Nominations for awarding students in competitions. Diploma funny nominations for employees at corporate

Awarding in comic nominations, as a rule, is a fun conclusion to the official part entertainment program. It defuses the atmosphere and brings a festive mood to the event.

In each team, you can always single out a person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or dances well, or the most erudite, etc. This will be your hint in the nominations. Try not to repeat the nominations.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Ideas for comic nominations for awards.

Award options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • oscar figurines
  • funny IDs
  • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
  • mugs

All this can be ordered in special places, and if there are craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can buy children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely leave such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and make appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then you get interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photos to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also perfectly "fit" into any apartment and remain as a keepsake.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photos of graduates and write under each photo of the graduate in which nomination he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or rhymes-wishes.

Award nomination options

Nominations for awarding can reflect the personal traits of the character of the recipient, his business qualities, or rely on some single, but all famous case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, habits, outstanding external data, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

It is very important that both the audience and the recipient like the nominations. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used in relation to a person who is able to laugh at himself without irritation and others. negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember, your main task when compiling nominations is not to spoil anyone's festive mood!

Male and female nominations

"Male and female nominations" - a ready-made original set of certificates of honor for comic rewarding. It includes two sets (can be purchased separately):

Attention! The kit is offered in in electronic format- you need to print it yourself (sheet format when printing A4).

Kit format: "Male nominations"— 90 diplomas of A4 format — 90 pages, list of nominations — 3 pages. "Women's nominations"— 80 diplomas of A4 format — 80 pages, list of nominations — 3 pages;

doc files with the ability to edit the inscription in Microsoft Word

Price for two sets 450 rubles

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Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to the mail you specified: one of them with a receipt confirming the payment made, the other letter with theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid. Congratulations on a successful purchase!" — It contains a link to download the content.

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Posted On 12/26/2017

Soon, namely on December 13, the branch of our company in another city will be 10 years old!
And the director decided to morally encourage the employees of the branch.

To do this, he gave me the task - to come up with nominations for awarding certificates of honor to all employees who have been working for many years, or more than others.

The diplomas themselves with branding will be invented by the system administrator, and I will have to come up with only the text.
To be honest, I did not know where to start - I had never done such a thing before.
And I have never seen the people about whom I will have to come up with a text, maybe I only talked to some of them on the phone.

Complicating the matter was that it was necessary to invent comic nominations.

Well, how do you know if a person will be offended by my attempts to come up with something funny or have fun from the heart?!

To cope with this task, I demanded from the cashier (he is also a type of personnel officer) characteristics for each employee who will be at the corporate party. There were 10 people in total - not so much. It's easier - you need to break your head less!

So, on the 20th day of my thoughts, this is what I had:

1. Branch manager.
In the nomination "Native Mother" Surname First Name Patronymic, the authorities of the "city" patrimony are awarded.
It is known that the boss is always right - it is human to err. Our Name Patronymic is a real boss: always right!
A real woman should
1).Plant a garden;
2).Build a house;
3). Raise children.
Name and patronymic real woman! And the result is in front of everyone!

2. Sales Representative(daughter of branch manager)
In the nomination "Apple from an apple tree" is awarded
folk wisdom Everything good in a child comes from the parents. All bad things come from mother and father.
Name Patronymic - one hundred percent daughter of her mother: creative person, bright woman, indispensable worker!

Joke nominations. Certificates of honor for awarding at a corporate party or graduation party

Senior operator
Surname Name is awarded in the nomination "Magic Wand".
Nothing is more contagious for operators than the laughter of the Chief Operator!
And if God wanted us to think only with our heads, he would have made us koloboks. The name is not a bun: she thinks with her heart to maximize sales!

In the nomination "With the world on a string" the First Name Last Name is awarded.
The name is a true lady. She creates such conditions under which a man (especially a male buyer) has only one thing left - to be a gentleman ... and buy whatever she asks!

5. Accountant-cashier (aka personnel officer)
In the nomination "War by war - dinner on schedule" is awarded
Name leads healthy lifestyle life: find breakfast yourself, take half of his lunch from a friend, and take away dinner from an enemy.
Nothing kills the desire to work as much as a salary. And the Name gives out this salary ... But twice a month it is excusable to “kill the desire to work”!

6. Driver
In the nomination "The cat that walks by itself" is awarded
A real driver should not count how many passers-by he hit on the road.

Business of the driver to drive the car, but not to be amused by statistics!
The name is very fond of work. Quite often, important words can be heard from the Name (he says them into the phone): Do not darken my Holy holiday: Don't call me at work!

7. Operator
In the nomination "Dreaming" is awarded
Dreams are plans in the mind, and plans are dreams on paper.
This nomination is a big hint for the male gender. For beauty and harmony The name is a constant temptation for all men who are in close proximity to a promising employee.
It is impossible to give everything to everyone, because there are many of all, but only few.

8. Warehouse picker
In the nomination "Mystery shrouded in darkness ..."
The most mysterious employee in the team - no one knows what she is so drawn to work, and why such a zeal for labor process.
If you don't know, shut up! You know - shut up! – Suggested motto Name on the subject. And only on this issue - in other cases she is a very sociable young girl, which all her colleagues can confirm.

9. Warehouse picker
Surname Name
The name is engaged in the manifestation of itself daily - it works hard and thoroughly.
Not everything is gold that lies badly, but everything that works well is gold!
There are such seconds when minutes decide everything and it lasts for hours.
This is how the working day goes by Name - and it lasts for hours ...

10. Cleaning lady
The name is the only employee who knows and actively uses treasured formula: cleanliness, this is pure mass per pure volume.
No other worker can boast of such knowledge, which does honor and inspires respect for this smart and economic woman!

It seems that everything turned out and not boring, but not quite fun either - this is a moral encouragement, but it should be at least a little serious.
To make people feel that they are valued and respected

16 Ways to Reward Your Staff: From Oscars to CEO Parking

Nomination "Pride of the company"
For high performance in work, energy and many years of selfless work in the Company

Nomination "Golden Fund of the Firm"
(for those employees who stood at the origins of the founding of the company)
For high professionalism and personal contribution to the formation and development of the Firm

Nominated for Outstanding Performance
For conscientious work in the Company and high level professionalism

Nomination "Valuable Employee"
For high-quality performance of their duties, talent and devotion to the Company

Nomination "High start"
For high performance, perseverance in achieving goals and taking professional heights

Nomination "Hope of the company"
For purposefulness, improvement of one's professional and educational level in the Company

Nomination "Stability is a sign of mastery"
For not indifferent and responsible performance of their duties, diligence and devotion to the Company

Nomination "For Vigilance"
(for security guards, teams of security and control services)
For impeccable service in maintaining security and tranquility on the territory of the enterprise and protecting the material assets of the Company

Nomination "For the best financial situation"
(for example, the team of the labor department and wages, accounting, finance department, etc.)
For many years of conscientious work and stable financial performance

Nominated for "Excellent ecological situation» (joking)
(for example, for cleaners)
For many years of impeccable work, for the purity of "morals", relationships and the cleanliness of retail (or office) space

To the smartest employee (joking)
For energy, perseverance, cheerful disposition and high performance

To an employee with many children (joking)
For discovering ways to improve the demographic situation

An employee who overfulfills the plan (comic)
For consistency, perseverance and accuracy in the implementation of the five-year plan for 3 years

For movers, freight forwarders (joking)
For multi-ton, selfless work and work on carrying / transporting heavy loads to the most appropriate places

A corporate party doesn't have to be boring. If the leader of the holiday cannot provide employees with fun and laughter, it is better not to start this holiday at all.

Competitions have already been prepared, the team members have sorted out their costumes.


But the party manager must also take care of the rewards for the winners.

We'll have to make nominations for rewarding employees cool on New Year and any other holiday.

Comic nominations for a corporate party for employees

Options for comic certificates for corporate parties are selected depending on:


    company activities;

    themes of the event new Year party, anniversary of the employee, early implementation of the plan).

There are many reasons for corporate events. For the award nomination, you need to improvise a small stage or a pedestal, and decorate the walls balloons, ribbons and posters.

Be sure to prepare musical accompaniment. It is best to find out in advance from each nominee his favorite melody and use it when awarding.

You can order comic diplomas and certificates at any printing company. Such an award will be better than a box of chocolates or a bottle of champagne, as it will remain with the nominee forever and will remind you of a fun and noisy corporate party for a long time.

What can be nominations for rewarding employees?

    "Best Paparazzi of the Year"- each participant will need to take a funny photo on the phone within 5 minutes.

    For the victory in the intellectual competition, you can assign the title "He surpassed Burda himself". And the loser in this competition will get a nickname "Natural Blond".

    nomination « best mom of the year" can be given to an employee who often leaves work early to pick up the child from kindergarten or take to music.

    Suitable for the most capricious colleague "License to exercise whims".

    Name "Real Man" any representative of the stronger sex of the company can apply.

Competently selected nominations for rewarding employees act no worse than material incentives. What to hand over to employees so that they remember the event for a long time, read the article.

From the article you will learn:

Why are nominations needed to reward employees?

Rewarding employees is an effective tool of non-material motivation. Not everyone dreams of receiving an award, because people's values ​​are different. The main thing is not to reward the same specialists from year to year, otherwise it will lead to conflicts and a decrease in loyalty.

Award titles at corporate parties when most of employees going together. choose honorary titles related to the type of activity, character traits, or rely on other criteria. Make sure that cool nominations for rewarding employees were not insulted or humiliated.


During the period crisis phenomena When a company cannot accrue bonuses and issue material bonuses, use interesting nominations to reward employees. Organize an event to increase staff engagement.

What criteria should be taken into account when choosing nominations for rewarding employees?

Compile and agree with senior management descriptions of merit and achievements applicable to different categories persons: for managers, specialists, ordinary performers. Choose comic and serious nominations to reward your employees. Be smart, think about what you personally remember in human activities for a certain period of time.

The success of a top manager is the implementation of a complex project. Performers are rewarded for the fact that they worked hard or without fail, and specialists - for the quick solution of current problems.

When awarding nominations for a corporate comic, describe merit of staff optional - list several signs for which you decided to reward. How other employees who did not receive a prize will react to the situation depends on your words. List real successes, don't be personal. Subjective opinion demotivates people who are left out of your field of attention.

When choosing nominations for corporate employees, consult with colleagues who are not related to management. Let them offer options, highlight employees whose merits they remember. It is impossible to take into account the opinion of everyone, but if you are in predicament, organize an online vote or a written survey.

Editorial tip:

Be prepared for the fact that playful corporate party nominations and intangible prizes can cause negative feedback. Work out a line of behavior in advance to calm disgruntled employees. About how to prepare , read in the magazine "Director of Human Resources".

According to the forum

Any corporate event is always a great occasion to gather in one place with your entire work team. And, of course, in order for the evening to be a success, it is best to come up with funny contests with incentive prizes and comic nominations. As a rule, the names of the nomination are directly related to the theme of the event, for example, from February 23. About what names of nominations to come up with for men, we will tell in this article.

What do the names of the nominations depend on?

As we have already said, the names of the comic nominations directly depend on the theme of the party. Also, the names of awards can be influenced by the gender of the nominees nominated for the award. In our case, we agreed that all titles would be for men. So, what kind of comic nominations can you come up with for a corporate party?

"Most Late Worker of the Year"

This nomination, as the name implies, should go to the employee who is constantly late for work. As a rule, such people constantly come up with new excuses for their lack of punctuality. However, in order not to offend the nominee, you can present such an award using the following verses:

The alarm clock will ring in the morning

Get up, get up! The time has come!

But he just can't get up

He wants to sleep so much.

He's not in a hurry to get to work.

He basks and sleeps for a long time.

As soon as he sees that he overslept,

Runs to a taxi, but again late.

Well, who doesn't?

He deserves his award!

Such comic nominations in verse will help to raise the mood and tell the employee in a playful way that he is doing something wrong. As a reward for the nominee, in addition to the diploma, you can make a beautiful medal with the image of a sleeping person. You can also give him a big alarm clock.

"Sickest Worker of the Year"

In such a nomination, an employee of the organization who is regularly ill and is on sick leave for any reason can win. In this case, we are not talking about those employees who have chronic diseases or real health problems that are definitely not worth laughing at. Nominees for this award are often referred to as "supposedly sick" or as "suffering from cunning inflammation".

Wakes up in the morning, that's the trouble.

He got a headache!

Now the stomach, then the back hurts,

Now a sore throat, then the flu, then colitis.

He won't go to work

One hundred reasons will be called.

He calls to work

He coughs and wheezes into the phone.

And so every day he suffers,

For this he receives an award.

As an award in this nomination for employees - comic prizes in the form of a large first-aid kit with a red cross.

"The most thrifty employee of the company"

In this nomination, you can nominate, for example, a chief accountant. Such a person, as a rule, decides many financial issues of the organization. He always knows where and in what amount certain funds are spent, and also has information related to saving money. The nominee can be awarded with a large medal depicting a chest with gold coins or a hand holding a fan of green banknotes in its fingers. You can also give him a calculator or old wooden abacus (the second option is preferable - in order to save money).

Such comic nominations will distinguish your employee from the team and will be an additional motivation for everyone else.

"The most important ladies' protector"

This nomination is ideal for men who like to be in the center women's team. They, as a rule, are not deprived of the attention of the fair sex, they always know how and what to say to any lady. Such a colleague can be awarded a medal with the image of an inflated athlete or sports attributes, for example, sports dumbbells.

"Tea Ceremony Master"

It is interesting to include such interesting titles as “Master of the Tea Ceremony” in the comic award nominations. A candidate in this nomination can be the employee who was often seen with a cup of tea. At the same time, with this drink, he could be seen not only at lunchtime, but also at working time. Such people, as a rule, simply "play for time." During tea drinking and after it, they can go for a smoke break and accompany the use of this drink with conversations with colleagues, etc.

On the same topic, you can come up with similar nominations, for example, in the heading: “for the record cups of coffee drunk during the working day”, “for the record frequency of visiting the smoking room”, and so on. In a word, come up with nominations for employees that are comical and at the same time emphasize individual characteristics each of the nominated employees.


An excellent nomination in which people who like to talk a lot can be involved. They usually talk whether they are on their lunch break or doing some activity during work hours. As a prize, such employees can be presented with a mouthpiece or a poster in the style of "silence is golden."

"Chief psychotherapist of the company"

To the selection of candidates suitable for given title premiums must be approached very carefully. Comic nominations should cheer up, not upset. Therefore, it is better not to make the candidate of the person who is tight with humor.

For example, if your boss does not have any prejudices, you can reward him with this award. At the same time, the awarding of the prize can be accompanied by a certain text in the style: “Our director will always find his own approach to everyone: he will “bring back to the ground” the smarts, enlighten the dull ones, set the true heads of departments on the path, etc.” As a reward, he can be presented with a statuette reminiscent of the Oscar.

"King of Social Media"

Such nominations for a corporate party are comic, so the name of the nomination should be carefully thought out. "Speaking" names that do not need explanation are welcome. So, the nomination "King of social networks" may be a subtle allusion to some employees who only imitate hectic labor activity, and they themselves only "sit" in VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

"The most important fashion critic"

Some comic nominations for men need clarification. For example, "The Most Important Fashion Critic" is awarded to those male representatives who closely monitor what clothes the secretary and other work colleagues wear. At the same time, in reality, they may not be at all in the fashion trend, but they will happily discuss the length of the skirt, the depth of the neckline and the width of the cut.

"Best Connoisseur of Privacy"

There is such a person in any company. As a rule, he is always aware of the personal lives of all employees. He knows who and with whom he lives, with whom he meets, with whom he quarrels, from whom and for what reason his wife left, who is cheating on her husband, and so on. If you want to single out this particular employee from the crowd, make comic nominations for rewarding employees in such a way that you don’t offend him, and everyone present at the corporate party can guess who they are talking about.

"Biggest Partisan of the Month"

In a large team there are also people from whom, as they say, every word needs to be pulled out with ticks. They are usually laconic, but in most cases - hardworking. Almost all representatives of the "silent" behave like hermits. They almost do not communicate with anyone and prefer loneliness to a noisy company.

Comic nominations for rewarding employees: "Genius of the Year"

All employees who have distinguished themselves in any way in the workplace can take part in this category. For example, to reward the middle manager who solved the problem for the 5th grade child of the chief engineer; for a quick and efficient search for a solution when working with a printer that jammed paper, and so on.

"IT Maniac of the Month"

All employees who cannot imagine their lives without computers and other information technologies. They are usually said to be "gadget addicts".

Recall that all nominations for the corporate party are comic. Do not confuse jokes with sarcasm or black humor. Remember that your nominees should not be offended or become the object of ridicule and caustic remarks. Therefore, treat the selection of names for the nominations very scrupulously.

Use tools such as medals and diplomas with comic content. In addition, all participants and prize-winners can be called to the stage, making funny photos with them. Additionally, comic nominations for men can be accompanied by some funny accessories, for example, glasses with a nose and mustache, unusual headwear, colored wigs, and so on.

Today we're giving out joke nominations to people whose art is to sell successfully. These are sales managers, salespeople, salesmen, consultants, merchandisers. There are many people who sell goods and services. They have their own holidays, corporate parties. It is appropriate to choose the winners of comic nominations at these events. Managers, sellers will be able to choose the most suitable nominations for their colleagues. Let's start!

"Sell - and no nails ..."
"Here is my slogan and ... full stop." AT comic nomination"Sell - and no nails" we have a great winner. His name is (the name is called). With a sweet smile, he will sell nails, screws, nuts, other goods, and even give (completely free of charge) a little bit of his good mood.

"My light, mirror..."
“My light, mirror, tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the fastest trader
All the more dexterous and cunning?
What question? Of course, the leader in the comic category "My light, mirror" is a born merchant. When he needs to sell, he feels real excitement!

"Queen of the counter"
She sells a product with such dignity! Her smile alone is worth it! The buyer may not really need the product, but how to get past such a beauty. You definitely need to buy something - and you will get high-quality products and a portion of positive.

“You wouldn’t chase, friend, for cheapness”
For cheapness, maybe it’s not worth it, but for stock goods it’s quite. Who organizes the best promotions? Of course, the main one in the above-mentioned comic nomination.

"This operation is known as rotation"
Dear Merchandisers! This joke nomination is for you. Choose the most worthy! He has golden hands. He does not fight back, and never lowers his hands, he can lend a helping hand and a hand to give, you will not see him empty-handed, and he will never sit idly by.

“And Vaska listens and sells”
Maybe not Vaska, but Petya Gromykhailov or Ashot Melikov, but, most importantly, he sells! Conscientiously lays out the goods, sorts, weighs, labels. In general, a worthy representative of the trading fraternity!

"Selling a refrigerator to the Eskimos"
They need it the most! They have minus 50ºС, and the goods cannot stand such extreme temperatures. And the fridge is much warmer! Here the Eskimos are trying to figure out: "Atlant" or "Bosch", "Samsung" or "Nord". And best of all, the winner of the comic nomination “I will sell a refrigerator to Eskimos” will tell you which refrigerator to choose.

"The first fish is mine, and the second is mine"
We announce the best seller of the fish department as the winner in the comic nomination “My first fish, and my second”. Fish - good product, excellent fish is a royal commodity. Therefore, we have a special relationship with the “fishers”!

"Jester Pea" or "King Pea"
And who is the best seller of peas, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice? A fool! The chief in this nomination can joke and sell the goods profitably. Yes, he has no price!

"Like cheese in butter...»
"Look at me, Glafira, inadvertently, by chance,
Grab a piece of cheese, because without cheese - what is tea?
The best in the comic nomination "Like cheese in butter ..." - cheese seller. Dutch, Swiss, Adyghe - he learns geography from cheeses. And he makes them the best!

Do you want meat? Steak, brisket, chop, shoulder, sirloin? This is for the winner of the comic nomination "Greedy Beef". How does she trade? It's expensive to see. And he will say a compliment to the buyer, and the goods will sell profitably. Real winner!

"Two Pieces of Sausage"
Why only two? The leader in the joke category "Two Pieces of Sausage" will sell as many pieces as needed. And do it with heart!

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