Bogorodsk wooden toy. Bogorodsk Toy Museum Bogorodsk painting

In the Orthodox heart of Russia, not far from the city of Sergiev Posad, on a picturesque hill on the banks of the Kunya River, there is a village - the birthplace of the famous folk craft of carved wooden toys and sculptures.


No one knows for sure when the first toy in the village of Bogorodsky was carved from a linden tree, but there is a legend that the mother made the first “Auka” figurine for her children to amuse them. Later, the doll was sold to the merchant, and he put it in his shop for decoration, but the same toy was bought at a profit for the merchant.


Bogorodskoye is an old village. Already in the 15th-16th centuries, local peasants, at that time serfs of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, laid the foundations for the art craft of woodworking that developed later. The village has become one of the centers of folk art in the history of Russian applied art.

Artel "Bogorodsky carver"

In 1913, the craftsmen united in the artel "Bogorodsky carver", a vocational school was opened, the main task of which was to train new personnel - masters of artistic woodcarving.

Boy skiing with a dog. 1950-60s Guide to Russian Crafts, CC BY-SA 4.0

In 1960, on the eve of the 300th anniversary of the birth of folk craft, the artel was transformed into a factory.


By 2001, the company had identified several areas of activity:

  • section of a carved white toy,
  • sculpture section,
  • section of a turning painted toy with movement, based on ancient principles of assembly and painting,
  • a site of mixed styles and directions, mainly chipped and painted toys,
  • matryoshka.

, CC BY-SA 4.0

Since 1999, in cooperation with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, iconostasis carving has been revived at the enterprise.


Bogorodsk toys can be found in shops, museums, exhibitions, in many houses not only in our cities, but also abroad.

, CC BY-SA 4.0

Bogorodsk miracle workers are known far outside the Moscow region:, N.I. Maksimov, M.A. Pronin, A.Ya. Chushkin, A.A. Ryzhov, I.K. Stulov, S.A. Pautov, I.M. Polsky, M.Ya. Dvornikov, .

Bogorodsk carvers - participants in numerous exhibitions: their works were awarded gold medals at world exhibitions in Paris, New York, Brussels.

The Peasant and the Hen toy is in the Historical Museum of Moscow, the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg has a permanent exhibition, which exhibits the famous compositions “How Mice Buried a Cat”, “Miracle-Yudo Fish-Kit” and many other works.

Bogorodsk factory - overview

Harvesting linden in the village of Bogorodskoe is a continuous process. Indeed, in order for high-quality blanks to come out of the trunk, the linden must dry for at least four years in natural conditions. That is why, after primary processing, linden trunks are put into huts or stacks and left for several years in special hangars.

The dried tree is sent to the notch. On a lathe or manually, with an ax, craftsmen outline the most general contours of a future toy, cutting or sawing out a workpiece according to a template. Then the product is processed with a chisel and a special knife, the so-called “pike”, which are made by hereditary village craftsmen especially for Bogorodsk carving.

The carved and carefully processed parts of the future movable wooden toy are polished, then the roughness is polished, making the wood absolutely smooth and velvety to the touch. The resulting parts are assembled into a moving composition, if necessary, painted by hand and several layers of varnish are applied.

The symbol of the craft is moving wooden toys.

The Bogorodsk craft of a wooden carved toy is akin to Sergiev Posad. carving school Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the ancestor for both of these crafts and known since the 15th century. In the 18th century, fishing was a seasonal peasant production. From November to early April, as a rule, there is no work in the village, so in order to somehow occupy themselves and earn some money, the peasants took up knives and carved wooden toys out of linden. Sell ​​finished products were taken to Sergiev Posad.

By the middle of the 19th century, Bogorodsk carving became an independent handicraft, which gained Russian and then world fame.

Gradually, the Bogorodsk toy moved from the category of handicraft peasant crafts to the direction of folk art, acquired its own unique features.

In 1913, the artel "Bogorodsky carver" was organized in the village, which allowed the craftsmen to gain economic independence and bring samples of their craft to the international market. By this time, moving wooden toys had become a distinctive feature of the craft, which sharply distanced the artel from the neighboring Sergiev Posadskaya, which retained the traditional Russian nesting doll as a symbol and main operating model.

The symbol of the Bogorodsk trade, known throughout the world, was the toy "Blacksmiths", which is a wooden figure of a man and a bear alternately beating hammers on the anvil. Blacksmiths usually do not paint carved from light linden wood, but simply cover it with several layers of colorless varnish.

The price of urbanization is the decline of folk craft.

By 1960, under the influence of the so-called fabrication of folk crafts, an artistic carving factory was created on the territory of the village of Borogodskoye. The disappearance of the artel organization of labor gradually alienated the craftsmen from each other, depriving them of the simplicity of rural communication so necessary for the development of craft. Under the yoke of the universally imposed principles of the planned economy, village traditions withered, and the development of the village territory with panel high-rise buildings, deforestation and the demolition of old carved wooden buildings gradually nullified the harvesting and drying of wood, which led to the need to purchase expensive third-party raw materials. High energy prices exacerbated the already increased production costs, master carvers who moved to the upper floors of new buildings completely lost touch both with each other and with folk roots, and traditional sales markets became inaccessible, because the price of the Bogorodsk toy has greatly increased, and the quality Unfortunately, it left much to be desired.

Bogorodsk toy from the manufacturer. High quality and reasonable price.

Located in the Sergiev Posad district, the production of the online store of souvenirs and gifts "Golden Grail" brought together masters of various areas of folk art crafts. Carefully created and carefully maintained reputation, low prices and consistently high quality of manufactured products have made our company the undisputed leader in the production and sale of Russian souvenirs.

Sergiev Posad handmade nesting dolls, Bogorodsk toys, birch bark items, painted boxes, Gzhel and Khokhloma - this is not a complete set of souvenirs that you can buy. Our experts are ready to answer any questions you may have, provide guarantees for the authenticity of our products and give advice on the use and storage of our souvenirs.

Contact us and stay our customers for many years!

Bogorodskaya toy, or Bogorodskaya carving - Russian folk craft, including the manufacture of carved toys and sculptures from soft woods: linden, alder, aspen. This method of needlework originated in the village of Bogorodskoye, Moscow Region. The main distinguishing feature of this art is the manufacture of moving toys.

Back in the 15th century, a school of volumetric wood carving was known, which was located at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. In many villages that were located nearby, craftsmen were engaged in the manufacture of toys, but the village of Bogorodskoye became the most famous. It is located just 30 km from Sergiev Posad, which at that time was considered the center of toy business.

The emergence of style

Unfortunately, the exact time of the emergence of this craft is unknown, but many experts believe that already in the 17th century, woodcarving was practiced in this village. The basis for such judgments were references from the palace books of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. They contain information about wooden toys for children. purchased in the village of Bogorodskoye.

According to other sources, the first works of rural art, located in a number of historical museums, date back to the beginning of the 19th century. From this we can conclude that, most likely, the origin of this craft can be attributed to the XVII-XVIII centuries. ekam, and complete formation by the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries.

As the history of Bogorodsk toys shows, at first this craft was carried out by peasants who, after agricultural work, had a free period. Therefore, the production of toys was seasonal. Moreover, basically only blanks were made according to the orders of the Sergiev craft, which were then sent for painting to Sergiev Posad. However, it is believed that it was during this period that the first masterpieces in the form of figures appeared:

  • shepherd;
  • lions with cubs;
  • the Bears;
  • dogs with puppies.

Although this craft originated among the peasants, handicraft production also had a strong influence on it. Thus, there was a fusion of peasant and urban traditions, including under the influence of porcelain sculpture, book illustrations and works of artists.

Further development of the fishery

In the middle of the 19th century, the village of Bogorodskoye gradually became the center of a craft, and Bogorodskoye wood carving became an independent production. At that time, such masters as Zinin and, a little later, Ustratov, who was from this village, had a special influence on the creation of the style. Experts believe that it was during that period that the heyday of craft and Bogorodsk painting began.

Subsequently, the Moscow Provincial Zemstvo played an important role in the development of the fishery, thanks to which a training and demonstration workshop was organized in Sergiev Posad at the end of the 19th century. Its purpose was research and training activities, as well as the sale of products in Russia and abroad. The Handicraft Museum was opened in Moscow, which, in turn, became the basis of the revival of folk art.

A little later, the artist and collector Bartram founded and began to manage the State Toy Museum, with the help of which he wanted to preserve the works of the old masters. However, Bogorodsk carvers were not fascinated by old works. Then Bartram wanted to convince them to work in a folk style, but using samples of professional artists. Many experts did not like this idea., since, in their opinion, this led to the artificial salvation of folk craft.

However, it was the intervention of professional artists that led to the fact that the products of those times were considered a model for masters of carving art. In 1913, an artel was organized in Bogorodskoye, which allowed local craftsmen to gain independence from buyers from Sergiev Posad.

All management was carried out by the council, which included well-known masters in those days. A year later, a zemstvo school was opened in the village, in which students were recruited to learn this craft.

At first, most of the products were kept in the countryside, but a considerable amount of products were also exported. In the early 20s of the last century, the artel in Bogorodskoye began to work again, old famous masters again gathered in it, which allowed this craft to regain its significance.

In connection with the change in the system of social production, Bogorodsk carvers began to look for other forms and artistic solutions. So, in the 30s, a Bogorodsk carved toy appeared in the form of a sculpture, which was distinguished by a new theme. Later, professional artists and critics began to actively influence wood carvers, not only those of Bogorodsk. Thus, an active politicization of the craft began, which imposed completely different and far from the peasant nature of themes on the craftsmen.

However, local carvers reacted to such pressure in an original way, switching to a fairy-tale theme in their production. The historical theme was also covered a little, mainly devoted to the Great Patriotic War. The most difficult times for craftsmen came with the formation of the Bogorodsk factory of artistic woodcarving. As such, the fishery ceased to exist and in its place came such concepts as:

  • art industry;
  • plan;
  • shaft etc.

After another 15 years, workers in the energy industry drew attention to these places, and especially to the Kunya River. Wooden houses were demolished, gardens were cut down, and high-rise buildings appeared in their place. Doing what you love has become very difficult.

Despite the difficult situation, the factory continues to operate and produce products. But fewer and fewer local youth want to engage in this craft., which nullifies the Bogorodsk tradition.


The capital of the Bogorodsk toy

"Bogorodskaya toy" owes its birth to the village of Bogorodskoye, now located in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region. In the 15th century, the famous Moscow boyar M.B. Pleshcheev, after whose death, the village, together with the peasants, was inherited by his eldest son Andrei, and then by his grandson Fedor.

From 1595, the village of Bogorodskoye became the property of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, and the peasants became monastic serfs. It was the peasants who laid the foundations of woodcarving in the 16th-17th centuries, which glorified Bogorodskoye, the current "capital of the toy kingdom", to the whole world.

Legends of the village of Bogorodskoye

Which of the peasants carved the first wooden toy that laid the foundation for folk art craft, the inhabitants of the village of Bogorodskoye no longer remember, but for more than 300 years two interesting legends have been passed on from mouth to mouth about this event.

The first legend says: “A peasant family lived in the village of Bogorodskoye. So the mother conceived to amuse the children - she cut out a funny figure from a block of logs and called it "auka". The children played with the "auka" and threw it behind the stove. So the husband of a peasant woman went to the market, and he took with him an “auka” to show to the traders. “Auka” was immediately bought and more toys were ordered. They say that since then the carving of wooden toys began and they began to be called "Borogodsky".

The second legend tells how a resident of Sergiev Posad once carved a nine-inch doll from a lime churak. I went to the Lavra, where the merchant Erofeev traded, and sold it to him. The merchant decided to put a funny toy in the shop as a decoration. I didn’t have time to deliver, as the toy was immediately bought, but with a big profit for the merchant. The merchant found a peasant, and ordered him a whole batch of the same toys. Since then, the Bogorodsk toy has become famous.

The history of the development of folk art craft

According to historians, woodcarving in the 17th century was carried out by peasants in many villages, including those in Sergiev Posad and Bogorodskoye. So both of the above stories are true.

At first, the carvers of the village of Bogorodskoye were dependent on the buyers of Sergiev Posad, fulfilling their orders. The Sergievsky trade was based on the purchase from the peasants of the so-called "gray goods", which were then processed, dyed and sold. Approximately from the middle of the 19th century, the center of folk craft moved from Sergiev Posad to the village of Bogorodskoye, which by this time was “the personification of local traditions of woodcarving”. According to researchers, the Bogorodsk carving industry flourished at the end of the 19th century. A great merit in the formation of the “Bogorodsk style” of the toy belongs to such ancient masters as A.N. Zinin. However, the close cooperation between Sergiev Posad and Bogorodsk carvers also had a great influence on the formation of a unified system of images and plots of toys.

In 1913, on the initiative of the oldest carvers F.S. Balaev and A.Ya. Chushkin, an artel was organized in the village of Bogorodskoye, which gave the Bogorodsk craftsmen complete economic independence from the Sergiev Posad buyers. In 1923, due to the replenishment of the staff with new craftsmen, the previously created artel was transformed into the Bogorodsky Carver artel, at which a school began to work, teaching children, starting from the age of 7, the skill of woodcarving. In 1960, the artel "Bogorodsky Carver" received the status of an art carving factory. This event was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the birth of folk art craft in Bogorodskoye.

How is the Bogorodsk toy made?

Bogorodsk toys are traditionally made of soft wood - linden, aspen, alder, as soft wood is easier to work with. Harvested linden logs are dried using a special technology for at least 4 years, so linden harvesting is a continuous process. Dried logs are sawn and sent to the notch. The master marks the resulting blanks according to the pattern and then cuts out the toy with a special Bogorodsk knife. In the work of the carver, a chisel is also used. The finished parts of the toy are sent to the assembly shop, and at the final stage they are painted. Toys that are not subject to coloring are covered with a colorless varnish.

Features of the "Bogorodsk style" toys

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