Princess Trubetskaya characteristic. Characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy - a real Russian woman

In his work, Nekrasov does not shy away from using a rich picture of images in his works, the largest of which belongs to the disclosure of female images. He watches over female characters, studies it, trying not to be limited to any class and level, especially the nobility. The creative situation in Nekrasov's works is created with the help of the subtlest intuition and the author's unique poetic imagination, which penetrate the very soul of a peasant woman, a Decembrist's wife, and even a fallen woman. Nekrasov very sensitively experiences the cases of injustice that fall to the lot of the then Russian woman, and it does not matter what place she occupies in society: the highest, or she is subordinate, or does not have it at all. Nekrasov perfectly feels the truth that if simple woman of the people suffers from overwork, then the lady of the nobility also does not have any freedoms, she is obliged to follow the written and unwritten laws established in her circle.

The heroines of Nekrasov are selfless, strong women who are capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of those they love.

Princess Trubetskaya is the brightest female image Nekrasov. Princess Trubetskaya in the work is an example of nobility, steadfastness and self-denial. Accustomed to secular splendor, luxury and prosperity, she renounces all these benefits in order to follow her Decembrist husband, exiled to Siberia. The deceitful, stupid high society has become for her a “masquerade”, a “impudent triumph of rubbish”, where hypocrisy reigns, and the men in it are a bunch of “Judes”. Trubetskaya despises men from secular society, whose vanity and pride did not allow them to share the fate of the Decembrists, to sacrifice their benefits for the sake of freedom, justice and happiness.

Princess Trubetskaya trades fuss secular world"to the feat of selfless love." She, just like her husband, wants to suffer for freedom and for the fate of the Russian people, who moan like barge haulers on the banks of the Volga.

Princess Trubetskaya is doomed to injustice, her fate is unhappy, predetermined by the society in which she lives. Nekrasov prescribes a miserable, miserable existence for her. And neither beauty nor a strong, cheerful disposition will help her change her heavy female lot.

Already at the beginning of the work, Trubetskaya says goodbye to her father. She is not happy about parting, but she cannot give up her duty - to be close to her husband. She has already made up her mind and is ready for all the difficulties that she will face. In Irkutsk, she is met by the governor, who also tries to dissuade her. He uses all the tricks and opportunities that he owns, but Trubetskaya is adamant. First, the governor tries to dissuade the princess from the trip through family feelings, he claims that her departure simply killed her father. But Trubetskaya says that she loves her father, but the duty of marriage for her is “higher and holy.” The governor is trying to frighten the woman with terrible Siberian conditions for life, and that if she loses courage in such conditions, this will further weaken and upset her husband. But Trubetskaya replies "... I will not bring tears." The Governor is trying to draw a vivid parallel between the cheerful secular life and the dark, unattractive prison. But Trubetskaya replies that she has no place in such a society without her husband. And even life with other convicts without a title and proper relations does not frighten Trubetskaya. The governor is struck by the inflexibility, fearlessness, determination of the woman, and surrenders, giving the order to harness the horses.

The image of Princess Trubetskoy sings of the wonderful features of Russian women, their great willpower, devotion, pride and self-esteem.

See also:

  • The image of Princess Volkonskaya in Nekrasov's poem "Russian Women"
  • "Russian Women", a summary of the chapters of Nekrasov's poem
  • "Russian Women" - an essay based on the poem by Nekrasov
  • “Stuffy! Without happiness and will…”, analysis of Nekrasov’s poem

The pathos of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Russian Women" is heroic, it is based on the struggle of the individual for the implementation and protection of lofty ideals, the struggle associated with dangers and risks. The heroines of the poem show the will to achieve their goal. Princess Trubetskaya is so passionately convinced of the need to get to Nerchinsk and that her presence will help her husband and other Decembrists sentenced to hard labor, that the governor, inventing new reasons to prevent her from going further, finally recognizes her right to be next to her exiled husband. The strength of the princess's arguments lies in their sincerity, in her confidence in her wife's right to share her husband's fate.

The author treats his heroine with admiration. This is a proud Russian woman, for whom honor and duty are above all conveniences, noble rights and wealth. She does not follow her husband as a slave - it is the choice of her free will. Saying goodbye to her father in Moscow, she says goodbye to the whole life that she has led so far: with her usual home, with friends, girlfriends, with the conveniences and brilliant society to which she is accustomed. She asks her father for blessings and begs him not to tear her heart with longing. The woman leaves for Siberia, not knowing if she will ever return, and promises to remember her father's testament. She does not shed unnecessary tears. The princess seems to have a presentiment that Russian people will be proud of this act of hers decades later. For two months she gets to Irkutsk. Near Irkutsk, her companion fell ill, and she arrived alone in the center of the province. The governor, in fulfilling his duties, was forced to put all sorts of obstacles in her way. He scared her with a dangerous road, the poor condition of her father, terrible life among the convicts, the unbearable climate, the path in shackles, one stage at a time to Nerchinsk. But the act of the princess was not a momentary impulse. Her goal was to help her unfortunate husband, and the pathos of her words was so convincing that the governor was forced to order: “Hey! harness up now! .. ".

Perhaps one of characteristic features Russia has always had strong women. No wonder they say that women “They will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” In some situations, this strength of character and firmness of will are manifested especially strongly. One of such high-profile deeds was the escort of their husbands, the Decembrists, by their wives to distant Siberia.

Poem "Russian Women"

The poem "Russian Women" was created in 1872 by the great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. This is an ode to Russian wives who followed their husbands to hard labor. The poet was inspired by these events, which he wrote at the end of his work that these are “captivating images” that people should remember.

N. A. Nekrasov in his work was really able to perpetuate the feat of women, because his poem evokes powerful emotions that are hard to forget.

The fate of the Decembrists

On December 14, 1825, there was an uprising of the Decembrists, who disagreed with the power of the tsar. They wanted to destroy the monarchy and serfdom, however, the uprising could not be carried out according to plan, and the Decembrists were simply dispersed. Tsar Nicholas found out who participated in the uprising and punished everyone. He sent the nobles to hard labor in Siberia, and this was an unprecedented punishment for higher strata society.

By the way, the first woman, so to speak, in this uprising was Princess Trubetskaya. The characterization of the heroine will be incomplete without mentioning her husband, who was the leader of the entire uprising.

Brief plot of the poem

The story about the wives of the Decembrists begins with the departure of Princess Trubetskoy from her father's house. A sentimental scene of her farewell to her family is shown. Then we see how the princess travels through half the country in the most difficult conditions, and this is interspersed with her bright and happy memories, making up a strong contrast. Perhaps the main point where the characteristic of Princess Trubetskoy is manifested in full force- this is her meeting with the governor, who is trying by any means to stop the princess. But she nevertheless continues to follow her husband in spite of everything.

Later, on the way, another woman catches up with her - Princess Volkonskaya, whose husband also ended up in hard labor. The poem ends with her date with her husband, which Nekrasov described with surprising force.

Characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy

Nekrasov in the poem turned out to be a wonderful bright and understandable characterization. Princess Trubetskaya (Russian women are represented precisely in her person) calls the most important duty of a woman a sacred duty to her husband. She puts him even higher than her duty to her father.

The quotation of Princess Trubetskoy can take several pages, so we will give a description only in general terms.

Princess Trubetskaya is ready to overcome any hardships and obstacles. The characterization of the heroine is manifested in a conversation with the governor. He frightens her with the deprivation of her title, the hardships of life in hard labor, even the death of her father, but nothing can stop her. The governor even told her that she would have to walk along with the convicts on foot all the way, and she agreed to this. True, when he saw such determination, he did not interfere anymore and provided transport. Princess Trubetskaya, not only in words, but also in deeds, proved that she was ready to go anywhere for her beloved husband.

Perhaps now it does not seem as terrible a punishment as before. But if you imagine that a woman from high society, for whom servants have always done everything, agrees to the life of a peasant woman, then the sensations are strong.

Characteristics of Russian women through Princess Trubetskoy

In order to better understand the work and the spirit of the time, at least one characterization of the hero is necessary. Princess Trubetskaya, her character in the poem, is ideal for depicting not only one woman, but also conveying the mood of all women in Russia.

Reading the poem, one can immediately say that the princess sincerely loves her husband. For the sake of love, she is ready to overcome any obstacles, and this is one of the main features of all Russian women. They don't need either elite, no position in society, if the husband is somewhere in hard labor. Princess Trubetskaya was not alone in her decision and her loyalty; nine more Russian women followed their husbands.

As they described living conditions in their notes, it was very difficult. Basically, they could only look at the prison, but this gave great strength to their husbands.

Such dedication can indeed be considered a great feat of Russian women.

The real story of Princess Trubetskoy

The life and characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy are historical facts, and even more - they are recorded from the words of his son, I. S. Trubetskoy, using the memoirs of the Decembrists' wives themselves. Trubetskaya was the first woman to follow her husband, challenging everything secular society. Since she was the first, it was the hardest for her, which is why the poem is about Princess Trubetskoy. Yes, the princess really assumed incredible torment and hardships harsh life in Siberia, but her fate was not too bad. At first, she and her husband really lived in hard labor, and only 15 years later they were given permission to leave there. They settled in their house and were engaged in agriculture.

Over time, the exile expired, and they moved to Irkutsk. Here the family was able to buy a house. Historical characteristic Princess Trubetskoy demands an indication that this woman not only once accomplished a feat, but has been strong personality. Everyone in the city knew her, because in the princess's house they were always ready to feed and warm travelers, convicts and all the unfortunate. So Princess Trubetskaya deserved respect and honor, so see her off to last way in 1854 almost the entire city came.

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He keeps the diaries of his mother, who went to Siberia with her husband, he began to ask him for permission to get acquainted with the papers. For three evenings, Mikhail Sergeevich and Nikolai Alekseevich read the notes. During the reading, the poet repeatedly jumped up, clutched his head and began to cry. These documentary evidence formed the basis of the poem "Russian Women". Description of Princess Trubetskoy (Part 1) and Princess Volkonskaya (Part 2) - the plot basis famous work, first read by the poet in the summer of 1871.

History reference

Ekaterina Ivanovna Laval married Sergei Trubetskoy for love. She became his true friend and like-minded, was aware political views husband. Having learned about the events at the twenty-five-year-old Catherine, she immediately decided for herself that she would share his fate with her husband, no matter how terrible it was. The princess became the first of eleven women who set off after the verdict was announced on July 23, and the very next day she set off on the road. She was accompanied by her father's secretary, Karl Voshe (on the way, he would fall ill and return back, as Nekrasov writes about in a poem). "Russian Women" is a poem that tells about a difficult journey from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk, showing the heroine's resilience, tolerance, her devotion to her husband and readiness for self-sacrifice.

Description of the road

The sobs of a father seeing off his daughter, who is "going somewhere this night." parting words the heroine, who understands that she will never see her relatives again. The full confidence of the princess that her duty is to be close to her husband. Memories of serene youth and the person who became the culprit of her misfortunes (referring to the dance at the ball in 1818 with the future Emperor Nicholas I). This is how the poem begins (he gave it great importance in his work Nekrasov) "Russian Women".

Princess Trubetskaya - central image the first part. The author does not give the heroine, because something else is important for him - to show her inner world, trace the formation of essential character traits. From the very beginning of the poem, Ekaterina Ivanovna is full of determination and has no doubts about her act. She knows how scary her will be future destiny. In order to obtain permission to travel, she deliberately renounced the title, the opportunity to communicate with relatives, welfare - her father's house was the best in St. Petersburg. “I dressed my chest with steel,” she admits when parting with her father, and in these words one can hear the readiness to follow her beloved at all costs, the ability to overcome any obstacles for the sake of being able to fulfill her sacred duty and be close to her husband.

The role of memories and dreams

The road to Siberia is very long and difficult, but there is no time for rest. Approaching the station, the princess demands to change horses as soon as possible and goes on. In doing so, the author uses a very successful technique, describing the pictures that her imagination draws in this endless journey. Whether dreams, or just memories that arise in her head - this best characteristic Princess Trubetskoy from the poem "Russian Women". First she sees the magnificent social life with fun and balls, a trip abroad with her young husband, all that has now become insignificant and unimportant for her. These vivid pictures are suddenly replaced by a painful sight: working men in the field, barge haulers groaning by the river. Her husband attracted her attention to this side of Russian life.

Along the way, there is a party of exiles, which reminds of the hard fate of the Decembrists. The consciousness of the heroine brings her back to the tragic events of six months ago. A condensed but accurate picture of the uprising. Ekaterina Ivanovna not only knew about its preparation, but also kept a printing press. And then there was a meeting with her husband in prison, during which he gave her complete freedom. However loving woman even at the moment of Sergei Petrovich's arrest, she decided that she would support him in everything. It is from such details that the poem “Russian Women” is formed. The author shows the sympathy of the heroine common people, hatred for the king and his regime. And also the desire to fight and prove their right to independence.

Meeting with the Governor

The second chapter is a dialogue. It is he who helps to fully understand the character of the heroine, her determination and confidence in the correctness of the choice made. It must be said that the scene described by Nekrasov actually took place, and Zeidler actually received an order from the emperor to stop Ekaterina Ivanovna at any cost. The arguments of the heroine during the conversation can also be perceived as a characteristic of Princess Trubetskoy from the poem "Russian Women". She is not afraid of the details of how convicts live, or the harsh climate, where the sun shines only three months a year, or the fact that the princess and her children will be equated with ordinary peasants. Ekaterina Ivanovna, who has signed a waiver of all her rights, is ready to move forward even as part of a convict party. The firm character, enormous willpower, Trubetskoy's incomparable courage and steadfastness forced the governor to retreat. “I did everything I could ...”, - these words of Zeidler became a confession moral victory, which was won by a determined, ready for anything woman.

Instead of an afterword

“She captivated others to a feat,” N. Nekrasov said about Ekaterina Ivanovna. Russian women, Princess Trubetskaya in particular, who wished to share the fate of their husbands, to fulfill their duty to God and themselves to the end, forever became a symbol of inexhaustible heroism, self-sacrifice, great human love and devotion.

Ekaterina Ivanovna fully experienced hunger, prison life, and the debilitating Siberian cold. The first of the Decembrists did not live up to the amnesty for only two years and died in Irkutsk. But although she never saw her relatives or the capital again, according to contemporaries, she never regretted what she had done.

Such is the characterization of Princess Trubetskoy from the poem "Russian Women" by N. Nekrasov.

/ / / The image of Princess Trubetskoy in Nekrasov's poem "Princess Trubetskaya" ("Russian Women")

Nikolai Nekrasov was among those writers who addressed the topic of the Decembrist uprising. However, he drew attention not to the courage of the Decembrists themselves, but to the feat of their faithful wives. The Decembrists left their prosperous life and followed their loved ones to hard labor. The poem is an ode to brave Russian women.

The poem consists of two parts, united by one historical event- Decembrist uprising. In both parts, the main characters are the wives of the Decembrists. Both of them belong to the nobility. The princesses were able to sacrifice their fortune, position in society for the sake of their husbands exiled to Siberia.

In the first part, the author tells the story of Princess Trubetskoy. This image is collective, and at the same time very individualized. The princess is shown as a highly worthy woman who sees her duty in sharing the bitter fate of her beloved man.

The poem begins with a farewell scene between the princess and her father. A woman understands how difficult it is for her father to come to terms with her decision. However, she believes that her act should make him feel proud.

The decision to go to hard labor in Siberia was difficult and easy at the same time. The princess understands how difficult her life in the far north is, but she does not doubt for a minute that this choice was correct. She says that "her fate is terrible", but "I dressed my chest with steel."

Trubetskaya goes to Irkutsk on. She wants to be given permission to go to her husband. But the highest official is against this, because he was asked to convince the princess to stay. The governor convincingly tells Trubetskoy about the hardships that await her in Siberia. The unusual harsh climate, the lack of rights of convicts, hard work - all this will ruin a woman's life. The official appeals to the various feelings of the princess. At first, he reminds her of her duty to her aged father. Then he threatens that she will lose her title. The princess listens to the teachings, but remains of her opinion. She pities her father, but she cannot stay. And the title seems to her now completely unimportant.

The governor also tells the princess that a woman is a weak creature. Therefore, she will not support her husband, but will weaken him. However, Trubetskaya is sure that she will not bring her tears to hard labor. Pride and willpower are inherent in this woman. Therefore, she will fulfill her duty with dignity, without shedding a tear. The Governor is smitten with her courage and has no choice but to help her get to Siberia. After all, walking is the only thing that frightened Princess Trubetskoy.

The princess is a representative of high society, accustomed to luxurious life. She is still young and could find herself a second husband. But she easily exchanges well-being for hard labor next to her beloved.

Nekrasov sings of willpower, endurance, fidelity of real Russian women. He admires their feat and equates it with the feat of their husbands. The Decembrists defended their ideals by challenging the current authorities, and their wives helped them maintain a sense of dignity during the period of exile.

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