Have you found Oksana? Attention!!!!The killer of Oksana Aplekaeva has been found! Russian fashion model, film actress and TV presenter

The shocking truth about the death of the star of the show "Dom-2" Oksana Aplekaeva was revealed. The girl died 10 years ago, but these details have surfaced only now. Oksana was killed in 2008. Recall that she was taken away from the auto show, where she worked as a model, by a certain young man. No one else saw a living star. Investigators conducted a re-examination and found out that Oksana's body had been abused by an employee of the morgue near Moscow. He actually raped the deceased after death. The employee confessed to everything, he was fired and they did not plan to punish him any more.

On the body of the victim found strangulation marks and many bruises. Based on the position in which the victim was lying, the operatives concluded that the attackers had thrown Oksana out of the car on the move, and then returned and tried to mask the traces of their atrocity.

According to one version, the girl was kidnapped during the Moscow International Motor Show, which took place in those days at the Crocus Expo, where she worked as a model, and before her death she was severely beaten and raped. According to another version, Oksana was killed by one of her former lovers. Aplekaeva's acquaintances claimed that shortly before the tragedy, a certain young man threatened her. Also, the media actively discussed the assumption that the girl witnessed some events that occurred at one of the closed parties, and they decided to remove her. The case has not yet been solved. However, a few months ago, investigators, using the latest technology, made the same re-examination.

It turned out that someone had had sexual intercourse with the corpse of Oksana Aplekaeva in the morgue in Istra, near Moscow. The study showed that the biological fluid belonged to a forensic expert with 12 years of experience, 37-year-old native of Mordovia Alexander Alukaev. Alukaev was detained by operatives, but after interrogation he was released. The maximum that would threaten him is liability for desecration of the bodies of the dead (arrest for up to three months), but the statute of limitations on the case has already passed, reports Life.ru.

“I confessed to everything. You can't argue against science. I had to quit my job of my own accord. I haven't been able to find a new place for over three months now. With my wife, of course, after this incident, my relationship went wrong - she left and even changed her phone number, which she had had for more than ten years before, ”Alukaev told Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Judging by the man’s page on social networks, he liked to relax with his wife abroad, and also enjoys playing computer games and goes hunting and fishing with friends, Life notes. Alukaev's page has now been deleted. The medical examiner's friends don't believe he could do such a thing. “I do not believe and do not allow such a thought. We worked together with Alexander, and I know him as a highly qualified specialist,” said Andrey, one of Alukaev’s former colleagues.

Oksana Aplekaeva, a participant in the scandalous Russian TV show Dom-2, who was killed in 2008, was raped in the morgue.

According to the journalists of the publication, this was done by forensic expert Alexander Alukaev. The man has already been placed in jail. He faces responsibility for desecrating the body of the deceased.

Recall that Aplekaeva's body was discovered on September 1, 2008 in the area of ​​the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The cause of death was suffocation.

Oksana Aplekaeva, 31, worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show. After her death, it turned out that the woman arranged orgies for rich people, bringing with her young girls of model appearance.

Some of these girls were also killed. Allegedly, Aplekaeva blackmailed her clients with photos and videos taken during sexual orgies.

By the way, Aplekaeva was the bride of the famous Russian tennis player Marat Safin.

The investigation of the crime went on for two months, but the perpetrators could not be found. The search was suspended "due to the inability to identify persons subject to criminal liability," and all the suspects had an alibi.

We also note that on the 40th day after the funeral, Aplekaeva's grave was set on fire.

By the way, a close friend of Aplekaeva reported that even on the scandalous project, Oksana stood out among the rest of the participants with decency.

Recall, in December last year in the suburbs.

Over the years of the existence of "House-2", the number of participants in the longest reality show in history has gone into the thousands. For some, the show gave a start to "big show business", fame and money. But among the ex-households there were also drug addicts, adult movie actresses, criminals who later suffered punishment, and a very sad fate awaited some residents of the TV set. About the former participants of "House-2", who are no longer alive, read the material Find out.rf

Christina Kalinina

Many participants of the show disliked 22-year-old Kristina Kalinina, who came to the project in March 2006. All because she did not hide the purpose of her arrival - to find a foster father for her little daughter, who was left in the care of her grandmother. As a result, the female half of reality took up arms against Christina, and in just two weeks the girl left the project.

After leaving, the girl fell into depression and began to abuse alcohol. Nine months later, a week before her 23rd birthday, Kalinina died of heart and kidney failure.

Oksana Aplekaeva

In March 2005, 28-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva joined the ranks of Doma-2. For 75 days of being on the show, the girl could not meet love, but she gained fame. After leaving the construction site in early June, she became a frequent guest on television and even received a couple of episodic roles in popular TV shows. It was rumored that tennis player Marat Safin drew attention to the girl, but their romance did not last long.

In September 2008, truckers found Oksana's body on the Riga-Moscow highway. It took several days to establish her identity - she did not have any documents with her. As the cause of death, forensic scientists named strangulation. The killer was never found. An examination showed that after her death, Aplekaeva was raped by a mortuary employee.

Oksana Korneva

Residents of the TV set affectionately called Oksana Korneva Kesha. In July 2004, a couple of months after the start of the show, a 19-year-old girl came to the project to May Abrikosov, but at that moment he was carried away by another participant in the show. Oksana never built her love and left the project after 48 days, leaving the best memories of herself.

In January 2009, Oksana and two friends ran across the road in the center of Moscow. They were hit by a car. The girl's friends died on the spot, and she passed away in the hospital due to her injuries.

Petr Avsetsin

Petr Avsetsin's stay at Dom-2 was limited to 17 days, despite his outstanding appearance and goodwill. He had to leave the show due to health issues. In December 2009, an obituary appeared on the page of a young man on VKontakte - he died of cancer.

Andrey Kadetov

Petersburger Andrei Kadetov came to Dom-2 in April 2010 and stayed for 7 months. The tall blue-eyed handsome man attracted the attention of all the women of the project and had an affair with several ladies at once. There was one thing - in his passport he had a marriage stamp. The man fed the hosts of the show with breakfast for a long time, promising to annul the marriage during the next outing for the perimeter, but he never did. In the end, he was "expelled".

On December 24, 2010, a man was walking his dog when an unidentified man knocked him down and stabbed him 11 times. At first, the investigation put forward a version of a mentally ill hater, since back in November Andrei received calls with death threats. The caller even named the date - December 25th. We at the site believe that it was just not a very adequate hater, who accidentally almost guessed the number. In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic.

On November 10, Kadetov was driving a car with a friend, saw a girl sitting alone at a bus stop, and offered her a ride. She agreed, and Andrei and the stranger, who introduced herself as Alexandra, spent the evening in bed by mutual agreement. The next day, the guy found out that the girl filed a rape complaint against him. Alexandra offered to "solve the issue" for money, then sent her ex-boyfriend, 22-year-old Yuri Zhidkov, "to talk like a man." The "conversation" has gone too far. The court sentenced Yuri to 11 years in prison.

Vasily Zhulinsky

24-year-old Vasily Zhulinsky from the Tver region did not get into the main composition of the participants of "House-2". On February 22, 2013, he came to the project to Tatyana Kirilyuk, but the household preferred to see not him, but another candidate, Dmitry Shok, in their ranks.

On June 19 of the same year, the guy was put on the wanted list. The search party found his body in the lake near his house - Vasily drowned due to an accident.

Svetlana Ustinenko

Svetlana Ustinenko became one of the "mommies" of the project - she arrived at the construction site to support her daughter Aliana and help her improve relations with her mother-in-law Olga Gobozova. After skirmishes with the matchmaker, the woman herself began to look for her love, took part in the Reboot project and became much fresher. Soon, her youngest child, son Gegham, also settled on the project.

But in the fall of 2014, the woman was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer. The treatment did not work. Two years later, Svetlana was gone. She was only 48 years old.

Maria Politova

Masha Politova came to Dom-2 three times: in early 2006, mid-2007 and in 2010. A bright and memorable girl was pursued by failures: bulimia, bipolar disorder. After the third attempt to win the heart of one of the "household", which lasted 17 days, Politova gave up this venture and soon found happiness with a certain Artem Shanurov.

On December 4, 2017, Artem discovered the loss of his beloved and began searching. He had not seen her for several days and feared "the worst". On December 13, Masha was found dead. Her body lay for several days under a fence in a cottage village near Moscow. Nearby they found a pack of pills and a bottle of strong alcohol.

Anastasia Tarasyuk

Anastasia Tarasyuk's stay at Dom-2 was short (about a month), but spectacular. In the fall of 2013, she moved into a city apartment with Andrei Cherkasov, then Nikita Kuznetsov and Gabriel Alvarez showed signs of attention to her.

On June 22, 2018, a girl fell out of a window on the 19th floor. She moved to this apartment, located in the Moscow residential complex "Golden Keys" on Minskaya Street, a couple of weeks before her death. Information appeared in the media about the pregnancy of a girl from a boyfriend who insisted on an abortion. Albert Rezin, whom Tarasyuk dated for some time after the project, said that she suffered from depression and drank too much alcohol.

Polina Lobanova

19-year-old Polina Lobanova came to the TV set in October 2017. The opinion about the girl was controversial: the guys showed her signs of attention (and she slept with one of the gentlemen on the very first day), but the relationship did not work out. Polina's sister came to visit and begged her to leave the project so as not to "disgrace the family." Either persuasion helped, or Polina despaired of building love, but already on December 2, 2017, she went beyond the perimeter, rejoicing in freedom.

On July 4, 2018, the media reported on the death of Polina Lobanova. A few days before, on July 1, she celebrated her 20th birthday. The celebration took place at the club, after which she went to the apartment of a familiar tattoo artist, where they found her body. Lobanova's sister believes that the girl was “pumped up” with drugs - there were empty blisters of pills in the bathroom.

We invite you to read material about Russian stars who passed away too early.
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There was a lot of talk about Oksana Aplekaeva at one time, and, unfortunately, not only in a positive way. The bright blonde is one of the former participants in the Dom-2 TV show, who for one reason or another joined the sad one.

Childhood and youth

Oksana's biography does not indulge in facts. The girl was born in June 1977 in the capital of Bashkiria - Ufa. My father worked in law enforcement. Two sisters remained - Kristina and Olesya. In 2003, like thousands of young people, Oksana moved to Moscow in search of a better life and prospects.

An accountant-economist by education, she graduated from a financial and economic school, but did not work in her specialty. In an interview, Aplekaeva said that she was well versed in luxury cosmetics. Apparently, this was enough to get a job as a consultant in one of the stores of the large perfumery and cosmetics retailer Arbat-Prestige.

"House 2"

The reality show "Dom 2" is positioned as a platform where single people look for and find their soul mate, find family happiness. In addition, more than one media personality came out of the television gates and became the object of discussion and a target for journalists. Former and current participants of the show use the opportunities that have fallen out in different ways. Oksana was no exception. The Ufa blonde appeared on the frontal place in 2005.

Aplekaeva quickly attracted the attention of both viewers and participants in the TV show. The blonde came not for PR, but to actually find a couple. But, unlike the established tradition, the girl avoided scandals and gossip. According to, which some media called Oksana's close friend, even competitors were surprised by her decency and unwillingness to participate in overt and covert confrontations.

Oksana stayed in the project for two and a half months, but she never met her soul mate. Answering the question why she needed to participate in House 2, Aplekaeva said that she just wanted to feel how people live under round-the-clock camera surveillance. The only plus that a pretty blonde took out of the project is fame. As if Oksana went beyond the perimeter, because she received an offer to continue her modeling career.

According to another version, the reason for the removal of the girl turned out to be banal: the producers got rid of the participant, who does not attract attention in any way - neither positive nor negative points, and therefore does not increase the ratings of the program. And no one would have remembered the next participant in the scandalous show, if not for the chain of tragic events that followed. And so mysterious that even now, despite the fact that years have passed, no one will undertake to say that he knows for sure the details of what happened.

After leaving the television set, Oksana worked at the Expo Style modeling agency, managed projects in Animal Style magazine, participated in the Miss MAXIM 2008 contest, and even entered the top 100 beauties.

In addition, Aplekaeva tested herself in the acting field, starring in episodes of the series "Detectives" and "Matchmaker". As an extra, the girl participated in the filming of the Bla Bla Show programs on REN TV, Federal Judge, Comedy Club.

In August 2008, Oksana got a part-time job as a stand attendant at the Moscow International Motor Show. The world of expensive cars, rich visitors - the last attributes of a beautiful life, which the girl so aspired to.

Personal life

Participation in the reality show "House 2" played a fatal role in Oksana's later life. According to others, leaving the perimeter, the girl seemed to fall into constant euphoria. Following recognition came new acquaintances, invitations to all kinds of parties, communication with a wide range of people. Moreover, due to naivety, not appropriate for her age, Aplekaeva did not know how to understand people, she believed in the word.

So the Ufa guest was remembered by the participants of the TV show for the fact that she took competitions seriously, did not understand jokes and was sometimes too intrusive. The arrival of a new participant in "House 2" was marked by a sophisticated test, and Oksana also happened.

Moreover, during the 2 months of their stay on the TV set, the participants came up with practical jokes for Aplekaeva every day. According to Oksana, she allowed herself to be joked about. And since it was mostly guys who did this, perhaps the girl even liked such perverted male attention.

On the other hand, caution was not peculiar to the girl. Direct and open, at the first meeting she dumped on the interlocutor a lot of information about herself, her plans and dreams.

For a while, Oksana was listed as the bride of a famous tennis player. But the existence of the novel was called into question, since Safin lived abroad. A sociable girl was photographed with many representatives of the world of show business. And, according to her friends, not everyone with whom Aplekaeva was in the photo was considered her friends.


Oksana worked at the Moscow Motor Show for two days, then contacted her sister and said that she had been invited to a birthday party. For three days, Aplekaeva did not get in touch. In the salon, the disappearance of the girl was not paid attention, since she got a job on her own so as not to pay commissions for intermediary services to the agency. Worried only roommate.

And in September, the girl's body was found on the Moscow-Riga highway in the Istra district by drivers passing by. According to investigators, the former member of "House 2" was killed, the murderer most likely brought the corpse and threw it away at the place of discovery. The cause of death was asphyxia, Oksana was simply strangled, before that she was severely beaten.

The scandalous murder was instantly overgrown with rumors. Allegedly, in a short period of time, 8 girls who worked at the same exhibition disappeared. The details of the investigation into the circumstances that preceded the death of Aplekaeva added fuel to the fire, leaking to the press.

The participants of another controversial program, “The Battle of Psychics”, did not stand aside either. If the opinion of the magicians about the method of murder and about Oksana as a public person coincided to one degree or another, then in terms of the motives for the crime, it was not possible to come to a common denominator. There were suggestions from a maniac to blackmail.

To some extent, the investigation also agreed with the sorcerers. The version that Oksana, as they say, knew too much was considered as the main one. And again, due to inexperience, she blabbed to someone, without knowing it herself, or tried to use the information for personal purposes. In other words, she demanded a reward for her silence.

According to the Internet and tabloids, Aplekaeva was friends with a girl named Irina. She provided escort services to far from the last people in the social hierarchy. Oksana allegedly also participated in closed events. What she saw or heard there, one can only guess. Of course, the powers that be did not like that a model unknown to anyone dared to blackmail them.

This theory was reinforced by a notebook found in Oksana's apartment, containing the girls' names and unambiguous comments. Encoded discs were also seized there. It is not known what kind of information was stored on them and whether it was possible to decipher the records.

Another version emerged from the analysis of Oksana's phone calls. This time, a man whom the girl met during the exhibition was suspected of murder. As if this person took her from a car dealership, drove her to restaurants, and then invited her to the "continuation of the banquet." However, the investigative actions carried out confirmed the non-involvement of these persons in the crime.

The phones themselves were not found. The investigation believed that Aplekaeva recorded the entertainment of the wealthy and famous on camera. The list of suspects was replenished by an unknown young man who left threats on Oksana's social network page. According to unconfirmed information, after the disappearance of the girl, both the comments and the profile of the man disappeared.

The funeral of Oksana Aplekaeva was held in Ufa. The family did not allow outsiders to the ceremony, only the closest relatives and friends. None of the "colleagues" on the TV show came to say goodbye, and those who were called friends hurried to disown the situation. A month later, an act of vandalism was committed over the grave of the girl - they burned a wreath and a monument.

The girl who sought fame found it after death. On the anniversary of the death, the film “Who killed Oksana?” was released. The details of life turned into a plot for the programs “Let them talk”, “Russian sensations”, “Protagonist”.

Died in 2007

Christina in 2006 participated in the TV project "Hunger", immediately after which she came to "Dom-2". "Beyond the perimeter" Kalinina left her little daughter, and the guys did not like this fact. Christina did not have a relationship with anyone, the girl was constantly in conflict with the participants in the TV show. Two weeks later, Christina decided to leave Dom-2. After leaving the show, Kalinina became depressed, later she refused food and water. This played a fatal role in her life: at 22, Christina died of heart and kidney failure.

Oksana Aplekaeva

Killed in September 2008

Oksana Aplekaeva lived on the project for two and a half months. During this time, the blond beauty turned the heads of many men. The girl admitted that she always wanted to become a model and came to the TV set to fulfill her dream. After 72 days at Dom-2, the blonde left the project hoping to start a career, but she never managed to become a famous fashion model: in September 2008, the girl was killed.


In early autumn 2008, Aplekaeva's body with traces of asphyxiation was found in the Istra district of the Moscow region. The body was found by truck drivers. According to one version, Oksana was killed by one of her former lovers. The investigation of the crime went on for two months, but the perpetrators could not be found. The search was suspended "because of the inability to identify persons subject to prosecution," and all the suspects had an alibi. Around the mysterious death of Oksana, there were many rumors. The girl's friends were sure that they had dealt with Aplekaeva, since she was a witness to many of the criminal cases of her boyfriends.

Oksana Korneva

Died January 2009

The guys at the TV set called Oksana Korneva “Kesha”. A sociable girl with a short haircut easily joined the new team and was liked by many guys. However, the girl failed to build love - Oksana left the project. In 2009, it became known that the girl's life was tragically cut short - Korneva was hit by a car. A terrible incident happened on New Year's Eve. Oksana with her friend and her boyfriend ran across the Garden Ring. The young people were hit by a fixed-route taxi - a couple died on the spot, and Korneva was taken to intensive care. The next day the girl died.

Petr Avsetsin

Died of cancer in December 2009

Pyotr Avsetsin was a member of the television program for only 17 days. It turned out that the young man had oncology, and the man had to leave the project. After the show, Avsetsin struggled with cancer for a long time, but the disease never receded. In December 2009, the man died.

Andrey Kadetov

Killed in December 2010

Andrey Kadetov came to the project in April 2010 and immediately attracted the attention of TV girls. The blue-eyed blonde, under two meters tall, flirted with almost all the girls and had affairs with several participants. Later it turned out that the handsome man behind the perimeter has a wife. The TV presenters gave the guy an ultimatum: a project and a divorce or a family. Kadetov traveled to his native Petersburg many times to complete paperwork, but returned without a “divorced” column in his passport. Then Borodina deprived Andrei of the status of a project participant, and the young man left the show. Beyond the perimeter, Kadetov's life was tragically cut short. On December 24, 2010, a young man was killed outside his own house while walking his dog. Andrei was attacked by a man who inflicted 11 stab wounds. Investigators found out that a month before his death, Andrei met a girl Alexandra in St. Petersburg, with whom he spent the night. The next day, a Petersburger wrote a statement to the police about the rape, but later took him away. The “victim” asked her ex-boyfriend to talk to Andrey “like a man”. Ex Alexandra Yuri Zhidkov could not talk, but inflicted mortal wounds on Kadetov.

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