Raymond Pauls: biography, personal life, wife, children (photo). Biography of Raimonds Pauls Political activities of Raimonds Pauls

Raymond Pauls is one of the most popular Soviet composers. His work is loved not only in his native Latvia and Russia, but far abroad. The composer's songs were performed in different years by the most popular pop singers. It is worth pronouncing the name "Maestro" or "Lavender", as the name Raimonds Pauls immediately pops up.

The composer is monogamous. In his youth, he met his future wife, he retained his love for her for many decades. The woman became his muse, dresser, designer. She gave her husband a daughter, who became the only child of the couple.

From the time the songs of Raimonds Pauls become popular, a large audience of viewers begins to take an interest in the life and work of the composer. Currently, in official sources, you can find out what a man's height, weight, age is. How old is Raymond Pauls is no secret. He celebrated his 80th birthday. In 2018, the composer will turn 82, but many fans are surprised that their idol looks younger than his biological age.

Raymond Pauls, a photo in his youth and now which is easy to find on the Internet, is of medium height. It is equal to 175 centimeters. The popular composer weighs about 70 kilograms. From a young age to the present, a man has been involved in sports. He goes for walks with his wife.

Biography and personal life of Raymond Pauls

Our hero was born in the harsh pre-war time. Father - Voldemar Pauls blew glass at the Riga glass factory. Mother - Alma-Matilda Pauls embroidered with pearls and was engaged in raising children. In addition to the son, a daughter was brought up in the family - the younger sister of the musician, whose name is Edite Paula-Wignere.

From a young age, parents raised their son as a creative person. He has been playing the piano since the age of 3. At the age of ten he began to study at a music school. Then the young Raymond studied at the conservatory at two faculties: music and composition. After receiving a diploma, Pauls began performing at various venues in the Soviet Union. The audience greeted him with applause. From the mid-70s, the composer began to write pop songs, which in different years were performed by Alla Pugacheva, Yak Yola, Sofia Rotaru, Laima Vaikule and many other pop artists.

The musician organized the children's group "Kukushechka", whose performances caused invariable delight among the audience.

For many years, Raimonds Pauls has been a constant maestro at the Jurmala Song Festival. In recent years, the man writes not only pop songs, but also symphonic music, which is in demand among music lovers all over the planet.

The biography and personal life of Raymond Pauls has been running happily since his youth. The musician is happily married. He and his wife raised their only daughter, who gave her parents three grandchildren.

Family and children of Raymond Pauls

The family and children of Raymond Pauls are a very important link in the life of a popular composer. He can do everything for the happiness of his loved ones.

Raymond's dad was a glass blower. The man was a self-taught musician. He played in his free time in one of the popular Riga bands. The father had a great influence on his son. It is thanks to this that our hero began to study music.

Mom was an embroiderer. Her work was bought in large quantities. The fame of the woman went throughout the Baltics. Buyers came even from abroad.

The sister of our hero is engaged in tapestries. She often calls up her brother, wishing him long life and creative longevity.

The popular composer has only one daughter, who gave our performer three children.

The musician calls his children the numerous children who sang in his group "Kukushechka". The composer says that he remembers all the young performers who have grown since then. They often communicate with Raymond Pauls. For the 80th anniversary, the musician received a gift from the former members of the Cuckoo group. They recorded songs on a disc that they sang in different years under the guidance of our hero.

Raimond Voldemarovich is often engaged in charitable activities. He participates in concerts to raise funds that go to help children in difficult situations.

Daughter of Raimonds Pauls - Annette Pedersen

In the early 60s of the last century, the author of numerous pop compositions became the father of a charming daughter. The girl was named Annette. During her school years, she was not loved by teachers and peers. They considered her an asshole, as Annette was proud of her father. This led to quarrels with classmates.

Raymond believed that his daughter should be an ordinary child. He never aspired to make her a singer.

Having received a certificate, the daughter of Raymond Pauls, Annette Pedersen, goes to the capital of the Soviet Union. Here she becomes a student at the Moscow GITIS, in which she comprehends directing. The girl was noticed during her studies, after which she was invited to one of the television channels in which she worked for many years. Annette is sociable, cheerful, she has a large number of friends who visit their friend very often.

In the early 90s of the last century, a girl met Marek Pedersen at one of the events. The young man worked for a Danish aviation company. Literally a few weeks after they met, the lovers decided to register the marriage officially. First, they went to Riga to receive the blessing of the girl's parents. The Pauls were fascinated by their son-in-law, they gave their parental blessing.

The wedding took place in Moscow. It was attended by a large number of colleagues and friends of the newlyweds. They spent their honeymoon on the Riga seaside, and then went to Denmark for a few days, where the newly-made spouse introduced his beloved to loved ones.

Young people began to live in the capital of the Russian Federation. They had three children who are now adults.

Annette visits her parents quite often. She works at the Consulate of Latvia, located in the Russian Federation.

Annette says that she is a Latvian citizen by birth, but Russia has become her homeland. She is happy here and hopes to live for many years.

Raymond Pauls' wife - Svetlana Epifanova

In mid-1961, the popular composer met his future wife. At that time he was on tour in Odessa. From the first meeting, the young man lost his head from a young girl. After meeting, a native Odessa woman decided to become a resident of the Latvian capital.

Young lovers decided to secretly get married, as they did not have money for the celebration. To have them painted, Raymond and Svetlana invited random people as witnesses. These honored guests then became friends of the couple.

After receiving the certificate, the newlyweds went to the cinema, and then bought donuts, which became the wedding dish of the lovers.

The wife of Raymond Pauls, Svetlana Epifanova, was able to influence her husband. For the sake of her happiness and daughter, our hero stopped abusing alcoholic beverages. He can only drink a little champagne at events.

The Maestro and his wife have been married for over 50 years. The couple is still happy. They thank fate that they had the happiness of meeting each other. On tour, a woman always goes with Pauls. She helps him create works without thinking about everyday issues.

Wikipedia Raymond Pauls

Wikipedia Raimonds Pauls is the main source of information about the popular composer of pop songs and symphonic works. Here you can find out about the parents and close people of the popular musician. The page contains a complete list of works written by our hero.

All contemporaries know the name of the famous pianist, composer Raimonds Pauls. The best concert halls of the Soviet Union and many foreign countries heard the works of the famous Latvian composer. He is the author of pop songs, miniatures for cinema and theater. Notes of jazz, folklore, blues, modern rhythms harmoniously sound in his compositions. Raymond Pauls is a very interesting personality. Biography, personal life of this celebrity deserves special attention.

little genius

In 1936, little Raymond was born in Riga. His father, Valdemar, was a glass maker, and his mother, Alma Matilda, was an embroiderer. The family lived modestly. From a very early age, parents noticed their son's ability to music and began to develop them. A specialized kindergarten was opened at the first musical institute, where little Oyar-Raymond (initial name) was sent. The boy was then only three years old. At the age of four, Raymond had already mastered such a complex instrument as the piano. When he was 10 years old, the boy was sent to study at the music school. Darzin, who is in the conservatory. Here he was given lessons by Professor Dauge. Even before the age of 15, Raymond could masterfully perform jazz compositions, so he easily entered the Latvian State Conservatory in the department of performers.

First steps in music

What did Raymond Pauls start with? The biography of the composer is very rich. While still a student at the conservatory, he worked as a pianist in one of the clubs. Soon he learns to write his first creative masterpieces. The first musical miniatures were written for the puppet and drama theater of the Latvian SSR. At the conservatory, he became the organizer of a pop sextet from his classmates. Compositions by young Pauls performed by a sextet and other professional singers began to sound more and more often on the Riga radio. The most famous songs of that time: "Winter Evening", "We met in March", "Old Birch". The pianist entered the conservatory twice, the second time - to the composition department, where he studied with Professor Ivanov.

Young Pauls began to give concerts throughout the Soviet country. Then he was entrusted with the Latvian Variety Orchestra. Here he writes music for the film "Three plus two" and collaborates with the poet Alfred Kruklis. Here are the famous compositions of the musician: "Old Harpsichord", "Drop of Rain", "Restless Pulse".

Political career

In the early 1990s, Pauls became interested in political issues. He passes to the deputies of the Supreme Council of Latvia. In 1990, the musician was elected to the people's deputies of the USSR. Then he becomes the head of the Ministry of Culture of the Latvian SSR and continues to head it after the independence of Latvia. Pauls left his post in 1993, having made this decision himself. He spent the next five years as a cultural adviser. In the late 90s, he created a political force in Latvia - the New Party, at the head of which he became. Then, for four years, Raimonds Pauls was a deputy from the People's Party and even ran for the President of Latvia, but at the last moment he recused himself. In 2009, the politician decides to no longer participate in the election race and devote himself only to art.

The activity of the musician today

For his great contribution to the art and development of the Baltic States in 2008, Raimonds Pauls was awarded the Baltic Star Prize. The main direction of the composer's work was the organization of a competition for young talents in Jurmala, which was called the "New Wave". Igor Krutoy and Alla Pugacheva became active assistants in organizing this event for the musician. For the spread of the Russian language in Latvia and for the strengthening of cultural ties between the two countries, the master was awarded. The award was presented to the artist by former President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

Today, the maestro continues to collaborate with the Choir of Boys. Darzin. The composer also continues to create music for new musicals and films. In 2014, the premiere of the musical All About Cinderella, which was sensational in Russia, took place. Many people know that it was Pauls who wrote the musical intro for the weather forecast in the Vremya program. Of the young performers with whom the master worked, Valeria, Kristina Orbakaite, Ani Lorak can be noted.

Raymond Pauls is one of the most popular Soviet composers. His work is loved not only in his native Latvia and Russia, but far abroad. The composer's songs were performed in different years by the most popular pop singers. It is worth pronouncing the name "Maestro" or "Lavender", as the name Raimonds Pauls immediately pops up.

The composer is monogamous. In his youth, he met his future wife, he retained his love for her for many decades. The woman became his muse, dresser, designer. She gave her husband a daughter, who became the only child of the couple.

Height, weight, age. How old is Raymond Pauls

From the time the songs of Raimonds Pauls become popular, a large audience of viewers begins to take an interest in the life and work of the composer. Currently, in official sources, you can find out what a man's height, weight, age is. How old is Raymond Pauls is no secret. He celebrated his 80th birthday. In 2018, the composer will turn 82, but many fans are surprised that their idol looks younger than his biological age.

Raymond Pauls, a photo in his youth and now which is easy to find on the Internet, is of medium height. It is equal to 175 centimeters. The popular composer weighs about 70 kilograms. From a young age to the present, a man has been involved in sports. He goes for walks with his wife.

Biography and personal life of Raymond Pauls

Our hero was born in the harsh pre-war time. Father - Voldemar Pauls blew glass at the Riga glass factory. Mother - Alma-Matilda Pauls embroidered with pearls and was engaged in raising children. In addition to the son, a daughter was brought up in the family - the younger sister of the musician, whose name is Edite Paula-Wignere.

From a young age, parents raised their son as a creative person. He has been playing the piano since the age of 3. At the age of ten he began to study at a music school. Then the young Raymond studied at the conservatory at two faculties: music and composition. After receiving a diploma, Pauls began performing at various venues in the Soviet Union. The audience greeted him with applause. From the mid-70s, the composer began to write pop songs, which in different years were performed by Alla Pugacheva, Yak Yola, Sofia Rotaru, Laima Vaikule and many other pop artists.

The musician organized the children's group "Kukushechka", whose performances caused invariable delight among the audience.

For many years, Raimonds Pauls has been a constant maestro at the Jurmala Song Festival. In recent years, the man writes not only pop songs, but also symphonic music, which is in demand among music lovers all over the planet.

The biography and personal life of Raymond Pauls has been running happily since his youth. The musician is happily married. He and his wife raised their only daughter, who gave her parents three grandchildren.

Family and children of Raymond Pauls

The family and children of Raymond Pauls are a very important link in the life of a popular composer. He can do everything for the happiness of his loved ones.

Raymond's dad was a glass blower. The man was a self-taught musician. He played in his free time in one of the popular Riga bands. The father had a great influence on his son. It is thanks to this that our hero began to study music.

Mom was an embroiderer. Her work was bought in large quantities. The fame of the woman went throughout the Baltics. Buyers came even from abroad.

The sister of our hero is engaged in tapestries. She often calls up her brother, wishing him long life and creative longevity.

The popular composer has only one daughter, who gave our performer three children.

The musician calls his children the numerous children who sang in his group "Kukushechka". The composer says that he remembers all the young performers who have grown since then. They often communicate with Raymond Pauls. For the 80th anniversary, the musician received a gift from the former members of the Cuckoo group. They recorded songs on a disc that they sang in different years under the guidance of our hero.

Raimond Voldemarovich is often engaged in charitable activities. He participates in concerts to raise funds that go to help children in difficult situations.

Daughter of Raimonds Pauls - Annette Pedersen

In the early 60s of the last century, the author of numerous pop compositions became the father of a charming daughter. The girl was named Annette. During her school years, she was not loved by teachers and peers. They considered her an asshole, as Annette was proud of her father. This led to quarrels with classmates.

Raymond believed that his daughter should be an ordinary child. He never aspired to make her a singer.

Having received a certificate, the daughter of Raymond Pauls, Annette Pedersen, goes to the capital of the Soviet Union. Here she becomes a student at the Moscow GITIS, in which she comprehends directing. The girl was noticed during her studies, after which she was invited to one of the television channels in which she worked for many years. Annette is sociable, cheerful, she has a large number of friends who visit their friend very often.

In the early 90s of the last century, a girl met Marek Pedersen at one of the events. The young man worked for a Danish aviation company. Literally a few weeks after they met, the lovers decided to register the marriage officially. First, they went to Riga to receive the blessing of the girl's parents. The Pauls were fascinated by their son-in-law, they gave their parental blessing.

The wedding took place in Moscow. It was attended by a large number of colleagues and friends of the newlyweds. They spent their honeymoon on the Riga seaside, and then went to Denmark for a few days, where the newly-made spouse introduced his beloved to loved ones.

Young people began to live in the capital of the Russian Federation. They had three children who are now adults.

Annette visits her parents quite often. She works at the Consulate of Latvia, located in the Russian Federation.

Annette says that she is a Latvian citizen by birth, but Russia has become her homeland. She is happy here and hopes to live for many years.

Raymond Pauls' wife - Svetlana Epifanova

In mid-1961, the popular composer met his future wife. At that time he was on tour in Odessa. From the first meeting, the young man lost his head from a young girl. After meeting, a native Odessa woman decided to become a resident of the Latvian capital.

Young lovers decided to secretly get married, as they did not have money for the celebration. To have them painted, Raymond and Svetlana invited random people as witnesses. These honored guests then became friends of the couple.

After receiving the certificate, the newlyweds went to the cinema, and then bought donuts, which became the wedding dish of the lovers.

The wife of Raymond Pauls, Svetlana Epifanova, was able to influence her husband. For the sake of her happiness and daughter, our hero stopped abusing alcoholic beverages. He can only drink a little champagne at events.

The Maestro and his wife have been married for over 50 years. The couple is still happy. They thank fate that they had the happiness of meeting each other. On tour, a woman always goes with Pauls. She helps him create works without thinking about everyday issues.

Wikipedia Raymond Pauls

Wikipedia Raimonds Pauls is the main source of information about the popular composer of pop songs and symphonic works. Here you can find out about the parents and close people of the popular musician. The page contains a complete list of works written by our hero.

Name: Raymond Pauls
Date of Birth: January 12, 1936
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Age: 83 years old
Place of Birth: Riga
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Activity: composer, conductor, pianist
Education: Latvian Academy of Music
Family status: married

Raymond Pauls - Biography

Raymond Voldemarovich Pauls is a well-known and beloved composer, whose songs have become real hits. They are performed by the most popular pop stars. In Latvia, where he comes from, he served for almost five years as Minister of Culture. And there were many more interesting things in the life of the famous songwriter.

Childhood, family

The hometown of Raimonds Pauls is Riga. The boy was born into a family of real workers: his father worked as a glass blower, and his mother worked as a pearl embroiderer. But after the birth of her son, the woman quit her job, deciding to devote herself entirely to her son and his upbringing. The boy's musical education was not accidental. My father was friendly with music, as he played percussion instruments in an orchestra of amateur musicians. That is why Raymond already definitely knew that he was destined for a biography of the musician.

As a child, the boy went to kindergarten, where he was taught to play any instrument, for Raymond it was the piano. According to some sources, Raymond's father became interested in reading a book about the great Paganini, so he, having bought a violin, gave it to a music class. During the Great Patriotic War, his father sent his family to a small village, the music had to be left for a while. After the hostilities and the Great Victory, everyone reunited in their beloved city.

When the boy was ten years old, he entered a music school in Riga. Then he continued his education at the Latvian Conservatory, studied piano, and then studied there as a composer. Raymond studied and worked as a performer in variety orchestras at many concerts and evenings. The young pianist liked to perform jazz and modern song compositions.

Musical career

Pauls' music could be heard in puppet shows and dramatic performances. After graduating from the conservatory, Raymond began to work in the variety orchestra of the city of Riga, visited concerts not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. Raymond Pauls biography indulged in leadership positions. Either he is the artistic director of his own pop orchestra, or he is appointed head of the Modo ensemble. At the Latvian Radio and Television, he conducts an orchestra, and then becomes the editor-in-chief of all radio programs related to music.

It was Pauls who came up with the idea and implementation of the Jurmala Performing Competition. Pauls and composer Igor Krutoy organized the New Wave competition, which immediately acquired international status. The composer is actively involved in social and political activities. He becomes a member of the Union of Cinematographers and Composers of the Republic of Latvia. He is elected to the deputies from the people and to the Supreme Council of Latvia.

Music, songs

The composer's biography was so successful that among his comrades in the creative workshop he had many famous pop artists for whom he wrote songs, many famous poets gave him their poems, directors asked him to compose music for their films. It is even surprising that with his popularity, Raymond Pauls had a closed and complex character. But he always knew how to make friends for real, so Ilya Reznik is not only a co-author of many hit works by the composer, but also his good friend.

It is impossible to imagine the name of Alla Pugacheva without the name of Pauls. Raymond Voldemarovich is grateful to fate for close cooperation with the prima donna. Let a little was written for her, and only ten of her songs were sung to the music of the great maestro, but each of their joint song composition is a whole story. This is a difficult creative stage of work, but memorable and fruitful.

Personal life

The composer married only once in his life. Raymond toured a lot, and on one of the very first such creative trips, he met a charming beautiful girl. It happened in Odessa. Young people fell in love with each other. Pauls' wife Svetlana Epifanova gave birth to his daughter Aneta. Parents gave their daughter the education of a director on television. Now she is already married, lives with her family in the capital of Russia, brings up three children: Anna-Maria, Monica-Yvonne and Arthur.

There were many situations in the composer's life when alcohol took over them, but only the family returned him to a creative fruitful life. Spouses are accustomed to trust each other. The main sign of their family relationship, which has existed for more than fifty years, is love and tenderness. These two qualities did not allow the marriage to collapse due to many gossip about Raymond's romance with Alla Pugacheva. Both spouses had the sense not to believe empty rumors.

Media personalities must be strong and free from idle chatter and strife. The composer loves only three women all his life: music, his wife Svetlana and his daughter's family. Now such fidelity and mutual understanding are very rare. Let the composer enjoy his family happiness for many years.

Several little-known facts from the life of the all-Union maestro from Riga, who will turn 80 on January 12, were collected by Vladimir SERGEEV (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”).

1. Born in Riga in the family of the glass blower Voldemar Pauls, son Ojars Raimonds was assigned - at the request of his father - to a unique Riga musical kindergarten from the age of 3. But until the age of 10, he was very reluctant to study music, so his father often drove Raymond to the piano with a belt. Over time, Raymond began to study music with passion, and in 1953 he was already a student at the Latvian Conservatory. Professor Herman Brown instilled in him a love for the classics, and young Raymond dreamed of the stage, moonlighting in orchestras.

2. Today, Raimonds Pauls, who became a People's Artist of the USSR at the age of 49, is not only a music guru in Latvia, but also a restaurateur, one of the wealthiest residents of Riga, although he once suffered from Latvian banks. And in the 1970s and 1980s, every restaurant where Pauls' songs were performed paid a lot of money to the composer. Pauls says about this time:
- I lived very well! You come to Sberbank, and there are already several thousand. And at one time I even surpassed David Tukhmanov in terms of income.

3. Outwardly imperturbable, who seemed to the audience always frowning, Pauls often took part in the drawings of the bohemian party. The composer recalls that Mark Zakharov, who was patient in this regard, who lived in an apartment right near Pugacheva, became the object of such jokes several times. So we, friends, now understand to whom Raymond and Alla dedicated their hit "Hey, you, up there!".

4. Although the daughter of Pauls Anete grew up among the celebrities who visited their house, the maestro forbade her to sing on the stage. After leaving school, Anete worked at a television center, becoming a director. And in 1988, together with Yuri Nikolaev, she hosted a pop song contest in Jurmala, where Alexander Malinin then received the Grand Prix. Anete married a Dane, an employee of the SAS airline. For several years she was an assistant to the Consul General of Latvia for cultural issues in Moscow. Pauls' two granddaughters studied at an elite Moscow school with in-depth study of English and French.

5. Having been both the Minister of Culture of Latvia and Advisor to the President of Latvia on Culture, Raimonds Pauls, contrary to his words about the proper apoliticality of a musician and an artist in general, in 1999 ran for the presidency from the New Party of Latvia headed by him. Having won in the first round, before the second he withdrew his candidacy. Later he explained this by the fact that he would have to be between two fires, since the right-wing advocated aggravation of relations with Russia, and Russians in Latvia have strong economic positions. By the way, having large finances, the Russian capitalists did not interfere in any way in Latvia's policy of oppressing the Russian-speaking population. Pauls' wife, linguist and translator Svetlana Epifanova (they met in Odessa during the maestro's tour), had to take an exam in knowledge of the Latvian language in order to obtain citizenship. This procedure became a personal insult to the famous composer. By the way, in the house the couple communicates in the state language, and when the spouses quarrel, they switch to more “picturesque” Russian.

6. There are unpleasant facts in the biography of Pauls. As Minister of Culture, from 1991 to 1993 he closed several Russian schools, as well as the Riga Youth Theater under the direction of People's Artist Adolf Shapiro.


In his youth, Raymond PAULS was a complete alcoholic, he was even fired from the Riga Philharmonic for drunkenness. Here is how the maestro himself comments on this fact of the biography.

I will tell my story of a musician who played at dances. People always came up to me, treated me with wine. Every day I drank more and more. It has become a disease. Maybe it all depended on a weak character ... I was always drunk. I listened to fake compliments, and they poured everything for me and poured it. Once I did not come to a concert, and I was fired from the Riga Philharmonic.
The drinking went on for weeks. My friends - the actress of our National Theater Lydia Freimane and her husband Oswald Pasternak - constantly told me to go for treatment. My wife also played a big role, urging me to stop... I could lose not only my family, but also my life. An abyss loomed ahead. And I made up my mind. I was taken to the hospital.
Injections, all sorts of procedures, when you were driven to nausea, lasted three weeks. But before discharge, the doctors said that the worst would begin after the hospital. Will I be able, they say, to abstain from alcohol. I was able to force myself to refuse even such innocent temptations as a sip of champagne. I haven't drunk since.

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