answer in the lesson - now he is no longer a loser. By the way, my daughter is very similar to your description, she also has dyslexia, dysgraphia, problems with spatial orientation and ambidexterity, it seems. Well, we are engaged in and educate a philosophical approach to life. In your situation, I would still put a lot of effort into mastering the computer, teach it to type quickly, it will come in handy in the future.

Russian language rules. you need to choose test words for the words: luck (a vowel, why not? The main thing is that the vowel at the root turned out to be luck - the same Russian language, grade 2. Three root rules !!! Tell me how easier it is for a child to tell and learn the rule.

the question arose in connection with the prefixes pre - and with - I vaguely remember that the prefix pre - is used in the case where it can be replaced with re- (kind, obstacle, barrier) and with - in the meaning of approaching and close to that (to approach, attract, etc...

You need to choose a textbook. We only speak Russian, we don’t live in Russia. The girl can read and write, but grammar and speech development are needed. Please advise, please, a textbook and an author, we cannot find a competent Russian teacher, we will have to teach it ourselves. Probably a textbook .. .


Russian language Soboleva O.L.

Natasha, here they are, these textbooks
you need Chubarov "We read and write in Russian" and "The Land of Russian Grammar" there. Well, all the other books there are good, for Anechka there are also from the series "Russian Language with Mom". Books, however, are not cheap, but really what is needed for children who do not live in the Russian language environment. We bought books at the House on the Arbat, where you can order via the Internet and deliver them in Moscow, ask someone to receive them and send them to you later.

It seems to me that all words with prefixes: sigh, see, cope, fix, flourish, run away, run, boundless, climb, helpless, settle down, exclamation, limitless, frost, limitless, inflammation, exclamation, routine, aimless ...

Spelling of words with prefixes PRE- and PRI-

In order to write words that begin with PRE- or PRI- without errors, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of the vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: COASTAL, SCHOOL.
2. Approximation, joining: COME, LEAN, STICK.
3. Incompleteness of action: SHUT THE DOOR, DOWN, BEAUTY.
4. Bringing the action to the end: SHOOT, INVENT.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. A high degree of quality or action and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word "very": PREVIOUS, LONG, PREVENT.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PER-: TO TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, OBSTRUCTION.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPECT (hate) - DESPECT (give shelter), KNEEL (kneel) - BEND (branch), SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) - GROW TOGETHER (to circumstances), TRANSIENT (moment) - COMING (postman),
STAY (be) - ARRIVE (approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of a vowel cannot be explained by the above rule. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIMS, DEVICE, SECURATE, OBSTACLE, REVERSE), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In such cases, in order to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.

An exercise

1. Korotkov did not hear, although he fell with his ear to the keyhole. (M. Bulgakov, "Diaboliad")
2. Dasha climbed with difficulty onto the stove, covered herself with her coat, picked up her legs. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
3. So, I got down and went to my unit. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
4. Having overcome a headache, he all gathered for the last fight. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
5. This Kuzma Kuzmich, still in the carriage, looked at Dasha - for some reason she was to his liking. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
6. The siskin was constantly chirping and jumping, and the cage was constantly swaying and trembling. (According to I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
7. He moved his hat to the back of his head, holding the rifle. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
8. Instead of sunflowers, beckoning the sun into the small windows of huts, only rotten stems stick out. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
9. At this moment, the boat started. (I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
10. Let grief give you firmness. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
11. Doesn't this property consist in the fact that there are fewer traces of lordship in them than in us? (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
12. But I can't feel low, the last of all. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
13. Why assume in advance that I am an enemy? (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
14. You will have to lag behind all your habits; there, alone, you will be forced to work ... (I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
15. I, despite numerous vicissitudes, have never known misfortune. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
16. A further track record is provided with the passport. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
17. At that moment A.V. entered the room, and the conversation stopped. (I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
18. Insarov read Elena's note - and immediately began to put his little room in order. (I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
19. Agrippina walked, as if knitted, step by step - behind her husband. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
20. I know a nasty tavern where they will give us a nasty dinner. (I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
21. Kuzma Kuzmich was lined up on a bench under the stove and also could not fall asleep right away - smacking, muttering. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
22. And you speak to him and despise him at the same time. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
23. Ivan Ilyich, without moving, slightly opened his eyelids. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
24. The expression of her eyes was flattering. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
25. You have at least seven spans in your forehead - you have not ascended science, and you will always make a mistake. (According to A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
26. And the girl is written badly. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
27. You, my friend, I advise you to botanize: this is the best thing you can think of. (According to I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
28. You seem to be a smart person: what are we going to do? (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
29. And good peasants will fool your father without fail. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
30. The singer gave herself up to the wave that lifted her, her face changed. (I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
31. Bring him to me, I'll interrogate him myself. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
32. Elena could no longer carelessly give herself up to the feeling of her happiness. (I. Turgenev, "On the Eve")
33. She put the lamp on the table, lowered the light, sat down. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")
34. And N.P. took out the proverbial pamphlet from the back pocket of his coat. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
35. There he saw her for the first time, she seemed to him as red as spring. (A. Tolstoy, "Walking through the torments")

The exercise was prepared by D. Zhuzhleva and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

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