English surnames beginning with a. American surnames for men and women

Common features of American surnames.

History of American Surnames is as rich as the heterogeneous population of the US, a nation of immigrants. Essentially, an American surname can reveal its "affinity" with any nation. And yet, the core of the American nation is the English speakers (Scots, Irish, English, Welsh), who mixed with other peoples, which largely determined the characteristics of American surnames. A common feature of American surnames is that they do not differ in gender and are essentially masculine. As for the spelling and pronunciation of American surnames in Russian, they obey the laws of Russian spelling. That is, declension of american surnames corresponds to the rules of declension of Russian surnames.

The dominant role of English-speaking surnames.

Interpretation of American surnames the most varied. According to the meaning, American surnames can be divided into five main groups. One includes surnames that originated from the names of the father (Peterson, Williams). Others are based on the name of the profession in which the first bearer of the surname was engaged (Smith, "blacksmith"). A large group of American surnames is associated with place names (England, Lancaster). Some surnames reflect the features of the area (Pool, "reservoir, whirlpool"). Quite a few American surnames were born from common nouns - Bush ("bush"), Fish ("fish"). Surnames of non-English-speaking Americans are forced to constantly adjust to the usual sound in the country in order to match the facilitated spelling and easy pronunciation. Some surnames are simply abbreviated (Pappadakis-Pappas, Vinareski-Vinar). Others are being translated into English (Köning-King). Still others are remade in an English way (Cartier-Carter, White-Bellowes). However, some surnames retained their national meaning and not influenced American surnames. So, for example, Spanish surnames, if they have changed, are not significant.

Surnames of Indians and Africans.

Surnames of Native American Indians have historically been formed on the basis of personal names and nicknames. But if you look dictionary of american surnames, you can see that there are very few of them. Now most Indians have common American surnames. The same goes for African American surnames. In the course of history, they gradually lost their unique names and subsequently began to take familiar American surnames. True, recently the descendants of immigrants from Africa are trying to give their surnames a national flavor.

The alphabetical list of American surnames shows that a certain part of Americans invent fictitious, sonorous surnames for themselves, which are remembered for their originality and help their carriers stand out.

List of common American surnames will help you find out which surnames are the most popular in America (USA).

The most popular American surnames and their meanings

We present to your attention a list of the most popular American surnames.
Smith– Smith
Johnson– Johnson
Williams– Williams
Jones– Jones
Brown– Brown
Davis– Davis
Miller– Miller
wilson– Wilson
Moore– Moore
Taylor– Taylor
Anderson– Anderson
Thomas– Thomas
Jackson– Jackson
White– White
Harris– Harris
Martin– Martin
Thompson– Thompson
Garcia– Garcia
Martinez– Martinez
Robinson– Robinson
Rodriguez– Rodriguez
Lewis– Lewis
Lee– Lee
Walker– Walker
Hall– Hall
Allen– Allen
Young– Young
Hernandez– Hernandez
King– King
wright– Wright
Lopez– Lopez
Hill– Hill
Scott– Scott
Green– Green
Adams– Adams
baker– Baker
Gonzalez– Gonzalez
Nelson– Nelson
carter– Carter
Mitchell– Mitchell
Perez– Perez
Roberts– Roberts
Turner– Turner
Phillips– Phillips
Campbell– Campbell
parker– Parker
Evans– Evans
Edwards– Edwards
Collins– Collins

Beautiful female names and surnames are undoubtedly the pride and a kind of adornment of a woman.

Below are collected Russian and foreign lists of various origins. They will be useful for those who are expecting a daughter and choose a harmonious combination of first and last name for her, and for those who plan to change their first or last name, thereby changing their fate.


Ladies' names are very diverse, so it is not surprising that at the birth of a girl, parents often argue about what to name the baby. Most of the names common in Russia are of completely non-Slavic origin. There are few primordially Russian names, but they are distinguished by their beauty and euphony.

Once upon a time, names were very popular in Russia, which eventually acquired their modern form: Nastasya (from Anastasia), Aksinya (Xenia). Today, on playgrounds, you can increasingly hear these names in their original form.

Separately, one can note such primordially Russian names as Joy, Dragomila, Efrosinya, Evpraksia, Evdokia, Bogdana, Anisya, Stanimira, Krasimira, Mlada, Radoslava, Lada, Velislava, Gorimira, Dobromira, Zabava, Dobrava, Krasava, Lubomira, Jaromira.

As if from Russian fairy tales, the names sound: Elena, Marya, Daria, Vasilisa, Yaroslavna.

Such names as Nadezhda, Vera, Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Xenia, Tatyana, Natalya, Yulia, Anna have gained a new round of popularity.


A beautiful Russian surname should be distinguished by sonority, well remembered. No wonder the most beautiful options include royal families: Romanovs, Rurikovich.

Getting a beautiful Russian surname from birth is a gift of fate. It helps to make new acquaintances and win over those around you.

Aristocratic families are distinguished by their special beauty: Bestuzheva, Rzhevskaya, Golitsyna, Sheremetyeva, Vorontsova.

Surnames formed from geographical names sound no less beautiful: Smolenskaya, Baltic, Rzhevskaya, Siberian, Yaroslavtseva.

It is worth noting the names derived from the names of tree plants: Dubinin, Rozov, Yasenev, Kalinin, Topolev, Tsvetkov, Orekhov.

There are many beautiful Russian surnames that do not necessarily belong to any category: Artemova, Afanaseva, Bakhmeteva, Borisoglebskaya, Borovskaya, Vinogradova, Volskaya, Vostokova, Goncharova, Gronskaya, Dal, Dolinina, Donskaya, Zhemchugova, Znamenskaya, Zorina, Ignatiev, Kamenskaya, Lazarev, Lvov, Makarov, Maksimov, Nikitin, Ozerov, Parisian, Rakhmanov, Titov, Umanskaya, Filatov, Tsarevskaya, Shemetov, Yuriev.

Beautiful English surnames for women

English surnames have a beautiful sound. Most of them are worn not only by the inhabitants of foggy Albion. They are quite popular all over the planet.

Below is a list of the most beautiful English surnames in alphabetical order.

  • Anderson, Adamson, Abramson;
  • Bakker, Black, Brown, Bradberry, Buckingham;
  • Campbell, Carroll, Cook;
  • Davidson, Duncan, Daniels;
  • Edington, Erickson;
  • Fisher, Ford, Fordster;
  • Gardner, Gilbert;
  • Haley, Hoggart;
  • James, Johnson;
  • Kelly, Kennedy;
  • Lamberts, Little, Lincoln;
  • Mackenzie, MacDonald, Milton, Morrison;
  • Neville, Nelson;
  • Oliver, Otis;
  • Page, Paterson;
  • Richards, Roberts;
  • Stanley, Simpson;
  • Taylor, Turner;
  • Warren, Weasley.

Beautiful American (female) surnames

Interestingly, most of the American surnames come from common nicknames, mostly Indian ones.

Many beautiful surnames appeared from the names of professions: Smith, Taylor, Miller, as well as from geographical objects: Bush, Moore, Lancaster.

It is worth noting such beautiful (female) American surnames that originated from the names of animals, phenomena and flowers: Kat, Fish, Winter, White, Young, Rose. In America, singers and actors often take such surnames as pseudonyms.

Beautiful French surnames can be classified in the same way as Russian ones. Some of them originate from the ancient aristocrats, others are popular because they are worn by famous people.

Below is just a small list of beautiful French surnames:

  • Azoulay, Arnaud, Harcourt, André;
  • Boisselle, Benard, Bonnier;
  • Viardot, Vien;
  • Grosso, Galliano, Gabin;
  • Dubois, Deneuve, Delaunay;
  • Jacquard, Julien, Girard;
  • Kamber, Curie;
  • Lambert, Luc, Legrand;
  • Martini, Monty, Monsoon, Murai;
  • Noiret;
  • Prejean, Pascal;
  • Roussel, Revial, Richard;
  • Sorel, Simon;
  • Tournier, Trial;
  • Ouvrard;
  • Freel;
  • Chabrol, Sherro.

Doubles sound especially beautiful: Benoit de Sainte-Maur, Ducange-Cassan, Catrou-Quelus, Lacourt-Delatre, Michel-Seden; Saint Evremont, Favre de Paul, Cherezy-Chicault.


Almost all German surnames consist of one word. After all, back in 1993 in Germany it was forbidden to have polysyllabic and trisyllabic surnames.

The most beautiful surnames in Germany are still the most common: Schmidt, Wolf, Müller, Schroeder, Werner, König, Krause, Neumann, Schwartz, Gref, Mayer.

Japan always knows how to surprise the world.

Therefore, even the names of the inhabitants of this country sound more than interesting, but this does not mean at all that there are no beautiful and euphonious ones among them, however, for the Russian ear they do not always sound familiar: Tanako, Yamaguchi, Yamasaki, Mori, Ikeda, Ogawa, Goto, Ueno, Kubo, Noguchi, Matsuo, Honda, Iwamoto, Hagiwara.

The Italian language is melodious, it is heard very beautifully and melodiously, therefore, the female surnames of Italians are distinguished by melodiousness and beauty: Russia, Rousseau, Bruno, Ricci, Allegro, Rinaldi, Leone, Martini, Valentino, Monti, Bellini, Milano.

Modern Russian surnames

Despite the variety of beautiful native Russian surnames, new surnames continue to be born in Russia every year.

Here are the most beautiful of them: Avdeeva, Avdonina, Vadeeva, Vadimova, Daineko, Dankova, Kagan, Kasatkina, Nadezhdina, Ukraintseva, Rosomahin, Yagodkina.

For Russian girls, America seems like a paradise: beautiful men, a rich country and an unusual mentality.

I would like to learn a little more about the inhabitants of the other end of the planet, dream of marriage and try on a beautiful name. Read what beautiful and unusual American surnames are.

Like all the most ancient surnames, the most popular carriers can be attributed to the most ancient family.

In ancient times, personal names were given to the family for their way of life, profession, or in honor of the area in which they lived.

One of the most popular surnames in America is Smith. Translated from English - "blacksmith".

Apparently the first representative of the family was engaged in a forge and was popular in his area.

Other most popular names include:

  • Wilson (formed on behalf of his own).
  • Johnson (derived from a male personal name).
  • Taylor is a seamstress or tailor.
  • Davids (from a personal male name).
  • Brown is brown.
  • Jones (from a male name).

Many common surnames are derived from the first head of the family.

Apparently, a few centuries ago, John, William and David were in high esteem in the family. Celebrities often enjoy privileges and take on popular pseudonyms.

Important! The most famous Smith is Hollywood actor Will Smith.

List of beautiful and rare names in English and their meaning in Russian

Eloquent female names also caress the ear. And if combined with a rare American surname, then the pleasure is double.

Depending on the purpose of the selection, find a suitable name according to the instructions described in the table:

Purpose of interest Advice
Nickname for the game The popular option is not suitable, since in online games it is rarely possible to be called a popular surname without a large number of numbers after. Choose a rare name
Nickname for showbiz There are two options here: a well-known name and a rare name.

Shakira in Russia will be an unusual nickname, absorbs success, but Olivia rarely appears in everyday life and may be of interest

Login for social networks For VK or Instagram, in order not to advertise his identity, he wants to pretend to be an important American person. Choose the option you like
Real name change In this case, you should also change the surname in the passport. Choose a new name that will be in harmony with the groom's last name

Important! The meaning of the name affects the character of a person and his life.

Friends will begin to perceive you again, calling you not “Polina”, but “Pamella”. Read the value of the pseudo-drive before changing it.

The most beautiful and rare names in America include:

  • Abby. This is a cheerful girl who chooses the easy way through life. It translates as "father's joy." Will always be a real treasure among male attention.
  • Arena. A unique girl, who is distinguished by meekness of character and patience, often has amazing mental abilities. The literal translation is "high mountain".
  • bottlenose dolphin. A free person who is not accustomed to go with the flow, but creates it. The woman is self-sufficient and independent. From English to Russian it sounds like "little bird".
  • Elinor. This is the most faithful and devoted friend, she is like a hero of fairy tales - she sings with birds, draws with a rainbow, smiles at the sun. The literal translation is shepherdess.
  • Shanna. Translated from English as "aristocrat". Since ancient times, it was customary to call only noblewomen or ladies of blue blood with this name.
  • Avalon. Smart and responsible. The young lady is only a match for the goddess of wisdom, Athena. From English it is translated as "apple".
  • Olivia. Despite the softness of the sound, the owner of the name is a Strong and independent girl. She does not need protection, she herself will stand guard over her honor. The word is translated as "army of elves."
  • Holly. Kind, gentle and affectionate. Such a girl marries early and has many children, loves family quiet gatherings and listening to children's laughter. The literal translation is "sister".
  • Adamina. A nice and brave girl who has been fighting for justice all her life. A strong-willed person with a stable psyche. The beauty has a real masculine character.
  • Annabella. The appearance of a young lady may not be attractive, but as soon as she speaks, all men fall to the ground. It has an innate charm, translated as "graceful beauty."
  • Eleanor. Always kind and active. A person is rarely left alone and loves big and noisy companies. "Friendship" is the meaning of her inner state.
  • Doris. Very optimistic and witty, looks at life with a positive, often turns out to be the soul of the company and travels around the globe in search of friends. Literally, "fun".
  • Lori. Strange and mysterious, but attracts people to itself. Often has an innate gift of clairvoyance and predicts his own future. The literal translation from English is "seer".
  • Margaret. Beautiful outside and inside, attracts with its cheerfulness and activity. Always lend a helping hand in difficult situations. From English - "flower".
  • Nicole. For one simple reason, mothers choose such a name - a girl from the cradle will be clean and tidy. The name is also translated into Russian.
  • Chloe. Another representative of the strong and independent. It is impossible to stop her before the goal, and only the best of men will win the heart of a girl.

Rare female surnames

Rare American surnames for girls include the so-called middle names, which often speak from a family affiliation to a particular nationality.

In America, such variants are rare, according to statistics - less than 300 thousand people are carriers.

These surnames include:

  • Gonzales.
  • Brian.
  • Griffin.
  • Foster.
  • Butler.
  • Diaz.
  • Washington.
  • Simmons.
  • Alexander.
  • Russell.
  • Javier.

Important! American surnames are not masculine or feminine, they are universal.

Choose the option that you like best and is suitable for conspiracy.

Useful video

Established at the end of the 18th century the American nation combines not only the descendants of immigrants from all parts of the world, but also the indigenous population - the Indians. For a long time, under the influence of the traditions of other countries and peoples, the culture of the American people was formed, which was reflected in the names of the Americans themselves. Many common American names take their origins from Greek, Italian, Latin, Asian, Old Germanic origin.

Rare names are very popular among the American population, which originate not only from the reduction of place names associated with history, but also from the names of famous people, the combination of several names into one, etc.

We conditionally divide American names by origin into the following groups:

  • names associated with human character traits (cheerful, smart, brave, brave);
  • names associated with the names of animals and plants, natural phenomena; - names meaning various professions;
  • names taken from the Bible.

America is a colonial country, so in different states of the country the same names enjoy different popularity. For example, in Spanish villages, the popular male name is Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

The choice of a name for a newborn is also of great importance. When choosing a name for a child, Americans are guided by the following principles: the combination of a first and last name, the origin of the name and its secret meaning. To pay tribute to family traditions and the memory of ancestors, parents give the name of the child, which was borne by the father, grandfather or great-grandfather. If the family already has a person with the same name, then the prefix “senior” or “junior” is added at the beginning of the name.

The desire of Americans to give a "zest" to the name of the child is not limited to choosing just a beautiful and memorable name. The fantasy of parents knows no limits - a child can become a "happy" owner of the name of the brand of his parents' favorite car, a politician whose speeches did not leave his parents indifferent, another celebrity, a city he liked, etc. In this situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus (Lexus), Madison (Madison), Infinity (Infiniti).

Surely not everyone knows that Sarah Jessica Parker, Mary-Kate Olsen or Sean William Scott are double names. What is the tradition of giving a child a middle name at birth? The tradition of the second (or middle name - middle name) developed in the 19th century. European immigration in the 1830s and 1840s led to an increase in the population of the United States, and as a result, the number of people with the same first and last names increased. As an additional means of identification, a middle name began to be used. Children were given middle names in honor of famous political, religious, public figures and the military (for example, George Washington, the first president of the United States, or John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism).

Another version is the protection of the child from evil spirits and death. At baptism, the child was given several names in order to confuse death in case of danger that threatened the child during an outbreak of deadly diseases.

Sometimes the middle name is associated with some locality or the names of ancestors, as well as the surnames of other people.

This tradition still "lives" in modern American families.

Most Popular Modern American Names

  • Alex(Alex) - from Greek, "protector". James (James) - from English, "invader".
  • Anthony(Anthony) - from English, "invaluable", "competing".
  • Brandon(Brandon) - from German, "prince".
  • Christopher(Christopher) - from English, "follower of Christ."
  • David(David) - Hebrew, "beloved", "beloved".
  • Dillon(Dillon) - Welsh origin, "big sea". Philip (Philip) - from Greek, "lover of horses."
  • Ethan(Ethan) - from English, "durable."
  • Fred(Fred) - from English, "peaceful ruler."
  • Josh(Josh) - Hebrew, "god, salvation."
  • Justin(Justin) - from English, "fair". Matthew (Matthew) - from English, "gift of God", "God's man."
  • Kevin(Kevin) - from Irish, "beautiful", "cute."
  • Ryan(Rayan) - from Arabic, "little king." Nicholas (Nicholas) - from the French, "winner of the peoples."
  • Thomas(Thomas) - Polish, "twin".
  • Tyler(Tyler) - from English, "stylish." Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, "devoted, brave."
  • William(William) - from English, "desired."

List of common American surnames

Modern American surnames have changed over the years.

Immigration of representatives of different peoples to America, their gradual mixing with local residents, and as a result, the change and reduction (reduction) of surnames in the American way.

List of the most famous surnames in America

Bearers of the surnames Jones (Jones), Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Wilson (Wilson) according to statistics, more than a million. The following surnames are no less popular:

  • Allen (Allen)
  • Anderson (Anderson)
  • Brown (Brown)
  • Clark (Clark)
  • Davis (Davis)
  • Garcia (Garcia)
  • Hall (Hall)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Hernandez (Hernandez)
  • Jackson (Jackson)
  • Johnson (Johnson)
  • King (King)
  • Lee (Lee)
  • Lewis (Lewis)
  • Martin (Martin)
  • Martinez (Martinez)
  • Miller (Miller)
  • Moore
  • Robinson (Robinson)
  • Rodrigues (Rodriguez)
  • Taylor (Taylor)
  • Thomas (Thomas)
  • Thompson (Thompson)
  • Walker (Walker)
  • White (White)
  • Wilson (Wilson)
  • Young (Young)

The melody, the beauty of the sound of the surname is another reason for the pride of their carriers. A person's desire for change in life could not but be reflected in the desire to change his last name or first name to the name of a famous person in the entertainment industry or politics. Sources for inspiration can be found in the names of natural phenomena, representatives of flora and fauna, names of geographical objects. In search of a more beautiful name or surname, improvisation is not a hindrance.

Some of the most beautiful and common American surnames are:

  • Beverly (Beverly)
  • Collins (Collins)
  • Daniels (Daniels)
  • Evans (Evans)
  • Ford (Ford)
  • Gilmore (Gilmore)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Holmes (Holmes)
  • Labert (Labert)
  • Moore
  • Newman (Newman)
  • Riley (Riley)
  • Stephenson (Stephenson)
  • Wallace (Wallace)
  • Washington (Washington)

The respectful attitude of a person to his name as the heritage of his ancestors is a kind of valuable relic, which its bearers pass on from generation to generation, keeping their history and family traditions in the name of the family.

English female names

The emergence and development of English surnames is associated with the main periods of the socio-economic development of mankind, which, up to a certain stage of development, did not have surnames. In the 11th-12th centuries. the most common male names were Ralph, William, Robert, Richard. When the name could not individualize a person, they resorted to the help of a nickname sign.

In 1085-1086. as a result of the first English census, many nicknames were documented.

Meanings of English surnames

The analysis of modern English surnames involves the study of the etymology of the nicknames that formed their basis. English surnames and their meanings are divided into four groups:

1. Othroponymic

2. By place of residence.

3. Professional and official.

4. Descriptive.

Othroponymic surnames

This is, first of all, the use of names as surnames, which do not change in any way: Anthony, Baldwin, Dennis, Henry, Neale, Owen, Thomas, Walter. Many surnames have in their composition the formant -son (Thompson), which means "son of such and such." Many originated from their parents' abbreviated names: David was abbreviated to Dawe.

local surnames

This is the largest group, covering about half of all English surnames. They can be divided into subgroups:

  • Surnames derived from nicknames indicating the origin of their carriers from a particular area.
  • Surnames formed from nicknames, which reflected topographically remarkable points of the area: Hill, Cliff, Brook, Dale, Fell, Fields.

Professional and official surnames

In English surnames, the lexical field of the names of various positions and professions is very widely represented. They are part of about 20% of all surnames. Basically, they arose from nicknames that denoted the profession, the position of their carriers.

Descriptive English surnames

These are surnames that reflect the biological characteristics of a person. They come from nicknames that characterized their owners by remarkable spiritual or physical qualities: Bigg, Strong, High, Little, Longman, Strongman, Younger, Elder, Small. Also, descriptive surnames can tell about the hair color of the ancestor of the family: Black, White. The characteristics of the mental abilities and moral qualities of a person are reflected in the surnames: Bad, Wise, Good, Gay, Joyce.

Aristocratic surnames

At the moment, among the English surnames of aristocrats, the most aristocratic is Windsor, since the name of the English Queen Elizabeth is Alexandra Mary Windsor, and all her descendants are Windsor.

The name of Queen Victoria is Alexandrina Victoria Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, this is also an aristocratic surname. Royal blood is also Hanover, Stuart, Tudor, Wettin, York, Plantagenet, Lancaster.

Earls Montgomery and Pembroke. Representatives of this family are considered patrons of English literature, they were closely acquainted with the Earl of Oxford and Shakespeare.

Dukes - Argyll, Hamilton, Norfolk, Wellington, Rutland, Marlborough, Leeds, Manchester.

Popular surnames

The list of English surnames is very large, consider the most popular of them.

  • Adams
  • Allen
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Dean
  • Ellis (Ellis)
  • Ford
  • George
  • Green
  • Hughes
  • Jackson (Jackson)
  • James (James)
  • Johnson
  • King
  • Little
  • Miller
  • Scott
  • Smith

Men's English surnames do not differ from English surnames for girls.

The list of English surnames can go on for quite some time. These are very beautiful and interesting names.

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