Within 3 months. How to write correctly: during the day or throughout the day? During the day or during the day - whichever is correct

There are words in the Russian language whose spelling differs by just one letter, but the meaning of the whole sentence depends on its correct use. These words include "during". Or "during"? How to avoid mistakes and, when using a word in a certain context, not distort its content?

The answer is simple: you need to figure out what part of speech a word is in a particular sentence.

According to the rules of Russian spelling, the derived preposition “ during "spelled with a letter e at the end. It is used in speech to indicate the time of an action.

For example:

No one had been in this house for several years.

The issue should be resolved within an hour.

We must remember that the preposition “during” can be replaced with another preposition without distorting the meaning of the sentence:

For several years no one has visited this house. (during/for)

The issue should be resolved within an hour.

If a sentence uses a combination of the preposition in and the noun current in the prepositional case, the letter i should be written at the end.

For example:

Minor changes have been observed in the river's flow.

Conclusions website

  1. The combination " during» consists of a noun flow in the prepositional case and preposition V.
    During And
  2. You can insert a definition between a preposition and a noun:
    In a fast current Mountain rivers are all unpredictable.
  3. Derivative preposition "during", indicating the duration of action, is written with the letter e at the end.
    I call you during five minutes.
  4. Pretext "during"- an unchangeable auxiliary part of speech. Between "V" And "flow" it is impossible to insert a definition or any other part of the sentence.

Which is correct: during the day or throughout the day? This question is asked by many high school students. A comprehensive answer to this can be obtained from the presented article.

general information

Let's sum it up

Now you know in which cases you should write the letter “i” at the end of the expression “during ...”, and in which cases you should write “e”. To remember the described rules, let's present them in a shorter form:

1. The letter “e” is always written at the end of the word “during” if it is a complex preposition that means “in a certain period of time.” Such a service part of speech can also be recognized by the fact that it cannot be asked a question, but can be easily replaced with a synonym (during).

2. At the end of the word “during” the letter “and” is written if it is a noun, standing in. In order to determine this part of speech, it is enough to ask the question to the presented expression: “in what?” - during. You can also easily put a word between a preposition and a noun (for example, in a slow current, in a stormy current, etc.).

Exercises to reinforce the material

To remember the above rules of the Russian language, we recommend that you complete the following tasks yourself:

1. Find errors in the sentences:

  • Within 14 days I must return to Moscow.
  • There were many whirlpools throughout the river.
  • I will be released within 24 hours.
  • During my life I have seen a lot.

2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences:

  • Why didn't you come to me during the lesson?
  • Oh, no one knows how much we used these papers over the course of a month.
  • In the stormy current of the river I noticed a man.
  • We argued several times over the course of the year.
  • I will definitely visit you during this year.
  • How could you swim in a strong river current?
  • In the turbulent course of my life there were so many events that I can’t remember everything.

Good afternoon, dear reader of my site.

Anastasia is in touch. Today I want to write a short article on a very simple case.

But as you know, the simplest cases, as a rule, cause difficulties (for example,).

Sometimes I myself wonder how to correctly write “during or during” in sentences like this: I studied English for 3 years or submit a report within a day.

For those who like to watch videos:

And often one is tempted to write “during” with the ending “and”. Let's figure out how to use these phrases correctly.

So, it all depends on the part of speech in the sentence used.

It can be a noun:

Large explanatory dictionary Russian language.

Ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov.



K Leak (1-2, 4-8 digits). T. water, saliva. T. life. T. thoughts. T. time. T. diseases. Stop the blood flow. Over time

(later, hereafter).


Movement of water in a river bed; the moving water itself. Fast, slow, stormy, etc. Upstream, downstream. Fight the current. T. takes the boat to the middle of the river. Upper t.

(upper part of the river, close to the source; upper reaches). Lower t.

(lower part of the river, close to the mouth; lower reaches). To go with the flow(Also:

Live, passively submitting to the prevailing circumstances). swim against the current, go(Also:

Act independently, contrary to established traditions and patterns). //

Movement of flow, masses of water in the seas, oceans; the flow of water itself moving in a certain direction. Sea currents. Warm etc.


Direction to smb. areas of activity. Political and social movements. New topics in literature. Old musical t. One of the scientific movements. Do not recognize religious movements.

And this could be a preposition indicating a time period:

Large explanatory dictionary Russian language.

Ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov.

First edition: St. Petersburg: Norint, 1998.

< В течение чего, в зн. предлога. 1.

For some time period of time. Been involved in politics for decades. Figure it out within a few seconds. Read throughout the day. Don't sleep for a week. -2.

In continuation of some action, during smth. Remain silent during the entire argument. During my stay at the sea I never swam.

Remember: if this noun, then it declines in the standard way.

Example: We got lost in the rapid flow of the river. The current in this river is very strong.

Remember: a preposition is always used with a noun and it can be replaced with the preposition “for” or the preposition removed, and the meaning will remain the same.

Example: During the day I provided a report (per day), for 7 years I studied at a music school (for 7 years I studied at a music school).He played computer games for 3 days (you could say just 3 days) without stopping.

The most important thing is to distinguish parts of speech and identify prepositions.

I hope now you remember how to write correctly during or during.

This rule must be remembered once and for all, applied and written correctly, so as not to find yourself in a funny situation, like in this bearded joke

“A man is wandering around Red Square with a large banner that says: “Freedom for Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev!!!” An alarmed policeman runs up to him: “Are you completely stunned, man?!” What other freedom?! What makes you think that Leonid Ilyich is in prison?” “How from where? On the radio this morning they said: “In conclusion, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev said...”


I write about time management and self-development on Instagram. Subscribe ===>>> https://www.instagram.com/anastasiyazakharowa/



Anastasia Zakharova

In this article we will understand in an accessible and understandable way how to write "during" or "during", "during" or "during", together or separately, with an "e" or "i" at the end.

First, let's look at the combined and separate spelling of the word “during.”
The first thing we will do is decide what part of speech it is.
The “During” design can be:

  1. An excuse. Example: “He studied well all year.”
  2. A combination of the preposition “in” and the noun “current”. For example: “Sewage got into the river.”

As we can see, there is no consistent combination of “flow” in either case.



All that remains is to deal with the letter “e” or “i” at the end.
How do we write “during” or “during”?
Here everything is not as clear as with combined and separate writing.

When “during” is a preposition, we always write “e” at the end!
When we have the preposition "in" and the noun "flow", then it is possible to have both "e" and "i" at the end.

It is important to understand that “during” in most cases is a preposition, except for those cases where “during” in a sentence is an independent noun and is used in the literal sense.
The easiest way to understand this is with examples. Let's look at a few.

  • This work needs to be completed within an hour. (pretext)
  • Vova prepared for the exams throughout the day. (pretext)
  • Our boat was rushing through this huge stream of water. (preposition and noun)
  • Dirty water got into the current. (preposition and noun)
  • There have been changes in the river's flow over the past few years. (preposition and noun)

In the first 2 examples we have a preposition. In meaning, it means - for some time. We always write "e" at the end!
In the remaining 3 we have the noun “current” with the preposition “in”. The "E" or "i" at the end depends on the case.
What? – During – Prepositional case.
What? – During – Accusative case.

That's all.
The main thing that is important and needs to be remembered:

E or I at the end is easier to determine. We almost always write E, except when we are dealing with a noun in the prepositional case: “in what? - during".

To remember the correct spelling for a long time, we recommend memorizing a simple phrase:
For an hour, but within the flow of the river, and always separately!
We also recommend that you remember this picture:

If you still have any questions about how to write “during”, together or separately, with an “e” or an “i” at the end, be sure to write them in the comments.

The phrase “during” often causes great difficulties when writing it. Many people do not know how to write correctly during or during. It is especially difficult for school students to find the right answer when doubts arise. You can find this combination in the dictionary or try to write it with different endings in the Word program, but such actions will not give the desired result. The whole point is that you can write both “within” and “within”. Writing depends on the semantic load of the phrase, its role in the sentence, and its status as a part of speech. You will need to learn to distinguish the complex preposition “during” from a noun with the preposition “during”, correctly determine the meaning of an expression in order to always write the ending in it without errors. Recommendations and clarifications will help you in the future not to confuse these phrases and use them correctly.

We write “during” and “during” correctly
  1. First of all, you need to remember two features of the use and spelling of the phrase “during”:
    • you should always write “during” separately, regardless of the ending;
    • Both spellings are correct: “during” and “during.”
    You can often find recommendations that point to one spelling as the most common and suggest that you remember it. This is the wrong approach and can cause harm in the future. He will not give you the main thing - knowledge. If you independently understand the rules for using and writing this phrase, you will navigate all the nuances, it will not be difficult for you to write it correctly.
  2. There are two phrases:
    • during: noun with preposition;
    • during: derived complex preposition.
    Now you see that the spelling directly depends on the part-speak of the words included in this combination. To correctly write during or during, you will need to identify the expression features of both the noun and the compound preposition.
  3. Consider a noun with the preposition “during.” The noun current is declined and is used in various cases. This noun is used both with and without prepositions. With the preposition “in” this noun is used in the prepositional case and has the ending “and”. How to distinguish a noun from a complex preposition, which you will learn more about below? It is important for you to pay attention to the semantic load of the phrase and its content. When you have a noun in front of you, we are talking about some phenomenon, an object that has the property of flowing. In this case, you will be able to separate the preposition as a auxiliary part of speech. For example: “There is something mysterious about the passage of time.” It talks about time that passes. The noun flow can be designated as an object.

    If you are typing text in Word, you should not be confused by the program’s advice to replace the ending in a complex preposition, since this is a preposition with a noun.

  4. Consider the complex preposition “during”. It cannot be divided by using its component parts separately. For example: “For five hours, during the conversation.” Pay attention to the semantic content of the expression: it can be replaced with the words “during”, “for”. For example: “In five hours, during the conversation.” In the complex preposition “during” the ending is always “e”. This preposition is not part of the sentence.
  5. There is another way to distinguish the complex preposition “during” from the preposition with the noun “during”. Try to separate the phrase by inserting some word that has a suitable meaning.
    • the complex preposition “during” is indivisible, it cannot be divided into other words: he worked during the day, and in the evening he rested (that is, he worked all day);
    • a noun with a preposition can be divided: in the rapid flow of a river.
    When you try to divide a complex preposition in this way, the meaning will immediately become distorted.
Each time, pay attention to the semantic load of the expression, think about which part of speech it refers to, so that you always write “during” and “during” correctly.
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