Choreographic Ensemble Dereza dance I'll go out. Beauty from "Birch" revealed the secret of the magic step

dance group, recognized national treasure. For almost 70 years, the Beryozka choreographic ensemble has been telling the world about what beauty is in Russian with its dance. Interesting Facts collected from the history of the legendary team by Natalia Letnikova.

1. Round dance as high art . A simple girlish circle as the pinnacle of choreographic skill. The ensemble "Birch" for the first time "floated" across the stage to the music "In the field stood a birch tree" in 1948. Since then, the poetry of the old Russian round dance and the image of a Russian girl - distinguishing feature team.

2. Success from the first step. To meet with its audience, "Birch" needed to go on stage only once. Success came to the team after the first concert in the capital - in theater "Hermitage" . And for the first time, 16 young collective farmers of the Kalinin region performed their famous round dance on rural festival talents.

3. Girls from the picture. The creator of the group, the ballerina and choreographer Nadezhda Nadezhdina, saw the future "Birch" in her childhood. The girls depicted on the old lithograph in sundresses with birch branches have become a dream - to bring to big stage Russian round dance. Create a truly unique dance based on folk.

4. The image of a birch is written off from nature. Dress to the floor. The basis of the costume in which the signature number is performed. The long costume hides the legs, and it seems that the girls are floating around the stage. Adds tenderness white blouse with a lace "window" on the sleeve, blue as the sky, a handkerchief in one hand and a green birch twig in the other.

5. Peace medal. “You don’t need to read two hundred volumes about Russia, just watch one Beryozki concert, and you will see what Russian temper, Russian character, Russian beginning..." - wrote the French press after the tour of the ensemble in Paris. In 1959, the World Peace Council awarded the team its gold medal.

6. 80 countries. Russian "Birch" visited almost all continents. With her mysterious step, she walked thousands of kilometers through the scenes of Japan, France, Argentina, Switzerland, Korea, and the USA. She has performed in the most extreme conditions: for example, in Greece, in the heat of 40 degrees, she danced "Shrovetide" in sheepskin coats, hats and felt boots.

7. 16 years of wandering. Already being known to the whole world, the team rehearsed for a long time at rented venues: on the ice floor in the Hammer and Sickle Palace of Culture, in the hall on Volgogradsky Prospekt. The team received the current premises in Leontievsky Lane personally from Vladimir Putin. The President saw the performance of "Beryozka" in China.

8. Costumes "Birches"weigh about two and a half tons. For two hours of round dances and dancing girls change sundresses and hats more than 20 times. In total, the team has about two thousand costumes. Each is a real work of art made of velvet, chiffon, lace or batik, embroidered with braid and beads.

9. Not just a dance. "Birch", "Spinning", "Carousel", "On autumn fair”, “Sudarushka”, “Swan”, “Siberian Suite”. Choreographic short stories were invented by Nadezhda Nadezhdina herself. First, the team had a unique style, ten years later - a male composition, and then an orchestra of folk instruments.

10. From ballerinas to birches. Graduates of choreographic schools come to the ensemble. And all the same, dancers have to be retrained: there is a special school in the ensemble. Musicality, technical skill, beauty, intelligence, texture are valued. Main secret that beginners have to comprehend is a floating step. And this skill is kept secret.

“We dance only the Russian repertoire, but we are different from everyone folk groups the fact that the founder of the group, Nadezhda Sergeevna Nadezhdina, created a genre of author's works that use text, choreography, thought, and the Russian idea. We don't dance for the sake of dancing. Our artists must think, they must be intellectuals, achieving the maximum expression of feelings with a minimal gesture.

Mira Koltsova, People's Artist USSR, artistic director Ensemble "Birch"

The "signature" sliding step of the ensemble with the same name caused bewilderment...

- What kind of sorcery is this?

- How do we know they're not on roller skates?
- I'm 90% sure they're on roller skates.

Noticed a hoverboard under one of the girls.
- Definitely hoverboards!
(Thanks Maria Stolyarova who first discovered these funny comments.)

And here are the messages from the YouTube page, where the people, and I, looked at the link:
- If they were on hoverboards, three of them would have burned right during the movement.

- Why don't you think they use a conveyor belt?
- Of course, the oligarchs can afford to install a conveyor belt, but they like perseverance and self-torture more ...

Here are more options: "a monowheel, a platform similar to a robot vacuum cleaner, ordinary levitation, this is how vampires, ghosts move"...

- Move on your fingertips? Nonsense! I know for sure that these are magnets.

I would use such an ability to scare people at night in a ghost costume.
I'm not even sure if they have legs.

Most precise definition, perhaps:
- I think they are like ducks in a pond: at the top they glide calmly, and at the bottom they row furiously.

Frankly, the dance "Birch" at first also shocked me. The little girl looked at him as if spellbound. And then "Birch" often shown on TV. Question "how do they do it?" at that time, any mother could answer. They mince quickly on tiptoe ... But is it really so?
Not a single paparazzi has yet been able to look at girls under long skirts...

Ensemble "Beryozka" next year will celebrate its 70th anniversary. Gathered a troupe and came up with a "gliding step" as the main "chip" Nadezhda Nadezhdina.
As a child, the choreographer saw a picture: girls in long sundresses with birch branches in their hands (this is how spring was called in Russia), frozen in a round dance. This picture sunk into Nadezhda's soul, stood before her eyes all the time ... and now ... found an embodiment.

But even before the creation of the ensemble, for the first time a round dance with birch branches was performed young collective farmers of the Kalinin region at the rural talent festival.

“You don’t need to read two hundred volumes about Russia, just watch one Beryozka concert, and you will see what the Russian temper, Russian character, Russian beginning is ...”- the foreign press wrote after the tour of the ensemble.
The World Peace Council in 1959 awarded the team a gold medal .

Almost 50 thousand kilometers passed "Birch" with its mysterious step. Traveled to 80 countries, carrying 2 tons of suits everywhere...
Sorry, in recent times We hear less and less about her...

Have you ever tried to "swim" in the dance, like these girls? I tried ... In our class, even the boys tried it, on the "skit" in the summer camp ... That was fun!

........................................ ........................................ ...........
No, well, if they wrote THIS about the most familiar dance for Russians, then to understand the mysterious Russian soul, I think they should not even try ...

A dance group recognized as a national treasure. For almost 70 years, the Beryozka choreographic ensemble has been telling the world about what beauty is in Russian with its dance. Interesting facts from the history of the legendary team were collected by Natalia Letnikova.

1. Round dance as high art . A simple girlish circle as the pinnacle of choreographic skill. The ensemble "Birch" for the first time "floated" across the stage to the music "In the field there was a birch tree" in 1948. Since then, the poetry of the old Russian round dance and the image of a Russian girl have been a distinctive feature of the team.

2. Success from the first step . To meet with its audience, "Birch" needed to go on stage only once. Success came to the team after the first concert in the capital - at the Hermitage Theater. And for the first time, 16 young collective farmers of the Kalinin region performed their famous round dance at the rural festival of talents.

3. Girls from the picture . The creator of the group, the ballerina and choreographer Nadezhda Nadezhdina, saw the future "Birch" in her childhood. The girls depicted on the old lithograph in sundresses with birch branches became a dream - to bring a Russian round dance to the big stage. Create a truly unique dance based on folk.

Beryozka State Academic Choreographic Ensemble

Beryozka State Academic Choreographic Ensemble

4. The image of a birch is written off from nature . Dress to the floor. The basis of the costume in which the signature number is performed. The long costume hides the legs, and it seems that the girls are floating around the stage. Adds tenderness white blouse with a lace "window" on the sleeve, blue as the sky, a handkerchief in one hand and a green birch twig in the other.

5. Peace medal . “You don’t need to read two hundred volumes about Russia, just watch one Beryozka concert, and you will see what the Russian temper, Russian character, Russian beginning is ...” - the French press wrote after the tour of the ensemble in Paris. In 1959, the World Peace Council awarded the team its gold medal.

6. 80 countries . Russian "Birch" visited almost all continents. With her mysterious step, she walked thousands of kilometers through the scenes of Japan, France, Argentina, Switzerland, Korea, and the USA. She performed in the most extreme conditions: for example, in Greece, in the heat of 40 degrees, she danced "Shrovetide" in sheepskin coats, hats and felt boots.




7. 16 years of wandering . Already being known to the whole world, the team rehearsed for a long time at rented venues: on the ice floor in the Hammer and Sickle Palace of Culture, in the hall on Volgogradsky Prospekt. The team received the current premises in Leontievsky Lane personally from Vladimir Putin. The President saw the performance of "Beryozka" in China.

8. Costumes "Birches" weigh about two and a half tons. For two hours of round dances and dancing girls change sundresses and hats more than 20 times. In total, the team has about two thousand costumes. Each is a real work of art made of velvet, chiffon, lace or batik, embroidered with braid and beads.

9. Not just a dance . "Birch", "Spinning wheel", "Carousel", "At the autumn fair", "Sudarushka", "Swan", "Siberian Suite". Choreographic short stories were invented by Nadezhda Nadezhdina herself. First, the team had a unique style, ten years later - a male composition, and then an orchestra of folk instruments.

10. From ballerinas to birches . Graduates of choreographic schools come to the ensemble. And all the same, dancers have to be retrained: there is a special school in the ensemble. Musicality, technical skill, beauty, intelligence, texture are valued. The main secret that beginners have to comprehend is the floating step. And this skill is kept secret.

An ensemble that needs no introduction performed on the stage of the BKZ. "Birch" became popular half a century ago, having traveled all over Soviet Union, and even won fans abroad. And all this time, many have tried to unravel the secret of the famous floating gait.

NTV correspondent Konstantin Boroshnev I'm sure he succeeded.

It is rare to see the legendary floating round dance without costumes. The artistic director of "Beryozka" Mira Koltsov usually does not let journalists into such runs. What happens at the concert under the skirts of the soloists is a mystery with a 60-year history.

The floating step glorified "Birch" on the day of the first performance back in 1948. Since then, at rehearsals, the girls dance at half strength, and at concerts they hide their legs under red folk sundresses “to the floor”.

Olga Reshetnikova, head of staged part of the ensemble "Birch": "These costumes our business card. As you may have noticed, on all posters, on all booklets, this particular costume is present. Because it all started with him.

The team that is so afraid of plagiarism started by copying itself. The corporate round dance is almost a copy of the dance of the collective farmers of the Kalinin region. Many more domestic ensembles tried to repeat it. But "Beryozka" holds on tightly to copyright.

Mira Koltsova, artistic director of the Beryozka ensemble: “If colleagues who claim to be academic or famous are engaged in plagiarism, this is sad. They say: "We have the right to imitate, copy, take a quote from the master" No! This is wrong, you need to transfer all this through yourself, through your team.

This heartfelt attitude towards dance is regularly instilled in the team. Regardless of experience and regalia. Even Ksenia and Natalya (each of them has been in Beryozka for more than ten years) receive professional Ts.U. every day. from the artistic director.

Natalya Prosikova, soloist of the Berezka ensemble: “Posture, gait - all this makes itself felt. And the girls stand out. There may be some kind of look, gestures, something else ... even in communication. In our ensemble, much attention is paid to this education. Mira Mikhailovna is working on this very seriously.”

The young lady refused to demonstrate the signature step even without a camera. Referring to high heels and unacceptable jeans for the image. Everyone, they say, must look directly from the auditorium, otherwise the effect will not be the same.

The secret, over which more than one generation of choreographers is struggling, they say, is very simple. The thing is that the soloists of "Birch" in a round dance make a special movement through each step, gently pushing the hem of sundresses. Thus, they achieve a smooth swing. And, accordingly, the legendary swimming step.

An ensemble that needs no introduction performed on the stage of the BKZ. "Birch" became popular half a century ago, having traveled all over the Soviet Union, and even won fans abroad. And all this time, many have tried to unravel the secret of the famous floating gait.

NTV correspondent Konstantin Boroshnev I'm sure he succeeded.

It is rare to see the legendary floating round dance without costumes. The artistic director of "Beryozka" Mira Koltsov usually does not let journalists into such runs. What happens at the concert under the skirts of the soloists is a mystery with a 60-year history.

The floating step glorified "Birch" on the day of the first performance back in 1948. Since then, at rehearsals, the girls dance at half strength, and at concerts they hide their legs under red folk sundresses “to the floor”.

Olga Reshetnikova, head of staged part of the ensemble "Birch": "These costumes are our visiting card. As you may have noticed, on all posters, on all booklets, this particular costume is present. Because it all started with him.

The team that is so afraid of plagiarism started by copying itself. The corporate round dance is almost a copy of the dance of the collective farmers of the Kalinin region. Many more domestic ensembles tried to repeat it. But "Beryozka" holds on tightly to copyright.

Mira Koltsova, artistic director of the Beryozka ensemble: “If colleagues who claim to be academic or famous are engaged in plagiarism, this is sad. They say: "We have the right to imitate, copy, take a quote from the master" No! This is wrong, you need to transfer all this through yourself, through your team.

This heartfelt attitude towards dance is regularly instilled in the team. Regardless of experience and regalia. Even Ksenia and Natalya (each of them has been in Beryozka for more than ten years) receive professional Ts.U. every day. from the artistic director.

Natalya Prosikova, soloist of the Berezka ensemble: “Posture, gait - all this makes itself felt. And the girls stand out. There may be some kind of look, gestures, something else ... even in communication. In our ensemble, much attention is paid to this education. Mira Mikhailovna is working on this very seriously.”

The young lady refused to demonstrate the signature step even without a camera. Referring to high heels and unacceptable jeans for the image. Everyone, they say, must look directly from the auditorium, otherwise the effect will not be the same.

The secret, over which more than one generation of choreographers is struggling, they say, is very simple. The thing is that the soloists of "Birch" in a round dance make a special movement through each step, gently pushing the hem of sundresses. Thus, they achieve a smooth swing. And, accordingly, the legendary swimming step.

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