Memo about the excess purchase of goods. How to write a memo - sample

If not all employees of the organization compose official or memos, then any employee may need a sample explanatory note sooner or later. Each of these types of service documentation has a specific purpose of an information and reference nature. Consider which of them are best suited for a particular case.

The type of document for informational or reference purposes addressed to an authorized person (head of department, head of the enterprise) is called a report. The legislation does not give a clear definition, it is intended to present conclusions, proposals in order to encourage the head to make a decision.

Compile a report on the initiative of the employee or in accordance with the oral by order of the head. Most often, with its help, they make proposals related to the improvement of technical equipment in production, express disagreement with the decision of the management, state their position in conflicts with colleagues.

Explanatory note sample

In the main text of this document, the formulation of one's position and a clear presentation of the arguments on the merits of the issue are supposed.

There are the following types of reports:

  • Reporting. Assume informing about the completion of work or stages, the execution of orders;
  • Informational. Compiled regularly to present the results, details, progress and methods of work;
  • Initiative. Contains suggestions and recommendations.

Memorandum sample

The document can be external or internal depending on the addressee.

External is addressed to the head of the higher organization. For drawing up use the general form of the enterprise. According to the example, the memorandum consists of the following elements:

  • the name of the institution;
  • date of;
  • index;
  • registration address;
  • addressee data;
  • title to the topic of the report;
  • outlined text;
  • signature of the leading person;
  • Full name of the performer with a contact phone number.

Memorandum on non-fulfillment of official duties

An internal document is drawn up in the name of the head of the organization; a regular sheet is used for registration. It contains the following elements:

  • department designation;
  • name of the note;
  • date and registration number;
  • title;
  • text;
  • full name of the addressee;
  • signature, surname, initials, position of the compiler.

One of the types of internal documents is a report on improper performance or non-performance by an employee of duties. It is intended to inform management and includes a proposal to impose a disciplinary sanction on the employee.

Service note - an example of writing and an accounting journal

This is an informational document, used for the interaction of horizontal (not subordinate to each other) objects of the management structure in order to resolve issues related to their competence. How to write a memo?

This type is not provided for in the all-Russian classifier of management documentation (OKUD). At the same time, it is used for industrial purposes:

  • to request information;
  • when issuing instructions;
  • as an accompanying document;
  • as an information letter.

Service note form. The text describes what caused it to be issued - a request, an application, an offer. Information about meetings held, personnel movements, changes in the work of the organization and its divisions can be displayed. The document may also contain information for the security service about those working on weekends in order to allow them to enter the company's premises.

For the labor successes of employees, they can, with a valuable gift, title, diploma. To do this, the head of the department, trade union or team draws up a note.

Service note for the award

The legislation does not contain strict requirements for the design of an office. However, the sample filling is similar in form to the report, it can be developed and compiled directly in the organization, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.

In order to control the documentation, a registration log is created. It may contain information about the registration number, date, name or summary, the official who signed the document.

Journal of registration of service notes sample

In addition to the journal, card or automatic accounting is provided.

Explanatory note form

This document is used to explain the circumstances of events and facts. Compiled by an employee of the enterprise in the name of a higher official.

It implies writing by hand in one copy on a regular paper sheet in the name of the person who requested the document. Some organizations provide dialing on a computer. The rules for issuing an explanatory note are not fixed at the legislative level, however, there are typical filling patterns. Compiled not according to the form, it is valid.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 193), before applying a penalty to an employee, an explanatory note about the circumstances and reasons for the actions taken must be requested from him.

The note is compiled by an employee or structural unit.

In the process of work, some things are consumed or completely become unusable. It can be raw materials, tools, other materials, and even ordinary items such as tables and or chairs. After that, the procedure for excluding these items from accounting should be carried out. The start of this process is given by a memo for the write-off of material assets.

Each organization has its own system for writing off material assets. In large companies, this work is carried out by a separate commission, which functions on certain days. In small firms, such operations are carried out as needed by different employees. But everywhere there is a certain documentation.

This memo must contain the following information:

  1. Document details. Typically, a note has a date, number, and a title that reveals the subject. In a small company, where office work is not systematized at the proper level, only the date may be present. At large enterprises, the number and date are prescribed by the clerk, who also registers the document in the journal;
  2. Destination. The note is addressed to the director or deputy director who deals with the issue of providing the organization with material values, for example, the chief engineer;
  3. Request to write off the listed material assets;
  4. Information about items that have been used up or become unusable is usually presented in the form of a table. It should contain the following columns:
  • Line number;
  • Item name;
  • Quantity;
  • Inventory number;
  • Book value.

Note! Also in the table there can be other columns. For example, material code, spending direction, and others.

  1. Reasons for write-off. It should be indicated what documents confirm the measures confirming the need for write-off.

This may be an act of verification, a decision of the commission on the unsuitability of a thing for further use, an expert opinion that a certain device is broken and its restoration is not economically feasible;

  1. Information about the financially responsible person and the unit in which the values ​​were used;
  2. The period for which the expense was made. The timing of write-offs depends on the rules established by the enterprise. It can be a month or a quarter;
  3. List of applications. Together with the note, copies of the documents on the basis of which the write-off will be carried out are transmitted;

Note! Only a specialist can assess the possibility of further use of a thing or its repair. However, the thing can be written off due to moral and material obsolescence, if the period of its normative operation has expired.

  1. Position, signature, surname and initials of the author of the document. The note is drawn up by the financially responsible person or the head of the unit, depending on the rules established in the organization;
  2. Agreement marks. At least two employees are involved in the write-off processing: the financially responsible and the boss. One signs the note directly, and the other puts his visa on the document stating that the information provided is true.

The memo is sent to the addressee, who approves it or refuses to approve it. Further, the document follows the accounting department, where measures must be taken to bring the balance sheet in line.

Sample text

More clearly presented information will look at the example.

No. 03-64/85 To the Director of TechArtGroup LLC

dated DD.MM.YYYY Podolsky M.E.


About the write-off of material assets

I ask you to allow the write-off of the following material assets for the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY:

Number Name Quantity Unit rev. Inv. nom. Reason for write-off Cost for 1 unit. total cost
1 Envelope A4 unmarked without window 80 PC. b/n Used to send mail. 10 rub. 800 rub.
2 Scanner HP SсanJet 200 1 PC. 79633 General fault. Moral and material obsolescence. 4000 rub. 4000 rub.
3 Computer chair Metta VK-8. 1 PC. 83923 Breakage of the height adjustment mechanism, deformation of the seats. Recovery is not economically feasible. 5000 rub. 5000 rub.

Subdivision: legal office.

Financially responsible:

Leading Legal Counsel _________ Sergeenko S.K.

Reasons for write-off: the results of an examination carried out by specialists of the repair department and verification of the use of consumables.


  1. The conclusion of the repair department No. 37 dated DD.MM.YYYY.
  2. The act of checking the use of consumables No. 28 dated DD.MM.YYYY.

Head of Bureau Stepanov D.V.

It is very important to timely write off certain material assets and control the presence in the premises of the organization of all items that have been assigned inventory numbers. A financially responsible employee, in case of violations, will be responsible for them from their own income. Therefore, the design of a memo is in his interests.

memo- This is an information and reference document that is used as a tool for internal business correspondence. memo is drawn up in relation to a specific department of the enterprise or an individual employee when other departments and structural divisions are forced to join the solution of the problem. Memos, unlike memos, are a way of communication between departments and employees who are equal in official status, but not directly reporting to each other.

How to write a memo

memo, as a rule, is compiled in any form, but must contain the following details:

  • the name of the document, that is, "Memorandum";
  • addressee with full name and position in the dative case;
  • title before the text of the note - the subject of the memo;
  • the actual text of the memo, which describes the current situation and suggests options for solving the problem or expresses a request;
  • the position of the author of the memo indicating the full name and signature;
  • the date of the document and its number.

Sample memo for purchasing a computer

05.10.2013 № 2

About computer repair (replacement)

I would like to bring to your attention that since September 20, 2013, the personal computer assigned to the sales manager Korovko Larisa Ivanovna often experiences software failures.

In this regard, I ask you to repair this computer or replace it.

Sample service note on the issuance of products

2013-09-20-CN dated 20.09.2013

About the issuance of products

I ask you to agree on the holding of the campaign for TM "Voditsa".

Purpose of the promotion:

  • increase in sales of juices of TM "Voditsa" in retail;
  • increase in numerical and quality distribution.

Promotion Period: October-November 2013

Region: Aleksandrovsk, Cheryomushki

Participants of the action: sellers of retail outlets

Action mechanism: when ordering 5 liters of Voditsa TM juice, 1 liter of Voditsa TM juice is provided as a gift.

Prize pool distribution:
Aleksandrovsk - 400 packs (1l each)
Cheryomushki - 60 packs (1l each)
Efficiency: the planned increase in sales is 30-40%.
The rest of the unused products will be returned to the warehouse.

Registration of a memo is carried out on a sheet of A4 format, if the organization does not maintain electronic document management.

This document should be issued if the employee (no matter what position he occupies in this company) considers it necessary to convey something important to the attention of the head of the company and understands that the matter cannot be resolved without his personal intervention.

Attention! A memo is often confused with a memorandum.

These two categories of written appeals within the company are really similar in the most important way - they are informational and imply certain actions from the person to whom they are addressed.

They concern either one or another specialist, or the activities of a particular unit. Nevertheless, the memo is more hierarchically colored: it is always written “from the bottom up”, that is, from a lower-level specialist to a higher position.

The official one can be addressed to a representative of the same rank as the author, and to someone who is lower in position. Moreover, it is also addressed to representatives of partner organizations. In fact, a memorandum is a subspecies of a service note, as well as an explanatory note.

Regarding the difference between a memo and a memorandum, see the commentary of a specialist.

Should a leader write a document?

He should, but in cases where he wants to convey something to the attention of a specialist or the head of a department and is waiting for specific actions in response.

What sections does a memo consist of?

As already mentioned, There is no specially established sample for such paper. However, there are rules for writing, in accordance with the rules of business communication, as well as the internal regulations of a particular company.

Samples of such a note, as a rule, are in the local documents of the company - in paper form or provided to the employee along with the internal corporate e-mail. In the latter case (if it is customary for your company to address requests electronically), you need to use the read receipt function.

Yes, similar document always contains:

  • full name of the company and structural unit (from where it is written);
  • registration number;
  • indication of the addressee (you need to mention the rank, surname and initials, or the full name and patronymic);
  • the name of the paper and its purpose (for example, a service note for repairs);
  • text - informational part (short and to the point) and what actions are expected from the addressee;
  • date of;
  • decoded signature.

It is required to write concisely and to the point, remembering that working time is limited for each employee and it is expensive.

Important! Errors in the language of writing are not allowed. You should also avoid clumsy and overly confusing and cumbersome phrases that can be interpreted ambiguously and distort the meaning of what you want to convey.

The principle of writing is always the same: what happened - what you want - why do you think that the person you are addressing should do so. Additional weight will be given by writing a note on letterhead with the company logo.

It is also good to indicate the consequences for the business that the current situation bears and how this will correct the intervention of the addressee. For example, someone violates the internal routine and brings discord into the team, as a result of which disunity has arisen in the department, the team spirit necessary to increase sales is violated.

It is best to stick to a business-like, neutral style. when applying. Accordingly, one should not use obscene, slang phrases, emotionally colored reviews, especially abusive, offensive or unethical ones.

If you want from the addressee not one, but several actions, they must be specified in a numbered list, each on a new line, separated by a semicolon.

Step-by-step instructions: how to compose correctly?

How to write a memo to the director according to the model correctly? In the upper right corner, a “header” of the document is drawn up - to whom and to which unit the paper is transferred, be sure to indicate the position and passport data. Below, in the center - a memo and its purpose (for example, for repairs, or for write-offs, for promotion or bonuses to an employee), there is also a registration number.

The text is written below - the essence of the issue, first the informative part, then what you want (for example, I ask you to issue an inspection order regarding such and such an incident), or I ask you to replace the following equipment in such and such a department (telling first why this should be to do and what is the state of the existing equipment).

Here is a specific an example of what such paper might look like.

General Director of Lotos-V LLC

Sergeev Sergey Sergeevich

from senior sales manager Ivanova I.I.

MEMO No. 21

(for repair and replacement of equipment)

I bring to your attention that in the sales department of Lotos-M LLC, computer equipment is unsuitable for further work and needs to be replaced and repaired. So at the moment, out of 8 computers (based on one for two employees), 5 are completely out of order, and 2 more are recognized by the system administrator as subject to repair. Due to the incident, interaction with customers is slowing down. Employees are forced to use personal laptops and tablets brought with them. The printer has also been declared beyond repair as it is very old.

I ask you to:

  1. purchase 5 new computers;
  2. order the repair of 2 computers;
  3. replace the printer in the department.


senior sales manager, Ivanova Irina Ivanovna (signature).

So, it is clear that if an employee wants something from another employee, much less from the boss, this must be in writing and in accordance with the model established in a particular company, in line with business ethics.

Only this guarantees that your appeal will not be ignored and an exhaustive answer will be given to it, and only in this way will your appeal be regarded as rational, and not as a private request that management (higher or general) can ignore.

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