Band with Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake - biography and personal life

Justin Timberlake is a popular American pop, r&b, soul singer, songwriter, and actor. Having started his musical career in the boy band N'Sync, the musician managed to successfully go solo, becoming one of the most famous and respected American performers.

Childhood and youth

Justin was born on January 31, 1981 in southern Tennessee to a religious and incredibly musical family. In his hometown Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis began their journey to fame in Memphis. Justin's father, Randall Timberlake, played guitar in the band and conducted the Baptist church choir on holidays and weekends. His grandfather was also an excellent guitarist and even had a friendship with Elvis Presley in his youth.

Justin's parents got married very young and divorced when their son was not yet five years old. Soon his mother remarried, and his father also got a second family, in which two more sons appeared. Justin's parents managed to maintain friendly relations, so he never felt left out and got along well with his half-brothers.

Musical ability the boy began to show up in early childhood. Grandfather taught Justin to play the guitar, and his father often took him to his concerts. From an early age, his idol was Michael Jackson, and often, just hearing the sounds of one of his songs, the boy started dancing, imitating the famous “moonwalk” of the pop king.

Not surprisingly, at the age of 12, Justin got on television: first in the StarSearch program (“In Search of a Star”), where he performed unpretentious country songs, and then in the children's entertainment show “Mickey Mouse Club”. There he met Britney Spears, who became his girlfriend a few years later, and Jaycee Chases, a future colleague in the N "Sync group.


Justin was invited to the N "Sync group when he was barely sixteen years old. Despite his mother's fears, the guy was perfectly able to combine performances in a team with school and acting classes.

Very soon, the boy band became extremely popular, and its members became the favorites of millions of fans in all corners of the planet. N "Sync performed at the most prestigious world venues, and their discs sold in huge numbers.

The next album of the N "Sync group called "Celebrity" was released in the summer of 2001 and became a big event in the world of pop music. The success of the disc came thanks to the hits "Pop", "Girlfriend" and "Gone", written by Justin Timberlake.

It was in the second album that Justin's writing talent manifested itself. The single "Pop" received four MTV VMA awards and was recognized as the most successful hit of the year.

Solo career

But in 2002, at the peak of his popularity, Justin decided to leave the group and start a solo career. At that time, this act seemed reckless to many, except for his mother, who always believed in her son.

Indeed, the success of the young singer's debut album Justified, released in the same year, exceeded Justin's expectations, and his fans were able to make sure that their idol has his own original musical style. Everyone especially liked the tracks "Cry Me a River" and "Rock Your Body". For the year, Justin won two Grammy awards and was among the twenty richest and most successful world performers.

Justin Timberlake- Cry Me A River (Official)

His second album "FutureSex/LoveSounds", released in 2006, was even more successful than his debut - the r&b style was then at the peak of popularity and largely thanks to Justin. On this album, Timberlake collaborated with successful songwriter, rapper and producer Timbaland, which left a mark on the entire content of the original record.

With several Grammys, 10 million CD sales and a video with Scarlett Johansson, the singer could have considered this the most successful year of his career, but after a short break and duets with Beyoncé, Madonna and Lonely Island, in 2013 Timberlake released his most concept album. – The 20/20 Experience.

Madonna feat Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes

This record stands out against the background of the artist's entire work by changing the musical style - here you can hear many measured and long compositions in the neo-soul style, various experiments with sound. The single "Suit & Tie" Timberlake recorded with Jay-Z, and the video for this track was shot by David Fincher himself (director of "Fight Club" and "The Social Network").

Actor career

Justin Timberlake is a very versatile artist, in addition to the brilliant musical career He also distinguished himself with film roles. The fame of a pop singer absolutely does not prevent Justin from transforming into his characters. He skillfully combines filming with success in music, for some time he even wanted to devote himself entirely to this art.

He made his debut in the crime drama Edison (2005), where he played the young journalist Pollock, and the main roles were played by Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman. In the same year, the aspiring actor starred in Nick Cassavetes' sensational drug-dealing crime thriller Alfa Dog. The film brought together actors such as Anton Yelchin, Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone.

In 2006, Timberlake starred in the musical drama The Black Snake Moan with Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci. Another major role for him was the participation in David Fincher's biopic about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg " Social network(2010), which also starred Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield. Later, Timberlake decided to become even more liberated and began acting in comedies - many liked his funny roles in "The Very Bad Teacher" with Cameron Diaz and "Friends with Friends" with

Justin Randall Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981 (6:30 pm) in Memphis, Tennessee. Justin's parents: Lynn Harless (Lynn Randall-Harless, manager of the girl group Innosense) and Randy Timberlake. Timberlake has two stepbrothers: Jonathan and Steven. Justin's sister, Laura Katherine, died shortly after birth.

Barely able to walk, Justin showed the ability to sing and dance. At the age of eleven, Timberlake made his first television appearance in competitive program Star Search ("Looking for a star"). Then he, under the name Justin Randall, performed several country songs. As a result, in the same 1992 he was invited to the most popular television show Disney's Mickey Mouse club, where the boy performed with the young and future N'SYNC bandmate Joshua Scott Chavez.

After two years of participating in the Mickey Mouse Club, Justin returned home, but the desire to become a star, sing and dance took their toll, and he left for Orlando.

At the age of fourteen, Timberlake becomes a member of a new project - a teenage boy band. The group consisted of five people: Timberlake, Chavez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone and Lance Bass. At the suggestion of Timberlake's mother, the new group was named N "SYNC (an abbreviation formed from the last letters of the names of the participants).

Released in 1997 debut album N "SYNC, which was named after the name of the group. The team spent the first time in Germany, where it was very popular, while at the same time remaining at home, in the United States of America, relatively unknown. In 1998, the second edition of the debut album was released group, prepared specifically for the American market. At this time, Timberlake said that he hates show business, where everyone lies to each other. However, very soon he himself became an organic part of a well-established mechanism called "show -business".

Since 1998, a massive promotion of N "SYNC on the American channel DYSNEY begins. The dense rotation of N" SYNC songs on this channel attracts the attention of a teenage audience to the group, which immediately affects the positions of the group's album in the American charts. Timberlake becomes the most popular member of N "SYNC, and in 1999 Teen People Magazine included him in the list of the most attractive stars under the age of 21.

When recording the 2001 N "SYNC album called "Celebrity", Timberlake participated in songwriting. The success of the singles "Pop", "Gone", "Girlfriend", among the authors of which Justin himself was listed, clearly showed that he has a great potential as a solo artist and songwriter.

In early 2002, Timberlake began recording his first solo album, while appearing on the new Nelly album at the same time. The young artist decides to continue working with Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo, who have successfully worked on several songs from the latest album "N" SYNC, including the single "Girlfriend".According to the project participants, for the first time they were given creative freedom and allowed some spontaneity in the choice of musical and text solutions.

"I think it's a very sexy album," says Justin Timberlake. "The lyrics say a lot about sex, but they say it sincerely. I wouldn't step over the line and go down to the vulgarity - because then it wouldn't be me."

In March of the same 2002, Justin broke up with ( Britney Spears), this novel lasted several years ( future husband Britney Kevin Federline worked as a backup dancer for N "SYNC). Already in the summer of 2002, Justin was recognized as the most attractive bachelor in America.

Interest in the future release was fueled by the yellow press, which with enviable constancy talked about Justin's real or imaginary novels either with Janet Jackson (Janet Jakson), who was noted as a backing vocalist when recording the album, or with actress Alyssa Milano () and even with Kylie Minogue () , with which Justin performed together at the 2003 Brit Awards.

Timberlake's debut album Justified was released in the summer of 2002. He was assisted in the recording of the album by such stars as Timbaland, Bubba Sparxxx and The Neptunes. The single Like A Love You was popular, but did not make much of a splash (in February 2003 it appeared in second place in the English chart). However, the song that became the second single - Cry Me A River - became a turning point in the young artist's solo career.

The video for this song helped the composition to take a leading position in the charts on both sides of the Atlantic. The song allowed the album to top the most prestigious British chart in Europe (February 2003), after which Justin began to consider the UK his second home. Subsequent singles Rock Your Body and Senorita also contributed to the success of the disc, recorded in several styles at once: rhythm and blues, pop and rock. Music critics reacted to the album with enviable interest and called it a curious experimental work. In May 2003 "Justified" went double platinum in the US, and Justin's third single "Rock your Body" debuted immediately at number two in the UK.

Together with Seann William Scott in 2003, Justin hosts the MTV Movie awards. In the summer of 2003, Justin spent a joint with Christina Aguilera in the USA ( Christina Aguilera) tour called Justified-Stripped tour.

In 2003, at the annual MTV Video Music Awards, Timberlake was awarded three awards at once - the video “Cry Me a River” received a prize in two categories at once: “Best male video” and “Best Pop Video”, and the video for the song “Rock Your Body” became the winner in the nomination “Best dance video».

In the same year, at the MTV Europe Music Awards, held in Edinburgh, Scotland, Timberlake became the only performer to receive 3 EMA awards in the nominations: "Best Pop Artist", "Best Artist" and " Best Album».

In 2003, Timberlake took part in the recording of the album "Elephunk" by the rap group Black Eyed Peas. The result of the collaboration is the song "Where Is The Love". Having become the main composition of the album, it is nominated for a Grammy award in the category "Best Rap Collaboration".

February 8, 2004 "Justified" was awarded a Grammy for best pop album, the song "Cry Me A River" brought Justin the award for best pop artist. In February of the same year, Justin's album became triple platinum.

In addition to singing, acting also plays an important role in Timberlake's life. He managed to star in such films as “In Touch” / “On The Line” (2001) and “They Changed Places” / “Model Behavior” (2000). In October 2004, filming began on Alpha Dog. Justin got the role of Frankie Ballkowski - a member of a criminal gang specializing in drugs.

Also, Justin will play the role of young Elton John in a biopic dedicated to him - as yet untitled - which is expected to be released in 2006. Sir Elton himself recommended Timberlake for this role. Once Justin had already played the role of young Elton John in his video “This Train Don't Stop There Any More” (2001). It is curious that Justin insisted on revising the original script of the film, which seemed too sterile to him: “Knowing what a wild life he led in my youth, Sir Elton, I was delighted with such an offer, but after reading the script, I was disappointed: all the most interesting was removed from it.

In the spring of 2005, Justin Timberlake got a role in Shrek 3, Justin will voice Artie, the restless nephew of King Harold, whom Shrek will introduce to the basics of royal etiquette. Release of the third part animated film about the adventures of Shrek is scheduled for 2007.

Justin Timberlake guested on Snoop Dogg's recent album and on the soundtrack to the animated movie Shark Tale.

In August 2005, Justin began releasing clothes under his own label, in collaboration with best friend- Trace Ayala. The clothing line was named William Rast after Justin and Trace's grandfathers. “We just found two people who had the biggest impact on our lives, and they were grandpas,” Timberlake explains. - William is the name of my grandfather, and Rust is the surname of Trace's ancestor. Our clothes match our origins, Justin continues. “It has something of the country, a drop of madness and chic.” And already in November of the same year, Timberlake launched his debut clothing line in Bloomingdales, America's largest department store.

In the summer of 2005, Justin's mother Lynn decided to write a book about her son: "In my book, I will dot the "i" once and for all. It is extremely unpleasant for me to read gossip and outright lies."

As for Justin's personal life, then about his latest novel with actress Cameron Diaz () many have heard. Cameron is 8 years older than his chosen one. However, even the classic argued that the age of love is not a hindrance ...

Justin Timberlake is a talented singer, dancer and actor, equally respected by light music lovers, colleagues and critics, because - according to their recognition - only this unique musician succeeded in the experiment of merging popular music with elements of rock, jazz and rhythm and blues. Timberlake is also famous for a large number of unexpected duets with many co-stars. Well, Justin dances just like he breathes.

Justin Timberlake was born into a very religious family. His grandfather was a Baptist minister, and his parents, respectively, were Baptists, and in this vein they tried to raise their son. True, until they got divorced. At that time, Justin was only five years old. Well, soon both mom and dad created new families, after which dad gave Justin two half-brothers, and mom gave a new dad. In any case, all adult relatives, despite the ups and downs in their personal lives, behaved with dignity, so the divorce did not affect the boy’s psyche, and a lot of time was devoted to his development. The fruits of education were rich.

Already at the age of 11, Justin made his first television appearance on the Star Search show. He performed two country songs under the name Justin Rendell, and immediately won the hearts of the audience. No wonder, because the young singer not only had an excellent command of his voice, but also moved very beautifully. Timberlake himself often jokes in interviews that he started dancing before he could walk. Actually, this performance became Timberlake's ticket to the big stage. The prize for winning the show was participation in another, larger show, Disney's Mickey Mouse Club. Subsequently, Justin became not only its regular member, but also met and became friends with future stellar colleagues: Christina Aguilera, Scott Chavez and Britney Spears. The first in the future became his partner, the second - a friend, and the third - a bride.

Then the star boy's career developed rapidly: already at the age of 14 (in 1995), he became a member of the N'SYNC boy band, in which, together with his friend Chavez, they worked for several years. Definitely Justin was born under a lucky star. Already in 1997, a group of five teenagers became super popular, and its first disc sold 11 million copies!

A little later, in 1999, Justin gave another reason to talk about himself in the newspapers: he began dating a young star, his friend from the Mickey Mouse Club, Britney Spears. Both were very young, touching, they swore, according to the American tradition, to their entire homeland from TV that they would not have sex before the wedding. However, in 2002 the couple broke up. And in the same year, Timberlake's rapid solo take-off began. Justin Timberlake burst onto the stage as if there had been an empty place before him. A relieved groan of different shades of feelings escaped from everyone. The female spectators, who received a new, completely full-fledged sex symbol, sighed, and critics (you can’t name the empty music of the versatile Timberlake), and even colleagues on the stage: soon after his ascent, the young singer made an interesting bet on duets, any of which can be safely called successful - not a single one went unnoticed. With whom Justin Timberlake has not sung during his career: with Madonna, and with Nelly Furtado, and with Duran Duran, and with Rihanna, and with rapper Snoop Dogg - it is already clear from the list itself that none of the existing musical styles turned out to be a stranger to the guy. And one of the duets turned out to be so noticeable and scandalous in general that it almost ruined the handsome man's career. The incident took place at the 2004 Grammy Awards, where Justin Timberlake was supposed to sing a duet with Janet Jackson. During the performance of the song, the couple broke up so much that Justin, as if by chance, tore Janet's dress, which caused her right breast to fall out. It immediately broke out terrible scandal. Moreover, no one believed in the accident of what was happening: in the song, which was performed by a hot couple, there were words: “I will undress you until the end of this song.” However, after a written apology, the charming Justin was nevertheless forgiven.

Now Timberlake continues his solo career with the same success, however, at the same time, the guy increasingly began to give preference to filming a movie, which he also succeeds well. However, as once in his youth, the first places in the ranking of secular gossip are not occupied by him at all. creative success and personal life. After a loud breakup with Britney Spears, when the girl went into all serious trouble, Timberlake himself tried to build relationships with various Hollywood beauties: singer Stacey Ferguson, actresses Jenna Dewan and Alice Milano, however, the real feeling, apparently, did not come. Something serious seemed only in 2003, when Justin began dating Hollywood mega-star Cameron Diaz. But in 2007, the couple, who even managed to announce their engagement, broke up. And already in 2008, the bull was taken by the horns by another, no less popular beauty in Hollywood, Jessica Bill. In 2011, Jessica and Justin announced that they had broken up, but in 2012 the matter ended in a wedding.


  • Justin is an avid Manchester United fan.
  • Justin dedicated his song "Cry Me A River" to his ex-lover Britney Spears.
  • Timberlake has English roots and unconfirmed Native American ancestry.
  • According to Justin, he broke up with Cameron Diaz because his mother did not like her.
  • Justin Timberlake's childhood idols were Michael Jackson and Elton John. Ironically, subsequently, his first album was composed of musical material, which Jackson refused at one time, and a little later Timberlake played the role of young Elton John in the movie.

2003 - MTV Europe Music Awards in the nominations "Best Album", "Best Performer", "Best Pop Artist"

2004 - Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal and Best Male Pop Vocal

2009 Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for Saturday Night at live»

2011 Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for Saturday Night Live

2000 They switched places

2005 Edison

2006 In touch

2006 Will of chance

2006 Alpha Dog

2006 Stories of the South

2007 Black Snake Moan

2007 Shrek the Third

2008 Sex Guru

2009 Open road

2010 Yogi Bear

2011 Time

2011 Friendship

2011 Very bad teacher

2003: Just-In-Videos

2003: Justified

2004: Haven't You Got J

2004: N sync Times

2005: Just - Ins Best

Justin Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981 in Memphis, Tennessee. (Once upon a time, such musical idols like Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis).

Choosing Michael Jackson as a role model, with young years Justin begins to get involved in music and dancing, trying to imitate his idol in everything. At the age of 12, he was invited to the television show "Mickey Mouse Club", where he met his future N'Syns bandmate JC Chaseese, as well as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, who also take part in the show. Justin's ascent to the top of fame begins in the N "Sync group. Being the youngest member of the team, he manages to work in the group, continues to study at school and attends special courses for young artists. In 1998, the team recorded the self-titled debut album ‛N'Sync ‛. In October of the same year, the album hit the second place in the US hit parade.Real recognition and success came only in 2000 - the group receives a diamond status - more than 10 million copies of the debut album are sold worldwide. Release ‛No Strings Attached‛, released in 2000, doubles its success. romantic relationship with Britney Spears. Released in July 2001 new album group called ‛Celebrity‛, which is becoming a big event in the world of pop music. The success of the album is determined by such hits as ‛Pop‛, ‛Gone‛ and ‛Girlfriend‛ written by Timberlake. This is where his writing talent really shines. The single ‛Pop‛ is recognized as the most successful single of the year and receives 4 awards at the MTV VMA 2001. After returning from the world tour in support of the album ‛Celebrity‛, Justin decides to go solo and starts recording his first solo album. At the same time, he puts an end to his relationship with Britney Spears - they break up. The whole world is watching their scandalous gap. In November 2002, his debut album ‛Justified‛ was released. Big music stars such as Timbaland, Bubba Sparxxx and the guys from The Neptunes helped Justin to record the album. In addition to r "n" b, hip-hop, rock and blues, the influence of Michael Jackson's work of the 80s is well felt in this album. First independent work Timberlake is an attempt to get away from everything he did before as part of N "Sync in order to create truly serious pop music for a more adult audience. In 2003, at the annual MTV Video Music Awards, Timberlake was awarded three awards at once – the video ‛Cry Me a River‛ won the prize in the nominations: “Best Male Video” and “Best Pop Video”, and the video for the song ‛Rock Your Body‛ won in the nomination “Best Dance Video”. Timberlake was the only artist to win 3 awards - "Best Pop Artist", "Best Artist" and "Best Album" at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Black Eyed Peas. The result of the collaboration is the song ‛Where Is The Love‛. The song was nominated for a Grammy in the Best Rap Collaboration category. For the next couple of years, Timberlake was busy with many things at the same time - he opened several restaurants in the States, came to grips with acting career and often performed as an invited guest on the tracks of other artists. So, he took part in the recording of Snoop Dogg's single ‛Signs‛ and recorded vocals for a separate version of Nelly's ‛Work It‛. He also continued his collaboration with The Black Eyed Peas, singing on the song ‛My Style‛ on their ‛Monkey Business‛ album. In February 2004, Justin found himself in the middle of a huge scandal. During the halftime performance of the American Football Super Bowl game, he duetted his own song ‛Rock My Body‛ with Janet Jackson. Since the content of this song was very frivolous, the dance moves of Janet and Justin, with which they accompanied the performance, were weighty.

frankly. At a certain moment, namely after the words ‛I’m gonna have you naked by the end of this song‛, Justin needed to remove some part of Janet’s costume with a movement of his hand. However, he overdid it a little and as a result completely exposed the singer's right breast - live, shown to millions of viewers across the country. Justin later apologized for what happened, saying that "the wardrobe malfunction that happened was by no means intentional." After this speech, almost all the press that wrote about the incident used exclusively the words “cloakroom problem” to describe it, and some time later the phrase became firmly established in pop culture. As a result of the scandal that erupted around this incident, both Janet Jackson and Timberlake were banned from appearing at the Grammy ceremony without making an official apology (despite the fact that both were nominated for a Grammy). Janet refused, and Justin issued a written apology and as a result was admitted to the ceremony, where he received two awards at once - for the best male pop vocal on the album ‛Justified‛ and for the best male pop vocal on the song ‛Cry Me a River‛. As for a film career, Justin, starting from small episodic roles, gradually got carried away and began to play full-fledged roles. He already has the role of a journalist in the police thriller "Edison", and in 2006 three more films with his participation will be released - the hard drama ‛Alpha Dog‛, the futuristic musical ‛Southland Tales‛, shot by the author of the sensational film "Donnie Darko" Richard Kelly, and the musical drama ‛Black Snake Moan‛. In 2007, Justin will also voice the young King Arthur in the third part of the super-popular Shrek cartoon. In 2005, Justin founded his own label, JayTee Records. The first artist signed to his label was underground rapper Joshua B. Having dealt with cinema, Justin also decided to return to his own musical career and recorded in 2006 the second solo album. Among the producers of this record are such famous people as

American singer, songwriter, dancer, actor and producer, winner of numerous music awards.

Justin Timberlake(Justin Timberlake) was born at the end of January 1981 in Tennessee, USA. His mother Lynn Harless(Lynn Harless) divorced her father Randall Timberlake(Randall Timberlake) back in 1985 when my son was very young. Justin grew up as an ordinary boy, regularly attending church on Sundays and playing basketball with friends.

His distinctive feature there was only a mad love for music, rhythm and the king of the stage Michael Jackson(Michael Jackson). In 1993, young Justin Timberlake got into the so-called "American Star Factory" - "Mickey Mouse Club"("The Mickey Mouse Club"). He performed on the same stage with today's legends of pop music Britney Spears(Britney Spears) and Christina Aguilera(Christina Aguilera).

There he met Joshua Chasez(JC Chasez). After the show ended, in 1995 the guys created their own boy band. N'Sync under the direction of a famous manager and producer Low Perlman(Lou Pearlman). Three more boys were invited to the group: Joey Fatona(Joey Fatone) Chris Kirkpatrick(Chris Kirkpatrick) and Lansa Basa(Lance Bass). Mom came up with the name of the group Justin- she just added the last letters of the guys' names and got N'Sync.

Timberlake was only fourteen years old, but this did not stop him from winning the hearts of millions of fans around the world. The group released three studio albums who broke the sales record of another famous boy band Backstreet Boys. Tours, MTV Video Music Awards, the role of a forever in love romantic and a close relationship with an American star Britney Spears- all this made a name Justin Timberlake popular.

“If I could go back a few years and be able to talk to myself as a sixteen year old boy, I would tell myself about fame. The fact that this is just a mirage, in which there is nothing to cling to - you invent it yourself. Mirage is wonderful. It gives hope, plays with your fantasy… I would say to myself: “Boy, what is important to you now will be important ten years from now. And all your “idols” will only change over time.”

In 2002 Justin I decided to radically change my life. Britney Spears already on the list ex girls, and the group N'Sync- in the list of past achievements. He launched his solo career, debuting with the album Justified who has won two Grammy Awards.

He changed the image of a modest romantic to the image of a stylish, brutal collector. female hearts. On stage he undressed Janet Jackson put on great shows with his childhood friend Christina Aguilera and mocked Britney Spears in his famous composition Cry me a river.

My second disc "Future Sex/Love Sounds" by Justin Timberlake recorded in 2006, collaborating with some of the best American producers: Timberland(Timberland) Snoop Dogg(Snoop Dogg) and Nellie(Nelly).

Music Justin acquired a completely new sound, and hits "Sexy Back", "My Love" and "What Goes Around..." took the first lines of the Billboard Hot 100 hit parade. The album turned out to be rhythmic and incredibly stylish. We can say that under the strict guidance Timberland Justin finally found himself.

In addition to a musical career, Justin Timberlake successfully filmed. He has more than fifteen paintings to his credit, including "They switched places"("Model Behavior", 2000), "Edison"("edison", 2005), "Elton John: Red Piano"Elton John: The Red Piano", 2005), "Alpha Dog"("Alpha Dog", 2006), "Sex Guru"("Love Guru, The", 2008), "Social network"("Social Network, The", 2010), "Bad Teacher"(“Bad Teacher”, 2011) and others.

Justin Timberlake - winner of two European music awards MTV, four MTV Video Music Awards, winner of several awards "Emmy" and "Grammy", as well as the title of the sexiest man in the world according to magazines Elle and Cosmopolitan.

In personal life Justin Timberlake there was a place for the most beautiful and famous Hollywood divas - Cameron Diaz(Cameron Diaz) Alyssa Milano(Alyssa Milano) Stacy Ferguson(Stacy Ferguson) and even Scarlett Johansson(Scarlett Johansson).

However, in February 2008 Justin met an actress Jessica Biel(Jessica Biel), and it's safe to say he's settled down. The couple recently officially announced their engagement.

The main person in the life of a musician was and remains his mother - and Jessica became the first girl Justin, which she liked, which she reported more than once in her interviews.

Justin Timberlake founded his own record label Tennman Records and clothing brand William Rust. Free time the singer likes to spend on the golf course.

- If I do something extraordinary, then it gives people the opportunity to forget about their problems for a second and enjoy the music. I'm not saving anyone's life. I do not open new philosophy to people. I just give them a break - that's my job. I don't consider myself special in any way, no. We are all humans. I just breathe in time with my music, and it makes me truly happy.


  • FutureSex/LoveSounds (2006)
  • Justified (2002)


  • Wrath of Job (video) (2012), Young Job
  • Bes. Mortal (2011) Untitled Justin Timberlake/Amanda Seyfried Thriller, Will Salas
  • Benefits (2011) Friends with Benefits, Dylan
  • Bad Teacher (2011) Bad Teacher
  • Yogi Bear (2010) Yogi Bear, Boo-Boo Bear, voice
  • The Social Network (2010) Social Network, The, Sean Parker
  • Open Road (2009) Open Road, The, Carlton Garrett
  • Sex Guru (2008) Love Guru, The, Jacques "Le Coq" Grande
  • Shrek the Third (2007) Shrek the Third, Artie, voice acting
  • 2006 Black Snake Moan, Ronnie
  • Tales of the South (2006) Southland Tales, Private Pilot Abilene
  • Alpha Dog (2006) Alpha Dog, Frankie Ballenbacher
  • Elton John: The Red Piano (TV) (2005) Elton John: The Red Piano, Young Elton John
  • Edison (2005) edison, Josh Pollack
  • Toronto Rocks (TV) (2003), Performer
  • Summer Music Mania (TV) (2003) Summer Music Mania 2003, Performer
  • N "Sync: The Road to Celebrity (TV) (2001), Performer
  • The Will of Chance (2000) Longshot, Valet
  • They Traded Places (TV) (2000) Model Behavior, Jason
  • Miss Teen USA Pageant, The (TV) (1999), Performer
  • ABC 2000: The Millennium (TV) (1999)
  • Touched by an Angel (TV series) (1994-2003) Touched by an Angel, Street Performer
  • Saturday Night Live (TV series) (1975 - ...) Saturday Night Live, Musical Guest
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