What can be nominations for rewarding buyers. Nominations for rewarding employees comic at corporate

Awarding in comic nominations, as a rule, is a fun conclusion to the official part entertainment program. It defuses the atmosphere and brings a festive mood to the event.

In each team, you can always single out a person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or dances well, who is the most erudite, etc. This will be your hint in the nominations. Try not to repeat the nominations.

Comic award options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • oscar figurines
  • funny IDs
  • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
  • mugs

All this can be ordered in special places, and if there are craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can buy children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely leave such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and make appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then get interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photos to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also perfectly "fit" into any apartment and remain as a keepsake.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photos of graduates and write under each photo of the graduate in which nomination he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or rhymes-wishes.

Award nomination options

Nominations for awarding can reflect the personal traits of the character of the recipient, his business qualities, or rely on some single, but all famous case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, habits, outstanding external data, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

It is very important that both the audience and the recipient like the nominations. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used in relation to a person who is able to laugh at himself without irritation and others. negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember, your main task when compiling nominations is not to spoil anyone's festive mood!

I offer you a wide choice comic nominations:

Mister / Miss

  • Activity
  • anti-punctuality
  • Amazon
  • Antistress
  • Artistry
  • carelessness
  • Fighter for justice
  • Veselchak (Joker)
  • magic voice
  • know-it-all
  • Fearless Warrior
  • Genius
  • Idea's generator
  • Grace
  • Delicacy
  • DJ
  • Kindness
  • good faith
  • good nature
  • Friendliness
  • Sole of company
  • Mystery
  • Entertainer (Entertainer)
  • pop star
  • sophistication
  • Grace
  • Intelligence
  • Seeker of adventures
  • Cinema fan
  • Yoke
  • Compromise
  • Pretty boy
  • Eloquence
  • Creativity
  • To tough guys all on the shoulder!
  • Lightness of Being
  • best biceps
  • Women's favorite
  • Animal lover
  • Curiosity
  • music lover
  • Dreamer
  • Model (Supermodel)
  • Wisdom
  • Observation
  • Real Gentleman
  • real lady
  • Resourcefulness
  • Extraordinary (Extraordinary personality)
  • unpredictability
  • Fidget
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • Model of intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Optimism (Optimiss and Optimister)
  • Speaker or voice of the people
  • Originality
  • A responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • the charm
  • Positive
  • Political commentator
  • Popularity
  • kidnapper female hearts
  • Psychotherapist
  • Prankster (Prankster)
  • prudence
  • Determination
  • Romantic
  • Knight
  • Heartbreaker (Heartbreaker)
  • Storyteller
  • Modesty (Humble)
  • Wits
  • Athlete (Sportswoman)
  • Justice
  • Style
  • Slenderness (Slender)
  • Mystery
  • Privy Councilor
  • Tact
  • Dancer
  • Creative person
  • Confidence
  • Smile
  • Dreamer
  • cunning
  • Laughing
  • Generosity
  • Energy
  • Scrabble
  • Humorist
  • Mr "I'm Busy"
  • It's hard to be a god
  • War is war, but lunch is on schedule
  • Desperate Drybite
  • avid coffee lover
  • Best Chipseater
  • Honored Master of Feng Shui
  • Social Media Goddess
  • Photo monster
  • Internet Maniac
  • Just a Goddess
  • light head
  • Simply Genius
  • Computer genius
  • Our Muse
  • Master of golden pens
  • Mr. Bean
  • Thumbelina
  • Mermaid (most long hair)
  • Cowboy Joe, etc.

Nominee Awards Ceremony

How can you beat this or that nomination at the awards ceremony? I offer options for some nominations:

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Antistress"

This is the most calm person in a collective. Communication with him brings you into a state of peace, so you want to communicate with him (her) again and again ...

Nominations "Mr. Veselchak and Miss Laughter"

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
The winners in this category are _____________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Lightness of Being"

Genius carelessness and distraction. He has a great talent to always and everywhere be late, but always and everywhere to be in time! How does he (she) do it?

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Curiosity"

This is the most inquisitive person in the team. It is he (she) who will until the last beat out of you all the information about everything, everything, everything ...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Speaker, or voice of the people"

He (she) is the most eloquent person who is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Responsibility"

Despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms and rising prices for gold and oil, it will always appear in the right place and in right time. For responsible attitude to the daily routine

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Sunshine"

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!


Cool nominations for rewarding employees


If you don't know how to relieve stress, don't wear it.

Against the backdrop of the world-famous Oscar and TEFI ceremonies, it has become fashionable in corporate culture to solemnly present all kinds of prizes and awards in various categories at corporate holidays.

And although the competition between workers for the title of production leader is a thing of the Soviet past, the nomination and verbal gratitude remain important ways of non-material incentives for employees.

On the corporate event an occasional, or daily formal part can be built around an employee awards ceremony.

We bring to your attention the possible names for corporate nominations.

Nomination Sportsmaster

This person is a living personification of the saying “Recreation is active, sports holiday”. Sport for him is entertainment up to a sweat and at the same time sport is an opportunity to show his best qualities. He is the captain, coach and just a strong shoulder - ( Full Name). We made a knight's move and give you a trotter. AT old days half a kingdom was given for such.

(The prize is a toy horse.)

Nomination Museist

Since the 19th century, lyceum students have been called "lyceum students", gymnasium students - "gymnasium students", we decided to call a person who has been repeatedly visited by the muse in our time - "Museist"! Creative people they love indiscreet applause ... The man is a legend ... The lord of the word and the master of rhyme ... ( Full Name). As you know, there was a golden age in poetry, silver and even iron, but thanks to his talent, critics tend to judge that the "pearl age" is coming!

(The prize is a souvenir "Pearl in the Heart".)

Nomination Beauty is a terrible force

These immortal words of Faina Ranevskaya became the name of the next nomination! It presents a man of rare external and inner beauty which will definitely save the world! He attracts attention, he serves as a standard, his appearance in the team is always an event - ( Full Name).

(Prize - Lifebuoy with the inscription "Beauty is a terrible force").

Nomination Gardener of Paradise

If heaven appears on earth, it will not happen without the participation of this person. After all, he fights not only for beauty, but also for the health of his colleagues, rewarding you with the most important wealth - air, without which a person cannot live even five minutes! Messenger of the Garden of Eden - ( Full Name).

(The prize is a small watering can.)

Poet's Dream nomination

Yes, such a woman is not only to a burning hut or a galloping horse ... She is on a rock, and uphill, and for the smell of the taiga, because, as you know, many today go “for money, for money ...”, and she goes for the smell adventure, romance and tourism - ( Full Name).

(The prize is a compass.)

Nomination Excellence in Labor Training

This worker is always ready for work, he is not late from vacation, from lunch, from a working break. He owns the techniques of industrial gymnastics and does not sleep at the workplace. To the question: “Ready for work?” he confidently replies, "Always!" -( Full Name).

(The prize is a children's spatula.)

Nomination Man-orchestra

This is the noisiest worker. If Uncle Styopa could be seen from a mile away, then this man can be heard from a mile away. It can be entered in the Guinness Book of Records, but, fortunately, it is listed in another book ... accounting for the company's personnel - ( Full Name).

(The prize is a conductor's baton.)

Nomination Lighter Man

“Hello, fire department? Fry the meat! - We do not fry, we stew! - Well then put it out! The most flammable worker is presented in the next nomination not because he indulges in a lighter, he basically does not smoke, his energy and pressure are comparable to fire, a spark that is always with him! It ( Full Name). We decided, in a good sense of the word, to add fuel to the fire.

(The prize is a bottle of olive oil.)

Nomination Strong Link

This is a man with a rod, who completes the construction of the house, and planted trees, and took his son to school. He is an indispensable person at work, at home and on holiday. If it is not there, everyone understands: there is no “strong link”! Category Winner - ( Full Name). Without exaggeration, you are a real hammer!

(The prize is a hammer.)

Nomination Night Watch

The winner in this nomination understands firsthand the words of the famous police anthem, which sings about hard work, he knows how much a pound is dashing and that the nights are dark not only in the city of Sochi. A midnight maniac, a storm of crime and a faithful keeper of material and spiritual values, all this - ( Full Name).

(Prize - the book "Night Watch" with a memorable autograph of the director.)

Awarding in comic nominations, as a rule, is a fun conclusion to the official part of the entertainment program. It defuses the atmosphere and brings a festive mood to the event.

In each team, you can always single out a person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or dances well, or the most erudite, etc. This will be your hint in the nominations. Try not to repeat the nominations.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Ideas for comic nominations for awards.

Award Options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • oscar figurines
  • funny IDs
  • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
  • mugs

All this can be ordered in special places, and if there are craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can buy children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely leave such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and make appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then you get interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photos to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also perfectly "fit" into any apartment and remain as a keepsake.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photos of graduates and write under each photo of the graduate in which nomination he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or rhymes-wishes.

Award nomination options

Nominations for awarding can reflect the personality traits of the recipient, his business qualities, or rely on some single, but well-known case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, habits, outstanding external data, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

It is very important that both the audience and the recipient like the nominations. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be applied to a person who is able to laugh at himself without irritation and other negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember, your main task when compiling nominations is not to spoil anyone's festive mood!

Male and female nominations

"Male and female nominations" - a ready-made original set of certificates of honor for comic rewarding. It includes two sets (can be purchased separately):

Attention! The kit is offered in in electronic format- you need to print it yourself (sheet format when printing A4).

Kit format: "Male nominations"— 90 diplomas of A4 format — 90 pages, list of nominations — 3 pages. "Women's nominations"— 80 diplomas of A4 format — 80 pages, list of nominations — 3 pages;

doc files with the ability to edit the inscription in Microsoft Word

Price for two sets 450 rubles

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What could be worse than a boring corporate party? To prevent this from happening to you, take full responsibility, be creative and organize a fun and meaningful evening. For starters, we offer original idea for a party among colleagues - comic nominations for employees at a corporate party.

In each team, there comes a time to sum up the results for a certain period of work, when it is necessary to thank the employees. But I want this event not to become another official ceremony with the distribution of diplomas and not turn into a dry and boring ceremony.

A party is a great way to reward employees for Good work, motivate them and improve corporate culture. And funny office awards will help to remove the official awards. They are ideal for peer recognition, end-of-year performance appraisals, award ceremonies at informal get-togethers. It can be funny nominations, comic awards with the presentation of funny certificates or diplomas for company managers and ordinary employees.

Read also:

To organize a party, you will need to transform the office to some extent in order to give the event a more informal and fun atmosphere:

  • Organize an impromptu stage or decorate the room according to the occasion you are celebrating. It can be garlands, themed posters, flags, a red carpet to the stage for the nominees.
  • Music always sets the mood. Conduct a survey among employees, ask them to submit their musical wishes in advance. Thus, you will receive a playlist for your corporate party.
  • Organize festive buffet. You can use this idea here: ask your employees to bring their own to the table favorite dish. You can even run a competition the best recipe your office, and reward the winner.
  • In order to stimulate the spirit of competition, you can announce a photo contest in advance. The employee who will do the most funny photo from the life of the office to the phone, will also be awarded at the party in the nomination "Best Paparazzi".
  • You need to worry about prizes, awards, funny certificates and nominations for employees and participants of your corporate party in advance.
  • For fun, organize interactive games, solve charades, or arrange a tournament. This will expand the circle of communication of your team, learn more about each other.

We offer you several funny categories of awards for a corporate party. It is not necessary to use these nominations. You can easily change the titles or description to make the fun awards unique to your group and specific recipients. Nominations can be from "For selfless office work" to "Best tamer of mice", meaning a computer mouse. The last nomination is best for your system administrator.

Cool nominations for women:

  • "Natural blonde" is not only her calling in life, but also the main duty in the office.
  • "The most transparent (ghostly)" - in every organization there will always be at least one employee who has just been seen. You can present this humorous certificate if she shows up to accept it.
  • "Spam Lady" - some employees can't resist forwarding email messages. Perhaps they really believe that Microsoft will pay them 10 cents for every junk mail they send. Reward with this fun certificate for endless incoming messages.

Funny awards for men:

  • "Best surfer of the season" - even lazy employees who constantly hang out on the Web in order to buy or sell something need recognition. Show them that you recognize their internet surfing prowess with this fun bonus.
  • “The headless horseman” - in any team there is an employee to whom the management periodically issues a tirade: “It would be better if you lost your head!”. This is a nomination for people who do not lose the necessary documents in time.
  • "Breakthrough of the Year" - probably, there is a fearless leader in your office - brave and risky, who is not afraid to take on new tasks and rally a group of enthusiasts around him. This award is for him.

We present a selection of comic nominations in verse for rewarding employees:

  • For the first beauty in your team:

Eyes like the sea reflect

And shine, and the sky is a blue spill,

And lips glow with juiciness,

And the mouth is devilishly beautiful!

  • Nomination for the best financial director:

Mani, mani, mani, mani,

I am a financial magnate

Troyachok lies in the pocket -

Dollar, euro and manat.

  • At the end of the corporate party:

Oh, how solemnly the food was prepared!

But time passed, and the candles burned out ...

And all the food went there

Where are all human deeds.

We do not say today - goodbye,

We wish everyone - see you again!

Comic nominations for a corporate party

First of all, you can mark the important people of the company and come up with interesting titles for the director and his deputies, chief accountant, heads of departments:

"I will lead the parade"

It's about the head of the company. You can award a leader with a diploma for intelligence, for business qualities, for skillful leadership, etc.

"A penny saves a ruble"

Of course, according to the characteristics, the chief accountant will win. Who, if not he, is responsible for the effective use of funds.

"First violin"

In this nomination, the Deputy Director for Finance (Head of the Financial Department) can win. The playing of the orchestra depends on it.

You can come up with nominations based on characteristic features and peculiarities of behavior of employees, and for the title of the awarded positions, use lines from songs, set expressions, catch phrases:

"In step with the times"

The winner is the one who is never late for anything, always in the right place and at the right time.

"A scent like a dog, and an eye like an eagle"

The most attentive, noticing employee of the company will get a prize in this nomination.


Always support and help, guided by the famous motto.

“I am writing to you, what more?”

The prize is awarded to the one who most actively uses any available means of communication ( Email, ICQ, SMS, etc.) and prefers to resolve all issues by correspondence.

"Uma Chamber"

You can always ask for advice on any, even the most difficult, issue.

"They only dream of peace"

Energy - more than enough, does not sit still. Moreover, he prefers not to sit still, he gathers a group of colleagues in the company.

"Tradition Keeper"

He knows the history of the company, its traditions and its legends best of all, he will get the victory in this category.

"Hidden reserves"

The title will go to one of the promising newcomers.

Character traits, personal properties of people can be emphasized simply: "Mr / Miss ....":

"Mr. (or Miss) Antistress"
"Mr. (or Miss) Charm" or "Mr. (or Miss) Smile"
"Mr. (or Miss) Responsiveness"
"Mr. Cheerful", "Miss Laughter"
"Mr. (or Miss) Curiosity (or maybe Curiosity?)"

These and similar nominations speak for themselves. Not entirely comic, but quite suitable for an announcement at a corporate party, by the way, they allow you to see how a person is perceived by the team.

"Tea Ceremony Master"

On the one hand, the winner in the nomination can be a colleague who takes frequent tea breaks. It turns out a reward with a hint. On the other hand, a person who knows and observes the traditions of tea drinking can work for you. Then the title is a recognition of unusual knowledge and ability to put into practice.

"In Apple pie order"

The title can be obtained by a person who succeeds in everything and always. She has almost everything one could dream of. And if something else is not there, no one doubts it will be.

"Golden Pens"

Whoever has everything “burning in his hands”, everything is “repaired” by itself.

Nominations can be created based on professional affiliation:

"Fighter of the invisible front"

About a good system administrator who ensures the smooth operation of computers.

"Swiss Precision"

Nomination suitable for accountants.

"Time is money", "Money in the morning - chairs in the evening"

Such titles are suitable for bank employees who issue loans.

"Miss light hand”, “Specialist in the colors of life”, “But we have our own alphabet”

These and other nominations are for doctors (in this case, a nurse, a pediatrician and an ophthalmologist, respectively).

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