In which African country did the exupery serve? Short biography of antoine de saint-exupery the most important thing for children

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery- famous French writer, poet and professional pilot.

Childhood, adolescence, youth:

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the French city of Lyon, descended from an old family of Perigord nobles, and was the third of five children of Viscount Jean de Saint-Exupery and his wife Marie de Foncolombe. Aged four years lost his father. upbringing little Antoine mother was doing.

In 1912, at the airfield in Amberier, Saint-Exupéry took to the air for the first time in an airplane. The car was driven by the famous pilot Gabriel Wroblewski.

Exupery entered the School of the Christian Brothers of St. Bartholomew in Lyon (1908), then with his brother François studied at the Jesuit College of Sainte-Croix in Mance - until 1914, after which they continued their studies in Friborg (Switzerland) at the College of Marists, prepared to enter the "Ecole Naval" (passed the preparatory course of the Naval Lyceum Saint-Louis in Paris), but did not pass the competition. In 1919, he enrolled as a volunteer at the Academy fine arts to the department of architecture.

The turning point in his fate was 1921 - then he was drafted into the army in France. Interrupting the deferral he received upon admission to higher educational institution, Antoine enrolled in the 2nd Fighter Regiment in Strasbourg. At first, he is assigned to a work team at repair shops, but soon he manages to pass the exam for a civilian pilot. He was transferred to Morocco, where he received the rights of a military pilot, and then sent for improvement to Istres. In 1922, Antoine completed courses for reserve officers in Avora and became a second lieutenant. In October he was assigned to the 34th Aviation Regiment at Bourges near Paris. In January 1923, the first plane crash happened to him, he received a head injury. In March, he is commissioned. Exupery moved to Paris, where he devoted himself to writing. However, in this field, at first he was not successful and was forced to take on any job: he traded cars, was a salesman in a bookstore.

Only in 1926, Exupery found his calling - he became a pilot of the Aeropostal company, which delivered mail to the northern coast of Africa. In the spring, he begins to work on the transportation of mail on the line Toulouse - Casablanca, then Casablanca - Dakar. On October 19, 1926, he was appointed head of the Cap Juby intermediate station (Villa Bens), on the very edge of the Sahara.

Monument to Antoine de Saint-Exupery in Tarfay

In March 1929, Saint-Exupery returned to France, where he entered the higher aviation courses. navy in Brest. Soon Gallimard's publishing house published the novel Southern Postal, and Exupery left for South America as Technical Director of Aeropost - Argentina, a subsidiary of Aeropostal. In 1930, Saint-Exupery was promoted to the Knights of the Legion of Honor for his contribution to the development of civil aviation. In June, he personally participated in the search for his friend, the pilot Guillaume, who had an accident while flying over the Andes. In the same year, Saint-Exupery writes "Night Flight" and gets acquainted with his future wife Consuelo from El Salvador.

Pilot and correspondent:

In 1930, Saint-Exupery returned to France and received a three-month vacation. In April, he married Consuelo Sunsin (April 16, 1901 - May 28, 1979), but the couple, as a rule, lived separately. On March 13, 1931, Aeropostal was declared bankrupt. Saint-Exupery returned to work as a pilot on the France-South America postal line and served the Casablanca-Port-Etienne-Dakar segment. In October 1931, Night Flight was published, and the writer was awarded the Femina literary prize. He takes another vacation and moves to Paris.

In February 1932, Exupery again begins working for the Latecoera airline and flies as a co-pilot on a seaplane serving the Marseille-Algiers line. Didier Dora, a former Aeropostal pilot, soon got him a job as a test pilot, and Saint-Exupery almost died while testing a new seaplane in Saint-Raphael Bay. The seaplane overturned, and he barely managed to get out of the cabin of the sinking car.

In 1934, Exupery went to work for the Air France (formerly Aeropostal) airline, as a representative of the company, traveled to Africa, Indochina and other countries.

In April 1935, as a correspondent for the Paris-Soir newspaper, Saint-Exupery visited the USSR and described this visit in five essays. The essay "Crime and Punishment in the Face of Soviet Justice" became one of the first works by Western writers in which an attempt was made to comprehend Stalinism. On May 3, 1935, he met with M. A. Bulgakov, which was recorded in the diary of E. S. Bulgakov.

Soon, Saint-Exupery becomes the owner of his own aircraft C.630 "Simun" and on December 29, 1935, he makes an attempt to set a record for the flight Paris - Saigon, but crashes in the Libyan desert, again narrowly avoiding death. On the first of January, he and the mechanic Prevost, who were dying of thirst, were rescued by the Bedouins.

In August 1936, according to an agreement with the Entransijan newspaper, he travels to Spain, where he Civil War and publishes a number of reports in the newspaper.

In January 1938, Exupery leaves for New York on board the Ile de France. Here he moves on to work on the book "The Planet of the People". On February 15, he begins the flight New York - Tierra del Fuego, but suffers a serious accident in Guatemala, after which he recovers his health for a long time, first in New York, and then in France.


On September 4, 1939, the day after France declared war on Germany, Saint-Exupéry is at the place of mobilization at the Toulouse-Montaudran military airfield and on November 3 is transferred to the long-range reconnaissance unit 2/33, which is based in Orconte (Champagne). This was his response to the persuasion of friends to abandon the risky career of a military pilot. Many tried to convince Saint-Exupery that he would bring much more benefit to the country as a writer and journalist, that thousands of pilots could be trained and that he should not risk his life. But Saint-Exupery achieved an assignment to the combat unit. In one of his letters in November 1939, he writes: “I am obliged to participate in this war. Everything I love is at stake. In Provence, when the forest is on fire, everyone who cares grabs buckets and shovels. I want to fight, I am forced to this by love and my inner religion. I can't stand by and look at it calmly."

Saint-Exupery made several sorties on the Block-174 aircraft, performing aerial reconnaissance missions, and was presented with the Military Cross (Fr. Croix de Guerre) award. In June 1941, after the defeat of France, he moved to his sister in the unoccupied part of the country, and later left for the United States. He lived in New York, where, among other things, he wrote his most famous book The Little Prince (1942, published 1943). In 1943, he joined the Fighting France Air Force and with great difficulty achieved his enrollment in a combat unit. He had to master the piloting of the new high-speed Lightning R-38 aircraft.

Saint-Exupéry in the cockpit of the Lightning

“I have a funny craft for my age. The next person behind me is six years younger than me. But, of course, my current life - breakfast at six in the morning, a dining room, a tent or a whitewashed room, flying at an altitude of ten thousand meters in a world forbidden to humans - I prefer unbearable Algerian idleness ... ... I chose work for maximum wear and tear and, since it is necessary always squeeze yourself to the end, no longer back down. I only wish that this vile war would end before I melt like a candle in a stream of oxygen. I have something to do even after it” (from a letter to Jean Pélissier on July 9-10, 1944).

On July 31, 1944, Saint-Exupéry left the Borgo airfield on the island of Corsica on a reconnaissance flight and did not return.

Hello my dear readers! Some quotes by Antoine de Saint-Exupery have become winged. For example, "You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed." Friends, is there anyone here who hasn't read The Little Prince? I think no!

This is a well-known philosophical tale about goodness, beauty and truth. "There is such hard rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

All the heroes of the fairy tale have their prototypes. The image of the prince himself is deeply autobiographical. The rose that the Little Prince loves and protects is his beautiful but capricious wife, the Hispanic Consuelo. And Lis - good friend Exupery Sylvia Reinhardt, who assisted him in hard times.

I read The Little Prince when I was twelve. I remember my childhood surprise that the pilot turned out to be the author of the "prince". The writer-pilot Exupery can be attributed to an almost endangered species of people - romantics. You will understand this when you read his judgments in quotations.

Biography of Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (June 29, 1900 - July 31, 1944) was a French writer and professional aviator. Surprisingly, his full name. It sounds like this: Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery. Zodiac sign - Cancer.


Antoine was the third of five children in the family of a provincial nobleman (count). At the age of four, Tony (as he was called) lost his father. The upbringing of little Antoine was carried out by his mother. It was she who instilled in him a love of literature, fairy tales and art, and was his greatest friend. He loved her more than anyone in the world.

🙂 Read fairy tales to children, gentlemen! Every day. It is very important!

Tony is second from right


Exupery graduated from the Jesuit school in Montreux, studied at a Catholic boarding school in Switzerland. In 1917 he entered the Paris School of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Architecture.

The turning point in his fate was 1921 - he was drafted into the army and got into pilot courses. Soon, Exupery received a pilot's license and moved, where he turned to writing. The young writer was forced to take on any job: he sold cars, was a salesman in a bookstore.

With wife Consuelo


Only in 1925 Exupery found his calling - he became a pilot of the Aeropostal company, which delivered mail to the northern coast of Africa. Two years later, he was appointed head of the airport in Cap Juby, on the very edge of the Sahara. And there he finally found that inner peace, which his later books are filled with.

In 1929, Exupery headed the branch of his airline in Buenos Aires. In 1931 he returned to Europe, again flew on postal lines, was also a test pilot. Since the mid 1930s. also acted as a journalist.

He also went to war in Spain as a correspondent. Fought the Nazis from the early days of World War II. On July 31, 1944, he left the airfield on the island of Sardinia on a reconnaissance flight - and did not return.


For several decades nothing was known about his death. And only in 1998 in the sea near one fisherman discovered a bracelet. There were several inscriptions on it: "Antoine", "Consuelo" (that was the name of the pilot's wife) and the address of the publishing house in which Antoine's books were published.

Exupery bracelet

In May 2000, diver Luc Vanrel at a depth of 70 meters discovered the wreckage of an aircraft, possibly belonging to Saint-Exupery. During his lifetime, Exupery was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor.

The Literary Legacy of Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  1. "Southern Postal" (1929)
  2. "Night Flight" (1931)
  3. "Planet of the People" (1938)
  4. "Military pilot" (1942)
  5. "The Little Prince" (1943)
  6. "Citadel" (1948)

Read the amazing quotes by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry at your own pace. Think about it. The birth of each quote was preceded by personal experiences, life experience and attitude to the world of the author himself.

Each person sees the world in their own way. Antoine saw the world like this. Read Antoine de Saint-Exupery's quotes about the meaning of life, loneliness, freedom and responsibility and you will learn about the rich inner world Exupery.

Antoine knew the true value of water when he was dying of thirst in the Libyan desert, where his plane crashed. He and the mechanic Prevost were doomed to death. Luckily they were rescued by the Bedouins. Imagine yourself in the desert, where for four whole days there will not be a sip of water!

God, what a shame that this life brilliant man cut short at 44! It's a tragedy when the world loses talented people.

Immortal quotes of the writer

Quotes by Antoine de Saint-Exupery about the meaning of life, about people and love:

  • “Working only for material wealth, we are building a prison for ourselves. And we lock ourselves in loneliness, and all our riches are dust and ashes, they are powerless to deliver to us what is worth living for.
  • “Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes”
  • "You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed"
  • “There is such a firm rule: get up in the morning, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order”
  • "To live is to be born slowly"
  • “Life is manifested not in states, but in actions”
  • “Don't check on friends and loved ones. They still won't stand the test."
  • "Never lose patience - this is the last key that unlocks the doors"
  • “If a person betrayed someone because of you, you should not associate life with him, sooner or later he will betray you because of someone”
  • “To love is not to look at each other, but to look together in the same direction”
  • “Why should we hate each other? We are all at the same time, carried away by the same planet, we are the crew of one ship.
  • “There is no time for a person in the city. There are no people, there are functions: a postman, a salesman, a neighbor who interferes. You value a man in the desert"

These quotes make a person think about the meaning of life, but in our time there are few such readers. Everyone lives in some kind of daily fuss ...

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The life and work of Exupery, the biography of this person and his personal life - this is what interests many readers of our time. There were many things in his life interesting moments worth talking about. Facts from the life of Saint Exupery - a biography of one of the most mysterious authors of that time. The fate of a writer and a pilot in one person is an interesting mixture, and we invite you to plunge into the past and live some moments of that time together with a talented person.

Antoine Exupery: biography

Antoine was born on June 26, 1900 in the beautiful town of France - Lyon. His father was a nobleman, not very high level, Count. Full name the boy was given Antoine de Saint Exupery. His biography is filled with various events, and the first of them was the loss of his father at the age of 4 years. His mother took care of his further upbringing. First, she saw to it that he graduated from a Jesuit school, and then sent him to study in a private Swiss boarding school. In 1917, Antoine became a student at the Faculty of Architecture at the School of Arts in Paris. Thus, mother fulfilled her parental duty and gave her son a good education.

New stage

In 1921, Antoine was drafted into the army, and his fate changed dramatically. At first he worked in workshops at the airfield, but soon passed the exam and received the pilot's license, so far only a civilian one. A little later, he retrained as a military pilot and improved his skills in Istra. After completing officer courses in Avora, Antoine received the rank of second lieutenant. He made many flights, being an officer of the 34th regiment, but in 1923 his plane crashed, and Exupery received a severe head injury. After returning from the army, he moved to the capital of France and became interested in writing. At first, not very well. But Antoine de Exupery, whose biography is still connected with literature, did not despair.

Antoine's activities

Since his work as a writer was not successful, he had to change his occupation and engage in trade. First he got a job in a car company and sold cars, and then he changed cars for books, worked in a bookstore. But for a long time to engage in this type of activity, he could not. In 1926, he was lucky enough to find a job with Aeropostal. Flying an airplane, Antoine delivered mail to the African continent. Then he continued to work on a mail plane, but changed directions - from Toulouse to Dakar. Having received a promotion, Antoine became the head of the station in the city of Villa Bans. It was in this place that he wrote his first story - "Southern Postal". After that, Exupery received another promotion and moved to South America, where he became director of the Aeropostal branch. While working there, he was part of a team that was looking for a missing person, Antoine's friend, Guillaume. An important point is that Exupery was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor for a significant contribution to the work of aviation. The whole life of De Saint Exupery, the biography of this man and even his death are all connected in one way or another with aviation, so this award was very important for the writer.

The nature of the writer

Everyone who knew this man said that he was a unique personality. Antoine always had a smile on his face, and he loved all people in an amazing way. The small nose gave him a perky look. The generous nature of the writer was distinguished by the fact that he wholeheartedly helped everyone who needed it. However, he never expected anything in return. Count Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, whose biography interests us, was, first of all, a man with capital letter. He never lied because he didn't know how. He was sure that hatred was not the way out of the situation. Only love can overcome hatred. Therefore, he was loving and very kind. With all this, Antoine was extremely. He could forget to turn off the tap and flood the neighbors from below, he could sit on the wrong lane while flying a plane, or forget to slam the apartment door. However, this in no way detracts from its merits.

Romance in the life of a writer

For the first time, the writer's heart trembled when he met his first love, Louise Vilmorne, who was from a very wealthy family. He sought her favor in every possible way, but she did not reciprocate and ignored his ardent courtship. When Antoine was in the hospital after the plane crash, she completely forgot about his existence. Exupery took this tragedy hard and suffered for a long time, experiencing the torment of unrequited love. Even when the writer became famous and recognized in the world, this did not affect Louise's attitude towards Saint Exupery. Antoine's biography was no longer connected with this woman in any way. But other ladies really liked him. Many considered him attractive, and almost everyone found him charming. The smile that always adorned his face made him very good-natured and attractive.

Muse of genius

Once suffering suffering because of unrequited love, Antoine was in no hurry to plunge into this pool again. He wanted to find a woman with whom he could start a family. And found. Consuela Carilo turned out to be such a woman. There are many options for exactly how the future newlyweds met, but best version is the one in which they were introduced by a mutual friend, Benjamin Cramier. Consuella was a widow, her previous husband, also a writer, had died, and she fled out of sadness into the arms of Antoine. They married in France in the spring of 1931. The wedding was very magnificent and gathered many guests. As for Consuela, the reviews about the character of this woman are not always positive. She had an explosive character, was rather unbalanced and hysterical. But Antoine was madly in love with his wife. She had an extraordinary mind, read a lot and was an interesting conversationalist. She always behaved slightly arrogantly, although no one could call her a beauty. Exupery, whose biography interests the reader in every detail, considered his wife the most beautiful, and she gave him strength both in writing and in aviation.


In parallel with his personal life, the writer's professional life in the field of aviation also developed. After the Aeroposhtal company went bankrupt, Antoine worked as an aircraft tester for his friend Didier. The work was very dangerous, and once Antoine almost died while testing another plane. A new type of activity was work as a correspondent. Having signed an agreement with the Paris Soir newspaper, Exupery traveled to different countries and wrote essays. One of the significant trips was a trip to the USSR. Feeling the whole atmosphere of the Stalinist regime, he tried to express his impressions in his essay, which was published by the newspaper. Later, from the newspaper "Entrance" Antoine went to the region of Spain, where at that time there was a civil war. Many essays from those places were the result of the work of Exupery. The biography of this man is full of danger and extreme, and this always pushed him to further crazy actions. For example, he bought a plane and wanted to set a record by flying the Paris-Saigon line. But the plane crashed right in the middle of the desert. Antoine miraculously survived. He and the mechanics of the plane were saved by the Bedouins when they were almost dying of thirst.

great writer

Almost all of Exupery's books appeared thanks to his work in aviation and the experience of a pilot. His novels are saturated with the perception of the world through the eyes of an aircraft pilot. Antoine received literary awards that commended him as a writer:

  • Femin Literary Prize.
  • Grand Prix du Roman (France).
  • National (USA).

The works of Exupery were always multifaceted, in each of them was hidden deep meaning. Some novels concerned only the pilot, others expressed a purely personal relationship. He liked to philosophize in his works, and this made readers think about the main idea that Exupery wanted to invest. A biography, short or detailed, in any case will reveal Antoine first of all as a writer, and then as a pilot. But here you can argue. After all, without Antoine the pilot, there would be no successful Antoine the writer. So who is in charge, the pilot or the writer, is a question similar to what came first: the egg or the chicken.

literary heritage

The modern reader has the opportunity to familiarize himself with various works Exupery. These are articles and essays. But the main indicator of his talent as a writer are such novels as:

  • "Southern Post".
  • "Night flight".
  • "Land of people".
  • "Wind, sand and stars".
  • "Military pilot".
  • "The little Prince".

Writer's death

A lot has been said and is being said about the death of the writer. After all, like Antoine himself, his death was not simple and unambiguous. When did the second World War, he did not stay at home for a day, and the day after the declaration of war he was already in the military unit. Friends discouraged him, but he was relentless. Joined the reconnaissance squad. Made many combat and reconnaissance missions. One day, July 31, 1944, he flew to reconnaissance and never returned. For a very long time he was considered missing. Only in 1998, near Marseille, a bracelet was found in the sea, on which the name "Consuella" could be seen. Even later, in 2000, the wreckage of the plane on which Antoine flew was discovered. And even later, in 2008, the pilot of the German squadron admitted that it was he who shot down Exupery's plane. Biography of this talented person so bright that even death had to become a kind of mystery and finish with dignity life path great man. Lyon Airport is named after Antoine de Saint Exupery, and this is also done for a reason.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was born on June 29, 1900, in Lyon, France. When Antoine was 4 years old, his father died of an intracerebral hemorrhage.

He received his primary education at the school of the Christian brothers of St. Bartholomew. From 1908 to 1914 studied at the Jesuit College of Sainte-Croix.

It took to the air for the first time in 1912. The outstanding pilot G. Wroblewski controlled the machine. In 1919 future writer signed up as a volunteer at the National high school fine arts, architecture department.

In the sky

After successfully passing the exam, he received the rights of a military pilot. In 1922 he received the rank of junior lieutenant. A year later, he was in the first plane crash in his life, which resulted in a head injury.

After commissioning, he moved to Paris and devoted himself literary creativity. But he did not stop longing for the sky. In 1926, Exupery received a position as a pilot in the Aeropostal company.

In the same year, having received the post of head of an intermediate station on the edge of the Sahara, he created the novel Southern Postal.

correspondent pilot

In 1931, Exupery wrote and published the novel "Night Flight", which received the prestigious literary prize"Femina".

In the spring of 1935, as a correspondent for the newspaper "Lari Suar", Exupery visited Soviet Union. The writer described his impressions in detail in five short stories. In fact, he was the first Western writer who tried to writing understand the essence of Stalinism.

In 1938, he released the novel Planet of the People, which many critics labeled as "an ode to humanism." In 1939, this novel received a prestigious award - the Grand Prize of the French Academy. In the same year, the novel received the US National Award.

The Second World War

During World War II, Exupery flew the Blok-174 aircraft. He made several sorties. He completed many tasks in aerial photography, for which he was eventually presented with the Military Cross award.

When France was defeated by Nazi Germany, Exupery moved to the United States. There he wrote a fairy tale novel for children and adults, The Little Prince. The book was published in 1943.

In the same year, Exupery returned to the front and successfully mastered the piloting of the Lightning P-38, the latest high-speed aircraft.

July 31, 1944 Exupery went on a reconnaissance flight. He has not returned back. The circumstances of his death are still unclear. The wreckage of the plane believed to have crashed the writer is now in the Air and Space Museum at Le Bourget.

Other biography options

  • There were many interesting facts in the life of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. During his entire career as a pilot, he suffered fifteen plane crashes. During a business trip to the Soviet Union, he flew aboard the ANT-20 Maxim Gorky aircraft.
  • The writer loved to show card tricks and was fluent in many tricks.
  • Exupery contributed not only to literature. He is the author of several inventions in the aviation field. The writer has patents for these inventions.
  • At the heart of the bright romance writer, "Planet of people", is real fact from his life. Some time before its creation, Exupery got into another plane crash while flying Paris-Saigon.
  • Exupery is the prototype of the hero S. Lukyanenko. This character, a pilot and writer, appears in the novel Sky Seekers. The hero's name is Antoine of Lyons.
  • The airport in Lyon is named after the writer. Also, the asteroid 2578, which was discovered by T. Smirnova in 1975, is named after him. And in 2003, the moon of the asteroid was named after the Little Prince.
  • Also a nice name outstanding writer was given to a mountain peak in Patagonia.
  • see all

06/29/1900 Lyon, France - 07/31/1944 His family belongs to an old count family. He was 4 years old when his father died. The problem of raising little Antoine, his brothers and setters fell on the shoulders of his mother, who gave her son a comprehensive education. After graduating from a local Christian school, he and his brother were sent first to a Jesuit college and then to a Swiss Catholic boarding school. At the age of 17, the young man studies architecture in Paris, and at the age of 21 he is drafted into the army. At first he serves in a repair shop, and after completing the course, he becomes a civilian pilot. In Morocco, he receives a diploma of a military pilot. Practice takes place in Istra, becomes a junior lieutenant.

At the age of 22, he suffers his first car accident near Paris and, having received a severe head injury, stops flying for a while. The first works of an unknown author do not arouse much interest in the reader, and, realizing that it is impossible to make a living with creativity, he is forced to sell cars and books.

In 1926, he entered the service of the Aeropostal company, with which his future career would be connected. professional activity. Starting with airmail shipments to North Africa, he eventually becomes the head of the airport in the Argentine branch of the company, while continuing to write. At this time, his story "Pilot" is published. From now on, a flying career and literature will become the meaning of his life. It was the experience of the pilot that served as a source of inspiration for the prose writer. Exupery enters into a fruitful contract with a publisher for 7 novels, publishes the Southern Postal. Having received an order for a children's fairy tale, he writes not childishly deep and meaningful " Little Prince", a philosophical reflection on the topic moral values. For their literary works The writer has received several awards. For "Night Flight" - "Femina", "Planet of People" brought the "Grand Prix du Roman", and "Wind, Sand and Star" were crowned national award USA.

During World War II, Exupery moved from occupied France to the United States. He participates in daring intelligence operations, for one of which he was awarded a military cross. He is engaged in journalism, visits the USSR, writes an essay on the Stalinist regime, goes to Spain as a war correspondent. He is destined to experience several serious crashes, in which he miraculously survived. After one of the accidents, he developed his own aircraft landing system.

His first love was a girl from a wealthy family, Louise Vilmorne. The bitterness of unrequited love is associated with her, and Consuelo Sandaval, an artist and sculptor, became his faithful companion and only wife.

Making a reconnaissance flight, Saint-Exupery took off from the island of Corsica and went missing. A few years later, a fisherman found his bracelet with personal data, and a few years later, divers found the remains of an aircraft on which, according to serial number pilot flew. His death is surrounded by mysteries. There is no damage to prove the plane was shot down. Possible cause plane crash could be a problem.

3, 4, 6 grade for children about the main thing

Biography of Antoine de Saint-Exupery about the main thing

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was born in the summer of 1900 in France. His family was noble. The boy had three sisters and a brother. When the child was four years old, his father passed away. After that, the boy was often sent to his grandmother. Then the family moved to Le Mans. There the boy went to school, and then to college.

Then the young man and his brother went to college in Switzerland. But in the fall of 1917, the writer's brother died. The young man was greatly shocked.

The writer was called up for service in 1921. The young man became a pilot. In the winter of 1923, the pilot was in a plane crash and was injured. The writer went to the capital of France and began to study literature.

In 1926, the writer began working as a pilot, he delivered letters to Africa. The writer wrote his first novel in 1926.

In April 1931, the young people got married. In October, the author's novel was published, for which the writer received an award.

The writer traveled a lot due to business trips. He was also in the USSR, wrote essays in which he tried to understand Stalin's politics.

The writer had his own plane. During the flight, he had an accident.

He worked for a newspaper and was a correspondent. About was in Spain, then went to the USA.

The writer participated in World War II. He was a scout. Many of his friends considered his occupation too dangerous for life and persuaded him to study literature. But the writer was sure of his choice. But he could not calmly look at what was happening in the country. He received an award.

Then the writer again went to the USA. He settled in New York. It was there that he composed the most famous work of his entire career as a writer - it was The Little Prince.

The writer, at his insistence, was enlisted in the combat unit. He flew away in the summer of 1944 and never returned. His plane was shot down.

3, 4, 6 grade for children

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