Slow waltz. Waltz: the history and features of one of the most famous ballroom dances When and where did the Waltz first appear

Waltz (waltz) is a dance that is loved and known by everyone all over the world. It is danced with pleasure everywhere: at the famous Vienna balls, at receptions, weddings, graduation balls, clubs. It is not for nothing that he is called the "king" of dances. This is a romantic, gentle and magical dance.

When and where did Waltz first appear?

The waltz is quite young, it cannot be considered an old dance. Its age is estimated at a little over two centuries. But exact date its origin is not known for certain.

There are several versions of the origin of this dance, and they all date back to the middle of the 18th century. According to one version, it is believed that the waltz originated from the German impetuous dance "walzer", where couples circled tightly hugging each other. According to another version, it originated from the Austrian Lendler dance, in which couples moved slowly one after another in a circle.

There is another version of the origin of the dance - this is the French folk dance "Volt". The name of this dance comes from the Italian word "voltare" - to turn. It was danced in pairs with obligatory turns of one dancer around the other.

The very name of the Waltz dance is supposed to have come from the German word " walzen”, which means to spin. And, indeed, the waltz is always spinning.

modern waltz

Modern waltz, the dance is multifaceted and exists great amount its varieties:

  • waltz minion
  • waltz-mazurka
  • English
  • Hungarian
  • Viennese
  • waltz boston
  • figured waltz
  • tango waltz

But the most common, which are performed at all competitions, include two types:

  1. Slow waltz it is also a waltz-boston or an English waltz, the performance of which requires special discipline and technique high level despite its elegance and romance. The movements of the pair should be soft, sliding. The musical time signature of this dance is 3/4 with an emphasis on each beat. The tempo is 28-31 beats per minute. Must be performed in a closed position.
  2. Viennese waltz (quick waltz). The performance of this dance requires the couple to have complete understanding. Despite the swiftness of the dance, the movements must be performed with grace and fluidity. The body must always be strictly tightened. The Viennese waltz is performed in 3/4 time signature with an emphasis on the downbeat. The tempo is 58-64 beats per minute with an emphasis on the first count. Like all dances of the European program, it is danced in a closed position.

In the 30s XIX years century, the great Austrian composers of that time contributed to the formation of the Viennese waltz - Franz Lanner, Johann Strauss-father and no less famous composer Johann Strauss is the son who wrote such popular and world-famous works as The Blue Danube and Tales of the Vienna Woods. The Viennese waltz in the 19th century overshadowed all others and became official and remains so to this day.

And in conclusion, of course, I would like to say about the age at which you can and should learn this magical dance.

If you are older than 4 and not much older than 120, then it's time for you to start learning the Waltz

Learning the Waltz does not require special physical training and is suitable for people of any age and any physique.

Dear men, be sure to learn to dance the Waltz! And once you invite your chosen one to this magical dance, you will truly look in the eyes of your queen not only as a king, but also as a romantic, which will certainly not leave her heart indifferent.

The history of the waltz has a little more than two hundred years. By temporary standards, this is a very young and youthful dance, which is fully reflected in its character, swift, light and cheerful. But he catches the eye not only with vigor. The waltz is literally imbued with romance, which is felt in every movement of the dancers. No wonder he acts as the main dance at the wedding. To deserve such a "status", this dance direction had to go through a lot. Let's find out what it is.

The history of the waltz and many interesting facts Read about this dance on our page.

The name of the dance comes from the German word "walzer", which means to spin, rotate. The basis of the waltz is precisely the smooth, uninterrupted whirling of the couple with simultaneous movement around the hall. Usually, beginner dancers are asked to mentally imagine a large square, along which they will have to waltz. But this is not the only feature of the dance.

Classic waltz is characterized by:

    fast and rhythmic structure. "One two Three. One, two, three ”- this is how the rhythm of waltz steps beats off;

    triple time signature. This means that each measure includes three beats, on which movements are made;

    The dance is performed in a closed position with the partners facing each other. In this case, the woman is located slightly to the right;

    one hand of the man is on the partner's waist. She, in turn, puts a hand on his shoulder. With their free hands, the dancers close the figure to perform the waltz;

    lightness, airiness and grace in every movement.

Waltz refers to ballroom dancing, that is, it is performed by two - a man and a woman. If earlier it was danced at balls, now at solemn events and competitions. European sports program ballroom dancing necessarily includes slow and Viennese waltzes.

Popular waltzes

Fryderyk Chopin "Waltz No. 10". This is a real confession of a young and talented composer. The melody was written by him at the beginning of his career, when he met Constance Gladkovskaya. A nineteen-year-old young man for a long time did not dare to approach and get acquainted with a charming person, so music became his salvation from an excess of overwhelming feelings.

Fryderyk Chopin "Waltz No. 10" (listen)

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"(ballet " Nutcracker "). This composition, written in waltz rhythms, is considered to be the most famous work author. It is known even to those who have never been to a ballet - a touching, gentle melody sounds in the Soviet cartoon The Nutcracker.

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" (listen)

E.D. Doga " wedding waltz» (from the movie "My affectionate and gentle beast"). Just one and only summer night Evgeny Dmitrievich needed to write a waltz composition that was bewitching in beauty. It combined romance and tragedy - the two main feelings that accompanied the heroine of the film, Olga Skvortsova. The melody is still considered the most famous among the film waltzes written by Soviet composers. It is often chosen as the first dance by newlyweds.

E.D. Doga "Wedding Waltz" (listen)

AND ABOUT. Dunayevsky "School Waltz". It was this melody that symbolized the end of school at Soviet schoolchildren. The song was written in 1950. The composer was inspired to write her work by a letter from a graduate of the Voronezh school. She, along with her classmates, could not write a song in which words of gratitude to her teacher would sound. Nor could Isaac Osipovich. Instead, he wrote "School Waltz", which sounded in every school, and not just in one Voronezh.

AND ABOUT. Dunayevsky "School Waltz" (listen)

The history of the waltz or “O times! Oh manners!

This expression, uttered by the ancient Roman thinker Marc Tullius Cicero, perfectly describes the moment of origin and development of the waltz. Aristocrats and church leaders considered him indecent and shameful. The stiff English were especially indignant. How is it possible to hug a young lady by the waist in front of everyone! Therefore, almost the entire 19th century, the waltz at European balls was banned. Even Catherine II did not recognize him.

The opinion of the higher ranks was of little concern to the common people, among whom the waltz arose. Auerbakh Lev Davydovich, a Soviet musicologist, dates his birth to the 70s of the 18th century. At the same time, it is impossible to name the only country guilty of “corrupting” society. The origins of the waltz can be traced in at least three national dances:

    Czech furiant - a real performance, where a proud young man pulls a girl by the waist and starts dancing with her to funny songs;

    French volta is a pair dance, which is characterized by various turns;

    Austrian landler was originally a matchmaking ceremony, but later turned into fast dance where the young man rotated the girl he liked around him.

It turns out that the waltz owes its appearance to many dances. However, Austria is considered to be its capital because of the greater similarity of dance steps with landler.

It is noteworthy that both furiant, and volta, and landler - folk dances. That is, they were danced in villages and villages at various holidays. How did they get to the imperial court? Its distribution in higher strata Society was helped by the Archduchess of Austria Maria Theresa. She liked the landler so much that she decided to move it to the luxurious halls of her palace. So the ancestor of the waltz was in the center of attention of European nobles. High society morals began to be supplanted by simplicity of movement and freedom of expression of feelings. Gradually, the dance changed, turning into the version that they still talk about to this day.

Time limits, a complete ban, all kinds of persecution - all this was in the history of the waltz. Bye secular society criticized the waltz, it was enjoyed by the French bourgeoisie and other segments of the European population, which were far from the whims of the aristocrats. Even the Americans managed to adopt it.

At the same time, dance had a strong influence on the development of various musical genres: opera , ballet , suite. Especially for waltzing couples, beautiful and magnificent melodies were composed, which have become world classics.

The waltz acquired complete freedom in 1888 thanks to Wilhelm II, the last German emperor. Now the lovers could, without a shadow of embarrassment, enjoy their favorite dance and endlessly spin around the magnificent halls.

At present, interest in the waltz is not as bright as in old days. This dance is more interested in professional dancers and real aesthetes. Schools, separate studios are being created, where everyone can learn how to perform waltz movements. Used pas in concert and competitive activities dance groups. At the same time, many dance teachers love the waltz for its compatibility with other genres - the result is a beautiful performance where history is intertwined with modernity.

Interesting Facts

    Waltz literally tied the knot of Leo Tolstoy and Sofya Andreevna Bers. The fact is that the count still could not decide to propose to his beloved. Languishing in indecision in Sofya Andreevna's house, he thought: if her younger sister Tatiana sings well the top note in Arditi's waltz "The Kiss", then he will immediately make an offer. Tanya did not disappoint - in 5 minutes Sonya became the bride of the great writer.

    During the years of the Great Patriotic War composers did not forget about waltzes, imposing touching music on the poems of poets. “In the forest near the front” by M. Blanter, “Song about a flashlight” by D. Shostakovich, “In the dugout” by K. Listov are some examples of compositions written in this genre to raise morale.

    English poet George Byron early XIX century ironically spoke about the waltz. He even composed poem of the same name where he ridiculed fashion trends.

    Writing waltzes under the influence of sensual experience, love and tenderness was in the spirit of Fryderyk Chopin. On his creative way several charming muses met: Constance Gladkovskaya, Delfina Pototskaya and Maria Vodzinskaya.

    Known to many, the play "Dog Waltz" has nothing to do with the genre stated in the title. The composition is more like a polka in size.


(French valse, from German Walzer, from walzen - twist your legs in a dance, spin; English waltz, Italian valzero) - a pair dance based on smooth whirling combined with forward movement; one of the most widespread household muses. genres, firmly established in prof. European music. countries. Muses. triple size (3/4, 3/8, 6/8). The pace is moderately fast.
Name "AT." appeared in the 70s. 18th century as a designation for peasant dance of some regions of the South. Germany and Austria (the same as Lendler, or "German dance").
With the penetration into the city (primarily in Vienna) dance. V.'s movements and music become smoother, the tempo becomes faster, a bright accent is determined on the 1st beat of the measure, rhythmic. formula

From the beginning 19th century V. - the most popular in all layers of Europe. dance society. The development of V. was especially intensive in Vienna. The heyday of Viennese waltz is associated with the work of J. Lanner, J. Strauss, the father, and later his sons Joseph and, in particular, Johann, nicknamed the "king of the waltz." I. Strauss-son developed the favorite waltz form of his father and Lanner, which usually consisted of 5 V. ("Walzerkette" - "waltz chain") with an introduction and coda, enriched V. from the side of rhythm, harmony, and instrumentation. The waltzes of I. Strauss are characterized by a slight shortening of the first beat during performance, a gradual acceleration of the tempo during the transition from the introduction to the actual V. His most famous waltzes are: "The Beautiful Blue Danube", "Tales of the Vienna Woods", "Spring Voices". In addition to Viennese V., dec. French options. V., consisting of three parts decomp. tempo and in time not only 3/4, but also 3/8, 6/8. Widely popular V. fr. composer E. Waldteuffel. In the 20th century appears the new kind V. - V.-Boston, who came to Europe from the North. America in the 20s (also called English V., slow V., see Boston).
Early V., which differed little from the Lendler, or "German dance", found expression in music. Viennese classics(J. Haydn, W. A. ​​Mozart, L. Beethoven). F. Schubert, who improvised his V. during dances, provided the first examples of poeticization of the genre, often turning V. into a lyric. miniature. The form of Schubert's v. - simple two-part or (rarely) three-part - is typical of early v. Such v. were often united in series, suites. Schubert's traditions in the field of Wales were continued by R. Schumann ("Butterflies" and "Carnival" for piano) and J. Brahms (16 waltzes for piano in 4 or 2 hands, op. 39, "Waltzes of Love" and "New waltzes of love" for vocal quartet, as well as for pianoforte in 4 hands).
The tendency to V.'s transformation into a large conc. instr. a work already noticeable in the waltzes of I. N. Hummel ("Dances for the Apollo Hall" - "Tänze für die Apollosale" for piano - with a trio, reprise and coda, op. 31, 1808), for the first time finds full expression in the "Invitation to dance" ("Aufforderung zum Tanz") by K. M. Weber (1819). Overcoming suiteness, Weber, on the basis of V., creates a detailed play with an introduction and coda, imbued with a single poetic. idea. This trend was also reflected in the Viennese waltzes by I. Strauss-son. Waltzes by F. Chopin, F. Liszt are approaching the romantic genres of poetry. music, combining lyrical and poetic. expressiveness with elegance and brilliance, sometimes virtuosity.
V. gets into many types instr. and wok. music. In the symphony, he sometimes takes the place of the minuet ("Fantastic Symphony" by Berlioz, Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony). In the opera, in addition to mass dance scenes ("Faust", "Eugene Onegin"), V. is used as the basis for solo woks. episodes ("Romeo and Juliet" by Gounod, "La Traviata" by Verdi, "La Boheme" by Puccini, etc.). V. is widely used in ballets (L. Delibes, P. I. Tchaikovsky), in operetta, especially Viennese (I. Strauss-son), and later in music for films.
Character traits V. - lyricism, grace, plasticity, combined with a typical rhythmic formula, are found in many themes in the works of composers of the 19th century. (F. Chopin, I. Brahms, G. Verdi, P. I. Tchaikovsky and others). Such themes allow us to talk about waltz as their genre feature.
Genre V. has been developed in many ways. nat. music schools (waltzes by E. Grieg for piano, "Sad Waltz" - "Valse triste" by J. Sibelius, etc.); special meaning he bought in Russian. music - from the early experiences of amateur and everyday music-making (A. S. Griboyedov's waltz for piano, Rus. household romance) to classical. samples of poetically enriched symphony. and concert V. (M. I. Glinka, P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. K. Glazunov, A. N. Skryabin, S. V. Rachmaninov).
In symph. In the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky, V. serves as a generalized poetic expression of ideas about beauty and the value of life. This tradition develops in the waltzes of S. S. Prokofiev (V. Pushkin, the opera War and Peace, the ballet Cinderella, etc.).
In the music of the 20th century the V. genre is sometimes used to recreate the atmosphere of the past - with a touch of idyll, admiration, or in a humorous, ironic, grotesque refraction (G. Mahler). R. Strauss (opera "Der Rosenkavalier"), M. Ravel (choreography, poem "Waltz", which is an example of dramatization of the genre) return to the type of Strauss waltzes. I. F. Stravinsky (Petrushka, The Story of a Soldier), A. Berg (Wozzeck), D. D. Shostakovich (Katerina Izmailova),
Literature: Druskin M., Essays on history dance music, L., 1936; Ivanovsky N.P., Ballroom dance of the 16th - 19th centuries, L.-M., 1948; Bee O., Der Tanz, B., 1906; Weig1 B., Die Geschichte des Walzers nebst einem Anhang ber die moderne Operette, Langensalza, 1910; Mendelssohn J., Zur Entwicklung des Walzers, "StMw", Jg XIII, 1926; Sachs C., Eine Weltgeschichte des Tanzes, B., 1933; Carner M., The waltz, L., 1948; Nick Ed., Vom Wiener Walzer zur Wiener Operette, Hamb., (1954). E. M. Tsareva.

Music Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, Soviet composer. Ed. Yu. V. Keldysha. 1973-1982 .


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    BUT; m. [French. valse] 1. Pair ballroom dance, characterized by a three-beat rhythm and consisting in the progressive movement of smoothly circling couples; the music of this dance. Dance, perform. Spin in the whirlwind of the waltz. Wedding c. Waltz Boston. 2.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (French valse, from German Walzer). The type of dance and the music written for this dance is slow (old) and fast, Viennese. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. WALTZ German dance, with a very accelerated ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    waltz- valse f. , German walzer. one. Pair dance tripartite size. Sl. 18. They danced and quadrilles, and ecossaises, and rolls are not needed, as: in the village and in Little Russia it is not possible to demand Parisian or Moscow marshmallows. ММ 4 29. In a foreign language, we are in waltzes ... ...

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    - (French valse, German Walzer, from walzen to whirl in the dance), 3 double ballroom dance. Late 18th century Austrian and southern German peasant dance(see Landler). Since the beginning of the 19th century, one of the most popular in Europe. The largest ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    Waltz, waltz, husband. (French valse). 1. Dance with a three-beat rhythm, consisting in a smooth progressive whirl. “Everyone waltzes around with the greatest zeal.” Griboyedov. 2. Music for this dance. || Genus piece of music with a tripartite ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

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Slow waltz
(Slow Waltz)
Year of appearance: 1923-1924

The slow waltz is a very beautiful, graceful, soft and smooth dance that originated from the Viennese fast waltz. The word waltz comes from the German "walzen" - whirl in the dance.

This is a triple ballroom dance. Waltz is performed, as a rule, in a closed position. it a slow dance with a characteristically pronounced and constantly repeating "rolling wave of the surf" - together with a light dress for ballroom dancing, it creates a feeling of flight and weightlessness. The soft nature of the performance of the reductions will come with a special appeal and expressiveness. The management of the couple's partner is softly veiled, hidden.

This gentle dance appeared in the Middle Ages. The origin of the waltz comes from many dances of the peoples of Europe. Its roots are in the popular for its time dance “Mathenik” and its variety “Furiante”, performed at holidays in the Czech countryside, in the French dance “Volt” and, finally, in the Austrian “Lindler”, the closest to the waltz of its predecessors.

Waltz was born in Vienna (Austria) in the 1780s, quickly became a favorite pastime of the secular audience and spread throughout Europe and then the world. AT different countries this “king” of dancing acquired certain national traits. This is how the English waltz, the Hungarian waltz, the mazurka waltz, the figured waltz, etc. appeared. Perhaps no other dance can compete with it in such a long and constant popularity. As a result of development musical form waltz at the beginning of the 20th century in the 1920s, new dances appeared in England: the Boston waltz and the slow waltz. They became the parents of the modern competitive slow waltz.

It used to be considered indecent to dance in very close embraces. But the waltz was delightful and, despite the ill-wishers who condemned the dance, the French appreciated the slow waltz. And he became very popular in France, where the revolution finally changed people's mores. Spread by Napoleon's troops, it was gradually adopted in different countries. When the slow waltz appeared in Russia, it immediately became a court dance.

England has longest shown restraint in relation to this dance. Opponents of the slow waltz behaved very aggressively. And because Queen Elizabeth legalized this dance. But many people liked the waltz, people admired the dance. Princess Victoria of England acted as his guarantor. On June 28, 1838, the day of her coronation, she sent an invitation to Johann Strauss and his orchestra. Strauss wrote the music specifically for this. The holiday lasted three weeks and all this time the musician played in the palace and various castles in London and the surrounding area. Thanks to this ball, the Strauss orchestra was in demand throughout the kingdom. The rhythm of the waltz appeared everywhere.

Around 1874, in England, a very influential "Boston Club" was formed and began to appear new style dance, English, later called the Slow Waltz (Slow Waltz).

In the middle of the 18th century, he acquired modern form and its rules were officially registered. In the 19th century, the slow waltz gained popularity throughout Europe, constantly evolving and changing.

The dance appeared in early 1919 as an independent dance, but all the principles of movement and especially the figures were used from the slow foxtrot. In 1921 it was decided that the basic movement should be: step, step, prefix. When Victor Sylvester won the championship in 1922, the English waltz program consisted of just a Right Turn, a Left Turn and a Change of Direction. In 1926/1927 the Waltz was significantly improved. The basic movement has been changed to: step, side step, prefix. As a result of this, there more possibilities for figure development. They have been standardized by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD). Many of these figures we dance to this day.

A special contribution to the modernization of the waltz was made by Josephine Bradley, Victor Sylvester, Maxwell Steward and Pat Sykes - the first English world champions in ballroom dancing. Many of the variations introduced into dance routine at that time are still performed in ballroom dance competitions. History has not forgotten to note the merits of the British in the development of the Slow Waltz, its second name is the English Waltz. The tempo of the Slow Waltz is 30 beats per minute, and the time signature is 3/4.

In a slow waltz, the couple's movements are sliding, soft, undulating. In competitions, the slow waltz, despite its romanticism and fluidity, requires discreet costumes and strict ballroom dancing shoes, very high performance technique and strict discipline.

Waltz is one of the most romantic and beloved dances, uniting generations and plunging us into a state of some euphoria. The waltz genre is so loved by many songwriters who have written their imperishable masterpieces that have not lost their popularity for many years - "May Waltz", "Victory Waltz", "Dombai Waltz" and many others.

The history of the origin of the dance

Waltz can not be attributed to the old dances. Compared to the allemande or chimes, the waltz is young. Its age is estimated at less than two centuries. But here exact origin this dance no one knows for sure.

According to one version, the progenitor of the waltz was the German impetuous walzer. And another version says that the waltz came from the Lendler - a three-part dance of German and Austrian peasants, which was danced in pairs and always in a circle. Pretty simple dance, devoid of complex elements. However, it has all the signs of a future waltz - a partner touching a lady's waist, moving in a circle, kneeling a partner, as an indispensable element of a modern waltz.

The dance changed over time many times, acquiring the outlines of a waltz familiar to us, and reached the aristocracy. The waltz penetrated social balls and receptions, however, having undergone many negative responses. So, in 1816, the waltz was included in ballroom dancing at the court. After that, the dance was heavily criticized by religious leaders and confessors. They considered him “depraved”, “shameful”, devoid of chastity, violating the norms of morality and morality, because only courtesans could demonstrate such behavior in the dance. The dance was labeled "sinful", "vulgar" and "obscene", and decided that it was not worthy of decent society. This attitude to the waltz was observed throughout Europe. Especially in stiff England, where morals were even stricter.

But the waltz could not be completely strangled. The bourgeoisie enthusiastically accepted the German dance. It was distributed among the townspeople in secular dance parlors, although this caused resentment among moralists who compared the love of the waltz as an addiction.

Maybe the waltz would have remained a persecuted dance, if not for the work of Strauss, Lanner and other composers of the era of romanticism. The peak of their popularity came in the 30s of the 19th century. Ennobled music gave impetus to the development of waltz choreography, acquiring grace, lightness and beauty. By the end of the 19th century, the waltz had become a full-fledged dance at court balls. Its popularity was promoted by Queen Victoria, a passionate lover of ballroom dancing, especially the waltz.


Waltz is a romantic, gentle and very diverse dance. The trials and modifications that the waltz has experienced during its existence have helped to bring into being the most different types this is a wonderful dance. To date, there are a huge number of varieties of waltz, but the most common include:

viennese waltz

The dance is fast, impetuous, graceful, light.

Slow inals (waltz-boston or english waltz)

Elegant, restrained, requiring high discipline and good technique. Characterized by a change in pace, the presence of sustained pauses and fermat.

Tango waltz

A combined genre that combines elements of tango and waltz. It is also called the Argentine Waltz.

figured waltz

Waltz included in sports program ballroom dancing back in the USSR in the 60s of the 20th century. It is characterized by the implementation of strict figures (elements).

Waltz Features

waltz like instrumental genre very popular with classical composers. In addition to the aforementioned Strauss and Lanner, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Glinka often turned to the waltz genre. And largely thanks to them, the waltz is so popular and loved.

The modern waltz is multifaceted and full of varieties - slow and sedate, fast and impetuous. But all of them are united by one thing - a tripartite size with an emphasis on the strong beat. "One, two, three" - this is the pulsation of the waltz, its rhythmic structure. The waltz is always spinning. After all, even the word “waltz” itself comes from the German “walzen”, meaning “to rotate” or “circling”. Therefore, waltz music can always be distinguished by a feeling of light whirling, fast or slow.

But the waltz is performed mainly in a closed position, and the most popular figure in the waltz is considered to be a full turn in two measures with three steps in each.

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