The essence and methods of lean manufacturing. Lean system (Lean production) Number of own trainers

Oleg Levyakov

LIN (from the English Lean - slender, lean) production or logistics of "lean" production has caused a tremendous increase in labor productivity and production volumes and remains the main production system in many sectors of the world economy.

Lean Manufacturing is an American name Toyota Production System. The creator of lean manufacturing, Taiichi Ohno, began his first experiments in production optimization back in the 1950s. In those post-war times, Japan was in ruins and the country needed new cars. But the problem was that demand was not great enough to justify the purchase of a powerful production line, in the manner of Ford. Many different types of cars were needed (passenger cars, light and medium-duty trucks, etc.), but the demand for a specific type of car was small. The Japanese had to learn to work efficiently, creating many different models in conditions of low demand for each model. No one had solved this problem before, since efficiency was understood exclusively in terms of mass production.

Lean manufacturing involves the involvement of each employee in the business optimization process and maximum customer focus.

The starting point of lean manufacturing is customer value. From the point of view of the end consumer, a product (service) acquires actual value only at the time when direct processing and production of these elements occurs. The heart of lean manufacturing is the process of eliminating waste, which is called muda in Japanese. Muda is a Japanese word that means waste, that is, any activity that consumes resources but does not create value. For example, the consumer does not need the finished product or its parts to be in stock. However, in a traditional management system, warehouse costs, as well as all costs associated with rework, defects, and other indirect costs are passed on to the consumer.

In accordance with the concept of lean manufacturing, all activities of an enterprise can be classified as follows: operations and processes that add value to the consumer, and operations and processes that do not add value to the consumer. Therefore, anything that does not add value to the customer, from a lean manufacturing perspective, is classified as waste and must be eliminated.

The main goals of lean manufacturing are:

  • reduction of costs, including labor;
  • reduction of product creation time;
  • reduction of production and warehouse space;
  • guarantee of product delivery to the customer;
  • maximum quality at a certain cost or minimum cost at a certain quality.

As mentioned above, the history of the LIN system began with the Toyota company. Sakishi Toyoda, one of the founders of Toyota, believed that there is no limit to production improvement and, regardless of the company’s state in the market and its competitiveness, constant movement forward and improvement of all production processes are necessary. The result of this philosophy was the kaizen (continuous improvement) strategy pursued at Toyota enterprises. Sakishi Toyoda supported large investments in research work to create new cars.

Kiishiro Toyoda, Sakishi's son, understood that he would have to do something unusual in order to successfully compete with American auto giants (such as Ford). To begin with, he introduced the concept of “just in time” (Togo and Wartman) at his enterprises, which meant that any car part had to be created no earlier than it was needed. Therefore, the Japanese, unlike the Americans, did not have huge warehouses with spare parts, while the Japanese saved more time and resources. The "kaizen" and "Togo and Wartman" methods became the basis of the Toyoda family's manufacturing philosophy.

The next in the dynasty, Eiji Toyoda, began his activities by developing a five-year plan to improve production methods. To do this, Taichi Ono was invited to Toyota as a consultant, who introduced “kanban” cards - “tracking inventory movements.” Taichi Ohno taught the workers a detailed understanding of the "kaizen" and "Togo and Wartman" methods, modernized the equipment and established the correct sequence of operations. If any problem arose with the assembly of products on the conveyor, the conveyor would immediately stop in order to quickly find and fix any problems. Toyota has been implementing its industrial quality philosophy for twenty years, including with its suppliers.

Soichiro Toyoda became president and then chairman of the board of directors of Toyota Motor Corporation in 1982. Under his leadership, Toyota became an international corporation. Soishiro began his work to improve quality in the company by studying the works of the American quality expert E. Deming. Quality management at Toyota enterprises has become clearer and has been implemented in all departments of the company.

Thus, over several generations of Toyota management, a unique quality system was developed, which formed the basis of the LIN system.

The most popular Lean manufacturing tools and methods are:

  1. Value Stream Mapping.
  2. Pull-line production.
  3. Kanban.
  4. Kaizen - continuous improvement.
  5. The 5C system is a technology for creating an effective workplace.
  6. SMED system - Fast equipment changeover.
  7. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system - Total equipment care.
  8. JIT system (Just-In-Time - just on time).
  9. Visualization.
  10. U-shaped cells.

Value Stream Mapping is a fairly simple and visual graphic diagram depicting the material and information flows necessary to provide a product or service to the end consumer. A value stream map makes it possible to immediately see the bottlenecks of the flow and, based on its analysis, identify all unproductive costs and processes, and develop an improvement plan. Value stream mapping includes the following steps:

  1. Documenting the current state map.
  2. Production flow analysis.
  3. Creating a future state map.
  4. Developing an improvement plan.

Pull production(eng. pull production) - a production organization scheme in which the volume of production at each production stage is determined exclusively by the needs of subsequent stages (ultimately - by the needs of the customer).

The ideal is “single piece flow”, i.e. The upstream supplier (or internal supplier) does not produce anything until the downstream consumer (or internal consumer) tells him to do so. Thus, each subsequent operation “pulls” products from the previous one.

This way of organizing work is also closely related to line balancing and flow synchronization.

Kanban system is a system that ensures the organization of a continuous material flow in the absence of inventories: inventories are supplied in small batches, directly to the required points of the production process, bypassing the warehouse, and finished products are immediately shipped to customers. The order of product production management is reverse: from the i-th stage to the (i - 1)-th.

The essence of the CANBAN system is that all production departments of the enterprise are supplied with material resources only in the quantity and on time that are necessary to fulfill the order. The order for finished goods is submitted to the last stage of the production process, where the required volume of work in progress is calculated, which should come from the penultimate stage. Similarly, from the penultimate stage there is a request for the previous stage of production for a certain number of semi-finished products. That is, the size of production at a given site is determined by the needs of the next production site.

Thus, between each two adjacent stages of the production process there is a double connection:

  • from the i-th stage to the (i - 1)-th stage, the required amount of work in progress is requested (“pulled”);
  • From the (i - 1) stage, material resources in the required quantity are sent to the i-th stage.

The means of transmitting information in the CANBAN system are special cards (“canban”, translated from Japanese as a card). Two types of cards are used:

  • production order cards, which indicate the number of parts to be produced at a previous stage of production. Production order cards are sent from the i-th production stage to the (i - 1)-th stage and are the basis for the formation of a production program for the (i - 1)-th section;
  • selection cards, which indicate the amount of material resources (components, parts, semi-finished products) that must be taken at the previous processing (assembly) site. Selection cards show the amount of material resources actually received by the i-th production site from the (i - 1)-th.

In this way, cards can circulate not only within an enterprise using the CANBAN system, but also between it and its branches, as well as between cooperating corporations.

Enterprises using a CANBAN system receive production resources daily or even several times during the day, so the enterprise's inventory can be completely updated 100-300 times a year or even more often, while in an enterprise using an MRP or MAP system - only 10-20 times in year. For example, at Toyota Motors Corporation, resources were supplied to one of the production sites three times a day in 1976, and in 1983 - every few minutes.

The desire to reduce inventories also becomes a method for identifying and solving production problems. The accumulation of inventories and inflated production volumes make it possible to hide frequent equipment breakdowns and shutdowns, as well as manufacturing defects. Since, in conditions of minimizing inventories, production can be stopped due to defects at a previous stage of the technological process, the main requirement of the CANBAN system, in addition to the “zero inventories” requirement, becomes the “zero defects” requirement. The CANBAN system is almost impossible to implement without the simultaneous implementation of a comprehensive quality management system.

Important elements of the CANBAN system are:

  • an information system that includes not only cards, but also production, transport and supply schedules, technological maps;
  • system for regulating the need and professional rotation of personnel;
  • system of total (TQM) and selective ("Jidoka") product quality control;
  • production leveling system.

Main advantages of the CANBAN system:

  • short production cycle, high asset turnover, including inventories;
  • there are no or extremely low storage costs for production and inventory;
  • high quality products at all stages of the production process.

An analysis of global experience in using the CANBAN system has shown that this system makes it possible to reduce production inventories by 50%, inventory by 8%, with a significant acceleration of working capital turnover and an increase in the quality of finished products.

The main disadvantages of the just-in-time system are:

  • the difficulty of ensuring high consistency between product production stages;
  • significant risk of disruption to production and sales of products.

Kaizen- this is a derivative of two hieroglyphs - "change" and "good" - usually translated as "change for the better" or "continuous improvement."

In an applied sense, Kaizen is a philosophy and management mechanisms that encourage employees to propose improvements and implement them promptly.

There are five main components of Kaizen:

  1. Interaction;
  2. Personal discipline;
  3. Improved morale;
  4. Quality Circles;
  5. Suggestions for improvement;

5C system - technology for creating an effective workplace

Under this designation a system of establishing order, cleanliness and strengthening discipline is known. The 5C system includes five interrelated principles for organizing the workplace. The Japanese name for each of these principles begins with the letter "S". Translated into Russian - sorting, rational arrangement, cleaning, standardization, improvement.

  1. SORTING: separate necessary items - tools, parts, materials, documents - from unnecessary ones in order to remove the latter.
  2. RATIONAL ARRANGEMENT: rationally arrange what is left, place each item in its place.
  3. CLEANING: Maintain cleanliness and order.
  4. STANDARDIZE: Maintain accuracy by performing the first three S's regularly.
  5. IMPROVEMENT: making established procedures a habit and improving them.

Quick changeover (SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Die) literally translated as “Changing a stamp in 1 minute.” The concept was developed by Japanese author Shigeo Shingo and revolutionized approaches to changeover and retooling. As a result of the implementation of the SMED system, changing any tool and readjusting can be done in just a few minutes or even seconds, “with one touch” (“OTED” concept - “One Touch Exchange of Dies”).

As a result of numerous statistical studies, it was found that the time for carrying out various operations during the changeover process is distributed as follows:

  • preparation of materials, dies, fixtures, etc. - thirty%;
  • securing and removing dies and tools - 5%;
  • centering and placement of the tool - 15%;
  • trial processing and adjustment - 50%.

As a result, the following principles were formulated to reduce changeover time by tens and even hundreds of times:

  • separation of internal and external adjustment operations,
  • transformation of internal actions into external ones,
  • use of functional clamps or complete removal of fasteners,
  • use of additional devices.

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system - Total equipment care mainly serves to improve the quality of equipment, focused on maximum efficient use thanks to a comprehensive preventive maintenance system. The emphasis of this system is on prevention and early detection of equipment defects that can lead to more serious problems.

TRM involves operators and repairmen, who together ensure increased equipment reliability. The basis of TPM is the establishment of a schedule for preventive maintenance, lubrication, cleaning and general inspection. This ensures an increase in the Total Equipment Efficiency indicator.

JIT (Just-In-Time) system - materials management system in production, in which components from a previous operation (or from an external supplier) are delivered exactly when they are needed, but not before. This system leads to a sharp reduction in the volume of work in progress, materials and finished products in warehouses.

A just-in-time system involves a specific approach to selecting and evaluating suppliers, based on working with a narrow range of suppliers selected for their ability to guarantee just-in-time delivery of high-quality components. At the same time, the number of suppliers is reduced by two or more times, and long-term economic relations are established with the remaining suppliers.

Visualization is any means of communicating how work should be done. This is such an arrangement of tools, parts, containers and other indicators of the state of production, in which everyone can understand at first glance the state of the system - the norm or deviation.

The most commonly used imaging methods are:

  1. Outlining.
  2. Color coding.
  3. Road sign method.
  4. Paint marking.
  5. “It was” - “it became”.
  6. Graphic work instructions.

U-shaped cells- Arrangement of equipment in the shape of the Latin letter “U”. In a U-shaped cell, the machines are arranged in a horseshoe shape according to the sequence of operations. With this equipment arrangement, the final processing stage occurs in close proximity to the initial stage, so the operator does not have to walk far to begin the next production cycle.

In a period of intense competition and an escalating crisis, enterprises around the world have no other way than, using the world's best management technologies, to create products and services that maximally satisfy customers in terms of quality and price.

Losses in any production process are an inevitable problem for many enterprises, both those producing products and providing services. Waste is a condition that, to put it mildly, does not add value to a product or service. In order to detect losses, you first need to recognize them. There are eight types of losses, due to which up to 85% of an enterprise’s resources are lost:

  1. Loss of creativity. When an employee is treated like a cog in a machine that can be thrown out or replaced at any time, when relationships are reduced to the “work with your hands and strictly follow the boss’s instructions” scheme, employees’ interest in work steadily declines. Experts believe that this order of things is outdated, it is pulling the company back, which will immediately affect the company’s profits. In Japan, for example, “quality circles” appear in various companies, where anyone has the right to express their proposals for improving the quality of processes. Analysts believe that in the 21st century, companies that can create a sense of involvement in production improvement will be successful in the 21st century.
  2. Excessive production, which is expressed in the fact that more goods are produced than required, or earlier than the customer requires. As a result, those resources that could be spent on improving quality are spent on increasing quantity.
  3. Delays. When workers stand idle waiting for materials, tools, equipment, information, it is always a consequence of poor planning or insufficient relationships with suppliers, or unforeseen fluctuations in demand.
  4. Unnecessary transportation when materials or products are moved more frequently than necessary for a continuous process. It is important to deliver everything you need in a timely manner and to the right place, and for this, the enterprise must implement good logistics schemes.
  5. Excessive inventory, or storing in warehouses more products than are sold and more materials than are needed for the process.
  6. Overprocessing. Products must come out of production of such high quality that, if possible, they eliminate their rework and modifications, and quality control must be fast and effective.
  7. Defects that must be avoided at all costs, because additional funds are spent on resolving customer complaints: if a defective product needs to be corrected, extra time, effort and money are spent.
  8. Poor movement, or poor delivery of tools and materials within the enterprise, unnecessary movement of employees around the premises.

According to a study by the Institute for Integrated Strategic Studies (ICSI) on the spread of lean manufacturing in Russia in March-April 2006, out of 735 surveyed Russian industrial enterprises, 32% used Japanese experience. A repeat survey was conducted in March-April 2008. Application of Lean Manufacturing at Russian industrial enterprises in 2006-2008.” at the III Russian Lean Forum “Lean Russia”. Enterprises that were the first to apply lean production methods: Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ Group), RUSAL, EvrazHolding, Eurochem, VSMPO-AVISMA, KUMZ OJSC, Chelyabinsk Forging and Press Plant (ChKPZ OJSC), Sollers OJSC "("UAZ", "ZMZ"), KAMAZ, NefAZ, Sberbank of Russia OJSC, etc.






Department of National Economics and Management

Course work

in the discipline "Fundamentals of Management"

on the topic: “Building a lean production system”

Completed by: student

3 courses special MO, 571g

Khodorivskaya T. I.


Serochudinov E. S.

Tyumen 2010



1.1 The main idea and principles of lean manufacturing…………………...5

1.2 Lean manufacturing tools………………………………….11


2.1 Characteristics of the organization…………………………………………….…20

2.2 Implementation of a lean production system at Whelan JSC and assessment of the changes made………………………………………………………...23


LIST OF REFERENCES…………………………….29

The idea of ​​lean manufacturing is increasingly winning the minds of specialists. This is a modern management concept focused on reducing losses, simplifying production procedures and accelerating product release. Particular emphasis is placed on the focus on continuous improvement of processes and a constant increase in the number of competitive advantages: increasing the economic efficiency of production by reducing losses.

Translated from English, “lean” means “lean, fat-free, slim.” "Lean Production" ("Lean Manufacturing") - literally "production without fat", production where there are no excesses and losses. In the Russian version, the term Lin was translated as “lean production”, “lean production” or simply “Lin”.

The Lean ideology implies the organization of lean production, optimization of business processes with maximum market orientation and taking into account the motivation of each employee. Lean manufacturing forms the basis of a new management philosophy and culture. This is a broad management concept aimed at eliminating waste and optimizing business processes: from the product development stage, production and to interaction with suppliers and customers. Lean manufacturing management is maximally focused on identifying market needs and creating maximum value for the client with minimal expenditure of resources: human effort, equipment, time, production space, etc.

The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by a simple principle that guides almost every entrepreneur - to obtain maximum results with minimal use of resources. And if we take into account that there are irreplaceable resources, then we have to invent new ways to save on production. The Lean concept or lean manufacturing shows how to achieve the maximum possible savings of all enterprise resources through continuous improvement of organizational processes.

The object of the course work is JSC "Whelan". The subject is the lean production system.

The purpose of the course work is to build a lean production system at the company Whelan JSC. The main tasks will be:

· Define the basic idea and principles of lean manufacturing

· Identify lean manufacturing tools

· Calculate changes when implementing a lean production system at an enterprise.


1.1 The main idea and principles of lean manufacturing

The starting point of lean manufacturing is customer value. From the consumer's point of view, a product (service) acquires actual value only at the time when direct processing and production occurs. Therefore, the heart of lean manufacturing is the process of eliminating waste, which in Japanese is called "muda", meaning waste, that is, any activity that consumes resources but does not create value.

In accordance with the concept of lean manufacturing, all activities of an enterprise can be classified as follows: operations and processes that add value to products, and operations and processes that do not add value to products. Therefore, anything that does not add value to the customer, from a lean manufacturing perspective, is classified as waste and must be eliminated. For a visual study, consider an example of manual assembly of a truck chassis on an assembly line (see Fig. 1).

The components are fed to the assembly line.
The operator walks 7 meters to pick up the part.
The operator opens the container and removes the parts.
The operator extends his hand.
The operator takes the tools and the part.
The operator selects bolts for the part.
The operator walks 7 meters, returning to the chassis.

The operator installs the part on the chassis.
The operator goes to where the tool is stored.
The operator takes the tool.
The operator returns and brings the tool to the chassis.
The operator puts down the tool.
The operator secures the supplied part with bolts.
The operator tightens the bolts using a tool.
The operator walks 7 meters to take the next part

Rice. 1. Losses on a truck chassis assembly line

The operator performs many actions, but only a few of them add value to the product that is important to the consumer. In this case, only three operations were identified that add value. A number of other operations are also necessary, although they do not create value. For example, the operator must reach out to pick up a tool. The goal is to ensure that as little time as possible is spent on operations that do not add value to the product. To achieve this, tools and parts must be supplied as close as possible to the assembly site.

In the lean manufacturing system, seven main types of waste were identified - actions or costs that do not add value in the implementation of production and business processes, which are listed below. These losses are possible not only on the production line, but also during product development, order taking and office work.

1) Overproduction: production of products for which there was no order,

leads to excess inventory and generates losses such as excess labor and storage space, as well as transportation costs.

2) Waiting (loss of time): workers who monitor the operation of automatic equipment stand idle waiting for the next work operation, tool, parts, etc. or simply sitting idle due to missing parts, delays in processing, equipment downtime and lack of capacity.

3) Unnecessary transportation or movement: moving over long distances that creates inefficiencies in transportation, as well as moving materials, parts and finished products to and from the warehouse.

4) Over-machining: unnecessary operations when machining parts. Ineffective processing due to poor quality of the tool or an ill-conceived design solution, which entails unnecessary movements and leads to the appearance of defects. Losses caused by excessive quality requirements.

5) Excess Inventory: Excess of raw materials, work in progress or finished goods increases lead time, causes obsolescence of products, leads to damage to finished goods, transportation and storage costs, delays and procrastination. In addition, excess inventory makes it difficult to identify problems such as production imbalances, delivery delays, defects, equipment downtime and lengthy changeovers.

6) Extra movements: all the extra movements that employees have to make during the work process: searching for what they need, the need to reach for tools, parts, etc. or do their styling. This also includes walking.

7) Defects: production of defective parts and correction of defects. Repair, rework, waste, product replacement and testing lead to wasted time and effort.

In Fig. 2. These losses are represented in a simple time coordinate for the casting, machining and parts assembly process.

Raw materials Time Finished parts

Time during which value is created

Time during which no added value is created

Rice. 2. Losses when creating added value

The figure shows that very simple product processing processes are stretched to such an extent that the time during which added value is created is only a small part of the total time. Undoubtedly, irrational use of time leads to significant financial losses for the manager and the company as a whole.
But to effectively build a lean production system, it is not enough to identify losses and eliminate them, since the Lean concept is aimed not only at eliminating muda, but also at continuously improving organizational processes. In this regard, 14 principles were put forward, which constitute the “heart” of all lean manufacturing.

The principles are grouped into 4 categories:

Section I: Long-Term Philosophy

Principle 1. Make management decisions with the long-term in mind

prospects, even if it is detrimental to short-term financial goals.

Section II. The right process produces the right results

Principle 2: A continuous flow process helps identify problems.

Principle 3: Use a pull system to avoid overproduction.

Principle 4. Distribute the amount of work evenly : work like a tortoise, not like a hare.

Principle 5. Stop production to solve problems.

part of the production culture, if quality requires it.

Principle 6. Standard tasks are the basis for continuous improvement and delegation of authority to employees"

Principle 7, Use visual inspection so that no problem goes unnoticed.

Principle 8: Use only reliable, proven technology.

Section III. Add value to the organization by developing your employees

and partners

Principle 9. Develop leaders who thoroughly know their business, profess the company's philosophy and can teach it to others.

Principle 10: Develop exceptional people and build teams that embrace the company's philosophy.

Principle 11. Respect your partners and suppliers, put it before them

difficult tasks and help them improve.

Section IV. Constantly solving fundamental problems stimulates

lifelong learning

Principle 12. To understand the situation, you need to see everything for yourself

Principle 13. Make a decision slowly, based on consensus, after weighing all possible options; when implementing it, do not hesitate.

Principle 14: Become a learning structure through relentless self-reflection and continuous improvement.

1.2 Lean manufacturing tools

After World War II, Toyota took Henry Ford's "flow manufacturing" approach and added a variety of ideas, tools, and techniques from quality, logistics, production planning, motivation, and leadership. As a result, despite the shortage of labor and financial resources, Toyota was able to offer higher quality products at a lower cost than its competitors.

The most popular lean manufacturing tools and methods are:

1. Value Stream Mapping

2. Pull-line production

4. Kaizen - continuous improvement

5. 5C system - technology for creating an effective workplace

6. SMED system - Fast equipment changeover

7. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system - Total equipment care

8. JIT system (Just-In-Time - just on time)

9. Visualization

10. U-shaped cells

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Value Stream Mapping

Value stream mapping is a fairly simple and visual graphical diagram depicting the material and information flows necessary to provide a product or service to the end consumer. A value stream map makes it possible to immediately see the bottlenecks of the flow and, based on its analysis, identify all unproductive costs and processes, and develop an improvement plan.

Value stream mapping includes the following steps:

1. Documenting the current state map

2. Production flow analysis

3. Create a future state map

4. Develop an improvement plan

Pull-line production

Pull production is a production organization scheme in which production volumes at each production stage are determined solely by the needs of subsequent stages (ultimately by the needs of the customer).

The ideal is “single piece flow”, i.e. The upstream supplier (or internal supplier) does not produce anything until the downstream consumer (or internal consumer) tells him to do so. Thus, each subsequent operation “pulls” products from the previous one.

This way of organizing work is also closely related to line balancing and flow synchronization.

This derivative of two hieroglyphs - "change" and "good" - is usually translated as "change for the better" or "continuous improvement."

In an applied sense, Kaizen is a philosophy and management mechanisms that encourage employees to propose improvements and implement them promptly.

There are five main components of Kaizen:

1. Interaction

2. Personal discipline

3. Improved morale

4. Quality circles

5. Suggestions for improvement

Kanban is a Japanese word meaning "signal" or "card". It is a method used to pull products and materials onto lean production lines.

There are several variants of Kanban depending on the application: previous process triggering, two-bin (single-card), multi-card, single-use Kanban, etc.

Kanban allows you to optimize the chain of planning production activities, starting from forecasting demand, planning production tasks and balancing/distributing these tasks across production capacities with optimization of their load. Optimization means “do not do anything unnecessary, do not do it ahead of time, report an emerging need only when it is really necessary.” The Kanban system was developed and implemented for the first time in the world by Toyota.

5C system - technology for creating an effective workplace

Under this designation a system of establishing order, cleanliness and strengthening discipline is known. The 5 C system includes five interrelated principles for organizing the workplace. The Japanese name for each of these principles begins with the letter "S". Translated into Russian - sorting, rational arrangement, cleaning, standardization, improvement.

1. Sorting: separate necessary items - tools, parts, materials, documents - from unnecessary ones in order to remove the latter.

2. Rational arrangement: rationally arrange what is left, place each item in its place.

3. Cleaning: keep things clean and tidy.

4. Standardization: Maintain accuracy by performing the first three S's regularly.

5. Improvement: making established procedures a habit and improving them.

Quick changeover (SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Die)

SMED literally translates to “1 Minute Die Change.” The concept was developed by Japanese author Shigeo Shingo and revolutionized changeover and retooling approaches. As a result of the implementation of the SMED system, changing any tool and readjusting can be done in just a few minutes or even seconds, “with one touch” (“OTED” concept - “One Touch Exchange of Dies”).

As a result of numerous statistical studies, it was found that the time for carrying out various operations during the changeover process is distributed as follows:

· preparation of materials, dies, fixtures, etc. - 30%

· securing and removing dies and tools - 5%

· centering and placement of the tool - 15%

· trial processing and adjustment - 50%

As a result, the following principles were formulated to reduce changeover time by tens and even hundreds of times:

· separation of internal and external adjustment operations,

· transformation of internal actions into external ones,

· use of functional clamps or complete removal of fasteners,

· use of additional devices.

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system - Total equipment care

TPM - “total equipment care”, mainly serves to improve the quality of equipment, focused on maximum efficient use through a comprehensive preventive maintenance system. The emphasis of this system is on prevention and early detection of equipment defects that can lead to more serious problems.

TRM involves operators and repairmen, who together ensure increased equipment reliability. The basis of TPM is the establishment of a schedule for preventive maintenance, lubrication, cleaning and general inspection. This ensures an increase in such an indicator as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

JIT system (Just-In-Time - just on time)

JIT (Just-In-Time) is a materials management system in manufacturing in which components from a previous operation (or from an external supplier) are delivered exactly when they are needed, but not before. This system leads to a sharp reduction in the volume of work in progress, materials and finished products in warehouses.

A just-in-time system involves a specific approach to selecting and evaluating suppliers, based on working with a narrow range of suppliers selected for their ability to guarantee just-in-time delivery of high-quality components. At the same time, the number of suppliers is reduced by two or more times, and long-term economic relations are established with the remaining suppliers.


Visualization is any means of communicating how work should be done. This is such an arrangement of tools, parts, containers and other indicators of the state of production, in which everyone can understand at first glance the state of the system - the norm or deviation.

The most commonly used imaging methods are:

1. Contouring

2. Color coding

3. Road sign method

4. Paint marking

5. “It was” - “it became”

6. Graphic work instructions

1.Outlining is a good way to show where tools and assembly fixtures should be stored. To outline means to outline the assembly fixtures and tools where they are to be permanently stored. When you want to return the tool to its place, the outline will show you where to store this tool.

2. Color marking indicates what specific parts, tools, fixtures and molds are used for. For example, if some parts are needed in the production of a particular product, they can be painted the same color and be stored in a storage area painted the same color.

3. Road sign method - uses the principle of indicating objects in front of you (WHAT, WHERE and in what QUANTITY). There are three main types of such signs:

· pointers on objects indicating where objects should be located

· signs in places indicating which items should be there

Quantity indicators that tell you how many items should be in that location

4.Paint marking is a technique used to highlight the location of something on the floor or in aisles.

Paint markings are used to mark dividing lines between work areas or transport passages.

5. “It was” - “It became”

The image of the workplace/area/shop “before” and “after” the changes clearly demonstrates the changes that have occurred, increases the motivation of workers and supports the new standard.

6.Graphic work instructions describe work operations and quality requirements at each workplace in the simplest and most visual form possible. Graphic work instructions are located directly at the workplace and standardize the optimal way to perform work, ensuring universalization of workers and compliance with standards.

U-shaped cells

The arrangement of the equipment is in the shape of the Latin letter “U”. In a U-shaped cell, the machines are arranged in a horseshoe shape according to the sequence of operations. With this equipment arrangement, the final processing stage occurs in close proximity to the initial stage, so the operator does not have to walk far to begin the next production cycle. In Fig. Figure 3 clearly shows an example of using a U-shaped cell in an enterprise

Rice. 3. Diagram of a U-shaped cell using the example of part processing.



2.1 Characteristics of the organization

Whelan LLC is a specialized enterprise that, since 1989, has been collecting and processing used car tires and waste rubber products. For this type of activity, the company has a license from the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Federation.

The enterprise has a monthly production capacity of more than 500 tons of crumbs. The organization of production was based on the idea of ​​improving the environmental situation in the region, and as a result, obtaining valuable polymer raw materials - crumb rubber of various fractions from 0.63 mm to 5 mm.

Having an existing production facility, the Whelan LLC company from its founding has been engaged in continuous modernization of equipment and improvement of production technology, conducting research in the field of processing modes and related equipment. The technological process used various domestic and imported installations. During the work, a wealth of experience was acquired in the design, installation and commissioning of equipment, and a team of highly qualified specialists was created. All this allowed us to obtain production that meets modern requirements.

In 2007, the company Whelan LLC acquired ownership of a tire manufacturing plant and, by issuing shares, became a closed joint stock company. The current name of the enterprise is JSC "Whelan"

For 3 years, JSC "Whelan" has been a diversified enterprise specializing in the collection, processing of rubber products and the production of crumb rubber, and also produces car tires, selling these products on the domestic market.

The production complex of the workshop is a prefabricated installation with a total area of ​​70 square meters. m and a height of 10 meters, which can process up to 22.5 tons of raw materials per day. In addition, the production site includes a raw material warehouse (worn out tires and plastics), a raw material preparation area (cutting tires into pieces), finished product warehouses: a liquid fuel warehouse, a carbon black warehouse, and a scrap metal storage area (steel cord).

The raw materials in the reactor undergo decomposition at a temperature of approximately 450°C, during which intermediate products are obtained: gas, liquid fuel fraction, carbon-containing residue and steel cord. The gas is partially returned to the reactor furnace to maintain the process. The remaining part of the gas is released through the pipe (the appearance and amount of gas at the exit is comparable to the exhaust of a truck). The carbon-containing residue after quenching and cooling is subjected to magnetic separation (or sieved through a sieve) in order to separate the steel cord wire. Liquid fuel, steel cord and carbon-containing residue are sent to a warehouse for further processing.

The resulting crumbs range in size from 0.63 mm to 5 mm. it is transported to the plant for its further processing into finished rubber products by a truck with a total capacity of up to 12 tons, which travels 2 times a day.

2.2 Implementation of a lean production system at Whelan JSC

and evaluation of the changes made

The company ZAO Whelan owns a workshop for the production of polymer raw materials or crumb rubber, located within the city, as well as a plant for the production of rubber tires, located at a distance of 90 km from the workshop. Every day the truck makes 2 trips, delivering crumbs with a total weight of up to 50 tons to the place of its processing. With such volumes of production, transport costs can represent large costs, not only material, but also temporary, by eliminating which it will be possible to increase the income of the enterprise, and as a result, increase net profit and put it into further production circulation or dispose of it at the discretion of the enterprise.

Variables include costs for:

Fuel, lubricants, electricity, propulsion operations;

Maintenance and current repair of rolling stock (including spare parts and materials);

Salaries of drivers (personnel directly performing transportation);

Fixed costs usually include:

Costs of maintaining the production and technical base and infrastructure of various types of transport (rent);

Expenses for remuneration of administrative and managerial personnel;

Overhead and other expenses.

Like any type of cost, transportation costs can be minimized, but the solution I see is to eliminate them completely by moving the crumb rubber production workshop to the tire manufacturing plant, namely, selling the workshop and starting construction of a new one near the plant location. So that this idea does not seem inappropriate, let’s make some mathematical calculations.

2) Diesel fuel is used as fuel, the consumption of which is 32 liters per 100 km:

360 * 0,32 = 115,2

3) The average market price for diesel fuel is 23 rubles/l:

115,2 * 23 = 2649,6

4) In 22 working days we will receive:

2649,6 * 22 = 58291,2

So, in total, only 58,291.2 rubles are spent monthly on fuel for the truck. The amount per year is 699,494.4 rubles.
5) Let’s calculate the cost of the driver’s salary for the year:
20,000 * 12 = 400,000 rubles.

6) Technical inspection of trucks costs 3,600 rubles without consumables and spare parts.

7) An unexpected breakdown may entail repairs amounting to up to 75% of the cost of the truck or about 30,000 rubles.

8) Tires wear out after a mileage of 50,000 km, therefore

360 * 22 * ​​12: 50000 = 1.9 (Which means the need to replace tires 2 times a year. The cost of 1 tire is 5000 rubles: 5000 * 4 * 2 = 40000 rubles.
For greater clarity, let’s enter all the data obtained into a table.
Table 1. Transport costs at the enterprise for the year.

1) The speed of the truck in the city is 30 km/h
90:30 = 3 hours

2) Multiply by 2 round trips
3 * 4 = 12 hours

3) Within 22 working days
12 * 22 = 264 hours

4) Per year
264 * 12 = 3168 hours.

So, over the course of a year, irrationally used time resources amount to 3168 hours or 132 days. If we take into account that the enterprise’s income for 2009 amounted to $187,500,000, then when calculating for 1 day we get $514,000. Multiplying by the time that the company spends on transporting materials per year, namely 132 days, we get $67,848,000 or 217,1136,000 rubles. This is exactly how much an enterprise loses annually by irrationally using temporary resources.

Before judging how profitable the implementation of this project will be for the enterprise, it is necessary to calculate the costs that it will incur as a result of the construction of a new plant. Below is a table with the data. (Table 2)

Table 2. Costs for building a new workshop.

The total cost of building a workshop is on average approx.

The total cost of building a workshop is on average about 5 million 100 thousand rubles for building a new plant. we get 67848000.5 million 100 thousand rubles, which is 5 times the enterprise’s transport costs for the year. In the following scenario, the organization will need almost 5 years to compensate for losses incurred as a result of the construction of a new workshop. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the enterprise will already own 2 workshops, one of which, namely the old workshop, can be sold for an average of 2 million rubles, excluding the cost of land, which will significantly reduce the time to recover losses on 2 years.

One of the main advantages of implementing this project, in addition to reducing material and time costs, is an increase in the customer base. Cooperation between Whelan JSC and other enterprises will be much more profitable, since client enterprises will be able not only to return worn-out tires, but also to receive new ones according to a pre-made order in one place, which will also allow them to save on transport costs and time costs.


Lean manufacturing is a technique aimed at systematically reducing costs. Its task is to design and implement a production line capable of producing different types of products in exactly the time that is actually necessary for this.

Lean manufacturing allows a company to: increase production efficiency, reduce costs, increase profitability, build flexible production that quickly and without losses responds to changes in demand and market conditions, improve the quality of products / services at all stages of their production / creation, speed up the process of modernization, creation new products/services, increase the degree of coordination between departments, employees, increase customer satisfaction, etc.

But, despite the significant positive aspects, there are also certain difficulties and limitations that must be overcome to create a lean production system in an enterprise, such as:

The need for significant organizational changes and the readiness of personnel for these changes;

Significant material costs are possible;

Personnel retraining;

The need for close interaction with suppliers, customers, and the ability of suppliers to deliver products of appropriate quality within a strictly established time;

Long implementation times;

Lack of sufficient government support.

In the second chapter, with the help of simple mathematical calculations, it was possible to prove the effectiveness of the implementation of the Liin production system at the Whelan JSC enterprise using the Kanban principle, which implies optimization of the chain of planning production activities, starting from demand forecast, planning production tasks and balancing/distributing these tasks among production capacities with optimization of their loading.

As in the example of this enterprise, the ideas and methods of lean production could play a decisive role in transforming certain sectors of Russian industry and bringing it closer to the level of modern developed countries, allowing them to withstand increased global competition for consumers and ensure the successful development of enterprises in the harsh conditions of the modern world. economy.


1) Womack James P., Jones Daniel T. Lean manufacturing. How to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company. -M.,: Alpina Business Books, 2008.

2) Womack James P., Jones Daniel T. The machine that changed the world. - M.: Potpourri, 2007.

3) Taiichi Ono. Toyota production system: moving away from mass production. - M: Publishing house ICSI.

4) Pascal Dennis. Sirtaki in Japanese: about the Toyota production system and more. - M. Publishing house ICSI, 2007.

5) Yasuhiro Monden. Toyota management system. - M. Publishing house ICSI, 2007.

6) Liker Jeffrey. The Toyota Way: 14 management principles of the world's leading company - M., Alpina Business Books, 2008.

7) Hobbs D.P. Implementation of lean manufacturing: a practical guide to business optimization. - Minsk: Grevtsov Publisher, 2007.

There are different points of view regarding the content and role of the lean manufacturing concept. First, let's look at the history of the term "lean manufacturing." In the early 80s of the last century, Japanese passenger cars (mainly Toyota companies) rapidly invaded the US domestic market and in a few years occupied up to 30% of the domestic automobile market. American automakers began to investigate the reasons for this development of events in order to find a way out of the current situation. For this purpose, a fund was created and a research project was organized within the framework of the International Automobile Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, headed by James Womack, D. T. Jones and D. Rus. From the beginning of 1985, the project began to quickly unfold and within five Over the years, almost the entire global automobile market has been thoroughly studied. During the research process, the term lean production appeared, the author of which was John Krafcik, one of the project team members, who proposed this term first in the interim report of the project, and then in the open press. The results of the project, which cost five million dollars, were published in a book by Womack, Jones and Russ in 1990. The authors of the book, of course, understood that the new system was based primarily on the production organization system developed by Toyota. The new term was probably needed to reflect the fact that we are talking about something much larger than the specific production and management system of one well-known and large company.

Most likely, when proposing the term Lean production, John Krafcik had in mind the fact that in this new type of production there is nothing superfluous, especially since among the idioms associated with the word lean, there is, in particular, this: capable of difficult and effective work (lean and mean). But the above adjectives do not combine well with the word production, which is why difficulties arose with an adequate translation of this term. In domestic publications and translations there were “lean production”, “lean production”, “lean production”, “synchronous production”, “flexible production”, “fine production”, “low-cost production”. But the most widespread option in recent years has been “Lean Manufacturing”. Next, we will present modern approaches of specialists to the essence and content of the concept of lean production.

O. G. Turovets believes that lean manufacturing is a modern concept of production organization, focused on reducing losses, simplifying production procedures and accelerating product release. Particular emphasis is placed on the focus on continuous improvement of processes and a constant increase in the number of competitive advantages; increasing the economic efficiency of production by reducing losses.

E. Bashkardin, leading specialist at Center Orgprom LLC, believes that it is better to use the term “Lean Production System” than “lean production” because it is much broader. In his opinion, the Lean production system is a pull production system aimed at reducing various types of losses, including such components as: mapping the flow of consumer value creation, systems for the rational organization of the workplace; visual control; TPM, Kanban, rapid equipment changeover.

KIODA specialists believe that the basis of lean manufacturing is the idea that any action in an enterprise must be considered from the customer’s point of view: whether this action creates value for the customer or not. Lean manufacturing, in their opinion, is a combination of philosophy, management and production technologies, which include: value stream mapping (VSM), the Kanban production management system, the 5S workplace organization system, and production organization according to the “Kanban” principle. just-in-time” (JIT system), total equipment maintenance (TPM) system, rapid equipment changeover; system of continuous improvements "Kaizen", a system of visual, sound control and error prevention.

It should be noted that when using the principles and methods of the lean manufacturing concept, the following improvements can be achieved:

reduction in order fulfillment time by 90% (cycle time);

increase in labor productivity by 30 - 50%;

reduction of WIP inventories by 80%;

quality improvement by 50 - 80%;

reduction of occupied space by 30-75%;

reducing the number of errors when processing orders;

optimization of work in customer service;

reduction of changeover time by 2-4 times;

reduction of working capital turnover by 70-80%;

reducing staffing needs;

increasing the level of wages;

reduction of equipment wear and restoration costs;

reducing the amount of waste by 2-3 times.

But, despite the significant positive aspects, there are also certain difficulties and limitations that must be overcome to create a lean production system in an enterprise; we list the main ones:

the need for significant organizational changes and the readiness of personnel for these changes;

significant material costs are possible;

retraining of personnel;

the need for close interaction with suppliers, customers, and the ability of suppliers to deliver products of appropriate quality within a strictly established time;

long implementation times;

lack of sufficient government support.

Thus, using the principles and tools of lean manufacturing, you can significantly increase production efficiency, product quality, labor productivity, reduce material and time costs, reduce order fulfillment time, reduce the period of development of new products, and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. Ideas and methods of lean production could play a decisive role in transforming certain sectors of Russian industry and bringing it closer to the level of modern developed countries, allowing them to withstand increased global competition for consumers and ensure the successful development of enterprises in the harsh conditions of the modern world economy.

Algorithm for implementing Lean Manufacturing according to James Womack

1. Find a change agent (you need a leader who can take responsibility)

2. Obtain the necessary knowledge on the Lean manufacturing system (knowledge must be obtained from a reliable source)

3. Find or create a crisis (a good motive for introducing Lean Manufacturing is a crisis in the organization)

4. Don’t get carried away with strategic issues (you can start by eliminating losses wherever possible)

5. Construct value stream maps (first the current state, and then the future, after the introduction of Lean Manufacturing)

6. Start work in the main areas as quickly as possible (information about the results should be available to the organization’s personnel)

7. Strive to get results immediately

8. Carry out continuous improvements according to the Kaizen system (move from value creation processes on the shop floor to administrative processes)

Womack J., Jones D. Lean manufacturing: How to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2007. - (series “Management Models of Leading Corporations”)

However, to implement the principles of “lean production” it is not enough to determine the value of the product; it is necessary to think through the flow of creating this value. A value stream is the totality of all the actions that need to be performed in order for a certain product to go through three important stages of production:

Problem solving (from concept development and detailed design to production and testing of the first products);

Management of information flows (from receiving an order from a consumer to drawing up schedules for providing financial and material resources, a detailed schedule for the production and delivery of goods);

Physical transformation (from materials to the consumer having the finished product).

This issue is strategic for the company, since in modern conditions it is not so much individual companies that compete, but rather value chains. Therefore, within the framework of “lean manufacturing” there are several levels of the value stream: at the level of individual processes, an individual company, several companies, and at the level of the entire value chain. In order to ultimately get the desired result, each participant in the stream at any level must play a common game. This is necessary in order to optimize the flow as a whole, and not in individual areas.

In the production of goods, two types of flows are used:

1. Information flow tells each process what to produce, how much, when, or what to do next. From the consumer to the various parts of the production process, the information flow must move without delay;

2. Production flow is concerned with the movement of materials within a plant. The direction of movement of this flow goes from materials to finished products. However, the starting point is consumer demands.

To analyze the efficiency of creating products from the consumer to the supplier, it is necessary to construct value stream maps, which represent a description of the state of affairs in the production of a product and are a blueprint of “lean manufacturing”. The construction of maps is carried out on the basis of information collection in workshops. First, a map of the current flow is built, then, after analysis, a map of the future flow.

If the starting point of "lean manufacturing" is customer value, then in the process of creating a product it is necessary to eliminate unproductive actions and operations. Every action, state of materials, processes, functions is assessed from the point of view: does the client need it?

To evaluate the effectiveness of activities designed to eliminate waste in the production process of a product, you can enter a company efficiency indicator. Such an indicator can be the efficiency of the process cycle, which is determined by the formula:

Production Cycle Efficiency = Value Creation Time / Total Order Lead Time * 100%

After mapping the current flow state, the total lead time was 576 hours, and only 2.42 hours were spent creating value. Consequently, the cycle efficiency was 0.42%, and for every valuable hour there were 238 hours of waste. After taking into account all the negative factors, a map of the future state of the flow was constructed. As a result, the value creation time was reduced to 0.32 hours, and the total order fulfillment time was reduced to 72 hours. This increased the cycle efficiency to 0.44%.

Thus, the map helps to visualize the available inventory between stages, during which value is created with the entire lead time. Using these blueprints, activities can be developed to eliminate waste and reduce the time to value creation. And the map of the future flow should correspond to the concept of “lean production”.

Therefore, to improve the efficiency of an organization, it is necessary to use the ideas and methods of “lean production”. To improve the final results of operations, sometimes it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, new materials and technologies, computerize production, or introduce expensive information systems. Such results can be achieved by changing the management of the enterprise, the pattern of relationships between divisions and levels, and the value system of employee orientation. Using the principles of “lean production”, you can increase labor productivity, reduce losses and reduce production costs. This will increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the consumer market.

Hobbs D. P. Implementation of lean manufacturing: a practical guide to business optimization. - Minsk: Grevtsov Publisher, 2007.

Tire recycling business pays for itself in 6 months

Humanity has long been thinking about how to recycle used car tires, of which the number is increasing every year. But even today, of the total number of tires in the world, only about 20% is recycled, although methods for recycling tires exist today. And you can even make money on some of them, while simultaneously improving the environmental situation.

The fact is that worn tires are quite valuable polymer raw materials: 1 ton of tires contains about 700 kilograms of rubber, which can be reused for the production of fuel, rubber products and construction materials. At the same time, if you burn 1 ton of used tires, 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxic gases are released into the atmosphere.

Making tire recycling economical on an industrial scale is challenging. However, according to manufacturers of waste disposal equipment, your own mini-plant for recycling tires is a completely profitable production.

The production complex is a prefabricated installation with a total area of ​​17.5 square meters. m and 10 meters high, which can process up to 5 tons of raw materials per day. In addition, the production site includes a raw material warehouse (worn out tires and plastics), a raw material preparation area (cutting tires into pieces), finished product warehouses: a liquid fuel warehouse, a carbon black warehouse, and a scrap metal storage area (steel cord).

Tire Recycling Business: Recycling Process

Used tires are collected and transported by road to a raw materials warehouse. Next, the tires are inspected for the presence of metal discs and rings and sent for cutting. After cutting, the crushed raw material is fed into the receiving hopper of the reactor.

The raw materials in the reactor undergo decomposition at a temperature of approximately 450°C, during which intermediate products are obtained: gas, liquid fuel fraction, carbon-containing residue and steel cord. The gas is partially returned to the reactor furnace to maintain the process. The remaining part of the gas is released through the pipe (the appearance and amount of gas at the exit is comparable to the exhaust of a truck). The carbon-containing residue after quenching and cooling is subjected to magnetic separation (or sieved through a sieve) in order to separate the steel cord wire. Liquid fuel, steel cord and carbon-containing residue are sent to a warehouse for further shipment to the consumer.

Tire Recycling Business: Equipment Description

The productivity of the installation (per day) is: for liquid fuel - 2 tons/day; for carbon-containing solid residue - 1.5 tons/day; for steel cord - 0.5 tons/day; for gas - 1 ton/day.

Consumption of raw materials - 5 tons/day. This means that the yield of liquid fuel is 40% of the weight of loaded rubber.

The installation operates continuously using gas produced during the processing of tires. Installed in an open area.

Overall dimensions: height - 10 m; width - 3.5 m; length - 5 m.

Electricity consumption - 14.5 kW/h (installation - 7 kW/h and scissors - 7.5 kW/h).

Serves 2 people.

Tire recycling business: start-up capital

The installation cost is approximately RUB 1,100,000. (without delivery). In addition, tanks will be needed to store fuel oil obtained during processing. To obtain greater profits during periods of declining prices, it is recommended to accumulate fuel in tanks and sell the accumulated products during periods of increased prices. 60-ton used tanks can be purchased at a price of 20 - 25 thousand rubles per 1 piece. Six tanks will be enough.

Plus warehouse equipment, tools, workwear - at least another 100 thousand rubles. Thus, the cost of equipment, taking into account the rental of territory and premises, delivery, installation and various approvals, will amount to at least 1.5 million rubles.

Current expenses

Four workers are required to work two shifts. Everyone's salary is

about 10 thousand rubles per month. You will also need an office for accounting and at least two more employees, one of whom will organize the supply of raw materials, and the second - the sale of finished products. In total - at least 70,000 rubles per month for wages of employees, plus taxes and office space rent.

Electricity consumption is 14.5 kW/h, that is, 10440 kW/month.

Monthly expenses for the current activities of the enterprise will amount to about 100 thousand rubles.

Tire Recycling Business: Revenues

The advantage of the project is that the raw materials are virtually free. Moreover, in some cases you can already earn money by collecting it.

For example, industrial enterprises pay for the recycling of tires, because... City landfills do not accept tires. The cost varies in different cities. This is stipulated in the agreement with the company. In Chelyabinsk, for example, enterprises pay 2,000 rubles for recycling 1 ton of tires, in Krasnodar - 3,500 rubles.

Scrap metal is accepted by recycling enterprises at a price of about 4,000 rubles per ton. The cost of low-quality carbon is about 3,000 rubles per ton. Carbon is used to make various coatings.

Thus, the total income from the installation per month is 375,000 rubles (2? 3000 (fuel oil) + 1.5? 3000 (carbon) + 0.5? 4000 (scrap metal) = 12,500 rub./day). Monthly costs: 100,000 (worker salaries and office) + 14,616 (electricity) = 114,616 rubles. Thus, the payback period for the installation is about 6 months from the start of production.

Tire Recycling Business: Pitfalls

Firstly, there are no vacant plots - all the land has already been distributed for residential buildings. Secondly, the distance from residential buildings must be at least 300 meters - such a site is not easy to find. It is even more difficult to pass the examination. Plus public opinion - people do not want a new enterprise to be built “under their windows,” especially one for waste processing.

It is much easier to organize such production on the territory of existing enterprises and organizations. It's no secret that many production sites are now idle. And their territory has all the necessary environmental conclusions and approvals. All that remains is to come to an agreement with the enterprise itself - it is much easier to agree on difficult issues with the landlord than with environmentalists, firefighters and other authorities.

Another important point. To prevent environmental pollution from such production, most likely, you will have to purchase a special purification plant, which will cost the entrepreneur several times more than the production itself.

Also, according to experts, it is not practical to build one small processing plant specializing in one type of product. It is necessary to cover the recycling of as many products as possible: glass, plastic, metal, rubber, paper, etc.

The project does not provide for many unforeseen expenses that will certainly arise in the process of preparation and full-fledged production activities. There will be problems with environmentalists and firefighters. For example, to store fuel oil in old tanks, one fire shield is not enough. A whole range of safety measures are required here: from hoses through which fuel or gas flows, to instructions for personnel.

And environmentalists are completely jealous of landfills and recycling plants. There is always something to complain about, and the cost of meeting all the requirements amounts to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Region Ecology LLC was organized in 2007 to solve an acute environmental problem in the region - the growing number of used car tires. Due to the lack of a licensed service for the disposal of this type of waste, millions of used car tires are taken to landfills, which are then buried or burned, polluting the environment and causing irreparable damage to the environment.

The mission of Region Ecology LLC is to improve the environmental situation in our region, protect the environment from the negative influence of human and enterprise waste products, resource conservation, and city improvement. Our activities are aimed at increasing the level of environmental safety and preserving the health of the residents of our region.

Our goal is to improve environmental culture in our region. It's no secret that recycling of solid household waste is necessary. At the same time, only a few realize that recycling allows not only to clear areas of garbage and waste, but also to preserve natural resources.

The main activity of Region Ecology LLC:

Collection and further processing of waste tires and other rubber goods.

Region Ecology LLC has been offering its services for recycling waste tires since 2007. License No. OT-53-002197 (63), issued by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. In our activities, we use an ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY method of processing waste tires - the mechanical crushing method. The main product of our production is RUBBER CRUMB, one of the most durable and wear-resistant materials.

The production capacity of the Region Ecology Group of Companies allows us to process up to 5 thousand tons of tires per year. Thus, our company is able to completely solve the problem of wheel recycling in the city. We accept used tires and rubber products at our site in the city of Tolyatti.

Region Ecology LLC continues to actively enter into agreements with city enterprises for the recycling of waste tires. We also continue to work with individuals, accepting passenger tires for recycling free of charge.

Agreement for the disposal of used tires

License for activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste:

Description of tire recycling technology:

The workshop is divided into three zones:

Raw materials warehouse.

Production area.

Warehouse for crumb rubber (tire processing product). 50 tons

1.3 Algorithm for implementing lean manufacturing and issues arising

implementation of the problem

Algorithm for implementing Lean Manufacturing according to Dennis Hobbs

STAGE 1. Initialization and launch of the project

Goal: launch an implementation project

Formulate the goals of the project and targets for future production. Determine the composition of teams and train participants. Make an action plan. Define the authority of teams and their tasks. Begin collecting process and product information needed to design a lean line and Kanban system.

STEP 2: Understanding Products, Processes and Materials

Purpose: To document all production processes and products.

Determine process performance taking into account variability, reprocessing and waste. Identify product families based on process similarities. Document consumption and replenishment points for Kanban components. Set pull chains and replenishment times. Identify the components of a Kanban system.

STAGE 3. Approval of data for the lean line

Goal: Complete information collection and validate data to create a lean line.

Achieve consensus and steering committee approval of decisions on products, output levels, and available labor hours on the lean line. Complete documentation of sequence of events, process durations, and quality requirements. Finalize the components for the Kanban system and pull chains for the target area. Calculate the required resources for the designed line.

STAGE 4. Modeling production facilities and developing a lean line design

Goal: create a lean line layout.

Develop a paper layout of a lean line based on the calculated amount of resources. Locate kanbans, process-initiating kanbans (IPKs), and RIP stores. Develop a detailed implementation plan for the Kanban system. Determine operator training requirements. Develop a schedule for technological and organizational transformations of the line.

STAGE 5. Putting the lean line into operation

Goal: start working on a lean line.

Check the balance of the line and the ability of the operators to switch. Make sure that tasks are distributed correctly among work stations and check the ergonomic layout. Ensure that all IPKs are clearly visible to operators. Establish a two-bin kanban inventory management system. Ensure that all required training has been completed. Develop a plan to gradually reduce work-in-process inventories. Ensure the implementation of a mechanism for continuous process improvement.

STEP 6: Develop steps for further improvement

Goal: check the operation of the line and evaluate its compliance with lean manufacturing methods.

Identify deviations and develop correction strategies. Review assignment of responsibilities and modify strategies and procedures to improve lean management. Ensure that all systems necessary to manage the lean line and KANBAN system are in place.

Implementation problems

At each of the 6 stages of implementation, certain problems may arise, each of which has its own solutions.

Stage 1. Initialization and launch of the lean manufacturing project.

Problem. Preparatory work for the project is stalled due to understatement of its status. This happens if the director does not personally supervise the performers.

The project status effect is created if the initiation of lean production is carried out by the plant manager. The authority and power functions of the director automatically increase the importance of the project in the minds of employees. In addition, only he has the right to assign additional functions to other top managers of the enterprise.

Stage 2. Understanding of products, processes, materials through formalization and analysis of the existing transport and technological scheme.

Problem. A pile of materials that are unrelated in structure and content is collected and cannot be processed in the future.

The effect of project consistency is created if the project initializer function smoothly develops into the coordinator function. Top managers of the enterprise are appointed as responsible executors of the project (leaders in areas). Leadership is given a functional character based on an understanding of the essence of the finished product. In lean manufacturing, it is considered in the unity of three components: first, production processes, including work and technology; secondly, the material component; thirdly, financial support for production processes and sales. Accordingly, 3 areas of lean manufacturing implementation are identified, each with its own leader.

The chief engineer becomes the leader of the process group. He oversees production, quality and maintenance of technological processes, product control.

The Marketing and Sales Director becomes the leader of the material group. He oversees the procurement and transportation of raw materials and supplies, sales and marketing, engineering design of new products, and production planning.

The Director of Finance becomes the leader of the financial support group. He oversees the financial incentives for performers; financing the modernization of the production process according to an optimized transport and technological scheme; financial support for lean manufacturing tools.

The director - the main coordinator - is obliged to hear reports from the responsible executors of the project at the weekly planning meeting. This will ensure consistency of work and high status of the project.

Stage 3. Transformation and optimization of the transport and technological scheme, through its transformation into a PUSH push-out system.

Problem. Formation of a non-viable system when enterprise specialists or invited consultants work autonomously.

The synergistic effect of the project occurs when consultants from the consulting company and enterprise specialists work together. Consultants cannot be counted on to deliver ready-made and fully viable solutions after several weeks of work. Only the company's employees know the production processes and products well. However, their weakness is the lack of knowledge on organizing lean manufacturing. Project decisions should be discussed and made jointly. The practical experience of production workers, supported by the scientific knowledge of consultants, will provide the necessary result, in other words, a synergistic effect occurs.

Stage 4. Planning the production process according to an optimized transport and technological scheme.

Problem. Involvement of a large number of untrained workers to implement the project at the enterprise.

The visibility effect is formed with the visible success of the first steps of the project. To create a visual effect, lean manufacturing methods are initially tested on one (pilot) production line. The process of its transformation into lean is considered as indicative. Therefore, it should involve the core of project participants, namely the director of the enterprise and top managers - leaders of functional areas. Visible success can convince skeptics and inspire enthusiasts. Most importantly, group leaders, in addition to experience, must gain confidence in the correctness of the chosen path.

Stage 5. Putting optimized production facilities into operation.

Problem. Even workers who took part in the design of lean production are not always ready to adapt to the new work organization. Other employees often view lean manufacturing as a way to squeeze out sweat. They have negative thoughts: we will improve production indicators, and managers will take advantage of this and cut prices. At first glance, the problem can be solved by a preliminary transition to time-based wages using a standardized task. However, a massive rejection of piecework wages in the base period will equalize the earnings of workers of different qualifications. Labor productivity at the enterprise will change significantly.

The Pareto efficiency of the project, indicating the mutual interest of management and workers, will manifest itself if, in the process of training workers, it is convincingly proven that with an increase in productivity, labor intensity only decreases due to the elimination of unnecessary labor techniques and actions, and the average salary level is directly related to labor productivity.

Stage 6. Full mastery of the tools of the lean manufacturing mechanism.

Problem. If you do not support the activity of workers, it will die out, and the project will become obsolete.

The effect of project irreversibility creates a critical mass of performers who participate in the launch of a lean manufacturing project. A sufficient and necessary condition for the effect of irreversibility are 2 conditions: achieving frugality on the pilot line; timely reaction of top managers to any proposal from the teams. The first creates the enterprise’s own base for preparing workers to use the lean production mechanism. The second provides moral satisfaction from participating in the project.



Let's say you realize that your company needs to become lean. There are a lot of losses all around, you fail most tests, the culture is far from Toyota level. There is no leadership system, there are no effective work groups, functional departments are in a state of confrontation most of the time, problem solving methods are superficial and inconsistent. Although you tried some lean manufacturing tools in some areas and even got good short-term results, you were unable to consolidate your successes.

Welcome to the reality that most companies in the world live in. Even Toyota has to work tirelessly to maintain its Tao. Spreading Tao outside Japan is even more difficult for the company. It's tireless, hard work.

Where to begin? In this chapter we will talk about strategy and tactics. As you begin implementing lean manufacturing, you need to decide where to focus your efforts. In other words, you need a plan. There is a lot of work to be done and there are many ways to get it done.

We argue that all levels of the Toyota Four-Pillar Model—philosophy, process, people and partners, and problem solving—are intricately intertwined. This is a single system. But you still have to start somewhere. Even if you have been trying to master lean manufacturing for several years without success, you need a starting point to give the process a new impetus. You have at least four options:

1. Philosophy. You can start with a senior management retreat and develop a clear vision for transforming the company into a lean enterprise.

2. Process. You can start by implementing lean manufacturing through the creation of connected value streams, as discussed in Part III of this book.

3. Employees. You can start by teaching people a new way of thinking - the philosophy of lean manufacturing - and thus kickstart a cultural transformation.

4. Problem solving. You can train people in problem-solving methodology, give them the opportunity to get together and analyze real situations.

All these approaches have been used by a variety of companies for years with varying degrees of success. To one degree or another, you will have to use each of them. But if you need to choose a direction to concentrate your efforts, it must be a process, i.e. reducing losses.


The lean manufacturing implementation plan can be structured differently by dividing the organization into several levels 24 . These levels, from the extended enterprise, which includes all the organizations and companies related to your product, to the specific process, are presented in Table 19-1. Let's look at each of them, starting from the bottom, with the process.

Table 19-1. Strategies and tools for implementing lean manufacturing
Implementation level Strategy Tool examples
Extended Enterprise Supply Chain Management Contracts, alliances, target price determination, logistics, cost analysis/functional cost analysis, supplier training, supplier associations
Enterprise-wide Lean manufacturing in office and engineering work All lean manufacturing tools and approaches adapted to manufacturing and service processes
In production Conceptual models, training programs, lean certifications, lean metrics, standard operating procedures manuals
Plant-wide Plant-wide tools 5S, standard work, kanban, cell, rapid changeover, team leaders, total equipment maintenance (TPM), error prevention
Current projects Constraint analysis, cost-benefit analysis, any lean manufacturing tools
Value Stream Model line Value Stream Mapping, Lean Manufacturing Tools Needed to Realize Future State Vision
Process improvement Kaizen project Kaizen workshop, kaizen project, quality circles, task force, lean manufacturing tools for specific purposes
Six Sigma Project Six Sigma Tools

Process improvement

A process is what a specific worker does on a machine or manually: stamping or welding parts, assembling, mixing paint, answering calls at a help desk, entering data, etc. Improving such a process should pursue a specific goal - reduce the number of defects by 20%, increase productivity by reducing cycle time by 20%, reduce work-in-process inventory by 50%, reduce downtime from 10 to 2%, etc.

To improve processes as a strategy for mastering lean manufacturing, a tool such as a week-long practical workshop on kaizen is widely used. The structure of a practical kaizen workshop (also known as an accelerated improvement workshop or a practical lean manufacturing workshop) is as follows:

1. Preliminary preparation. Two to four weeks preliminary

preparation, during which the scale of the problem and the composition of the team are determined, data on the current situation is collected, the necessary lean manufacturing tools are selected, and issues of providing the seminar are resolved. In some cases, pre-purchase of tools, materials and equipment is made, which cannot be carried out during a week-long workshop.

2. Conducting a seminar:

Monday. Participants gain a general understanding of lean manufacturing and the specific tools that will be used during the workshop. In the afternoon, data collection on the current state of the process begins.

Tuesday. Participants complete the analysis of the current state, collect data, draw up a process flow map, depict the operator's movement path on a workplace layout diagram, develop a summary table of standardized work, etc. and develop ideas regarding the future state. By the end of the day, you can begin to detail the future state (plan).

Wednesday. Initial implementation (do it). It can be a pilot project to test a proposed solution, or a full-scale implementation. Sometimes implementation begins with dismantling the equipment and painting the workshop, after which the machines are arranged in accordance with the new layout.

Thursday. Process evaluation (check), improvement (act), further repetition of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle until the proper method is developed.

Friday. Preparing a presentation for management. Presentation. Ceremonial closing. (The seminar often ends with a festive lunch.)

3. Follow-up activities. Anything not accomplished during the week is included in the homework list, sometimes called a “kaizen newsletter.” During the week-long workshop, an action plan is drawn up that outlines what, when and by whom to do it in order to complete what has been started.

Kaizen workshops have acquired a bad reputation in many circles. Jim Womack mockingly calls them "kaizen kamikazes"

or “kaizen in transit.” He means that by quickly diving down, you solve a number of problems on the fly and just as quickly soar into the sky. The point is not that practical kaizen workshops are bad in themselves, but that in many companies the development of lean manufacturing comes down to a series of such workshops, and a special unit is created that is engaged in training, administration, support and control of such events. Sometimes practical kaizen workshops are even included in the list of the organization’s most important indicators. This approach has several serious disadvantages (see Figure 19-1).

1. Kaizen workshops are usually aimed at local improvements in a single process. Without a broader vision, enterprise-wide flow cannot be achieved.

2. A practical kaizen workshop usually ends with a list of further activities (homework). Often this work remains unfulfilled because there is no real owner of the process on site.

3. Although the workplace staff participates in the seminar and is filled with enthusiasm at that moment, a week later everything is forgotten and in most cases returns to normal.

4. Kaizen workshops are often judged only on short-term cost reductions that do not stimulate true systemic change.

5. Sustainable culture change is not happening.

This does not mean that companies that are serious about lean manufacturing should not use kaizen workshops as one of their tools. Kaizen workshops have row advantages:

1. This is an exciting event for all participants. Intensive analysis and improvement, combined with the sense of community that comes from working as a team, can change people's perspectives. They will learn to notice waste and see what can be done when it is eliminated.

2. Managers see how quickly combining efforts leads to results. Purposeful action and the use of a system of leverage when distributing resources can work wonders.

3. People manage to learn a lot. Intensive experience development opens up broad opportunities for staff that are typically not available in traditional classroom training.

4. Usually, money and other necessary resources are allocated for conducting seminars, including support from management, as well as other departments. Within a week, you can carry out transformations that otherwise would result in long months of requests, approvals and persuasion.

5. It is often possible to win over skeptics to your side. When teaching in a classroom, a skeptic may ask to speak and begin to argue why lean manufacturing will not be of any use. At the seminar, he brings it to life with his own hands, testifying to the opposite.

The example of Teppeso in Smithville, Tennessee, illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of hands-on kaizen workshops. In this case, radical transformations through biweekly kaizen workshops completely changed the face of the plant. With the help of kaizen, it was possible to free up about 40% of the staff. Over the course of a year, plant workers managed to conduct such seminars at all production sites, moving hundreds of pieces of equipment and creating new terminals for shipping and receiving products near areas of their use, as a result of which the plant Just transformed. The impressive cost reductions caught the attention of management and prompted the CEO to make large-scale investments in lean manufacturing. It should be noted that seminars are not always successful. At the Teppeso plant in Smithville, hands-on kaizen workshops were skillfully coordinated by a veteran lean manufacturing trainer who oriented the participants and the entire plant toward major changes. At the same time, kaizen seminars are often conducted by coordinators who lack the experience, assertiveness and skills to lead such events. In such conditions, the seminar often does not go further than the 5S system.

Six Sigma programs, which are used for process improvement, have much the same advantages and disadvantages as hands-on kaizen workshops. Typically, a Six Sigma project is long in duration (e.g., several months), is led by trained Black Belts, and relies heavily on statistical methods and measurements. Six Sigma originated as a development of total quality management (TQM), but Six Sigma proponents argue that Six Sigma is complemented by a focus on the bottom line. It is estimated that a Six Sigma project should save the company several hundred thousand dollars. Many companies actually track savings from Six Sigma projects and even report these numbers to stock market analysts. Train a thousand people to do two hundred thousand dollar projects and you'll achieve enormous savings in no time. Although Six Sigma projects use statistical tools that can be very effective in the right hands and at the right time, the overall method has a number of serious shortcomings.

1. Six Sigma gives importance to data analysis, choice appropriate statistical procedures, testing the statistical characteristics of the data, and producing complete and convincing reports, the analyst may become distracted from the real purpose of the project and lose focus on gemba.

2. According to the Six Sigma method, “green belts” or “black belts” are located in the organization at special position Although such employees are very good at analysis, they do not always have a proper understanding of the process they are improving.

3. Black Belts too often act on their own and turn work into an engineering project with little input from other employees.

4. There is often no “owner” among those directly executing the work; as a result, the recommended changes do not stand the test of time.

5. The Six Sigma program has no philosophical basis other than the principle of find, measure, eliminate variation and save more money.

This approach - find, measure, analyze and fix things to save money - often leads to local kaizen and sometimes seriously contradicts the principles of lean manufacturing. The following are examples of projects that reduced unit costs, but moved the organization away from lean manufacturing and ultimately increased overall costs:

Reducing changeover time, declaring labor savings when increasing lot sizes instead of decreasing them (see “Case Study: Reducing Six Sigma Changeover Time”),

Reduce transportation costs by sending full truckloads while reducing delivery frequency and increasing factory inventory levels.

Reduced labor by leaving material handling and set-up to cell operators. As a result, the workload of value-adding workers has increased at the expense of non-value-adding work.

Lean Six Sigma promises to bring the best of both worlds, but Lean is often interpreted narrowly and reduced to technical tools such as cell creation and standardized work descriptions. The result is local kaizen, for which both Six Sigma and lean manufacturing tools are used. The flow creation and culture change needed to support the transformation of lean adoption is not happening. This approach has many disadvantages inherent in process optimization using kaizen workshops and six sigma tools.

Specific situation:

Tenneco, Smithville. Radical kaizen, stage 1

Tenneco Automotive opened an exhaust system manufacturing plant in Smithville, Tennessee, in 1994. Its first customer was Toyota, later followed by Nissan, Saturn, Honda and Corvette. In 1996, the plant was certified to ISO 9000 standards, and then to QS 9000 standards. Everything went well. Unfortunately, the plant's operation was based on the traditional Tenneco concept of "process villages", which involved grouping equipment by function - stamping presses, pipe bending machines, welding equipment. Stocks of raw materials and work in progress lay everywhere, and material was processed in large batches to reduce the number of changeovers. Externally, the plant was doing better than expected, and there seemed to be no immediate need for change. The plant's profitability was higher than predicted, and according to the main indicator from the company's point of view - the deviation of the actual wage fund from the standard - the plan was exceeded by a million dollars.

However, in 2000, alarming symptoms began to appear and profits were declining. Although Toyota was satisfied with the quality of the products, delivery discipline was so shaky that, according to Toyota representatives, it became dangerous. It got to the point that once, due to quality problems, Tenneco had to pay for urgent delivery of components by plane from Japan, which cost $30 thousand. It became clear that the situation needed to be changed, otherwise the company would not receive a single order in the future - and Toyota orders provided half of the plant’s work volume. At this time, Joe Czarnecki was appointed as the new vice president of production, who focused on indicators of a completely different kind. He said that although the plant is profitable, according to his calculations, the profitability level should be 20% higher. He analyzed the efficiency of support workers, the volume of overtime work and inventory and found that all these indicators were very far from what he considered correct. Nissan demanded a price reduction of 20%, and Toyota launched another price reduction program. The need for change has become critical.

Shortly before this, Tenneco invited lean manufacturing expert Pasquale DiGirolamo, who agreed to devote almost all of his working time to the plant for 8-12 months and treat it as a pilot project for the development of lean manufacturing at Tenneco. Digirolamo and plant manager Glenn Drodge met three times a day - at a morning planning meeting, during analytical meetings in the middle and at the end of the day. Digirolamo was involved in coaching, but he was also very determined and assertive. He saw that the general level of discipline at the plant was low, and often repeated: “You get what you are willing to put up with.”

The Japanese consulting company Shingijutsu trained Digirolamo to conduct hands-on kaizen workshops aimed at radical change. He organized such seminars every two weeks, in most cases an entire production cell was created within a week of the seminar. During the first six months, all operations for the manufacture of assembly units began to be carried out in cells. Over the next six months, all final assembly operations were also reorganized into cells. The plant was practically rebuilt, its layout was completely changed, and 450 pieces of equipment had to be moved. New shipping terminals were brought closer to product use areas. This transformation was made possible through practical kaizen workshops aimed at fundamental change. In fact, this is no longer kaizen (continuous improvement), but kaikaku (radical transformation).

In preparation for a year-long fundamental transformation of the plant, DiGirolamo calculated that there was a 40% labor surplus. He recommended downsizing before the start of kaizen. First of all, temporary workers were fired, since the plant actively used their labor. Others were offered Teppeso's standard severance package, and many agreed to leave on those terms. As a result, forced dismissal of time-paid workers was avoided. The layoffs also affected craftsmen - primarily those who did not have the management skills necessary in the new conditions of lean production. The verbal agreement between the plant director and Digirolamo essentially meant that the reins of the plant were being transferred into the hands of Digirolamo.

The final results were amazing. Digirolamo joined the factory as a sensei in November 2000. It took some time to resolve stabilization issues. The Lean rollout began in January 2001, led by a steering committee in Smithville. By April, the situation had improved significantly and the plant began to run ahead of schedule, and directors of other Teppeso plants began to wonder what was happening in Smithville. During the first year, labor costs fell 39%, production worker efficiency increased 92%, overall labor productivity increased 56%, and cash inventory was cut in half, freeing up $5 million in cash. The number of parts with external defects fell from 638 to 44 per million, and order fulfillment time was cut in half. In 2002, the plant received the coveted award from Toyota for the first time for high quality products and services.

To use the terminology used in this chapter to describe change approaches, the Smithville plant used a radical version of kaizen projects during its first year. These projects were in continuous succession, one after another. At the same time, it created

There was a flow, although in most cases it was limited to individual cells. Several kanban systems had been introduced before the year of radical change, but DiGirolamo's main focus was on stability and cell creation. His approach was action-oriented. Radical changes were carried out quickly, the resistance of skeptics was broken both in Smithville and at other Teppeso factories. The results were obvious. A summary of achievements is provided in Table 19-2. In addition, the plant’s success attracted the attention of the company’s general director, who began to perceive the implementation of lean manufacturing as one of the priority areas. At the same time, if we think about the continuous improvement spiral (the cycle shown in Figure 3-4, Chapter 3), the work done throughout the plant - stabilization, flow creation, standardization - was only part of one turn. To create a genuine Toyota production system at the plant, much, much more remained to be done.

Table 19-2. Mastering lean manufacturing in Smithville, results of transformations during 2001
Total number of personnel -39%
Salary staff -12%
Labor efficiency of production workers +92%
Overall labor productivity +56%
Cash reserves, in monetary terms -48%
Funds freed up by reducing inventory levels $5 million additional
Area of ​​production premises (with a total area of ​​200,000 sq. ft.) 8% released
Number of external defects per million (indicator was not included in the target) From 638 to 44 (-93%)
Lead time 50%
Quality and discipline of deliveries Toyota Award in 2002

As will be discussed later in this chapter, over the next three years the plant made little progress in mastering lean manufacturing, and a number of the systems it had created fell into disrepair. And then the plant set about improving the value stream, starting with the creation of an exemplary assembly line. The current state of the process map, which took into account all the changes made during the kaizen workshops, showed that isolated welding cells were pushing out products, creating a huge amount of inventory. A future state map was developed. After entering the ratio welcoming changes, another leap in efficiency was made. Although the radical changes through the kaizen workshops transformed the plant and produced significant efficiency gains, they did not achieve sustainable culture change and cohesive flow.

Kaizen projects involve the use of several lean manufacturing tools designed to solve specific process improvement problems. Many of the problem-solving techniques described in Chapter 13 are approaches to process improvement. In this chapter we said that there are methods for solving small, medium and large problems. Medium-sized problems are usually solved through kaizen workshops or Six Sigma projects (outside Toyota), as shown in Figure. 13-2. Tables 13-1, 13-2, 13-3 present a wide range of approaches used at Toyota to improve processes. These approaches include cross-functional teams, quality circles, working groups led by group leaders, etc. The choice of methods depends on the nature of the project. This could be a formal project that is shared with a cross-functional team. The work can be entrusted to an engineer who will assemble a special team. A kaizen workshop could be organized by a working group with little external support.

All these types of process improvement work at Toyota have a number of common features:

1. As a rule, the objectives for improving a specific area are determined by the goals of hoshin kanri (policy deployment) for this area, while the improvement goals at all levels, up to the president of the company, are interconnected.

2. Process improvement projects include the steps described in Chapters 13-17. In their final form, they can be presented in the form of an AZ report, which is the subject of Chapter 18. Regardless of where and in what form such a report is presented - on the wall, on a board or on a sheet of AZ paper - it invariably contains the same components (formulation of the problem, improvement tasks, considered alternatives, selected alternatives, justification, results, further actions).

3. Work is carried out in accordance with the “plan - do - check - act” cycle.

4. Work serves as part of the learning process of the organization as a whole, and critical knowledge and experience become the property of the entire organization.

Critical projects

In any job, sometimes extremely acute and painful problems arise that require immediate solutions, and the one who manages to solve them suddenly becomes a hero. This could be an operation that is a bottleneck and is constantly hindering the schedule. It could be important equipment that breaks down at the most inopportune moment. Perhaps it's quality problems that force entire teams of employees to do inspections and rework.

Lean thinking and problem-solving skills allow you to quickly deal with such troubles. Sometimes companies use week-long practical kaizen seminars as a method that allows them to quickly solve problems of this kind. In Fig. Figure 19-2 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of focusing on critical projects.

Features |
Urgency: find a way out quickly Some companies use practical
out of crisis Kaizen seminars
One indicator
Clear objectives for improvement
Improving isolated processes
Strengths High commitment/active support Resources are generally available Action-oriented Willingness to make rapid and radical changes Impressive results to convince skeptics Solve problems of senior management, which helps to gain their support in the future Traps Lack of a holistic vision / unified strategy Lack of a system to ensure stability of transformations Risk of rollback There is no “master” if the initiative comes from a functional unit Impressive short-term results become the basis for assessing further efforts to develop lean manufacturing Lean manufacturing turns into a tool for putting out fires (short-term perspective)

Rice. 19-2. Strengths and weaknesses of the critical project method

We had to consult companies whose management was skeptical about lean manufacturing, demanding evidence of its effectiveness. Believing that lean had potential and was worth trying, executives waited to see if it was applicable to their work and compatible with their culture. In such cases, we sometimes ask: “What especially annoys you? What problems keep you up at night? Typically, the answers reveal a number of great opportunities for immediate change, the results of which leave management speechless. Plus, if you're taking on a project that's important to management, you'll likely be able to help you overcome any obstacles, give you access to resources, and give you full support when needed. When things miraculously improve, management begins to believe in the new approach.

But he who comes with a sword may die by the sword. When managers see how lean technologies solve critical problems, they begin to want more. “Let’s move to this area, there’s a serious problem here too.” Or: “No, better get busy with this damn machine. Ever since he showed up, he’s been nothing but trouble.” Ultimately, everything can result in an endless series of local kaizens, as when conducting practical seminars. It's like giving a drug addict a high quality drug. He will agree, but what will be the result?

Many Six Sigma projects are quite “critical”. Black Belts are required to ensure that any project produces large savings. The easiest way to achieve this is to find a critical project. This is clearly illustrated by the example below of reducing changeover times using the Six Sigma method. The goal of this project was to eliminate a bottleneck in the injection molding process by reducing changeover times. The project was successful and provided savings of almost $30,000 per year due to reduced labor costs during the changeover process. Unfortunately, from a lean manufacturing perspective, this project resulted in increased lot sizes and inventory of molded parts and increased overall costs. The Six Sigma method, with all its sophistication, has reduced the changeover time to only 1.2 hours, which is very far from the world level.

This does not mean that the emphasis on critical projects should be abandoned once and for all. First, such projects allow you to quickly achieve tangible results and gain the right to engage in a more thoughtful formation of a lean manufacturing system, oriented to the long term - which means the money is in the bank. Secondly, it happens to those who have been developing lean manufacturing for quite a long time to work on such projects. Once the core Lean systems are in place, a basic level of stability is in place, flow is in place, production is aligned, and people are working in teams and have strong problem-solving skills, working on important problems happens quite often. It is precisely these problems that kaizen focuses on. However, such projects are only part of a more organic kaizen process and should not be considered the driving force behind the transition to lean manufacturing.

Case Study: Reducing Six Sigma Changeover Time to Eliminate a Bottleneck 25

At a plant that produces auto components, including headlights, a young female engineer was training to become a black belt. As a project, she chose an important problem that had existed at the plant for many years. The problem was that an inordinate amount of time and resources were spent on retooling plastic injection molding machines. Lengthy changeover times made injection molding a bottleneck.

Detailed data was collected. The changeover time when switching to another type of product averaged 3.5 hours. The changeover of each of the 34 machines was carried out three times a week. The resulting loss of production time was 357 hours per week. The target changeover duration was determined to be 2.5 hours. A longer readjustment was regarded as a defect. The basic goal of the project was that in half of the cases the changeover would be less than 2.5 hours, which means that the number of defects should be halved. An above-plan goal was also set - to ensure that 90% of changeovers were completed in 2.5 hours or less.

A significant amount of data was analyzed to determine the probability distribution for changeovers. The analysis revealed statistically significant differences across shifts, machines, and molds. The changeover time and process stability measurement system was also tested using statistical methods, and a detailed changeover process map was developed. The work used a variety of statistical tools, including Student's t test, Weibull distribution, box plots, and probability distribution plots. In addition, more traditional lean manufacturing tools were used, such as listing process steps and dividing changeover activities into external and internal ones. External changeover operations can be carried out while the machine is still running; internal changeover operations require stopping the machine. All these activities were ranked depending on the time of completion. A cause-and-effect fishbone diagram was drawn up, which reflected factors that reduce changeover efficiency related to materials, equipment,

mining, people, methods, measurements and the environment. Two most important reasons were identified - waiting for the changeover trolley and the process of warming up the mold, which lasted 38% of the total changeover time, or 1.3 hours. Additionally, it was found that 12 of the 22 operations could be completed while the machine was still running (external operations).

An engineer who was training to become a black belt used brainstorming to generate ideas for improvements. The shop workers were also involved in this. As a result, it was decided to implement the following ideas:

Schedule mold changes so that this procedure occurs during the lunch break. This will allow the molds to warm up during lunch (the cost of equipment to preheat the molds was considered unjustified).

Add an extra cart.

Instead of leaving changeovers to operators, have a dedicated team do the job and do much of the external changeover while the machine is still running.

Results exceeded targets. Detailed data was collected, plotted and analyzed. The results showed a significant improvement of 98% - 2828 defects per million (a defect was defined as a changeover lasting more than 2.5 hours). Changeovers now took an average of 1.2 hours, well short of the target of 2.5 hours. An analysis of savings, which took into account primarily the reduction in labor costs for changeover, showed that it amounted to almost $300 thousand per year. In fact, the number of changeovers per week exceeded the estimate, and in parallel, work was carried out to stabilize the schedule and reduce the number of changeovers. Disputes arose whether labor savings due to the project should be assessed based on the number of changeovers at the current moment or taking into account the reduction in their number in the future.

So, does this mean the project was successful? Or can this be doubted? Let's think about what's wrong here:

1. The work took several months. Much of the time was spent on complex statistical analysis and preparation of presentation materials. If an experienced Lean practitioner took on this type of work, it could all be done in one week-long kaizen workshop.

2. The engineer did most of the work alone. She hardly involved the production staff and did not try to interest them.

3. The engineer underestimated a number of important ideas. For example, she rejected the idea of ​​preheating the molds, which could have played a decisive role. If the change agent were an experienced production worker, attention would be paid to this idea.

4. The 2.5 hour target is not a strenuous task, and even 1.2 hours for injection molding equipment changeover is too long for a “serious” goal. An acceptable target indicator should be 15-20 minutes, and an above-plan indicator should be 5 minutes. This is exactly how long it takes to changeover at factories that have mastered lean manufacturing. A fifteen-minute changeover would allow for an increase in the number of changeovers, a reduction in batch sizes, and at the same time a significant reduction in labor costs.

5. Overall the value stream has become less lean. No value stream map was produced. A map compiled after the fact showed that before the changeover time was reduced, the cast parts sat for five days. The reduction in changeover times now scheduled for lunch, coupled with the consequent reduction in the number of changeovers, resulted in the parts inventory now waiting several days longer for further processing, which meant longer production cycle times. Value stream mapping might suggest that the goal of reducing changeover times is to increase the frequency of changeovers to reduce inventory.

Application of lean manufacturing tools throughout the plant

The sibling of critical projects is a method that can be called “critical tools.” Often in Lean short courses we find that the main goals of the participants are to learn tools that can be applied on the job. It is the tools that people see as a means that can bring real benefits. Theories are good, but tools are more powerful.

There is nothing wrong with this attitude towards lean manufacturing tools. Carpenters, musicians, athletes, engineers and professionals in any other field, of course, must master the tools of their craft. There is no doubt about it. The question is: is it worthwhile, from the very beginning of mastering lean manufacturing, to focus mainly on sequential training in individual tools and their sequential implementation throughout the enterprise.

This sequential introduction of tools throughout the plant has a lot of attractive points, noted in Fig. 19-3. If a company has several enterprises, implementation can cover them all. Thus, you can implement any lean manufacturing tools, including standardized work, total equipment maintenance, 5S, rapid changeover, cells, Kanban, error prevention, six sigma and even work groups. This approach appears to be a relatively quick, simple and inexpensive way to learn a lot, create general awareness, develop standard implementation models and lay the foundation for the further development of the lean manufacturing system. Chapter 4 emphasizes the importance of ensuring stability before creating a thread. Why not start by implementing organization-wide stability tools, such as universal equipment maintenance and standardized work? ^

In Chapter 3, we emphasized that linking two operations to create a flow between them requires basic process stability. We talked about the fact that lean manufacturing is a system and only the creation of flow allows you to fully benefit from its fruits. This can be seen when the system is in operation. You can spend years trying to stabilize the performance of individual areas, postponing the connection of flows and depriving yourself of the opportunity to learn what true lean manufacturing is. If you compare stability with a foundation, it turns out that you lay one foundation after another, but it never gets to the point of building a house.

The concept of home is also important because its components mutually reinforce each other. For example, stable processes are required to create flow, but flow lowers the “water level” and increases stability requirements. Machine downtime disrupts flow, but why go through the hassle of day-in and day-out preventative maintenance on equipment whose downtime does not affect the next process that might be using inventory? If a machine breakdown cuts off oxygen to the next process and it stops, machine repair and preventive maintenance become urgent.

Lean manufacturing tools, designed to help eliminate waste, are not isolated from others. The main positive result of reducing changeover time is the ability to carry out changeovers more often and reduce batch sizes, and this, in turn, helps to smooth out production. However, we have seen many companies use tool change reduction as a stand-alone tool in order to produce more parts and process material in even larger batches. This is a clear distortion of the idea.

Own production system

Now let's move up a level - we'll talk about the organization as a whole. Let's imagine that the vice president of manufacturing decided to get serious about lean manufacturing. Having learned about this approach through books or benchmarking visits to other companies, or perhaps through successful kaizen workshops or critical projects, a senior management executive declares, “We need a real lean manufacturing system.” This is great, this is exactly the attitude towards lean manufacturing that we strive for.

We helped build their own production system in several companies. One of the largest projects was the creation of the Ford Production System in the mid-1990s, although it is probably more appropriate to talk about a recreation here since TPS was originally based on the Ford system. The history of each of these projects is outlined in Fig. 19-4. Consultants are involved in “creating” the system, working with the company's administrative staff who are responsible for implementing lean manufacturing and involving other employees in the work. Although the TPS is at the heart of such a system, there may be differences in terminology, specific implementation (Ford, for example, uses a model that includes five interconnected components) and individual principles, which depend on the characteristics of the company. A lot of time is spent on developing a language and creating an image. To get the consent of senior management, you have to write a lot of documents and make a lot of presentations.

Various parameters of standard operating procedures are brought together. A lean manufacturing audit is carried out. The company recognizes that the existing performance system encourages mass production behavior patterns. It initiates a lean scorecard

production: lead time, first time quality, overall equipment efficiency. Employee morale is measured through surveys. For example, Ford has developed a set of critical indicators for each of the five components.

Deploying a new production system (sometimes called an "operating system") is a process of education and training: education is learning the basic concepts of lean manufacturing, and training is mastering the specific features of the operating system. For example, Ford needed a multi-day course on how to implement a new lean manufacturing metrics system because each of its plants around the world had to begin reporting on the new metrics. The focus should be on a single production system that is standard across all manufacturing plants. This is how Toyota works, and it works. It makes it easy to share best practices.

The development and implementation of a unified operating system has a lot of positive results. The organization acquires an individual identity that is identified with its operating system. A common language is created that allows information to be shared about moving forward. The Lean Scorecard promotes stabilization and flow and discourages overproduction.

What are the disadvantages of an approach that has such obvious advantages? The most important thing is not to put the cart before the horse. The Toyota Way is based on action and learning by doing. This approach assumes that true understanding of lean comes only when people have the opportunity to experience lean as a system. Otherwise, it remains simply an abstract idea that can be understood speculatively, but not tested by touch. Having mastered it theoretically, you can only philosophize about it. Essentially, you have three problems:

1. How to create your own production system without having a deep and complete understanding of lean manufacturing?

2. This process is often associated with the development of consensus, and even if someone in the company knows well what lean manufacturing is, others do not have such knowledge.

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It is generally accepted that production management techniques are of little use in other industries and cannot help the army, but the difference between the organization of production at military-industrial complex enterprises and, say, at a plant for the production of household appliances is not as significant as one might think, just like the difference between the organization processes in the army and the service sector. Logistics, supply, procurement, medical care, work with personnel - wherever these processes are carried out - in any city or in a war zone - they proceed essentially the same way and often face the same difficulties, which means they can rely on the same decisions. Techniques that work in civilian industries also bring benefits to military industries, and there is a lot of evidence of this.


Today, the US armed forces, associated government agencies and military-industrial complex enterprises are experiencing perhaps the most significant transformation in decades. And we are not talking about rearmament or personnel changes in the highest echelons of the military command. Lin became a new wave that affected the army at all levels.

1.3 million people - this is the total number of lean and kaizen teams of the US armed forces. The concept, which originated and developed within the automotive industry, today successfully serves for the benefit of the country, transforming army units, divisions and departments of the Ministry of Defense, and enterprises of the country's military-industrial complex.

Why did the US Department of Defense become interested in modern production management concepts and how did their rapid deployment occur?

The military industry is associated with enormous responsibility and requires the highest quality and reliability of the equipment produced. This is especially true for the US Army, which is conducting active military operations in different countries of the world. No less pressing is the issue of financing and proper distribution of the state budget, in which there are never excess funds.

Michael Kirby, Under Secretary for Army Modernization, stressed that at a certain point it became clear: the need for modernization could no longer be denied. "The US Army is a cutting-edge, highly effective military machine, but our internal processes are stuck in the mid-20th century," Kirby said.

To overcome existing problems, a team was formed within the ministry to find the optimal path of development. It was decided to start with benchmarking.

“We began to analyze how processes were organized in various organizations, at enterprises of various profiles, and found that we could apply a number of their practices at home,” says Lieutenant General Ross Thompson, responsible for supply, logistics and technology. - For example, the Warner Robins Air Logistics Center successfully implemented Lean. We had an example before our eyes that said: yes, this will work. We decided to evaluate the applicability of Lean tools in weapons management.”

Having considered a number of concepts, the US Department of Defense placed its main hopes on the Six Sigma concept. Developed at Motorola and popularized by General Electric, the concept is also applicable to the military, as it affects a wide variety of processes and aims to improve the quality of outputs of any of them, minimizing defects and deviations from the standard of operations.

The goal of the Lean and Six Sigma program, which involves military personnel and employees of the Department of Defense and related agencies, as well as employees of enterprises and contractors, is “to make production, supply, office management as efficient as military operations,” says Ronald Rezek , Special Assistant to the US Secretary of Defense.

The first to implement Lean was the RedRiver Army Depot in Texas, one of the repair and technical support centers. Their incredible success in the early stages of launching a continuous improvement system became an example for other departments.

Mass distribution of Six Sigma in the American army began at the end of 2005 under US Secretary of the Army Francis Harvey. It was his team that, from the very first months of work, set about reviewing the processes carried out in the army and ministries. His deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Marko Nikityuk, became responsible for the formation of the Six Sigma and Lean implementation program.

Speaking about the large-scale deployment of Lean in the army, you need to understand what the US Army is:

Formed: 1775

Strength (including reserve and National Guard): 1.3 million people

Number of operations worldwide: 4100

Presence in: 120 countries around the world

Budget (2006):$175.8 billion

The project started in 2005 with a survey of command, army and ministerial officials, and workers at military-industrial complex enterprises about which processes they had the most problems with and how they saw their solution. “So we wanted to identify the most observant, proactive and ready to learn people,” explains Nikityuk.

A group of consultants was brought in to train employees, and significant emphasis was placed on training in-house Lean trainers. Trainings started in 2006; in 2008, the number of trained trainers was 446 people, not counting group leaders, whose number increased to 1240 people.

Six Sigma Program, 2008

Start: 2005 year

Number of own trainers:

  • Beginners - 1240
  • Experienced - 446
  • Six Sigma Masters - 15

Number of projects: 1069 completed, 1681 in the process of implementation

Saving amount:$2 billion

The difference between deploying Lean and Six Sigma in enterprises and in government agencies is actually not that great. “They work according to the same model,” says Nikityuk. - Centralized planning and decentralized execution."

As in any industrial sector, so in the structure of the Ministry of Defense - in military units, departments, military-industrial complex enterprises - Lean works to create a culture of continuous improvements, ensures the speed of elimination of losses, unnecessary operations, and ineffective waste of resources. Classical methods of value stream mapping are successfully integrated into the “arsenal” of process management techniques; reducing cycle time increases the efficiency of work, and in the language of the state budget, this means saving money that can be directed to other needs.

There are differences, and some of them are positive. For example, in army structures built on following orders, internal resistance to innovation turns out to be much weaker than in civilian enterprises.

Another important difference is the difference in scale. Not a single enterprise, even the largest, can compare with the country's military complex in all its diversity.

“We used industry best practices to measure our progress and formulate a future plan,” says Kirby, “but then we noticed that we had to rewrite the metrics for ourselves, for an organization the size of the US military machine. But this task, with the right approach, is quite feasible.”

An effective solution was the internal portal - a unified system for exchanging information, creating a database of ideas, and collecting statistical data. The key metrics for any project were the amount of money saved, cycle time improvement, and product or process quality improvement.

If there are still those who doubt the possibility of using Lean in the military industry, the results speak for themselves:

  • US Navy: savings in the first year of implementation - $450 million; ROI - 4:1;
  • Production of the Lockheed C-130J military transport aircraft: work time in the stamping shop for one aircraft was reduced from 12 days to 3 minutes;
  • Production of electronic modules for military needs: cost reduction by 73%;
  • Delta IV launch vehicle production: 63% reduction in space usage;
  • Manufacturing components for the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon: cycle time reduction by 75%;
  • Production of JDAM (GPS technology-based equipment that converts free-fall bombs into all-weather guided munitions): 63% cost reduction.

Lin in the US Army- This is not only the modernization of enterprises, aimed at reducing losses and the number of defects for more efficient use of the state budget. At the same time that businesses were shifting to the new economy, Lean began to be implemented throughout a network of defense-related institutions: from military ministries, departments, military academies and training camps fighting bureaucracy and waste of resources, to military units, international bases and units conducting combat operations. operations in hot spots. Here, lean logistics, JIT, and the establishment of information flows become the key to saving lives and the success of operations, making it possible to quickly establish supplies and provide the necessary support. Given military operations that are being conducted on several fronts, the price of success has never been so high.


While the United States emphasizes Lean and Six Sigma in its classical sense, Germany improves the efficiency of its processes through a system of continuous improvement, or KVP. Almost every German enterprise in one way or another encourages the participation of its employees in eliminating losses, bottlenecks, and problem areas in production and non-production processes. Military-industrial complex enterprises, armed forces, departments and ministries are no exception.

Here, too, KVP is not some narrow initiative promoted in individual “pilot” units or enterprises. The German Ministry of Defense approached the implementation and promotion of this concept systematically, with true German pragmatism and a penchant for order.

In 2008, a Charter was created, which set out Continuous Improvement Program in the Bundeswehr . It contains an algorithm for submitting, processing and implementing proposals for improvement, records the functions of the NPU consultant and other responsible persons, and answers pressing questions that arise in the process of work. Being an official document of the Ministry of Defense, the Charter has also become a kind of reminder for all implementers, which they can turn to in any controversial situation.

The promotion of the continuous improvement program received significant support at the highest level: practical guides and instructions were published, an internal network for information exchange was developed, booklets and flyers were distributed, special events were held, and an Idea Bank was formed. Participants in the program are awarded valuable prizes and bonuses up to 25 thousand euros, and can also receive a car for use.

Such serious work was not slow to bring results: savings in the first year of implementation amounted to about 8 million euros. Today, the Bundeswehr accounts for 60% of the rationalization proposals submitted by all federal services in Germany. About 2 thousand proposals are processed annually.

In Russia, Lean, Six Sigma, Kaizen and other management concepts are being implemented mainly at enterprises in civil industries - in metallurgy, mechanical and automotive industries, energy, chemical, and food industries. Non-manufacturing industries and the military industry remain virtually unaffected by these changes, which in the USA and Germany are forming a new view of processes.

There are already certain advances in this direction: for example, the Rostec State Corporation, which promotes the development and production of high-tech products for civilian and military purposes, has begun introducing Lean Manufacturing at its enterprises. At the end of 2012, it created the Center for Optimization of Production Systems, which studies lean production methods of the world's leading companies. But what Russia really lacks today is a systematic approach supported at the highest level.

The need for change has been long overdue. The other day, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Ruslan Tsalikov noted that “there are three pillars on which the defense capability of any country rests. The first is weapons and military equipment. The second is infrastructure. The third is personnel and a block of social issues. A lag in any of these segments inevitably weakens military strength." Lean allows you to work on all three areas: improving the quality and reliability of manufactured equipment and weapons, developing infrastructure and creating a culture of active participation in all ongoing changes among employees of enterprises and ministries, among military and civil servants.

By launching a program to modernize the country’s military-industrial complex, the President and Government of the Russian Federation are allocating billions of rubles to its development. However, money is not everything. The military-industrial complex itself, in its enterprises and structures, contains enormous potential, which, with proper development, will not only save millions, but also give impetus to “renewal” in related industries related to the provision of the military-industrial complex.

Prepared by Natalia Konoshenko

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