Headache: causes, types and symptoms, diagnostic methods. What to do if you have a very bad headache? What helps with severe headaches

It is difficult to meet people who have never experienced a severe headache.

Often this process occurs at the most inopportune moment, but relieving the spasm with painkillers is not always the right decision.

Especially if the cause of the spasm has not been established. The main question will be the following: if you have a severe headache, what to do to improve your well-being without harm to your health.

It is worth remembering that headaches are distinguished by types and locations. This helps to obtain an initial understanding of the cause that caused it and determine methods for eliminating it.

If you have decided to treat a severe headache at home, there are a number of remedies available that are worth discussing in more detail.

Causes of headaches

Before you begin to relieve a headache, you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Otherwise, the relieved spasm will return after the anesthetic wears off.

And with an integrated approach, it will be possible to completely eliminate the root and signs of the disease.

So, in some cases, the cause of headaches can be colds. Especially if they are associated with sinusitis, sinusitis or normal nasal congestion.

In this case, drugs aimed at combating the infectious agent will have a greater effect.

Another common cause of headaches is migraine. Among its signs, one-sided localization of the source of inflammation is determined.

The process may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and incorrect perception of light and loud sounds.

Dental problems are another cause of headaches. In this case, the focus of inflammation is concentrated in the frontal lobe.

Headaches may indicate severe pathologies that require timely intervention by specialists.

These include benign and malignant brain tumors, hypertension, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, and other problems with blood vessels and the spine.

In some situations, headaches are caused by loss of visual acuity, increased intraocular pressure, or glaucoma. This phenomenon may result from incorrect selection of glasses.

Headaches can be caused by serious physical or emotional trauma. In the first case, going to a traumatologist, even in case of minor damage, can protect you from problems in the future.

In the second case, you need to do everything necessary to protect yourself from constantly being in a state of anxiety or stress.

Determining the cause of the disease is the first thing to do when you have a headache. The nature of the action will depend on the diagnosis.

Localization and types of headaches

To determine the cause of the disease, there are several classifications of headaches. First of all, the nature of the sensations is determined.

The pain is divided into strong, aching, sharp, sharp, pressing, throbbing and dull.

Based on the location, there are unilateral and bilateral types of pain. Spasms can be observed in the temples, back of the head, forehead or crown.

The first option is considered the most common; it can be caused by various reasons. In the second option, the cause may be problems with the spine.

The third case is often caused by colds or vision problems. With pain in the crown and back of the head, suspicions fall on the development of hypertension.

If the pain spreads throughout the entire head area, girdle pain is diagnosed.

Among doctors, there is another system by which severe headaches are classified. The tension variety is characterized by the fact that it periodically appears in one place at approximately the same time.

Dislocation of pain occurs in the upper part of the skull, forehead and eye area.

Cluster syndrome involves the manifestation of a pulsating type of spasm with tearing, runny nose or redness in the eyeballs. This type of headache is more common in men.

The third type of classification is represented by tension pain. It is distinguished by diversity and possible changes in localization.

With such headaches, the nature and intensity of the discomfort may also change.

Since it is not always possible to determine the cause of a headache at home, there are a number of specialized medical procedures performed for diagnostic purposes.

Firstly, at the initial manifestation of the disease, the doctor will recommend doing a blood and urine test. For a more accurate diagnosis, MRI, CT and ultrasound are performed.

Dopplerography will help to examine the condition of the blood vessels in detail. Specialists also have other diagnostic methods at their disposal: radiography and electroencephalology.

When can you treat yourself at home?

In most cases, people try to relieve the spasm on their own. But it is worth remembering that not every headache can be treated in this way.

Firstly, it is worth distinguishing between mild discomfort and severe spasm.

Secondly, understanding the cause of the pathology plays a big role here. If the cause of the pain has already been identified at the clinic and treatment has been prescribed, with the next attack of the disease all that remains is to follow the doctor’s instructions.

It will be especially necessary to seek medical help in the following cases:

  • severe headache appeared for the first time for no apparent reason;
  • the unpleasant sensations came as a surprise;
  • there has been a change in localization, intensity or frequency of manifestation;
  • In addition to the painful sensations in the head, weakness, nausea and other additional symptoms were added.

Knowing what serious pathologies can be behind this simple phenomenon, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination. This will give you a good idea of ​​what to do next.

Relieving pain with medications

According to the patient, the simplest method of relieving headaches is taking a pill. In fact, they can really alleviate a person’s suffering during an attack of very severe headaches.

Only without an established diagnosis and the beginning of treatment for the cause of the disease, relieving unpleasant sensations will not bring the desired effect. It is important to know that pain medications are divided into several categories.

The first of the considered groups is represented by non-steroidal drugs, which include Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Aspirin and others.

Their main purpose is to fight inflammation and reduce fever, but this group of medications also helps with headaches caused by infection.

Nebalgin and Analgin belong to the third category of drugs, which help stabilize blood pressure. They are called analgesics.

To comprehensively solve this problem, the doctor additionally prescribes vasodilators and antihypertensive medications.

Combined-action drugs such as Pentalgin or Solpadeine have an expanded range of applications.

A separate group of medications is aimed at eliminating muscle spasms caused by impaired blood circulation. In pharmaceuticals they are classified as muscle relaxants.

If the headache is caused by migraine, a special set of drugs is prescribed for therapy.

The triptan group of medications, which includes Trental and Stugeron, only helps in relieving the symptoms of this disease. Using them without a doctor's prescription is strictly contraindicated.

It is worth remembering that the medicine you drink will only help if it is used in accordance with its intended purpose.

To do this, you should first consult with your doctor and read the instructions regarding indications, dosages and possible side effects.

Non-drug methods

In addition to taking medications, headaches are also relieved through physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • meditation;
  • acupuncture;
  • reflexology;
  • acupressure.

Although some of these measures can be organized and done at home, most procedures are only possible in a clinic or hospital.

Traditional medicine

With the permission of the attending physician, headaches can be neutralized with the help of folk decoctions and infusions. Despite the herbal ingredients, they all have their own list of indications and side effects.

The information available on this issue requires careful research before use. Combining several decoctions in one course of treatment is not recommended.

One of the effective remedies for headaches is propolis tincture, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It should be mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5.

The infused mixture is allowed to be used in the amount of 40 drops. To make taking the medicine more convenient, it is recommended to drink the liquid by moistening bread with it.

Wormwood is considered a good remedy for headaches. To prepare the medicine, the root of this plant is crushed and poured with boiling water.

The product is infused for the next 20 minutes, and then taken a tablespoon three times a day.

A number of products are indicated for external use. So, a very effective way to relieve pain is to apply lemon peel.

For the remedy to work, you must determine the source of the most intense pain. This is where you need to apply lemon. Another remedy for headaches is raw potato juice.

Compresses and soothing aromatic oils are considered a separate set of measures against this disease. In case of overstrain, a relaxing head massage is recommended, done with your hands or under running warm water.

Soothing oils that can be added when taking a bath or in an aroma lamp include compositions based on chamomile, lemon balm, sage, bergamot or jasmine.

You can also do relaxation sessions with soothing music and scented candles.

Lemon, lavender and orange oils are often used to make compresses that are applied to the sore spot.

Alternatively, simply enjoy these scents, which have the ability to relieve tension and relieve headaches.

Preventative techniques

Finally, it's worth considering what you can do to reduce your risk of getting very severe headaches. This is possible using a number of simple but effective measures:

  1. Often severe headaches occur as a result of mental or physical fatigue. The most effective remedy for such an illness is proper sleep. Distribution of working hours and sufficient rest can also protect against such a problem.
  2. The absence of bad habits, such as alcohol and tobacco abuse, will help avoid headaches that occur as one of the symptoms of withdrawal or hangover.
  3. According to experts, even a little physical activity has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Healthy blood vessels are less susceptible to spasms, which cause very severe headaches. As a load, you can do one of the sports or therapeutic exercises. For busy people, sometimes morning exercises will be enough.
  4. Another cause of the disease is considered to be a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can avoid the consequences of such violations by organizing a proper and balanced diet.

Let's summarize: when deciding what to do if a severe headache occurs, you should first determine the cause of the pathology. The range of pathologies that can cause such a problem is quite wide.

Some of them are available for detection at home, while others require special studies using diagnostic equipment.

Depending on the diagnosis, drug therapy is prescribed using painkillers of a certain category. Physiotherapy may be prescribed by your doctor.

The use of folk remedies is possible only with the permission of a doctor. And everyone has access to simple prevention methods that can reduce the risk of headaches several times.

Useful video

Every person has experienced a headache at least once - from fatigue, a cold, or for no obvious reason. Is this condition dangerous? What to do when it hits again?

Causes of headaches

Headache is a nonspecific symptom inherent in various conditions and diseases. Neurologists pay great attention to this problem due to its high prevalence. It is customary to distinguish two etiological groups:

  • primary headaches (tension, cluster, migraine) - the mechanism of their occurrence has not been studied in detail; there is a theory of discoordination of blood vessels, disturbances in the exchange of mediators in nervous tissue, and others;
  • Secondary headaches – occur against the background of other diseases as one of a number of symptoms.

Secondary headaches can be caused by a fairly large list of reasons, among which the following should be mentioned first:

  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • increased intracranial pressure (brain tumors, hemorrhages due to injury or hemorrhagic stroke, disorders of the liquor drainage system);
  • intoxication (alcohol, nicotine, after hookah, drugs, paints and varnishes, carbon monoxide and other substances);
  • infectious disease (acute respiratory infection, influenza, meningitis, encephalitis);
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • diseases of the ENT organs (with sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media) and teeth;
  • side effects from taking medications;
  • weather dependence (weather-related malaise);
  • after physical stress (in the heat, after a bath);
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Primary headaches are the most common – up to 90%. Tension headache is constant, evenly pressing, monotonous, usually in the forehead. Its strength remains almost unchanged. Patients describe it as a squeezing hoop. Occurs in people experiencing nervous overload and holding responsible positions.

With a migraine, one side of the head hurts. The pain is severe, throbbing, accompanied by a feeling of nausea and sometimes vomiting. During the attack, sensitivity to loud sounds and bright light is noted. Lasts from several hours to several days, the disease is often familial.

Before a migraine attack, there is an aura - a “premonition” in the form of auditory, olfactory, visual or tactile hallucinations (for example, the sound of water running or the smell of pie). A connection between a migraine attack and trigger factors has been identified - stress, hormonal changes (which is why women suffer more often), consumption of certain foods and medications, etc.

Men are more likely to suffer from cluster headaches. Painful sensations come from the eye area and are repeated at approximately the same time of day. They are accompanied by redness of the eye on the affected side and lacrimation from it, sometimes by nasal congestion on the same side.

Migraines and cluster headaches are not relieved by conventional painkillers. Treatment must be prescribed by a specialist.

First aid

When you have a headache, there are several ways to relieve the condition without pills:

  • find a comfortable position - lying down or half-sitting,
  • there should be no bright lights or sharp sounds in the rest room,
  • if you are overtired, give yourself a rest - try to sleep,
  • If you have been in a stuffy room for a long time, go out into the fresh air,
  • if you feel your neck stiff, stretch it - slowly turn and tilt your head in different directions,
  • sometimes the condition is alleviated by eating a small portion of light food,
  • measure your blood pressure: if it is low, drink a cup of coffee (better ground than instant).

As a last resort, take a pain reliever (Nimesulide, acetylsalicylic acid, Ibuprofen). Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is not prescribed to children under 15 years of age due to the risk of Reye's syndrome. In a nursing mother, the drug may pass to the baby through breast milk. Pregnant women should also not choose medications on their own.

What to do if you have a persistent headache?

If all of these methods do not provide relief, seek medical help. Be prepared to answer the doctor's questions:

  • How long has the pain been present?
  • Where exactly does it hurt (in the temples, back of the head, parietal part, forehead)?
  • Can you describe the nature of the pain (pressing, burning, aching, wave-like)?
  • Is there a periodicity or a provoking factor (sometimes the headache only occurs on the second or third day after the adverse effect)? If there is no obvious connection, keep a special diary - note in it the intake of food and medications, smoking and drinking alcohol, playing sports and sex, time spent sleeping and being awake.
  • Are there any other ailments?
  • What did you do and what medications did you take to relieve the pain?
  • What other diseases do you suffer from?
  • Do you constantly take any medications (for colds, gastritis, diabetes, oral contraceptives or any others)?
  • Do you have bad habits?
  • What illnesses do your parents and siblings have?

If you have a severe headache, you can call an ambulance. Especially if it is accompanied by sensory impairment or paralysis in one or another limb - this may be a sign of a stroke.

If the pain is well relieved with medications, but occurs frequently, you should contact your primary care physician or consult a neurologist. Only a specialist can determine the cause and select adequate drug treatment. Taking painkillers constantly is very dangerous - they can cause a paradoxical increase in headaches, hemorrhagic syndrome and stomach ulcers.

Every person has experienced a headache in their life. It can appear due to any reasons or situations: stress, neck spasms, brain diseases and others.

To prevent headaches, you need to know the true cause of the discomfort. There are many ways to get rid of headaches. This article will talk about the most common of them.

Helpful tips on what to do if this illness occurs can also help.

The occurrence of headaches can be associated with various problems in the body. Every tenth person on Earth experiences them every day. The most common reasons are:

  • stress and tension at work;
  • hypertension and blood pressure surges;
  • infections;
  • pinched nerves and others.

If you often have a headache in certain places, you can determine the type of disease. For example, discomfort in the eye area can be a symptom of migraine, ophthalmological diseases or autonomic dysfunction. Constant pain in the back of the head indicates problems with the cervical spine.

How to get rid of headaches

Simple steps will help you get rid of it quickly:

  • take painkillers. It is important to take the drug without a prescription. This universal remedy will relieve any manifestations of the disease;
  • drink more water;
  • Find a comfortable, quiet place and sit in silence. Solitude will allow the body to relax, and unpleasant sensations will no longer torment;
  • apply cold compresses and lotions to the forehead and temples. With their help, the blood vessels of the brain constrict and the temperature decreases;
  • To avoid headaches, it is necessary to conduct regular relaxation sessions.

Plants and herbs

You can get rid of it without pills using natural remedies, plants, infusions or decoctions. Mint, thyme and chamomile help you relax and relieve the stress of the day, while tea with lavender or passionflower helps with migraines. Rosemary tea also helps with stress, vasospasm, and migraines.

As an alternative remedy, you can try aromatherapy. Essential oils of lavender, chamomile, marjoram relieve illness. You can take a warm bath with lavender, fir, cedar, and patchouli oil. You should not use stimulating scents of citrus, neroli, jasmine and others.

Headache massage

You can make your headache go away with a light head massage. Massaging movements will relieve vascular spasms and relax. You can focus on painful areas. Massaging movements along the temporal part, back of the head, neck and earlobes will be especially effective.


The easiest way for a person to make a headache go away is to take medication. Due to the abundance of funds, the question arises: what medicine should you take?

It all depends on the type and location of the discomfort. Acetylsalicylic acid has a healing effect. This substance is found in many headache medications. Treatment of migraine attacks with certain drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

other methods

An alternative to pills can be medicines made from conventional products. A headache may go away after drinking tea with honey and mint. You can add an increased dose of sugar.

Fresh cabbage leaves or lemon peels applied to the temples will help get rid of the disease. Sometimes you need to eat something warm and tasty, for example, soup, porridge or something sweet, so that your head stops hurting. One of the simplest tips is to get enough sleep.

You need to sleep more than 8 hours, go to bed and get up at approximately the same time. With constant lack of sleep and mental stress, your head may hurt, even to the point of developing headaches.

What not to do

If a headache occurs, you need to know what not to do in such cases:

  • Do not take pills without a doctor’s prescription;
  • drink various alcoholic drinks, smoke. In this case, a person may get additional problems and the opposite effect from such treatment;
  • to drink coffee;
  • eat certain foods. This list includes hard cheese, chocolate, nuts, smoked meats, and spices. It is better to use simple and familiar dishes for nutrition.

Prevention prevents problems

Preventing the causes of headaches is possible by following simple and simple rules. First of all, you need to lead a correct lifestyle.

Mobility, exercise and daily walks will contribute to this. The body must receive the required amount of vitamins. To avoid headaches, you need to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. If necessary, follow a non-restrictive diet.

You also need to monitor your health. Often headaches occur due to problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system. Disease prevention should be carried out regularly.

Severe headache is one of the most common disorders or disorders of the central nervous system. The feeling of discomfort in the head can have different intensity, character and location.

Cephalgia is classified into two types - primary and secondary. Primary pain is considered an independent disease that is caused by fatigue, nerves or migraine.

Secondary headaches can be triggered by an acquired disease or the presence of a pathology in the body. For example: hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, inflammatory processes, infection or head injury.

Almost half of humanity suffers from severe headaches, which make it impossible for the body to function normally.

Statistics provide the following data:

  • 50% of the global population reported having a severe headache at least once during the past year;
  • up to 75% of people from 18 to 65 years old indicated the appearance of terrible headaches that occur suddenly and periodically;
  • more than 30% reported attacks when the head hurt wildly for several days (this type is usually classified as symptoms of migraine);
  • two thirds of the female population suffer from vascular syndrome and manifestations of cephalgia during PMS;
  • 15% of women suffer from such intense pain that during attacks they cannot work or do normal activities;
  • up to 4% of adults suffer from monthly cephalalgia that lasts more than 2 weeks.

A severe headache is a significant burden for the suffering person. However, its appearance can affect not only family or social life. The occurrence of cephalalgia often indicates the presence of a serious illness.

This is especially true for repeated attacks. Such pain cannot be tolerated. Uncontrolled swallowing of painkillers can lead to excessive headache, but this is due to taking medications.

Only a doctor, through a reliable history and prescribed examination, can diagnose the nature of your cephalgia.

What can cause a severe headache?

Headache is a subjective value depending on the patient's pain threshold. Today there are no methods that can measure it. To understand a person's pain sensations, VAS (visual analogue scale) is used.

Any condition that leads to oxygen starvation of the brain and its membranes can provoke severe pain.

The cause of the manifestation of cephalgia can be suggested by the localization points, intensity and duration of the attack. There are more than 40 pathologies that contribute to the appearance of headaches.

Of these, the following main reasons are distinguished:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • a brain tumor;
  • vascular aneurysms;
  • ICP (intracranial pressure);
  • migraine pain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • ENT - diseases;
  • TBI (traumatic brain injury);
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • pathology of the nerves of the skull;
  • taking or stopping habitual medications;
  • metabolic failures;
  • infections, poisoning, intoxication.

Even a completely healthy person can experience attacks of pain after drinking alcohol, due to fatigue, stress, and other factors not related to brain damage.

But if hypertension begins to manifest itself frequently and intensely, then this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

One of the reasons is migraine

Migraine is another name for hemicrania, which means "half head". This is a unilateral (left or right side) paroxysm of terrible pain that can throb in the temple, eye or forehead.

Hypertension is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and reactions to light and sound. It was believed that migraines mostly affected women. However, in recent years there has been an active increase in the disease among men.

The nature of the occurrence and treatment of migraine syndrome has been little studied. Research has shown that this disease is inherited, especially on the maternal side.

Factors that can provoke an attack:

  • psycho-emotional and physical stress;
  • eating disorders;
  • taking steroids;
  • eating foods rich in tyramine;
  • drinking alcohol - especially beer, red wine, champagne;
  • smoking;
  • insomnia or sleep disorder;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • changes in climatic conditions;
  • noises and strong odors;
  • in women - hormonal changes, the menstrual cycle, taking contraceptives.

A migraine can last from 3-4 hours to several days. It is never mild, only very severe or moderate. The attack usually occurs in the evening or at night.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Another name for neuralgia is shooting cranialgia. Characterized by severe pain such as electric shock. Because of this, patients often refuse to eat, brush their teeth, try not to talk or show emotions.

Neuralgia is innervated mainly in the anterior region of the head and face. There are several main reasons for this:

  • inflammatory processes associated with the trigeminal nerve;
  • mechanical damage;
  • infection;
  • compression of the trunk by a tumor or vascular aneurysm.

The localization of pain depends on the affected area of ​​the trigeminal nerve branch.

Blood pressure surges

In most cases, pain in the head does not arise from a decrease in pressure, but from a sharp jump upward. A blood pressure of 120/90 is considered relatively normal.

But if it increases sharply, then acute hypoxia and hypertensive crisis may develop. This condition is usually accompanied by nausea, ringing in the ear, dizziness or blurred vision.

Localization of pain is often in the occipital region. In this case, emergency medical attention is required. If you do not reduce your blood pressure, the next stage may be hypertensive encephalopathy.

With such symptoms, there is a risk of cerebral edema, up to the most disastrous consequences.

Vascular diseases

Headache is the main symptom of most vascular problems. These include:

  • , dizziness, nausea, neuroses, pressure surges;
  • hyper- and hypotension - bursting pain in the back of the head, heat and noise in the head, loss of balance, pain in the heart;
  • temporal arteritis - severe throbbing pain is felt in the temporal zone;
  • aneurysm of a cerebral vessel - can occur without pronounced symptoms until the growing formation begins to put pressure on the vessels, decreased hearing and vision, convulsions, speech impairment, etc. occur;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage - occurs with a sudden severe pain syndrome, which is called “thundering pain”, with nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness;
  • and many other diseases.

A special place is occupied by stroke, which today is quite common among the population in different age categories.

Warning signs of a stroke:

  • a sudden attack in which the head can hurt very badly;
  • speech, vision, sensitivity are impaired;
  • weakness, numbness in the limbs;
  • drooping corners of the mouth, making it difficult to smile;
  • suddenly dizzy, unable to maintain balance;
  • fainting state.

If you observe such symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

A brain tumor

About 1% of patients receive this diagnosis. Typically, the intensity of terrible pain appears gradually, increasing over time. Cephalgia is often accompanied by various neurological disorders.

Painful sensations should not be left without medical attention. If the diagnosis is made at an early stage, the tumor can be cured in most cases.

Today, neoplasms can be diagnosed at any stage. And modern treatment methods make it possible to treat brain damage using stereotactic surgery, shunting and HIFU treatment (high power ultrasound).

Traumatic brain injury

Headaches due to TBI (bruise, blow or concussion) occur due to compression of the brain and the formation of a sub- and epidural hematoma. The pain can be mild, moderate or severe. This depends on the severity of the injury.

A delayed syndrome is often observed, when pain, neurological disorders and deterioration of the condition occur some time after the injury.

Depending on the injury, the patient is observed by the attending doctor from several months to several years. Typically, alcohol intake and heavy physical activity are strictly limited for at least 90 days after a TBI.

In addition to traditional methods of treatment, the following are used no less effectively:

  • acupuncture;
  • osteopathy;
  • homeopathy.

Complex treatment in combination with medications and well-chosen post-traumatic rehabilitation has a fairly pronounced and rapid effect.

Constant stress

Chronic stressful situations lead to the appearance of serious cephalalgia. Overexertion causes muscle spasm, which compresses the blood vessels of the muscle tissue.

There is a deterioration in the biochemical nutrition of muscles and a change in metabolic rates. In this case, pain is a protective reaction of the body.

However, a prolonged state of stress can lead to severe neurological disorder.

Causes of chronic stress:

  • psycho-emotional state, severity of physical activity;
  • difficult relationships in the family, at work, with colleagues, with friends;
  • personal problems or internal complexes;
  • inability to relax, distract from everyday work or study.

The central nervous system may be affected by certain pathologies or past illnesses, such as influenza.

For dental diseases

All organs and systems of the human body are connected to each other. Therefore, a diseased tooth can provoke severe cephalalgia based on the principle of reflection.

Why is the mechanism of dental pain so complex? It turns out that there are a huge number of pain receptors located at the border of dentin and enamel. It is this fact that causes the most terrible and unbearable sensations.

Dental pain can be localized on the side of the affected tooth, but radiate to the ear, eyeball, temple or occipital area. Pain relief occurs after taking analgesics.

In any case, you must definitely contact your dentist. In addition to caries, rotavirus infections can occur, which can provoke gumboil and other inflammations.

Inflammatory processes

Irritation of the dura mater can cause severe headaches. What causes this type of cephalgia? The reason for this may be various abscesses:

  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • severe sore throat, sore throat, flu, runny nose, cold;
  • feverish conditions when you begin to shake.

Inflammation of the cervical spine can cause not only headaches, but even radiate to the lower back, hypochondrium and shoulder area.

Viral infectious diseases

Any infections (viral, fungal, rickettsial, tick-borne, bacterial) associated with the central nervous system are necessarily accompanied by hypertension. Doctors especially often encounter meningococcal infection, which affects young children.

Signs of infection:

  1. Characteristic diffuse pain that can spread to both hemispheres.
  2. Nausea and a gag reflex occur.
  3. Hemorrhagic rash on legs and buttocks.
  4. Muscle tension in the back of the head.
  5. Feverish temperature, which is difficult to relieve with conventional antipyretics.
  6. Impaired consciousness of various kinds.

Such symptoms cannot be removed or relieved on their own. You should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Vision problems

Glaucoma, strabismus, refractive error and other eye diseases are the cause of cephalalgia.

An aching, dull pain inside the eyeball or behind the eye causes an unpleasant feeling of heaviness.

Even incorrectly chosen glasses can contribute to constant tension and increased intraocular pressure.

Types of headaches

Thanks to numerous studies, scientists have been able to identify more than 200 types of headaches. Let's look at the most common ones:

  1. Cluster - in most cases (up to 90%) men and most often smokers suffer from this pain. It comes on suddenly, affecting one side of the head.
    For example, only the right eye may become terribly sore and bloodshot. It lasts no more than 20 minutes, but occurs repeatedly throughout the day.
  2. (TTH) - occur due to tension in the muscle tissue of the neck and back of the head. They are compared to a dull, generalized pain, as if the head is in a vice.

    They may appear periodically or be constant and chronic. Usually associated with psychological problems.

  3. Sinus - caused by blockage of the paranasal sinus, which has lost its ability to drain due to infection. Usually the source of pain is localized behind the cheekbones and forehead.

HDs have a lot of other signs that, with a certain degree of certainty, will help determine the type of problem.

By intensity

There are several classifications of headaches. Most often, the intensity of unpleasant sensations is determined using the verbal (from 0 to 4) and visual (from 0 to 10) analog scale VAS.

At the same time, 4 additional groups are identified with a description:
Usually occurs suddenly, often referred to as neurological, dental, vascular and cluster pain. Has signs of possible intracranial hemorrhage.
Acute recurring
It may indicate the presence of a disease, infection or some pathology.

Chronic progressive
Refers to migraines, tension pain, and sometimes warns of the possible appearance of a neoplasm.
Chronic non-progressive
Often caused by the abuse of medications, narcotic drugs or their sudden absence (abusive pain).

By location

The location of the pain can also indicate the nature of the pain that occurs. Although an accurate diagnosis is made taking into account all factors: the type of headache, its location, the cause of its occurrence, the person’s age and examination data.

However, there are some signs that indicate the type of pain:
Pain in the temples is often associated with vascular problems, and they also affect weather-sensitive people and menopausal women.

Pulsation in the temporal zone occurs as a result of dental damage, hangover, excessive consumption of dietary supplements or tyramine-based products.
In the back of the head
People with spinal problems and women often suffer due to changes in hormonal levels.

Main diseases:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vertebral impingement;
  • hypothermia of the neck (drafts);
  • neuralgia;
  • a special type of hymecrania;
  • hypertension;
  • stroke;
  • tumors, neoplasms.

Crown area, face, eyes, frontal part

  • pain in the crown indicates psycho-emotional stress, possible problems with blood pressure;
  • localization of cephalgia in the cheekbones and above the eyes - suspicion of the presence of inflammatory processes such as sinusitis, gingivitis, pinched nerves, the appearance of a virus in the body;
  • or migraine, depends on associated factors.

What helps when attacks occur can be found out by consulting a doctor. For persistent pain, self-medication is highly discouraged.


Liquor is a biological medium, the cerebrospinal substance of the brain. Impaired circulation of this fluid leads to states of intracranial hyper- and hypotension.
Symptoms of hypertension:

  • severe pulsating headache of a constant nature;
  • worsens in the morning in a horizontal position;
  • may feel nauseous, sometimes vomiting occurs;
  • Possible problems with vision, pain in the eye area.

In most cases it affects young children. What to do with such symptoms? The treatment is quite complicated. Traditional methods do not give results. Modern surgery and the use of brain shunting help.


These pains are associated with the presence of diseases of the cervical spine:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis deformans;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • neuralgia of the occipital nerve.

The intensity of vertebrogenic headache can vary from weak to terribly unbearable. The most common symptom is dizziness when turning the head, the development of a drop attack (sudden fall without loss of consciousness).

Why does it hurt?

Cephalgia can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, simple lack of sleep or fatigue, or by serious problems.

How to treat such pain:

  • get enough sleep, give yourself a good rest;
  • try massaging the sore area;
  • apply a cold compress;
  • drink rosehip decoction or herbal tea;
  • take a painkiller.

The choice of medicine must be approached very carefully. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and age.

In children

Children's cephalalgia is practically no different from adults. There are many provoking factors: fever, infections, inflammation, poisoning, nutrition, hunger, overexcitability, fatigue and others.

For episodic pain, the doctor is limited to conventional therapy and recommendations regarding the child’s diet and regimen. If symptoms are serious, an examination is prescribed.

In adults

Constant severe headaches can ruin all our plans and affect our quality of life. To get rid of the problem and understand the cause of cephalalgia, you need to consult a doctor.
You will be required to provide detailed information about the nature, frequency, duration and location of the pain. You can relieve pain yourself by resting in silence and using analgesics. But this is only temporary relief.

Pain syndrome during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, the expectant mother’s body is subject to increased stress, which is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels.

If you have chronic diseases, there is a risk of their exacerbation. This is especially true for vascular problems, which can cause severe attacks.

For example, pregnant women with hypertension are under constant medical supervision. Therapeutic therapy includes exclusively safe means that will not harm the child’s health.

Self-medication with medications is not allowed. In extreme cases, it is possible to relieve spasms with no-shpa, folk remedies or prescription medications.

Comprehensive diagnostics

There are many causes of headaches, so the examination should be comprehensive and comprehensive. The initial visit should be made to your primary care physician's office.

After identifying the medical history, the doctor, if necessary, will issue a referral to an ophthalmologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, phlebologist, gastroenterologist or ENT specialist.

Diagnostic measures:

  • a detailed blood test, sometimes spinal cord fluid donation is prescribed;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • undergo an ultrasound of the carotid arteries;
  • ECG, EchoCG, MRI, computed tomography;
  • radiography of the cervical spine and head;
  • ultrasound Doppler, EEG;
  • 24/7 blood pressure monitoring;
  • determination of intracranial pressure.

Having a headache diary is important for an accurate diagnosis. With the help of records, you can trace the occurrence of attacks, identify patterns and determine connections with the general condition.

What helps with very severe headaches?

Today, any pharmacy offers many medicines of different price categories, quality and effects. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the drugs that have proven themselves to be excellent.

Table of popular remedies.

Name Mode of application Application period
Aspirin Take 0.5-1 g orally 3 times a day after meals (no more than 3 g per day) No more than 14 days
Paracetamol 0.35-0.5 g 3-4 times a day after meals Long-term use is allowed
Tempalgin After/during meals, 3 tablets per day No more than 2 weeks
Solpadeine Recommended after meals, 3 times a day, two doses with an interval of 4 hours No more than 15 days
Citramon Twice a day, one tablet One dose is enough to relieve headaches

What to drink if the previous pills don’t help

Over time, the usual pills stop helping, as the body becomes accustomed to the drugs. Constant pain will require increasingly powerful painkillers.

This may continue until a prescription is required to purchase the medicine. The best way to avoid this outcome is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and learn to cope with pain without medication.

There are effective approaches to pain:

  • various massage techniques to relieve an attack;
  • elimination of the syndrome by imaging;
  • a dark, quiet room in which you can relax is good for migraines;
  • some people need a light snack, especially if there is a lack of sugar;
  • relaxing in a hot bath will help relieve muscle tension;
  • A walk in the fresh air often saves you from unpleasant sensations.

Treatment with folk remedies

Since ancient times, people have learned to use natural ingredients to treat various diseases, including headaches.

We offer several simple but time-tested recipes:
Herbal decoction.
Take 100 g of chamomile and linden flowers, 50 g each of lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort and mistletoe. Mix all the herbs. For 1 glass, 2 tsp is enough. mixture, pour boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. You should drink the decoction after sleep and in the evening.

Oriental tea.
Take a little cumin literally on the tip of a knife, half a cinnamon stick and an anise star. Pour a glass of boiling water. It is better to infuse in ceramic dishes. Drink 2-3 times a day.

Lemon infusion.
Mix equal proportions of hawthorn and oregano with lemon. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 50 ml before meals three times a day.

Preventative measures to avoid terrible pain

You can learn to prevent headache attacks if you follow certain rules:

  1. Keep a personal diary, write down all the smallest details in it. This way, it will be easy to identify dangerous triggers.
  2. Don't overuse painkillers.
  3. It is necessary to establish a sleep schedule; try to go to bed and get up at the same time.
  4. Proper nutrition at the same time helps to normalize many body functions.
  5. Regular exercise therapy, as well as swimming, cycling or running, relieve tension.
  6. Don't give in to stress and panic.
  7. Learn to relax by giving your head a rest.
  8. Give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, control caffeine consumption.

Visits: 3,443

Kirill Skorobogatykh
Candidate of Medical Sciences, neurologist, director of the University Headache Clinic

“Headache is one of the most common problems with which patients come to the doctor,” says Kirill Vladimirovich. Indeed, the only thing you can find more often is caries. We are used to enduring a headache or taking it with medicine, but is this the best solution?

How to understand what's going on

“When a patient comes to me with a headache, the most important thing is to rule out the possibility that the headache is a symptom of a more threatening condition. We call this pain “secondary” and it can be associated with various diseases of the nose, ears or eyes, infection, head injury and much more. The doctor has “red flags” at his disposal, which indicate the possible presence of another dangerous disease,” says the doctor.

Fortunately, secondary pain accounts for only 5–10%. Much more common are “primary” headaches, which are independent diseases of the brain itself. The most common of these are tension headaches and migraines.

When it hurts, but not very much

If your head starts to hurt after a busy day at work, but there are no additional symptoms (nausea, discomfort from light or sounds), most likely you have tension headache.

“Usually these pains are bilateral, localized in the frontal or occipital region, have a monotonous pressing character, but are quite moderate in intensity,” Kirill Vladimirovich describes the symptoms.

Read also 10 warning signs that you have anemia

When it hurts and interferes with life

It happens that periodic headache attacks turn into a real test and take away the ability to continue working.

Kirill Vladimirovich explains it this way: “Such pains are usually one-sided, pulsating, of medium or high intensity, and they intensify with physical activity. If at least two of the four criteria are met and these attacks are also accompanied by unpleasant sensations (nausea or vomiting, increased sensitivity to light or sound), then the most likely diagnosis is "migraine".

When it hurts like never before

A headache that frightens you with its sudden onset, intensity or character is a sure sign that it’s time to call an ambulance. These are the same “red flags” that indicate the possible secondary nature of the headache.

Yes, this may be the onset of a migraine or other disease, but when treating an emergency, time is the key factor, so do not delay contacting a doctor.

  • Thunderous headaches - sudden onset, intense and increasing to a maximum in minutes.
  • A new type of headache that began after the age of 50.
  • Change in the nature of headache attacks (more often or stronger than usual, longer or a completely new course).
  • Headache that changes abruptly when changing position.
  • If the headache occurs against the background of a severe chronic disease (HIV, cancer).
  • Headache due to high fever.
  • Sudden nausea, vomiting, confusion, seizures, difficulty speaking, or dilated pupils.
  • If headaches are provoked by sneezing, coughing, straining.

Why does my head hurt?

With secondary headaches, everything is relatively simple: there is an underlying disease (sinusitis, otitis media), which affects pain receptors in nearby tissues. The signal is sent to the pain center of the cerebral cortex and attracts our attention: something is wrong there!

With independent headaches, it is more difficult to explain the cause: the substance of the brain is devoid of pain receptors, so the brain itself cannot hurt. Research suggests that in such cases, a person's neuronal sensitivity is impaired and the transmission of pain signals is facilitated. To simplify, we can say that the balance in two systems is disturbed: the one that perceives pain, and the one that blocks it.

“As many years of practice have shown, most often people attribute headache attacks to three reasons: osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, vascular problems or high intracranial pressure. But I must say that in fact these are very rare situations - and even then such a headache will be considered secondary,” says the expert.

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