Tickets for the circus show Snow Queen. The Snow Queen

A familiar plot and breathtaking acrobatic performances will decorate the bright circus show The Snow Queen. On the eve of the New Year holidays, the Zapashny brothers and their colleagues prepared an incredible program based on the famous fairy tale for young viewers and their parents. A familiar story will open in a new way, because it will consist of a series of mind-blowing numbers. Every year, the circus pleases with a bright New Year's performance, this time it was based on the well-known fairy tale by G. Andersen.

From childhood, we all remember the story of Kai and Gerda, who grew roses and admired them. One day, fragments of a devilish mirror fall into Kai's heart and eyes, and the previously kind boy becomes unfriendly, offends Gerda and his grandmother, stops admiring roses and sees beauty in the correct geometric shape of snowflakes. In winter, the Snow Queen takes him to her kingdom, and Gerda decides on a brave act and goes in search of a friend. Many encounters and obstacles await her along the way, but the desire to find Kai and rescue him, a good heart and sincere intentions will help her get out of all difficult situations. In a circus production, the fairy tale will acquire some new details, and already known ones will be shown in a new form.

Kai's flight with the Snow Queen on a sleigh, Gerda's adventures, her encounters with various heroes and other scenes will be presented in the form of exciting circus performances. Spectators are expected to perform aerial gymnasts, illusionists, animal trainers and acrobatic numbers. For visitors, the performances have prepared a lot of exclusive and complex performances, and some of them will make your heart skip a beat! Add to this is a stunning musical accompaniment, unforgettable scenery and costumes. The large-scale circus show The Snow Queen will give you a lot of impressions and a sense of celebration. You can order tickets for the event on our website or by phone from the operator.

circus show The Snow Queen will delight viewers from childhood with a familiar plot and incredible acrobatic numbers. The Zapashny brothers, together with their colleagues, prepared an amazing program for the capital's audience, based on the plot of the famous fairy tale. A familiar story will open up in a completely new way, and guests of the event will be pleasantly surprised by a series of stunning performances. Every year, the circus presents breathtaking New Year's performances to the attention of the audience, and this time the show is based on the world-famous fairy tale story of G. Andersen. We offer to buy tickets for the Snow Queen with free delivery in Moscow, ticket price from 800 rubles, round-the-clock online ordering of seats.

Since childhood, each of us has known the story of Kai and Gerda, who grew roses and admired the flowers. And then one day, fragments of the devil's mirror hit Kai in the very heart and in the eye. And the once kind and friendly boy becomes angry, begins to offend his grandmother and Gerda, and he sees beauty in the guise of snowflakes, regular in geometric shape. In winter, the Snow Queen takes the boy to her kingdom, but the brave Gerda goes in search of him. On the way, she will have to overcome many difficulties and obstacles, but good intentions and a good heart help her cope with all the difficulties.

Tickets for the Snow Queen

Spectators will see fascinating scenes in the form of extraordinary performances: the flight of Kai and the Snow Queen on a sleigh, the amazing adventures of Gerda, the girl's meeting with other heroes, and much more. Professional acrobats, illusionists, gymnasts, trainers will take part in the production. The guests of the event are waiting for really exclusive rooms, from which goosebumps will run through the skin! And all this is complemented by incredible musical accompaniment, unusual stage costumes and scenery. This circus show is truly impressive in scale, and the performance will give the audience a lot of impressions and a sense of a bright holiday. Order tickets to the circus performance Snow Queen You can do it on our website or with operators by calling.

Various concert and theater venues in the capital are already getting ready for the New Year, and the Vernadsky Circus is also keeping up with this trend. In the period from December 17, 2016 to January 29, 2017, you can see the festive show "The Snow Queen" here. The circus led by the Zapashny brothers often delights the audience with exclusive performances featuring wild animals, acrobats, gymnasts, clowns and other circus performers. This time, a premiere circus performance awaits you, which will especially delight young spectators. It will be a winter fairy tale in the arena of one of the best circuses in the country.

The basis for the plot of the show "The Snow Queen" was the famous fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It will be a story about friendship and kindness, flavored with great stunts, fun music, colorful costumes and surprises. Tickets for the Snow Queen show will create a festive New Year's mood!

You will see the Snow Queen who has kidnapped a boy named Kai. She wants to turn his heart to ice, but the selfless Gerda cannot allow this. She embarks on a dangerous and adventurous journey to rescue Kai, and also takes all the spectators with her.

You can buy tickets for the upcoming show "CIRCUS 2.0" in Moscow on our website online right now. Delivery of tickets in Moscow is free.

On December 17, on the eve of the New Year holidays, the audience for the first time saw the new performance "The Snow Queen", which promises to be an unprecedented circus project in terms of the number of unique performances. Brothers Zapashny comrades move to a new level of skill with each premiere, surprising the metropolitan audience, tempted by spectacles.

All our circus projects are unique, they do not resemble each other, - says the general director of the Great Moscow State Circus Edgard Zapashny. - The brightest scene of this show is the performance with polar bears. I should note that this is the only such attraction in the world, there are no more polar bears in circuses. And the appearance on the arena of such rare animals as chimpanzees arouses genuine interest among the public, as this is one of the most intelligent creatures on planet Earth. Also, children took part in this show along with the honored artists. They played without fear, performed. The show is not at all like other projects that are now being shown to the public. It is distinguished, first of all, by its scale, the opportunity to come to the show with the whole family. We tried to make sure that viewers of any age do not get bored.

Indeed, the unique style of the Zapashny brothers, vivid images, light plot will make not only children but also adults enjoy the new show from the heart!

We decided to transfer the classic plot of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" to the arena. Evgeny Shevtsov became the director and scriptwriter of this project,” said Askold Zapashny, artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus. - The Snow Queen is played by Lyudmila Titchenkova - one of two tall sisters who took part in many of our projects. And this time we decided to use Lyudmila's impressive height to make the Snow Queen spectacular. Kai and Gerda are played by trainers brother and sister, Oleg and Victoria Alexandrov.

From childhood, everyone remembers the story of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen about Kai and Gerd, children from very poor families who loved to grow roses on the windowsill, and their friendship was truly close, sincere. In the circus on Vernadsky, this fairy tale opens in a new way, and consists of a series of mind-blowing numbers.

This time, the arena of the Great Moscow Circus becomes a snow-covered city, the inhabitants of which are getting ready for the New Year holidays. They play snowballs and make snowmen together with brown bears. The boy Kai is kidnapped by the Snow Queen and ends up in her ice castle. The brave girl Gerda goes in search of him, courageously overcoming dangers and meeting interesting characters on her way.

In a circus production, the well-known fairy tale also acquired new characters. For example, the ice assistant of the Snow Queen appeared, whose role was brilliantly played by the clown Nikolai Kormiltsev.

Watching the performance, young spectators and their parents find themselves in a real world of wonders, where, thanks to a performance with paintings by Zoya Barkova, a flower garden comes to life on the arena, where a smart chimpanzee becomes a prince, and robbers demonstrate their skills in horse riding and acrobatics. Each circus number is organically woven into the touching and kind story of Kai and Gerda.

Of course, the appearance of four-legged artists will cause special admiration among the children. In the show "The Snow Queen" you can see the world's only attraction "Northern Lights" with polar bears on ice under the direction of the Honored Artist of Russia Yulia Denisenko! Polar bears enjoy tumbling on the ice and playing musical instruments.

Also, a group of brown bears under the guidance of Yuri Alexandrov, jigits on horseback - holders of the Silver Clown in Monte Carlo under the guidance of Honored Artist of Russia Yakov Ekk, acrobats on a pole led by Honored Artist of Russia Maxim Selnikhin, trapeze gymnasts Oleg and Victoria will also show their skills on the arena. Alexandrovs and acrobats on flip boards under the direction of Anatoly Ruban. A unique number "Dogs on Bicycles" by Victoria Alexandrova will be shown, and the king of chimpanzee Mickey will demonstrate his knowledge of palace etiquette together with his trainer Murat Khydyrov!

The circus project "Snow Queen" is both a grandiose show, an exciting performance and a real New Year's performance with gifts, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. It is easy to believe in the New Year's miracle in the circus, which will be facilitated by spectacular decorations, luxurious costumes of artists, bright lights, live music, fairy-tale characters and stunning video sequences.

The show "The Snow Queen" turned out to be amazingly beautiful, magical and bright! It is sure to please and be remembered by the public for a long time.


We arrived at the Big Circus on Vernadsky in advance. We entered the hall and immediately found ourselves on the roof! Before us were the rooftops of the fabulous city where Kai and Gerda lived.

The funniest and most unusual clown - Icy - really liked it. The brown bears were just great! They did such tricks that we did not expect from the "club-toed bears". And they were very mobile and artistic. Winter is over, but isn't it wonderful to have a snowball fight with real bears? And even in such huge and not at all heavy snowballs that were thrown to us by the inhabitants of a fabulous city!
Roses bloomed at Kai and Gerda's - red and white, and under the dome of the circus a beautiful rose bloomed at the gymnast's "air canvases". Everyone looked at this miracle with bated breath.

And then the fun began. Funny little white dogs ran out and quickly, dynamically, under the guidance of Kai and Gerda, showed us real circus tricks. Then Kai took a small children's bicycle, sat on it, put Gerda, who took a small dog and, to the general laughter, made a circle around the arena. It was so much fun!
That is why Gerda went to look for a friend, because without him life would turn into an icy winter.

But there were adventures along the way. Acrobats on a pole made such masterful and inconceivable jumps that it was breathtaking. We recognized them by the costumes of the courtiers and not at all a capricious princess, who turned out to be a virtuoso gymnast. This number was one of the coolest.
The Snow Queen also appeared and we were shown the real Northern Lights.

During the intermission, Oleg himself read a colorful program, beautifully decorated with photographs of artists, because this autumn he is already going to the 1st grade. We also bought a real Jedi lightsaber and popcorn, but we hid it until after the show. Some kids shone their swords in the dark, but we are already adults and we understand that we should not interfere with others watching the performance.

In the second part, the carriage, in which Gerda went in search of her friend Kai, was attacked by cheerful circus robbers and pulled it into several parts. The leader of the robbers - the young chieftain flaunted on a beautiful white circus horse. The other members of the gang of robbers turned out to be excellent riders, famously and cheerfully showing us the most difficult elements of horseback riding.

The program was so rich and varied that the children squealed with delight, and for a moment the adults felt like children. Especially when the carriage left and the King appeared. He walked importantly around the arena, hung his robe on a hanger, poured himself a glass of water from a decanter.
Can't be! It was a trained chimpanzee - the sweetest creature who was not averse to forgetting about his royal habits and climbing up on the table with his feet. Which pretty much surprised his valet. But we guessed that it was a trainer!

The air smelled of winter, snow and ice, and acrobats appeared in a moving ring - a very beautiful number. And very complex.
Once again we marveled at the inexhaustible imagination and skill of the circus performers. Trained polar bears surprised me the most. We didn't even know they were trainable! And they turned out to be such smart and skillful artists.
The fragile girl - the trainer looked so defenseless next to them, but they obeyed her and did the completely unthinkable - they played musical instruments, and one either clapped or conducted. They just missed their native element - snow and ice.
Two bears lay flat on the ice and even licked it with their long pink tongues, which amused the little spectators a lot, and the adults also looked at them with great pleasure.

At the end of the performance, Kai and Gerda met, and in an unusual, circus way. He went down to her from under the dome of the circus. When all the circus performers came out, we gave them a standing ovation, we really liked everything that they showed us. The performance was over, but our Oleg did not want to leave, like other kids. He walked and looked at photographs of circus performers in the foyer and recalled the circus fairy tale about the "Snow Queen".

It was raining that day, the weather was cloudy, but we were in a festive mood. And no wonder - we saw such a wonderful, wonderful, magical performance! We returned to winter fun and got acquainted with circus animals. Each trip to the Big Circus on Vernadsky is an event that is remembered for a lifetime.

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