The procedure for passing a medical examination when applying for a job. Features for different categories of workers

Before starting work in a new place, an employee must provide a sanitary book or a certificate of the established form. They contain information about the health status of the employee.

According to the law, the employer monitors the regularity of medical examinations. There is a mandatory one - when applying for a job, then they pass periodic and, if necessary, extraordinary. The regularity of periodic in most cases - once every two years, and under difficult working conditions - annually.

Mandatory medical examination

The direction for inspection is issued by the management of the enterprise and has an arbitrary form. The hospital issues a conclusion of a special form. It contains information about a potential employee: the position for which the applicant is counting, profession, work experience and insurance. It is determined what kind of medical examination should be when applying for a job, which doctors sign it.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 302-n dated April 12, 2011 provides for the procedure for passing doctors and approved the list of narrow specialists who should be passed. It lists the types of work. Sends for a medical examination and is paid by the employer.

The choice of doctors is provided by the specialty of the applicant for work. It is possible that the composition of specialists is approved by the ministry or department in which the employee is going to work.

The approved list of narrow specialists includes an oculist, a surgeon; neuropathologist, otolaryngologist. It is on the basis of the results of their examination that the therapist writes his conclusion.

Both those working at the enterprise and those who are employed are required to undergo a medical examination, in accordance with Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer must explain to the applicant for the position which doctors need to go through and which tests to pass, since each of the industries has its own requirements for the state of health. A form for passing a medical examination can also be obtained directly from the enterprise.

An employee has the right not to undergo a medical examination during employment if his position does not fall into the list specified in Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But if there is an internal document on the mandatory provision of a certificate, he will have to do this. If the employee refuses to pass the commission, the employer may refuse to employ him with a written justification.

Analyzes and research

At the preliminary stage, potential employees are given fluorography and a cardiogram. The mandatory list also includes a number of tests (blood, urine). The blood test indicates platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes and ESR. In the urine, protein, sugar and sediment microscopy are determined. The result of biochemical analysis is the determination of the content of glucose and cholesterol in the blood serum.

Fluoroscopy is required annually. This is due to the danger of tuberculosis. More often it is not recommended to do it due to the exposure of the body. If a year has not passed, the fluorography is considered valid.

According to the law, the district therapist must begin and end the examination. At the beginning of the examination, he will coordinate the passage of the necessary narrow specialists. At the end, they will certify the documents and issue a final permit. Each of the doctors must put his seal on the form. The patient must watch carefully so that no one misses.

When undergoing a medical examination by a gynecologist, when applying for a job, attention is paid to bacteriology (study of flora) and cytology (identification of atypical cells).

If a woman is over 40, then every two years she is given an ultrasound of the mammary glands.

In addition to the therapist, an examination by a psychiatrist and a narcologist is mandatory.

Minors are subject to the same requirements as regular employees. True, they do not need to undergo a cardiologist.
For some categories of employees, a short course of lectures and a test for knowledge of the sanitary minimum are provided. This may take several days. At this time, it is necessary to visit special centers for hygiene and epidemiology.

Medical examination allows you to identify the presence of occupational diseases. Their statistics are kept. Morbidity analysis allows you to determine measures to improve working conditions.

Depending on the conditions of the future work of the employee during the medical examination, various factors are determined that can affect the body. For example, in persons whose production activity is accompanied by thermal stress, thermal stability is determined (clause 3.3 of MP

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Private and public clinics

The conclusion on the passage of a medical examination is provided by both private and public clinics.

The visit to the state clinic is longer due to the queues. The advantage is that you don't have to pay.

The preference for a private clinic is without waiting in line, and the results will be ready on the same day. But you have to pay for the comfort. However, not all clinics have the right to issue medical examination certificates. A mental health certificate can only be obtained from a public hospital.

Important information

It should be noted that according to the law, the passage of scheduled medical examinations for working citizens is mandatory once a year, and for employees of the food industry - twice a year.

Blood tests are accepted by almost all clinics that have official registration. Their conclusions are certified with a signature and a seal. At the same time, some state medical institutions take tests for description in the same private laboratories with more modern equipment.

You need to take accurate information from the employer: whether a certificate from a particular private clinic is suitable. Following the labor code, the employer pays for the inspection. The employee retains the right to refuse to visit those doctors whose visits are not provided for by law and are not regulated at the enterprise.

Features for different categories of workers

The Labor Code among the categories undergoing a medical examination distinguishes people performing heavy and dangerous work, transport workers, trade and food industry workers, employees of children's and medical institutions. Under special control are those who stay on long (several months) business trips and work in the Far North.

For those who work with children and food, a more thorough examination is carried out. It must be passed by all staff of child care facilities, since children are at risk for various respiratory diseases.

A thorough medical examination is also carried out in the transport sector, since those involved in the transportation of people are responsible not only for their lives, but also for the health and safety of passengers.

Catering workers can infect people with various viruses that enter the body with food. In addition to standard examinations, catering workers require the conclusion of a bacteriological laboratory about the absence of Escherichia coli and other viruses. The same requirements apply to employees working in trade.

The table shows the categories of employees for whom mandatory preliminary medical examinations are also established.

Consequences of not having a medical examination certificate

The absence of a health book or other documents on a medical examination by an employee entails liability. The employer has no right to conclude an employment contract with him. The punishment awaits the employer if the medical examination is overdue. For a repeated violation, an official may be suspended from work for up to three years.

The fine is up to 25,000 rubles for individuals and up to 130,000 for legal entities.

When refusing to undergo a medical examination, a new employee must be aware that it will be legal for the employer to refuse employment.

Watch a video that will tell you in detail about passing a medical examination

Payment for services

The company pays for all types of medical examinations necessary for employees. For optimal work, management can choose a medical institution and conclude a service agreement with it. Then on a certain day, all employees quickly pass the necessary doctors.

There is an option to pay bills to employees who have passed the inspection. Their cost must be agreed with the employer. An employee writes an application for reimbursement of expenses for a medical examination and receives payment in the first salary.

When concluding a contract with a medical institution, it is necessary to check its license and eligibility to provide such services.
It must be remembered that certificates are valid only for a certain time, so do not delay presenting them at work.

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Some categories of employees must undergo a medical examination when applying for a job. Consider who will have to undergo a preliminary medical examination when applying for a job and what list of examinations is considered mandatory.

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Who needs to undergo a pre-employment medical examination?

Employees who are employed at:

  • production directly related to the food industry;
  • areas with a high level of responsibility;
  • work in dangerous and/or harmful conditions.

Despite the fact that the list of documents to be presented during employment is limited by Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to demand from these employees medical certificate with the conclusion of doctors about the state of health. This will prevent accidents, epidemics, the development of occupational diseases in the performance of work duties in harmful and / or dangerous conditions, as well as in areas with a high level of responsibility.

The issued conclusion after passing a medical examination when applying for a job will help the employer to make sure that the applicant’s health condition is appropriate for fulfilling the assigned obligations.

Answer prepared in collaboration with the editors

Answered by Nina Kovyazina
Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Health Care of the Ministry of Health of Russia

In order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, a future medical worker must undergo and when hiring with provide relevant proof...

Employees employed in the food industry and the trade sector must present a medical sanitary book or personal book. The form of the medical sanitary book was approved by the order of Rospotrebnadzor dated May 20, 2005 under No. 402. The unified form of the personal medical book of catering workers in the form of 1-lp was approved in the corresponding order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 5, 2003 under No. 330.

For which categories of employees is a preliminary medical examination upon employment considered mandatory?

Mandatory (preliminary) medical examination upon employment pass:

  • applicants under the age of 18(Article 266 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees who are employed for work with dangerous and / or harmful conditions (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • food industry personnel (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • catering staff (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • trade employees (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • specialists in providing maintenance of water supply networks, structures (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees of medical and preventive and children's institutions (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees whose activities will be related to traffic (Articles 213 and 328 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • shift workers (Article 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • applicants whose activities will be related to underground work (Article 330.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • athletes (Article 348.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Important! These specialists must undergo an initial medical examination upon employment. In the absence of a certificate or relevant documents (medical book, sanitary book), it is impossible to apply for employment.

How is a medical examination carried out when applying for a job?

The medical commission when hiring is carried out according to the general scheme. The procedure consists of several consecutive steps. The employer must first make sure that he does not violate the law by sending a candidate to a vacant position for passing a medical examination.

In the relevant articles of the Labor Code, as well as in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development under No. 302n dated April 12, 2011, a list of relevant jobs is established, upon employment for which employees are required to undergo medical examinations. For each industry, regulations regulate the issue of passing medical examinations when applying for a job.

To perform a labor function or did not pass a preliminary medical examination, the employer has the right not to allow him to work, not to conclude an employment contract, if such an agreement ...

Depending on the specifics of labor activity, a list of studies and doctors is determined, which the candidate must undergo job title. If there are no deviations in the state of health of the subject, the conclusion says that the candidate is “fit” to perform a certain type of activity, the employer has the right to conclude an employment contract with the employee.

Psychiatric medical examination upon employment

Psychiatric medical examination upon employment is carried out by applicants who will be admitted to high risk work. A complete list of psychiatric indications was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1993 under No. 377 "On the implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation on psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision."

Examination of candidates by a psychiatrist is carried out directly at the place of permanent registration employed citizen. If a candidate for a position is found unfit for health reasons to perform certain types of activities, he will be given the conclusion of a clinical expert commission. A photocopy of such conclusion will be sent to the employer within three days.

Medical examinations at the time of employment are paid by the employer. The procedure for attributing the relevant costs is determined by the letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation “On inclusion in the cost of medical examinations”. All costs can be attributed to other expenses if such inspections are regulated by the relevant laws. If, for certain applicants medical examinations are not mandatory for employment, the employer will not be able to reduce the income tax base by paying the employee the cost of passing the medical examination.

Who and why must undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination, how to organize this procedure, how is the conclusion drawn up and where can I download a sample of this document? You will find answers to these and other important questions in the article.

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Purpose of the preliminary examination

The most obvious answer to the question of why PMO is needed is to make sure that the candidate is healthy and able to fully perform his functions. At the same time, during PMO, symptoms of an incipient disease can be detected and the necessary measures can be taken.

Preliminary medical examinations are especially important when working in difficult conditions, when there are high demands on health, for example, in the food industry, where the health of consumers will depend on the physical condition of the employee.

Who is required to undergo a pre-employment health screening?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes for people of what professions the passage of PMO during employment is absolutely necessary:

  • specialists whose work is associated with harmful or hazardous working conditions;
  • drivers of the vehicle or employees in any way connected with the movement of transport;
  • specialists involved in underground work;
  • employees of food industry enterprises, public catering and trade, water supply facilities, medical and children's institutions;
  • future athletes;
  • minor citizens;
  • working on a rotational basis;
  • employees working in the Far North.

Local governments are empowered to independently supplement the list of positions for the passage of preliminary MO.

Where to get a preliminary medical examination when applying for a job

For this, any medical institution that has permission to carry out primary medical examinations is suitable. The administration of such an institution must remember that it is fully responsible for the quality and completeness of medical examinations.

Licensing of medical institutions is carried out by the Health Departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Knowing the license number, name or details of the medical institution, you can always find out if he has the right to conduct preliminary medical examinations. To do this, use the search on the website of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare.

The employee has the right to undergo a medical examination at the place of residence, but this is possible only if the employer has where the employee is going to apply. Otherwise, the applicant will need to present to his employer the documents of a medical institution that confirm his right to conduct PMO.

The procedure for the initial medical examination upon admission to work

The algorithm for conducting PMO is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 12.04.2011.

Who pays for the pre-employment medical examination?

The CHI system does not cover the cost of primary medical examinations. As stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must pay the preliminary MO of the applicant from his own funds.

First of all, the employer needs to check whether the position of his future employee belongs to the list of those jobs for which preliminary medical examinations are mandatory.

Next, you should give the applicant a referral to the medical organization that has accreditation and a valid contract with the employer.

In the next section, we provide an example of such a direction.

The result of the PMO is an expert opinion. As a rule, it is provided in the form of a certificate, but for a number of specialties a medical book is issued. The conclusion transferred to the employer confirms the fact of passing PMO.

Direction to PMO

The referral for a preliminary medical examination does not have a single standard form. The employer can offer their own version.

Documents to be submitted to the medical organization

In order to pass the PMO, you will need a passport (or other document that replaces it), a referral and.

For employment in enterprises in the food industry, catering, trade, in medical and preventive or children's institutions, the applicant will need to obtain a medical book. To do this, he will additionally need a 3x4 photo, SNILS, an insurance policy for compulsory medical insurance and a receipt for payment for a preliminary medical examination at this medical institution.

Medical conclusion based on the results of a preliminary medical examination

How the applicant will undergo a medical examination depends on his future specialty, as well as on working conditions.

In general, the usual list of specialist doctors to visit looks like this:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology.

In addition, a fluorographic examination and blood and urine tests will be prescribed. The medical examination of the girls additionally includes a visit to the gynecologist.

The MO is considered completed if the applicant for the position or the employee has visited all the doctors, and all the planned laboratory and diagnostic studies have been carried out. Based on the results of the examination, the candidate is issued a medical certificate.

The conclusion should indicate whether the candidate for the position or already working for work in this profession is fit or not. The second copy of the conclusion remains in the medical institution and is stored together with the outpatient medical card, which is started immediately after the presentation of the referral for a medical examination.

If a candidate for a position brings a negative medical opinion, this is the basis for refusing employment. In this case, you need to write a written refusal, in which you indicate: "due to the presence of contraindications to work for health reasons, according to the act of the medical commission No. ... dated ... (date), we are forced to refuse to hire you."

The most common type of such a conclusion is with the seal of honey. organizations. It is signed by the chairman of the medical board. The certificate is always drawn up in 2 copies: for an outpatient card and for handing over to a person who has undergone a medical examination.

Minor citizens confirm that they have passed the PMO with certificate No. 086 / y. In the case of employees of trade enterprises and food industry enterprises, the confirmation of the PMO will be, respectively, a medical sanitary book and a book of a food unit worker. Both medical books confirm that their owners are healthy and can be admitted to work - the difference is in the list of specialists who need to go through, and in the features of the tests that need to be taken.

Legal grounds for referral to the primary MR

The obligatory medical examination when hiring a new employee is fixed in. There are situations in which you should focus on other documents:

  • - for IT-specialists, secretaries and other employees who have more than half of the work. days pass in front of the computer;
  • – for foreigners who must confirm their negative HIV status with a certificate (Article 10);
  • - Article 34 of which allows for additional medical examinations in individual workshops;
  • - concerns preliminary medical examinations for those employees whose working conditions are considered harmful or dangerous to health;

A mandatory requirement for a preliminary medical examination when applying for a job is not for all organizations. The need for future employees of companies is due to the fact that to protect not only the enterprise itself and its workforce, but also the population as a whole.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of cases when the employer has the right to demand from candidates, but some firms abuse this requirement, violating the articles of the Labor Code. That is why it is recommended to know for which enterprises and categories of workers this procedure is mandatory.

According to Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, preliminary medical examinations when applying for a job must undergo underage citizens. This need is due to the peculiarities of the development of the teenage organism and the assessment of their ability to perform the tasks facing the organization. In this case, it is made exclusively at the expense of the management of the company that receives the employee.

The second group consists of several subgroups, each of which is also spelled out in the Labor Code:

  1. Employees entering organizations associated with the movement of transport, providing for harmful working conditions or hard work. In this case, the company's management must be sure that the candidate will be able to fully cope with the duties assigned to him. A medical examination will also prevent occupational diseases in an employee.
  2. Specialists planning to conduct activities related to trade, education in child care facilities, the food industry, medical and preventive activities and other areas provided for in Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The need to undergo a preliminary examination for this category is due to the requirement to ensure the safety of the population and exclude the occurrence of any diseases within the organization.

Preliminary medical examinations, taken into account in the federal laws of the country

This category includes enterprises that carry out activities related to nuclear energy, as well as the oil or gas industry. Such working conditions for workers are dangerous and harmful, which requires that all applicants must pass preliminary medical examinations.

The main requirement for such a group of people is the absence of any health contraindications for working at such facilities. The list of requirements is compiled by the Government of the Russian Federation, it also contains contraindications for certain types of employment in areas related to nuclear energy or the gas and oil industry.

In addition, for some professions, legislation forces companies to send specialists for tests to determine if they have HIV infection when recruiting personnel. Where can I get a preliminary medical examination in this case? Such a procedure is usually provided for specialists who work in medical institutions working with potentially infected citizens. Doctors in such centers can be regularly tested for the presence of such a virus in their own organizations.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations

This point is contained in Art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and provides for the conditions under which the examination must be carried out without fail. The approval of these issues is handled by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the country.

The law states that a medical examination can be carried out both in public institutions and private clinics. The main condition for this is that they have the appropriate certificate and license to conduct medical and preventive activities. An exception in this case will be a psychiatrist, whom the applicant will need to visit at a local hospital (psycho-neurological dispensary) according to the place of residence.

To pass the examination, the applicant needs to know which doctors are included in the preliminary medical examination when applying for a job, and how such a procedure should be carried out.

Main steps:

As for citizens planning to carry out their activities on a rotational basis, they are required to undergo a medical examination either at the place of their future work or at the place of permanent registration. This decision is made solely by the management of the organization. Payment for a preliminary medical examination upon employment on a rotational basis is made by the candidate's personal funds or at the expense of the company. This item is provided by the director of the enterprise.

Responsibilities of the employee during the examination

The candidate must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Arrive at the health care facility on time.
  2. Bring a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a military ID (if any) for examination.
  3. Go through all the doctors that are provided in the referral.
  4. Submit to your employer a health certificate obtained from a general practitioner or a medical commission of a polyclinic / private medical organization.

The medical institution itself, in turn, must ensure that this procedure is fully carried out strictly in accordance with the points indicated in the direction from the employing company. These conditions must be met if the hospital or the attending physician has all the necessary powers and documents to carry out such activities.

The period for which the medical examination must be completed is one month from the moment the applicant applied to the medical institution. If there is a need to attract additional specialists or research, the organization or the attending physician must refer the citizen to the right clinic or to an individual specialist.

Who pays for the medical examination?

The Labor Code stipulates that medical examinations provided for by law must be paid for by the employing company. Expenses in this case are those costs that meet the following conditions:

  • surveys for employees for whom this procedure is mandatory;
  • conducting medical examinations in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation;
  • appropriate paperwork.

Preliminary medical examinations upon employment and the costs of them are the costs necessary to ensure the necessary level of safety at the enterprise and normal conditions for the activities of the workforce. That is why the profit of the organization is taxed with the deduction of the amount that was invested in such procedures for its employees.

Many applicants applying for responsible positions sooner or later become interested in the question: can the employer oblige the future employee before employment? We answer: according to the requirements of the current Russian legislation, the employer has such a right.

It is important to understand here that a full medical examination in this case is carried out, first of all, in the interests of the employee. The medical commission will help to identify dangerous occupational diseases in a timely manner or take the necessary measures to prevent their occurrence.

In addition, only a comprehensive medical examination can serve as a guarantee that the future employee will be able to fully perform his job duties without the risk of harming his own health (which acts as a kind of confirmation of the applicant's "reliability" for the employer)

Without examination, some doctors are not allowed to work

Today, an employee from an enterprise can be sent for a medical examination of one of the following three types:

  1. Preliminary, which is necessary for the employment of the applicant for a new job.
  2. Periodic, held for all employees of the enterprise every two years (or annually, if we are talking about people under 21).
  3. Extraordinary, appointed at the request of himself (usually after a corresponding recommendation from his attending physician).

At the same time, it is important to understand that, depending on the specifics of the employee’s work activity, the lists of specialists who will need to be examined as part of a mandatory medical examination may vary significantly.

Since in this article we consider, first of all, the need to undergo a medical examination for employment, below we will focus exclusively on examinations of the first type, that is, preliminary ones.

Which doctors will be examined during the medical examination?

A gynecologist is one of the "mandatory" doctors for women

As mentioned above, due to the individual specifics of workloads in various areas of work, a complete list of specialists that the applicant will have to undergo an examination before employment can only be issued to him by the company in which he counts.

Moreover, even candidates of different sexes applying for the same position are likely to have to pass different examinations. In this article, we will mention only a few specialists whose examination is mandatory as part of any standard medical examination:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neuropathologist;
  • therapist (the latter and issues a certificate-conclusion on the medical examination)

Women, most likely, will also have to visit a gynecologist and a mammologist.

In addition, the applicant should prepare in advance for the delivery of standard urine and blood tests, as well as for the passage of several mandatory procedures (ECG, fluorography, etc.).

About Medical Employment Screening for Teenagers

Medical commission when applying for a job is a prerequisite

Passing a medical examination for employment for a teenager is somewhat different from a similar procedure for an adult. In addition to standard tests and examinations, the applicant will have to attend a mandatory appointment with a psychiatrist, and then a dentist.

In addition, a teenager who is looking for work will need to seek specific advice from a therapist. The doctor will need to assess the applicant's readiness for a full-fledged work activity. A verdict is issued after a series of tests.

Most often, during the test, a future employee is asked to perform some simple physical exercise (for example, squats) for a while. However, depending on the field of activity chosen by the teenager, as well as on the specifics of the medical institution itself, the tests can vary greatly.

Is it possible to refuse a medical examination when applying for a job?

The commission can be passed both in a private and in a public clinic

The current Labor Code of our country provides for a mandatory medical examination for job seekers in only a few work areas.

So, a future employee of the company cannot avoid a medical examination if the position for which he is applying is somehow related to:

  • with or other means of transport;
  • (this includes work at oil refineries, nuclear power plants, in the chemical industry, etc.);
  • with dangerous conditions (relevant both for employees of special services, for example, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and for representatives of some working specialties);
  • with the food industry (this also applies);
  • with educational activities (or other work with children);
  • with medicine or pharmaceuticals (a special mention should be made of laboratory employees who constantly deal with biological material, including potentially dangerous, for example, with the blood of people infected with AIDS or HIV);
  • with the construction or repair of water supply networks and structures.

Good to know: any applicant undertakes to undergo a preliminary medical examination, even if the field of work he has chosen does not fall into one of the above potentially dangerous categories.

The video material will acquaint you with the procedure for passing a medical examination:

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