Ethnic dances: groups and ensembles for the holiday. Dance Volgograd Movement to the music

The description of many dances often emphasizes their ethnic rather than tribal origin. An ethnic dance is simply a dance that is specific to a particular cultural group.

According to this definition, even the polka, which is almost always regarded as a social dance, can be called an ethnic dance, since it originated in a certain cultural area of ​​a particular region of Europe. Flamenco, which began as an impromptu dance among the Andalusian gypsies, combines snapping toes and heels with Indian dance-like body movements.

Indian dances can be seen as a general ethnic type, but there are numerous forms and traditions among them, some of which are classical (there are six classic styles), while others are inherently popular social dancing and they are not performed by specially trained people for public celebrations and recreation. It is these dances that should be considered as ethnic dances, as they are still practiced by unique cultural groups and still retain some of their original social or ritual functions, and they still have not reached the "professional" state of classical or folk dance.

It is generally accepted that many Afro-Caribbean dances form a special ethnic form, because they have some characteristic movements. As in Indian dances, the legs of the performers are often curved, and the torso and often perform sinuous or more jerky, rhythmic movements. The dancers' bodies are often bent slightly forward and the hips are used extensively. Gestures and facial expressions are used in some narrative dances, but they tend to be much less complex than in Indian dances.

In modern dance productions, most Afro-Caribbean dance troupes consist of two dancers and drummers. The rhythm of the music in them helps to enhance emotions. Often the dancers take turns dancing, and on stage there is usually a lot of informal communication between members of the troupe. Also, at the end of the performance, the participation of the audience in the dance is often welcomed, which reflects the communal, rather than theatrical, origin of this form of dance.

Be on the lookout original number for the upcoming holiday? Turn the program of any event into an unforgettable fairy tale will help ethnic show. The audience will easily accept the universal language of movements, plunge into the culture of another people, and will be happy to admire the national costumes of the performers. The rustle of brocade and silk, the sounds of oriental melody or the incendiary rhythms of Brazil will fill the hall with the warm color of sunny countries. bright, emotional spanish dances awaken the passionate temperament of even the most phlegmatic persons. What was once a mysterious religious ritual has now become a unique entertainment spectacle.

How to evaluate the professionalism of an ethnic ensemble?

When choosing performers for your event, keep in mind that the spectacular performance of the band will depend on several specific aspects:
  • The presence of high-quality sound equipment and an intelligent sound engineer who understands acoustics and knows how to adjust the sound for rooms of any size. In this case, vocals and music will be heard by every guest.
  • A big bonus will be the selection of lighting equipment to create effects during the performance.
  • The presence of traditional national costumes corresponding to the dance program.
  • Excellent body control, the ability to emotionally beat every movement, great experience in performing a dance program.
The site administrators made sure that you can easily find and order a first-class ethnic ensemble which will suit your needs and financial opportunities. Our database contains only well-established teams in Moscow and many other cities.

How can one definitely say what ethnic dance means and what folk dance? What is the difference between these two seemingly inextricably linked trends in dance art. Do all folk dances fall under the category of ethnic dance and do all ethnic dances fall under the category of folk?

The definition of ethnic dance implies such criteria as:

Expressive movements

Improvisation from emotion

Movement to the rhythm

Movement to music

Coition with spirituality

Movement outside the normal movement of life

Ethnic dances, in any dance form, can be identified as originating from an ethnic culture, they express the movement of the aesthetics of that culture.

The same can be said about musical direction in ethnicity. Ethnic music is melodies for understanding, for treatment, for relaxation. It is impossible to compare ethnicity with an alternative movement or with pop music. This is something more sublime, spiritual.

Ethnicity in the dance will cover all cultures, be it European, American, African, Polynesian, Asian or Middle Eastern cultures. It will also include village folk dance, popular dance (swing, tango), classical dance(kathak), tribal dances, tap dance, educational dance and many other types.

In all these trends, you can find a dance that will fit into the category of ethnic. After all, ethnic dance is not just a direction. It differs from the rest not only in its peculiar rhythms and movements. This is also the richest culture passed down from generation to generation.

The ethnic style itself can be divided into two components: communal and performance. The first is more spiritual, more sublime. This direction in ethnic dance is reproduced at festivities, at meetings. These are such dances as Greek, Jewish, Armenian Syrian. What is important here is not the technique, not the fidelity of the movements, but what the dancer feels, his condition, his familiarization with culture. this dance.

While the performance is the usual performances of enic groups and dancers. Here, the main thing is not only familiarization with culture, but also entertainment.

There is no competitive and sports component in the teachings of ethnic dance. Dance is primarily an expression of emotions and feelings - that's what's important.

Dance- this is art, it is a beautiful transformation of feelings into movements.

The beautiful decoration of which are the costumes of the dancers. It is separate and very interesting story which we will tell our readers about

Let's not forget to say that sometimes ethnic dance can cure ailments (of course mild nature!). Such a cultural island gives people the opportunity to feel something new, to plunge into another nation, with its rituals and rules.

The description of many dances often emphasizes their ethnic rather than tribal origin. An ethnic dance is simply a dance that is specific to a particular cultural group.

According to this definition, even the polka, which is almost always regarded as a social dance, can be called an ethnic dance, since it originated in a certain cultural area of ​​a particular region of Europe. Flamenco, which began as an impromptu dance among the Andalusian gypsies, combines snapping toes and heels with Indian dance-like body movements.

Indian dances can be considered as a general ethnic type, but there are numerous forms and traditions among them, some of which are classical (there are six classical styles in total), while others are essentially popular social dances and are not performed by specially trained people. for social celebrations and recreation. It is these dances that should be considered as ethnic dances, as they are still practiced by unique cultural groups and still retain some of their original social or ritual functions, and they still have not reached the "professional" state of classical or folk dance.

It is generally accepted that many Afro-Caribbean dances form a specific ethnic form, because they have some characteristic movements. As in Indian dances, the performers' legs are often curved, and the torso often performs sinuous or more jerky, rhythmic movements. The dancers' bodies are often bent slightly forward and the hips are used extensively. Gestures and facial expressions are used in some narrative dances, but they tend to be much less complex than in Indian dances.

In modern dance productions, most Afro-Caribbean dance troupes consist of two dancers and drummers. The rhythm of the music in them helps to enhance emotions. Often the dancers take turns dancing, and on stage there is usually a lot of informal communication between members of the troupe. Also, at the end of the performance, the participation of the audience in the dance is often welcomed, which reflects the communal, rather than theatrical, origin of this form of dance.

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