Santa Claus, Santa Claus and others: What is the difference between New Year's wizards from different countries. What is the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus - description and differences How gifts are delivered

Differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus. Where do these fairy tale characters live? Where can they be found?

Christmas holidays are approaching all over the world. Soon Santa Claus and Santa Claus will pack their bags and go to distribute gifts to obedient children in every country. But first, each of them will read all the letters that came from them.

It is interesting that these main characters of the Christmas and New Year period work on their own territory and do not encroach on the neighbor's possessions.

What are the differences between them, where do they live and is it really possible to see them together at the same time - let's talk in more detail.

What is the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus: comparison, differences and similarities

drawings of Santa Claus and Santa Claus to identify the differences between them

There are more differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus than similarities. Let's start with them:

  • Headdress.
    Santa has a nightcap, Grandfather has a hat trimmed with fur. Due to the strong climate difference in Russia, a thin cap will not help to keep warm from the bitter cold. Frost's hat should be embroidered with pearls and silver, have a wide hem and an oval shape.
  • Vision is stronger in our fairy-tale hero than in Europe. The last one wears glasses
  • Santa Claus has a longer beard, it reaches the waist, although the classic size is to the heels. His colleague has her short and spade
  • Clothing.
    Our Grandfather wears a long toe-length fur coat in red, blue or white, unlike Santa, who prefers a short jacket only in red, as he advertises Coca-Cola. Again, the climatic conditions of the north of Russia require high-quality insulation with a fur coat.
  • Shoes.
    Frost is comfortable only in felt boots, and Klaus is comfortable in boots.
  • Grandfather has mittens on his hands, and Santa has gloves. In severe frost, you can keep warm only with gloves
  • Belt our hero has a wide, tied around the waist. European character wears a belt with a buckle
  • In his hands, Grandfather holds a staff, and Santa holds a bag with gifts or nothing. With a staff, our hero wraps trees in snow, freezes water, that is, he works miracles.
  • The bad habit of smoking a pipe is characteristic of many Santa Claus characters. Our character leads a healthy lifestyle
  • Way to travel.
    Santa only rides in a reindeer cart. Santa Claus prefers to walk, in extreme cases, ride in a sleigh driven by three horses.
  • Habitat.
    Santa lives in Lapland in a big house, and Frost lives in the Siberian wilderness in a log house.
  • Helpers- Santa has elves and gnomes, our granddaughter Snegurochka helps our Frost, before the revolution there were angels.

The common point of these New Year's heroes is their origin from a Christian saint named Nicholas, who lived in an ancient Byzantine city. He protected children, patronized them.

In Tsarist Russia, Nicholas the Wonderworker became associated with the hero of the New Year holidays. After the revolution in the last century and the persecution of religion and its paraphernalia, the image and name were replaced by Santa Claus.

The North American peoples had a folklore character giving gifts to children at Christmas. He came to Europe already as Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. The translation into English of his name was transformed into Santa Claus.

Santa Claus and Santa Claus: difference, differences in appearance, costume, photo

photo of New Year's characters Santa Claus and Santa Claus looking at a figurine of an elk

Let's add a series of photos of Santa Claus and Santa Claus to remember the visual difference between them in appearance.

external differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus, figure 1

external differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus, figure 2

external differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus, figure 3

Who is older, better, cooler, stronger: Santa Claus or Santa Claus?

drawing-collage "Santa or Santa Claus?"

Older definitely Santa Claus. This image came to Christianity from pagan times.

Our Santa Claus is also stronger. In addition to a physically developed body, he wields a magic staff. Santa has neither one nor the other.

To answer the question of who is better, you should decide on the parameters. The same goes for determining the coolness of heroes. For example, Santa Claus is more interesting, because he always walks accompanied by a beautiful granddaughter, he is a magician, loves wildlife and takes care of it. It does not obey anyone and does not advertise anyone. Live freely and honestly.

Where does Santa Claus and Santa Claus live?

photo of the residence of Santa Claus at night, top view

Santa Claus lives beyond the Arctic Circle in a territory called Lapland. By the way, this is the northern part of Russia, Sweden and Finland.

Officially, his residence is a place located 8 km from the town of Rovaniemi in Finland. An international airport, a large office, an amusement park and a shopping center have been built here. Santa's residence welcomes tourists all year round.

Since the late 90s of the last century, the city of Bolshoy Ustyug in the Vologda region has been officially recognized as the residence of Father Frost. Before that, she was in Arkhangelsk and on the Kola Peninsula in the Lapland Reserve. Currently, there are representative offices of Santa Claus in Moscow and Murmansk.

Where can Santa Claus and Santa Claus meet?

Santa Claus and Santa Claus met at a corporate party
  • Theoretically, these characters should not meet, because they work in different territories.
  • If you play with words and pay attention to their place of residence - Lapland and the Lapland Reserve, then it is logical to assume that they are neighbors.
  • In practice, Santa Claus and Santa Claus intersect at New Year's corporate parties, on the street during the holidays.

If you hear a similar question on a festive quiz, then the correct answers will be:

  • on the border, matinee
  • shopping mall, airport
  • under your door

Turn on your imagination and give out the most extraordinary assumptions about the meeting place of Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

Video: what is the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus?

In winter, we eagerly await the arrival of Christmas and the New Year. Of course, because this is one of the most fun and favorite holidays. What can we say about children: children with special delight and awe are waiting for the time for gifts and miracles. At this time, every kid tries not to see who still leaves gifts under the tree, and whether they really appear there. Without a doubt, it will be interesting to know how Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus. Let's start with the history of these characters.

The pagan version of the origin of the image of Santa Claus

Santa Claus has been with us for a very long time. There are several versions explaining the origin of this. One of them is pagan. Our great-great-grandfathers piously believed that the spirits of the deceased ancestors protected the family from hunger and bad weather. They brought gifts as a token of gratitude and respect. And the oldest and most frightening of them was called an old man. And it may very well be that it was he who became the prototype of our modern and beloved Santa Claus.

Folklore origins of the image of Santa Claus

There is another point of view on the origin of this character, according to which the prototype of Santa Claus first appeared in folk tales. It was Morozko, or Frost. In the old days, it was believed that a stern, bearded old man personifies the winter cold. He fettered rivers with ice, scattered sparkling silver snow over forests and fields, and his staff possessed miraculous powers: it could freeze scoundrels and scoundrels and, conversely, unfreeze those in trouble. As you can see, Santa Claus was a strict old man, but fair.

Origin of Santa Claus

And how is Santa Claus different from Santa Claus - his Western counterpart? This donor comes to children in English-speaking countries and gives them gifts, but not New Year's, but Christmas. The prototype of Santa Claus is the Miracle Worker common to all Christians. He was known for his charity and gave gifts to children from poor families. In the middle of the 17th century, this image moved to the North American continent, where it underwent some transformations over time.

Modern Santa Claus

What is the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus now? Let's find out. For a long time of his existence, he has changed markedly. The kind and generous Santa Claus familiar to us appeared already in Soviet times. Then, in 1936, the New Year tree holiday was again allowed, after several years it was forbidden to celebrate it. And now the appearance of Santa Claus finally acquires a complete design. This is a welcome guest who comes at the end of the holiday and gives gifts to the guys. And he puts them under the Christmas tree. And if you yourself want to come to visit him, then know that the estate of Father Frost is located in Veliky Ustyug, Vologda Region. He celebrates his birthday on November 18th.

By the way, giving surprises is also what distinguishes Santa Claus from Santa Claus. The latter is accustomed to putting gifts in multi-colored socks for children. They were usually hung by the fireplace on the night before Christmas.

Santa Claus today

How did the modern look of Santa Claus come about? This character was invented in 1823 by teacher Clement Clark Moore. Santa Claus turned out to be a kind little elf who flies on the eight of deer and sneaks into people's houses through the chimney. And already in the twentieth century, thanks to the well-known advertising of the Coca-Cola company, the final image of Santa was formed - the well-known chubby, good-natured old man in a red sheepskin coat.

Lapland is considered the birthplace of the character. His birthday is celebrated on December 6, because it is then that the Catholic world celebrates the holiday dedicated to the memory of St. Nicholas. Orthodox Christians celebrate this holiday on December 19, and children who obeyed adults and behaved well will certainly receive gifts from the saint.

Santa Claus vs. Santa Claus

Let's find out how Santa Claus and Santa Claus differ in appearance. The first is always a warm fur coat to the floor, trimmed with fluffy iridescent fur and decorated with silvery intricate patterns. It can be not only red, but also blue or white. On his head, Santa Claus wears a traditional boyar hat, also trimmed with fur, and warm mittens on his hands. The New Year wizard does not appear anywhere without his silver staff. The outfit of Santa Claus corresponds to the conditions of the western winter, which is much milder than the Russian one. Therefore, he looks completely different: a short fur coat (certainly red) with a leather strap, short pants, and a night cap with a pom-pom on his head. In addition, he often appears with a pipe, and also wears glasses, which are completely unnecessary for our Santa Claus.

You already know how Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus, if we talk about appearance. But they differ not only in this. Here are some more nuances that help distinguish these two wizards from each other. So, Santa Claus rides a troika of snow-white horses or visits the children on foot. Another difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus is that with the first, his assistant and beloved granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, is everywhere. This slender young beauty is dressed in a sparkling snow-white or blue-and-silver outfit, and on her head is a crown of amazing beauty with eight rays. In turn, Santa Claus flies through the air in a cart and controls the reindeer. And various fabulous creatures help him.

Santa Claus and Santa Claus, as you can see, are noticeably different from each other. And yet, despite this, they are similar in one thing: both heroes are the main and, undoubtedly, beloved ones of the Christmas holidays. And every year children all over the world write letters to their adored wizards and eagerly await gifts and surprises from them. Therefore, in the battle of Santa Claus against Santa Claus, there can be no winners.

Of course, our native cultural traditions are much closer. However, it is still more important not how Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus and which of them is more important, but the fact that both of them give joy and good mood and, of course, work magic. After all, a holiday is always a miracle.

The celebration of Christmas and New Year in different countries has its own characteristics and traditions. This also applies to the main participant of these holidays - Santa Claus. Each country has its own, special, and its name is different. The most famous are Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus. And what other wizards come to people these holidays to please them?

Russia - Santa Claus

Ded Moroz rushes to the holiday with a trio of snow-white horses. Santa Claus is in a painted sleigh, he is wearing a long fur coat, usually blue or red, in his hands is a magic staff. And next to him is always his granddaughter, the beautiful Snegurochka.

USA, Canada, UK, Australia - Santa Claus

Santa is younger than Santa Claus, quite plump and cheerful. He is easily recognizable by his red dress and cap of the same color. As soon as Santa gives a sign to his magical talking deer Rudolf - and they are already in the air! Cautiously sneaking into the house through the chimney, putting the gifts in shoes or stockings prepared by the fireplace, Santa, of course, does not forget to feast on the treats left for him, usually milk and cookies.

Belarus - Santa Claus (Dzed Maroz) and Zyuzya

The Belarusian Santa Claus settled in the beautiful park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha". Here he welcomes guests all year round.
There is another character in Belarus, very similar to the Russian Grandfather Frost, although a little eccentric - Zyuzya. He lives in the forest, often walks around barefoot or in slippers on his bare feet.

Belgium - Saint Nicholas

This Santa Claus is the oldest of the whole family. He rides a horse, and always next to him is the Moor Black Peter, who has with him both a bag with gifts and a rod for hooligans. The owners of the house where St. Nicholas stays usually have a golden apple as a memory of him.

Hungary – Nikalaus and Telapo

First, gifts for the kids, at Christmas, are brought by Nikalaush, but before that, his assistants tell him how the children behaved. And, accordingly, someone gets sweets, and someone gets coals.

After Christmas, Nikalaush replaces Telapo. Sometimes the imp Krampus comes with him to the kids, who slightly frightens the mischievous people that he can leave them without a gift.

Holland - Sinter Klaas

This wizard appears surrounded by a whole retinue of dark-skinned Moors with turbans on their heads. They accompany Sinter Klaas everywhere, and their duties also include the distribution of gifts that he brought.

Germany – Weinachtsmann

The local Santa Claus is called Weinachtsmann. Children are very fond of this kind grandfather, who comes to them on a donkey with gifts. Children, waiting for Weinachtsmann, leave treats in their shoes for the donkey.
Together with Weinachtsmann, a very strange-looking creature also appears - Polznickel. Strangely dressed in a fur coat turned inside out, holding a cane intended for hooligan children, he wanders the streets, ringing chains in addition and frightening passers-by.
But many Germans are not afraid of him at all, on the contrary, they believe that Polznickel disperses evil spirits with the ringing of chains.

Denmark - Ületomten (Ülemanden)

Yuletomnen, differs in that when he brings gifts to the house, he tries to leave them not under the tree or near the fireplace, as many other Santa Clauses do, but hides them in the most unexpected places. And in the morning a commotion begins in the house - everyone is busy looking for gifts, and sometimes it drags on for a long time. However, it's nice and interesting.
This grandfather also has helpers - mischievous little gnomes-brownies, very good-natured. They have wooden shoes on their feet and red caps on their heads. Their favorite treat is rice pudding and cinnamon-flavored oatmeal.

Ireland - Dady na Knollag

In this country of fabulous elves, covered with secrets and legends, Santa Claus is also very unusual. He is wearing a green fur coat, which is very fond of in Ireland, on his head is not a hat, but a wreath, his staff is decorated with herbs.

Spain - Papa Noel

Although the Spaniards met Santa Claus not so long ago (before they were given gifts by the Magic Kings), they have already managed to fall in love with him. And now they celebrate the holidays with him. But they didn't forget about the Fairy Kings either, and now they come with gifts on January 6th.

Italy - Babbo Natale and fairy Befana

The magician Bobo Natale visits the Italian children on a sleigh with reindeer. Having made his way into the house (usually through a pipe), he leaves gifts for each child under the Christmas tree. And in case he wants to have a bite to eat on the road, a cup of milk is waiting for him in every house.

The fairy La Befana also brings gifts to Italian children these holidays. She also descends the chimney and lays out gifts, while strictly ensuring that only obedient children receive them. Before flying away, she sweeps the floor near the fireplace.

China - Shan Dan Laozheng

The Chinese grandfather has a rather exotic look - he wears a silk oriental robe, a sophisticated headdress, and he rides on a donkey. But, nevertheless, he has much in common with European wizards. In particular, he also puts gifts in socks hanging on the wall.

Norway - Julebukk

The Norwegian Yulebukk is also helped by the little gnomes Nisse, who are very fond of sweet oatmeal with butter. The children set the table for them with their favorite treat, and the gnomes leave gifts for them.

Romania and Moldova - Mosh Craciun

According to an old legend, the Virgin Mary once stopped at the shepherd Krachun. And after she gave birth to Jesus, the shepherd brought her cheese and milk. When, after some time, Mary and the child left, the shepherd began to give gifts to the children.

Finland – Joulupukki

High in the mountains, the unhurried life of Joulupukki, the Finnish Santa Claus, flows. Together with him, his wife, Muori, also lives in the house.

France - Père Noel

The kindest Per Noel often walks with Shaland, who has rods hidden to punish naughty children, most likely just to scare them a little.

The European Santa Claus has already taken root in Belarusian realities so much that few people think about how he differs from Father Frost. In the meantime, there are many differences!

1. Headdress

Santa Claus has a hat trimmed with fur. Santa Claus has a nightcap with a pom-pom.

2. Beard

Santa Claus has a long one, to the waist. Santa Claus has a short spade beard.

3. Outerwear

Santa Claus has a warm fur coat to the toes. Santa Claus has a short jacket.

4. Coat color

Santa Claus's fur coat can be red, blue and even white (colors associated with frost. - Ed). Santa Claus has only red.

5. Staff

Santa Claus holds a staff in his hands. Santa Claus has a bag with gifts in his hands.

6. Belt

Santa Claus has a white belt. Santa Claus has a belt with a buckle.

7. Shoes

Santa Claus has white felt boots. Santa Claus has black boots.

8. Glasses

Santa Claus has poor eyesight and wears glasses. Santa Claus sees well, so he does not have any glasses.

9. Vehicle

Classic Santa Claus walks. Modern - in a sleigh pulled by a trio of horses. Santa Claus rides in a cart pulled by reindeer.

10. Helpers

Grandfather Frost is helped by his granddaughter Snegurochka. Elves work for Santa Claus.

By the way, the Christian Saint Nicholas is considered the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus. He lived a long time ago in the Turkish city of the World and was a good miracle worker and persecutor of evil, the patron of abducted and lost children. In Russia, Nikolai Ugodnik became one of the most beloved saints by the people. Ordinary peasants prayed to him for help if a cow fell ill, there was no rain for a long time, or some other misfortune occurred. Gradually, St. Nicholas in Western countries began to be called in English - Santa Claus. But in Russia, the translation of the name of the saint was given a very peculiar one. The thing is that in the Soviet years, religious symbols were actively crowded out and, according to the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia in 1937, the saint was replaced by a character named Santa Claus () NEW YEAR SHOPPING

By the way, the Christian Saint Nicholas is considered the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus. He lived a long time ago in the Turkish city of Mira and was a good miracle worker and a persecutor of evil, a patron of abducted and lost children. In Russia, Nikolai Ugodnik became one of the most beloved saints by the people. Ordinary peasants prayed to him for help if a cow fell ill, there was no rain for a long time, or some other misfortune occurred. Gradually, St. Nicholas in Western countries began to be called in English - Santa Claus. But in Russia, the translation of the name of the saint was given a very peculiar one. The thing is that in the Soviet years, religious symbols were actively crowded out and, according to the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia in 1937, the saint was replaced by a character named Santa Claus ()

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Gift sets, trips to hot countries, plastic windows, building materials… Everything your heart desires! And all this at a discount! Look for bargains

You can often hear that Santa Claus and Santa Claus are one and the same. However, Santa Claus has several important differences from Santa Claus, which is due to historical, literary, and often geographical, as well as climatic factors. So, what are the external differences between Santa Claus and Santa!

1. The color of the clothes! - Santa Claus has a long blue sheepskin coat, he is belted with a sash, he has a hat on his head, boots on his feet, mittens on his hands, a staff in his hands. - Santa has a red jacket and a belt, a cap and boots, gloves, and a pipe in his hands.

Santa Claus can also be in red, but at the same time he can wear other clothes - in general, it is desirable that it be white, blue, it can be both yellow and green. Also, the attire of a real Santa Claus does not cover a solid color - it is diluted with patterns, embroidery, trim (white or blue), etc.

And in the clothes of Santa Claus, an aggressive solid red color prevails (exclusively this one!), And only the edge of his jacket is sometimes white.

The color of clothes is red: It is unlikely that this is a Russian Grandfather!

From history: The traditional clothes of the Russian Father Frost are white, embroidered with silver thread ("frosty" patterns). In late tsarist times (the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries), clothes of a "cold" blue color, embroidered with silver thread, and yellow, embroidered with a "golden" thread, appeared.

After the proletarian revolution of 1917, red clothes appeared (under the color of the international proletarian flag), embroidered with silver thread.

After the 1960s, the Muslim peoples of the USSR for Santa Claus occasionally began to practice green clothes, also embroidered with patterns.

Modern traditions of Santa Claus robes: It is desirable that it be real silver - white, almost completely embroidered with silver patterns. Santa Claus can be in a red or blue robe embroidered with patterns. It is permissible that it be "golden" - yellow, embroidered with "golden" threads.

The attire of a real Santa Claus does not cover a solid color - it is necessarily diluted with patterns, embroidery, trim (white or blue), etc.

In the clothes of an alien Santa Claus, an aggressive solid red color prevails (exclusively this one!), And only the edge of his miserable jacket is sometimes white.

The red robes of Santa Claus were introduced during the Soviet era as ideologically consistent with the color of the international proletarian revolutionary red flag. This is ridiculous. Santa Claus is an ancient pagan god of our ancestors of very old "pre-proletarian" times.

2. Cap! The most typical feature! - The real Santa Claus can NEVER be in a cap - he is wearing a boyar hat. - And on Santa Claus - a jester's cap with a pom-pom, like a prankster gnome, which immediately gives him an atypical for Santa Claus frivolity and parody.

When you see the cap - Be sure: this is the enemy!

3. Outerwear. - Santa Claus is wearing a short jacket (sometimes just below the waist, sometimes even up to the waist), intercepted by a belt. Below the katsaveyka are red pants. Remember that in such mocking clothes the true Santa Claus of our Russian winter will never endure. - Santa Claus should have a long fur coat to the ground, from under which no pants should be visible. The sight of pants sticking out from under a short fur coat destroys all solidity. What Santa Claus has under a fur coat is sacred and cannot be put on display!

If you saw pants on Grandfather - Know: this Grandfather is not from our country!

4. Shoes, gloves, belt. - Santa Claus is always wearing boots, often of a shortened type, which again is ridiculous for our climate. - Santa Claus should only have felt boots!

If Grandfather is wearing boots - Know that enemies walk in them!

Santa Claus has warm mittens on his hands, Santa Claus has light gloves.

Mittens are good for autumn, but in cold weather it is better to wear mittens. The classic image requires that the mittens be three-fingered white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands. Three-fingeredness has been a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle since the Neolithic.

Santa Claus has a white belt; or with a trim to match the color of the fur coat. Santa Claus has a belt with a buckle. (Maybe demobilization? :-))

Again - the difference in climate. In the cold, the leather belt will simply crack. And how can you fasten the buckle in mittens?

5. Beard. - Santa Claus has a short beard, like a kind of civilized old man, and curly, like a lamb from a children's postcard. Curly skipper beard! - All this is absolutely not typical for Santa Claus. Father Frost's beard is wild, long, tousled by the free wind, and in most cases there is no sugary curlyness in it.

Does Grandpa have a short beard? Trouble threatens the nation!

6. Growth and volume. From all the previous rantings, in general, it is clear that Santa Claus is indecently small in size. And Santa Claus is impressive in growth, like a true ruler of the New Year! As for volume, Santa Claus is quite skinny. Well, yes, his clothes are figs, so, for the sake of formality. But Santa Claus, in accordance with the Russian winter, wears a lot of warm clothes, and all the clothes are real, fur, thick. So Santa Claus is impressive in terms of volume!

If Grandfather is both skinny and shallow - Drive away such boldly!

Sometimes it happens that in terms of volume, Santa Claus, on the contrary, rushes to the opposite extreme and becomes fat and round. But remember that his thickness always looks unnatural and caricature, while all the proportions of Santa Claus are always harmonious, and his thickness never conflicts with his height.

7. Points. Also, for Santa Claus, such a sign of culture as glasses is typical. Santa Claus does not have this feature. How can this omnipotent spirit of Nature - Santa Claus - have such a drawback as myopia ?! Myopia is inherent only in those who are corrupted by a pernicious civilization, who are tamed and domesticated to the point of complete degeneration, as happened with Santa Claus.

8. Snow Maiden. It's also a hallmark. Santa Claus has never had and never will have a granddaughter, because his prototype is St. Nicholas, almost like any saint, was chaste. And our natural Grandfather has a granddaughter, this is everyone's favorite Snow Maiden! So there are two of us, and Santa Claus is just one! The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Santa Claus, she accompanies him everywhere. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl dressed only in white clothes (or colors resembling frozen water). The headdress of Grandfather Frost's granddaughter is an eight-pointed crown embroidered with silver and pearls.

Santa sometimes still has Mrs. Santa Claus, but she is almost invisible.

9. Staff. - Please note: the staff of Santa Claus is a standard staff of a Catholic bishop (for it is not for nothing that Santa Claus comes from St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra): a stick with a curved top.

But Santa Claus does not have to St. Nicholas has nothing to do with it, so his staff should only be a straight stick, it can have a round knob (or at least in the form of a star; the staff should not be rounded at all).

10. Deer. - Only Santa Claus moves, as the Americans teach us in their movies and cartoons, on reindeer across the sky.

Deer have never been a means of transportation for Santa Claus. For our Grandfather, the deer is small and weak. Santa Claus can ride on a Russian troika, not in the sky, but quite on the ground, or rather on the snow, - he is the flesh of the flesh of this snow, this earth, this nature, why should he break away from his native roots, snow is rising from under the runners dust, frosty wind beats in the face, Santa Claus rolls with daring and bells! A dashing troika is rushing across the Russian Land - then the owner of Winter, Grandfather Frost, is going around his boundless possessions! And Santa Claus goes skiing!!! A real athlete!

But in general, as already mentioned, Santa Claus moves in a mystical way, and there is nothing to climb into sacred matters.

11. Socks on the fireplace. - This applies only to Santa Claus, not to Santa Claus. The socks on the mantelpiece are a purely western tidbit: supposedly Santa Claus comes down the chimney and puts a gift in the sock. However, what to explain - a fool understands that there have never been any fireplaces in Russia. Yes, and our Grandfather will not crawl into some kind of narrow fireplace, why would he? In addition, Santa Claus would never have appeared in our country in such a primitive and mundane way as they do: “Penetrating the house through pipes and windows, he lays out gifts in stockings, most often hung on the fireplace, and tinkles with bells, as if announcing about the arrival of the New Year.

Santa Claus appears in our homes in some mystical way, truly like a spirit, no one really knows how he appears - we only know that he WAS ... And trying to explain this sacred secret in a Western manner in a rational way is blasphemy.

And further. Our Santa Claus is a real generous Russian soul, he is not so miserable and tight-fisted as to limit his gift to the size of an idiotic and most often striped sock!

12. Other related paraphernalia - all sorts of wreaths, bells, etc., including the songs "Jingle Bells" and others. All this is purely Christmas paraphernalia and is associated only with Santa Claus, and all this Western consumer goods should not be attributed to the image of Santa Claus.

13. More very important differences:

Santa Claus is much older than Santa Claus, whose modern image was created by the American writer Clement Clark Moore, who described his appearance and habits in detail in his poem "The Night Before Christmas" in the early 19th century. - Santa Claus holds a pipe in his mouth - smokes!!! (Recently, this detail is becoming less and less common). Santa Claus leads a healthy lifestyle and does not smoke.

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