Basic requirements for traffic control in railway transport. Organization and control of train traffic in railway transport

The organizational structure of railway transport management provides for a combination of territorial, sectoral and functional principles.

The territorial principle is based on the management of enterprises and organizations of railway transport of all its branches located in a certain territory.

In accordance with this, all the railway network is divided into parts called "railroad", for example, Moscow Railway, North Caucasus Railway, etc.

In its turn, the railway is divided into road regions.

The sectoral principle presupposes the management of individual sectors, for which sectoral departments and administrations have been created in the supreme governing body - JSC Russian Railways, and services, divisions and directorates have been created on the roads.

The functional principle means the presence of units dealing with individual special issues.

The existing management system in Russian railway transport is divided into several units. The management structure of the main activities of railway transport can be represented by the following chain: The apparatus of JSC Russian Railways - railway departments - linear production enterprises.

The apparatus of JSC Russian Railways is the central governing body who leads:

activities of railway transport throughout the country, solving the most important management issues;

the promising development of all branches of railway transport, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into production; development of the throughput and carrying capacity of roads, etc.

The apparatus of JSC Russian Railways includes industry departments and divisions, subsidiaries and dependent organizations - directorates and managements, research institutes and other enterprises.

Railway - branch of JSC Russian Railways, which is the main economic organization of railway transport. It is led by the head of the road, subordinate directly to the president of JSC Russian Railways. The road management has a technical and economic council, which consists of specialists from various branches of transport and representatives of production, as a collegial governing body. The head of the road and his deputies manage the services by industry. The road management services, in turn, manage the work of divisions by industry within the boundaries of their road.

All road management services on production and technical issues are subordinated to the relevant departments and departments of the apparatus of JSC Russian Railways.

Linear production enterprises have their own equipment and technical means to solve all production problems, and a staff of workers (workers and specialists).

The structural diagram of management in railway transport of the Russian Federation is currently shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Three-level structure of railway transport management


To ensure normal transportation by rail, in addition to the rolling stock and the track, there are numerous structures and devices that are located along the track and above it.

These include passenger platforms, buildings, overhead contact line supports, signal and track signs, electric switch drives, overpasses, bridges, communication and power supply wires. The distances from these structures and devices to the track are taken taking into account the size of the rolling stock in circulation and the conditions of its movement. To ensure the safety of train traffic, it is required that locomotives and cars, as well as cargo on open rolling stock, can freely pass not only past devices and structures, but also past rolling stock following on adjacent tracks, without touching them. These requirements are ensured by compliance with the dimensions of the approach of buildings and the dimensions of rolling stock established by the State Standard.

Dimensions for approaching buildings is called the maximum transverse outline, perpendicular to the axis of the track, into which no parts of structures and devices, as well as materials and equipment lying near the track, should not go, with the exception of those devices that directly interact with the rolling stock: car retarders, contact wire.

Dimensions of rolling stock are called limiting, transverse, perpendicular to the axis of the track, outlines in which, without going outside, both loaded and empty rolling stock should be placed, installed on a straight horizontal section of the track.

The state standard (GOST 9238-83) establishes the approximation dimensions of buildings of two types: C and Sp.

Size C applies to tracks, structures and devices of the general railway network and to access roads from the junction station to the territory of industrial enterprises.

Dimension Sp applies to tracks, structures and devices located on the territories of industrial and transport enterprises, as well as industrial railway stations. Dimension Sp differs from dimension C with smaller vertical dimensions. The horizontal dimensions, although they remain the same as in gauge C, but at the discretion of the ministries and departments that own the access roads, can be reduced to 2750 mm on hauls and to 2450 mm at stations. This is done, as a rule, in particularly difficult conditions in which the access road is being built, in order to reduce the cost of construction.

The dimensions of the approach dimensions of buildings are measured: horizontal - from the axis of the track; vertical - from the level of the top of the rail head (in curves from the inner rail).

The main objectives of the train traffic control system are:

Satisfying transportation needs;

Uninterrupted and safe movement of trains;

The most rational use of potential (personnel, rolling stock, technical equipment of stations and sections, etc.).

The organization of the transportation process in Russian railway transport is based on the following principles:

Dispatcher management of the execution of transportation tasks;

Carrying out the movement of trains according to a schedule that organizes the work of all divisions of the railway with the rational use of the capacity of lines, devices and structures;

Organization of car flows and routing of transportation;

Ensuring the safety of train traffic when performing any type of work;

Operational planning of operational work in order to comply with the traffic schedule and technical standards for the current day and shift;

Organization of the work of stations based on standard technological processes for receiving, departing, passing trains, forming and disbanding trains, loading and unloading cargo, boarding and disembarking passengers;

Technical standardization of loading and unloading, traffic volumes in sections, transfer of loaded and empty cars to connecting points, required rolling stock and other indicators.

Operational management of the transportation process is ensured by a multi-level system of dispatch management, which consists in the fact that the interconnection and coordination of the activities of all links in the technological chain of the transportation process is entrusted to one employee - the dispatcher.

Modern trends in the use of computing tools determine the directions for improving not only the hardware platform, but also the operational management structure. This is reflected in the technology for further centralization of operational control of train traffic not in individual sections, but in directions.

To solve the assigned tasks, we began to consolidate the railways and departments with the emerging prospect of transition to a non-departmental management structure. The need for reorganization has increased the urgency of creating unified road and regional automated dispatch control centers (ADCU) and introducing modern computer systems for train traffic control.

ADCU is a combination of operational dispatch personnel and a set of technical means (computing, communications, automation and telemechanics devices) of the central post of the DC, united by a single information base, designed to automate the management of the process of transporting goods and passengers at nodes or on railway lines.

In order to further reduce operating costs and improve the management structure of the transportation process, the management system is expected to be implemented within the framework of the following territorial associations:

Russian railway network;

Network region;

Linear district.

In this regard, the management of the transportation process should be carried out on the basis of a three-level ADCU:

Network transportation control center (TCC);

Regional Dispatch Control Center (RCDC);

Support control center for a linear area (OC).

The MCC is an integral part of the structure of JSC Russian Railways. Its task is to organize and operationally manage the transportation process on the Russian railway network in order to maximize the effective demand for passenger and freight transportation while ensuring the high quality of transport services provided while achieving the level of profitability necessary for the development of the industry. He must lead and coordinate the work of the RCDC, as well as all industry enterprises involved in the transportation process.

Rice. 2.43. Structure of dispatch control for train movement

RCDUs are created in accordance with the territorial division of Russia into seven regions. The RCDU is informationally and technologically connected with the MCC, neighboring regional centers and support centers of their linear districts, all industry enterprises that ensure the operation of the railway transport infrastructure in the region, large senders and recipients of cargo. The RCDU is entrusted with the implementation of technologies for managing the transportation process within the region, which are a natural continuation of the unified databases and network technologies of the MCC with their detailing (up to the control of the movement of each train) and the addition of local transportation management.

The OC is a remote subdivision of the RCDU, located, as a rule, at the reference station of the linear area. Main tasks of the OC:

Interaction with senders and recipients of cargo in the linear area, including on the basis of uniform technological processes;

Managing the local work of the linear area, ensuring established standards for the turnaround time of local cars;

Processing of transit car traffic with its provision of locomotives and locomotive crews, technical and commercial inspection of trains;

Organization of cargo transfer between states and other modes of transport, interaction with ports, customs authorities, etc.;

Interaction with the wagon depot and its departments regarding faulty wagons, organizing the preparation of wagons and trains for loading.

The OC includes operational dispatch personnel who provide management of the work of all divisions of the reference station itself and the attached stations of the linear area.

This includes duty officers at stations and parks, agents of branded technological service centers, station technological centers, hump attendants, etc., as well as units of other services directly involved in the transportation process - technical and commercial service points, car sections, distances signaling and communications, etc.

Management of the transportation process is built on the principle of end-to-end information and control technologies, directed from the control center through the control center and control center to workplaces in linear areas or railway automation devices.

Centralization of control of the expanded range (direction) from the ADCU preserves the dispatch principles of unity of command, when the DNC alone controls the movement of trains within its zone. His orders are subject to unquestioning execution by the relevant employees: station attendants, locomotive drivers, etc.

Dispatcher orders are given orally or in the form of written dispatch orders recorded in a special log. To enable the train dispatcher to interact with station attendants, his workplace is equipped with intercom (selective) telephone communication. Train radio communication is used for negotiations between the DNC and train drivers. The technical equipment of the workplace with only communication means corresponds to the lowest level and is used in low-activity areas equipped with the simplest automation systems (station centralization route control devices with manual switches, an electric baton system or DAV on haul lines). Maintaining the train schedule is done manually based on reports from duty officers about train times.

To obtain operational data on the train situation, the DSC workplace in certain areas is equipped with dispatch control devices. Thanks to interface devices at stations and stages linked to control objects, this data is transmitted through telemechanical channels to the ADCU (vehicle mode). On the mnemonic diagram of the section (on monitors, plasma displays) at the dispatcher, the light indication informs about the signal readings and the actual occupation by trains of the rail circuits of stations and block sections on the stretch. At the same time, the dispatcher retains the function of issuing commands to the duty officers on the procedure for organizing the passage of trains at the site.

However, the greatest efficiency of dispatch control is achieved in the case of the DC, when technical means, in addition to telesignaling, provide the DC with the ability to generate telecontrol commands for switches, signals, and other objects from the ADCC (TU/TS mode).

Dispatcher centralization is an automated control system from the ADCU via telemechanical channels for the devices of separate points of the dispatch section, each of which is equipped with EC switches and signals, and on adjacent sections an interval control system is used with control of the actual passage of trains.

The DC makes it possible to eliminate station duty officers, which frees the dispatcher from the main part of the negotiations, but loads him with direct control of devices. This mode of station control, when all work on the receipt and departure of trains, including switching switches, setting and canceling routes, is carried out by the DNC, is called dispatch control. It is in charge of sidings and intermediate stations with a small amount of shunting work associated mainly with the processing of a prefabricated train.

At the dispatch site there may be stations with a lot of operational work, for example, shunting, associated with the processing of a large number of cars arriving at the station from a large enterprise in separate groups. It is advisable to leave station attendants on them with round-the-clock control of all train and shunting work from the EC post. However, in order to preserve the command functions of the dispatcher, the dispatch of trains by the duty officer becomes possible only after receiving the TU command from the DNC - “Departure permission”. This mode of operation of the station at DC is called autonomous.

The volume of operational work is affected by the unevenness of the transportation process both throughout the year and throughout the day, which may require the assistance of the station duty officer to complete it. In this case, a regime is provided seasonal management station. The transfer of the station to such control is carried out by the DNC by sending a special TU command. At the same time, the actions of the station duty officer, and, above all, related to the order of train departures, are similar to work in autonomous control mode. After completion of the work, the station duty officer returns the station to dispatch control.

A combined control mode is also possible, when dispatch control is carried out only along route arrows to the main and receiving-departure tracks. In this case, the dispatcher controls the train work, and the functions of the station duty officer are reduced to managing local work in the station area isolated by the security position of the switches.

A feature of local shunting work is the sorting of cars, when the line-of-sight zone of the maneuvering area eliminates unnecessary overruns in the case of routing. Maneuvers related to the sorting of cars are best performed in areas separated from train movements in conditions of direct visibility from the shunting tower, shunting column or track box of the switch drive. For this purpose, the DC provides a regime local government individual arrows or their groups with the possibility of various combinations of arrows into groups. The DNC sends a code order via the telecontrol channel, after receiving which responsibility for traffic safety in the local control area is assigned to the traffic agent who arrived at the station.

Mode backup control The station provides for damage to DC devices, as well as for some malfunctions of distillation devices and EC. In this case, by a telephone registered order, the dispatcher assigns the functions of the duty officer to the station manager. By turning a special key in the relay electronic control panel or setting the same mode in microprocessor or relay-processor centralized computers, it becomes possible to control.

To ensure the safety of train traffic, due to inconsistency of actions when switching from mode to mode, as well as with double control of switches, each type of control excludes the other.

Large stations are included in the DC only in remote monitoring mode to ensure continuity of control of the train position at the DC site.

Railway transport is a complex, geographically dispersed system, consisting of a large number of technological units (stations, depots, traction substations, maintenance points, etc.) and technical means (locomotives and cars, track and track facilities, automation systems, telemechanics and communications, contact network, etc.).

The main task of railway transport is to transport passengers and cargo with maximum productivity, minimum cost and guaranteed safety of train traffic.

The organization of the transportation process on the railway is based on the following principles:

Organizing train movement according to a schedule that coordinates the work of all railway departments with rational use of the capacity of lines, devices and structures. The schedule determines the sequence of train runs, the time of their departure and arrival at each separate point, the speed of movement, the duration of stops at stations, weight standards and lengths of trains;

Organization of the work of stations based on standard technological processes for receiving, departing, passing trains, forming and disbanding trains, loading and unloading cargo, boarding and disembarking passengers;

Operational planning of operational work to fulfill the traffic schedule;

Technical standardization of loading and unloading, traffic volumes on the site, transfer of loaded and empty cars to docking points, standardization of required rolling stock fleets;

Dispatcher management of the execution of transportation tasks;

Ensuring the safety of train traffic when performing any type of work, etc.

The quality of road operational work is assessed by the use of rolling stock, the cost of transportation and labor productivity. The use of rolling stock is characterized by the following indicators: speed (technical, sectional, route); time spent by trains and wagons at stations; use of wagons' carrying capacity; average daily mileage of locomotives. Obviously, the better the rolling stock is used, the lower the cost of transportation and the higher the productivity, the higher the quality of operational work. The less time is spent on transporting some goods, the faster the rolling stock is freed up for transporting others; therefore, with the same number of cars and locomotives, a larger volume of transportation can be carried out without purchasing new rolling stock. If transportation volumes are relatively stable, but are carried out by a smaller number of cars and locomotives, the economic effect will be determined by a decrease in depreciation of rolling stock (part of the existing fleet is not in use), track superstructure, artificial structures, etc.

In addition, reducing the time spent by goods in transit strengthens the position of the Railways and makes it more competitive in the transport services market.

The basis for the operational management of train movement on mainline transport is dispatch control. The entire railway network is divided into dispatch areas (circles). The length of each of them depends on the intensity of train traffic and the volume of freight work and is usually 100–150 km. According to the basic principles of managing critical technological processes, the movement of trains on a section should be managed by only one employee - the train dispatcher (DNC), who is responsible for implementing the train schedule on the section subordinate to him. The orders of the train dispatcher are subject to unconditional execution by all employees directly related to the movement of trains within the dispatcher’s area of ​​responsibility. DNC has intercom communication with all stations of its section and junction stations of neighboring sections, and has radio communication with locomotive crews. Continuously receiving information about the movement of trains, the situation on the site and taking into account the current situation, the DSC gives the necessary instructions to station attendants (DS), locomotive crews and other workers.

The tasks of the DSC are: fulfillment of the specified volumes of train traffic on the section; ensuring the reception of trains from neighboring sections, the timely departure of trains from stations, the passage of passenger and commuter trains on schedule; compliance with the requirements of technical operating rules (RTE), instructions for train movement and shunting work, instructions for signaling on railways. The main task of a train dispatcher is to ensure the movement of trains on schedule within its section, which includes hauls, passing points, sidings, intermediate stations located between district or marshalling stations. In the event of emergency situations, various types of failures that can cause delays in the movement of trains and their delays, the DNC, through its actions, is obliged to minimize these delays and “put” the trains on schedule as soon as possible. To this end, it reduces the duration of train stops at separate points; changes the order and points of crossing and overtaking of trains; carries out non-stop crossings; organizes the departure of trains along the “wrong” track (on double-track sections).

On railways, trains move according to schedule. It expresses the plan for the entire operational work of railways and is the basis for the organization of transportation.

By uniting and coordinating the work of all departments of railway transport (station, locomotive and carriage depots, etc.), the traffic schedule makes it possible to carry out the necessary interaction between them and ensure the implementation of the plan for the transportation of passengers and goods, traffic safety, etc.

Fulfillment of the plan for the transportation of passengers and goods requires a clear organization of train traffic control. The train traffic control system includes: technical and operational planning of operational work, regulation of transportation and transportation vehicles, operational management of train traffic and analysis of work performed.

Technical planning consists in developing standards for operational work (the required number of cars and locomotives, the dimensions of loading and unloading and delivery of cars, etc.) to implement the transportation plan at the lowest cost. The development of these standards is based on the transportation plan, formation plan and train traffic.

Operational planning provides for establishing for a certain period the size of freight traffic and the rolling stock required for this, drawing up daily and shift plans for train and freight work.

Regulation of transportation and means of transport provides for the redistribution of carriage and locomotive fleets, as well as the regulation of loading by day, direction and type of rolling stock in connection with changing operating conditions.

Operational management The transportation process is carried out by a dispatcher who is on shift duty.

The main task of operational management is to ensure the movement of trains on schedule, and in case of violations, the introduction of late trains into the schedule through regulatory measures (reducing the time trains stop at separate points, changing the order of crossing and exchange of trains, etc.).

Operational Analysis identifies the degree of fulfillment of planned standards and indicators, the reasons for deviations from them, and allows one to outline measures to improve the organization of train traffic.

The entire operation of the railways is controlled by an automated railway transport control system (ACCS), which includes a number of lower-level subsystems: operational control of the transportation process (ACCS); track management (ACS-path), etc.

In the future, railway transport, having versatility, high carrying capacity, low cost of transportation, etc., will retain its dominant position in the country's Unified Transport System as the main one for mass freight transportation over medium and long distances. At the same time, one of the most important conditions is the need for further technical development and improving the quality of work of the Ukrainian railways.

The main directions of such work are: developing the railway network and increasing the throughput and transportation capacity of existing highways; improving the quality and increasing the speed of transportation of goods and passengers; ensuring traffic safety.

Ukraine currently has a fairly developed railway network, which in terms of density per 1000 km 2 of territory (about 37 km) is at the level of a number of developed European countries. Therefore, in the future there may be a question about the construction of a number of straightening and unloading lines, in particular Donbass with Krivoy Rog and further with Transcarpathia.

The modern railway network is single-track for 2/3 of its length. Therefore, one of the most important future issues is to increase their throughput.

Among the ways to increase the throughput and carrying capacity of single-track lines, the most effective is to increase the weight of trains. To operate heavy trains at high speeds, first of all, locomotives with high traction power are needed. For this purpose, powerful AC and DC electric locomotives have been created for electrified areas.

For non-electrified areas, a diesel locomotive of the TE126 type with a power of 6000 hp was created. in one section.

A progressive technical solution is also the electrification of single-track sections, which simultaneously allows saving expensive diesel fuel.

The increase in the weight of trains is also associated with the need to lengthen the receiving and departure tracks of separate points, strengthen the structure of the superstructure of the tracks, etc.

A more effective way to develop single-track lines is to build second tracks. However, this event requires significant capital investments, which will be justified only with intensive growth in transportation volumes.

In all cases, increasing the capacity of railways is associated with the need for widespread use of automation and telemechanics, primarily automatic blocking and electrical centralization systems.

Improving the quality of the transportation process is determined by the regularity and accuracy of compliance with current timetables and train schedules, as well as the supply and cleaning of cars from the clientele (enterprises, sea and river ports, etc.) in accordance with the established technological process and contracts; ensuring complete safety of cargo along the route and cargo operations.

The problem of increasing speeds in freight traffic is not to increase speeds as much as possible, but to improve the entire transportation process and, in particular, to reduce all types of downtime by improving the operational management of operational work along the entire route from the sender's warehouse to the recipient's warehouse.

Ensuring complete traffic safety is a priority requirement for railways. It must be achieved in two directions. The first is a comprehensive increase in labor and technological discipline, exact fulfillment of the requirements of the Technical Operation Rules and other documents that ensure traffic safety; the second is a significant increase in the operational reliability of railway technical equipment (tracks, rolling stock, etc.), as well as the technological reliability of the transportation process as a whole due to the widespread use of automation systems for all processes associated with train movement.

Article 11. Basic requirements for infrastructure owners

1. The owner of the infrastructure is obliged to:
own an infrastructure in which the elements, technical means and special software used to organize the transportation process have a certificate of conformity or a declaration of compliance with established requirements;

conclude appropriate agreements with all owners of adjacent infrastructures, the essential terms of which are the organization of dispatch control of the transportation process, the establishment of a procedure for the maintenance and operation of railway rolling stock, energy facilities and other facilities, the regulation of exchange fleets of locomotives, cars, motor-car rolling stock, responsibility for obligations arising from transportation by direct rail traffic to carriers.

2. Infrastructure owners are obliged to ensure the fulfillment of obligations arising from international treaties of the Russian Federation that regulate the transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage by rail, and the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of mobilization training and mobilization.

Article 12. Basic requirements for the carrier

1. The carrier is obliged:
have licenses to carry out all types of activities subject to licensing in accordance with federal law when transporting passengers, cargo, luggage or cargo luggage;
own railway rolling stock for transportation on the right of ownership or other right;
have qualified workers;
enter into an agreement for the provision of locomotive traction services if the carrier does not have a locomotive;
conclude appropriate agreements for the provision of services for the use of infrastructure (except for cases where the carrier carries out transportation within the infrastructure owned by him), the essential conditions of which are the organization of car flows, regulation of the circulation of cars and locomotives, the establishment of a procedure for the maintenance and operation of railway rolling stock, the responsibility of the parties for obligations arising from transportation by rail.
In the case of transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage and cargo luggage in direct railway traffic (with the participation of several infrastructure owners), the carrier, before concluding a transportation contract, is obliged to have contracts for the provision of services for the use of infrastructure and coordinate such transportation with all infrastructure owners who are involved in the transportation, and in the absence of its own locomotives, it is obliged to have contracts for the provision of locomotive traction services for the entire route of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage.
2. The carrier is obliged to ensure compliance with the relevant transportation obligations arising from international treaties of the Russian Federation that regulate the transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage and cargo luggage by rail, and the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations. situations and legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of mobilization preparation and mobilization.

Article 13. Basic requirements for organizations and individual entrepreneurs performing auxiliary work (services) during rail transportation

1. Operations for loading and unloading cargo in public places, weighing cargo, servicing passengers at stations and en route, as well as other work (services) related to the organization and implementation of transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage by rail, according to contracts with shippers (senders), consignees (recipients), infrastructure owners or carriers can be carried out by other organizations, individual entrepreneurs.

2. To perform the work (services) specified in paragraph 1 of this article, organizations and individual entrepreneurs must have qualified employees who have appropriate professional training and have passed certification in accordance with this Federal Law.

Article 14. Basics of transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage

1. Transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage by rail is carried out in the manner and under the conditions established by the Federal Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”, the Charter of Military Railway Transportation, rules for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers, as well as cargo, luggage and cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities, railway transport, rules for the transportation of goods, rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage by rail and transportation contracts concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage in international traffic involving railway transport is also carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.

2. Access to infrastructure is provided to carriers on a non-discriminatory basis, providing equal conditions for the provision of services for the use of infrastructure by carriers, regardless of their legal forms and forms of ownership.
Activities in the field of railway transportation are carried out on a competitive basis according to uniform norms and rules established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of the organizational and legal form of the participant in the transportation process.
The procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access of carriers to infrastructure and monitoring compliance with this procedure is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The rules for non-discriminatory access of carriers to infrastructure are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and include:
principles of carriers’ access to infrastructure;
the procedure for carriers’ access to infrastructure in conditions of its limited capacity;
the procedure for providing information about the services provided for the use of infrastructure, their cost, the procedure for carriers’ access to the infrastructure, as well as the availability of infrastructure capacity, technical and technological capabilities for the provision of services for the use of infrastructure;
the procedure for considering complaints and applications regarding the provision of access to carriers to infrastructure, the provision of services for the use of infrastructure and making decisions on these complaints and applications that are binding on individuals and legal entities.

3. The procedure for interaction between carriers and infrastructure owners when carrying out transportation by rail is determined by the Federal Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”, as well as agreements concluded between them on the provision of services for the use of infrastructures.
The procedure for interaction between infrastructure owners when carrying out rail transportation is determined by the agreements concluded between them.

4. Travel of passengers by rail in all cases is carried out using travel documents (tickets), including passengers who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are provided with benefits for paying for travel by rail.
The procedure for issuing travel documents (tickets) used in railway transport is determined by the Federal Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”, the rules for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers, as well as cargo, luggage and cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to with the implementation of business activities, railway transport and the rules for transporting passengers, luggage and cargo luggage by rail.
Transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage using several infrastructures is carried out using a single travel document or transportation document in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

5. At the request of users of railway transport services, as well as owners of infrastructure, the carrier is obliged to present licenses and certificates of conformity or declarations of conformity provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
At the request of users of railway transport services, as well as carriers, the owner of the infrastructure is obliged to present certificates of conformity or declarations of conformity provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
At the request of users of railway transport services, infrastructure owners and carriers are obliged to provide a list of services they provide, information about their cost and conditions for the provision of these services.

6. Indicators of the quality of transportation of goods, luggage and cargo luggage (delivery times, safety of cargo, luggage and cargo luggage) and service for users of railway transport services, mandatory for infrastructure owners, carriers and organizations, individual entrepreneurs performing auxiliary work (services) during rail transport , are determined by the rules for the transportation of goods by rail, the rules of transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage by rail and other regulations.

Article 15. Basic requirements for public railway tracks

1. Public railway tracks and structures and devices located on them must be maintained in compliance with the rules of traffic safety and operation of railway transport in a technical condition that meets the requirements of the relevant regulations, standards, rules and technical norms.
In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, public railway tracks must have appropriate certificates of conformity.

2. An authorized representative of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, in the manner established by the said body, has the right to check the technical condition of public railway tracks, railway rolling stock and containers, as well as compliance with safety requirements for loading and unloading operations when loading goods into wagons and containers and their unloading from wagons and containers.

3. The design and construction of public railway tracks are carried out in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

4. The connection of public railway tracks under construction, new or restored to public railway tracks is carried out by decision of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The opening of public railway tracks for permanent operation is carried out by decision of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport on the basis of proposals from the owners of the infrastructure that own the specified railway tracks.
The federal executive body in the field of railway transport does not have the right to refuse to open public railway tracks for permanent operation if they meet the established requirements and the requirements of this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts were not violated during their design, construction, acceptance into service and operation. , relevant rules and technical standards, as well as previously agreed obligations for the design, construction and operation of the specified railway tracks. Infrastructure owners have the right to appeal the refusal to open public railway tracks for permanent operation in court.
The closure of public railway tracks, including low-intensity lines and sections, is carried out on the basis of a decision of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the manner established by it.
The Government of the Russian Federation and (or) the state authority of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, in the event that it is impossible to close public railway tracks of state, social or defense significance, determines the source of financing for the maintenance and operation of these railway tracks. If, within six months from the date of submission of the proposal to close public railway tracks, a decision on their closure is not made or appropriate funding is not provided, the owner of the infrastructure has the right to demand in court compensation for the costs of maintaining the said railway tracks or their closure.
If it is impossible to close public railway tracks of social and economic importance, financing of their maintenance and operation can be carried out at the expense of users of railway transport services and other interested parties under the terms of agreements with infrastructure owners.

6. The opening of railway stations to carry out all or some operations related to the receipt and departure of trains, reception, delivery, loading, unloading, sorting, storage of cargo (including in containers), luggage and cargo luggage is carried out by decision of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport based on proposals from infrastructure owners who own these railway stations.
The federal executive body in the field of railway transport does not have the right to refuse to open railway stations if they meet the established requirements and during their design, construction, acceptance into service and operation the requirements of this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts, as well as relevant standards were not violated , rules and technical requirements. Infrastructure owners have the right to challenge the refusal to open railway stations in court.
The closure of railway stations for the performance of all or some operations related to the receipt and departure of trains, reception, delivery, loading, unloading, sorting, storage of cargo (including in containers), luggage and cargo luggage is carried out in the manner established by the authorized Government of the Russian Federation federal executive body, taking into account proposals from the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
The Government of the Russian Federation and (or) the state authority of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation in the event that it is impossible to close railway stations of state, social or defense significance to perform all or some operations related to the reception and departure of trains, reception, delivery, loading, unloading, sorting , storage of cargo (including in containers), luggage and cargo luggage determines the source of financing for the maintenance and operation of these railway stations. In the event that, within three months from the date of making a proposal to close these railway stations for the performance of all or some operations related to the receipt and departure of trains, reception, delivery, loading, unloading, sorting, storage of goods (including in containers) , baggage and cargo luggage, the decision is not made or the corresponding financing is not provided, the owners of the infrastructure have the right to demand in court compensation for the costs of maintaining these railway stations, their closure or the termination of the relevant operations at these railway stations.
If it is impossible to close railway stations of social and economic importance to carry out all or some operations related to the receipt and departure of trains, reception, delivery, loading, unloading, sorting, storage of cargo (including in containers), luggage and cargo luggage, financing their maintenance and operation can be carried out at the expense of users of railway transport services and other interested parties under the terms of agreements with infrastructure owners.

7. Decisions on the opening or closing of public railway tracks, on the opening or closing of railway stations for the performance of all or some operations related to the receipt and departure of trains, reception, delivery, loading, unloading, sorting, storage of goods (including in containers), luggage and cargo luggage, are published in the relevant tariff manual and collection of rules for rail transportation.

Article 16. Basic requirements for non-public railway tracks adjacent to public railway tracks

1. Non-public railway tracks and structures and devices located on them must ensure shunting and sorting work in accordance with the volume of traffic, rhythmic loading and unloading of goods, as well as the rational use of railway rolling stock and its safety.
The design and condition of structures and devices located on non-public railway tracks must comply with building codes and regulations and ensure the passage of cars with the technical load standard allowed on public railway tracks, as well as the passage of locomotives intended for servicing non-public railway tracks.
The owner of non-public railway tracks ensures, at his own expense, their maintenance in compliance with the requirements of traffic safety and operation of railway transport, and also carries out, together with shippers and consignees, the lighting of such tracks within the territory occupied by them or in places of loading and unloading of goods and carries out cleaning of non-public railway tracks use from debris and snow.
In the event that railway rolling stock is supplied to non-public railway tracks, the operation of which is also carried out on public railway tracks, the non-public railway tracks must comply with the requirements established for public railway tracks, and in certain cases are subject to mandatory certification or declaration compliance.

2. Construction and reconstruction of non-public railway tracks, devices intended for loading and unloading cargo, cleaning and washing of wagons, containers, determination of the junction points of non-public railway tracks with public railway tracks are carried out in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport in agreement with the owner of the infrastructure to which non-public railway tracks are adjacent, and the federal executive body in the field of transport.
The construction of new non-public railway tracks is carried out in agreement with the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory such railway tracks will be located.

3. The adjoining of public railway tracks under construction, new or restored non-public railway tracks is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The connection of non-public railway tracks under construction to non-public railway tracks is carried out in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport together with the federal executive body in the field of transport.

4. The opening for permanent operation of a new non-public railway track and the supply of railway rolling stock to such a railway track are carried out after the acceptance of such a railway track for operation by a commission created in the prescribed manner, which includes a representative of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, the owner of the railway non-public tracks and the owner of the infrastructure to which such a railway track is adjacent. The procedure for maintaining a non-public railway track is established by its owner in agreement with the carriers carrying out transportation along such a railway track.
Each non-public railway track must have a technical passport, a plan, its longitudinal profile, and construction drawings.

5. An authorized representative of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, in the manner established by the said body, has the right to check the technical condition of non-public railway tracks, railway rolling stock and containers, as well as compliance with safety requirements for loading and unloading operations when loading goods into wagons and containers and their unloading from wagons and containers.
If faults are detected on a non-public railway track that threaten the safety of traffic and operation of railway transport, the safety, technical condition of railway rolling stock, containers or the condition of cargo, an authorized representative of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport draws up a report.
Based on this act, the relevant official of the infrastructure owner prohibits the supply of railway rolling stock to the non-public railway track or its section specified in this act until the faults are eliminated. Responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements regarding the delivery, delay, cleaning of wagons, security of goods, fulfillment of an accepted application for the transportation of goods, payment for the use of wagons and containers, lies with the guilty party specified in this act.

Article 17. Basic requirements for railway rolling stock and containers

1. Railway rolling stock and containers intended for the transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo luggage on public railway tracks, regardless of their ownership, must meet the mandatory requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, as well as the requirements of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, railway rolling stock and containers must have appropriate certificates of conformity or declarations of conformity.
After a major overhaul of wagons, their tare weight is checked.

2. The procedure for supplying railway rolling stock, regardless of its ownership, from non-public railway tracks to public railway tracks and from public railway tracks to non-public railway tracks is established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

Article 18. Organization of transportation process management on public railway transport

1. The organization of train traffic is carried out on the basis of a consolidated train schedule.
The consolidated train schedule is approved in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, based on train schedules within the infrastructures proposed by infrastructure owners.
State authorities, local governments, carriers, passengers, consignors (senders) and consignees (recipients) have the right to submit proposals on improving train schedules for consideration by infrastructure owners. The owner of the infrastructure is obliged to review it within thirty days from the date of receipt of the proposal to improve train schedules and send the applicant a response on the decision made. The applicant has the right to appeal the decision of the infrastructure owner to the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

2. Management of the transportation process on public railway transport within the infrastructure is carried out by the owner of this infrastructure or a person acting on his behalf. The specified person, depending on the powers assigned to him, must meet the requirements of Article 11 of this Federal Law for infrastructure owners.

3. State authorities, local government bodies, public associations and other organizations, individuals do not have the right to interfere in the organization of management of the transportation process on public railway transport, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 19. Regulation of relations arising from the interaction of railway transport and other modes of transport

Regulation of relations arising from the interaction of railway transport and other modes of transport is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as contracts and agreements concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of railway transport.

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