Cool surnames for VKontakte boys. The most beautiful surnames in the world

The history of American names and surnames has evolved over several centuries. They can trace the traditions of many countries and peoples who moved to these places. Due to the large flow of immigrants, for a long time there was a common culture countries and changed names, surnames, acquiring new forms of sound.

Many common American names have their origins in Greek, Italian, Latin, even Old Germanic origins. AT modern world gaining popularity in America rare names, which are obtained by reducing historical places, the names of famous people, there are even combinations of several names into one big one.

The origin of American names can be divided into the following groups:

  1. the main popularity was gained by names, the meanings of which are associated with the outlines of a person's character (cheerful, courageous, brave);
  2. names related to the name of animals, flowers, trees, natural phenomena;
  3. names meaning various professions;
  4. names of a religious nature taken from the Bible.

List of the most popular male American names

America is a colonial country, depending on the state, the general popularity of names differs significantly from each other. In the Spanish villages of Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

When choosing a name for a newborn, Americans give great importance two main principles in your choice:

  • the name should sound beautiful with the surname, as one whole;
  • another main point secret meaning name and origin.

Respect for your ancestors and family traditions Many families name their children after their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If several family members have the same name, for a particular person, the prefix “senior”, “junior” is placed at the beginning of the name.

Currently, Americans are trying to give a special uniqueness (originality) to the names of their children, choosing their favorite brand of car, beloved politician favorite city. In such a situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus (Lexus), Madison (Madison), Infinity (Infinity).

Americans have old tradition associated with names - give the child a double name. For example: Anna-Maria (Anna-Maria), John-Robert (John-Robert), Matthew - William (Matthew-William). Explaining this by the fact that growing up, the child himself will be able to choose a name for himself.

Most Popular American Names Today

  • Ethan (Ethan) - from English, "durable."
  • Kevin (Kevin) - from Irish., "beautiful", "cute."
  • Justin (Justin) - from English., "Fair".
  • Matthew (Matthew) - from English, "gift of God", "God's man."
  • William (William) - from English, "desired."
  • Christopher (Christopher) - from English, "follower of Christ."
  • Anthony (Anthony) - from English, "invaluable", "competing".
  • Ryan (Ryan) - from Arabic., "little king."
  • Nicholas (Nicholas) - from the French, "winner of the peoples."
  • David (David) - Hebrew, "beloved", "beloved".
  • Alex (Alex) - from Greek, "protector".
  • James (James) - from English, "invader".
  • Josh (Josh) - Hebrew, "god, salvation."
  • Dillon (Dillon) - Welsh origin, "big sea".
  • Brandon (Brandon) - from German, "prince".
  • Philip (Philip) - from Greek, "lover of horses."
  • Fred (Fred) - from English, "peaceful ruler."
  • Tyler (Tyler) - from English., "stylish."
  • Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, "devoted, brave."
  • Thomas (Thomas) - Polish, "twin".

List of common American surnames

Acquired your modern look many years. Over time, they have changed significantly. American cities have always had a large influx of refugees and settlers.

To be different from local residents, not to attract special attention to themselves, the settlers deliberately modified and abbreviated their surnames in the local American way. main feature surnames of US residents is to regularly mix different nations and peoples.

List of the most famous families in America open Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Jones (Jones), Wilson (Wilson). According to the statistics of the owners of such surnames, far more than a million are registered.

Lesser Known american surnames but popular:

  • Johnson (Johnson).
  • Brown (Brown).
  • Walker (Walker).
  • Hall (Hall).
  • White (White).
  • Wilson (Wilson).
  • Thompson (Thompson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Taylor (Taylor).
  • Anderson (Anderson).
  • Thomas (Thomas).
  • Jackson (Jackson).
  • Harris (Harris).
  • Martin (Martin).
  • Young (Young).
  • Hernandez (Hernandez).
  • Garcia (Garcia).
  • Davis (Davis).
  • Miller (Miller).
  • Martinez (Martinez).
  • Robinson (Robinson).
  • Clark (Clark).
  • Rodrigues (Rodriguez).
  • Lewis (Lewis).
  • Lee (Lee).
  • Allen (Allen).
  • King (King).

The Russian language, great and mighty, is full of funny last names, from which their owners would gladly get rid of, if it were their will. And in this list all sorts of Round, No-Angle, Short, Soft surnames are just flowers. There are also much worse ones. The owner and especially the owner of such a surname will have a hard time in life. Fortunately, Russian law allows any citizen who has reached a certain age to change both his first and last name. It remains only to choose the most suitable one. So we choose beautiful surnames for girls.

Russian surnames

The names of noble families sound beautiful. Rather, it’s not even about euphony, but about our associations - from the course of history, I remember that this family was successful / rich / noble. That is why the name seems attractive. Examples noble families for girls:

  • Vorontsov;
  • Derzhavin;
  • Romanova;
  • Goncharova;
  • Larionov;
  • Orlova;
  • Davydov;
  • Donskaya;
  • Obolenskaya;
  • Martynov;
  • Isaev;
  • Avdeeva;
  • Gusev;
  • Grigoriev;
  • Kovalev;

Good associations also usually evoke the names of famous people, for example, poets and writers. So the names of Pushkin, Nekrasov, Akhmatova, Chernyshevskaya can decorate any name.

Surnames formed from nouns and adjectives

Queen. That's right, through the letter "E". Why not beauty? Good girl. Gorgeous. You can take any surname, just do not forget that your children can get it. So it's still best to be reasonable. Surnames formed from nouns must be indeclinable: Panther, Fashionista, Beauty.

Beautiful surnames formed from adjectives: Sunny, Snowy, Rainbow, Affectionate, etc.

Foreign surnames

You can choose the last name of your favorite foreign writer or actor, for example:

  • Austen;
  • Bradbury;
  • Pete;
  • Fleming;
  • Adams;
  • Alexander;
  • Argan;
  • Baer;
  • Chandler;
  • Kramer;

Here it is important to see that the surname is harmoniously combined with the name (and preferably also with the patronymic). That is, Catherine Adams or Angelica Fleming - it sounds beautiful, but Avdotya Roberts - somehow not very much.

Double surnames

Two ordinary surnames combined into one, often magically become at least twice as good. Let's look at examples famous people with double surnames:

  • Grigoriev-Apollonov;
  • Fedoseeva-Shukshin;
  • Saltykov-Shchedrin;
  • Melnikov-Pechersky;
  • Mamin-Sibiryak;
  • Solovyov-Sedoy;
  • Novikov-Priboy;
  • Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky;

So you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and add something else to your last name. For example, dig in family tree - perhaps there is a wonderful match for your last name.

  • Ivanova-Ilyinskaya;
  • Zarudneva-Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Sergeeva-Beletskaya;
  • Dolgovo-Saburovs;
  • Kuzmina-Korovaev;
  • Rimsky-Korsakovs;
  • Skornyakovo-Pisarevs;
  • Ivanchiny-Pisarevs;

It is useless to argue with the magic of double surnames.

The list of popular genus names is endless, because as many people as there are so many opinions. Each person will point to beautiful surnames that he personally likes. They can be short, long, but, according to most, the most popular are the aristocratic designations of family names. Let's see which surnames are more common and respected, and where they came from.

List of the most beautiful Russian surnames in the world

The word "surname" is translated from Latin, how is the family". This means that this indicates that a person belongs to the genus from which he originated. The emergence of family nicknames was often associated with the profession that the clan was engaged in from generation to generation, or with the name of the area in which the family lived, or the family name indicated character traits, specific appearance, nickname. No wonder there is a saying “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye” - the people have always hung labels very accurately.

In Russia, at first there was only a first name and patronymic, and the first surnames appeared only in the 14th century. Naturally, noble people received them: princes, boyars, nobles. Peasants received official family names only at the end of the 19th century, when they canceled serfdom. The first names of dynasties came from the names of places of residence, birth or possessions: Tver, Arkhangelsk, Zvenigorod, Moskvin.

  1. Sobolev
  2. Morozov
  3. Gromov
  4. Diamonds
  5. Derzhavin
  6. Bogatyrev
  7. Mayorov
  8. Admirals
  9. Lyubimov
  10. Vorontsov

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls:

  1. Resurrection
  2. Lebedev
  3. Alexandrova
  4. Serebryanskaya
  5. Korolkova
  6. Vinogradova
  7. Talnikova
  8. Generous
  9. Zolotareva
  10. Tsvetaeva

A selection of the most beautiful foreign surnames

Foreigners believe that a beautiful surname helps the family, brings good luck and happiness. But, it’s true, a person with or a family nickname has been teased by peers since childhood, and later he grows up insecure with a whole baggage of complexes. So it turns out that family name brought failure. For people with a beautiful ancestral heritage, everything is different. Boys and girls know from childhood that they can do everything in this world, so they walk with their heads held high.

Each country has its own beautiful surnames, which are unusual for the Russian ear. But the origin of family designations is the same all over the world. Someone took the name of their city, and someone took the nickname of the founder of the family, the occupation of the family, belonging to the status. Among foreign surnames, one can also often find the names of plants, birds, animals. If a Russian person chooses foreign name, then, as a rule, does not delve into its meaning, but makes a choice according to euphony.

For example, modern Spaniards have beautiful surnames - not uncommon. The top guys are:

  • Rodriguez
  • Fernandez
  • Gonzalez
  • Perez
  • Martinez
  • Sanchez

Russian girls often choose generic names of Spanish origin:

  • Alvarez
  • Torres
  • Romero
  • Flores
  • Castillo
  • Garcia
  • Pascual

French surnames

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from other European counterparts. If it is always pronounced correctly, then French is pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen may sound like "Le Pen", "Le Pen", "De Le Pen". First French names families were granted to the highest circle of nobility in the 11th century. And only in the 16th century, by royal decree, was it ordered to give every citizen of France a hereditary nickname.

Since french surnames from generation to generation are included in the church metrics. The most beautiful family nicknames in France came from proper names, from occupations of the family or from geographical names in which the family was born. French male family names are widespread:

  • Robert
  • Richard
  • Bernard
  • Duran
  • Lefebvre

Women's generic names are not much different from men's. French history ordered that there are no differences and other endings, as in Russian, between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names of women also bear a proper name, for example:

  • Leroy
  • Bonn
  • Francois


The generic names of Germany arose in the same way as in other countries: first they were received by the nobility, then by the feudal lords and small landowners, and then by the lower strata of the population. The whole process of forming hereditary nicknames took about 8 centuries, and the first surnames appeared on the basis of proper names. Vivid examples are German male generic nicknames:

  1. Werner
  2. Hermann
  3. Jacobi
  4. Peters

Beautiful family designations in Germany appeared from the names of rivers, mountains and other words associated with nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names came from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Muller in translation means "miller", and Schmidt - "blacksmith". Rare ones sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmerman. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are:

  1. Lehmann
  2. Mayer
  3. Peters
  4. Fisher
  5. Weiss


Beautiful American generic names compare favorably with other foreign ones - they are very consonant, and the owners wear them with pride. If surnames are not inherited, then any citizen of the United States can change his family name to a more harmonious one. So, the 10 most beautiful surnames of American men:

  1. Robinson
  2. Harris
  3. Evans
  4. Gilmour
  5. Florence
  6. Stone
  7. Lambert
  8. Newman

Concerning american women, then, as in the whole world, girls at birth take the generic name of the father, and at marriage - the husband. Even if a girl wants to leave her family name, after marriage she will have double surname, for example, Maria Goldman Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

  1. Bellows
  2. Houston
  3. Taylor
  4. Davis
  5. Foster

Video: the most common surnames in the world

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their carriers are popular people and therefore happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the family name Lee. In second place in polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is family name Garcia, common in South America(about 10 million people).

In order not to be out of trend, you should choose interesting and memorable fakes.

There are many sources from which you can borrow a pseudonym or name. This trend is observed not only in girls, but also in guys.

A fake surname will require verification by the administration. This will take some time, especially if the data changes frequently.

In order for the site moderator to miss the changes, you should know what surname you can put.

After all, the site administration does not approve information without confirmation. The application may be rejected or delayed if the change uses non-standard words.

Surnames for VK are set as follows:

  1. Login to the page using your own username and password.
  2. Open spoiler with personal information.
  3. Activate the "Edit" button. By clicking on it once.
  4. In the line "Last name" is entered. The fake is entered in this field.
  5. Confirm the change by clicking the "Save" button.
  6. Within some time, the administration will respond to a request to change personal data.

During the changeover, you can use cool aliases that you think are the most relevant.

If the data is not too complex or rare, then fake entries will be stored in the system with the confirmation of the site moderator.

Such difficulties on the part of the administration are made in order to reduce the percentage of hacking the pages of network users.

Top surnames for VK

There are top aliases for guys that are most often used when compiling a profile on VK.

The most popular options may occur too often, so it is worth picking up rare aliases as well.

Note! It is important to write the last name correctly so as not to spoil the profile with a funny inscription. To do this, you can check the spelling from the original source.

The original surname can be presented as a standard Russian, you can take the surname of your favorite movie actor or character from the movie.

Sometimes surnames are chosen, which mean the names of countries, regions of the world, and other geographical objects.

Top Popular male options in 2018:

List of popular nicknames for guys in social network VC Why are they so popular among VK users
Gromov, Admiral, Derzhavin, Sobolev Surnames related to military service and princely titles are relevant for the modern social network
Rodriguez, Sanchez, Perez, Martinez foreign surnames. Spanish and Mexican surnames are associated with masculinity and passion.
Moreau, Durar, Reshar, Bernard French surnames of this type are not only romantic, but also have a rather complex historical context in your title
Zimmermann, Werner, Jacobi, Schmidt, Weiss, Lang German surnames sound original and non-standard, as many of them in translation mean natural phenomena
Turkish, Japanese and Chinese surnames are very rare, but interesting in terms of pronunciation.

In this case, it is enough to use a dictionary and put the meaning of the word in the personal data column

Popular and trendy names for guys

For many guys, it is important to have not only a non-standard surname, but also a first name. In the understanding of young people, awesome names will attract the attention of the opposite sex and help you get to know each other.

Popular names within VK for guys:

  • Unique and inimitable are old Slavic names: Makar, Rodion, Svyatoslav, Arkady, Konstantin.
  • Slavic names that were taken from foreign sources are no less popular: Alain, Michael, Arnold, John, David, Daniel, Dementy.
  • Particularly popular in recent times enjoy double names, which consist of Slavic and foreign at the same time: Dmitry-Amethyst, Nikolai-Nikita-Nil, Luka-Schastya Summerset Ocean.
  • Non-standard names that are not determined by attitude to culture or nationality: Mercury, March, Angel, Peace.

Cool names should match certain character traits or behaviors.

Attention! Before choosing a foreign or little-known name, you should find out its meaning or translation. The finished version can be slightly modified.

Unusual names can be found on the Internet, magazines. Currently, parents call their children quite original names, so it makes no sense to change them.

Can be interpreted given name. At the same time, it will seem no less original or fashionable.

List of the best in English with translation

The best option is foreign surnames, in particular English ones.

Note! Along with English in terms of popularity, German surnames remain. Sometimes American variants are used.

It is worth choosing not only fashionable and cool, but also pleasing to the ear. There is a list of the most popular surnames for guys.

Best Options English surnames for guys and men for the current time:

Every girl would like to have a beautiful surname. So I don’t want to be Tuporylova or Svinukhova! Relatives reassure: here, you will get married, you will change your surname. But if only Chervyakovs and Durakovs are stuffed into suitors. What to do? The last name can be changed.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: options

  • Beautiful surnames are often formed from proper names: Romanov, Vladimirov, Illarionov, Grigoriev, Pavlov, Vasiliev, Semenov, etc. They should go well with your name and patronymic. Diana Semyonovna Semyonova - it sounds too overloaded, this must be understood.
  • Transfiguration, Resurrection, Christmas - pronounced beautifully and nobly, in the Orthodox way.
  • You can choose a surname with meaning - Generous, Moscow, Slavic, Motherland.
  • Very beautiful surnames, according to many, come from beautiful names birds and animals - Lebedev, Strizhenov, Orlov, Sokolov, Solovyov.
  • You can borrow a surname from the count dynasties: Bestuzheva, Obolenskaya, Vorontsova, Heiden.
  • Neutral names are also good - Kovaleva, Vlasova, Rogozina, Krasnova, Lavrova, Svetlova, Teplova, Batalina.

Foreign surnames for girls: list

If Russian surnames do not suit you, although there are many wonderful ones among them, you can look for something suitable in the list of foreign ones.

  • Among the euphonious German surnames for girls, the following can be distinguished: Mayer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann.
  • A lot of beautiful English surnames Cast: Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills.
  • At Poles quite a few good surnames: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Vitovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Troyanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya, Koval.
  • Some Belarusian surnames also sound good: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Chaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Ostrovskaya, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk.
  • There are many beautiful surnames Bulgarians: Apostolova, Angelov, Vladov, Danailov, Dimitrova, Blagoev, Nikolov, Tonev, Lyudmilova.

In the event that you have opted for foreign surname, its compatibility with the name should be given special attention!

Cool last names for girls: original selection

If you like to stand out then this is for you. original surname from this list: Starry, Golden, Brilliant, Naughty, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Beloved, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Light.

You can borrow a surname from one of the stars or famous writers, for example, Kirkorova, Boyarskaya, Koroleva, Portman, Douglas, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Mayakovskaya, Dostoevskaya, Pushkin.

Literary characters are also suitable: Larina, Karenina, Bolkonskaya, Dubrovskaya.

picking yourself up new surname, see if it suits you so well, combined with your name and patronymic. Remember that when you decide to change your last name, you are taking an important step that may even change your destiny. Think before you do this. Maybe your real name and not entirely harmonious, but it connects you with your clan, family.

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