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Anton Privolov is a person who comes to every home to talk about the features and quality of food products as part of the Test Purchase TV program.

The smiling, charismatic guy is a well-known TV presenter of numerous shows on Channel One, and he also starred in feature films, but, as a rule, in cameos or episodes.

Among other things, Anton Yuryevich is not only a restaurateur, presenter and actor, but also a loving husband and dad. He always finds time for his small family, although he strives to make a dizzying career.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anton Privolov

The young man constantly attracts the attention of fans who, although they are aware that he is happily married, want to know his height, weight, age. How old is Anton Privolovov is not so difficult to find out, since the date of his birth is freely available.

Anton was born in 1981, so he is already thirty-seven years old. According to the Zodiac, the guy received the sign of persistent, stable, ambitious, patient, stubborn and creative Capricorn.

At the same time, the eastern horoscope endowed Privolny with character traits characteristic of the Rooster, namely, artistry, narcissism, charisma, smiling, resourcefulness and stability.

Anton Privolov: photos in his youth and now are identical, because over the past few years, almost nothing has changed in his image, including his hairstyle and look.

His height is currently one meter and ninety-one centimeters, while the celebrity weighs only ninety-three kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Anton Privolov

The biography and personal life of Anton Privolov is a whole series of accidents and adventurous stories. At the same time, little Antoshka was born in the capital of the then Soviet Union, so he had many chances for development and getting a decent education.

Father - Yuri Privolov - for a long time was a talented musician and guitarist, however, after perestroika, he became the owner of a car dealership.

Mother - worked as a teacher of melodic and beautiful French in one of the higher educational institutions.

The boy was creative and athletic, he studied well at school and took part in amateur theatrical productions. The boy was not going to become a television man or an actor, he dreamed of the profession of a fireman, salesman and astronaut.

However, after the teachers noticed his outstanding artistic and theatrical talent, Anton decided to become a famous theater and film actor. The boy studied at the theater studio of the capital's House of Pioneers, he was incredibly tall for his age, so he could easily compete with older guys.

The funny thing is that the adventurous character warehouse pushed the schoolboy Anton to pass the exams at the RATI, he was enrolled in the first year, which he did not expect at all. The guy went to the underpass and got a fake certificate stating that he graduated from high school. An interesting fact is that the document was adopted by the commission and attached to the personal file.

Later, Privolov nevertheless graduated from school as an external student and took a real certificate to the RATI. As a student, he worked as a waiter at the Ostankino restaurant, where he not only studied the entire system of the restaurant business from the inside, but also tried to make useful contacts with television people.

They tried to draft Anton into the ranks of the Russian army, but he did an alternative service in the theater of that same Russian army. At the same time, Privolov became the host of the TVC channel in the Secrets of Themis program, which soon ceased to exist. In parallel with work, the guy became a student at the Television Institute at Ostankino, where he received the profession of director, as well as the School of Television and Film.

After that, in 2002, the guy became the permanent host of Channel One, he appears as part of the Good Morning TV programs, when the OTK and Your News Time sections are announced. Since 2006, he began to conduct the popular programs “Test Purchase”, “First Program”.

At the same time, Anton Privolovov starred in episodes of feature films and the TV series Sleeping Area, Summer Residents, After School, and Shopping Center. The guy is the owner of the Puree Home Cafe restaurant, where you can taste exclusive dishes of the author's cuisine. Privolov completely abandoned the use of meat products, so the restaurant menu contains high-quality vegetables and fruits purchased from domestic farms.

The personal life of a young and ambitious TV presenter is an area in which there are a huge number of white spots. For example, recently, scandalous news was circulating on the Internet, saying "Anton Privolov and Anastasia Tregubova are a novel." This information appeared after a colleague of the guy on the Good Morning program said that she had two kids, whose father she did not want to name. Paternity was immediately attributed to Anton, but Nastya denied this information with a laugh.

However, meticulous journalists did not even think of giving in and launched such unverified news with the tag "Anton Privolov and Natalya Semenikhina novel." The fact is that the girl became the first partner of the host in the Test Purchase program, and they looked incredibly organic and harmonious on the screen, like lovers. Gossip began to bloom even after Privolny's marriage broke up, but Natalya is raising two daughters and is incredibly happy with her beloved husband.

One way or another, nothing is known about the personal life of the young TV presenter, he is free and open to new relationships.

Family and children of Anton Privolov

The family and children of Anton Privolnov are his support in life, although he largely repeats the history of his ancestors. Anton's family was friendly and creative until the inevitable happened. The boy's parents divorced when Anton was six years old, but the boy was in close contact with his father, so he did not feel a lack of paternal attention.

We can say that due to the fact that mom and dad managed to maintain friendly relations, Anton retained the warmest and most vivid memories of them. He tries to apply the same experience in raising his son. The fact is that Privolny's marriage broke up, but the little son spends a lot of time with his famous father, visits him in the Ostankino pavilions and even travels to many countries of the world.

The son of Anton Privolov - Platon Privolov

The son of Anton Privolnov - Platon Privolnov - was born in marriage to Olga Privolnova in 2007. The boy turned out to be bright and incredibly artistic, he amazes those around him with an excellent ear for music. This fact seems simply incredible, because there were rumors on the Internet that Plato is a special boy who suffers from congenital deafness.

Privolov denied this diagnosis, since at the age of seven he went not only to an ordinary school, but also to a music school under Gnesinka. The boy is engaged in swimming, rollerblading and cycling, loves to travel and wants to become a TV presenter, like his dad.

The ex-wife of Anton Privolnov - Olga Privolnova

The ex-wife of Anton Privolnov - Olga Privolnova - appeared in his life back in 2006, when he was a student at the School of Television and Film. The girl studied at the same higher educational institution, but did not attract the attention of the guy, he was not going to meet her, let alone make her a marriage proposal.

At the same time, opposites attract, and young people began to meet, and in 2007 they became legal spouses. There were legends about the Privolny family, they were set as an example, as a model of fidelity and love, therefore, like a bolt from the blue, the news sounded that Anton had divorced his wife.

After ten years of a happy marriage, Olga and Anton realized that it was hard for them to endure constant separation due to filming. The little son stayed with his mother, they moved to St. Petersburg, where the girl was offered a permanent job. At the same time, the couple managed to remain friends for the sake of their common baby, so the guy does not notice a change in their relationship.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anton Privolov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anton Privolovov have long been official, so all information can be regarded as relevant and reliable. The Wikipedia article contains data on childhood, school years, higher education, parents, family life. Special attention is paid to the filmography and television career of the guy.

About twelve thousand users are currently subscribed to Anton's Instagram page. They can enjoy high-quality photographs and video materials from the personal and television archive of the young man. At the same time, each fan can comment on the post and appreciate it.

Anton Privolnov, a charismatic TV presenter and journalist who became popular thanks to the TV show Control Purchase, which has been broadcast by Channel One for over 10 years, was born on January 1, 1981 in Moscow.


As a child, he did not have such a dream - to be a recognizable face on a television screen. He also had no connections and acquaintances on TV. He was no different from his peers, he was going to become either a salesman or a firefighter. His father was a guitarist and his mother was a French teacher. Unfortunately, the parents divorced when Anton was 6 years old.

But in high school, Anton became seriously interested in acting and even decided to try his hand and enter the theater without even finishing a high school course.

Possessing an impressive physique and high growth, 15-year-old Privolov did not stand out among the guys who were two years older than him. Having passed the entrance exams at GITIS, he was unexpectedly enrolled in the faculty of Leonid Kheifets. The young applicant was not expelled, and the school had to finish as an external student.

According to this episode, Internet users are asking a reasonable question on the forums - maybe this is an inaccuracy in the biography of the TV presenter, or they don’t look at the documents when they are admitted to the State Institute of Theater Arts, for a minute, the largest theater university in Europe and one of the largest in the world.

But in fact, it is the results of the creative competition that play the decisive role in enrollment, and Privolov passed it brilliantly.


After graduating from GITIS, Anton Privolov went to work at the Theater of the Russian Army, however, he did not work out with acting. The classical repertoire did not fascinate the young artist too much. And in general, he had already begun to dream of a career in television.

To tread the path to another path, Anton entered the School of Film and Television. I had to combine my studies with a part-time job as a waiter in a cafe near the Ostankino television center.

Serving TV stars who came to dine, Privolov carefully observed their behavior and manners. He really wanted to understand how the recognizable faces of the television screen live, what their character is, what the magical atmosphere of cinematography represents. Subsequently, this undoubtedly helped him when Anton himself became a TV presenter.

In 2001, Privolovov was invited to the TVC to host the Secrets of Themis program. Legal topics were far from him - much more he wanted to communicate with the stars and cover secular parties. But, although this transfer did not last long, it allowed Anton to acquire the necessary skills in a new field. Then he was the host of the "Time for your news" column.

This was of great importance in the sense that no matter how prestigious the diploma received, everyone is interested in work experience. And thanks to one bold adventure (it was not for nothing that he studied at the acting department), which consisted in the phrase: “You take me on the morning air, otherwise they already called me with several offers,” Privolov was invited to Channel One. In reality, there were no calls from NTV, and indeed from nowhere.

The very first task of the editors almost ended in complete failure. It was necessary to interrogate people on the street, but as it sometimes happens, none of the passers-by wanted to answer the questions of the young TV journalist and his assistant on camera. Resourcefulness and this time rescued Anton Privolov.

Experiencing from despair that no one could be called to a dialogue, and realizing the fear of the possibility of losing a new job, he and the girl began in a bizarre manner, fooling around in front of the TV camera a little, taking turns portraying random passers-by who answer questions asked.

And it worked. The editor of Good Morning liked the story presented, and Anton and the girl were appointed as the hosts.

Since 2003, Privolovov began to maintain the “OTK” section, which after a certain time was transformed into an independent program called “Test Purchase”. Initially, various useful things were the objects of research, and only then the quality of the food consumed became the main issue of transmission. The TV presenter is especially proud of the fact that "Test Purchase" is an original program, and not a copied or bought foreign TV project. Own idea and implementation.

The finest hour of Anton Privolnov has come. He becomes famous, recognizable, popular. He already conducts master classes. Viewers are impressed by his professional comments. Already well versed in the endless world of food, Privolov decided to transform the acquired knowledge into a real business.

Today he owns an original restaurant with the uncomplicated name "Pure", where the prices are reasonable and the products are of high quality. The main expert of the country cannot be otherwise.

Personal life

Privolov met his wife at the Film School, where they studied together. Outwardly - complete opposites, at first they did not notice each other at all. But after a friendly joint trip to the cinema, Anton and Olga no longer parted, deciding to link their destinies.

With wife Olga and son

The couple had a boy in 2007, who was named Plato. Due to the incompetence of the doctor, the child was diagnosed with deafness after birth. But, fortunately, it turned out that the son is absolutely healthy.

It so happened that after 10 years of marriage in June 2017, the couple decided to leave. Olga was transferred to work in St. Petersburg, and Anton remained in Moscow. Marriage simply could not stand the test of distance. And now the heart of a popular journalist is free.

Plato is already an adult, and he reacted with understanding to the decision of his parents. He lives with his mother, but continues to maintain a good relationship with his father.

Anton does not stop there, he has many projects in his plans, including the dream of an acting career on the big screen. Moreover, there are already several episodic roles in his portfolio. For Privolov, it is important that the viewer's mood is good, and he always tries to add a little joy to what he devotes his activities to on television and in life.

The Test Purchase program, which has been delighting the audience of Channel One for several years, is gaining more and more popularity. What kind of person is the presenter of this program Anton Privolov? Biography, nationality, age, personal life of this connoisseur of all goods are of interest to many.

Childhood and youth

Anton Yuryevich Privolnov was born in the capital on January 1, 1981, in a Russian family of a guitarist and French teacher. In his childhood, there was nothing remarkable that distinguished Anton from other boys. The craving for acting did not awaken immediately: for a very long time our hero could not determine which profession attracted him the most.

At the age of 15, Anton, without any specific goal, went with his 17-year-old comrades to the entrance exams at the RATI (due to his large physique and high growth, he looked older than his years). What was the general surprise when it turned out that Anton, among others, was enrolled in the faculty of Leonid Kheifets. I had to go for a new trick: Anton acquired a fake certificate in the transition, thanks to which he became a student at the age of 15.

First TV experience

Even while studying at RATI, Anton, moonlighting as a waiter in a restaurant near Ostankino, looked with interest at the television stars who came to the establishment for lunch. How do famous people behave and how do they live? Perhaps watching this awakened in the young man the dream of becoming a famous TV presenter and benefiting the audience from the TV screen.

While serving in the theater of the Russian army, Anton Privolov received an invitation from the TVC channel to try himself as the host of the Secrets of Themis program. Unfortunately, the transfer did not last long, but allowed to gain experience.

Cunning, which became the beginning of a career

And now the nationality, the professional qualities of a young man at that time were little known to anyone) is trying to continue his career as a TV presenter, but only the largest television channels attract him. Anton enters the Institute of Television at the directing department, successfully graduates from it. But few people pay attention to a diploma: everyone needs work experience. And then the enterprising young man, together with a friend, embarks on another adventure. Young people come to Ostankino, knock on every door and offer new and interesting ideas. Among others, they are promised a call back from the Good Morning TV show. But there were still no calls ... Then the friends returned, as if nothing had happened, and asked if they were finally being taken on the morning air, "otherwise several interesting proposals had already been received from the NTV channel." The trick worked, and young people got the opportunity to prepare short stories for Good Morning on Pervy!

Anton, of course, was glad of the success, but a few minutes on the air seemed to him not enough. The talented young man had many ideas. It was only necessary to understand which of them would be the most in demand, and bring it to life.

"Test Purchase"

Since the issue of the quality of food and consumed products was considered one of the most pressing back in 2006, it was clear that the program should be devoted specifically to the "grocery" topic. At first it was planned to shoot in a humorous way, but it soon became clear that viewers needed a serious program with useful tips on how to distinguish quality goods from dubious ones.

So the program "Test Purchase" began to go on the air of Channel One. The presenter Anton Privolov told (and showed) which brands in their products comply with the production standards, and which ones ignore them. The slogan "We do not advertise. We do test purchases" informed the viewer that the goal of the project was not to promote any goods, but to objectively assess their quality.

In 2016, Anton's program will celebrate ten years of being on the air. A rather long period, which indicates that the topic is relevant and interesting. And Anton Privolov (biography, nationality, personal life of a young man is now described in many articles and interviews) nevertheless became a popular TV presenter who benefits viewers from TV screens!

TV presenter's personal life

Even in his student years, Anton began dating a girl named Olga, who later became his wife. In 2007, their son Plato was born. At the age of several months, the boy was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - deafness. As it turned out later, it was wrong. Now the boy is doing well, he graduated from the first grade, and in addition, he was accepted into the music school at Gnesinka, where he has a good ear and excellent abilities.

Anton Privolov, whose family will celebrate his 8th birthday, tries to devote all his free time to his wife and son. Together they go for walks, go on trips to interesting places, and most of all they love spending the night in a tent in nature.

Future plans

Here is such a hero of our article Anton Privolov (biography, nationality, age, path to popularity and personal life are described above). Anton does not believe that it is time for him to stop there. In addition to working on television, Anton has several episodic roles in films, as well as his own restaurant, where they cook only from environmentally friendly products.

We can say that Anton Privolovov is a person who has achieved success in his personal life, and in his career, and in an occupation for the soul!

All Russian viewers know Anton Privolny from the Test Purchase program. In this program, it helps to determine which products are of high quality, and they can be eaten without fear, and which ones are harmful to people's health. Not only ordinary housewives, but also experts listen to his opinion.

The program "Test Purchase" was remembered by the audience not only for useful advice, but also for the interesting presentation of the material. Its presenter Anton Privolov was always in a good mood and presented information with a bit of humor.

Anton is active and dynamic not only on the screen. He is the same in real life. This is how friends speak of him and, of course, his wife, Olga.

Fateful meeting

Olga often recalls how she met Anton. They studied together at the School of Film and Television. But it wasn't love at first sight. Moreover, young people did not pay attention to each other at all.

The girl considered Anton too boring. And Anton remembered his future wife as a red-haired and noisy girl in a short dress, with strange plush carrots.

While studying at the School of Film and Television, Anton did not want to be distracted by love relationships. He dreamed of roles in theater and cinema. This was his childhood dream. Before finishing school, he became a student of GITIS, and he had to receive a certificate of secondary education as an external student.

Olga's meeting with Anton, which marked the beginning of their relationship, took place a little later. It was decided by the whole group to go to the premiere of the film in the cinema. But it so happened that only Olga and Anton came to the meeting. Despite the fact that there were two of them from the whole group, they did not give up on their plans and went to watch the film.

After the film, Anton invited the girl to take a walk. They walked and talked a lot. And it turned out that young people have a lot in common. Having found common interests, they began to communicate more often, and later began to meet. More after a while they began to live together.

For themselves, the lovers came up with an interesting rating system. Every day they evaluated each other for attentiveness, kindness, for relationships. Soon the couple came to the conclusion that they were made for each other and the right decision for them to start a family.

Family life

The wedding of Olga and Anton took place in 2007. The couple immediately began to equip their family nest in a separate apartment. To make the apartment truly “her own”, Olga decided to do design on her own.

Anton actively helped her in this. As a result, the apartment turned out to be bright and not like the others. Everything is bright and sunny in it, as in the life of the couple herself. The only thing missing in the apartment was children's laughter.

The desired baby in the Privolnov family appeared very soon. The little son was called the beautiful name Plato. But, along with the birth of a son, the first difficulties appeared that the couple had to overcome together.

The fact is that the child grew up painfully. Doctors, every now and then, made various diagnoses, which, fortunately, were not confirmed. But how many sleepless nights because of this, parents had to endure.

Interesting Notes:

Olga still recalls with horror how she heard from the doctor that her child was deaf. At that moment, the world turned upside down for her. Fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed. It’s just that the doctor, out of inexperience, did not know that babies up to two months old do not distinguish sounds well.

Not many families endure such tests. But Olga and Anton were not only able to survive all this, such situations even more united the family.

Professional activity and hobbies

Due to her son's health problems, Olga was not soon able to return to her professional activities. She made several documentaries, but she could not fully devote herself to work. Most of her time the woman spent at home with her son.

However, this does not mean that Olga leads a reclusive lifestyle. She became a support and ideological inspiration for her husband. When Anton came up with the idea to open his own restaurant, which would specialize in dishes from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, Olga helped him with the implementation of this idea.

It was she who drew up a clear business plan, determined who and what will do.

Now the restaurant "Pure" is open and popular among visitors. Among many others, it is distinguished by democratic prices and products used for cooking.

The successful running of the business helped the couple save enough money to purchase their own home. Here Olga used her design skills again. She sought to equip the house in such a way that it was cozy and joyful.

The couple also have a common hobby. They love to travel very much. And they love to do this not along well-known tourist routes, but to discover something new, unknown.

The Privolovs have already visited many interesting places and walked many unknown routes. And there is even more unknown ahead.

But in the summer there was information that Olga and Anton were getting a divorce. Allegedly, the reason for this was life in two cities. Having overcome her son's health problems, Olga returned to her favorite job. She was offered a job in St. Petersburg, where she left with her son. Anton remained to work in Moscow.

Feelings did not stand the test of distance but the couple maintained a good relationship. Or maybe fate will turn this way, then the couple will reunite again, remembering how good they were together.

Anton Privolov - TV journalist, presenter, biography, programs with his participation

Anton Privolov is a TV journalist, presenter, best known as the host of the Good Morning and Control Purchase programs. He was born on January 1, 1981 in Moscow (age 34) in Moscow. He studied at GITIS, in the workshop of Leonid Kheifets, where he tried to enter for the first time at the age of 15, hiding his age. He served in the Armed Forces at the Theater of the Russian Army. For some time he worked as a waiter in a restaurant, he came to television in 2001, worked in the program "Secrets of Themis" on TVC. According to Anton himself, he came at a very good time when there were personnel changes on the channel. Completed a course at the School of Film and Television. In the Good Morning program on Channel One, he led the OTK section. The high growth of Anton Privolny - 196 cm, sometimes caused a lot of inconvenience to cameramen during filming.

Since 2006, he has been the host of the Test Purchase program on Channel One. The program is dedicated to food products, during the program the buying jury tries products from different manufacturers, trying to determine the quality. The TV presenter found himself at the center of a small scandal when a former employee described in detail in her LiveJournal the methods of work of Privolov and his colleagues in preparing the releases of "Test Purchase". The former employee accused the creators of the transfer of falsification and distortion of facts. Representatives of Channel One and Anton Privolov denied these allegations and, in turn, stated that the employee was fired due to the fact that she herself used false information when preparing stories.
In 2013, Anton Privolovov founded the Puree restaurant. Further

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