Pedestrian at the crosswalk rules. Crosswalk rules

When driving around the city, drivers encounter dozens of road signs and markings, one way or another affecting the movement. At the same time, many of them are also intended for those who move without a car. And one of the most important (and problematic for beginners) elements of the road is the pedestrian crossing, which provides pedestrians safe movement across the road.

In this article, we will talk about how the driver should behave correctly before a pedestrian crossing to ensure the safety of other road users, as well as answer the question "What should I do if I had to stop at the crossing?".

Traffic rules before crossing

Let's start with how to generally behave when approaching the transition. And first consider unregulated transitions. Everything is simple here - according to the driver must give way to all pedestrians wishing to cross the road. But in this paragraph of the SDA there is a small inconsistency related to the definition of "Road". The most expensive is a set of traffic sections, which includes both the carriageway and the sidewalk. And the definition of a pedestrian crossing sounds like "A section of the carriageway intended for the movement of pedestrians when crossing the road." In this regard, there is a dispute “When exactly to let a person through? When he got out on carriageway or if he is only going to cross the road? Most experts recommend giving way to a pedestrian in advance, as this greatly reduces the risk of a collision. The traffic police adheres to the same position.

Another important rule consists in the fact that the driver, if he noticed that another driver slowed down or slowed down at the crossing, must also slow down. The rule may seem useless, but in fact it ensures the safety of those pedestrians who may simply not be visible when moving along the crossing.

With regulated intersections, everything is much simpler - you just need to follow the instructions of the regulatory signs. At the same time, pedestrians still have a certain advantage, since the driver cannot continue moving until the pedestrian has completed the movement by making the transition. There is a very important restriction from this rule - the driver is obliged to let all blind pedestrians pass, who signal with a cane when moving along the crossing.

What to do when stopping at a pedestrian crossing?

Sometimes it happens that the driver makes a mistake and he has to stop at a pedestrian crossing. In this case, a problem is created - to stand still or move. If you stop at a pedestrian intersection and it is somehow fixed, then you face a fine of 1000 rubles. If you go ahead, then you are threatened in the same way. in the amount of 800 rubles. If you decide at all, then you face a fine in the same thousand, but the repetition of such a maneuver will cost you at 5000(not to mention the kind of danger you will create).

In this situation, there is only one reasonable way out - to take back. So you will avoid an emergency, free the passage for pedestrians, and return to the right place. In this case, the fine still cannot be avoided - you will have to pay 500 rubles if your discovery is recorded. At the same time, it will be possible to try to avoid a fine by proving that the stop at the crossing was forced to avoid an accident. At the same time, absolutely all fines (except 5000 for a repeated violation) can be made if the transfer is completed within the first 20 days.

In order to avoid most of the problems associated with stopping at a pedestrian crossing, it is enough to remember paragraph 14.4 of the SDA, which prohibits movement if there is a traffic jam in front of it, allowing you to stop only at a pedestrian crossing. If you are not sure that there is a place for your car, then just wait until it is free.

The official statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirm that main reason most of the accidents in the country are violations of the traffic rules at pedestrian crossings.

Therefore, in 2017, the relationship between motorists and pedestrians has undergone some changes.

Consider the rules for the passage of a pedestrian crossing in the new edition.

According to the traffic rules, a pedestrian crossing is a section on the road on which markings are applied, sound alarms and special signs are installed for safe movement pedestrians on the other side of the road. The absence of such signs indicates that people are not allowed to cross the road at such a place.

Pedestrian crossings can be placed at intersections and other sections of the road. The width of the transition matches the width of the zebra pattern.

In the absence of markings on the road, the width of the crossing is determined by special signs installed on both sides - a blue rectangle with a highlighted white triangle, in which a person walking on a zebra is schematically depicted in black.

Two types of pedestrian crossings can be distinguished, for which there are separate rules for passing pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing:

  1. Adjustable. In addition to the zebra markings on the road surface, controlled intersection equipped with a traffic light. The latter is designed to regulate traffic in this area. In the event of a traffic light failure or if it is constantly flashing yellow, this pedestrian crossing automatically turns into unregulated.
  2. Unregulated. The presence of a pedestrian crossing is indicated only by the markings applied to the road lane.

Consider important features passing a pedestrian crossing under the new rules.

Innovations in traffic rules

Clause 14.3. establishes rules for the behavior of motorists at controlled pedestrian crossings.

The pedestrian has priority in crossing the carriageway at the pedestrian crossing. It should be skipped and given the opportunity to complete the section crossing, even if the driver has a green traffic light.

Moreover, the driver is not entitled to apply sound signal, thereby urging pedestrians. Such action is punishable by fairly high fines.

In the new edition of the SDA, the interpretation of some points regarding the movement on unregulated crossings.

The old version obligated all drivers to “give way to the pedestrian” at the crossing, and the new version contains a different wording - “give way”. It may seem to an ordinary motorist that the meaning has remained the same, but in fact the approach has changed dramatically.

How to give way to a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing under the new rules? The old traffic rules under the term "let the pedestrian" meant the following actions - as soon as the pedestrian stepped on the road markings, all motorists are required to stop and let him through, in other words, wait until he passes the "zebra" to the end.

The new version of the Rules of the Road provided for the duty of a motorist to stop, give way to a pedestrian when he is not yet on the road lane, but at a short distance from it, and a moving car can interfere with his movement.

Thus, the new amendments protect the rights of pedestrians to a greater extent. After all, if the car does not stop, a person will be forced to change either the speed of his movement or his trajectory.

The wording "give way" implies that the driver has the right to continue through the pedestrian crossing only if the pedestrian is far from the road markings.

If a pedestrian is standing on the sidewalk and talking on the phone, the driver is not required to let him through. According to the idea of ​​legislators, this approach will encourage people to quickly cross the transition, thereby not creating congestion. This innovation will be especially useful for metropolitan areas.

Traffic congestion in megacities is already a common occurrence. Therefore, it often happens that drivers are forced to stop directly on the "zebra", and this is already prohibited by the new edition of the SDA.

According to the traffic rules, if there is a possibility that the driver of the car will have to brake right on the road markings, he must prevent this situation in advance.

In other words, even if the car got on the "zebra" as a result of a traffic jam, in any case, the driver must be punished. This requirement is due to the following factors:

  • remaining on the road markings, the car interferes with the normal movement of pedestrians;
  • a car standing on a zebra reduces visibility, due to which another motorist can start moving at a time when people are walking along the markings.

In all of the above cases, the chances of an accident and injury increase.

It is also worth noting that the traffic rules for drivers prohibit the following actions at a pedestrian crossing:

  • turn around;
  • leave your cars;
  • move backward.

Since a pedestrian crossing is a special section of the road, these separate norms have been developed for it.

In the new version of the SDA, the text about the pedestrian crossing on the tram tracks was added. Thanks to this, it was possible to eliminate the controversial situation in the old version of the Rules.

Previously, a section of tram tracks that intersects with a pedestrian crossing through the carriageway did not provide an advantage for pedestrian traffic.

In the new edition of the SDA, a section of tram tracks may refer to a pedestrian crossing. It states that a pedestrian crossing is a section of the carriageway of the road surface, including tram tracks, which is marked with markings and appropriate signs.

Now, on these sections of the road, the tram driver is required to let people who walk along the crossing pass.

Of course, pedestrians, in turn, must also be attentive, since this vehicle huge mass is not able to instantly slow down.

Is overtaking allowed at a pedestrian crossing? It is strictly forbidden to overtake a vehicle on a zebra even when there are no pedestrians on it.

If earlier one car could stop or slow down before marking, others, in the absence of pedestrians, could continue moving at low speed along adjacent lanes.

Additions to the SDA now oblige all motorists to slow down or stop at a pedestrian crossing if one of the cars slowed down.

If the driver did not give way to a pedestrian walking on the road markings, he must be prepared to pay a fine.

What is the amount of the fine for this traffic violation? At present (since October 11, 2017), its amount can vary from 1,500 rubles to 2,500 rubles, depending on the severity of the violation.

The driver has the right to appeal if there were cars in front of him, so the view was bad. In this case, the driver could simply not notice the pedestrian walking along the "zebra". If the review was good, as a result, the fine will still have to be paid.

In addition, if traffic police officers have a video recording made by a video recorder or using a camera, alas, it will not work to appeal the fine.

While drivers are required to yield, pedestrians are also expected to make sure that the crossing is safe. Thanks to mutual attention and respect, traffic will be safer.

Pedestrians in Russia are knocked down by how much in vain. Both their own carelessness and poor road lighting, non-compliance with the speed limit and the general low discipline of drivers are to blame for this. Therefore, in no case do we urge to stop passing pedestrians. This article will discuss whether it is lawful for the traffic police to issue fines for not allowing a pedestrian to pass in the case when a pedestrian walks several lanes from your car and your trajectories do not intersect.

To begin with, we recall that the obligation to pass pedestrians at unregulated crossings is regulated by clause 14.1 of the SDA of the Russian Federation, which reads:

14.1 Driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing<*>, is obliged to slow down or stop before crossing in order to give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway or entering it to make the transition.

So, according to the text, there should be an obligation to skip. This is used by traffic police officers when they attract drivers for not allowing a pedestrian to pass, even if their trajectories do not intersect, but the pedestrian is already at the pedestrian crossing. This opinion is replicated by the media: if a pedestrian is walking along the crossing, you need to stop and let it through.

And everything would have gone smoothly if not for one important document. it decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation N AKPI12-205 dated April 17, 2012. A certain citizen appealed to the Court, who, among other things, disputed the need to let a pedestrian pass if the passage of transport does not interfere with him. Here is what the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation establishes on this appeal:

Paragraph 14.1 of the Rules establishes that the driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to slow down or stop before the crossing in order to let pass pedestrians crossing the carriageway or entering it to make the transition. Speaking about the contradiction of the disputed provision with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Convention on road traffic, Ch. indicated in the application that it forbids drivers to continue driving through an unregulated pedestrian crossing if there are pedestrians on it, even if this does not interfere with the movement of these pedestrians and endanger their life and health. This statement is based on a misinterpretation of clause 11.4 of the Rules. The obligation of the driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing to slow down or stop before the crossing is made dependent precisely on the need to let pass pedestrians crossing the carriageway or entering it to make the crossing. This obligation does not arise when there is no need to give way to pedestrians (for example, when the trajectories of the vehicle and the pedestrian do not intersect).
Thus, the challenged norm is in line with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Convention on Road Traffic, which establishes that if the movement of vehicles on a pedestrian crossing is not regulated by either traffic lights or a traffic controller, drivers must, when approaching this crossing, properly reduce speed so as not to endanger pedestrians entering or entering the crossing; if necessary, stop and give way to pedestrians.

The most important phrase in the context of the article is highlighted in bold.
Thus, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation confirmed that it is necessary to let pedestrians through only if the vehicle creates a hindrance to the latter, i.e. their paths intersect. We advise you to print this paragraph of the Decision and carry it with you in the car, in order to present it to the traffic police inspector if necessary.
The fact is that in the case of an unlawful accusation, it is better to prove your case to the inspector on the spot, because. he saw the position of the pedestrian at the crossing, the commission and the court will rely only on the completed protocol. It will be more useful

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