Conqueror of women's hearts Soso Pavliashvili: biography, creative activity and family. Worthy women of a bright Georgian soso pavliashvili Soso pavliashvili biography family

The singer says that he was a womanizer on an all-Union scale, but love for Irina turned Don Juan into an exemplary family man. But the couple did not immediately realize their feelings.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife and children.

Vladimir Chistyakov

The singer has never been deprived of female attention. And not a single representative of the fair sex, after breaking up with him, was offended or angry. Irina Ponarovskaya, with whom the artist lived in a civil marriage, speaks of him with warmth in her interviews, admitting that thanks to him she learned a lot in life. After a divorce from his first official wife, Nino Uchaneishvili, Soso remained on friendly terms with her. Probably the secret is that he respects women and is ready to carry them in his arms. But the love of his life, Irina, he had to first track down, sitting in ambush. True, it is better for him to tell about it himself.

How did you meet?
Irina Patlakh:
“I was sixteen years old then, I studied at the theater studio of the Palace of Pioneers, in the building of which the Soso studio was also located.”
Soso Pavliashvili:“Once a sound engineer told me that a very beautiful girl came in and asked me to rewrite my song “I'm with you” on her disc. This message intrigued me, because at that time young girls mostly listened to other music, such as, for example, the Hands Up! group. And the fact that the stranger was also beautiful interested me doubly, because then I was a womanizer on an all-Union scale. And I decided to watch her. It can be said that he was sitting in an ambush. Finally she appeared, but, as time showed, I became a victim. Because I fell in love with her."

What do you remember about the first meeting?
“He looked at me like a boa constrictor at a small bird. He has such amazing energy that he cannot leave anyone, not a single person indifferent. I stood and looked at him as if spellbound, thinking little. This was the first impression. Soso turned out to be a very kind, hospitable, accommodating person, and most importantly, very professional. We immediately developed friendly relations. There was no talk of any romantic feelings at that time.
Soso:“We were united by our love for music. And our communication was based on this.
Irina:“Then Soso met my parents. At first they were wary of him. Still, we have a sixteen-year age difference. But they quickly fell under his stunning charm.

Soso, and then, when you began to live with Irina, did the attitude of her father and mother towards you change?
"Not. They realized that I love her infinitely. And such a difference in age is just what you need.
Irina:“I have wonderful and wise parents. They saw that I was happy with Soso. For them, this was the main thing. And what is important: knowing Soso quite well, they respect him and trust him. We are one big family."
Soso:“We even have apartments in the same building and on the same floor. Closer to each other."

Is it true that Irina worked in your musical group?
“Irochka sang and danced beautifully, and I invited her to work in my team. And it's amazing how easily she joined him, quickly became her own. We had to tour a lot, and at some point we practically never parted.

Was it then that friendship was replaced by love?
“It is difficult to say when it happened. There was no turning point, imperceptibly for us, the relationship flowed into another stage.
Soso:“And when we were confirmed in our feelings, I said to Ira:“ You must give birth to me. I saw that she was ready for this step. And a year later, Lisa was born.

Soso, weren't you disappointed that a girl was born and not a boy? After all, most men dream of a son.
"Vice versa. I have a son from my first marriage, I know what it's like to be the father of a boy. This is a great joy. Now Levan is an adult, and we have a relationship like friends. But when a girl is born, it is completely different. Maybe, at twenty-five or thirty years old, a man still does not fully realize what an indescribable happiness it is to be the father of a daughter. They are so affectionate, defenseless and caring from a young age. When I'm talking on the phone with Lisa and she asks: “Daddy, how are you feeling? Are you all right? “- you can’t imagine what tenderness fills the heart at this moment.”

Soso, since you are not the first child, you probably calmly expected the appearance of Lisa, as befits an experienced father?
"Yes you! He was very worried, he was eager to give birth with me. His doctors forced him out of the ward. I still remember how he then looked at me and repeated: “How will you be here without me ?! Will I be there without you?!” It was very touching, but also funny. That day, Soso had a concert, the doctors assured him that I would not give birth until five hours later, and he went to the performance. But I “shot back” much faster and called my husband to inform that our child had already been born. And going on stage, he said, addressing the audience: “Five minutes ago my daughter was born!”
Soso:“These are unforgettable moments, and what was happening in my soul is generally impossible to put into words.”

Was the birth of the second daughter, according to tradition, also met on stage?
"Not. At that moment I was in St. Petersburg. And when Irochka called me, I got on the plane, intending to fly to Moscow. The first reaction is surprise. We only talked in the morning, she was going somewhere - either shopping, or on some business ... But there was not even a conversation about the fact that she was about to give birth.
Irina:“Just remembering what a commotion the first birth caused, I decided not to worry anyone. And without saying a word to anyone, she got ready and went to the hospital. And I was calm, because my relatives were not nervous, and the surprise turned out to be wonderful.

And who came up with the names for the children?
“We named our eldest daughter Elizabeth, because I always liked the name Lisa. But with the younger it turned out more interesting. We thought we were having a boy. And they were going to call him Sandro. Then Irochka, returning from the ultrasound, said that we would have another girl. It is worth noting that this news made me very happy. Another daughter, one can only dream of! True, we decided not to change the name that we wanted to give the baby, but to take its female version - Sandra.
Irina:“It is noteworthy that Lisa had a favorite doll, with which she played more often than with other toys. And she called her Sandra - long before we knew she was going to have a sister."

Irina, men often talk about their fatherly feelings, but rarely actually take care of children ...
“This is not about Soso. He is a crazy father. Ready to protect children even from me if I am too strict. And I have to be like that when it comes to serious parenting issues, like school homework. Lisa is very stubborn. And in order to make her do homework, you have to be harsh. This responsibility lies with me, because Soso does not want to spoil relations with children. To be honest, I understand him and I'm already thinking about hiring a professional teacher who would work with my daughter. I want to be a mom, not a teacher. Moreover, the current school curriculum is very confusing and less systematized than the one we studied. Kids are having a much harder time now. In addition, Soso knows how to create an amazing atmosphere around children, they feel that they grow up in love and care. It's one thing to say "I have a dad", and another thing to feel it, even when your father is away. They feel his attention and warmth always.
Soso:“Just the other day I returned from a tour, called home from the airport. Lisa is sick. The voice is sad. I told her: “My girl, what can I bring you? Do you want flowers?” She: “Yes, I do.” Me: “What kind of flowers do you want?” Her: “Red roses.” And I brought a huge bouquet. By the way, Lisa accepts gifts very nicely. In general, the girls are used to the fact that I give them and their mother flowers.
Irina:"Yes. We do not have to wait for holidays for gifts and bouquets. I have always sympathized with those women whose men only pay attention to them on March 8th. In our family, this holiday lasts all year round. Moreover, Soso, in order to prepare a surprise for us, is not looking for some reason, he pleases us just like that.
Soso:“In fact, it gives me pleasure to make Irochka and daughters pleasant. For me, the main thing is to see their smiles, their eyes when they receive some gift or flowers.”

So you spoil girls?
No, we just love them. And it doesn't harm them. When they see such an attitude towards themselves, their own concern for loved ones becomes natural for them. For example, I really do not like to get up early in the morning, it was very difficult for me to get up early to collect Lisa for school. And suddenly my daughter began to set her own alarm clock, wakes up, gets ready for school, and I just cook breakfast for her. The baby wants to give me the opportunity to sleep longer. And besides, it shows independence. She is eight years old, and she is already trying to take good care of her parents.”

Irina, you are a psychologist by training, but you do not work by profession. Is it related to family life?
"Not. I chose the profession consciously, it is very interesting, psychologists really provide significant assistance to those who need it. But, alas, as practice shows, in our country people prefer to cry into a pillow or tell their friends and girlfriends about their problems, instead of turning to a psychologist who will help resolve this or that situation. This specialty is not in demand as much as it seemed to me.”

And I thought it was your husband who decided to tie you to the house ...
"Not. And if she herself wanted to stay at home, I would kick her out so that she would take care of herself and what she was interested in. She is young, beautiful, full of ideas and creative plans, she needs to realize her plans. For example, now she is interested in design.”

Design is a very unusual occupation for a psychologist…
“Since childhood, I loved to draw and make some kind of jewelry. I remember weaving baubles fashionable for those times for myself and my friends. But I didn’t manage to realize this hobby before, and I didn’t even think about it. But when Soso and I bought an apartment and started thinking about what our housing would look like, I was inspired. Of course, it was not without the participation of professional designers, from whom I learned a lot, but I thought over some elements myself.
Soso:“In addition, we ordered most of the finishing materials from abroad - thanks to the fact that Irochka speaks fluent English. As a result, it cost us several times cheaper than if we bought everything in Russia.”

Soso, probably, also took part in choosing the interiors for the new house?
“At the beginning, yes. We basically knew what we wanted. But when they tried to explain each other in detail, they did not find understanding. For example, Soso said: "I want a burgundy bedroom." Go and understand what it means: a burgundy ceiling or burgundy walls ... I thought: my God, if you make the whole room in this color, some kind of horror will turn out! She began to create in her own way, because of which we argued a lot. The result was a bedroom in grayish-beige tones, and added burgundy due to pillows and bedspreads. When Soso saw the result, he said: “Here, this is just what I wanted.” And since during the repair it turned out that I was pregnant with my second child, he generally said that he would no longer argue with me, the main thing was my peace of mind.

But you have long celebrated housewarming. What about design skills now?
“My husband is a very attentive and sensitive person. Soso noticed how much I was fascinated by this activity. Therefore, when he, together with partners, began to engage in the restaurant business, they entrusted me with the design of this institution. You can't even imagine how happy I was. It was so interesting! Fortunately, the restaurant is not far from our house, so I had time to take care of my family, my home, and my project. They say it went well."
Soso:“It worked out great! Truth be told, I never doubted for a moment that you would do a great job. Our restaurant has good cuisine, but when people come to such a place, it is very important what the surroundings are like, it creates the atmosphere of the establishment. I am proud to say that my wife invented and created this. Believe me, Ira's success is no less significant for me than my own, and sometimes more expensive.
Irina: “Now this is our favorite place. Here we spend all family holidays. One might say, a branch of our house for business meetings and gala dinners.

By the way, if the conversation turned to the kitchen, Soso grew up in Tbilisi, and Georgia is famous for its traditional dishes. Irina, were you not forced to comprehend the wisdom of national cuisine?
"Not. When my husband's mother comes to us (by the way, she is visiting us right now), she pampers us with Georgian dishes. And so ... In our family there is no cult of food. We just rejoice when we all get together at the same table, regardless of what dishes we have for lunch or dinner. True, I will tell you a secret: we have a special menu for the time that Soso is on tour. The fact is that after being fed fish oil as a child, he cannot stand fish. In the literal sense of the word, he can’t stand her spirit, he becomes ill from the smell of a fish being prepared. So we came up with a good compromise. We introduce fish days while our head of the family is on tour.”

Soso, you yourself admitted that you were a womanizer. How did you part with this “life credo”?
“It's just that everything I need is in my wife. Why do I need someone else? I have already found the woman I was looking for, with whom I want to live my life. And my main concern is that she was well. I won't do anything to hurt her. Therefore, the passion for women is a thing of the distant past.

They say it's very hard to be an artist's wife...
“It seems to me that we don’t have such a problem, because I am an artist on stage, and after finishing the concert, I leave the microphone behind the scenes and return home as just a man, husband and father. Yes, there are such persons who, having entered the image, get stuck in it and never part with it. Therefore, they have problems both in their personal lives and in everyday communication with people. I have a clear line: here is work, there is life. That's why I'm happy."

It is believed that creative people are extremely impulsive ...
“For example, I am also emotional and impulsive. It happens that I got hooked on some trifle, sucked the problem out of my finger and I’m getting ready to tell my husband everything that I’ve twisted in my head. And Soso is so sensitive that he easily catches my state. Suitable at such a moment with the right words, and it immediately disarms. And it already seems stupid and ridiculous to me that five minutes ago it seemed like a reason for conflict. By the way, he inherited such a strong intuition from his mother.

So you don't fight at all?
“Why, it happens ... Is there really a family life without disagreements, especially if people really love each other and, therefore, react sharply to some events, words, feelings of their half ?! And plus mutual trust, which allows you to splash out what has accumulated when communicating with the outside world. Someone offended or nasty, some difficulties in business ... To whom to expose the sore, if not to a loved one?
Soso:“Yes, in our family all-round defense. I try to protect my girls - Ira, Lisa and Sandra - from the outside, and Ira - from the inside.
Irina:“But even when we fight, which is rare, everything goes smoothly. The maximum that can happen is to break a plate on the floor. So this is good luck! But we have a sacred rule: we never conflict in front of our daughters, we don’t even raise our voice in their presence.”

Irina, is it not necessary to be jealous of her husband?
“I'm only jealous of football. He loves him too much."
Soso:“But Irochka does not delight him ... But she tolerates this hobby of mine. However, I don't have any fanatical addictions to this or that club. I just love a beautiful and addictive game. I like having talented players on the field. By the way, my daughters watch matches with me, but they don’t sit out the entire ninety minutes. Although when they were very young, I took them in my arms and watched the championships with them.

You have a civil marriage. Aren't you going to formalize the relationship?
“We have not yet needed this stamp in the passport. We are already a family, without any official papers. But it is quite possible that we will sign ... I want you to understand that the main thing is that certain relationships arise between people. We are connected by something that so many who have a marriage certificate in their hands do not have. We have love, respect, family. And all this actually exists, although without “documentary” confirmation.”

Soso Pavliashvili treats women like a real Georgian - with love and respect. His first wife is friends with his current wife, and this does not surprise the singer at all: two worthy women will always find a common language.

The first love

Soso Pavliashvili played the violin from the age of six, and after school he decided to go to study at the conservatory. But in the first year he was not up to the instrument: Soso met Nino. Love flared up like a match, and continued to burn, even when Pavliashvili was called up for military service.

From the army, he wrote her 5 letters a day and could not wait for the day when they would see each other again.

The violin finally became a thing of the past: in the service, Soso began to gravitate more towards pop music and, returning to Tbilisi, got a job at the Iveria VIA. At their wedding with Nino, they walked in a large and friendly crowd. Soon the son Levon was born, and Pavliashvili began to work hard so that the family would not need anything.

To grow as a musician, he needed to go to Moscow. Nino did not mind, but she could not follow her husband - her sick mother lived in Tbilisi, for whom there was no one else to look after. Soso said goodbye to his family and went to the capital.


Pavliashvili's birth as a solo artist took place at the 1988 Olympics in Calgary. He arrived there as part of Iveria, but one day he decided on an adventure: he went on stage and sang the famous Georgian song Suliko. The audience was delighted and did not let Soso leave the stage for a long time.

He consolidated his success at the All-Union Music Competition in Jurmala. The great Irina Ponarovskaya sat on the jury and did not take her eyes off the young singer. Pavliashvili's passionate performance impressed her so much that she invited him to sing in a duet - for Soso it was a real ticket to the big stage.

“Ira made a great contribution to my development,” the singer states. - We did a lot for each other, we had a very stormy relationship, we lit each other up. Ponarovskaya next to me became a queen, ”said Pavliashvili.

Rumor immediately married a bright duet. In distant Tbilisi, Nino realized that her marriage had come to an end - although in fact she and Soso continued to be husband and wife. Ponarovskaya was also married, but if Pavliashvili took at least one decisive step, she would immediately break up with her husband.

That did not happen. In 1997, the singer officially divorced his wife, but not for the sake of Ponarovskaya. At this time, another girl appeared in his life.


Once, when Pavliashvili was working in a recording studio, a young girl came in and asked to record one of his songs on a disc - for a school graduation. Ira Patlakh was then only 16 years old, Soso - twice as old. He now calls his former self "an all-Union womanizer."

He liked the brave graduate so much that he decided to continue communication - and, of course, Ira could not resist the charms of the Georgian.

But before enjoying happiness with her loved one, the girl had to literally return Soso from the other world. Shortly before they met, the singer got into a car accident, after which he began to suffer from epileptic seizures. The treatment had almost no effect: the attacks occurred at night, there was no relief.

“Then he had nothing to do - neither to the family, nor to love, nor to me. But I knew that my love would be enough for both of us, ”she recalled.

The disease went away on its own after the birth of their first joint daughter, Lisa. The second daughter, Sandra, finally completed the transformation of the former womanizer into a respectable head of the family. Soso Pavliashvili first moved the family to a large apartment, then built a house for them in the suburbs, and only after that did he finally make an official proposal to Irina.

It happened during his anniversary concert: the 50-year-old singer knelt down in front of the mother of his children and presented an engagement ring in this way. Ira confirmed her consent, which she gave many years ago as a very young girl.

Georgian singer Soso Pavliashvili has been on the Russian stage for decades. It would seem that every generation knows him. Even just listening to his songs, you feel some kind of spiritual connection with the singer. The words of his songs penetrate right into the soul, and the eyes look right into the heart.

Soso connected his life with music as a child. At the age of five he played the violin. Moreover, he learned to play this instrument absolutely independently.

As a schoolboy, Soso took part in numerous competitions held in Tbilisi. Even then, the guy decided that his life would be connected with music.

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Georgian Conservatory in the capital. Now Pavliashvili recalls the years spent at the conservatory as the best in his life. In the future, in the musical career of a young man, everything developed in the best possible way.

The personal life of the singer was no less successful. He had two official wives and one civil marriage. Pavliashvili has three children. He had an older son from his first marriage and two daughters from his second.

In searching of love

Information about the first wife of Soso Pavliashvili is practically absent. It is known that the girl was taken by Nino and was originally from Georgia. They got married in 1985, after the guy returned from the army. In marriage, their son Levan was born.

But it was difficult to call the marriage happy. Almost immediately after the wedding, Soso went to conquer Moscow and luck smiled at her. He became a recognizable singer there and his career gradually went uphill.

While Soso sought fame and recognition, Nino lived with her son in Georgia. She kept getting information about the love affairs of her husband.

In numerous interviews, the singer himself admitted that their long-distance relationship was doomed. He visited Tbilisi no more than a week a year, in Moscow he was surrounded by many beautiful women.

With one of these, the singer Irina Ponarovskaya, the rumor married the Georgian singer. Information about their relationship is very contradictory.

According to some sources, it was a stormy and passionate romance, according to others - a creative union with a touch of romance. At the time of the development of a romantic relationship between the two artists, they were both married.

How long exactly the relationship between Ponarovskaya and Pavliashvili lasted is difficult to say. But they ended abruptly. Simply - without quarrels and accusations. Irina was waiting for a marriage proposal from her chosen one, but he did not dare to do so.

Arriving home in Tbilisi, Soso had a difficult conversation with his wife. He tried to deny the affair on the side, even if it was such a long one. But Nino did not believe it and the couple broke up.

Fateful meeting

In 1996, the singer suffered a terrible accident, after which he recovered for a long time. Doctors after a long stage of rehabilitation allowed him to resume concert and touring activities. But then there were other health problems.

Pavliashvili began to complain of frequent epileptic seizures. Doctors could not determine the nature of these phenomena in him.

During this period of life, on the way Soso Pavliashvili met a young girl. At the time of their meeting, Irina was only 16 years old. One fine day, she approached the singer to ask for an autograph and immediately sunk into his soul.

They talked for a few minutes about music. The girl admitted that she really likes Pavliashvili's songs, which surprised the singer indescribably. He was surprised that such a young girl is familiar with his work and loves him.

From that moment on, the singer decided to woo the girl. It was very easy to do this, because Irina the artist was very nice. They were comfortable with each other. They were each other's support, friends and lovers. This union was also supported by Irina's parents, which helped young people make a choice.

Exemplary family man

For a very long time, Irina and Soso lived in a civil marriage. The girl was happy in this relationship and did not insist on a stamp in her passport. So in a civil marriage, the couple had two beautiful daughters.

During one of his performances, Soso Pavliashvili asked Irina to come on stage with her daughters. There, on the stage, he got down on one knee and handed the girl a box with a ring. With an audience of thousands, he invited Irina to become his wife. And of course she happily agreed.

Interesting Notes:

Before meeting with the singer, Irina was engaged in choreography and even took her first steps in her singing career. Now she has completely devoted herself to the house and the upbringing of her two daughters.

She also intends to equip the house, which was built in the suburbs. The girl has absolutely no regrets and is completely happy in family life.

Friendly and big family

Despite the fact that Pavliashvili is happy in his second marriage he is on excellent terms with his first wife. She didn’t get married after the divorce, and the main man in her life is her son. The son has been living with his father in Moscow for a long time and is engaged in the construction business.

The current Pavliashvili family, Irina's parents and his son from his first marriage live in the same house, which is located in the center of Moscow. The apartments of Soso and his relatives are located on different floors. Their doors are open to guests at any time.

Very often, Nino also flies to visit his son in Moscow. Her relationship is developing well not only with her son and ex-husband, but also with Irina Patlakh, as well as her children.

Today, Soso Pavliashvili considers himself a happy man, because there is something in his life that gives meaning and that pulled him out of the abyss of hopelessness.

Photos of a happy family

Soso Pavliashvili is a famous Russian and Georgian singer and actor, whose biography and personal life sometimes interest fans even more than creativity.


Iosif Raminovich Pavliashvili was born on June 29, 1964 in the city of Tbilisi, the then Georgian SSR. Having moved to Russia early, Soso Raminovich has long been perceived as a Russian artist - besides, he really works in our country most of the time. His outrageous image for many years remains one of the brightest on the Russian stage.

It is not surprising that Soso Pavliashvili's fans are interested in any information about his biography and life, whether it be personal photos or the latest news from his family. And today we have to understand - what do we really know about the famous singer?

Childhood and family

Soso's father, Ramin Iosifovich, worked as an architect. The mother of the future singer, Aza Alexandrovna, was a housewife almost all her life. Perhaps the fact that Aza Alexandrovna spent a lot of time with her son became paramount for the biography of Soso Raminovich. After all, it was thanks to the mother that the future performer began to study music.

When Soso was six years old, he already played the violin decently and even appeared at children's festivals, attended concerts for talented youth. Soso Raminovich is the case when the question of a future career did not stand for a minute: by the time he graduated from school, he already knew for sure what fate he was dreaming of.

Soso's only goal was to enter the prestigious Tbilisi Conservatory. No difficulties could prevent a talented applicant from passing the entrance exams, and soon Soso joined the student community.

Soso Pavliashvili in childhood and now

At the university, Soso showed himself as a responsible young man who was able to work tirelessly - it was so important for him to achieve the goal. Subsequently, Soso Pavliashvili will tell that during the years of university studies he often did not get enough sleep, and there was no question of building a personal life: he was so busy building his creative biography.

The work was not in vain: Soso Raminovich received the highest score in the final exams. To this day, he remains one of the most famous students of the conservatory.

Soso Pavliashvili

After graduating from university, Soso joined the army. It was there that Soso (colleagues knew him as Joseph) began to perform in front of the public as a vocalist. Having once experienced incredible emotions from such contact with the audience, Soso firmly decided that he wanted to become a pop singer.

Musical career

Returning after the demobilization, Pavliashvili immediately had the opportunity to make sure that fate favors his desire. The young man got into the Georgian ensemble "Iveria", which was incredibly popular in the mid-seventies. In the Soviet Union, perhaps, there was not a single corner where they would not have heard about the legendary team.

Soso Pavliashvili collaborated with Iveria for only a year, and after their path they parted ways. However, during this time he managed to gain experience from more professional colleagues, increasing his knowledge and continuing to develop his talent.

singer Soso Pavliashvili

In 1989, Soso Raminovich went to Jurmala to prove to the whole world that he deserves to be a solo artist - and not an ordinary, "passing" artist, but a bright star. And he really soon shone on the domestic horizon, winning the main award of the music festival.

The victory in Jurmala was a turning point in Soso's life. Job offers immediately rained down on him, and soon the singer began to tour the countries of the Union. By 1993, there were so many compositions in the artist's repertoire that he decided to combine them in a studio album, which provided Soso Pavliashvili with even greater popularity.

Soso Pavliashvili on stage

Four years later, Soso Raminovich appeared on the big screens of the country, playing a role in the cult film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio". By this time, he had already completely left his native Georgia, having moved to Moscow and received Russian citizenship. In 1998 and 2003, respectively, the albums "Me and You" and "Georgian Waiting for You" were released. After that, the glory of Soso Pavliashvili reached its peak, becoming unconditional and undeniable.

On the national stage at that moment there was no one who would be similar in style or voice to a Georgian musician. Soso Pavliashvili's star burned brighter than ever.

Soso Pavliashvili

Murder charges

As often happens, joyful days were suddenly overshadowed by tragic events. In March 2013, Soso's friend, well-known businessman Avtandil Aduashvili, was found murdered.

The public was discouraged by the fact that the Tbilisi police were issued an official arrest warrant for the singer. Soso Raminovich was the main suspect in the case - it was believed that he could be the customer of the murder.

Soso Pavliashvili accused of murder

At first, the investigation did not clarify the circumstances, but only more confused the investigators. The funnel of justice drew in at least six more people, among whom was Soso Pavliashvili's brother-in-law, Vakhtang Chkhapelia.

The proceedings dragged on for a long time, and the country followed the development of events with bated breath, trying not to miss a single detail of the complicated incident. The result was the removal of charges: Soso Pavliashvili was released.

Soso Pavliashvili

Personal life

All aspects of the biography of Soso Pavliashvili surprise with their brightness, and, of course, the personal life of the singer could not be an exception. At the moment, there were three women in the fate of the artist, relations with which, it seems, can be considered the most serious.

With his first wife, Nino Uchaneishvili, the singer met at home, even before the final move to Russia. It was in marriage with her that Soso first became a father. Year of birth of the first son Soso Pavliashvili - 1987; the singer with great joy accepted such positive changes in his biography and personal life.

Soso Pavliashvili with his son from his first wife

However, soon the couple decided to divorce - the reason was a banal mismatch of characters. According to the artist, the former spouses still maintain friendly communication.

This was followed by a civil marriage. For a long time, Soso Pavliashvili met and even lived with another Russian pop star, Irina Ponarovskaya. Violent passions were constantly seething in the couple - after all, both Soso and Irina have strong, hot characters. Could not do without jealousy and quarrels. Perhaps that is why the couple did not dare to go to the registry office.

Soso Pavliashvili married to Irina Patlakh

And since 1997, Soso Pavliashvili tied the knot with Irina Patlakh. The singer's chosen one also has a musical past - for some time she was a backing vocalist in the Mironi group.

It seems that it can be argued that the biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili ended up being successful - in his last marriage he has two children, girls Louise and Sandra.

Soso Pavliashvili family
  • Most fans of Soso Pavliashvili are known as a singer, but he has more than twelve filming in films and TV shows.
  • In 1988, at the Winter Olympics, Soso Pavliashvili performed the song "Suliko". He was met with warm applause and shouts from an audience of more than fifty thousand people. From this began his growth as a great solo artist.
  • In 2005, Soso Raminovich received the "Order of the Maecenas" for sincerity and disinterestedness. The singer continues to do charity work today.

Singer Soso Pavliashvili on stage

Soso Pavliashvili now

Soso Raminovich remains a sought-after singer and actor and is often seen on television. For example, the new year 2018 was marked by the participation of the performer in the New Year on STS project, where Soso appeared with his beloved women - his wife and daughters.

Today, the family occupies a place of paramount importance in the biography of Soso Pavliashivli: he tries to devote more time to his personal life and children, as evidenced by numerous joint photos full of smiles and happiness.

Soso Pavliashvili in the project "New Year at STS"

Soso Pavliashvili continues to give concerts both in Russia and in the former allied countries. Recently, information appeared on the Internet about a fight that the singer's fans started before his concert in Baku, but everything ended well. For 2018, the singer is scheduled to tour Russia.

Songs performed by Soso Pavliashvili are incredibly popular among Russian listeners, especially among women. Today we will talk about where he was born, studied and how this artist got on stage. The article will also provide details of his personal life.

Soso Pavliashvili: biography

He was born on June 29, 1964 in Tbilisi. Soso Pavliashvili's patronymic is Raminovich. He is Georgian by nationality. In what family was our hero brought up? Let's start with the fact that his parents are not related to music and stage. Father, Ramin Iosifovich, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and worked in his specialty for many years. Mother, Aza Alexandrovna, was a housewife.

Many people think that Soso is a pseudonym. But it's not. Soso is an abbreviated version of the male name Joseph.


At the age of 6, our hero was enrolled in a music school. In a short time, the boy learned to play the violin well. However, the neighbors were not enthusiastic about his hobby. Soso could spend hours rehearsing this or that piece.

At school, Pavliashvili studied for fours and fives. Unsatisfactory grades in his diary appeared extremely rarely. The teachers praised Joseph not only for his diligence, but also for his active participation in the life of the class and school. The talented boy performed at various school events - competitions, concerts and so on. He liked to hear loud applause from the audience present in the hall.

student body

After graduating from high school, Soso Pavliashvili entered the conservatory in his native Tbilisi. Among his mentors were the best teachers of Georgia. Pavliashvili was an ideal student. He never skipped classes, took tests on time and did not argue with teachers. At the final exams, Soso received


It would seem that after receiving a diploma from the conservatory, the guy could begin to develop his musical career. But he decided to repay his debt to the Motherland. Pavliashvili went to serve in the army, although his parents dissuaded him from this step.

Joseph joined the stage in the army amateur club. The guy picked up the microphone and sang. Colleagues noted that he had a pleasant voice and perfect hearing. Our hero listened to their words and decided to pursue a singing career.

Star Trek

After demobilization, Soso Pavliashvili became a member of the Iveria musical group. In the 70s, this group was famous not only in Georgia, but beyond its borders. Talented guys toured the major cities of the USSR.

In 1989, Joseph decided to become a solo artist. To demonstrate his abilities and capabilities, he went to a vocal competition in Jurmala. The professional jury highly appreciated his talent. Pavliashvili was declared the winner of the festival.

From that moment on, the career of the young singer went up. In a short time, he signed several contracts with major recording studios. In 1993, Pavliashvili's debut album went on sale. The entire circulation was sold out by Georgian fans.

Conquest of Russia

In the late 1990s, Soso began to frequently come to Moscow on tour. In the Russian capital, he felt at home. And soon Pavliashvili decided to move there permanently. He plunged headlong into creativity.

In 1998, the first album, "Me and You", was presented to Russian listeners. Several more records followed. The performer with a velvety timbre of voice and a Georgian accent has taken his niche on the stage.

In 2003, Soso released another album. It was called "Georgians are waiting for you." During this period, the career of the performer reached its zenith. Soso's songs could be heard literally from every window. Women went crazy over his voice.

To date, Pavliashvili's creative piggy bank has more than 60 songs, 20 clips and 16 film roles. Wealthy fans invite him to corporate parties, weddings and birthdays.

Personal life

Soso Pavliashvili is called the conqueror of women's hearts. And it's justified. In his life there were many dizzying novels. But none of them flowed into a serious relationship.

The first woman Soso wanted to marry was Nino Uchaneishvili. In 1985, the couple got married. The celebration was attended by numerous relatives and friends of the bride and groom. In 1987, Joseph and Nino became parents. Their son Levan was born. Over time, the relationship of the spouses began to deteriorate. Soso lived in Moscow, and Nino lived in Tbilisi. In 2003, they officially filed for divorce. They managed to remain friends.

Since 1997, the singer has been living in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh. At one time, the girl was a backing vocalist in the Mironi group. In December 2004, Irina gave Soso a charming daughter, Elizabeth. At that time, the famous Georgian had already divorced his former wife. In June 2008, Irina and Soso had a second daughter. The baby was named Sandra.

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