Aglaya the meaning of the name character. Name Aglaya in different languages ​​of the world

The meaning of the name Aglaya for a girl, a girl and a woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read the full analysis of the nature, compatibility and fate of the name Aglaid in this article!

Full name: Aglaya

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Aglaia - "beauty", "brilliance", "joy"

Similar names: Aglaida

Church name: Aglaida

What does the name Aglaida mean?

The name of a person has a great influence on the fate of its bearer. As you call Lyalka, so she will live. Therefore, the choice of a name must always be approached consciously, studying its origin, character and meaning. It is important to understand that the quality of life, successes and difficulties depend on this chosen name. Aglaida is a name that came to us from Ancient Greece. Then and now its meanings are “shining”, “daughter of beauty and magnificence”. Its owner is always in sight, in the center of events and aware of the latest incidents, loves to dominate. There are such variants of the name: Aglaidia, Glasha, Aglasha.

Name Aglaya in different languages ​​of the world

Belarusian: Aglaya

Bulgarian: Aglaya

Hungarian: Aglaja

Greek: Αγλαΐα

German: Aglaia

Romanian: Aglaia

Ukrainian: Aglaya

French: Aglaé

Characteristics and astrology named after Aglaya

Favorable day: Tuesday

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Ruler Planet: Saturn

Talisman Stone: Topaz

Yellow color

plant: gentian

Animal: tit

What does the name Aglaya mean for a girl, girl and woman?

A girl named Aglaida is a good and reliable friend. Starting from kindergarten and ending with school, she has several true friends, because she herself is always happy to help. Not conflict, benevolent, quickly makes contact. Easily adapts to a preschool educational institution and school.

Equally close to both girls and boys. Therefore, it helps others to overcome speech barriers between friends of the opposite sex. Cheerful, perky, self-confident. In conflicts that are not directly related to her, she considers it necessary to take part and bring the disputing parties to friendship. Sometimes she does this not to help, but to show that they won’t figure it out without her.

A girl named Aglaida is full of doubts and contradictions. Former childish courage and perkyness are replaced by a balanced look and thoughtfulness, assessment of the situation and determination of the consequences after certain actions.

Having a goal in front of her, for example, organizing a literary evening at the institute, she sees huge opportunities after the successful outcome of the case. However, even with the ability to organize and find worthy performers, he may begin to hesitate, change the plan of the event and completely refuse to carry it out, giving the entire reward to the one who copes with this task much worse.

This doesn't always happen. And it happens due to youthful maximalism, when you want to do everything perfectly or do nothing at all, falling into one extreme, then the other.

A woman named Aglaida is a faithful and devoted partner in marriage and love. But the number of ambitious plans rolls over. The goal she has chosen is too huge, the tasks set are unbearably difficult.

Such plans do not allow you to devote yourself to your beloved man or spouse, sometimes there is simply not enough time to show tender feelings. And even a strong love cannot fight such ambitiousness. You don't need to let this happen!

The object of desire and love should play a much more significant role in life than purposefulness, flattering pride and increased self-esteem. When searching for harmony, such a woman will always be softened by her partner's love, making her more calm, able to distract herself from her goals and pay attention to how to please her lover.

The nature and fate of the name Aglaya

  • purposefulness
  • strong-willed character
  • having leadership qualities
  • management skills
  • finding a quick solution to a problem
  • resistance to stress
  • good intuition
  • charm
  • good looks
  • femininity

Purposefulness helps Aglaida not to stand still. When some think about whether to do one way or another, she has already made a decision and acted as she thinks is right. Strong-willed character helps to overcome difficulties on the way to the goal.

Leadership qualities and managerial abilities make it possible to gather a friendly team of like-minded people near you. Does not fall into depression and nervousness, because it is resistant to them. Can intuitively feel a risky venture and not start it.

  • despotic control
  • complex nature
  • secrecy
  • cold

Despotism in management is expressed in the fact that Aglaida, having increased demands on herself, expects the same from others. In the team does not tolerate laziness, laxity and dishonesty. Often has the glory of a person with a complex character.

He hides his personal life and existing problems from prying eyes and ears, which seems secretive to others. Coldness shows to those who are not interested. But as soon as a person acquires at least some significance in her eyes, he “warms up”. Such inconsistency scares away a large number of employees. Close to her are only those who were able to adapt and withstand her initial indifference and detachment.

The fate of Aglaya

Aglaida from childhood goes to the ram if her feelings are hurt. By adolescence, she gives a tougher rebuff to those who offend her. However, he does not enter into fights and brawls. A look and a word are enough for her to put the offender in his place.

In maturity, personal life does not immediately develop well. She is looking for a love that can withstand any test. She needs a strong companion in life, who does not succumb to difficulties, but, on the contrary, gives a helping hand.

The fate of Aglaida is not simple, but full of bright events and impressions. The period of youthful formation is especially fascinating, the period of career growth is difficult and the hour is unpredictable when she realizes that it is time for her to improve her personal life, become a good wife and give birth to a child.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Work for Aglaida, if she does not have a family, comes first. She is not against career growth, and fast. He does not consider it shameful to become a director, because he can manage. But in achieving the goal, he does not “go over his head”, but achieves everything with his own strength, qualities and knowledge. Don't rush, act smoothly, slowly but surely.

With a strong energy, she does not have to choose an office job. She can fully realize herself in theatrical activities. Pedagogy is also close to her, since Aglaida easily conveys the necessary information to the listener. The choice is not so small. In business, partners do not tolerate negligence and frivolity. He believes that the matter is above all: health and family. But that's only until she gets married.

Marriage and family

Being a leader by nature, Aglaida's family life, especially at the beginning, will not be easy. Her betrothed will also suffer from this. It is difficult for her to get used to the fact that now she needs to plan her life with someone else, make plans together.

An alien creature has penetrated her universe - this is exactly how Aglaida feels, despite the fact that she actually loves her chosen one. The husband will have to accustom the woman to the fact that he is the head of the family and the last word is now with him. But soon she will get used to this state of affairs, reconcile herself and become an excellent hostess and wife.

However, sometimes Aglaida will still try to take the lead, and here wisdom will not interfere with her husband in how to act so as not to offend her beloved.

Sex and love

Aglaida is very attractive. Not every man can walk past her without turning around. Fans have no count, but her favors are achieved by one, or even less.

Letting a man close is not in her rules, which Aglaida puts the stronger sex into a stupor and even paralyzes. Rejected consider her either arrogant or touchy. The coldness of a woman is explained by the fact that she wants to be not a fleeting passion in a man's life, but true love and even the meaning of life.

In relationships, she is chaste and tactful, restrained and behaves like a lady. Constantly checking his companion, he decides for a long time on a serious relationship. There are many who want to be with her, but there are incredibly few able to withstand the test. Anyone who can achieve her love will receive a lot of tenderness and passion, not only in relationships, but also in sex.


Aglaida is not prone to pain. But if some virus could enter her body, she would not complain, she would not wrap her head in a towel, she would not lie on the sofa, she would not allow someone to treat her. Always copes with ailments on her own.

In cases where the disease is stronger than her prescription, she goes to the hospital reluctantly, because she cannot completely trust the doctors. Prefers proven professionals. And if she liked the doctor, then she could willingly visit him in order to prevent the disease, coming, so to speak, for advice. Don't panic if you have a high temperature. Not afraid of injections and dentists.

Interests and hobbies

Aglaida is a person of high spirit. In the first place she has morality and moralism. Often with these qualities, she removes from herself people whose moral character does not fit into her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcorrect behavior and ethics. Therefore, her hobbies and hobbies are more related to charity or religion.

She, for example, is interested in being in a group of volunteers to search for a missing child. She is not indifferent to the life of homeless animals. And if he gets carried away with this activity, he will put all the lost people at home. However, the hobby captures her headlong, leading to fanaticism. Therefore, it is not worth allowing full immersion in spirituality.

Aglaya name compatibility with male names

In love affairs, serious relationships and marriage, it is better for Aglaida to pay attention to Vadim, Ruslan, Makar, Semyon, Evgeny, Stepan and Maxim. They will immediately please not only the girl herself, but her parents and relatives. Also, the marriage union will be very good with Victor, David, Igor, Andrey and Yegor. There will be no storm of passions, but strong friendly relations are guaranteed. There are no names that would be considered contraindicated for Aglaida, in terms of love. She, by virtue of her attractiveness and wisdom, can adapt to any male whim, if she loves.

It is better for Aglaida to get a job with Yuri, Oleg, Makar, Nikita, Mikhail, Kirill and Fedor. A leader with one of these names will notice the potential in a woman and give her the opportunity to climb the career ladder. Aglaida's relationship with employers and employees, who will be called Maxim, Daniil, Dmitry, Viktor, Semyon, Timur and Stepan, will not work out. And position is irrelevant here. Even the janitor of the enterprise, Timur, will have an unfriendly attitude towards a woman, for reasons that are clear only to him. In other areas of life, it is worth relying on the last list of names.

The name Aglaya is rather unusual, it has a special power and energy. Its owner has a number of positive qualities that allow her to easily find a common language with others. The main meaning of the name Aglaya is “beautiful”, “brilliant”. This female name originates from ancient Greek culture. In ancient times, it was applied to the goddess of joy and prosperity.

Origin and fate of the name

The female name Aglaya leaves a certain imprint on its owner. As a rule, these are talented individuals with outstanding leadership qualities. From early childhood, girls strive to be the first in everything, show great perseverance and determination in achieving their goals. If the parents indulge the child too much, then there is a high probability that the girl will grow up selfish and capricious by nature.

If we talk about the meaning of the name and how it affects the character of the girl, then the high intellectual abilities of its owner should be noted. She has a good memory, a prudent and inquisitive mind, which makes it easy to find and assimilate new information. This cannot but affect the professional activities of the girl, she achieves good success in almost any field. But it is best to give preference to professions in which you can fully reveal your leadership qualities. Aglaya is a good leader.

Characteristics and meaning of the name for a girl

The interpretation of the name Aglaya must begin with its meaning, which is fully consistent with the appearance of the girl. As a rule, she is very feminine and beautiful. From childhood, the girl knows how to keep herself, the manners of the “queen” appear in her character. It is sometimes difficult for peers to communicate with her, they consider her cold and arrogant. At a more mature age, Aglaya keeps people at a distance, avoiding familiarity.

The girl often dreams and fantasizes, but she cannot be called a liar. She can be proud, aloof, but she has a broad and kind soul. The girl often devotes herself to charity, religion. At the same time, she does what she loves with pleasure, immersing herself in it with her head.

The character of the girl has both positive aspects and less attractive ones. Her name leaves its mark - Aglaya is slow, but there is a lot of spiritual and lofty in her. The origin of the name also makes itself felt, the girl is very impulsive, touchy, requires excessive attention to herself.

A woman's career is going well, thanks to such character traits as perseverance and perseverance. But it is necessary to start with subordinate positions, which makes it possible to become a first-class specialist. Aglaya realizes herself in the field of education, science, business or spiritual professions that she likes the most. Business partners like beauty and intelligence, which allows the girl to achieve the desired heights. Aglaya understands her power over men and uses it.

The health of a woman can be called excellent, but she needs to beware of the accidents that fate constantly confronts her with.

The name gives the girl tenderness and sensuality. Its purpose is the highest good. She gravitates towards luxury, beauty, which is manifested in everything. A man who is able to appreciate not only her body, but also her soul will suit her. The chosen one should be able to talk with the girl, notice her new underwear and be affectionate and gentle.

Aglaya enters marriage late. She wants to enjoy her independent life and also doesn't like to deal with domestic problems. The wife of a woman always remains on the sidelines, she often takes care of herself. Only a man who will give her material independence and will listen to her advice in business can achieve happiness in marriage. In this case, Aglaya will give up her career and make the career of her husband. From this tandem, children are born whom a woman does not indulge, but shows them her devotion. Aglaya is a good mother.

Name Forms

Gulya, Glasha, Aglasha, Glashenka, Gulechka, Gulyushka, Aglayushka.

How to decline a name by cases

I.p. Aglaya

R.p. Aglai

D.p. Aglae

V.p. Aglaya

etc. Aglaya

P.p. Aglae

What does the name on the church calendar mean

According to church canons, the girl's full name is Aglaida. The baby has two patrons - the righteous Aglaida, the martyr Aglaida. Angel Day for winter Glasha is celebrated on January 1, all the rest - on April 4.

Compatibility with some male names

For a successful marriage, a girl should connect her fate with a man bearing the name: Sergey, Victor, Alexander, Ivan, Boris, Oleg, Denis and Stepan.

You should not expect a harmonious relationship with a man named: Danil, Arthur, Arseniy.

Famous girl namesakes

Aglaya Shilovskaya - actress, played at the Bolshoi Theater in the production of "The Beautiful Miller's Woman".

Learn about the meaning of other names

History claims that the female name Alena from Greek means “shining”, “torch”, “fire”. But the origin of the name Alena is more attributed to the Slavs, who ...

Short form of the name Aglaya. Aha, Glasha, Aglasha, Aglanya, Agulya, Gulya, Agi, Aglaika, Aglaitsa.
Synonyms of the name Aglaya. Aglae, Egla, Agle, Aglaida.
Origin of the name Aglaya The name Aglaya is Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Aglaya is of Greek origin. This name was borne by the youngest, third Charita in the mythology of ancient Greece. The name of the daughter of Zeus literally means "clear", also translated as "beauty", "brilliance". In a figurative sense, the name of this Charita was interpreted as "jubilation" and "joy". In the future, the meaning of the name Aglaya was somewhat transformed, and such translations as “elegant”, “charming” appeared. All these meanings emphasized the features of the ancient Greek Charita Aglaya.

In Italy, the name Aglaya will sound like Egle, Egla, in France - Aglae. This name is more often found among the Slavic peoples, although it is not considered a widespread name.

On behalf of Aglaya, the derivative name Aglaida appeared. Affectionate address Aga is also used for the names Agnia and August, and Glasha is also Lukerya and Glafira. There is a rare male name Aglaius, which was formed from a female name, and which is not used among Catholics. For the name Aglaya, Orthodox name days will be indicated.

The owner of the name Aglaya is a rather emotional person, but she can easily carry on a conversation even with strangers if she feels that the environment is comfortable for her and does not create interference and confusion. In general, Aglaya prefers not to take the first steps for rapprochement and contacts, but her curiosity can move a girl, sometimes forcing her to take completely rash steps.

Aglaya stands out from the crowd due to her originality, eccentricity, which in childhood looks more like a childish whim or a desire to emphasize her significance. But in adulthood, this can manifest itself as an inferiority complex, especially in cases where her non-standard will greatly distinguish her from those around her and cannot be perceived by them as the originality of Aglaya, as a person.

Aglaya has a talent for languages ​​and arts. But given the difficulty of communicating with this girl, others may perceive her as an absent-minded introvert, although Aglaya does not avoid communication in general, she needs a favorable environment for this, so it is simply impossible to have an intimate conversation on the run in the rain with Aglaya.

Aglaya loves conversations and the exchange of ideas, and also seeks to express herself in various ways - she tries her artistic abilities, oral creativity (writes poetry, prose), sings and dances. For her, such activities are tantamount to breathing. Curiosity is both a strength and a weakness. It is it that can move Aglaya to new steps, open up new spaces, help to achieve success, but at a certain moment, the same curiosity will not allow her to stop, which can lead to collapse in the end.

One of the best professions in which Aglaya can realize herself is creative professions - a dancer, artist, actress, poetess, writer. But her excellent self-expression skills can also open professions in the field of public relations and sales for Aglaya.

Aglaya's name day

Notable people named Aglaya

  • Aglaya Shilovskaya ((born 1993) Russian actress, winner of the Natalia Gundareva Prize in 2010 "for the best female role" in the film "... in the style of JAZZ")
  • Louise Aglaya Massard ((1827-1887) French pianist, music teacher)
  • Aglaya Morcheva ((born 1972) Bulgarian illustrator and animator, also an actress)
  • Aglaya Papa ((1904-1984) Greek artist, held several solo exhibitions, participant in the Venice Biennale of 1934 and 1936. Some of her paintings are in the Corfu Municipal Gallery and private collections.)
  • Egla Kharji ((born 1992) Albanian representative at the Miss World 2008 pageant)
  • Egle Shpokaite ((born 1971) Lithuanian ballerina, was a prima for more than 10 years at the Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theatre, choreographer and head of her own ballet school)

The name Aglaya is rather unusual, it has a special power and energy. Its owner has a number of positive qualities that allow her to easily find a common language with others. Main Aglaya name meaning- “beautiful”, “brilliant”. This female name originates from ancient Greek culture. In ancient times, it was applied to the goddess of joy and prosperity.

The nature of the name Aglaya

As a child, Aglaya is very charming, adults looking at her involuntarily begin to smile, feel happy. This is not surprising, because the meaning of the name Aglaya for a girl suggests innate sociability, the ability to give people positive emotions.

But despite such a strong positive energy, the baby is always very balanced, calm, does not require much attention to be paid to herself, one can even say that she attaches great importance to personal space and solitude.

Her actions are never abrupt, she is lofty above the worldly fuss, from the outside it seems that her task is to smile and radiate joy.

Nevertheless, she strives to be the first, although she does not have sufficient leadership inclinations for this. The meaning of the name Aglaya for a child puts in her a high creative potential, which, with proper development, will lead to the creation of a comprehensive, multifaceted personality, capable of exciting other people's hearts with her imagination.

An older girl, just like at a young age, does not like being pressured, and if parents permanently force a young lady to do what she does not want, then this can adversely affect her vulnerable psyche.

The interpretation of the name is that the girl does not take orders, she must be handled gently in order to achieve the desired effect.

The charm given by nature always attracts male admiring glances to Aglaya. But her restraint does not allow her to rush into the pool of passion, and it may seem that she is playing hard-to-reach, although this often “means” that she just needs to feel something more than ordinary passion in order to continue the relationship. She attaches great importance to the depth of feelings.

Also, she is restrained by strict moral standards, and she attaches great importance to her purity, chastity, and spotlessness.

In order to decide on a serious step in love, she will hesitate for a very long time, reflect, test the strength of a man's feelings. Many will not like this, and they will run away after the first check, leaving a deep wound and complexes in the girl’s soul.

Aglaya can be called a little princess, to whom the grooms were brought to the bride. Indeed, she has someone to choose from, there are always enough suitors, but she will most likely experience serious feelings for only one, and for life.

A family

Family life with the only betrothed will be another life test for the newly-minted wife, which “denotes” the presence of certain difficulties for the husband. It will be very difficult for her to be given submission, the simplest duties to her husband.

But true love will help her cope with all the difficulties, and in the end she will make an excellent hostess, you just have to wait a bit.

She will like equality in the family, she does not accept the consumer attitude, and will constantly try to get the better of the man.

She attaches great importance to her leadership, but such a position in life can play a cruel joke on her - men also do not like to be commanded, and feelings can fade away over time.

Only children can completely rid her of royal manners. With their appearance, changes in Aglaya's behavior will become obvious: assertiveness and uncompromisingness will disappear without a trace, she will become a caring, gentle mother and submissive wife.

As in other areas of life, Aglaya strives to take leadership positions in her career, and “means” is often assertive. Although she lacks cunning, cynicism, she will still achieve a high position, even having spent all her physical and moral strength.

Her energy attracts people, and therefore she will feel especially harmonious in her creative work - fine arts, theater, music - all this can become a favorite thing for Aglaya.

In addition to creative professions, the area in which you need to help people or teach them something is suitable for her. She knows how to convey important information like no one else.

origin of the name Aglaya

The origin of the name Aglaya is ancient Greek, and in translation its meaning is “sparkle”, “beauty”, “brilliance”. The etymology leads to the ancient Greek word Ἀγλαΐα, which is pronounced Aglaia.

In the area where this name came from, both boys and girls were called that, who were distinguished by a beautiful face and radiated joy.

In Christian history, Aglaida of Rome is revered, whose name is remembered by believers as a bulwark of spirituality and martyrdom.

She firmly believed in the power of God, and was distinguished by repentance and generosity - before leaving for the monastery, she distributed all her property to those in need. The secret of the name of this saint contains a great gift to expel evil spirits from the human body.

Courage and confidence are the main characteristics of the name Aglaya. She always goes through life without stumbling, with her head held high. For her, the impeccability of everything that she does is of particular importance.

Sometimes this character trait can degenerate into excessive pedantry, which will alienate friends from her.

Aglaya has her pros and cons. Of the positive qualities, one can single out positive extraversion, which helps others to relax and enjoy communication.

But in a bad mood, in a bad mood, a girl can ruin the most successful day for any person.

She is able to emotionally influence others, but more often this influence has a positive connotation.

The owner of this name is characterized by excessive moralization, and all actions that do not meet her principles will be blown to dust, she can easily lower the self-esteem of even an outsider.


Probably, high-profile names of elite fashion houses exist, including to replenish your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status.

This is the only way you feel at ease, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Mystery of the name

  • The stone is Topaz.
  • Name day - January 1, April 4.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Virgo, Libra.

Famous people

  • Aglaya Tarasova - Russian film actress, TV series "Interns".
  • Aglaya Shilovskaya - Russian actress, debut - "In the style of Jazz".

Different languages

The translation of the name Aglaya is found in the ancient Greek language, where one of the three Graces was called that. The name cannot be called popular, but nevertheless, the way it is translated into other languages ​​\u200b\u200bis found everywhere, especially in Europe.

Usually, its sound remains unchanged, but in some pronunciations there are significant differences: Aglae, Yaglaya, Yagleya, Agleya.

In Chinese, the meaning of the name will be pronounced almost the same as in Russian - Agalaya, and written using hieroglyphs - 阿嘎拉婭.

In Japanese, due to the absence of the "r" sound, the sound will be somewhat different - Aguraya, which can be written in katakana - アグラヤ, or Japanese characters - 鴉具荒安.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Aglaya.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Aglasha, Aglayushka, Aglaika, Glasha, Aglaida, Glashenka, Aga, Agasha.
  • Declension of the name - Aglaya, Aglaya.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Aglaida.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist.

You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.
The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about.

This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

For the name Aglaya, the planetary number is - 7 and Saturn controls this name. When the final number of the name is seven, the mystery of overcoming obstacles and passing trials is turned on, for which it will then be rewarded a hundredfold. This number is associated with self-improvement and gaining wisdom.

Zodiac and sacred number

For the name Aglaya, the zodiacal number is - 7 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Libra. Names - Libra creates a field of balance and justice. They involve in solving various dual situations that require a choice and the ability to objectively evaluate everything. Such names call for calmness and observance of the measure in everything, for peace and harmony in relations with others.

The sacred number for the name Aglaya is 1, which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Aries.

If the key sign of the name is Aries, the owner of such a name is involved in the struggle, active actions. In the worst case, there may be a field of war around him, into which those around him will be drawn.

At best, he will become a trailblazer and a fearless knight protecting others. In the collective unconscious, images of militant and active people are associated with these names.

First letter of the nameindicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element. In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name.

The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

The first letter of the name Aglaya is the element

The first letter of the name Aglaya - BUT, element named after Aglaya - Fire.If your name is associated with the fiery element, then you first of all need to solve the problems of struggle, leadership, creative realization and love.

The last letter of the name Aglaya is weakness

The last letter of the name Aglaya - I. In accordance with this, the weakness of the name aglaya is considered to be: self-esteem, intelligence, creative abilities.

The stem letter of the name Aglaya

Some names have a stem letter. This is the basis on which the whole name rests - it is also the fulcrum and rigidity of the name.

The core of the name shows the innermost meaning of a person's life, what he lives for, what cardinal issues he must solve in order to gain stability and invulnerability.

The core letter for women plays a leading role, since the key principle of a woman is balance. It is the core that acts in this role, it is the fulcrum on which the whole name rests.

The core letter in men is the starting point, which realizes its stake in life - the first letter, therefore for men it is the first letter that occupies the leading role.

A person who has a name with a core letter is less susceptible to external influences than a person who does not have a core, but at the same time he practically does not know how to adapt.

If the stem letter is a vowel, then the person is self-sufficient, actively and openly implementing his strategy.
If the letter-rod is a consonant, then a person with that name is more flexible, has more opportunities not to reveal his goal and system of his own values, without putting his core in jeopardy.

If “b” (soft sign) acts as the core of the name, then these are people with a disguised, obscure core. No one around will understand what a person really wants to achieve, his values ​​​​and beliefs in life are unclear. The owners of such names are not taken for who they really are.

For the name Aglaya, the core will be 2 letters - g (mysteriousness, attention to detail, conscientiousness.) and l (artistry, pettiness, logic, great ingenuity.).

People with this name rush from one extreme to another, from side to side, they are more dependent on external circumstances.

They are dual and changeable. The owner of a name without a single stem letter usually becomes what circumstances require of him, therefore such a name gives a person the ability to maneuver and changeability, adaptability.

shining, magnificent (ancient Greek).

Energy named after Aglaya

Aglaya is talented from birth. Her attractiveness and femininity have reliable protection in the form of a strong, despotic character, pushing her to clarify any, even the smallest truth. She is ready to argue to the point of hoarseness, convincing her opponent that she is right. However, Aglaya is a dreamer and cannot rely on logic in an argument. Her strength is her passion and desire to win. She is not characterized by envy and greed, Aglaya easily forgives insults. Family, money and life are a sad inevitability, which Aglaya will gladly refuse without regrets. Her temperament requires the constancy of a partner and stability in life. She is a born leader. However, it is better if her work is related to the field of education (school, university).

Self-esteem, spirituality and life purpose are the three pillars of her life. In order for Aglaya to become a good wife, she needs to offer stability and save her from everyday and material problems. Aglaya is a good mother - a teacher for her children. It is better if the husband is a gentle person who needs strong support (like Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot, for whom Aglaya could become an ideal wife).

Characteristics of the name Aglaya

Aglaya is very charming, but at the same time there is some kind of detachment in her that has a deterrent effect on people. Aglaya is unpretentious and does not like to complicate her life. She is characterized by calmness and balance. The most noticeable shortcomings are slowness and a tendency to moralize.

Secrets of communication

Aglaya can be the first, able to master any knowledge, feel smart and able to win any argument - this is her essence and aspiration. Aglaya is not afraid of topics unknown to her, as she is confident in her ability to comprehend the truth. However, if her leadership is suppressed from childhood, Aglaya is able to withdraw into herself, withdraw and fall into loneliness, seeing this as the only correct path, she may show interest in religion and fanatical spirituality.

Diminutive name Aglaya

Aglayushka, Aglanya, Aglasha, Glasha, Ata, Atasha, Agulya, Gulya.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
name color: yellow.
Talisman stone: topaz.

Aglaya's name day

January 1 (December 19)- righteous Aglaida. She spent her life in fasting, caring for the poor and prayer, with which she performed miracles (4th century).

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