Onomatopoeia. Speech games for children of the first junior group

Speech games with children first junior group


Nice smell
Target. The development of phrasal speech on a smooth exhalation.
Equipment. One fragrant flower (lily of the valley, lilac, jasmine, etc.), or a scented handkerchief, or fruit (tangerine, apple, lemon).
Description of the game. Children take turns approaching a vase with a flower and smelling it. On exhalation, a word or phrase is pronounced with an expression of pleasure: "Good; very good; very pleasant smell; very fragrant flower (fragrant apple)", etc.

Initially, children are offered suggestions. Later they (in

depending on speech capabilities) they themselves come up with sentences.

Come up with a phrase
Target. The development of phrasal speech. Correct sentence structure.
Equipment. Narrative pictures from the loto "What we do".
Description of the game. One story image is shown. The teacher comes up with a short phrase based on it (of two or three words), then invites the children to complete his phrase with one new word. Each called child lengthens the phrase by one more word.
For example , the teacher says: Tanya is playing. The child repeats the sentence Tanya plays and adds on the street. The next one repeats the sentence Tanya plays outside and adds to the sandbox.
Whoever comes up with it wins the last word to the sentence and pronounce the whole phrase correctly. Short phrases (three or four words) are pronounced on one exhalation, and long ones are pronounced with a pause after three or four words. When children master the rules of the game, you can invite them to invent and lengthen phrases without pictures.

Target. Correct sentence structure. Improving orientation in space.
Equipment. Baby chairs, tambourine.
Description of the game. The children are given a task: to name their neighbor on the right. They take turns saying, for example: I am sitting with Vova. When all the children name their neighbor, the teacher gives a signal with a tambourine. The children run around the room. They can take toys and play for a while. On a new signal, they must sit down with the neighbor they named. Whoever makes a mistake loses.
When the game is repeated, the children's answers become more complicated: I am sitting with Vova and Zhenya; I am sitting next to Vova and Zhenya; to my right - Vova, to my left - Zhenya; my neighbor on the right is Vova, my neighbor on the left is Zhenya.

Target. Development of rhythmic and expressive speech. Education of coordinated movements.
Equipment. Children's chairs (stump, log or bench on the site, in the forest).
Description of the game.
Option 1.
Children stand or sit on a log, grass or chairs. On the contrary, in 10-15 steps, one chair (stump). Two drivers are selected with the help of a counter. They stand in front of the chair (hemp). The teacher, together with all the children, recites a rhyme:

Girl on the handle
Butterfly sat down.
Butterfly girl
Didn't get to catch it.

After the words “I didn’t have time to catch,” the drivers run to the stump. Whoever gets on it first wins.

Option 2. This game can be accompanied by another poem:

Grandma planted peas
He was born well
He was born thick ...
We'll rush
You stay.

In this case, the rhyme says leading. During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children make the correct breathing pauses. These games can also be used to automate different sounds.

magic mirror
Target. The development of rhythmic, expressive speech and coordination of movements.
Description of the game. Children stand in a circle or sit on chairs. The driver approaches one of the guys and says:

Well, mirror, look!
Tell us everything right!
I will stand in front of you
Repeat everything after me!

The driver pronounces any phrase, accompanying it with some movement. The one to whom he addressed must accurately repeat both the phrase and the movement. If a child makes a mistake, he is out of the game. The one who does everything without errors becomes the new driver. The teacher monitors the correctness of the respiratory pauses and phrasal speech of children.

Rain, rain
Target. The development of rhythmic and expressive speech, coordination of movements and orientation in space.
Equipment. Children's chairs.
Description of the game. The chairs are arranged in a circle, one less than the children playing. Children walk in the middle of the circle and say in chorus (or one):

Rain, rain, what are you pouring?
You don't let us walk.

After the words "you won't let us take a walk," the children run to the chairs. Whoever did not have enough chairs, he lost. The game is repeated several times.

Target. Equipment. Stick (thickness 3 - 4 cm, length 30 - 40 cm).
Description of the game. The game is played on the site, in the clearing. Children stand in a tight group. The leader and leader are selected, the leader takes a wand and, together with all the children, pronounces the words:

lifesaver wand,
In broad daylight
Help me out!
For a birch, for a mountain ash -
I'll take you far.
Who is chasing a stick
From that they are buried.

After the words "they are buried from that," the leader throws a stick. The driver runs after her. The rest of the children run and hide. Raising the stick, the driver goes to look for the children. Whomever he finds first, he becomes the leader, whomever he finds last, that leader.

dragonfly song
Target. Development of rhythmic, expressive speech and coordination of movements.
Description of the game. Children stand in a circle, recite a poem in chorus, accompanying the words with movements:

I flew, I flew
Tired didn't know.
Children gently wave their hands.
Sat down, sat down
She flew again.
Get down on one knee.
I found my friends
We had fun.

Again they make "flying" movements with their hands.

I led a round dance,
The sun was shining.

They join hands and dance.
The game can be used to differentiate sounds s, s", r - l . In this case, the children pronounce the rhyme not in chorus, but one at a time.

Target. The same as in the previous game.
Equipment. Chef's cap.
Description of the game. All children become in a circle. The driver follows the cool. He has a chef's hat in his hands. Children chorus recite the poem:

Let's play chef
Nobody can yawn.

If you are the cook
Then go around quickly.

After the words "quickly go around" the driver stops and puts on a cap on the next standing child. The one who received the cap and the driver stand with their backs to each other and, at the signal of the teacher, go in a circle. Whoever goes around (do not run!) The circle first wins.

Traffic light
Target. Consolidation of ideas about the rules of the street.
Equipment. Three cardboard circles with a diameter of 15 cm: green, red, yellow. Chalk or stick.
Description of the game. Before the start of the game, the teacher talks about the purpose of the traffic light and the rules of the street. Then the children learn the poem "Traffic Light":

Red - clear
The path is dangerous.
Yellow too
And green ahead -
Come in!

Then the teacher draws the road and the transition with chalk on the floor or with a stick on the ground. Near the transition becomes a driver with circles. Children, standing in a line one at a time, cross the road back and forth several times if the driver shows a green circle. Then the driver raises the red circle. The children stop and say the first two lines of the rhyme in unison. The red circle changes to yellow. In this case, they say the next two lines of the poem. And finally the green light turns on. Children say the last two lines.
If one of the children does not have time to cross during the last lines of the poem, the leader asks: "Where have you been until now?" The latecomer replies: "The traffic light was delayed."

Flock (trading)
Target. Development of rhythmic and expressive speech. Activation of the dictionary on the topic "Birds". Education of sports skill.
Description of the game. Children choose a leader. The teacher together with the children says a rhyme:

Sing along, sing along
Ten birds - a flock:
This bird is a nightingale
This bird is a sparrow
This bird is an owl
Sleepy head.
This bird is a waxwing
This bird is a corncrake.
This bird is a bird
Gray feather.
This one is a finch
This one is a swift
This one is a merry siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle.
Birds, birds - go home!

After these words, the children scatter, and the driver ("evil eagle") tries to catch someone.

Determine the place of the toy
Target. The development of speech breathing. Strengthening the ability to build a detailed phrase.
Equipment. Toys: car, pyramid, ball, bear, doll, etc.
Description of the game. The teacher lays out various children's toys on the table in one row. Calling the child, he asks him: "Between which toys is the pyramid?" The child must give a complete answer: "The pyramid stands between the car and the ball." After two or three answers, the teacher changes the toys in places. Gradually, as the game is repeated, toys can be replaced one by one with others.
Methodical instructions. Before the game, the teacher reminds the children that they need to speak slowly, expressively, without separating one word from another with pauses, and speak the whole phrase as one long word. Answer the question with a full answer, for example:
"The ball lies between the doll and the bear." The correct answer gets a fan. Then the winner is determined.

Target. The development of expressiveness of speech, the combination of speech with movements. Strengthening the concept of "right-left".
Equipment. Stork cap, basket.
Description of the game. One child portrays a stork. He is put on a stork hat. A few steps away from him is another child with a basket. He got lost in the forest. Seeing a stork, the child turns to him:

Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home.
Aist answers:
Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
Again with the right foot
Again with the left foot
After - with the right foot,
After - with the left foot,
That's when you come home!

A child with a basket performs all the movements that the stork tells him about, and then sits down.

calm the doll
Target. The development of the timbre of the voice.
Game description . Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. They have dolls in their hands. The teacher says: “The dolls are crying, you need to calm them down. Look how I put the doll to sleep (rocks the doll, singing softly at the sound a the motive of a familiar lullaby). And now you shake it.” Children take turns, and then rock the dolls together, pronouncing the sound a.

Target. The development of the power of the voice. Activation of the muscles of the lips.
Equipment. Chalk, chairs. Description of the game. Children disperse to their homes (outlined circles, corners of the room, chairs). At the signal of the teacher, one of the children calls another of his choice "Ay, ay, Petya." Petya, in turn, answers him: "Ay, ay, Vova", and they quickly change places. Then Petya chooses another friend and changes places with him in the same way.

Winter storm
Target. Development of voice power and speech breathing. Activation of the muscles of the lips.
Equipment. The plot picture "Blizzard".
Description of the game. The teacher shows a picture on which a blizzard is drawn. Children sitting in a row depict a blizzard howling on a rainy evening. At the signal of the educator, "The blizzard begins," they say quietly: woo ...; at the signal "The blizzard ends" they speak more quietly; at the signal "The blizzard is over" they fall silent.
It is desirable that children change the strength of their voice in one exhalation at least 2-3 times. In this case, it is more convenient to replace the verbal instructions of the teacher with conducting: a smooth movement of the hand up - the children speak louder, a smooth movement of the hand down - the children speak quieter.

Target. The same as in the previous game.
Description of the game. Children stand in a row facing the teacher and raise their hands through the sides up, touch with their palms, but do not produce cotton. Then slowly lower through the sides down. Simultaneously with the lowering of the hands, the children make the sound at first loudly, and then gradually quieter. Lowering their hands, they fall silent.
At first, the teacher himself shows the actions, then calls two children who, together with him, perform actions and make a sound, the rest of the children make only hand movements. Then the whole group plays.

Who will win?
Target. Development of voice power and speech breathing. Activation of the muscles of the lips and lower jaw.
Description of the game. The teacher calls two children and puts them facing each other. At the signal of the teacher, the children simultaneously begin to pronounce, first quietly, then loudly, vowel sounds. a, o, u, i, uh.

The wind's blowing
Target. Development of voice power and speech breathing.
Description of the game. The children and the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher says: "We went for a walk in the forest in the summer." Everyone joins hands and leads a round dance, and the teacher continues: "We are going through the field, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing and the grass is swaying, flowers." The teacher and children stop. “The breeze blows quietly, like this: v-v-v (quietly and pronounces the sound v for a long time). The children repeat after him. We got a lot of flowers and berries. We were about to go back. Suddenly blew strong wind: v-v-v ..." - the teacher pronounces this sound loudly and for a long time. The children stop and repeat the sound after the teacher.
Methodical instruction.The teacher makes sure that the children, repeating after him, observe the same power of voice.

Learn by intonation
Target. Education of expressiveness of speech and facial expressions.
Description of the game. Each child in turn portrays either sick, or angry, or surprised, or merry man. In this case, you need to pronounce short words with a certain intonation:
Whoever pulls the sound longer wins. First, the winner is determined by the teacher. You can then have the children determine who won. The teacher should only ensure that the children do not lower their voices to the end of the sound and do not overstrain the muscles of the neck.

Ah ah ah!
Oh oh oh!
Ah! ah! ah!
Ox! ox! ox!

The rest of the children must guess by the facial expression, the whole posture of the speaker and intonation, who the presenter is portraying. You can invite the children to explain in more detail the behavior of the leader: why is he sad or why is he surprised, etc. For the expressiveness of speech and for a detailed story, children are encouraged.

Bear and Christmas tree
Target. Education of expressiveness of speech and the ability to change the timbre of the voice.
Equipment. The mask of a bear and any other animal (wolf, fox, rooster, bunny, etc.).
Description of the game. The teacher chooses two children: one will be a bear, the other, for example, a wolf. From different parts of the room, they should go towards each other. When they meet, a dialogue occurs:

Wolf. Where are you going, bear?
Bear. In the city, look at the Christmas tree.
Wolf. What is she to you?
Bear. It's time to celebrate the New Year.
Wolf. Where will you put it?
Bear. I'll take it to the forest, to my home.
Wolf. Why didn't you cut it in the forest?
Bear. It's a pity, I'd better bring it.

When pronouncing this dialogue, children should imitate the voices of animals, i.e. change the timbre of the voice. Whoever does it the most successfully is encouraged. The game is repeated, but the bear may meet another animal.

The wolf and the seven Young goats
Target. Development of voice height and expressiveness. Improvement of phrasal speech.
Equipment. Animal masks.
Description of the game. Children must first be familiar with the fairy tale, know the words of the goat and the wolf well, the answers of the kids. Between the children, the teacher distributes roles and distributes masks. The play begins. The teacher draws the attention of children to the nature of the voices. The goat and kids should speak in thin, high voices, and the wolf - at first rude, low voice and then higher.

Speech imitation (onomatopoeia)- this is the reproduction after the speaker of the sounds, words, phrases uttered by him.

At first it looks like an echo: the adult says - the child immediately repeats. So that the communication of a child with an adult does not resemble a game of "parrots", it is important to remember that speech must be activated in practical activities child, in the game. Emotional contact is important positive motivation, sustained attention of the child.

To develop verbal imitation, it is necessary to start with the development of imitation in general: "Do as I do." It is necessary to teach the child to imitate actions with objects (ball game), to teach to imitate the movements of the arms, legs, head. To develop imitative abilities, you need to practice daily.

Onomatopoeia is the initial stage in the development of speech function, and in a child with a speech norm and in a child with speech disorders, they only assimilate them at different times.

Adults should always remember how their speech sounds:

Speech must be correct, without speech disorders;

Articulation should be clear, the child should see the movements of the lips of an adult;

Speech should be not only emotional, but also well intoned, with emphasis on the stressed syllable;

Words and phrases offered to the child for repetition must be pronounced repeatedly;

An adult stimulates the active speech of the child with the help of questions;

An adult gives the child only samples of the correct speech; substitute words reproduced by him should not be repeated after the child.

Stages of development of speech imitation:

The repetition of individual sounds that carry a semantic load in the game.

Repetition of amorphous words. These are words-onomatopoeia, words-syllables that have a certain meaning.

imitate the sounds of children musical instruments- ding-ding, bom-bom, doo-doo, etc.;

imitation of traffic noises - tu-tu, b-b-b, etc.,

and other various amorphous words: the child can replace them with words that he is not yet able to pronounce.

Word repetition. At first, these are simple short words - mom, dad, kitty, give, on, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the child's assimilation of action words (verbs), since they play a key role in the development of children's speech: the more action words in a child's speech, the higher the level of his development!

Repetition short phrases . This is the stage of combining several words in one sentence (on initial stage- 2-3 words). For example: Where is daddy? There is a pussy. Here is the spoon.

Gradually, the number of words in the phrase uttered by the child increases, and the child learns inflection and the grammatically correct combination of words in a sentence.

Clarification of the pronunciation of vowel sounds

  1. Looking at a picture with a child, which shows a girl rocking a doll: “This is Anya, she puts the doll to sleep and sings Aaah! Let's help her. A-ah-ah!" At the same time, we imitate motion sickness of the doll with movements. We show the baby how to open his mouth wide when we sing.
  2. Looking at a picture with a child, which depicts a girl with a bad tooth: “This is Olya, her tooth hurts, and she sighs Oh-oh-oh! How sighs Olya Oh-oh-oh!" When pronouncing, we press our palms to our cheeks and shake our heads.
  3. We examine a picture with the child or pick up a toy horse: “The foal calls its mother and shouts I-i-i! Let's shout with him Yi-i-i! We draw the attention of the baby that the lips are stretched in a smile.
  4. We examine with the child a picture depicting a steamer or pick up a toy steamer: “Look, the steamer is sailing to the pier and buzzing Oooo! How the steamboat hoots! We draw the attention of the baby that the lips are elongated with a tube.
  5. We examine with the child a picture depicting a large and small bears: “The big bear is shouting E-E-E! (we pronounce it loudly, spread our arms wide to the sides). BUT small uh uh! (we say more quietly, hands are brought together). We ask the child to portray how a big bear cries, and how a small one. You can offer to guess which bear is screaming.

Singing vowel fusions

  1. We examine the picture with the child: the girl is lost in the forest: “Look, the girl is lost in the forest and shouts Ay! Ay! Let's shout together with the girl Ay! Ay! Screaming, put your hand to your face.
  2. We examine the picture with the child: the baby is crying: “How is the baby crying? Whoa! Whoa!
  3. We examine the picture with the child: the donkey screams, we say: “Here is the donkey, he screams Eeyore! Eeyore! How does a donkey scream? Eeyore! Eeyore!

Calling out interjections

  1. 1. The ball fell into the water:
    — Ah! Oh! Oh!
  2. 2. The vase broke:
    - Oh! Oh! Oh!
  3. 3. Girl swings on a swing:
    Wow! Wow! Wow!
  4. 4. Sasha cuts wood:
    Eh! Eh! Eh!

Pronunciation of consonants

Game "Kettle Puff"

We show the child a picture of a boiling kettle “Look, Look, this is a kettle, his name is Puff, when it boils, he puffs like this! Let's pee with him."

Game "Inflate the Wheel"

We ride a car with the baby and say: “Oh! Look, the car has a flat tire. Let's pump it up! S-s-s." Hands represent the work with the pump.

The game "Forest noise"

Tell your child that when the wind shakes the trees, the leaves rustle on them: "Shhh." Stand up, raise your hands up, swaying them from side to side - "like trees in the wind" - and say: "Shhh."

Game "Guess what it is"

Say the sound Ш or С, and the baby will guess what it is: the forest is making noise (Ш) or the tire is being inflated with a pump (С). Then you can change: let the child guess, and you guess.

Game "Saw, Saw"

We show the child a toy or a drawn saw: “Look, the saw saws and softly whistles s-s-s-s”. We make sawing movements with the edge of the palm or a toy saw.

Game "Komarik"

We show a picture with the image of a mosquito, we say: “This is a mosquito Zakhar, he flies and sings song z-z-z". We squeeze the thumb and forefinger and draw circles in the air.

We invite the child to sing a mosquito song. We “catch” a mosquito in a fist and bring it to our ear - we listen: “Z-z-z”, then to the child’s ear: “Do you hear how the mosquito s-z-z sings”. We offer the child to also catch a mosquito and listen to how he sings in a fist.

Game "Beetle"

Show the child in the picture of the beetle, say that this is Zhenya the beetle, and he loves to sing the song: “Wh-w-w!”. Ask the baby how the Zhenya beetle buzzes. Compete with the child whose bug buzzes the longest.

Game "Whose song is this"

Say one of the onomatopoeias, let the child guess whose song it is: a beetle (g) or a mosquito (h). Then you can change: let the child guess, and you guess.

Game "Warm hands"

We show the child a picture: “Look, the girl warms her frozen hands, breathes on them x-x-x! Let's warm our hands too! X-x-x." Show your child how to breathe into their hands.

Game "Hedgehog"

We show the child a toy hedgehog or a picture and say: “This is a hedgehog, look at what spines he has, he wears apples and mushrooms on them. When he carries the fungus into his burrow, he snorts like this fff. Let's snort like hedgehogs."

Imitation of the voices of animals and birds

Animals are the first vocabulary that children learn. The child must be taught not only that the cat is meow, the frog is qua, the goat is me, etc., but also that the mother mouse squeaks pi-pi-pi, and the mouse squeaks more subtly pi-pi-pi, the big frog calls KWA, while the little frog calls KWA, etc.

After presenting the sound sample, invite the child to guess who screamed - a big or a small frog. Then you can switch roles.

Be sure to use pictures or animal figurines. Learn onomatopoeia in the game. For example: “Come on, you treat the cow with hay, and she will tell you Mu - thank you!”.

Imitation of household noises

The clock is ticking - TIK - TOK

Water drips - KAP - KAP (for each syllable forefinger strikes the open palm of the other hand)

Kid stomps - TOP - TOP

Hammer knocks TUK - TUK

Scissors cut CHIK - CHIK

We swing on the swing QUALITY - QUALITY

We eat carrots Khrum - Khrum

The car goes BI - BI

The saw cuts VZHIK - VZHIK

"My phone rang"

The child, using a toy apparatus, answers the call. Who called is up to the child. Mom, dad, grandmother, fairy tale character. Playing on the phone stimulates speech development child, monologue speech, forms self-confidence, increases communicative competence, develops imagination.

Game "Magic Mirror"

The child is given a mirror.

“Oh, who is that in the mirror?”

"What is your name?"

"And what are you today?"

This game increases the child's speech activity, a positive attitude towards himself.

Also, I can start the game by saying “I see someone beautiful. Who is this? As practice has shown, children are more willing to answer questions after these words + the child's self-esteem increases.

"Talking Lotto"

This game increases the child's speech activity, dialogic speech, encourages them to make their own choice.

The cards are face down. The child himself chooses a picture, turns it over.

"Oh, who is this here?" "How does he talk?" “And how do we say hello to a cat / dog / cow?” "What is he doing in the picture?"

"Blind Man's Buff with Animals"

Children wear animal masks. My task is to catch a certain animal with eyes closed. Children should make sounds imitating their beast.

This game helps to master the skills of onomatopoeia, motor activity of children.

Guess the toy

Three toys are placed in front of the children. Children consider, name which toys they see. Color, name, etc. Then the teacher removes one and asks you to guess which one. If the children immediately name which one is missing, then the teacher asks leading questions regarding color, size, etc.

This game also increases children's speech activity, dialogical speech, attention, memory.

"He came to us (la ..."

This is not a game, but free communication.

Closer to middle toddler age.

As a rule, children take their favorite toys to the garden with them. The task of the child is to tell about it. Come up with a story.

For example, “This is an airplane. He flew in from the cartoon about Jed. I love him and he helps me"

Early age According to experts from all over the world, this is a unique period in a person's life. Our task is to make sure that the child lives this period of life as fully as possible.

Card file of games for the development of hearing and speech in children of the younger group

Brief job description: I offer a card index for the development of hearing and speech for children 3-4 years old. I hope my card index will be useful for teachers of junior and middle groups.

The game "Sun or rain?"
Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.
Short description:
An adult says to the children: “Now we will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard the knock, must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it.
Methodical instructions. The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Game "Come play with us"
Target. Teach children to speak loudly. Developing the ability to use a loud voice.
Preparatory work. Pick up toys: bear, bunny, fox.
Short description:
Children sit in a semicircle. An adult at a distance of 2-3 m from the children arranges toys and says: “It’s boring for a bear, a bunny and a fox to sit alone. Let's invite them to play with us. In order for them to hear us, we need to call loudly, like this: “Misha, go!” Children, together with the teacher, call a bear, a fox, a bunny, then they play with them.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that children speak loudly when they call toys, and do not shout.

Game "Guess who's screaming"
Target. Education in children the ability to focus auditory attention. Teach children to identify a toy by onomatopoeia.
Preparatory work. Prepare voiced toys depicting domestic animals familiar to children: a cow, a dog, a goat, a cat, etc.
Short description:
The adult takes out the prepared toys (one at a time), beats them, imitating the cry of the corresponding animals, then asks the children to listen and guess by voice who will come to visit them. The child chosen by the adult leaves the door and, opening it slightly, gives a voice, imitating one of the animals, and the children guess who it is.
Methodical instructions. The game can be repeated 5-6 times. Make sure the children listen carefully. Activate the questions of all children.

Fairy tale "Hurry - laugh"
Target. To develop speech hearing and speech activity of children, encourage them to pronounce sounds by imitation. The development in children of the ability to correctly pronounce sounds by imitation. The development of speech hearing. Preparatory work. Prepare a house for display on a flannelograph, through the window of which a bear looks out; frog, mouse, chicken, goose, cow. Think of questions about the text of the story.
Short description:
The frog galloped to the bear's house. She croaked under the window: “Kwa-kva-kva - I came to visit you!” The mouse came running. She squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee - your pies are delicious, they say!” The chicken has arrived. Kvokhtala: “Ko-ko-ko - crusts, they say, are crumbly!” The goose hobbled. He cackles: "Go-ho-go - peas would be pecked!" The cow has arrived. Mumbles: “Mu-mu-mu - I would drink a flour drinker!” Then the bear leaned out of the window. He growled: “R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!” Everyone fled. Yes, in vain the cowards hurried. Would listen to what the bear wanted to say. Here's what: “R-r-r-r-r-pleased guests. Come in, please!"
Methodical instructions. The telling of the tale should be accompanied by showing its characters on the flannelgraph. Onomatopoeia must be pronounced clearly, highlighting vowel sounds.

Game "Butterfly, fly!"
Target. Achieve a long, continuous oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. Prepare 5 brightly colored paper butterflies. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between the two posts so that the butterflies hang at the level of the face of the standing child.
Short description:
Children sit on chairs. An adult says: “Children, look at what beautiful butterflies: blue, yellow, red! How many! They are like alive! Let's see if they can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Try to blow too. Who will fly further? The adult invites the children to stand one by one near each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated several times, each time with new group children. It is necessary to ensure that the children stand straight, do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should blow only on one exhalation, without getting air. Cheeks do not puff out, lips slightly push forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may feel dizzy.

Game "Where did you call?"
Target. Teach children to determine the direction of the sound. Development of the focus of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a bell.
Short description:
Children sit in a circle. An adult chooses a driver who becomes in the center of the circle. At the signal, the driver closes his eyes. Then the teacher gives one of the children a bell and offers to call. The driver, without opening his eyes, must indicate with his hand the direction from which the sound comes. If he points correctly, the adult says: “It's time” - and the driver opens his eyes, and the one who called raises and shows the call. If the driver made a mistake, he guesses again, then another driver is appointed.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated 4-5 times. It is necessary to ensure that the driver does not open his eyes during the game. Indicating the direction of the sound, the driver turns to face the place where the sound is heard. You don't have to call very loudly.

Game "Don't Wake Katya"
Target. Teach children to speak quietly. Developing the ability to use a quiet voice.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a doll with closing eyes, a crib with bedding; small toys, such as a cube, a toy car, a turret, etc., as well as a toy box.
Short description:
The teacher puts a bed with a sleeping doll on his table and says: “Katya walked a lot, she was tired. I ate and fell asleep. And we need to put away the toys, but only quietly so as not to wake Katya. Come to me, Olya and Petya. Olya, quietly tell Petya which toy should be put in the box. So the teacher calls all the children two by two, and they remove the toys placed on the table.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children speak quietly, but not in a whisper.

The game "Whose bird will fly further?"
Target. To achieve from each child the ability to make a long, continuous, directed exhalation. Education of a long directed oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. The teacher cuts out birds from thin paper and brightly colors them.
Short description:
Birds are placed on two tables (at the very edge of the table) at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Four children are called, each sits opposite the bird. At the signal “birds have flown”, the children blow on the figures, the rest follow whose bird will fly further.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that children do not puff out their cheeks when they blow on paper birds. You can advance the figure only on one exhalation. At first, the teacher shows this, warning that it is impossible to blow on the bird several times in a row.

Game "Guess what I play"
Target. Teach children to identify an object by ear by its sound. Education of stability of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects musical toys: a drum, an accordion, a tambourine, an organ, etc.
Short description:
An adult introduces children to musical toys: an accordion, a drum, an organ, a tambourine. Then he puts the toys away behind the screen. Having played one of the instruments, he asks the children to guess what he played. The one who guessed correctly takes out the instrument from behind the screen and plays it.
Methodical instructions. Make sure the children sit quietly and listen carefully. There should not be more than four different instruments in one lesson. The game should be repeated 5-7 times.

Loud and quiet game
Target. Teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly. Education of the ability to change the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects paired toys different sizes: large and small machines, large and small drums, large and small pipes.
Short description:
An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When a big car drives, it signals loudly: “beep”. How does a big car signal? Children loudly pronounce: "beep". The teacher continues: “And the small car honks softly:“ beep. How does the little car honk? Children quietly say: "beep." The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts, you have to give a signal, make no mistake, the big car honks loudly, and the small car honks softly.
Other toys are played in the same way.
Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, one pair of toys or 2-3 can be used in the lesson. Make sure that with a quiet pronunciation of onomatopoeia, the children do not switch to a whisper.

A. Barto's poem “Who is screaming?”
Target. To achieve the correct reproduction of various onomatopoeia by children. The development of the ability to imitate, as well as speech hearing.
Preparatory work. Prepare toys: rooster, chicken, cat, dog, duck, cow. Think over questions to the text of the poem so that children actively use onomatopoeia in their answers.
I guard chickens.
Ran down in the bushes.
I'm scared of chickens.
Who's there?
Rain tomorrow morning!
Milk to whom?
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to read the poem expressively, while reading, show the children the appropriate toys.

Game "Guess what they do"
Target. Teach children to identify actions by sound. Education of stability of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects the following items: a glass of water, a bell, a wooden mallet.
Short description:
The teacher shows the children the prepared items and makes them various activities: strikes a wooden hammer on the table, rings a bell, pours water from glass to glass. Children watch and listen. Then the teacher removes everything behind the screen and repeats these actions there, and the children guess by the sound what he is doing.
Methodical instructions. If children find it difficult to determine the action, you need to demonstrate it again clearly. If they can easily cope with the task, you can increase the number of items or take items that are similar in sound.

The game "Launching boats"
Target. Achieve from each child the ability to pronounce the sound f for a long time on one exhalation or repeatedly pronounce the sound p (p-p-p) on one exhale. Cultivating the ability to combine the pronunciation of a sound with the beginning of an exhalation.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a basin of water and paper boats.
Short description:
Children sit in a large semicircle. Center on small table there is a basin with water. The called children, sitting on chairs, blow on the boats, pronouncing the sound f or p.
The teacher invites the children to ride a boat from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the pelvis. In order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, folding your lips, as for pronouncing the sound f. You can blow by simply stretching your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. The ship is moving smoothly. But here comes the gusty wind. "P-p-p ..." - the child blows. (When repeating the game, you need to drive the boat to a certain place.)
Methodical instructions. Make sure that when pronouncing the sound f, the children do not puff out their cheeks; so that the children pronounce the sound p on one exhalation 2-3 times and do not puff out their cheeks.

The story "Who is screaming?"
Target. Teach children to speak in a "thin" voice and low voice. Developing the ability to raise and lower the tone of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares pictures with images of a tree, a fence, a bird, a chick, a cat, a kitten, as well as a toy cat, a kitten, a bird, a chick for work on a flannelograph.
Short description:
The teacher begins to tell, accompanying his speech with a display of the corresponding figures on the flannelograph: “In the morning, early in the dacha, we went out for a walk. We hear someone squeaking thinly: “pee-pee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). We look, this is a chick sitting on a tree and squeaking; waiting for his mother to bring a worm. How thin is the chick squeaking? (“Pee-pee-pee.”) At this time, the bird flew in, gave the chick a worm and squealed: “pee-pee-pee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a lower voice). How did the mother bird squeak? ("Pee-pee-pee.")
The bird flew away and we moved on. We hear someone at the fence shouting thinly: “meow-meow-meow” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). And a kitten jumped out onto the path. How did he meow? (Children reproduce the model of the educator.) It was he who called the cat mom. She heard, running along the path and meowing:
“meow-meow-meow” (says “meow-meow” in a lower voice). How did the cat meow? ("Meow meow meow".)
And now, children, I will show you who came to visit us. The teacher takes out the cat, shows how she walks on the table, then sits down. How does a cat meow? Children, lowering their voice, say: "meow-meow-meow."
Then the teacher takes out a kitten, a bird, a chick, and the children imitate their voices.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children do not scream, but speak calmly, raising and lowering their voice within the limits accessible to them.

Game "Guess what to do"
Target. To teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of a tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.
Preparatory work. Prepare 2 flags for each child.
Short description:
Children sit in a semicircle. Each person has 2 flags in their hands. If the teacher rings a tambourine loudly, the children raise the flags up and wave them, if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.
Methodical instructions. An adult needs to monitor the correct posture of children and correct execution movements; alternating loud and soft sounding of the tambourine should be no more than four times so that children can easily perform movements.

The story "Song-song"
Target. To develop speech hearing and speech activity, encourage children to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation. Clarification of sound pronunciation in children. The development of speech hearing.
Preparatory work. Pick up the following toys: a big doll, a rooster, a cat, a duck, a bear, a frog. Think over the questions about the story so that the children's answers include onomatopoeia that are given in it.
The girl sang a song. She sang and sang and sang.
- Now you, cockerel, sing!
- Ku-ka-re-ku! - crowed the cockerel.
- You sing, Murka!
“Meow, meow,” the cat sang.
- Your turn, duck!
- Quack-quack-quack, - the duck began to draw.
- And you. Bear!
- Ryav-ryav-r-i-jav! the bear growled.
- You, frog, sing!
- Kwa-kva-kwak-k-k! - croaked the wahoo.
- And you, doll, what will you sing?
- Ma-a-ma-a-ma! Mother! Composite song!
Methodical instructions. The teacher should accompany his story with a display of character toys; pronounce onomatopoeia clearly, achieve the same from children when answering questions about the story.

Game "Poultry Farm"
Target. The development of speech breathing. Teach children on one exhale: pronounce 3-4 syllables.
Preparatory work. Pick up sounding toys: chicken, rooster, duck, goose, chicken.
Short description:
An adult shows toys to children and reproduces their sound 3-4 times in a row. Toys are removed. The teacher says: “We went to the poultry farm. Let's go, and meet us ... (shows a chicken) chicken. How will she greet us?" Children: "ko-ko-ko."
“We went further. I'll meet a goose. How will he greet us?" Children: ha-ha-ha. Then the teacher sequentially shows the remaining toys, and the children pronounce the corresponding onomatopoeia.
Methodical instructions. First, all the participants in the game speak, then you can ask three or four children one at a time. Make sure that onomatopoeia (ko-ko-ko, ga-ha-ha, pi-pi-pi, ku-ka-re-ku, quack-quack-quack) are pronounced by the children at one breath. Some children can pronounce 2-3 onomatopoeia, others - 3 - 4.

Game "Guess who's coming"
Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the tempo of the sound of the tambourine. The development of the ability to determine the tempo of the sound of a tambourine.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares 2 pictures depicting a walking heron and a galloping sparrow.
Short description:
The teacher shows the children a picture of a heron and says that her legs are long, she walks importantly, slowly, as slowly as a tambourine sounds now. The teacher slowly taps the tambourine, and the children walk like herons.
Then the adult shows a picture in which a sparrow is drawn, and says that the sparrow is jumping as fast as a tambourine will sound now. He quickly knocks on a tambourine, and the children jump like sparrows. Then the teacher changes the tempo of the sound of the tambourine, and the children, respectively, either walk like herons or jump like sparrows.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to change the tempo of the sounding of the tambourine no more than 4 - 5 times.

The game "The wind blows"
Target. Teach children to use a loud or quiet voice depending on the situation. Changing the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares 2 pictures. One depicts a light breeze shaking grass and flowers. On the other - a strong wind shaking the branches of trees.
Short description:
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher says: “We went for a walk in the forest in the summer. We go through the field, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing and the grass is swaying, flowers (shows a picture). It blows softly, like this: “uuuu” (quietly and for a long time pronounces the sound y). We came to the forest, picked up a lot of flowers and berries. We were about to go back. Suddenly a strong wind blew (shows a picture). He hummed loudly: "uuuuuu..." (he pronounces this sound loudly and for a long time). Children repeat after the teacher how a light breeze blows and how a strong wind hums.
Then the teacher shows the pictures, no longer pronouncing the sound, and the children imitate the corresponding wind.
Methodical instructions. The teacher makes sure that the children, repeating after him, observe the same power of voice.

The game "Who is attentive?"
Target. Teach children to correctly perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice with which they pronounce it. Development of physical hearing acuity.
Preparatory work. Pick up toys that are easy to perform various actions with.
Short description:
Children sit in 3 rows opposite the teacher's table. (The first row at a distance of 2-3 m). There are various toys on the table. The adult says: “Children, now I will give tasks to those who are sitting in the front row. I will speak in a whisper, so you need to sit quietly so that everyone can hear. I'll call each one by name and give you a task, and you check if it's done correctly. Be careful. Vova, take the bear and put it in the car.”
Tasks are performed in turn by all the children sitting in the first row. Then they change places: the second row takes the place of the first, the third - the second, the first - the third.
Methodical instructions. The teacher needs to make sure that the children sit quietly, do not prompt each other. Assignments should be short and simple.

The game "Whose ship is buzzing better?"
Target. To achieve the ability to direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue. The development of a long purposeful oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares glass vials (according to the number of children) about 7 cm high, with a neck diameter of 1-1.5 cm, makes stickers with the names of the children on them.
Short description:
Each child is given a clean vial. The teacher says: “Children, listen to how my bubble buzzes if I blow into it. (Humming.) Buzzed like a steamer. And how will Misha's steamer hum? The teacher turns to each child in turn, and then invites everyone to hum together.
Methodical instructions. To buzz into the vial, stick out the tip of the tongue slightly so that it touches the edge of the neck. The bubble touches the chin. The jet of air should be long and go in the middle of the tongue. If the beep does not work, then the child does not comply with one of these requirements. Each child can only blow for a few seconds to avoid dizziness.

Game "Cat and Mice"
Target. Teach children to speak poetry quietly. Developing the ability to use a quiet voice.
Preparatory work. Prepare hats with the image of a cat. Teach the children the text of the poem.
Short description:
Children walk in a circle, in the center of which a child depicting a cat squats down. The children say in a low voice:
"Hush, mice.
Hush, mice.
The cat is sitting on our roof.
Mouse, mouse, beware!
And don't get caught by the cat!
A child imitating a cat meows loudly and runs after the children. Those caught become cats.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children do not increase their voice, but do not speak in a whisper.

Exercise "Beep"
Target. Teach children to change the strength of the voice from loud to quiet. Developing the ability to regulate the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. Prepare a picture of a steam locomotive.
Short description:
Children stand in one row facing the teacher and raise their hands through the sides up until their palms meet. Then slowly lower through the sides down. Simultaneously with the lowering of their hands, the children utter the sound at first loudly, and then gradually quieter (the locomotive moves away). Lowering their hands, they fall silent.
Methodical instructions. First, the teacher himself shows the exercise, then he calls two children who represent the beep with him. The rest of the children make only movements with their hands. Then the whole group takes part in the game.

Game "Pick by color"
Target. Teach children to pronounce a phrase of two or three words together. Development of a smooth speech exhalation.
Preparatory work. Pick up subject pictures of primary colors and make cardboard cubes of the same colors without one face.
Short description:
Children are given pictures of objects. different color. Showing the cube, the teacher says: "Whoever has pictures of the same color as the cube, come here." Children go out, show their pictures, call them (“Red Car”, “Red Ball”, etc.) and put them in this cube. The game continues until all the children have put their pictures into cubes.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children speak the words together, on one exhale.

The game "Guess the train is near or far"
Target. Teach children to correctly determine the strength of the voice. The development of the ability to distinguish by ear the power of sound.
Preparatory work. Pick up 3 pictures on which the train is drawn. In the first picture, the train is at the station. On the second, he moves away from her, the mourners wave after her. The third shows the station, in the distance, beyond the forest, the last car of the train is visible.
Short description:
The teacher puts 3 pictures of a train on the board. He says: “The train before leaving the station is buzzing - uuu. The train is standing close, and we hear a loud horn. (Produces the sound y in a loud voice.) When the train left the station and honked, we heard a not so loud horn. (He pronounces onomatopoeia in a normal voice of medium volume.) And when the train has gone far and hummed, it is already barely audible. (Pronounces onomatopoeia in a low voice.)
Next, the teacher pronounces the sound different strength voices, and the children indicate the corresponding picture.
Methodical instructions. If the children answer correctly, then they themselves can take turns leading (give a signal with a voice of different strength).

Game "When does it happen?"
Target. To achieve the ability to simultaneously, on one exhale, pronounce a phrase of four words. Development of a smooth speech exhalation.
Preparatory work. Pick up plot pictures (according to the number of children) with the image various signs seasons. (Handout material can be taken from the Four Seasons lotto or you can pick it up yourself from various books and magazines.)
Short description:
The teacher hangs pictures on the board depicting the four seasons. A paper pocket is attached to the bottom of each picture, in which you can put small pictures reflecting various signs of this or that season (“Children make a snowman”, “Boys hang birdhouses”, “Girls collect bouquets of flowers”, “Yellow leaves fall from the trees " etc.).
The teacher calls the children in turn, gives them one picture at a time. The child comes to the table, shows everyone his picture and answers the question posed by the teacher, for example: “When do children swim in the river?” (“Children bathe in the river in summer.”) Having given a full answer, he puts the picture in his pocket big picture, which shows the corresponding time of year.
Methodical instructions. Before the game begins, the teacher explains to the children that they should not speak abruptly, stopping after each word. If the child cannot give a complete answer to the question of the teacher or his speech is jerky, the teacher offers a sample of the correct speech, and then repeats the answer with the child.

Target. To educate in children the ability to change the pitch of the voice. Changing the pitch of the voice.
Short description:
An adult tells the fairy tale "Three Bears", accompanying his speech with illustrations. Then he asks the children questions, for example: “What did Mikhail Ivanovich say when he saw that his chair was moved?” Children, answering questions, change the pitch of their voices accordingly.
Methodical instructions. An adult makes sure that, imitating Mishutka, Anastasia Petrovna and Mikhail Ivanovich, the children do not speak very high (to the point of squeaking) and very low (to the point of hoarseness in their voice), that is, that they raise and lower their voice within the limits accessible to them.

Game "Guess who said"
Target. Teach children by ear to distinguish between low, medium and high voice. Development of the ability to distinguish the pitch of the voice.
Preparatory work. Pick up pictures depicting characters from the fairy tale "Three Bears" (Mikhail Ivanovich, Anastasia Petrovna and Mishutka). For each character - 8-9 pictures.
Short description:
Each child gets a picture of one of the bears. The teacher pronounces phrases from the text of the fairy tale, changing the pitch of the voice, and the children raise the corresponding pictures.
Methodical instructions. In order to activate the attention of children, the teacher violates the sequence of characters' statements adopted in the fairy tale.

Echo game
Target. Developing the ability to use a quiet and loud voice. Teach children to speak loudly and quietly.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects the picture "Children got lost in the forest."
Short description:
Children are divided into 2 groups. One depicts children who are lost in the forest, the other is an echo. Each group is located in different corners of the room. Children who are lost in the forest call loudly by name the children of another subgroup; "Aw, Olya! Hey, Petya! Children imitating "echo" repeat quietly the same words. Then the players change roles.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children pause after naming the name, allowing the “echo” to repeat their words.

The game "Determine the place of the toy"
Target. To achieve the ability to simultaneously, on one exhale, pronounce a phrase of five to six words. The development of a long speech exhalation.
Preparatory work. An adult picks up various toys that are well known to children.
Short description:
The teacher lays out various children's toys (a car, a pyramid, a ball, a bear, a doll, etc.) on the table in one row. Calling the child, he asks: “Between which toys is the pyramid?” The child must give a complete answer: "The pyramid stands between the car and the ball." After two or three answers, the adult swaps the toys. Gradually, when repeating the game, you can replace the toys with others one at a time.
Methodical instructions. When conducting the game, the teacher makes sure that the children speak slowly, without separating one word from another with long pauses. You must answer the question with a full answer, for example: "The ball lies between the doll and the bear."
Exercise "Divers"
Target. Teach children to inhale through their mouth and exhale through their nose. Development of differentiated breathing.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects pictures that show children diving and jumping from the tower.
Short description:
Children, spreading their arms to the sides, take a breath through their mouths. Wrapping your arms around yourself and crouching (“falling under water”), exhale through your nose.
Methodical instructions. Each child repeats the exercise no more than two or three times.

Game "Guess what to do"
Target. Teach children to listen to the pace of speech and perform movements at the appropriate pace. Development of the ability to determine by ear a change in the pace of speech.
Preparatory work. Pick up phrases denoting actions that can be performed at a different pace.
Short description:
The teacher several times pronounces the phrase at a different pace: “The mill grinds grain.” Children, imitating the work of the mill, do circular motion hands at the same pace as the teacher speaks. The following phrases are also played out: “Our feet walked along the road”, “Children swam in the river”, etc.
Methodical instructions. An adult should pronounce the phrase smoothly, smoothly, repeating it 2-3 times in a row at any pace, so that it is easier for children to complete the movements.

The game "Vyuga".
Purpose To teach children to change the strength of the voice from soft to loud and from loud to quiet with one exhalation. Changing the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. Choose a picture that depicts a blizzard.
Short description:
The teacher shows a picture on which a blizzard is drawn. Children sitting in a row depict a blizzard howling in winter evening. At the signal of the teacher “the blizzard begins”, the children quietly say: “uuu ...”; at the signal “strong blizzard” they say loudly: “uuu ...”; at the signal “the blizzard ends”, they speak more quietly; on the signal "the blizzard is over" they fall silent.
Methodical instructions. It is desirable that the children utter the sound quietly on one exhalation, then loudly and again quietly, so the adult quickly replaces one signal with another.

The game "Who will inflate the toy better?"
Target. Teach children to inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouth. Development of differentiated breathing.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares for each child inflatable children's toys of small sizes, such that they can be inflated in 3-4 exhalations.
Short description:
The teacher shows the children how to inflate the toy: he takes in air through his nose and slowly exhales it through his mouth into the opening of the toy. The one who correctly completes the task can play with an inflatable toy.
Methodical instructions. The game is best played with subgroups of children of five to six people.

The game "To whom did the wolf come, from whom did the wolf leave?"
Target. Teach children to determine the character by changing the tone of voice. The development of the ability to determine by ear the change in tone of voice.
Preparatory work. Pick up plot pictures: the wolf came to the hut to the kids; the wolf came to his cubs; the wolf came to the hunter; the wolf leaves the hut of pigs; the wolf leaves the cubs; the wolf runs away from the hunter.
Short description:
The teacher puts 3 pictures on the board, which depict a wolf that came to the goats, to the cubs, to the hunter. He pronounces the phrase The wolf came with a different intonation: with fear, with joy, with surprise. Children must determine who said it - goats, wolf cubs or a hunter. Similar work is carried out on three other pictures (the phrase Wolf left is said with joy, with regret, with annoyance).
Methodical instructions. Children should listen carefully to the teacher, it is necessary to activate them with questions like “Why did you guess that the kids said that?”

"Airplanes" ( D.N. Koldin " Game activities with children 2-3 years old "p. 9)

Target : formation of correct nasal breathing, smooth long exhalation.

Equipment : toy (game character) pieces of multi-colored paper on a tray.

Game progress : Toy: I flew (la) to you guys on an airplane. Look how many airplanes I have here (shows a tray). Let's blow on the airplanes so that they fly high, high into the sky.

"Blowing Snowflakes" D.N. Koldin "Game activities with children 2-3 years old" p.52)


Equipment : paper snowflakes or pieces of white paper on a tray.

Game progress: An adult holds a tray in front of the children and offers to arrange a snowfall in the room. To do this, you need to blow on the snowflakes together. An adult shows how to take a deep breath through the nose and a smooth exhalation through the mouth, lips puckered. Children blow on papers.

"Bird, fly!" ( D.N. Koldin "Playing activities with children 2-3 years old" p.110)

Target : formation of correct speech breathing, smooth long exhalation.

Equipment : paper birds on a string.

Game progress: an adult shows a bird to the children. He suggests blowing on it so that the bird can fly and shows how to take a deep breath through the nose and a smooth exhalation through the mouth, lips folded into a tube. Children blow on a bird, and it "floats" in the air.

"Warm and Cold Breath"


Game progress : The teacher explains and shows how to make hot and cold air when exhaling: “You need to take in more air through your nose, make your lips a tube and blow air into your palm - cold air will come out. And if you take in air again and exhale it with a wide open mouth, then our palm will become warm. Repeat the exercise with the children several times.

"We will blow high..." ( D.N. Koldin "Game activities with children 2-3 years old" p.119)

Target : formation of correct speech breathing, activation of the labial muscles.

Game progress: Children perform game actions according to the words of the poem.

We blow highchildren rise on toes, hands on their belts and blow )

We blow lowsquat down and blow )

We'll blow farget up, hands on the belt, blow, lips folded in a tube,

pulling the head forward )

We'll blow closebring the palm to the face and blow on the palm )

"Whose dandelion will fly away first?" ( Fomicheva M.F. "Education in children correct pronunciation". With. 148)

Target: Development of the ability to exhale air for a long time and smoothly through the mouth; activation of the muscles of the lips.

Game progress : The game is played outdoors. When the children are walking, the teacher offers to pick one faded dandelion. Shows how to blow on a flower to make parachutes fly. Children blow on dandelions so that all the fluffs fly off. You need to blow off all the fluffs in 3-4 times.

"Launching boats" ( Fomicheva M.F. "Educating Children to Correct Pronunciation". With. 150)

Target: the formation of the ability to combine the pronunciation of a sound with the beginning of exhalation.

Equipment: a basin of water, a paper boat.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to ride on the boat. In order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, folding your lips as if to pronounce the sound "f". You can blow by stretching your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. The ship is sailing smoothly. Educator: “But then a gusty wind came up” - the children pronounce the sound “p” 2-3 times on one exhale: p-p-p.

"Poultry Farm" ( Fomicheva M.F. "Educating Children to Correct Pronunciation". With. 152)

Target: The development of speech breathing. Teach children to pronounce 3-4 syllables on one exhale.

Equipment : toys: chicken, chick, rooster, duck, goose.

Game progress: The teacher shows the toys to the children and reproduces onomatopoeia 3-4 times. The toys are then removed. The teacher says to the children: “here we came to the farm, and towards us ... (shows a chicken) a chicken. How will she greet us?" Children: "Ko-ko-ko."

“We went further. Towards us ... (shows a goose) goose. How will he greet us?" Children: "Ha-ha-ha." Next, the teacher shows the rest of the toys in sequence, and the children pronounce the corresponding onomatopoeia. First, everyone in the game speaks. Then you can ask 3-4 children one at a time. Make sure that the children pronounce onomatopoeia on one exhalation (2-3, 3-4 onomatopoeia).

"Fly, butterfly!"

Target: development of a long continuous oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: 2-3 bright paper butterflies.

move games: Before starting the lesson, tie a thread 20-40 cm long to each butterfly, attach the threads to the cord at some distance from each other. Pull the cord so that the butterflies hang at the level of the standing child's face. The teacher shows the child butterflies and offers to play with them. Look how beautiful colorful butterflies! Let's see if they can fly. The teacher blows on butterflies. Look, fly! How alive! Now you try to blow. Which butterfly will fly farthest? The child stands near the butterflies and blows on them. It is necessary to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when exhaling, blows on one exhalation, not getting air, does not puff out his cheeks, and slightly pushes his lips forward. You can blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses so that your head does not spin.


Target : development of a strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment : paper sultans (panicles).

Game progress: Before starting the game, it is necessary to prepare panicles. To do this, attach strips of colored paper to a wooden stick. You can use thin tissue paper, or Christmas decorations"rain". The teacher offers to play with the whisk. Shows how to blow on paper strips, then offers to blow to the child. Imagine it's a magical tree. A breeze blew and the leaves rustled on the tree! Like this! And now you blow! The game can be played both individually and in a group of children. In the second case, the children blow on their panicles at the same time.

"Autumn leaves"

Target :

Equipment : autumn Maple leaves, vase.

Game progress : Before class, gather a bouquet with your child autumn leaves(preferably maple, as they have long stems) and place them in a vase. Offer to blow on the leaves. beautiful leaves you and I gathered in the park. Here is a yellow leaf, and here is a red one. Do you remember how the leaves rustled on the branches? Let's blow on the leaves! An adult, together with a child or a group of children, blows on the leaves in a vase, draws their attention to the rustling of the leaves.

"Leaf fall"

Target: training for smooth free exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment : yellow, red, orange leaves cut out of thin double-sided colored paper; bucket.

Game progress : The teacher lays out leaflets on the table, reminds the children about autumn. Imagine that it's autumn. Red, yellow, orange leaves fall from the trees. The wind blew - scattered all the leaves on the ground! Let's make wind - blow on the leaves! An adult, together with the children, blows on the leaves until all the leaves are on the floor. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the correct implementation of oral exhalation, as well as to ensure that children do not overwork. All the leaves on the ground... Let's collect the leaves in a bucket. The teacher and children collect leaflets. Then the game is repeated again.

« Snowing!"

Target : the formation of a smooth long exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment : pieces of cotton.

Game progress : The teacher lays out pieces of cotton wool on the table, reminds the children about winter. Imagine that it is winter. Snow is falling outside. Let's blow snowflakes! An adult shows how to blow on cotton wool, children repeat. Then everyone raises the cotton wool, and the game is repeated again.

"Pinwheel" (Galanov A.S. “Games that heal” p.11) (Galanov A.S. “Games that heal” p.10)

Target : development of a long smooth exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment : spinner toy.

Game progress : Before starting the game, prepare a spinner toy. You can make it yourself with paper and a wooden stick. Show the child a turntable. On the street, demonstrate how it begins to spin from the breath of the wind. Then offer to blow on it yourself: Let's make a wind - blow on the turntable. That's how it turned out! Blow even harder - the pinwheel spins faster. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

"Song of the Wind"

Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment : Chinese wind bell "song of the wind"

Game progress : Hang the bell at a distance convenient for the child (at the level of the face of a standing child) and offer to blow on it. Pay attention to how melodic the sound is. Then offer to blow harder - the sound became louder. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

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