New Year's magic - dreams come true! Ritual with a wedding ring. Rituals for water

Proper preparation for the New Year's celebration, the implementation of certain rules, rituals and rituals will ensure the coming period of happiness and prosperity. Sincere faith helps the most daring desires come true, and confidence in a happy future allows good luck to settle in the house for a whole year. It is necessary to orient the Universe by telling it frankly with the help of various rituals about your dreams, and it will certainly allow them to come true.

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    New Year's Eve rituals for happiness

    To attract happiness and good luck, only holding a ceremony for the New Year is not enough. It is recommended to prepare for the celebration in advance, since the very atmosphere of anticipation of the holiday contributes to the realization of your wishes. That is why it is better to start preparing from the last decade of the outgoing year.

    This ritual is performed on the night from Friday to Saturday, the last week before the New Year.

    General rite of happiness

    To perform the ceremony you will need:

    • white candle;
    • white blank sheet of paper;
    • red marker, felt-tip pen or pen with red ink;
    • self-purchased red rose bud;
    • slice of bread;
    • a little hard sweetness in the form of candy, refined sugar, etc .;
    • banknotes of any denomination.

    The ritual is performed at night in a room, without the presence of strangers. It is necessary to light a candle, sit down at the table, lay out all the prepared items in front of you, pick up a marker and mentally immerse yourself in the essence of desire.

    In no case should you make a dream for other people, even if they are the closest. The request must be personal. If you need help for a child, you can formulate it this way: "I am a happy mother of a happy son (daughter)."

    Having charged the pen with the energy of hope, you should write 3 desires on the sheet in the present tense. You need to end the list with the words: “So be it. Thanks to. » Then put all the items on a sheet of paper, carefully wrap and seal (turn the candle horizontally and pour melted wax or paraffin into the joints of the edges of the sheet so that the package does not open). Put the bundle under the pillow for 7 nights, then take it out and put it on the highest place in the house.

    This ritual will not only help in the fulfillment of written desires, but will also bring a lot of happiness, health, wealth and love in the coming year. A piece of bread guarantees good health and well-being, a banknote - wealth, a rose - love, and sweetness - a sweet life without problems.

    Time to cleanse negativity

    The Day of Atonement is December 25th. On this powerful energy day, you can get rid of everything that was an obstacle to happiness in the year. It is recommended to get rid of old unnecessary things, take out the trash, clean the house. The thoughts of this day should be controlled, because old grievances can linger for a long time and become a new obstacle to the fulfillment of desires.

    Those who wish to recover from the disease or lose weight should cleanse the body as much as possible, drink herbal tinctures and medicinal teas. It will not be superfluous to ask for forgiveness from higher powers and loved ones. On this day, everything is forgiven.

    Charity time

    The secret lies in the fact that all the donations of this day will return doubly and will help not only replenish cash reserves, but also fulfill other cherished desires. The next day of charity will be January 13 of this year.

    Ritual for the fulfillment of desires

    This simple magic technique has extraordinary power. To conduct it, you need to retire to a room, take a piece of paper and a pen. Sit down at the table, light candles (the number does not matter, you can only one) and focus on your thoughts. Dividing the sheet into two parts, carefully think about what is superfluous in life, what you want to get rid of as soon as possible. Write about it on the left side of the sheet.

    Then carefully reflect on what you would like in the coming year. Desires can be both spiritual and material. The wrong wording will be only a request for money, without the purpose of using it. Therefore, it is worth building proposals with specific plans.

    When everything is written, you should divide the sheet in half. The negative part of it must be burned on a candle, the ashes should be poured into the toilet and drained with water. Put a sheet of wishes in a notebook, favorite book, journal, diary, etc. With the onset of the New Year, wishes and plans will come true.

    Rituals of New Year's Eve

    On New Year's Eve, under the chimes, all dreams are guaranteed to come true. For the final confidence that good luck will certainly visit the house and remain until next year, it is necessary to carry out simple rituals. This must be done in order to pay your price for the grace provided by higher powers.

    There is a law in the Universe according to which you have to pay for everything good in life. Receiving the treasured happiness, a person makes efforts and his gratitude for this. This is what will be the payment.

    To attract wealth

    This ritual to attract money requires grains of wheat or rye. Immediately after the chiming clock, it is necessary to throw a handful of cereals up and say the following words: “From one, a dozen is born, from a dozen, a hundred, from a hundred, a thousand. So it is with me, a servant (slaves) of God (name your name), let money be born, multiply and take root in my house.

    All grains remaining on the floor must be left until the morning of January 2. Then carefully collect them with your hands or sweep them with a broom, put them in a red piece of cloth next to or on top of any icon. When spring comes, sow the seeds in the ground. For better germination, it is necessary to put them on a wet cloth for several days. You can sow in the garden or just in a pot on the windowsill. Having harvested wheat in the fall, grains should be left for the future ceremony. If you do the ritual annually, the profit will increase with incredible force.

    For prosperity

    Take a yellow coin, wash it thoroughly under the tap with water and detergent. Before midnight, hold it in your left palm, while making a material dream. When the chimes start to beat, you need to say a wish in a whisper, throw a coin into a glass of champagne and drink the drink to the end. Then take it out, put it in your wallet and carry it with you. You can make a pendant out of a coin by first making a hole in it.

    To get rid of loneliness

    A person who has overcome loneliness and does not develop not only love, but also friendly or healthy working relationships, needs to perform the following rite. From the ugliest patches of dark-colored fabric or old rags, you need to make a homemade doll. In this case, you should use black threads, black paints or markers for drawing a face. This doll should be as ugly as possible, exactly the way loneliness is perceived.

    A few minutes before the New Year, you need to retire with the doll and "say goodbye" to her forever. To do this, it’s worth saying in a whisper that it was boring and uninteresting with her, so you need to leave. With the beginning of the chiming clock, the doll must be thrown out the window.

    For a successful marriage

    • two wedding rings;
    • red marker or felt-tip pen;
    • red ribbon 50 cm long;
    • casket;
    • a picture depicting a pair of doves or swans;
    • white sheet of paper.

    The most suitable time for the ritual will be December 31 at 21:00. You need to be alone in the room. Lay out the objects, pick up a marker and fill it with the energy power of dreams of attracting female happiness and finding harmonious family relationships. Then describe on a piece of paper the character traits, appearance, work, behavior of the desired husband. Here you need to show maximum imagination, since detailed visualization facilitates the work of the universe in finding the right partner. For a more precise formulation, it is recommended to write a wish about the upcoming marriage. In a sentence, in no case should you use the particle “not”, use only the form of the present or future tense.

    On a piece of paper written with wishes, you should put a picture with birds and roll it all together into a tube. Then tightly tie two rings with a ribbon, thread a tube through them and tie everything together again. Fold the bundle in a box and hide in a secluded place. No one should see this box, much less know where it is stored.

    Rituals to attract happiness and prosperity

    In addition to rituals and rituals, it is recommended to use some signs to improve life in the New Year. They relate to the decoration of the Christmas tree, the design of the table, as well as the correct behavior before the celebration, during the chiming clock and after the New Year.

    It is preferable to start preparing from the last decade before the New Year:

    • During the last week, it is recommended to pay off all debts so as not to drag old obligations into a new life. With the onset of the New Year, old debts tend to be renewed with renewed vigor, thus there is an accumulation of problems that have already begun. The same rules exist for the moral aspects of life, so it is not recommended to enter the New Year with old grievances and disappointments. If it is not possible to ask for forgiveness from the offended person, you can do this with the help of prayer or going to the temple.
    • In no case should you borrow, it is also not recommended to give. The one who takes runs the risk of being left without money for the next year, because at the time of the holiday he was in debt. The one who gives may be left without a particle of personal well-being, losing the support of higher powers. If this procedure is unavoidable, it is necessary to postpone it for several days or formally leave a valuable deposit.
    • Before the New Year, it is recommended to use only old familiar things. This applies to hairpins, gloves, belts, belts. It is also not advisable to repair old clothes and shoes, even sewing on torn off buttons or repairing zippers should be abandoned. The way out of this situation will be alternative clothes for a few days. In the last week, you should not buy non-food items. A pleasant exception are only gifts for loved ones, which under no circumstances should be given before the New Year.
    • The sign tells that they enter the New Year with a new one. This saying should not be neglected, since energy renewal is impossible without new clothes. It is also worth paying attention to old things, at least one of them must be present in the outfit. For complete happiness, it is recommended to change clothes twice on New Year's Eve.
    • In order for a loved one to be nearby throughout the coming year, and there is no threat of parting, you need to put his photo in the pocket of your clothes. The face in the photo should be turned towards the body of the person. This sign is intended for all lovers, regardless of whether they celebrate the holiday together or separately.

    happy christmas tree

    Having correctly decorated the Christmas tree, you can automatically perform magical rituals to attract happiness into your life. Here are a few rules to follow regarding your dreams:

    • If the desire is focused on improving material well-being, it is necessary to equip the tree with symbolic objects. The most effective are Chinese coins, which can be wrapped in shiny gold or silver foil. Toys with the image or symbols of dollars, euros, rubles, etc. will be appropriate. A bill attached to a branch, removed on January 2 and placed in a wallet, will attract money. Green and yellow colors are considered the most effective. Metallic shades are welcome, especially gold. Wealth brings and pastries in the form of gingerbread and cookies. Sweets, chocolate and tangerines are also elements of luxury living.
    • Love on the Christmas tree is represented in red. The most effective will be toys in the form of hearts, eggs and red balloons. For those wishing to marry, real rings (inexpensive jewelry), toy or baked rings are suitable. People who dream of children need to take care of a toy stork, fish, the presence of blue or pink bows, as well as children's toys. Nuts wrapped in gold foil will call for God's providence.
    • In order to be healthy all year round, in the attire of the New Year tree, it is necessary to give preference to pure white or light silvery color. Stars, balls, bells, fir cones, nuts, as well as angels who will call on higher powers for help will be appropriate here.
    • If there are no specific desires, but overall harmony is required in the coming year, you can fill the decorations with various semantic functions. To do this, it is necessary to combine all the necessary criteria for happiness and put the maximum amount of positive energy into the decoration. It is better if the toys are made by hand. If preference is given to newfangled trends or the elements and symbols of the eastern horoscope, it is recommended to use decorations not only for the Christmas tree, but for the entire room. Since there is an opinion that a monochromatic outfit will provoke the monotony of the coming year.

    Well-being on the New Year's table

    The table laid for the new year automatically becomes an attribute of the first minute of a new life. Of great importance are magical actions during cooking, table setting and room decoration:

    • Baking has a special magical property. The dough absorbs all the programs that it then gives out to guests. Therefore, when kneading it, it is necessary to say the words three times: “As this dough is magnificent and sweet, so our life will be happy and smooth.”
    • When setting the table, it is advisable to put a yellow coin for wealth under each plate.
    • Three golden coins should be placed on one of the lower shelves of the refrigerator tails up. The year will be full.
    • It is desirable to light candles on the table. If there is no space, you can find a suitable corner in the same room. The fire will help to quickly burn out all the problems and troubles of the previous year.
    • On the New Year's table, it is not recommended to place dishes from crayfish, crabs and other arthropods that can move backwards and slow down progress. Otherwise, the year will be stagnant.

    First of all, it should be noted that all preparations should take place in high spirits. This positive energy can be increased many times over by adding the powerful energy of happiness of numerous guests. It is for this purpose that after the chimes it is recommended that everyone hug. The resulting energy chain will close into a ring, and the atmosphere of joy and happiness will remain with everyone present until the end of the year.

    After the last strike of the chimes, you should be silent for at least a minute. During this time, the wish made will have time to fly to its destination. Otherwise, it can be "shouted" or "splashed".

    During the celebration, you can be a little distracted, take a sheet of paper and a pencil and alternately outline the contours of both hands. Then paint over them with yellow paint or a marker. This amulet can be offered to all guests. If a difficult period or illness accidentally sets in, the positive energy of the holiday will become a saving source. To do this, you just need to put your hands on your print.

    After the holiday

    New Year's magic continues even after the chiming clock, since the new year has almost 12 months left before old age.

    It is undesirable to work on the first day of the New Year, otherwise the entire coming year will be held in endless labor.

    Wax or paraffin from burning New Year's candles must be collected and a new candle made. To do this, it is necessary to melt the frozen particles, form a wick of threads, take a suitable container and pour the wick fixed vertically in the center with melted wax. If you feel unwell, this candle will help you heal, and if necessary, just cheer you up.

    The needles from the Christmas tree will also be healing. For colds or joint pain, pour a glass of needles with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then take a full bath of water and pour the infusion into it.

This ritual can only be performed if you are alone. Its essence lies in the fact that you are asking Fate to quickly bring you to your man, who will become your soulmate.

The ceremony is held on New Year's Eve shortly before midnight.

Take two glasses of red dry wine, a red candle and a worn silver ring.

Before the New Year, stay in the room alone. Place glasses full of wine on the table in front of you. Place a lit candle between them. And take the ring in your hands, bring it to your lips and whisper the magic words of the conspiracy:

“Ring-ring, roll onto the porch, from there onto the path, from it to the stove, which is in the house near my heart. Let my love find that ringlet, let it go on the road, let it walk along the path. Yes, not to the devil, not to the mermaid, not to the queen, not to the king, but to me, who holds the ring in his hands. That love is waiting for it, that it trembles in the heart, that it does not take its eyes off, that it starts a love song.

After reading, the ring must be thrown out into the street, throwing it as far as possible so as not to be found. So you let him go, to seek your love.

Blow out the candle. Drink wine from one glass, and leave the second to stand until morning.

Ritual for reciprocity of love

This ritual is suitable for those who have already met their love, but are still not sure of the reciprocal warm feelings of a loved one. It can only be held if the one you love will celebrate the New Year with you in the same company.

Make sure that there are apples on the New Year's table in advance.

Before the chiming clock, ask your loved one to give you one apple. Take it, but do not eat it, but quietly hide it under the tree, let it lie there until the morning.

Get an apple in the morning. Take a small piece of paper and write on it the name of the person you love. Then remove the core from the apple without cutting it. In its place, put a piece of paper with the name of a loved one. Tie the fruit on top with a red woolen thread, pronouncing the words:

“How the apple killed Adam, so that the soul, through the apple of the servant of God (the name of the beloved), fell in love with the servant of God (your name). Amen".

Then put it in a warm place away from the eyes of other people.

The apple must be dry. And while it dries, the person on whom the divination was carried out will reciprocate. But no one can talk about the ritual, otherwise it will either not work, or it will have bad consequences.

Rite for love in marriage

This plot should be read if you are married, but your relationship with your husband has already cooled a little. The rite will help restore the sharpness of feelings and feel love with renewed vigor. A conspiracy is also suitable for those who have not yet officially married, but have long been in a relationship.

The ritual is performed in a limited period of time - from 20:00 on December 31st to 4:00 on January 1st.

At this time, take a large red candle, stay alone in the room, put out the light, and light the candle. And quickly read the plot over her.

“The New Year is coming, my dear will come to me.

I will read the conspiracy of love, I will bewitch my husband.

He will love me, respect me, live with me.

Come to me, faithful husband, to my blessed house.

Do not sin with strangers, hurry home.

I am your destiny, I am given to you by God.

New Year my beloved forever now with me.


Repeat the plot three times and put out the candle. But do not throw it away, but keep it in a secret and important place for yourself.

New Year's Eve is the only night of the year when we all, regardless of age, become children who believe in miracles! And, probably, it is quite logical that on December 31, each of us, out loud or to ourselves, makes his most secret wish. For some, this is the birth of a long-awaited child, someone dreams of finding a job of their dreams, others want to go on a long and exciting journey. And for someone, the most secret dream is a romantic acquaintance and a happy and beautiful wedding! And since a successful marriage has been and remains the dream of many women for several hundred years, the rituals for marriage are rooted in the distant past.

1. Ritual around the church

Even our grandmothers successfully used this ritual to attract the energy of love into their lives. A similar ceremony can be used on any night, but it is better if it is New Year's. Then the chances that your wish will come true immediately increase several times. At midnight, you need to make a wish, and then leave the house and get to the nearest church, which you need to go around exactly 12 times. Knowledgeable women claim that the ritual works almost flawlessly, the main thing is to make a wish correctly.

For example, it’s better not to think “in 2016 I want to get married”, because. getting married is not a problem, it is much more important to get married happily. Be attentive to your desires and then they will surely come true.

2. Ritual with water

Also very, which in Russian villages was impossible to surprise. On the evening of December 31, three hours before the New Year, a girl who wants to get married in the coming year should take a rag and wash the floor well. Then pour out the water, saying "where there is water, there is my loneliness." Then you should take a jug, fill it with clean water and, saying "where there is water, there is love" pour yourself from head to toe. Then again it will be necessary to wash the floor and drain the water, saying the words you already know. Everything needs to be repeated exactly three times - wash the floor three times and drain the water, saying “where there is water, there is loneliness” and three times say the words “where there is water, there is love” on clean water and pour yourself clean water. The whole ritual must be completed before the New Year, because with the first chimes, the old year should take loneliness with it, and the New Year should give true and mutual love.

3. Ritual with a red ribbon

Red is the color of passion, love, and, probably, that is why most of the rituals to attract love are somehow connected with it. To carry out this ritual, we need a narrow red ribbon prepared in advance. On December 31, during the day, it is necessary, without explaining for what purpose you are doing this, to hold the ribbon in the hands of any man who is not your blood relative. Those. grandfather, father, brother or son will not help us in this ritual. After the man touched the red ribbon, i.e. charged her with his male energy, the tape should be put in a dark place, exactly before midnight. On New Year's Eve, under the chiming clock, you need to tie your wrist with this ribbon, in an arbitrary form asking Fate for a loved one and a happy family. Connoisseurs say that after the tape unties itself (and you can’t categorically remove it) or breaks, you must meet your fate within a month.

4. Ritual with candles

A very ancient, very beautiful, romantic ritual that can be done with a friend if she, like you, has not yet met her only one. On December 31, from the very morning, without saying a word, in complete silence and silence, you need to go to church and buy three candles there. How to buy three without saying a single word is up to you. This is where your ingenuity and creativity come to your rescue. Three candles should be brought home, and in the same way, in complete silence, calmly prepare for the New Year. The most difficult thing in this ritual is to remain silent all day on December 31st. Fifteen minutes before the New Year, you should light all three candles and calmly wait for the chiming clock. With the first blow, say out loud your desire: “I want to marry my beloved man in 2016 and live happily ever after with him” and look at the candles. If all three candles continue to burn, then your wish will come true with 100% accuracy. If one candle goes out, then the chance that everything will go the way you want is 50%. If two candles go out, then a wedding this year is not excluded, but unlikely. Well, if all three candles are extinguished, draw your own conclusions. Just don’t get upset, it’s quite possible that Fate has other, but no less happy, plans for you this year.

5. Ritual with a pin

Everyone knows that all slander, since ancient times, was carried out with the help of. Therefore, if you want to attract love into your life in the coming year, then the hex with pins will be very useful to us. To do this, we need a few candles that need to be lit in the room as soon as it gets dark. Candles are best placed in a room that is prepared for the New Year and has positive energy. Most of all, the living room is suitable for these purposes, in the very center of which there is a beautiful Christmas tree. Next, we need any pin, the simplest pin, and the smaller it is, the better, the main thing is that this pin is new. A few minutes before the chiming clock, you will need to take any of the lit candles and carefully, trying not to burn yourself, drip melted wax into the eye of the pin. While you are performing this ritual, you need to say to yourself about the wax, which is about to harden, your desire. If you are worried that you will go astray and will not have time to say everything you wanted while the wax hardens, you can write down your desire on paper in advance, and then just read it. Exactly at twelve o'clock at night, a pin should be pinned to your clothes - be sure that the wedding is just around the corner.

Since ancient times, young girls have used omens to marry happily and for a long time. And those who used to resort to such methods really on the new year, even on a leap year, received an opportunity and an offer from a pleasant young man, despite the fact that there were no prerequisites for marriage before. This means that the results of the sign are completely dependent on the one that will resort to such superstitions. Life circumstances in the everyday life of every girl in some cases require a little push to activate the positive energy for marriage. It is this impetus that will be special rituals and signs for marriage, helping the girl to put on a white dress and a veil next year, and in a leap year.

Types of signs for a wedding

Previously, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, in their dreams of a white dress and a ring, came to the help of magical powers, conspiracies, prayers for a speedy marriage. Most often, such conspiracies and rituals were held on New Year's Eve or Christmas.

And depending on what goals the future bride will pursue in her actions and wedding desires, the rituals used for this will also depend:

  1. Signs and superstitions of a general nature. The girl has not yet decided who her future groom is. However, there is a desire to guess at least out of the corner of the eye who it might be, as well as to bring closer the fateful meeting on Christmas or on the new leap year. With this kind of rites and traditions, it is very good to use special wedding prayers that need to be read for the new year, even on a leap year or Christmas. In such prayers, a young girl can ask for a groom for herself and a speedy wedding next year.
  2. Signs and conspiracies for a single person. This kind of sign should be used if the girl already has a stable and long-term relationship with a young man, but no movement for the wedding is foreseen. In this case, you need to give impetus to marriage with the help of rituals at Christmas or in a leap year.
  3. If a young woman is already married, then in the new year, together with her unmarried friends, she can perform magical rituals for Christmas, which will attract happiness and prosperity in family life in the new year, even on a leap year.

When a girl has decided which of the categories of superstitions she will accept and expects to use, she needs to prepare early to perform certain actions. For some time, you should give up the use of alcoholic beverages and nicotine addictions. Also, one should prepare mentally, namely, to clear the mind of evil thoughts. Belief in a positive result that will be obtained after a magical rite and a conspiracy on Christmas is also an important component of proper conduct.

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Conspiracies to meet a man

In order to perform a ritual to attract a man into her life, a girl must get up early in the morning. When the new year has already arrived and go to the nearest place with water. You need to draw some water into the bowl and pronounce the plot:

Bring female happiness and health into my life.

After that, you need to wash yourself with this water three times and go to church in order to pray in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. This kind of Slavic conspiracy is actually very strong and you can expect a very quick result and the appearance of a groom on the horizon. However, it can only be performed once, on the new year. And such rituals always give an effect, even if they are performed in a leap year.

The ability to look into or draw the desired future has always attracted girls.

Sign using honey

Another ritual that helps attract the groom, which is also performed only once a year, is a sign using honey. For the purposes of performing the ceremony, you should stock up on a small jar of natural honey. At dawn, you should read a conspiracy over this product:

Honey is fragrant and sweet! For a speedy marriage, make life sweeter and richer! I read the magical sentence. Help me find a groom to take me and the sweet honey life. Amen!

Such charmed honey should be taken every day, one teaspoon, on an empty stomach in the morning. When on the way you meet a young man who will be the prospective groom, then only you need to stop taking honey. Most often, the meeting takes place a couple of months after the ceremony.

Conspiracy on the rings

If the girl has not yet met her betrothed, then such a conspiracy on the rings will also suit her. The day of the ceremony should coincide with the new moon, when the month will not be visible in the sky. To perform the ceremony, you should prepare a ring, a white candle and holy water in a glass. When performing a magical action, the ring is placed in a glass of water, a candle is lit nearby. The girl should say a prayer:

Betrothed find me! Bring our love and our happiness. Our wedding and our children! As I said, so be it! Amen!

The words must be spoken three times. After that, the girl should get the ring, put it on, while going out to the middle of the room. And let him pour holy water on his head. After it, she can calmly go to bed and sleep after waking up, the ring can be removed and hidden in a secluded place until a young man meets on the way.

The Christmas rite will allow you to see the betrothed

Christmas rite

This category of ritual is one of the most powerful. It should be performed on Christmas, if the girl already has a young man in mind with whom she could marry. For the best effect, it is best for the girl's younger sister to help perform the ceremony. On the Orthodox holiday of Christmas, all magical actions acquire a special power and energy effect. To carry out the ritual, the girl's sister must prepare the props, and this is a clean white cotton cloth, two white candles, a photograph of a young man and one that depicts an older sister.

Many girls, being in a relationship, complain that their boyfriends do not propose marriage. In this case, you can push your loved one with the help of a simple marriage ceremony, which must be carried out on. It is worth saying that such rituals are not a love spell and there will be no negative consequences. Magic will work only if you have faith, as well as sincere feelings.

Christmas ceremony for marriage with paper

This is a very ancient ritual that has great power. You need to spend it in solitude and silence, so that nothing distracts. Take a sheet of paper, write on it the number of the coming year, for example, 2016. After that, looking at this number, start remembering the most joyful moments of your life, which will allow you to tune in to a positive wave and create a favorable field around. After a feeling of happiness appears, you need to concentrate on your goal, that is, on the desire to go down the aisle as soon as possible. The next step in the ritual for Christmas to get married - read the plot:

“Dawns, lightning, you are two sisters - morning and evening dawn. As the evening lightning comes, so all the troubles from me, the servants of God (name), will take away, take them far away and burn them to the ground there. All bad things will go away and will not turn back. As the morning lightning comes, so marriage will bring me, bring joy to the house, and everything will come during this year. May what has been said come true. Amen".

To complete the ceremony at Christmas, to get married, roll a piece of paper with the written year into a tube, and then tie it with a red ribbon. Keep the scroll until the wish becomes a reality. This ritual can also be used by single girls who want to meet their soul mate. Just make another wish.

Christmas ritual for love

There are different rituals, but we will dwell in detail on only one very strong variant. At Christmas, you need to throw away your slippers and go to the store for new ones. It is important to do everything in a good mood. You need to buy two pairs: for yourself and your future lover. Do not save and choose the most beautiful slippers. It is important to pay attention to the color of the shoes, if you want a rich groom, then choose green. Wanting to build passionate ones, you need to opt for red women's and black men's slippers. It is worth turning on the fantasy and imagining that you are making a purchase with a man. After the slippers are in the hands, take them out of the package and put them in your bag so that they fit snugly together. Arriving home, put on your slippers immediately, having crossed the threshold, and put the men's ones so that the heels are directed towards the door, and the socks towards the bed. Then say the following three times:

“Waiting for you, my love! Come quickly to my house!”

Slippers should be kept as a talisman, and then handed over to your beloved man.

This ritual can also be used by girls who are in a relationship and want to strengthen the union. The rite is identical, but here is a different plot:

“Like heaven, water and earth, be with me always!”

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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered literature as a poet, created wonderful poetic ...

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From August 18 in the Russian box office, the tragicomedy "Guys with Guns" with Jonah Hill and Miles Teller in the lead roles. The film tells...
Tony Blair was born to Leo and Hazel Blair and grew up in Durham. His father was a prominent lawyer who ran for Parliament...
HISTORY OF RUSSIA Topic No. 12 of the USSR in the 30s industrialization in the USSR Industrialization is the accelerated industrial development of the country, in ...
FOREWORD "... So in these parts, with the help of God, we received a foot, than we congratulate you," wrote Peter I in joy to St. Petersburg on August 30...
Topic 3. Liberalism in Russia 1. The evolution of Russian liberalism Russian liberalism is an original phenomenon based on ...